Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>might never allude to it again. She had promised to lovehim for better or worse, and then she, his wife, hadreproached him with his poverty, after spending hisearnings recklessly. It was dreadful, and the worst of it wasJohn went on so quietly afterward, just as if nothing hadhappened, except that he stayed in town later, and workedat night when she had gone to cry herself to sleep. A weekor remorse nearly made Meg sick, and the discovery thatJohn had countermanded the order for his new greatcoatreduced her to a state of despair which was pathetic tobehold. He had simply said, in answer to her surprisedinquiries as to the change, ‘I can’t afford it, my dear.’Meg said no more, but a few minutes after he foundher in the hall with her face buried in the old greatcoat,crying as if her heart would break.They had a long talk that night, and Meg learned tolove her husband better for his poverty, because it seemedto have made a man of him, given him the strength andcourage to fight his own way, and taught him a tenderpatience with which to bear and comfort the naturallongings and failures of those he loved.Next day she put her pride in her pocket, went toSallie, told the truth, and asked her to buy the silk as afavor. The good- natured Mrs. Moffat willingly did so,498 of 861

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