Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>or I shall die!’ And the exhausted housewife cast herselfupon his breast, giving him a sweet welcome in everysense of the word, for her pinafore had been baptized atthe same time as the floor.‘What worries you dear? Has anything dreadfulhappened?’ asked the anxious John, tenderly kissing thecrown of the little cap, which was all askew.‘Yes,’ sobbed Meg despairingly.‘Tell me quick, then. Don’t cry. I can bear anythingbetter than that. Out with it, love.’‘The...The jelly won’t jell and I don’t know what todo!’John Brooke laughed then as he never dared to laughafterward, and the derisive Scott smiled involuntarily as heheard the hearty peal, which put the finishing stroke topoor Meg’s woe.‘Is that all? Fling it out of the window, and don’tbother any more about it. I’ll buy you quarts if you wantit, but for heaven’s sake don’t have hysterics, for I’vebrought Jack Scott home to dinner, and..’John got no further, for Meg cast him off, and claspedher hands with a tragic gesture as she fell into a chair,exclaiming in a tone of mingled indignation, reproach,and dismay...484 of 861

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