Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>‘Just my luck! You shouldn’t have asked me to do it. Ialways spoil everything. I’m so sorry, but the tongs weretoo hot, and so I’ve made a mess,’ groaned poor Jo,regarding the little black pancakes with tears of regret.‘It isn’t spoiled. Just frizzle it, and tie your ribbon so theends come on your forehead a bit, and it will look like thelast fashion. I’ve seen many girls do it so,’ said Amyconsolingly.‘Serves me right for trying to be fine. I wish I’d let myhair alone,’ cried Meg petulantly.‘So do I, it was so smooth and pretty. But it will soongrow out again,’ said Beth, coming to kiss and comfort theshorn sheep.After various lesser mishaps, Meg was finished at last,and by the united exertions of the entire family Jo’s hairwas got up and her dress on. They looked very well intheir simple suits, Meg’s in silvery drab, with a blue velvetsnood, lace frills, and the pearl pin. Jo in maroon, with astiff, gentlemanly linen collar, and a white chrysanthemumor two for her only ornament. Each put on one nice lightglove, and carried one soiled one, and all pronounced theeffect ‘quite easy and fine". Meg’s high-heeled slipperswere very tight and hurt her, though she would not ownit, and Jo’s nineteen hairpins all seemed stuck straight into43 of 861

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