Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>‘Of course I don’t. It’s ridiculous, it won’t be allowed.My patience! What would Meg say?’‘You are not to tell anyone. Mind that.’‘I didn’t promise.’‘That was understood, and I trusted you.’‘Well, I won’t for the present, anyway, but I’mdisgusted, and wish you hadn’t told me.’‘I thought you’d be pleased.’‘At the idea of anybody coming to take Meg away?No, thank you.’‘You’ll feel better about it when somebody comes totake you away.’‘I’d like to see anyone try it,’ cried Jo fiercely.‘So should I!’ And Laurie chuckled at the idea.‘I don’t think secrets agree with me, I feel rumpled upin my mind since you told me that,’ said Jo ratherungratefully.‘Race down this hill with me, and you’ll be all right,’suggested Laurie.No one was in sight, the smooth road sloped invitinglybefore her, and finding the temptation irresistible, Jodarted away, soon leaving hat and comb behind her andscattering hairpins as she ran. Laurie reached the goal firstand was quite satisfied with the success of his treatment,271 of 861

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