Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

Little Women - 912 Freedom Library

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<strong>Little</strong> <strong>Women</strong>‘Very well indeed!’ said Mr. Brooke, as she paused,quite ignoring her many mistakes, and looking as if he didindeed love to teach.Miss Kate put up her glass, and, having taken a surveyof the little tableau before her, shut her sketch book,saying with condescension, ‘You’ve a nice accent and intime will be a clever reader. I advise you to learn, forGerman is a valuable accomplishment to teachers. I mustlook after Grace, she is romping.’ And Miss Kate strolledaway, adding to herself with a shrug, ‘I didn’t come tochaperone a governess, though she is young and pretty.What odd people these Yankees are. I’m afraid Laurie willbe quite spoiled among them.’‘I forgot that English people rather turn up their nosesat governesses and don’t treat them as we do,’ said Meg,looking after the retreating figure with an annoyedexpression.‘Tutors also have rather a hard time of it there, as Iknow to my sorrow. There’s no place like America for usworkers, Miss Margaret.’ And Mr. Brooke looked socontented and cheerful that Meg was ashamed to lamenther hard lot.239 of 861

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