Family Gathering Sample Opening Prayer #1

Family Gathering Sample Opening Prayer #1

Family Gathering Sample Opening Prayer #1


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<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Gathering</strong><strong>Sample</strong> <strong>Opening</strong> <strong>Prayer</strong> <strong>#1</strong>Presider:All:Presider:All:Presider:All:God has called us together and we begin in God’s name, in the name of theFather and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.Amen.The Lord be with you.And also with you.Let us pray: (pause for silent prayer)All powerful and loving God we thank you for the gift of this day. May we cometo know more of your great love for us as we listen and work together. We prayin Jesus’ name who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, God for everand ever.Amen78

<strong>Family</strong> <strong>Gathering</strong> <strong>Opening</strong> <strong>Prayer</strong> #2Presider:Let us begin our morning with a prayer.Please stand(Begin with sign of cross)God has made each one of us special. Today wewelcome you to a family celebration to praise andthank God for our families.Thank you God, for bringing us all together thismorning. We praise you by listening and learningtogether.Let us listen to some words from the Bible about howfamily members should act toward one another.Reader:A reading based on the letter to the Ephesians.Dear children, God wants you to show love to the grown ups who take care ofyou. Listen to what parents and grown ups ask you to do.(Pause)Dear parents, God wants you to treat your children with gentle kindness so thatthey will respect you. Teach them about Jesus and the ways he asks us to treatother people.The Word of the Lord.All:Presider:Thanks be to God.Let us be thankful for our own special family.Our response to the prayer is: Praise the LordWe love one another – Praise the LordWe need one another – Praise the LordWe forgive one another – Praise the LordWe work together – Praise the LordWe play together – Praise the LordWe praise God together – Praise the LordDear God, please help us to share love in our families when we work togetherand when we play together. Please continue to protect and bless our familiesevery day.All:Amen79

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