Products of NCC - (IMD), Pune

Products of NCC - (IMD), Pune

Products of NCC - (IMD), Pune


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INDIA METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENTNational Climate Centre (<strong>NCC</strong>), India Meteorological Department, <strong>Pune</strong> hasbrought out CD ROMs containing high resolution daily gridded rainfall &temperature data sets for the Indian region. The data are interpolated usingquality controlled station data.These data CD ROMs are available to research community in academic andresearch institutes. These data sets are not meant for any commercial useand applications.The procedure to purchase these data sets is as follows:1. Fill up the requisition and undertaking forms duly signed andstamped.2. The payment should be made by a demand draft drawn in favour <strong>of</strong>“Additional Director General <strong>of</strong> Meteorology (Research), <strong>Pune</strong>”payable at <strong>Pune</strong>.3. Send the above forms along with the payment to the followingAddress:Attn: Officer- in-ChargeNational Climate Centre,O/o A.D.G.M.(R),India Meteorological Department,Shivajinagar, <strong>Pune</strong> - 411005,IndiaOnce we receive the payment, requisition form and certificate <strong>of</strong>undertaking, we shall send the data CD ROM and receipt <strong>of</strong>Payment by registered post.For further details please contact :(ncc@imdpune.gov.in / lrf@imdpune.gov.in)

Requisition Form(For procuring girdded data products)Product Names:Product Nos.1 Name2Affiliation and ResearchInstitute3 Country4Complete Postal Address<strong>of</strong> the institute with contactphone and fax numbers:5 E- mail address6Field <strong>of</strong> research/specializationPurpose <strong>of</strong> obtaining thesedata sets.7(Please briefly mention thedetails <strong>of</strong> the researchprojects for which the dataset will be used)8Is your project fundedexternally or internally(Signature)Note:This form may be printed on your institute’s <strong>of</strong>ficial letterhead. The duly filled in formmay be signed by the Head <strong>of</strong> the Department/Research Guide.

CERTIFICATE OF THE UNDERTAKING(For Purchasing the <strong>IMD</strong>s daily gridded rainfall / temperature data CD ROMs)Product Names …………………………………….. Product Numbers………………..…………………………………….………………..…………………………………….………………..…………………………………….………………..It is certified that:1. The data supplied by the India Meteorological Department will be usedonly for the purpose for which it has been asked and supplied.2. The data are meant exclusively for our own use and shall not be passedon to any other party or agency (Indian or Foreign) either in part or in full. Ifso needed, prior approval in writing will be taken from the IndiaMeteorological Department for the same.3. The data shall not be used for any commercial purpose or to earnconsultancy fees, honoraria etc.4. Due acknowledgement shall be given to India Meteorological Departmentfor the source <strong>of</strong> data in all reports / publications etc. brought out by theuser.Station:Date:SIGNITURE AND NAME OF THEHEAD OF THE OFFICE / DEPARTMENTWITH OFFICE SEAL

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