Bilha FRU - District Bilaspur Chhattisgarh

Bilha FRU - District Bilaspur Chhattisgarh Bilha FRU - District Bilaspur Chhattisgarh
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CommunityHealth CenterBilhaDistrictBilaspur (C.G.)THE FIRST COMPLETE BLOCKLEVEL FRU IN THE STATE

CommunityHealth Center<strong>Bilha</strong><strong>District</strong> –<strong>Bilaspur</strong> (C.G.)THE FIRST COMPLETE BLOCKLEVEL <strong>FRU</strong> IN THE STATE

The NRHM has been launched in the country in 12 April 2005 .themain objectives of the NRHM is to provide quality health servicesto the rural people and to decrease the IMR,MMR,TFR and themortality due to malaria ,dengue etc specially in the remote farflungareas of the country with special emphasis on downtrodden people.our state CG did much efforts to fulfill the said objects by various meansas mitanins, mmv, swasthya panchayat yojana, JDS , <strong>FRU</strong> etc but thesuccess was marginal due to lack of commitment , seriousness andimproper planning.The number of <strong>FRU</strong>s were increasedform 32 to 96 but no one has theclear concept of <strong>FRU</strong> and yet neithera single <strong>FRU</strong> is complete in its fullmanner with a full-fledged OT,Neonatal stabilization unit, a bloodstorage center and referral transportservice in any block level CHC of thestate and even in many districthospitals. The overall facilities of a<strong>FRU</strong> is not there in placeWe did an effort to establish acomplete operational <strong>FRU</strong> in ablock of our district <strong>Bilaspur</strong>.First we established a good OTfor quality management of allother emergency obstetric careincluding cesarean sections tosupport the needs of thepatients then blood storagecentre and now a neonatalstabilization unit with FeedingCorner from mother and aseparate Nursing Station.We have a well equipped labor room withnew born care corner to deal all essentialobstetric care.

The other services available in the centre are comprehensive primaryhealth care approach as regular 24 hrs institutional normal and assisteddelivery services, provision of safe abortion services (MTP), diagnosisand management of RTIs/STIs with an ICTC (photo) with regular HIVand VDRL counseling & testing facility, full range of family planningservices including sterilization services ona fixed day of the week (CTT – Thursday,LTT- Wednesday and NSVT on all workingdays subject to availability of cases)emergency referral transport service asMahatari express seva ,promotion of skilled assistance at birth.regular entire range of general & basicsurgical services, essentiallaboratory services in a goodpathology lab(photo) and digital X-ray facility, mitanin help desk and allemergency services round the clock including medico legal services.The CHC is providing all the national health programme viz. RNTCP (TU),NLEP, NVBDCP, NPCB, IDSP, AIDS-CP etc.The OPD nos are increased ,IDs are increased with these improvedservices .We are providing qualityANC service package with regular Hband urine examination facility inentire district . We are planning themandatory sickle cell test and singleprick HIV test for all pregnantwomen since 1 st of April 2010 intotal district. Our eventual aim is toprovide institutional delivery orsafe skilled assistance delivery to allwith regular 24x7 emergency referraltransport. We have the sustainedmotivation, support, incentives andrewards system as a regular practice in our district. This Republic Day

350300250200150100500316 322 34328725316995Apr June August Dec(2010) Dr. Geeta Pradhanrecived best Medical Officerworking inInst . De l. rural area,award fromHon’ble Speaker Vidhan Sabha.Our team at <strong>Bilha</strong> includes …Dr.C.P.AgreyDr.PrakshGhodeshwarDr.Bhagwati prasadChandraDr. SharadGarewalDr.ManmeetThawaitDr.Geeta OhdarDr.Devesh pradhanMBBS, DOMS MBBS, DA MBBS, DCH MBBS, MS MBBS MBBS, DGO MBBSBMOSurgicalAneshthChild SpecialistBlood Bank Officer PGMO RTI/STI MOSpecialistWe have been able to achieve this success with commitment from ourdedicated team . <strong>District</strong> administration <strong>Bilaspur</strong> has constant guidancefor our work and achievement. The Unicef has regular support inworking this concept and they have always support us in equipment andcapacity building. Still lots to do. Our future plan is to develop CHCGourela/ Sanatorium Gourela as the second complete <strong>FRU</strong> of the districtbefore the 6 th birth day of NRHM, next to that is operationalization ofremaining 2 <strong>FRU</strong> by the end of 2010.We have a vision for our district which not fulfilled yet. Our ultimategoal is to provide the comprehensive health facility to the last person ofthe society by transforming the public health system in to anaccountable, accessible, available and affordable system of qualityservice.Office of the Chief Medical and Health Officer, <strong>Bilaspur</strong> (C.G.)

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