3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union


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IBU EVENT AND COMPETITION RULES 316.7 COMPETITION RULES16.7.1 ScopeThe IBU Event <strong>and</strong> Competition Rules will be applied to the IBU Cup<strong>event</strong>s; however, there may be deviations if stipulated.16.8 Relay/ Mixed Relay Teams at IBU CupEach NF is allowed to enter one team. No draw will be made for theRelay, <strong>and</strong> start numbers will be assigned based on the NF’s currentmen’s or women’s IBU Cup Nations Cup score respectively, with the startnumbers assigned in rank order. For the Mixed Relay, start numbers willbe assigned based on the sum of the NF’s current men’s <strong>and</strong> women’sIBU Cup Nations Cup score, with the start numbers assigned in rankorder. If a team is missing or not entered, all teams below it will moveup a number correspondingly. The assigned Relay/Mixed Relay startnumber will be each team’s start position for the simultaneous start<strong>and</strong> their shooting lane number on the range for zeroing <strong>and</strong> for the firstbout of shooting only.17. OPEN EUROPEAN CHAMPIONSHIPS (OECH)17.1 Jurisdiction <strong>and</strong> TermsThe OECH is an IBU <strong>event</strong> <strong>and</strong> is held under its jurisdiction for men,women, junior men <strong>and</strong> junior women.17.2 ParticipantsCompetitors must be members of an IBU NF. Men’s <strong>and</strong> women’sclasses are restricted to those competitors who will be not older than26 years of age in the calendar year of the respective Championships(men, women, junior men <strong>and</strong> junior women). All NFs of the IBU mayregister up to six competitors in each class to participate in the OECH.Four competitors from each NF may be entered to start in the individual<strong>and</strong> sprint <strong>competition</strong>s per category. Each NF may enter one relay teamper category in the relay <strong>competition</strong>. The 60 best competitors fromeach class in the qualification <strong>competition</strong> will be eligible to start in thepursuit <strong>competition</strong>. Additionally, the NFs of the individual <strong>and</strong> sprintIBU RULES 3-91

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