3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union


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IBU EVENT AND COMPETITION RULES 315.2 WC ANNUAL SCHEDULING15.2.1 Number of WCs per SeasonThe number of <strong>event</strong>s to be held will be determined by the IBU EB basedon the recommendation of the TC.15.2.2 WC Annual CalendarWC <strong>event</strong>s will be held prior to <strong>and</strong> after the annual WCH or the OWG.They are to be held in the time-frame set by the IBU EB.15.3 BIDS TO HOST AN EVENT AND APPOINTMENT OF HOSTS15.3.1 Authority to AppointHosts of WC <strong>event</strong>s will be appointed by the IBU EB, based on arecommendation by the IBU TC.15.3.2 Applications to Host WC EventsApplications for hosting WC <strong>event</strong>s must be submitted by the applyingNFs to the IBU headquarters before the deadline set by the IBU EB. AnIBU A license is required to apply. Applications must be submitted to theIBU headquarters using the official IBU application form <strong>and</strong> must besigned by the President or SG of the NF. A NF may apply to organize one or more WC <strong>event</strong>s during a <strong>competition</strong>season. Normally a NF may organize only one WC <strong>event</strong> per season.15.3.3 The IBU Event Hosting DeclarationThe hosting NF must sign the IBU Event Hosting Declaration, therebytestifying that it accepts <strong>and</strong> will fulfill, in the required time, the tasks,measures <strong>and</strong> duties stipulated in the Declaration.15.4 WC PROGRAMThe program for a WC <strong>event</strong> will be set by the IBU EB in consultationwith the <strong>event</strong> host, the broadcasting company with which the IBU hasentered a contractual agreement for TV distr<strong>ibu</strong>tion <strong>and</strong> the TC, as soonas possible.15.5 INVITATIONSInvitations to WC <strong>event</strong>s must be approved by the RD <strong>and</strong> must besent by the OC to all IBU NFs <strong>and</strong> the IBU headquarters not later thanthree months before the start of the <strong>event</strong>. The invitation may be sentIBU RULES 3-79

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