3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union


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3IBU EVENT AND COMPETITION RULESall NFs that have participated in the <strong>event</strong>. If this cannot be done beforetheir departure, the booklet must be sent by mail as soon as it is ready.A hard copy <strong>and</strong> a digital copy of the results booklet must be sent to ofthe IBU. In addition, a booklet featuring the results of the whole seasonwill be made available to all NFs by the IBU.10. PROTESTS10.1 GENERALProtests must be submitted in writing using the official IBU ProtestForm to the <strong>competition</strong> secretary, for the <strong>competition</strong> jury, <strong>and</strong> mustbe accompanied by a fee of € 50, or equivalent in the currency of thehost NF. The IBU protest form can be obtained from the CompetitionSecretary. If the protest is upheld, the fee will be paid back. If the protestis rejected, the sum will go to the IBU.10.2 PROTEST TYPES AND CONDITIONS10.2.1 Eligibility ProtestsProtests concerning the eligibility of a competitor may be submitted atany time up to the end of the protest time for the <strong>competition</strong> in question.10.2.2 Protests During <strong>and</strong> After CompetitionsProtests concerning violation of <strong>rules</strong> by competitors <strong>and</strong> team staff,mistakes made by officials, <strong>competition</strong> conditions <strong>and</strong> the provisionalresults must be submitted in the time period from the start ofzeroing before the <strong>competition</strong> until 15 minutes after the posting ofthe provisional results. The OC must make a clear announcementimmediately after the provisional results have been posted to informeveryone that they have been posted.10.2.3 Repetition or AnnulmentIf the examination of a protest reveals circumstances that are soserious that cast doubt on the sporting merit of the <strong>competition</strong>, orif the <strong>competition</strong> jury from its own observation comes to the sameconclusion, the <strong>competition</strong> jury may decide to repeat the <strong>competition</strong>or to annul the <strong>competition</strong> without repetition.3-70 IBU RULES

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