3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union


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IBU EVENT AND COMPETITION RULES 39.2.5 Equal Time – TieIf two or more competitors have the same <strong>competition</strong> time, they willbe placed in the results with equal (tie) rankings. In Pursuit, Mass Start<strong>and</strong> Relay <strong>competition</strong>s at OWG, WCH, Y/J WCH, WC <strong>and</strong> OECH <strong>event</strong>s, ifanalysis of the photo-finish camera data cannot determine the order inwhich two or more athletes have finished, a tie will be declared. Equalplacings (ties) in a <strong>competition</strong> will be given an equal number of points.9.2.6 Photo-FinishIn Pursuit, Mass Start <strong>and</strong> Relay <strong>competition</strong>s at OWG, WCH, Y/JWCH,WC, IBU Cup <strong>and</strong> OECH <strong>event</strong>s, a photo-finish camera must be installedat the finish line to record the finish. The camera must be placed exactlyin line with the finish line <strong>and</strong> in such a position that the entire finish lineis seen by the camera. If the photo-finish record is required to decidethe order of finish, the order in the photo-finish record will determinethe placings. The decision will be based on the first part of the first footcrossing the finish line. If there is a photo finish, the <strong>competition</strong> jury willdecide the finish order based on the photo finish record. Finish Video CameraAt OWG, WCH, Y/JWCH, WC, IBU Cup <strong>and</strong> OECH <strong>event</strong>s, a video cameramust be installed at the finish in such a way that it will record the startnumbers of competitors as they cross the finish line. Such a system isrecommended for all other <strong>event</strong>s as well.9.2.7 Intermediate TimesAt OWG, WCH, Y/JWCH <strong>and</strong> WC <strong>competition</strong>s, competitors’ times mustbe available for the electronic information board, the media <strong>and</strong> teamsafter each bout of shooting. An intermediate timing line will be set afterthe penalty loop (or after the range for the Individual <strong>competition</strong>) <strong>and</strong>each competitor’s time must be recorded after each bout of shooting.9.3 TIMING SYSTEMS9.3.1 RequirementsCompetition time must be measured electronically, backed by manualtiming. Manual timing may be used only if the electronic system failsduring the <strong>competition</strong>. Specifications of timing equipment are given inthe IBU Materials Catalogue (Annex A).IBU RULES 3-67

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