3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union


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IBU EVENT AND COMPETITION RULES 3shooting lanes 6-10 allocated among the next five participating NFs, <strong>and</strong>so on with the next five targets drawn for the next five ranked NFs untilall are drawn. The previous year’s Nations Cup score will apply in the firsttrimester, thereafter the current Nations Cup score will apply. Likewisefor the IBU Cup/OECH: the IBU Cup Nations Cup score will be used. When a team has more than eight competitors, the OC may allocate anadditional zeroing lane if available.5.4 USE OF THE COURSE BEFORE THE STARTAt all IBU <strong>event</strong>s, the course will be open for entered competitors <strong>and</strong>team staff to warm up <strong>and</strong> test skis until five minutes before the start,unless otherwise decided by the jury. All competitors on the coursemust wear their start numbers (or training bibs in the case of reserveathletes.) Team staff must wear their assigned bibs. From five minutesbefore the start, skiing on the course is forbidden, but team membersmay walk on the edge of the course.5.5 SKI TESTING ON THE COMPETITION COURSEThe TD, in coordination with the RD, may authorize ski testing on the<strong>competition</strong> course in regard to ski width <strong>and</strong> configuration. Authorizedski testing zones must be clearly marked. If electronic ski testingdevices are allowed, they must be removed from the course at least fiveminutes before the start.6. START REGULATIONS6.1 START TYPES AND INTERVALS6.1.1 GeneralThere are four types of starts: single; pursuit; group <strong>and</strong> simultaneous;<strong>and</strong> two st<strong>and</strong>ard start intervals – one minute or 30 seconds. At all IBU<strong>event</strong>s, the following regulations will apply:6.1.2 Individual <strong>and</strong> Sprint CompetitionsCompetitors will be started individually at all Individual <strong>and</strong> Sprint<strong>competition</strong>s, normally with 30 second intervals. However, shorter orlonger intervals will be permitted if it is best for the <strong>competition</strong>. AtSprint <strong>competition</strong>s, group starts can be used. The RD/TD will decideIBU RULES 3-49

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