3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union


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3IBU EVENT AND COMPETITION RULESup so that competitors are automatically led into, <strong>and</strong> have no way ofevading, the finish equipment/materials inspection.3.5.3 Media AreaAdjacent to the finish zone, a fenced-off area (mixed zone) has tobe established for TV company representatives, journalists <strong>and</strong>photographers to have close contact with the competitors for interviews<strong>and</strong> pictures after they finish.3.5.4 Refreshment PointThere must be a refreshment point after the finish zone, the location ofwhich must be agreed with the RD/TD, for serving drinks <strong>and</strong> providingpaper tissues <strong>and</strong> similar necessary services to competitors after theyfinish. Any beverages or foodstuffs provided there must be protectedagainst the introduction of any prohibited substances.3.5.5 Clothing Change ShelterAdjacent to the finish zone, there must be a shelter providing privacywhere competitors can change their clothing. The size of this sheltermust be approximately 2 x 3 m.3.5.6 Finish Exit ZoneAfter the mixed zone, there must be an area where competitors canmeet their team staff <strong>and</strong> service firms, <strong>and</strong> retrieve their clothing <strong>and</strong>materials/equipment. There must be ten rifle racks holding at leastseven rifles each.3.6 TEAM WAXING CABINSIn or very near the stadium area, there must be a sufficient numberof permanent buildings or good quality temporary facilities in whichteams may store materials/equipment <strong>and</strong> wax skis. The cabins mustbe provided with lights, electric power outlets <strong>and</strong> adequate ventilationfor removing wax fumes, <strong>and</strong> must be warmed to at least 20 degreesCelsius.Each NF with a total number of competitors entered to start (men <strong>and</strong>women) of four to nine must have its own wax cabin, whilst NFs with atotal of ten or more competitors entered to start must be given two waxcabins or one very large cabin.Smaller teams may have to share a cabin if work-space <strong>and</strong> securityregulations permit. The cabins should be equipped with locking doors3-42 IBU RULES

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