3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union


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IBU EVENT AND COMPETITION RULES 33.3.3 Setting of TracksIf required, tracks will also be laid in downhill sections as directed by theRD. Tracks must not be set in such a way or in places where they mayendanger or hinder competitors. The width <strong>and</strong> depth of tracks must beset so that all regular types of boots <strong>and</strong> bindings can be used withoutside friction. For training days, tracks for classic skiing must be providedat the edge of the <strong>competition</strong> course.3.3.4 SafetyThe course must be prepared so that a competitor may ski it at fullspeed without undue risk of an accident.3.3.5 GroomingThe course must be as level as possible, solidly packed <strong>and</strong> smoothlygroomed. Downhill turns must be banked as necessary. All types ofhindrances <strong>and</strong> obstacles must be cleared from the course, such asstumps, branches, stones <strong>and</strong> soil. Overhanging or protruding branchesmust be trimmed so that they do not obstruct or endanger competitors.3.3.6 MarkingThe course must be so clearly marked <strong>and</strong> defined so that competitorsare at no time in doubt as to how to follow the course. This appliesespecially to descents, trail junctions <strong>and</strong> other critical points. Clearmarkings must be placed at such points. Closed sections of the courseor junctions must be completely closed with continuous V-boardsor fences. At 100 m from the finish line there must be a sign boardindicating “Finish – 100 m.” At 100 m from the shooting range theremust be a sign board indicating “Range – 100 m.” Course Sequence ColorsThe course must be uniformly marked on the most visible side in theskiing direction by colored sign boards. The 1.5 km course must bemarked orange; the 2 km course must be marked red, the 2.5 km coursegreen, the 3 km course yellow, the 3.3 km course blue <strong>and</strong> the 4 kmcourse brown. Junctions must be clearly marked with course colors.3.3.7 Fencing <strong>and</strong> V-boardsAll trails that will not be used in the <strong>competition</strong> must be closed. Trailsclose to each other must be separated by fences or V-boards so thatcompetitors cannot go on the wrong trail. V-boards should be clearlyIBU RULES 3-35

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