3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union


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IBU EVENT AND COMPETITION RULES 3<strong>competition</strong>. Diagrams of examples of facility lay-outs are given in theOrganizers’ Guide. Maximum Distance <strong>and</strong> Altitude DifferenceThe <strong>competition</strong> venue for the OWGs <strong>and</strong> WCH will be no more than30 km or 30 minutes’ travel <strong>and</strong> should not be more than +/- 300 min altitude from the teams’ living accommodation, unless otherwiseapproved by the IBU EB. Competition OfficeA <strong>competition</strong> office or sub-office must be located in or near the stadiumarea. The office must be open during regular hours during the entire<strong>event</strong>, beginning on the arrival day, <strong>and</strong> will be the official interfacebetween teams <strong>and</strong> the organizing committee. Teams must be able tosubmit entries for <strong>competition</strong>s at the office <strong>and</strong> information about the<strong>event</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>competition</strong>s must be available in the office. A mailbox foreach participating team must be provided in the office or close to it. Electronic Information BoardAt OWG, WCH, Y/JWCH <strong>and</strong> WC there must be an electronic informationboard with at least six lines, in the stadium area, in a location asapproved in the licensing process or by the RD.3.1.2. Artificial LightingIBU <strong>competition</strong>s may be held under artificial lighting when approved bythe EB as part of a given program. Under exceptional circumstances, the<strong>competition</strong> jury may authorize a <strong>competition</strong> to be held under artificiallighting. In any case, the lighting must meet the following st<strong>and</strong>ards:- Lighting conditions must be the same for all competitors with aminimum of approximately 300 lux across the entire length of thecourse <strong>and</strong> stadium, without any dark areas. 1000 lux are required onthe finish line, targets <strong>and</strong> zeroing paper targets without any shadows.- If TV is involved, the light conditions must satisfy TV requirements <strong>and</strong>be at least 1000 lux in the stadium.3.2 START AND WARM-UP AREAS3.2.1 GeneralThe start area for all <strong>competition</strong>s must be level with the snow wellpacked <strong>and</strong> smoothly groomed, <strong>and</strong> should be visible to spectators.IBU RULES 3-31

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