3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union


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3IBU EVENT AND COMPETITION RULES1.6.5 Assignment of Start Numbers for Relay Competitions1.6.5.1 Method of Assigning Relay/Mixed Relay Start NumbersAt OWG, WCH <strong>and</strong> WC <strong>event</strong>s, no draw will be made for the Relay/Mixed Relay, <strong>and</strong> start numbers will be assigned based on the currentst<strong>and</strong>ings in the WC Relay or Mixed Relay score – with the top-rankingteam receiving number 1, the second number 2, <strong>and</strong> so on. If a team ornumber is missing, all teams below it will move upward in number. Inthe first WC Relay or Mixed Relay of the season, the previous year’s finalRelay or Mixed Relay st<strong>and</strong>ings will be used to set the start numbers. AtY/JWCH <strong>and</strong> OECH, the previous year’s Y/JWCH or OECH Relay/MixedRelay results will be used to set the start numbers in the same manneras above. A single r<strong>and</strong>om draw will be used for all unranked NFs, <strong>and</strong>for CC <strong>event</strong>s. The assigned Relay start number will also be each team’sstart position in the simultaneous start, <strong>and</strong> their shooting lane numberon the range (for the first bout of shooting only). Specific <strong>rules</strong> for theRelay/Mixed Relay apply at the IBU Cup. Competitors’ Relay Start PositionsStart positions are numbered from right to left, facing the direction ofthe start. Number 1 is the position furthest to the right <strong>and</strong> the highestnumber of the front row is the position furthest to the left. The lowestnumber in the second row is placed behind number 1 <strong>and</strong> the nextconsecutive number behind number 2, <strong>and</strong> so on. Extra Relay TeamsExtra relay teams will not be permitted at OWG, WCH, Y/JWCH WC, IBUCup <strong>and</strong> OECH <strong>competition</strong>s. At other <strong>event</strong>s, extra relay teams will bepermitted; however, they must start in rows behind the official teams<strong>and</strong> will not be awarded official prizes. Extra teams may consist ofmembers from more than one NF.1.7 TEAM CAPTAINS MEETINGS1.7.1 GeneralAt each biathlon <strong>event</strong>, meetings must be held for the team captainsto elect the juries, conduct draws <strong>and</strong> to pass on information about the<strong>event</strong> <strong>and</strong> the <strong>competition</strong>s. The first meeting must be held at the lateston the day before the first day of official training in order to elect thejury of appeal <strong>and</strong> the <strong>competition</strong> jury. In regard to further meetings at3-22 IBU RULES

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