3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union

3 ibu event and competition rules - International Biathlon Union


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3IBU EVENT AND COMPETITION RULES1.3.11 Specifications for Super SprintSuper Sprints consist of a qualification <strong>and</strong> a final <strong>competition</strong>, whichtake place on the same day.1.3.12 Modifications <strong>and</strong> Other Types of CompetitionsThe IBU holds the right to modify existing <strong>competition</strong>s <strong>and</strong> to introducenew types of <strong>competition</strong>s into IBU <strong>event</strong>s.1.3.13 Event ProgramsThe schedule, sequence <strong>and</strong> types of IBU <strong>competition</strong>s at <strong>event</strong>s willbe set by the IBU Executive Board (EB), on the recommendation of theTechnical Committee (TC).1.3.14 Annual Schedule of EventsIBU <strong>event</strong>s will be held annually as stated in the <strong>event</strong> <strong>rules</strong> or asdirected by the EB. The yearly schedules will be published by the IBU.Dates for the <strong>event</strong>s will be published starting from the day of arrivaluntil the last <strong>competition</strong> day.1.4 ELIGIBILITY RULES FOR COMPETITORS AND TEAM STAFF1.4.1 GeneralOnly such competitors <strong>and</strong> team staff who comply with the followingIBU regulations will be eligible to take part in biathlon <strong>event</strong>s <strong>and</strong><strong>competition</strong>s organized by an IBU member federation. In order to beeligible to participate in an IBU <strong>event</strong>, biathletes <strong>and</strong> team staff mustsign the IBU Declaration of Obligations <strong>and</strong> the Court of ArbitrationDeclaration <strong>and</strong> the Declaration to Fight Doping in Sport, signifyingagreement to abide by <strong>and</strong> follow all IBU <strong>rules</strong> <strong>and</strong> policies. Thesedeclarations must be signed prior to starting in the first IBU <strong>competition</strong>in which a competitor or staff member takes part. In addition, a copy ofthe passport must be attached. Each signed declaration will remain ineffect until terminated by either party.1.4.2 Responsibility of Competitors <strong>and</strong> Team StaffCompetitors <strong>and</strong> team staff may only participate in an IBU <strong>event</strong> or<strong>competition</strong> with materials, equipment, clothing <strong>and</strong> advertising that arein compliance with the IBU Materials Catalogue. It is the competitors’<strong>and</strong> team staff’s responsibility to ensure that all <strong>rules</strong> regardingmaterials <strong>and</strong> advertising are followed <strong>and</strong> that they undergo material,3-12 IBU RULES

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