SkyView System Installation Guide - Dynon Avionics

SkyView System Installation Guide - Dynon Avionics SkyView System Installation Guide - Dynon Avionics
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Basic SkyView Display Operationthis guide.System Software MenuYou must have a USB flash drive that is recognizable by the display in one of theUSB slots to open this menu. All of the functions under this menu either write to orread from the flash drive.Detailed instructions for all of the menus listed below are included in the FirmwareUpdates and File Operations Section of this guide.The Software System Menu contains links to the following wizards:UPGRADE SYSTEM SOFTWARE... – Use this wizard to update software on your SkyViewsystem.LOAD FILES... – Use this wizard to load files such as settings or configuration files ordelete files from the USB flash drive.EXPORT SETTINGS... – Use this wizard to export the settings on your SkyView system toa USB flash drive. Note that (as of V6.0) calibration settings are not exported, includingservo calibrations, fuel tank calibrations, and compass calibrations.EXPORT USER DATA LOGS… – Use this wizard to export user data logs in humanreadableCSV format. See the User Data Logs Appendix for further information aboutuser data logs.EXPORT USER WAYPOINTS… – Use this wizard to export all of the User Waypoints thatare currently stored in your SkyView system.EXPORT DYNON DIAGNOSTIC FILE... – This data log is only useful to Dynon Avionicsengineers, and has no end-customer readable data in it. Dynon Avionics TechnicalSupport may request this log in the course of troubleshooting. Note that this log is verybig - over 500 MB – and takes minutes to save off to a USB drive. Unless directed toexport this log by Dynon Avionics, there is no reason to ever do so.System Setup MenuThis menu contains links to the following menus and pages:NETWORK SETUP – Enter this menu to configure your SkyView network or to check onnetwork status (i.e., display important SkyView module information).SERIAL PORT SETUP – Enter this menu to configure the five general purpose serial portson the display.AUDIO SETUP – Enter this menu to configure the options and volume for SkyView’saudio output capability.AIRCRAFT INFORMATION – Enter this page to record important information regardingyour aircraft. Specifically, enter the tail number of your aircraft–it is used to createunique SkyView configuration files. It is also used for other purposes.MEASUREMENT UNITS – Enter this page to configure displayed units (e.g., feet ormeters).3-10 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision O

Basic SkyView Display OperationTIME – Enter this page to set the time zone offset from Zulu/GMT time.ARINC-429 – Enter this page to set up ARINC-429 devices connected to SV-ARINC-429modules.SCREEN LAYOUT SETUP – Enter this page to configure the availability of the PDF Page,Engine Page, and Map Page on this display and throughout the system (when more thanone display is installed).DATA LOG SETUP – Enter this page to configure the recording frequency of SkyView’sinternal data logging feature, or to clear recorded data. See the User Data LogsAppendix for further information about user data logs.LOCAL DISPLAY SETUP MenuThis menu contains links to the following pages and menus:INSTALLED DATABASES – This page shows the various databases that are installed onthe display and their respective versions.DISPLAY HARDWARE INFORMATION – This page contains important hardware statusinformation such as the serial number of your display and the voltage of the attachedbackup battery. Reference the Returning SkyView Components to Service after RepairSection of this guide for more information about the Display Hardware InformationPage.BRIGHTNESS SETUP – Enter this page to choose between manual, automatic, or externalscreen backlight control. Manual screen backlight control is managed by the user in theDIM Menu with the DEC-, INC+, and FULL buttons. Automatic screen backlight control ismanaged by a default dimming profile in the display. A compatible external controlsignal is required for external backlight control. Reference the Brightness Setup Sectionfor more information.TOP BAR SETUP – Enter this page to configure the top bar on the SkyView display'sscreen.GPS FIX STATUS – This page shows fix quality information for the GPS source that isbeing used as the active position source for SkyView’s moving map and synthetic vision.Note that this does not show information about other GPS sources that may beavailable for HSI and backup position use.BATTERY BACKUP (SV-BAT-320) STATUS – This page shows the status of automated testsof the SV-BAT-320.LICENSE – This page shows the status of software products that can be purchased andlicensed to add features to SkyView. This page is also the place where license codes canbe redeemed to activate features on your SkyView System.PFD Setup MenuThis menu contains links to the following pages:ADAHRS Source Selection–This page is a list of all configured SkyView ADAHRS modulesand their respective statuses. Also use it to select which ADAHRS module is the PFD’sprimary source of data.SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision O 3-11

Basic <strong>SkyView</strong> Display OperationTIME – Enter this page to set the time zone offset from Zulu/GMT time.ARINC-429 – Enter this page to set up ARINC-429 devices connected to SV-ARINC-429modules.SCREEN LAYOUT SETUP – Enter this page to configure the availability of the PDF Page,Engine Page, and Map Page on this display and throughout the system (when more thanone display is installed).DATA LOG SETUP – Enter this page to configure the recording frequency of <strong>SkyView</strong>’sinternal data logging feature, or to clear recorded data. See the User Data LogsAppendix for further information about user data logs.LOCAL DISPLAY SETUP MenuThis menu contains links to the following pages and menus:INSTALLED DATABASES – This page shows the various databases that are installed onthe display and their respective versions.DISPLAY HARDWARE INFORMATION – This page contains important hardware statusinformation such as the serial number of your display and the voltage of the attachedbackup battery. Reference the Returning <strong>SkyView</strong> Components to Service after RepairSection of this guide for more information about the Display Hardware InformationPage.BRIGHTNESS SETUP – Enter this page to choose between manual, automatic, or externalscreen backlight control. Manual screen backlight control is managed by the user in theDIM Menu with the DEC-, INC+, and FULL buttons. Automatic screen backlight control ismanaged by a default dimming profile in the display. A compatible external controlsignal is required for external backlight control. Reference the Brightness Setup Sectionfor more information.TOP BAR SETUP – Enter this page to configure the top bar on the <strong>SkyView</strong> display'sscreen.GPS FIX STATUS – This page shows fix quality information for the GPS source that isbeing used as the active position source for <strong>SkyView</strong>’s moving map and synthetic vision.Note that this does not show information about other GPS sources that may beavailable for HSI and backup position use.BATTERY BACKUP (SV-BAT-320) STATUS – This page shows the status of automated testsof the SV-BAT-320.LICENSE – This page shows the status of software products that can be purchased andlicensed to add features to <strong>SkyView</strong>. This page is also the place where license codes canbe redeemed to activate features on your <strong>SkyView</strong> <strong>System</strong>.PFD Setup MenuThis menu contains links to the following pages:ADAHRS Source Selection–This page is a list of all configured <strong>SkyView</strong> ADAHRS modulesand their respective statuses. Also use it to select which ADAHRS module is the PFD’sprimary source of data.<strong>SkyView</strong> <strong>System</strong> <strong>Installation</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> - Revision O 3-11

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