SkyView System Installation Guide - Dynon Avionics

SkyView System Installation Guide - Dynon Avionics SkyView System Installation Guide - Dynon Avionics
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SV-EMS-220/221 Installation and Configurationpower. Connect the other lead to pin 29 on the SV-EMS-200 37-pin wiring harness. During analarm condition, this pin is connected to ground, causing current to flow through the lamp.Aircraft Spruce P/N 17-410 is an example of a light that will work for this application. An LEDand resistor in series will also suffice. If you use an LED as the indicator, you must choose aresistor that delivers the appropriate current to the LED, and can accommodate the powerrequired for its current and voltage drop. Also note that the power and ground connections onLEDs are not reversible.Engine InformationUse the Engine Information Wizard (SETUP MENU > EMS SETUP > ENGINE INFORMATION) tospecify the engine type, its horsepower rating, its redline and cruise RPM, the RPM pulseconfiguration, and tach and Hobbs time (if installation is in a non-zero time engine).The Inhibit Engine Alerts at Boot option: When set to YES, all engine alerts, both audio andvisual, will occurs until after the first engine start, or 5 minutes, whichever comes first. Thisoption can help inhibit nuisance alarms before the engine is started. When set to NO, enginealerts are always active.If you have an engine type that is in the list, please choose the appropriate engine. This willallow the system to perform some calculations that are specific to that engine, such as % power(Lycoming / Continental only) and special operating limitations (Rotax only). If your engine isnot listed, choose "Other."Horsepower is used to do some of the % power calculations (Lycoming/Continental enginesonly) and the auto Rich-of-Peak and Lean-of-Peak detection. Set it to the engine manufacturer'srated HP for initial usage. You may need to adjust this number in order to get all calculationsworking correctly.If you are getting an auto Lean-of-Peak indication that is coming on too early, before the engineactually peaks while leaning, lower this number. It is not meant to be a measure of actualhorsepower produced, as engines that are more efficient will act as if they are lowerhorsepower in the calculation. This will be particularly true if you are running a highercompression ratio than the stock charts are based upon.Cruise RPM is used when calculating tach time. Tach time is a measure of engine timenormalized to a cruise RPM. If you spend one hour at your cruise RPM, tach time will incrementone hour. If you spend 1 hour at 1/2 your cruise RPM, tach time will only increase by 1/2 hour.Tach time is defined as TIME x (CURRENT RPM / CRUISE RPM).Hobbs time is a simple timer that runs whenever the oil pressure is above 15 PSI or the engineis above 0 RPM.If you have connected an External Alarm Light to SV-EMS-220/221 pin 29, the Alarm Lightsetting determines how the light behaves after alarm acknowledgement. It can be set to eitherSOLIID AFTER ACK, which leaves the light lit continuously after acknowledgement (until thealarm condition ceases) or OFF AFTER ACK, which turns the light off after an alarm has beenacknowledged.7-52 SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision O

Rotax 912 BehaviorSV-EMS-220/221 Installation and ConfigurationSetting ENGINE TYPE to ROTAX 912 pre-configures some engine settings for a Rotax 912 engine.SkyView will automatically configure and dynamically change the oil temperature andtachometer scales and alert thresholds in accordance with Rotax’s recommended ranges,described in detail below. When this mode is selected, EMS SETUP > SENSOR SETUP > OILTEMPERATURE AND TACHOMETER settings are unavailable.Tachometer for Rotax 912:When OIL TEMP < 120ºF, the TACHOMETER displays these ranges:0-1400 and 4000-6000 RPM in RED1400-1800 and 2500-4000 RPM in YELLOW1800-2500 RPM in GREENWhen OIL TEMP > 120ºF, the TACHOMETER displays different ranges:0-1400 and 5800-6000 RPM in RED1400-1800 and 5500-5800 RPM in YELLOW1800-5500 RPM in GREENAt 0 RPM, tachometer alerting is inhibited. When RPM advances above 0, the tachometer alertis inhibited for 10 seconds to avoid nuisance alarms as the engine starts.The alarm type for the tachometer is the “self-clearing” type.Oil Temperature Gauge for Rotax 912:When OIL TEMP < 190ºF, the OIL TEMP gauge displays these ranges:100-120 and 230-266ºF in YELLOW120-190ºF in GREEN if OIL TEMP has been above 190ºF “more recently” than OIL TEMPwas below 120ºF; otherwise 120-190ºF is displayed in BLACK OUTLINED IN WHITE190-230ºF in GREEN266-280ºF in RED.When OIL TEMP is > 190ºF, the OIL TEMP gauge will display different ranges:100-120 and 230-266ºF in YELLOW120-230ºF in GREEN266-280ºF in REDThe alarm type for oil temperature is the “self-clearing” type.EMS Sensor Definitions, Mapping, and SettingsAll sensors must be defined, mapped to SV-EMS-220/221 pins, and have theirsettings configured. This section describes how sensors are defined, mapped, andset in SkyView.SkyView System Installation Guide - Revision O 7-53

SV-EMS-220/221 <strong>Installation</strong> and Configurationpower. Connect the other lead to pin 29 on the SV-EMS-200 37-pin wiring harness. During analarm condition, this pin is connected to ground, causing current to flow through the lamp.Aircraft Spruce P/N 17-410 is an example of a light that will work for this application. An LEDand resistor in series will also suffice. If you use an LED as the indicator, you must choose aresistor that delivers the appropriate current to the LED, and can accommodate the powerrequired for its current and voltage drop. Also note that the power and ground connections onLEDs are not reversible.Engine InformationUse the Engine Information Wizard (SETUP MENU > EMS SETUP > ENGINE INFORMATION) tospecify the engine type, its horsepower rating, its redline and cruise RPM, the RPM pulseconfiguration, and tach and Hobbs time (if installation is in a non-zero time engine).The Inhibit Engine Alerts at Boot option: When set to YES, all engine alerts, both audio andvisual, will occurs until after the first engine start, or 5 minutes, whichever comes first. Thisoption can help inhibit nuisance alarms before the engine is started. When set to NO, enginealerts are always active.If you have an engine type that is in the list, please choose the appropriate engine. This willallow the system to perform some calculations that are specific to that engine, such as % power(Lycoming / Continental only) and special operating limitations (Rotax only). If your engine isnot listed, choose "Other."Horsepower is used to do some of the % power calculations (Lycoming/Continental enginesonly) and the auto Rich-of-Peak and Lean-of-Peak detection. Set it to the engine manufacturer'srated HP for initial usage. You may need to adjust this number in order to get all calculationsworking correctly.If you are getting an auto Lean-of-Peak indication that is coming on too early, before the engineactually peaks while leaning, lower this number. It is not meant to be a measure of actualhorsepower produced, as engines that are more efficient will act as if they are lowerhorsepower in the calculation. This will be particularly true if you are running a highercompression ratio than the stock charts are based upon.Cruise RPM is used when calculating tach time. Tach time is a measure of engine timenormalized to a cruise RPM. If you spend one hour at your cruise RPM, tach time will incrementone hour. If you spend 1 hour at 1/2 your cruise RPM, tach time will only increase by 1/2 hour.Tach time is defined as TIME x (CURRENT RPM / CRUISE RPM).Hobbs time is a simple timer that runs whenever the oil pressure is above 15 PSI or the engineis above 0 RPM.If you have connected an External Alarm Light to SV-EMS-220/221 pin 29, the Alarm Lightsetting determines how the light behaves after alarm acknowledgement. It can be set to eitherSOLIID AFTER ACK, which leaves the light lit continuously after acknowledgement (until thealarm condition ceases) or OFF AFTER ACK, which turns the light off after an alarm has beenacknowledged.7-52 <strong>SkyView</strong> <strong>System</strong> <strong>Installation</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> - Revision O

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