XMI for AllFusion Component Modeler tutorial ... - SupportConnect

XMI for AllFusion Component Modeler tutorial ... - SupportConnect

XMI for AllFusion Component Modeler tutorial ... - SupportConnect


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Chapter6Build and TestEstimated Completion TimeAllow yourself approximately 20 minutes to complete this chapter.Build a <strong>Component</strong> Project1. Right-click on com.myCarRentalShop.location package on the ProjectTree and select Project New….2. Click OK to accept the default name locationProject and the default packagingCreate Jar option.3. Right-click on the locationProject from the Project Tree and selectProperties…. The Project Properties dialog displays.4. Click the Standalone Properties view from the Views panel.5. Set the JDBC URL value to:jdbc:cloudscape:;databaseName=:\\\\j2sdkee1.3.1\\cloudscape\\RentalDB;create=true;autocommit=falseThe double back slash character (“\\”) is the correct delimiter <strong>for</strong> directoriesin this command and must be used <strong>for</strong> correct operation.6. Set the JDBC Driver value to:COM.cloudscape.core.JDBCDriver7. Accept all of the other default values and click OK.8. Right-click on the locationProject and select Build to start the BuildWizard.9. Click the Finish button to accept all defaults and execute the wizard.Build and Test 6–1

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