Southwestern - The Vegetarian Resource Group

Southwestern - The Vegetarian Resource Group Southwestern - The Vegetarian Resource Group


How to Prepare Puréed Foods and Drinks1) Remove skins, seeds, and pits.2) Cut food into small pieces.3) Cook food until tender. Canned or thawedfrozen foods, such as canned or frozen peaches,may not need further cooking.4) Add small amounts of liquid to food to thinto a drinkable consistency:• Use warm soymilk to thin puréed veganmacaroni and cheese or potatoes.• Melt frozen vegan ice cream and mixwith rice milk or fruit juice.• Use soymilk to thin vegan pudding orstrained vegan yogurt.• Use fruit juice to thin puréed fruit.BeveragesCombine the following ingredients in a blenderand blend well. You can add more juice or moresolid ingredients, depending on the texture youneed. Each recipe yields 1 large serving.Peach Pineapple Smoothie• One 6-ounce peach soy yogurt• 3 Tablespoons soft silken tofu• 3 /4 cup unsweetened pineapple juice• 1 /8 teaspoon cinnamonPeach Cooler• 3 /4 cup cold plain or vanilla soymilk• 1 /2 cup chilled peaches, canned or frozen• 1 /2 cup frozen soy or rice ice creamApricot Strawberry Smoothie• One 6-ounce strawberry soy yogurt• 3 Tablespoons soft silken tofu• 1 jar strained baby food apricots• 3 /4 cup apricot nectar• Dash of gingerBanana Smoothie• One 6-ounce fruited soy yogurt (any flavor)• 3 Tablespoons soft silken tofu• 1 medium ripe banana (approximately 1 /2 cupsliced)• 1 /2 cup rice milk or fruit juice• 1 Tablespoon maple syrup or rice syrupEgg Nog Smoothie• One 6-ounce vanilla soy yogurt• 1 /2 cup vanilla soymilk• 1 /2 cup soft silken tofu• 1 /4 teaspoon nutmeg• 1 /4 teaspoon cinnamon• 1 /4 teaspoon rum extract (if desired)Prune Nog• 1 cup vanilla soymilk• 1 jar strained baby prunes• 1 /8 teaspoon cinnamon20 Issue Two 2009 VEGETARIAN JOURNAL

DessertsLevel 1, 2, or 3 Cake• 1 small piece of iced vegan cake• 1 small scoop of soy or rice ice cream(no nuts)• 1 /4 cup rice milkBlend cake and ice cream. Add milk and blenduntil smooth. Add additional milk if too thick.Blended Canned or Fresh Fruit• 3 /4 cup canned or cooked fruit• 2 Tablespoons syrup from fruit or fruit juicePlace ingredients in a blender. Cover. Process onlow speed until smooth. Serve cold.Yogurt ‘n Fruit• 4 ounces soy yogurt• 1 banana• 8 ounces frozen strawberries• 2 Tablespoons soymilkPlace all ingredients in a blender. Blend untilsmooth. Strain mixture through strainer or sieveto remove all seeds. Chill seedless mixture.Hot Spiced Applesauce• 1 /2 cup applesauce• 1 /2 cup apple juice• 1 /8 teaspoon cinnamon• Pinch of nutmegPlace all ingredients in a blender and blend untilsmooth.Fruit Cobbler• 1 cup prepared fruit cobbler• 1 cup vanilla soymilkBlend cobbler until smooth. Add milk and blenduntil of liquid consistency.Strawberry Cheesecake• 1 piece of prepared tofu cheesecake• 1 /2 cup vanilla soy or rice milk• 2 Tablespoons seedless strawberry jamPlace all ingredients in a blender and processuntil smooth. Add more milk if necessary.(Continued on page 22)BequestsThe VRG depends on the generous contributions of our members and supporters to continue our educational projects.Though the world may not become vegetarian in our lifetimes, we realize that we are planning and working for futuregenerations.• Your will and life insurance policies enable you to protect your family and also to provide a way to give longlastingsupport to causes in which you believe. Naming The Vegetarian Resource Group in your will or life insurancepolicy will enable us to increase our work for vegetarianism.• One suggested form of bequest is: I give and bequeath to The Vegetarian Resource Group, Baltimore, Maryland, thesum ofdollars (or if stock, property, or insurance policy, please describe).• To be sure your wishes are carried out, please speak with your attorney specifically about writing the correctinformation in your will.VEGETARIAN JOURNAL Issue Two 2009 21

DessertsLevel 1, 2, or 3 Cake• 1 small piece of iced vegan cake• 1 small scoop of soy or rice ice cream(no nuts)• 1 /4 cup rice milkBlend cake and ice cream. Add milk and blenduntil smooth. Add additional milk if too thick.Blended Canned or Fresh Fruit• 3 /4 cup canned or cooked fruit• 2 Tablespoons syrup from fruit or fruit juicePlace ingredients in a blender. Cover. Process onlow speed until smooth. Serve cold.Yogurt ‘n Fruit• 4 ounces soy yogurt• 1 banana• 8 ounces frozen strawberries• 2 Tablespoons soymilkPlace all ingredients in a blender. Blend untilsmooth. Strain mixture through strainer or sieveto remove all seeds. Chill seedless mixture.Hot Spiced Applesauce• 1 /2 cup applesauce• 1 /2 cup apple juice• 1 /8 teaspoon cinnamon• Pinch of nutmegPlace all ingredients in a blender and blend untilsmooth.Fruit Cobbler• 1 cup prepared fruit cobbler• 1 cup vanilla soymilkBlend cobbler until smooth. Add milk and blenduntil of liquid consistency.Strawberry Cheesecake• 1 piece of prepared tofu cheesecake• 1 /2 cup vanilla soy or rice milk• 2 Tablespoons seedless strawberry jamPlace all ingredients in a blender and processuntil smooth. Add more milk if necessary.(Continued on page 22)Bequests<strong>The</strong> VRG depends on the generous contributions of our members and supporters to continue our educational projects.Though the world may not become vegetarian in our lifetimes, we realize that we are planning and working for futuregenerations.• Your will and life insurance policies enable you to protect your family and also to provide a way to give longlastingsupport to causes in which you believe. Naming <strong>The</strong> <strong>Vegetarian</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Group</strong> in your will or life insurancepolicy will enable us to increase our work for vegetarianism.• One suggested form of bequest is: I give and bequeath to <strong>The</strong> <strong>Vegetarian</strong> <strong>Resource</strong> <strong>Group</strong>, Baltimore, Maryland, thesum ofdollars (or if stock, property, or insurance policy, please describe).• To be sure your wishes are carried out, please speak with your attorney specifically about writing the correctinformation in your will.VEGETARIAN JOURNAL Issue Two 2009 21

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