Southwestern - The Vegetarian Resource Group

Southwestern - The Vegetarian Resource Group Southwestern - The Vegetarian Resource Group


MILLET-VEGETABLEPANCAKES(Makes approximately fourteen 2 1 /2-inchpancakes)I serve these pancakes with a salsa,a helping of chipotle-flavored pintobeans, and a shredded carrot-andcabbagesalad. You can make thesepancakes in a non-stick skillet withoutany oil, but the oil imparts acrispy texture on the outside. I usuallygrind my own flaxseeds with a spicegrinder or a clean coffee grinder.2 Tablespoons ground flaxseeds6 Tablespoons water2 cups cooked millet2 cups corn, either fresh or thawed frozen1/2 cup finely chopped onions1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1/4- 1 /2 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon pepper2 Tablespoons oilCombine flaxseeds and water ina blender and purée on high untilthick. Place millet, corn, onions,garlic powder, salt, and pepper ina bowl and stir in flax-water mixture.Form a spoonful of mixtureat a time into small patties.Put oil into a heavy skillet andheat to medium heat. Carefullydrop patties into the skillet, andcook until lightly browned, turningonce. It takes approximately5-7 minutes on each side tobrown the patties.Total calories per pancake: 84Carbohydrates: 13 gramsSodium: 46 milligramsFat: 3 gramsProtein: 2 gramsFiber: 1 gramWILD MUSHROOM SAUCE(Makes approximately 1 3 /4 cups orthree 1 /2-cup servings)This is good over Millet VegetablePancakes or Carrot-Risotto Cakes.1 1 /2 cups boiling waterApproximately 1 cup loosely packedpackaged dried wild mushrooms1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1/4 teaspoon sage1 Tablespoon rice or white wine vinegar1/2 teaspoon agave nectar or rice syrup1-3 Tablespoons rice flourSalt and pepper to tastePour boiling water over mushrooms.Add garlic powder, sage,vinegar, and agave nectar. Let situntil mushrooms are hydrated.Heat the mixture in a smallsaucepan. When sauce is hot,sprinkle 1 Tablespoon rice flourover the top and stir in. Continueadding flour and stirring untilthick. Season with salt and pepper.Total calories per serving: 64Carbohydrates: 10 gramsSodium: 10 milligramsFat:

QUICK MARINARA SAUCE(Makes four 1 /2-cup servings)This quick sauce can be prepared atthe last minute for Carrot-RisottoCakes. You can also drain and addcanned mushrooms to this sauce.One 15-ounce can tomatoes, not drained1-2 Tablespoons sliced olives1/2 teaspoon dried oregano1/2 teaspoon basil1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes(optional)Salt to tastePurée tomatoes in a blender.Combine tomatoes with remainingingredients, except salt, ina saucepan. Heat 5-7 minutes,add salt to taste, and serve.Total calories per serving: 30Carbohydrates: 7 gramsSodium: 248 milligramsMUSHROOM-SAGEPOTATO PANCAKES(Makes 4 pancakes)Fat:

MILLET-VEGETABLEPANCAKES(Makes approximately fourteen 2 1 /2-inchpancakes)I serve these pancakes with a salsa,a helping of chipotle-flavored pintobeans, and a shredded carrot-andcabbagesalad. You can make thesepancakes in a non-stick skillet withoutany oil, but the oil imparts acrispy texture on the outside. I usuallygrind my own flaxseeds with a spicegrinder or a clean coffee grinder.2 Tablespoons ground flaxseeds6 Tablespoons water2 cups cooked millet2 cups corn, either fresh or thawed frozen1/2 cup finely chopped onions1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1/4- 1 /2 teaspoon salt1/4 teaspoon pepper2 Tablespoons oilCombine flaxseeds and water ina blender and purée on high untilthick. Place millet, corn, onions,garlic powder, salt, and pepper ina bowl and stir in flax-water mixture.Form a spoonful of mixtureat a time into small patties.Put oil into a heavy skillet andheat to medium heat. Carefullydrop patties into the skillet, andcook until lightly browned, turningonce. It takes approximately5-7 minutes on each side tobrown the patties.Total calories per pancake: 84Carbohydrates: 13 gramsSodium: 46 milligramsFat: 3 gramsProtein: 2 gramsFiber: 1 gramWILD MUSHROOM SAUCE(Makes approximately 1 3 /4 cups orthree 1 /2-cup servings)This is good over Millet VegetablePancakes or Carrot-Risotto Cakes.1 1 /2 cups boiling waterApproximately 1 cup loosely packedpackaged dried wild mushrooms1/2 teaspoon garlic powder1/4 teaspoon sage1 Tablespoon rice or white wine vinegar1/2 teaspoon agave nectar or rice syrup1-3 Tablespoons rice flourSalt and pepper to tastePour boiling water over mushrooms.Add garlic powder, sage,vinegar, and agave nectar. Let situntil mushrooms are hydrated.Heat the mixture in a smallsaucepan. When sauce is hot,sprinkle 1 Tablespoon rice flourover the top and stir in. Continueadding flour and stirring untilthick. Season with salt and pepper.Total calories per serving: 64Carbohydrates: 10 gramsSodium: 10 milligramsFat:

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