Vision CLINICAL VIGNETTE As a start to learning about the visual ...

Vision CLINICAL VIGNETTE As a start to learning about the visual ...

Vision CLINICAL VIGNETTE As a start to learning about the visual ...

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<strong>Vision</strong>RetinaPractice Questions- Answers626RETINAL STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION: PRACTICE QUESTIONANSWERS1. ganglion cell axons - Hhorizontal cells - Fpho<strong>to</strong>recep<strong>to</strong>rs - Dganglion cell bodies - BMuller’s cells - Abipolar cells - Gretinal pigment epi<strong>the</strong>lium - Coptic disc - E2. A - FB - TC - TD - TE - F3. D; and E (but just a little bit)4. A - rodsB - conesC - rodsD - conesE - rodsF - rodsG - conesH - conesI - conesJ - conesK - rods5. C, D, E6. D7. C8. A9. B (<strong>the</strong>re are no pho<strong>to</strong>recep<strong>to</strong>rs at <strong>the</strong> optic disc)

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