1 - Sociedad Española de Arcillas

1 - Sociedad Española de Arcillas

1 - Sociedad Española de Arcillas


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SUMMARIES ARRANGED ALPHABETICALLY"~~BY FIRST AUTHORNames of speakers or presentersof poster are un<strong>de</strong>rlined<strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>Facultad <strong>de</strong> QufmicaApartado 553SEVILLAIMPRENTA RAIMUNDO, S. A.- Avda. <strong>de</strong> la Industria, 4. SevillaDeposita Legal, SE-878-l987I S B N en tramite

CONTENTSPRESENTATION ..................................................... .. 5PLENARY LECTURES .................................................... 7~ INTRODUCTORY LECTURES ..... ..... .. ............ ..... 19SUMMARIES ............................................................................ 57OTHER ANNOUNCED PAPERS ........................... 615AUTHORS INDEX 625

PRESENTATIONThis Volume of Summaries -Proceedings of the Sixth European ClayMeeting, EUROCLAY'87, contains more than 200 exten<strong>de</strong>d abstracts ofpapers to be presented at the Conference, summaries of 14 IntroductoryLectures, and 4 Plenary Lectures.It also inclu<strong>de</strong>s a list oftitles of other announced papers, whose authors have not confirmedtheir attendance at the Meeting at the edition closing date (1st ofAugust).Abstracts received for the Meeting were studied by the ScientificCommittee, and about 50 %were sent back to the authors in or<strong>de</strong>r toimprove the standard(information, extension, language, etc.).Around 10 % were also rejected. We think most of these exten<strong>de</strong>dabstracts published in thls volume may be consi<strong>de</strong>red notes or shortpapers.This was our intention when we asked the authors for "veryinformative abstracts".The edition of the present volume has been carefully prepared. Manyoriginals were rewritten because they were not appropiate for reproduction.standards.Others were corrected, or rearranged to homogenize,.The cover reproduces the poster which was specially <strong>de</strong>signed forthis Meeting by NicoHis Forteza, a painter from Palma <strong>de</strong> Mallorcaof international prestige.Papers have been arranged by •first author's name and all authorshave been listed on the in<strong>de</strong>x.The Editors of this volume acknowledge the collaboration ofauthors, the assistance of Mr. Francisco Gayurt and the interest ofthe Publisher, Imprenta Raimundo, in improving the quality of theEdition.EMILIOChairmanGALAN5


Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ENVIRONMENTAL AND DIAGENETIC EXPRESSION OF CLAY SUCCESSION'S ~N THE PASTSEDIMENTARY RECORDHerv~CHAMLEY/ /Dynamique sedimentaire et structurale, UA 719 CNRS, Universite <strong>de</strong>Lille I, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq (France).INTRODUCTIONMulti-scale studies carried out on Meso-Cenozoic sedimentary successionsof various boreholes and exposed sections allow to i<strong>de</strong>ntify therespective influence of <strong>de</strong>trital input, of <strong>de</strong>positional factors and ofdiagenetic modifications on the clay record. The combination of basicsedimentological analyses with various mineralogical, micromorphological,geochemical and microgeochemical investigations, ~eads. to <strong>de</strong>lineatethe sedimentary ·basins and geological periods marked by either majorpaleoenviro~mentalsignature or dominant diagenetic imprint, or by thetransition between both of them. Various examples are presented, largely·based.on data issued from sedimentary materials of. the Deep SeaDrilling Project.PALEOEhiTIRONMENTMany series drilled in the oceans show only few diagenetic changesin the clay record since the late Jurassic. This is especially the casein the major areas of the Atlantic Ocean and of the Western Pacific,marked by strong terrigenous input or fairly rapid sedimentation rates.One of the rare significant in situ changes i<strong>de</strong>nti·fied consists in theearly diagenetic growth of lathed smectites at the periphery of <strong>de</strong>tritalminerals (mainly s~ectites), without noteworthy quantitative rriodifi.cationsof the clay mineralogy and geochemistry.Shatsky Rise, North-Western Pacific. The <strong>de</strong>ep-sea red clays <strong>de</strong>positedsince the uppermost Cretaceous on each si<strong>de</strong> of the Shatsky Rise containa large variety of clay minerals, which indicate the importa?ce of eoliansupply from Eastern Asia, and allow indirect stratigraphic correlationsin the subazoic Cenozoic series: ..9

New Zealand Basins. The Neogene sediments of the Lord H()~~ Rise • aree10express the <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce existing between the climatic evolution of theAntarctic ice sheet, the aridification stages in Eastern Australia,and the atmospheric and oceanic circulation changes since 14 my. Thepost-Eocene clay successions around New Zealand reflect an alternationof tectonic events and relaxation stages, associated with modificationsin the circulation regime.Japan Trench Inner Wall. The clay mineral successions document theexistence of a north/eastern landmass until the late Oligocene, itscollapse and associated volcanism close the the early Miocene, and an·increased <strong>de</strong>trital influence from japanese islands during the lateCenozoic.North Atlantic, late Jurassic to Quaternary. Since the Oxfordian, theclay stratigraphy of. Hatteras and Cape Ver<strong>de</strong> basins records only fewvolcanogenic signals. Many similarities exist in both basins from climatical,tectonical~pedogenical and morphological points of view, andthe history of the adjacent continents can be usefully documented. Themain differences between both domains result from the migration ofplates in different climatic zones along the time, and from the tim:i,ngof the Atlantic enlargment in the North and in the South. The Albianperiod shows a clear opposition between both western and eastern basin~which is interpreted mainly as the result of distinct tectonic and morphologicalsituations on the landmasses •.DIAGENESISNoticeable diagenetic changes in the large-scale clay sedimentaryrecord· characterizes some areas or periods marked by active fluid migrationprocesses, by volcanic and hydrothermal activity, or by thermodynamicalconstraints.Nankai and Kuril Trenches, North-Western Pacific. The frequent vol,canicactivity and sediment permeability <strong>de</strong>termine loc~lly, :im spite of, thegenerally strong <strong>de</strong>trital input, the rapid halmyrolysis of glass andashes, and the formation of Al- to Mg-Fe-rich smectites characterizedby various shapes and chemical compositions.10

Mariana Basin, Central Western Pacific. The volcanoclastic and pelagicsediments <strong>de</strong>posited from Aptian to Maastrichtian reveal a complex sequenceof geochemical and geodynamical events : proximal volcanism andlocal supply from exposed archipelagoes, early marine diagenesis duringlithospheric subsi<strong>de</strong>nce and plate migration, increase of terrigenoussupply from distant asian sources.Senegal and North-Eastern Atlantic Basins. The transition from terrigenous·to ··diagenetic influences with the <strong>de</strong>pth of burial, i<strong>de</strong>ntified inthe thick series <strong>de</strong>posited during the Cretaceous and the Paleogene inthe Senegal Basin, is complicated by the tectonic instability of theAfrican margin, which gives way to similar· clay assemblages (illite andchlorite groups). As the <strong>de</strong>ep-sea sediments of Cape Ver<strong>de</strong> Basin are onlyslightly affected by diagenetic changes, the comparison between bothseries allows to distinguish the respective effects, <strong>de</strong>pths and ages ofthe changes due to lithostatic pressure, tectonics and paleoenvironment.Tyrrhenian Sea, Western Mediterranean. The Central Tyrrhenian Basin·,which opened during the late Miocene in a global compressive context,experienced a strong geothermal gradient, responsible for an accelerationof clay diagenetic changes related to the <strong>de</strong>pth of burial. Similarthermodynamical modifications occU+red neither on the eastern Sardiniamargin whose clay record expresses at the same period the local tectonicinstability, nor in South Sicily marked by climatic pecularitiesrelated to the Messinian s~linity crisis.MAIN REFERENCESH. Chamley, Geologische Rundschau, 1986, 75 : 271-285.H. Chamley, P. Debrabant, Sedimentary Geology, 1984, 40 : 151-167.H. Chamley, P. Debrabant, Tectonophysics, 1987 (in press).H. Chamley, P. Debrabant, R. Flicoteaux, SedimentoL, 1987 (in press).H. Chamley, J.-F. Deconinck, C.R.Ac. Sci., 1985, 300 : 1007-1012.H. Chamley. · J. E; Meulenkamp, W. j. Zachariasse, G. J. Van <strong>de</strong>r Zwaa.n,Oceanologica Acta, 1986, 9 : 227-238.H. Chamley et al., Init. Repts. DSDP, 1987, 107 (in press).T. Holtzapffel·, H. Chamley, Clay Mit\..erals, 1986, 21 : 133-148.c. Robert, H. Chamley, Palaeo-geogr.,;clim.,-ecol., 1987 (in press).11

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ROLE OF THE CLAYIN THE PETROLEUM GENERATION AND~ EXPLORATIONE. ROALDSETUniversity of Oslo, Box 1047, Blin<strong>de</strong>rn, 0316 Oslo 3 (Norway)Clay minerals and clay sediments play an important rolein the petroleum industry, in particular in exploration,drilling, and reservoir engineering. The state of the art,aims, and expectations from research and <strong>de</strong>velopment, nowin progress, will be reviewed.An improved un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the dtstribution andproperties of clays and clay minerals is of importance inthe following fields: basin evaluation, reservoir qualityand yield predictions, drilling technology, well-logging,and log interpretation.Literature on the different aspects of clay sedimentsand clay minerals in petroleum technology is published ina variety of scientific journals, symposia proceedi~gs,patent documents, and in company reports often of limiteddistribution. The special clay journals frequently reportresearch results applicable for the petroleum industry.The journal of the European Clay Groups, Clay Minerals, in1982, 1984, and 1986, published special issues ori clays,,and clay mineral diagenesis 1 in the discovery and recoveryof petroleum.Database search on topics within the clay sciences ofrelevance for petroleum generation, exploration, andproduction, gave for the period 1978-1986 approximately20.000 references including publications, reports, andabstracts.EXPLORATION - BASIN EVALUATIONThe distribution of clays and shal~s in sedimentarybasins is influenced by tectonic conditions, subsi<strong>de</strong>nce,12

and <strong>de</strong>positional rates~ The clay mineralogy reflectspaleoclimate, provenance, and <strong>de</strong>positional enviro~ment, andappears useful for stratigraphic correlation.In a sedimentary basin implications for hydrocarbonexploration are the existence of- reservoirs (sand, sandstones, ~arbonates)source rocks (claystones and shales with high organicmatter content)- traps (structural and/or stratigraphic)-sealing cap rocks (claystones, shales)The subsi<strong>de</strong>nce versus geological time, geothermal gradientsand heat flow, are key figures in mo<strong>de</strong>lling the thermalhistory and diagenetic processes of .buried sediments, andthus for predicting the maturity of hydrocarbon sourcerocks, and the qual1ty of reservoir rocks.The role of clay and clay-organic matter interactions inthe generation bf hydrotarbons is consi<strong>de</strong>red extremelyimportant~ The clay minerals, their colloidal and surfacechemical properties, may catalyze the thermal <strong>de</strong>gradationof the.organic matter. ,-Sealing layers· in sediment~ry sequences control theaccumulation of hydrocarbons in reservoir structures. Thehydrocarbon seals are characterized by having high contents. of smectite and smectite/illite with particle sizes lessthan 1 urn, average porediametres of 0.1-1 urn, lowdiffusion rates, and high capillary pressures.RESERVOIR TECHNOLOGYAspects of clay sedimentology and mineralogy of majorimportance for reservoir evaluation and hydrocarbonproduction are- the distribution of clay- and siltstone barrierswithin 'the reservoirthe amount and composition of primary and diageneticclay minerals in the pores of reservoir rocksThe geometry of clay- and siltstone beds within areservoir strongly affect the drainage pattern during·13

production. Shale management, i.e. mo<strong>de</strong>lling of--the~·ef-f,e~cts~oflow- and impermeable layers on reservoir performance,has become increasingly important in reservoir simulation.Clay minerals in sandstone pores can generate severeproduction problems by swelling, migration, and cloggingof pore throats, thereby reduce the permeability.Theoretically calculated stability diagrams for the mostimportant clay minerals sombined with field observationsand core data, represents a valuable tool for prediction ofreservoir quality, and for'pre-assessing possible gainsby improved oil techniques (incl. enhanced oil recovery).DRILLINGDrilling through active, smectitic claystones isfrequently followed by formation problems. The clays mayswell in contact with the drilling fluid, and cause wellboredamage. Furthermore, clay, preferably bentonite,is a major constituent of drilling fluid.WELL LOGGINGFacies interpretations from gamma-log analysis can bemisleading when non-radioactive clay minerals, or K­feldspar, occur. The conductivity of clay sediments maychange as the clay minerals swell, and this influencesthe resistivity log.ADVANCING RESEARCHAlthough clay and shales make up at least 75 % of mostsedimentary basins,_ they still are consi<strong>de</strong>red to be theleas~ un<strong>de</strong>rstood rock t~pe in terms of physical propertiesthat affect seismic and well-log responses (Oil & GasJournal, Nov. 3, 1986).The ongoing research related to clays in the petroleu~industry emphasize on: mathematical mo<strong>de</strong>lling of clay/hale distributions, experimental studies on the physicaland chemical properties (i.e.surface phenomene, catalyticeffects), clay-organic matter reactions, and maturation.14

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE .SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>METHODOLOGY AND ANALYTIC TECHNIQUES OF CLAY MINERALRESEARCHM. STORRDepartment of Geological Sciences, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt­University Greifswald (G.D.R.), F.-L.-Jahnstr. 17 a;Greifswald, 2200, G.D.R~Like in every experimental science also in clayscience advances are largely <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt upon the <strong>de</strong>velopmentof analytic techniques. The wi<strong>de</strong>-spread occurrenceof clays and clay minerals in nature, their varied applicationsin industry, their specific structures and thecorresponding physical, chemical and technological propertiesetc .. require the use of nearly all examinationtechniques available. Un<strong>de</strong>r this aspect the study_ of therelationships between knowledge, methods, objects, theoriesand i<strong>de</strong>as on the methodology of clay science, i .. e.the analyses of its methods and rules is gaining particularinterest.Of the tree entities ~theory/ ~method • ~objecteach one can be the driving force in the <strong>de</strong>velopment ofscience. Of special importance for the interactionsbetween these three entities as well as for achievingrelevant advances in science are new i<strong>de</strong>as on theory andmethods and new aspects arising from objects. Improvedaccessibility to such new objects as clay samples from<strong>de</strong>ep drillings has led to new thedries on th~ diagenesis15

of clays (cf. Clay Minerals, vol. 21, Ho.~4", __ _o~c~t~·--~•_s_6)_, .. ~----~--~thoughpredorni:::mntly only conventional analytic techniqueswere used. At present most new objects are investigatedby means of conventional techniques, as KONTAemphasized at the VIIIth ICC in Bologna.New theories, such as plate tectonics have initiatedthe renewed discussion of the genesis of bauxite (BAR­DOSSY) and kaolin (STORR), which has meanwhile led toessential new fi~dings. New methods and their closerelationship to analytic techniques have produced thelargest gain in knowledge (cf. FRIPIAT, Advanced Techniquesfor Clay Mineral Analysis, Elsevier 1981), thereforethey will be discussed in greater <strong>de</strong>tail.In clay research the most important method is theexperiment whether in the laboratory, in industry or inthe field. The character of such' experiments may be:- analytical (to <strong>de</strong>termine the state of the object)-synthetic (to utilize or change the state).Accordingly, the analytic techniques as such are primarilyaimed at <strong>de</strong>termining the state. These techniquesare usually divi<strong>de</strong>d into:- the laboratory analytic techniques and- the field analytic techniques.The latter have gained increasing significance in thepast few years. Recent advances in analytic techniquesare mainly based on- improved <strong>de</strong>vices- computer ai<strong>de</strong>d analytic control and data interpretation.The impact of new laboratory techniques on the <strong>de</strong>velopmentof knowledge is illustrated using several examples takenfrom the literature and own investigations, such as HRTEM,high-temperature dilatometry, IR-FTS-ellipsometry,measurement of magnetic susceptibility, EPR, SEM, micro-16

probe analysis and STEM.The main concern of the field analytic techniques isto measure in situ, and. these techniques are closelyrelated to· the ever increasing in si tu treatment ofminerals, rocks and <strong>de</strong>posits as well as to the largescaleutilization of nature (waste disposal, water filtration,soil consolidation etc.).The following examples of mo<strong>de</strong>rn field analytictechniques are discussed:-chemical analysis by means of wellilogging- substantial.interpretation of geophysical data- in situ measurements of physical and chemicalparameters related to. the alterations of be.ntoni teproperties within the framework of the StripaProject, Swe<strong>de</strong>n.17


Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>X-RAY IDENTIFICATION OF THE POLYTYPES OF 1:1 LAYER SILICATESS. W. BAILEYDepartment of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison,WI 53706, USATwelve standard polytypes can be <strong>de</strong>rived for trioctahedral 1:1 layersilicates on the basis of (1) distribution of octahedral cations eitherin the same set of positions in every layer or (2) regular alternationbetween the I and II sets in successive layers and by formation ofinterlayer hydrogen bonds by (3) .shifts of adjacent layers by± ~/3along X1, X2, or X3 or by (4) shifts of zero or± Q/3 along Y1,(assuming regular stacking and no intermixing of types of layer shift).These four variables subdivi<strong>de</strong> 1:1 layer silicate structures into fourgroups A-D. In groups A and B the layer shifts are ± ~3, and ingroups C and D' the shifts are zero or ± Q/3. In groups A and C theoctahedral cations are in the same set of positions in every layer, andin groups B and D the cations alternate regularly between. the I and IIsets of p~sitions.All of the octahedral cations ~nd anions repeat at intervals of Q/3and thus contribute strongly to x-raf reflections of in<strong>de</strong>x k 3n(assuming in<strong>de</strong>xing ·on orthohexagonal axes). For these strongreflections the periodicity along Z will either be 7 A or 14 A,corresponding to variables (1) or (2) above. The intensities of thesek = 3n reflections are different for groups A-D and assure easyi<strong>de</strong>ntification of the four groups. The intensities are the same forthe three polytypes within each group, ho.wever, and theiri<strong>de</strong>ntification requires study of weaker reflections of in<strong>de</strong>x k ~ 3n.The basal oxygen atoms do not repeat at intervals of Q/3 and thuscontribute primarily to k ~ 3n reflections. The periodicity withinthese reflections will be n x 7 A, where n indicates the number oflayers before a· repeat of i<strong>de</strong>ntical basal oxygen planes is met along Z,21

and this periodicity plus the symmetry i<strong>de</strong>ntifies the individualtrioctahedral polytypes.k ~If the stacking of layers--is- random-, --the3n reflections will be streaked along Z*, and only the groups A-Dcan be i<strong>de</strong>ntified from the remaining discrete reflections.For 1:1 layer silicates the stacking of layers is often random.Even in cases of regular stacking the k ~ 3n reflections fortioctahedral species may be too weak to observe on x-ray pow<strong>de</strong>rpatterns. Those for dioctahedral species are normally visible, butor<strong>de</strong>ring of the octahedral vacancy in adjacent layers may change thelayer periodicity and symmetry relative to that of the equivalenttrioctahedral species. Illustrations will be presented of theperiodicities and relative intensities nee<strong>de</strong>d to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the 12standard polytypes by use either of single crystal or pow<strong>de</strong>r x-raypatterns.22

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>NATURE OF DEFECTS AND STRUCTURAL PECULIARITIES OF LAYERSILIC.A!l'ESV.A. DRITSGeological Institute of the USSR Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences,Moscow, USSRTheory of polytypism pl.ays an importa.:c,t role in structuralstudies of layer silicates. It helps to predict allpossible for this family polytypes and calculate their diffractioncharacteristics which are to be compared with experimentalones. This approach provi<strong>de</strong>s i<strong>de</strong>alized structuresand finds successful practical applications. However,polytypism theory is as a rule unaqle to assess the relativestability of the polytypes outlined. Refined crystal-structuresof sp.ecific layer silicates suggest their fine structuralpeculiarities whose analysis helps to <strong>de</strong>fine the factorscontrolling variable distribution of various polytypesin different geological environments. The same approach is,- 'feasible in <strong>de</strong>fining the nature of various <strong>de</strong>fects in real~ .structures of layer silicates. Peculiarities of crystalstructures taken into account consi<strong>de</strong>rably limit the set ofpossible stacking <strong>de</strong>fects. Application of profile analysisbased on the comparison of experimental diffraction patternswith simulated ones .for the mo<strong>de</strong>ls with variable stacking<strong>de</strong>fects, is an effective means to confirm the inferrednature of <strong>de</strong>fects in the structure of mineral un<strong>de</strong>rstudy.Stability of one-layer chlorites has been evaluatedqualitatively by Bailey in terms of changing cation-cationrepulsion and cation-anion attraction resulting from differring2:1 al:,ld brucite-like layers superpositions. Calculationsof electrostatic energy for the point charges mo<strong>de</strong>lshow that 12 one-layer polytypes can be subdivi<strong>de</strong>d in-23

to three groups, different only in the mo<strong>de</strong> the brucite----- ---------=-~-~- ---- --·-~-----~likel~yers cations are imposed on the adjacent tetrahedralcations of 2:1 layers. Real distortions of tetrahedralsheets show that reduction of hydrogen bond lengths is thesecond major factor that controls natural occurences ofchlorites. Wi<strong>de</strong>ly spread .semi-or<strong>de</strong>red structures, e.g.,due to the presence in crystal of fragments of llb~2 andllb-4 and llb-6 polytypes, may be accounted for by thefact that their inter-growth does not affect hydrogen bondsand positions of the closest cations of neighbouring layers.Analysis of structural peculiarities of kaoline minerals(kaolinite, dickite, naorite) has led to the revision ofexisting notions of the nature o:f stacking faults in kaolinitestructure. Defects produced by equally probable shiftof 1:1 layers to ~ b/3 are not equivalent :from the energetic.point of view, i.e., they lead to di:fferring impositio'no:f the nearest octahedral and tetrahedral cations o:fneighbouring layers. Growth <strong>de</strong>fects due to ~ 120° rotationof layers must lead to commensurability in ab plane of adjacentlayers. A vacancies displacement mo<strong>de</strong>l with equallyprobable occurence o:f layers A, B and 0 in the extreme casemakes kaolonites with different unit cell parameterspossible. In addition , kaolinites compose~ of A layersare characterized by unfavourable imposition o:f Si and Alcations of neighbouring layers. Stacking faults mo<strong>de</strong>lsare discUssed that.do not contradict the existing chemicalnotion of kaoline minerals.Stacking <strong>de</strong>fects in dioctahedral one-layers micaceousminerals <strong>de</strong>pend on the specific structure .0f 2:1 layers,particularly on the mo<strong>de</strong> of distribution o:f isomorphouscations, on the structural mechanism of their formationsand other :factors. If for individual 2:1 layers b = a \1'3,stacking <strong>de</strong>fects may be due to neighbouring layers rotations..Rotations to n120° do not change the coordinationof K cations whereas rotations to n60° lead to differentanion surroundi~s o:f K in interlayers. If b- ,J a\[§', eachpair of adjacent layers that form a stacking <strong>de</strong>fect is24

1connected with each other either by a sli<strong>de</strong> plane or bya 180° rotation relative normal to (001).The calculations of X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r patterns for various<strong>de</strong>fect mo<strong>de</strong>ls suggested diffractional criteria which <strong>de</strong>terminethe nature of stacking <strong>de</strong>fects in lM dioctahedralK-micas, at least on the qualitative level. Analysis ofdiffraction patterns of natural micaceous minerals isdiscussed.25

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CHANGES IN SPECIFIC CATALYTIC ACTIVITY D~IJig_I_bb!':J;:J:ZA_',l'I_ONAND BURIAL DIAGENESIS. THE CASE OF THE VIENNA BASIN_____ _W. D. JOHNSDepartment of Geology, University of Missouri,(U.S.A.)Specific catalytic activities were measured on Tertiaryshales and extracted illite~smectite clay fractions fromthe Vienna Basin of Austria. Sea measurements were ma<strong>de</strong> alsoon homoionic K-, Na-, Ca-, and Mg-smectites and illites.The source of catalytic activ~ty was <strong>de</strong>termined to bedue to the dissociation of water molecules bon<strong>de</strong>d to exchangeablecations in the interlayers of smectite and externalbasal surfaces of primary illite particles. In bothsmectite and illite sea increased with polarizing power ofthe exchangeable cation in the or<strong>de</strong>r K+c: Na+< ca+2 < Mg+2,In the mixed-layer phases increased sea is associated withand accompanies the increase in interlayer and tetrahedralcharge associated with illitization during diagenesis.External basal surfaces of illite are associated withespecially high sea as a result of high charge <strong>de</strong>nsity andcation population and tetrahedral source of charge. A cat~onsite associated with tetrahedral substitution has an activityabout 40 times one of octahedral origin.26

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ClAYS IN THE 21st CENTURYDepartment o:f Mineral Deposits., Charles University,128 43 Praha (Czechoslovakia).Few countries have all kinds.o:f clays on their respectiveterritories. To these belong the U.S.A., the Soviet Union,Spain, U.K.,and several other countries. These countries willalso produce greater part o:f the 750 mil.tons o:f all types o:fclays in the year 2000, compared with 500 mil.tons in 1983.The :first :figUre and all consi<strong>de</strong>rations on :future technologicalimprovements in :following text are results of projectiono:f contemporary tr.ends to the :future. It is not a prophecywhich should materialize to the last iota. Remember the pricesof· oil and predictions of oil <strong>de</strong>posits <strong>de</strong>pletion ten years ago,and compare with present si~uation !The structural clay products will be used in broa<strong>de</strong>r scaleprovi<strong>de</strong>d that the present efforts :for promoting the loadbearingpotential for brick construction and the use of :factory­-built panels Will continue. On the other hand, we must takeinto .consi<strong>de</strong>ration the competition of alternative constructionmaterials, such as wood, glass, aluminium, plastics, and sand­-lime brick ma<strong>de</strong> :from fly ash.'The production of clays and shales of low quality used ascorrective agent in making cement clinker will not rise veryrapidly, as in most countries pozzolanic material, fly ash,blast-furnace slag, aluminwn drosses and pyritic cin<strong>de</strong>rs willbe. used. Reinforced concrete will partially give way to structuralsteel with lightweight panel fillings. Asphalt pavementwill compete with concrete. Expan<strong>de</strong>d clay and shale in the :formof lightwe.ight, aggregate will be used in concrete in bridge27

<strong>de</strong>cks, high rise buildings and unsupporte_d roo!_ ~P~::-!3 ."~~~w_ e.nduse of expan<strong>de</strong>d aggregates is in top course of asphalt roads,and in landscaping and horticulture.Refractories will have to cope with higher operating temperatures<strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d by technological advances in metallurgicalprocesses. For this purpose high alumina kaolins and highestquality fire clays will be used. The shift to the base oxygenprocess in steelmaking requires basic (magnesite~chrom) ratherthen alumina-type firebricks. The electric-arc-furnace steelmakingprocess requires high-alumina or mullite-type refractoryroofs.Paper production will grow, and with ·it the consumption ofwashed kaolin, which makes 30% in high-quality paper. Unfortunately,there is a great danger from the si<strong>de</strong> of calciumcarbonate fillers and exten<strong>de</strong>rs which are cheaper, and brighter,thereby requiring less loading f9r comparable opacity.Growing use o:f calcined kaoline in paper products might helpto cope with this trend. 'I'he drive to produce very lightweightcoated paper has led to .the <strong>de</strong>velopment of plastic pigmentswhich are uniform in size, lightweight and are spherical.These pigments give superior glass, opacity and improvedprintability to coated paper but are much more expensiv.e thankaolin, at least for the time being.Bentonite used in pelletizing taconite iron ore might bepart.ially replaced _by organic and lime materials, which donot contaminate the batch; organics: even add heat in the process.In the drilling mud bentonite is indispensable, but thereis a gloomy future for exploration for oil and ores becausetheir prices are low. Oil prices might continue to <strong>de</strong>cline asa result of conservatioll efforts, construction of more fuel efficientautomobiles, and building smaller and better insulatedhouses. Synthetic: mica~montmorillonite or randomly interstratifiedalumina montmorillon:oid·,used presently in catalyt~c cracking,hydrogenation (<strong>de</strong>hydrogenation), and double-bond isomeration,will find new applications, and new competing materialsas well. Organic,-clad hydrophobic bentoni tes: (with alkyl amine)are used in making paint, to gel organic liquids, to produce28

greases having superior adherence to metal, ability to repelwater and to resist to high temperatures. Their applicationwill grow.:Halloysite will be used in petroleum catalysts as long ashigh-quality <strong>de</strong>posit~ ·can be mined at a. reasonable cost. Thecompetition of materials manufactured from kaolin and syntheticmaterials containing alumina and silica_will grow.Ceramics and glass utilization' {;;;rows and will .continue togrow with new construction. Sarii tary ware, ceramic t:Lle, ·potterydinnerware and electric~l porcelain are indispensable forcivilized habitation. Contemporary trend in resi<strong>de</strong>ntial constructionwith more elaborate appointments such as tiled kitchensand baths will add to consumption of ceramic clays. In-·creased use of glass containers instead of plastic ones forthe softdrinks and beer could pave positive effect on longrangeglass <strong>de</strong>mand.Absorbent clays will be used as toxic and low-level nucle..oar waste absorbents in buried disposal sites, and, of course,also as pet waste absorbents.The competi~n of clay fillers for rubber with-other cheapermaterials might be very' hard, because precipitated silicagives better reinforcement to"rubber, produces higher tensilestrenght, modulus of elasticity and resistance to abrasion.Their cost is twice of washed kaolin.The <strong>de</strong>mand for bentonite as a sand bin<strong>de</strong>r in foundries willcontinue to grow with the growth of production of automobiles,trucks, trains and heavy equipment for construction and farming.The use of high-alumina clays and washed kaolin for productionof alumina or aluminum is technically feasible but in comparisonwith bauxite as raw material still too expensive.Future production of synthetic zeoli tes for petroleum refining,gas pollutant absorbing and substituting of phosphates in<strong>de</strong>tergents will be based on kaolin, fuller's earth and bentonitemore than today.Improved processing technoiogy_ will allow the utilization oflower quality clays as paper coater·, paint filler, rubber filler,and high-quality ceramic raw materials.29

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, ~ 987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SURFACE CHEMISTRY AND CATALYSISG. LAGALYInstitut fur anorganische Chemie, Universitat Kiel,OlshausenstraBe 40, D-2300 Kiel, FRGRecent studies on clay minerals as catalysts refer to theminerals in their pristine form (with or without exchanginginierlayer cations) or in chemically modified form, in particularas pillared clays. Much effort has been ma<strong>de</strong> to preparepillared clays and to find out their catalytic activities(Ballantine, 1986; Barrer, 1986; Pinnavaia et al.,1984, 1986; Poncelet and Schutz, 1986).Clay minerals containing (OH) groups are not very stablethermally which is ,a serious disadvantage for practical ap~plications. Synthetic fluor micas with high cation exchangecapacity exhibit high temperature stability and may be usedinstead of clay minerals containing (OH) groups (Barrer,1986).Clay minerals without chemical alterations (excepting cationexchange reactions) catalyse a large variety of reactions(Adams et al., 1983; Adams et al. 19S6; Ballantine,1983, 1986). Many reactions are catalysed by the increasedBronsted acidity in the interlayer space due to an enhanced<strong>de</strong>gree of dissociation of water around interlayercations (cf. Fripiat, 1986). An other type of sites withincreased acidity is produced by Al-0-Si linkages when aclay with tetrahedral substitution (bei<strong>de</strong>llite) is heated(Schutz et al., 1986). The list of reactions which arecatalysed by acidic centers, is impressive. I only mentionthe transformation of limonene into p-menthene and p-cymene30

(Frenkel and Heller-Kallai, 1983) and the hydration of ethylene(Atkins et al., 1983) or production of ethyl acetatefrom ethylene and acetic acid (Gregori et al., 1983).The presence of distinct amounts of water is often imperativefor increased activity (Adams et al., 1979; Almon andJohns, 1976; El-Amamy, 1984). An interesti~ observation wasma<strong>de</strong> by Perez-Rodriguez et al. (1985) during studies of theinteraction of the pestici<strong>de</strong> chlordime~orm with <strong>de</strong>cylammoniumvermiculite in aqueous and butanol solution. Typeand distribution of products in closed systems can be.notablydifferent from those in open or semi-closed systems(G~lwey, 1970; Heller-Kallai, 1985).The central to~ic to be discussed refers to the influenceof geometrical conditions. Despite of the swelling propertiesof smectites, there is only limited space availablefo~ the reacting molecules, and the reactants can be heldun<strong>de</strong>r geometrical constraints. A strong relation shoul<strong>de</strong>xist between possible orientations of the reacting moleculesin· the interlayer sp~ce, and the type of products.Howev~r, there are only very few examples illustrating sucheffects (Brunner, 1979; Abdo et al., 1981; Adams et al.,1981; Cruz et al., 1982; Pinnavaia, 1983). An interestingal~ernative is the reaction in wedge-shaped pores of layeredmaterials, for instance of, crystalline silicic acids (Lagalyet al., 1986). In contrast to flat surfaces where thedistance between reacting sites is invariable, the wedgeshapedopening of the pores provi<strong>de</strong>s sites in differentdistances. For instance, any molecule that needs two centresof reactions will find two reacting sites at the requireddistances.An other important influence is the texture of the system,that is, the way in which the particles are aggregatedand, in case of smectites, the <strong>de</strong>gree of <strong>de</strong>lamination. Themethod used to dry flocculated clay dispersions can be31

i'1.;I''illi iI' :1I 1Ifar more. important than the choice of tl]e_E)1el_l'!_ic~} E§l!l::lc-:ways in modifying the clay minerals (Pinnavaia et al.,1984). The importance.of the system architecture for lightinduce<strong>de</strong>lectron transfer and catalytic rea~tions in a complexcolloidal medium has been established by Nijs et al.( 1983). The possibilit.y that <strong>de</strong>laminated sodium smecti teparticles can be re-aggregated. in different ways (Frey andLagaly, 1979) allows an optimization of the pq.rticl.e structure.This "clay particle engineering"· (Na<strong>de</strong>au, 1987) mayfind diverse applications and ciay also provi<strong>de</strong> a pathwayto increase selectivity and activity of clay catalys~.(Na<strong>de</strong>au, 1987). ·ReferencesABDO, S., CANESSON, P., van DAMME, H.·, CRUZ, M. I., and FRIPIAT,J.J. (1981 Photochemical and photocatalytic propertiesof adsorbed organometallic compounds. II.J. Phys. Chem. 85, 797-809.ADAMS, J.M. et.al (1979) Selective chemical conversionsusing sheet silicate intercalates: low temperatureaddition of water to 1-alkenes .• J. Catalysis~. 238-252.ADAMS, J.M., BYLINA, A., and GRAHAM, S.H. (1981) Shape selectivityin low-tem~!frature reactions of c 6-alkenescatalysed by a Cu. -exchanged montmorillonite.Clay Min. 1£, 325-332.ADAMS, J.M., CLAPP, T.V., and CLEMENT, D.E. (1983) Catalysisby montmorillonites. Clay Min. 18, 411-42.1.ADAMS, J.M., MARTIN, K., McCABE, R.W., and t1URRAY, S. (1986)Methyl t-butyl ether production: a comparison ofmontmorillonite-<strong>de</strong>rived catalysis with an ionexchangeresin, Clays Clay Min. 34, 597-603.ALMON, W.R. and JOHNS, W.D• (1976) Petroleum forming reactions:clay catalyzed fatty acid <strong>de</strong>carboxylation.Prov. Internat. Clay C6nf. Mexico, 1975,'Appl.Publ. Ltd. Wilmette, 399-409.ATKINS, M.P., SJ:!'ITH, D.J.H., and WESTLAKE, D.J. (1983). ~1ont-'morillonite catalysts for ethylene hydration. ClayMin. 1&, 423-429.32

BALLANTINE, J.A. (1986) The reactions in clays and pillaredclays. In: Setton, R. (ed.) Chemical reactions inorganic and inorganic constrained systems.-D. Rei<strong>de</strong>l Pub. Comp. Dordrecht, 151-164.BALLANTINE, J.A. (1983) Organic reactiotis in a clay microenvironment.Clay Min. ~' 347-356.BARRER; R.M. (1986). Expan<strong>de</strong>d clay minerals: a major classof molecular sieves. I. Inclusion Phenomena 4,109-119. -BRUNNER, P. (1979), Thesis University_Munich (A. Weiss)CRUZ, M.I., NIJS, H., -FRIPIAT, J.J., and van DAMME, H.(1982) Photochemical and photocatalytic propertiesof adsorbed coordination compounds. III. J. Chim.Phys. (Paris) 79, 753-757.EL-AMAMY, M.M. and MILL, T. (1984) Hydrolysis kineticsof organic chemicals on montmorillonite andkaolinite surfaces as related to moisture content.Clays Clay Min. ~' 67-73.FREY, E. an~ LAGALY, G. (1979) Selective coagulation inmixed colloidal suspensions. J. Collbid Interf.Sci. IQ, 46-55. -FRENKEL, M. and HELLER-KALLAI, L. (1983) Interlayer cationsas reaction directors in the transformation oflimonene on montmorillonite. Clays Clay Min. 31,92-96. -FRIPIAT, J.J. (1986) Inte~nal surface of clays and constrainedchemical react2ons. Clays Clay Min. li, 501-506.GALWEY, A.K. (1970) Reactions of alcohols and of hydrocarbonson montmorillonite sur{aces. J. Catalysis,19, 330-342.-GREGORY, R., SMITH, D.J.H., and WESTLAKE, D.J. (1983)The production Of ethyl acetate from ethylene andacetic acid using clay catalysts. Clay Min. 18,431-435.HELLER-KALLAI, L. (1985) Do clay ·minerals act as catalystsin the thermal .alteration of organic matter innature? Problems of simulation experiments.Miner. Petrogr. Acta 29A, 3-16.LAGALY, G., RIEKERT, H.-M., and KRUSE, H.-H. (1986) Crystallin,esilicic acids, in: Setton, R. (ed.) Chemicalreactions in organic and inorganic constrainedsyst_ems. D. Rei<strong>de</strong>l Pub. Comp. Dordr.echt, 361-379.NADEAU, P.H. (1987) Clay 'particle! engineering: a potentialnew technology with divepse applications. ClayMin. ~' 83-93.33

NIJS, H., van DAMME, H., BERGAYA, F.,~ HAB!EC,~A_L, _ __1l.Jl_d ____ _FRIPIAT, J.J. (1983). Structural aspects in thephotooxidation and photoreduction of water inclay mineral suspensions. J. Mol. Catalysis 21,223-232. . -PEREZ-RODRIGUEZ, J.L., MORILLO, E., and HERMOSIN, M.C.(1985) Interactions of chlordimeform with avermiculite-<strong>de</strong>cylammonium complex in aqueousand butanol solution. Miner. Petrogr. Acta29A, 155-162.PINNAVAIA, T.J. (1983) Intercalated clay ~atalysts.220' 365-371.Science,PINNAVAIA, T.J., TZOU, M.-Sh., LANDAU,- S.D., and·RAYTHATHA,R.H. (1984) On the pillaring and <strong>de</strong>lamination ofsmectite clay catalysts by polyoxo cations ofaluminium. J. Mol. Cat. ~' 195-212.PINNAVAIA, T.J. (1986) Pillared clays: synthesis and structuralfeatures in: Setton, R. (ed.) Chemical reactionsin organic and inorganic constrained systems.D. Rei<strong>de</strong>l Pub. Comp. Dordrecht, 151-164.PONCELET, G. and SCHUTZ, A. (1986) Pillared montmorilloniteand bei<strong>de</strong>llite. Acidity and catalytic properties.In: Setton, R. (ed.) Chemical reactionsin organic and inorganic constrained systems.D. Rei<strong>de</strong>l Publ Comp. Dordrecht, 165-178.SCHUTZ,A., FLEE, D., BORG, F., JACOBS, P. PONCELOT, G.·,and FRIPIAT, J.J. (1986) Acidity and catalyticproperties of pillared montmorillonite and bei<strong>de</strong>llite.Proc. Intern. Clay Conf. Denver, 1985, inpress.34

Summaries - ProceeqingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>NEW APPLICATIONS OFKAOLINS AND FUTURE TRENDSHAYDNH. MURRAYDepartment of Geology, Indiana UniversityBloomington, Indiana 47405The major industrial applications of kaolins continueto be as coaters and fillers for paper, as an essentialcomponent in ceramic whitewares, insulators, high aluminarefractories, and sanitaryware, as an exten<strong>de</strong>r in paint,and as a functional filler in rubber and plastics. New orimproved products for each of these applications continueto be <strong>de</strong>veloped largely as a result of the <strong>de</strong>velopment ofnew and/or imprqved beneficiation processes. tor examplenew flotation techniques, improved selective flocculationprocesses, and the <strong>de</strong>velopment of a super conducting highintensity magnetic separator with a range of 2 to 5 teslahave ma<strong>de</strong> it possible for kaolin processers to make highbrightn~ss and low iron and titanium content kaolins ..These products are used to make high quality coated paper,as feed to make high brightness calcined kaolin exten<strong>de</strong>rsfor Ti0 2 , and for high whiteness, translucent whitewareproducts.High brightness, fin~ particle size calcined kaolinsare used as exten<strong>de</strong>rs for both anatase and rutile gra<strong>de</strong>sof Ti0 2 . The price of Ti0 2 is approximately 80 cents perpound and the price of the high brightness calcined kaolinis in the range of 15 to 20 cents per pound. Replacementof up to 50% of the Ti0 2 is,-possible in paper and paintsystems without a significant <strong>de</strong>crease in the opacity andat a significant cost savings~Special kaolins with high green, dry, and firedstrengths are used in the body of the ceramic support forthe automobile catalytic converters. A pre<strong>de</strong>terminedmixture of talc, alumina, silica, and high strength kaolinwill, when fired, form cordierite which has anexceptiona~ly low thermal expansion which is a necessaryrequisite in or<strong>de</strong>r that the ceramic support last for atleast five years.Another rapidly expanding market for kaolin is inpetroleum refining where the kaolin is used as a catalystsupport or as the raw material to make special types ofmolecular sieves. Another special use for calcined kaolinis to make granular products that are used in specialfoundry applications to replace silica, olivine, or chromesands.With the ever increasing postal rates all over theworld the paper industry is moving to lighter weightcoated paper. 'The most effective kaolin product that canproduce a lightweight coated p•per that will print well is35

:'Ia <strong>de</strong>laminated kaolin. This produc.L:Ls. __ pJ::oduced_byseparating large stacks or books of kaolin i~t;·rargediameter thin plates by shearing action. These largediameter, thin plates are also effective in paint and _as a·filler for special rubber compounds.Kaolin clays are used in many other applicationsincluding the pharmaceutical and drug industry, the pencilindustry, as a filler in inks, crayons, mastics,<strong>de</strong>tergents, and .many other special uses. The surfacechemistry of kaolins which are naturally hydrophyllic canbe altered by special treatments to make the surfacesorganophyllic or hydrophobic. These specially modifiedkaolins are used in many applications where betterdispersion and higher volume loadings are required.Kaolin is a versatile and useful industrial mineral.Each year new and modified uses are discovered and thegrowth of the kaolin industry worldwi<strong>de</strong> will continue inthe forseeable future. Improved beneficiation techniques,modified chemical treatments, locating additional goodquality kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits, and continued industrial growthand <strong>de</strong>velopment will continue to increase the utilizationof this versatile industrial mineral ~ kaolin.36

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CLAY MINERALS AND THE EVOLUTION OF THE SUBBETIC ZONE (BETIC CORDILLERA,SE SPAIN): JURASSIC PELAGIC SEDIMENTATION AND CRETACEOUS SEDIMENTSDEPOSITED IN AN EXTENSIVE PALEOMARGIN ENVIRONMENT.M. ORTEGA HUERTASDpt. Mineralogy and Petrology. University of Granada (Spain).INTRODUCTION AND GENERAL GEOLOGICAL CONTEXTThe Betic Cordillera is the westernmost chain of the MediterraneanAlpine Cordilleras. Two well-<strong>de</strong>fined geological complexes have beenrecognised within the chain; the External Zones and the Internal Zones.The External Zones, ma<strong>de</strong> up of Mesozoic and Cenozoic materials <strong>de</strong>positedupon the continental crust, form part of the southern margin of theIberian Plate, the geodynamic evolution of which has been interpretedin.several different ways (Bourgois,l980; Vera,l981; Malod,l982, etc.).The External Zones have been subdivi<strong>de</strong>d into two palaeogeographic realms,the northern Prebetic Zone and the southern Subbetic Zone and withinthis latter Zone three separate Jurassic domains are recognised: theExternal Subbetic, the Middle Subbetic and the Internal Subbetic.Since 1.980 a team of ·geologists from the University of Granada has beenstudying the mineralogy and geochemistry of the clay minerals belongingto the li thofacies in. the Subbetic Zone. Our general aims have beento un<strong>de</strong>rstand the palaeogeographic conditions that controlled thesedimentation and <strong>de</strong>termined its spatial and temporal evolution andalso to discovered the possible source-areas of the sediments.Two different examples have been chosen as an illustration in point:Lower-Jurassic marls and · marly limestone li thofacies <strong>de</strong>posited in· apelagic marine environment and blakc-shale <strong>de</strong>posited in an anaerobic,<strong>de</strong>ep-marine environment during the Middle~Cretaceous.THE MINERALOGY, SEDIMENTARY ENVIRONMENT AND SOURCE-AREAS OF THE LOWERJURASSIC SEDIMENTS.The mineralogy of the bulk samples cons~sts of varying quanti ties (%)of calcite+ (dolomite) =50-52, quartz+K-feldspar=l2-9 and clay minerals=38-39. The calcite, which is an essential constituent of the carbonatephase, has an average content of 1.80% moles of MgC0 and· corresponds337

to a non-magnesian calcite, typical of a pelagic marine environment, in-~whichthe carbonate contribution came essentially from foraminifera andcoccolitpaceae. The temporal and spatial evolution of the bulk mineralogyindicates that the Lower-Toarcian is the most heterogeneous age in theSubbetic Zone (Ortega et al.,1985; Palomo,1987).The following clay minerals associations have been established (Palomoet al.;1985; Ortega et al.,1985; Palomo,1987): ·Association A: illite,chlorite,kaolinite; Association B: illite,chlorite;Association C: illi te, chlori te, ( smecti te) ; Association D: illi te,chlorite, smectite; Association E: illite, chlorite, mixed-layers I-Sm;Association F: illite, smectite; Association G: illite,kaolinite,smectite.The spatial and temporal distribution of the clay minerals suggeststhat the sedimentation in the easternmost extreme of the Subbetic Zonewas initially influenced by emerged areas, while later the sequencesbecome more pelagic. In general, the environment was one of a pelagicmarine trough with several swells at different ages and in differentparts of basin (Palomo,1987). An analysis of the clay minerals has alsoshown that any of the lithofacies, whether they be marls and marlylimestones 'or the Ammonitico Rosso, were <strong>de</strong>posited in various differentpalaeogeographical conditions with little or no relationship between thelithology and the mineralogy.When<strong>de</strong>termining the source-areas of the Jurassic sediments it isimportant to bear in mUrl not only the distribution of the clay mineralassociations but also some crystallochemical parameters such as, the b0and the basal spacing of the phengi tes and the iron content and thebasal spacing of the chlori tes. This latter parameter is of specialinterest as it is affected neither by erosion nor weathering and its.variations <strong>de</strong>pend directly upon the lithology of the source-area (Lieblingand Scherp, 1976,1980; Nieto Garcia, 1983) • It would appear thatthe Jurassic sediments in the · Subbetic Zone <strong>de</strong>rived from severaldifferent source-areas (Palomo;1987). The most general source-rocks werevery-low to low gra<strong>de</strong> metamorphic Precambrian, graywacke schists fromthe Central Iberian Zone of the Me~eta(Palomo, op.cit.; L6pez Munguiraand Sebastian Par do, 1987). Locally, iri the easternmost sector of theSubbetic Zone, there is some influence from the Prebetic Triassic Keuper,which,according to some authors (Gafcia Hernan<strong>de</strong>z et al. ,1980) was38

emerged during the Mesozoic. In the same way some Ammonitico Rosso andmarls and marly limestone <strong>de</strong>posits could well have been influenced byemerged areas, possibly the so-called "Dorsal Medic Subbetica" (Busnardo,1979) • In other areas the high iron content in the chlori tes andtheir basal spacing (14,16 A) in a turbiditic sequence suggest that they<strong>de</strong>rived from the Lower-Liassic carbonate platform and, in fact, similarvalues have been <strong>de</strong>scribed by Whittle (1986) for sedimentary chlorites.THE MINERALOGY AND SEDIMENTATION OF THE DARK-MUDSTONE FACIESThe geodynamic conditions and the sedimentary contribution during theCretaceous in the Betic Cordillera are clearly different from those ofthe Lower-Jurassic. The relationship between the African and Europeanplates was transtensive and there was also an open communication betweenthe Atlantic and the Tethys. For this reason it is not possible to refer·to the geological subdomains that existed during the Jurassic.In this context the anaerobic black-shale type facies which were<strong>de</strong>posited during the Aptian-Coniacian both on the continental marginsand in the oceans troughs are of great palaeogeographical significance.This type of facies, containing hemipelagites and turbidites withbentonitic .;:lay as their princi 1 pal component, is well represented in theSubbetic Zone and has similar chaiacteristics to those of other Tethyanmargins.The sedimentology of these facies .has been studied by Comas (1979),the mineralogy of· "Far<strong>de</strong>s Formation" by Sebastian Pardo et al. (1984)and L6pez Aguayo et al. (1985) and the mineralogy and sedimentology byL6pez Galindo et al. (1985) and L6pez Galindo (1986a). This author. (cp.cit.) distinguishes four mineral associations charac.teristic ofdifferent palaeogeographic subdomains :_Association I, to be found in the northern sequences, is ma<strong>de</strong> up . of"clay minerals ( illi te ,kaolini te, chlori te, smecti tes and mixed-layers)­calcite-quartz-feldspars". Illite is the dominant clay. mineral inproportions of ' up to 90%. Smecti tes and mixed-layers are present inminor quantities.Association II, to be found in the central sequences, corresponds to"clay minerals ( smecti te, illi te, palygorski te, kaolini te) -quartz-calcite-39

-feldspars". Smecti te is the dominant mi!leE~-~i_!l_IJ!'_C:PC:rt:ion~! morethan 50%. In the hemipelagic samples phyllosilicates are more abundant,while in the turbiditic pelites calcite is.Associations III and IV are to be found in the southern Subbeticsequences. The former contains "clay minerals (smectite,illite,kaolinite,palygorskite)-quartz-opal CT-calcite-clinoptilolite-feldspars" and thelatter "calcite-clay minerals (smectite,illite,palygorskite,kaolinite,mixed-layers)-quartz".L6pez Galindo (1986a) suggests that, bearing in mind this disposition ofthis various sequences on the Southern Iberian paleomargin, thedistribution of the gravitational sediments and the characteristics ofthe mineral associations it is possible to distinguish between two maintrough environments during the physiographical evolution of this marginin the Middle-Cretaceous.The hemipelagic · and turbidi tic materials which were <strong>de</strong>posited in thenorthern trough and which have been <strong>de</strong>fined as Association I cameessentially from paleocontinent. The southern trough, on the other hand,is where the mineral Associations II,III and IV appear. Here the frequentabsent of calcite in the hemipelagic levels indicates <strong>de</strong>eper <strong>de</strong>posit,probably below the CCD. In this palaeogeographical environment thedistribution of the clay minerals was influenced by bottom and/orcontour currents, as witnessed by the compositional uniformity of theSubbetic samples and their analogy with coetaneous Atlantic facies (cf.Brosse,1982; Debrabant et al..,l985). The chemical composition andcrystallinity of the smectites and the association with clinoptiloliteand palygorski te suggest that these components come mainly from ··thesubmarine alteration of basic volcanic rocks (L6pez Galindo,1986a,b).REFERENCESBourgois,J. (1980). Pre-triassic fit and alpine tectonics of continentalblocks in the western Mediterranean: discussion. Geol.Soc.Amer.~- 99, 332-334.Brosse, E. (1982). Contribution a la mineralogie et a la geochimie <strong>de</strong>ssediments pelagiques profonds. Comparison <strong>de</strong>s "black-shales" duCretace dans 1' Atlantique central nord et <strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>pots • du Malmet du Cretace en Brianc;;onnais. Thesis Ecole Nat. Sup. Mines <strong>de</strong>Paris. 474 p. ·40

Busnardo, R. (1979). Prebetique et Subbetique <strong>de</strong> Jaen a Lucena (Andalousie),Lias.Doc.Lab.Geol.Fac.Sc.Lyon, 74, 140 p.Comas, M.C. (1979). Sobre la geologia <strong>de</strong> los Montes Orientales: sedimentologiay evoluci6n paleogeografica <strong>de</strong>s<strong>de</strong> el Jurasico al Miocenoinferior (Zona Subbetica-Andalucia). Tesis Doctoral. Universidad<strong>de</strong> Bilbao, 323 p.Debrabant,P.; Delbart, S. et Lemagner, D. (1985). Microanalyses geochimiques<strong>de</strong>s mineraux argileUx <strong>de</strong> sediments preleves et AtlantiqueNord (Forages du DSDP). Clay Minerals, 20, 125-145.Garcia Hernan<strong>de</strong>z, M.; L6pez Garrido, A.C.; Rivas,P.; Sanz <strong>de</strong> Gal<strong>de</strong>ano,C.and Vera, J.A. (1980). Mesozoic palaeogeographic evolution of theExternal Zones of the Betic Cordillera. Geol.Mijnb. 59, 155-168.Liebling, R.S. and Scherp, H.S. (1976). Chlorite and mica as indic.atorsof <strong>de</strong>positional environment and provenance. Bull.Geol.Soc.Am.,87,M~~. .Liebling, R.S. and Scherp, H.S. (1980). Chlorite and mica as indicatorsof provenance. Clays and Clay Minerals, 28, 230-232.L6pez Aguayo, F.; Sebastian, E.; Huertas, F. and ,Linares, J. (1985).Mineralogy .and genesis of the bentonites of the "Far<strong>de</strong>s Formation"Middle S.ubbetic, province of Granada,.Spain. Miner.Petr.Acta,29-A,303-311.L6pez Galindo, A. (1986a). Las facies oscuras <strong>de</strong>l Cretacico Medio en· la Zona Subbetica. Mineralogia y sedimentaci6n. Tesis Doctoral.Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada, 267 p~L6pez Galindo, A. (1986b). Mineralogia <strong>de</strong> series cretacicas <strong>de</strong> la ZonaSubbetica. Algunas consi<strong>de</strong>raciones paleogeograf'icas. <strong>de</strong>rivadas <strong>de</strong>la composici6n qufmica; <strong>de</strong> las esmecti tas. Estudios Geol6gicos,42,, 231-238. 'L6pez Galindo,A.; Comas,M.C.; Fenoll Hach-Ali,P. and Ortega Huertas,M.(1985) •. Pelagic Cretaceous black-greenish mudstones in the SouthernIberian .. paleomargin, Subbetic Zone, Betic Cordillera. Miner.Petr.Acta, 29-A, 245-257,L6pez Munguira, A. and Sebastian Pardo, E. (1987). Characterizationof the phyllosilicates in metamorphic rocks of the SE HesperianMassif (Ossa Morena and Central-Iberian Zones). (In this book).Malod, J.A. (1982). Comparaison <strong>de</strong> l'evolution <strong>de</strong>s marges continentalesau nord et au sud <strong>de</strong> la Peninsula Iberique. These d' etat Mein.Sci.Terre, Univ. Curie, Paris.Nieto Garcia, F. (1983). Las cloritas <strong>de</strong> las Cordilleras Beticas. TesisDoctoral. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada, 249 p. -----Ortega Huertas, M.; Palomo, I. .and Fenoll Hach-Ali, P. (1985). Mineralcomposition of the Jurassic sedi~ents in the Subbetic Zone, BeticCordille;r-a, SE Spain. Miner.Petr.Acta, 29-A, 23-243 •. Palomo, I. ( 191:l7) • Mineralogia y geoquimica <strong>de</strong> sedimentos pelagicos <strong>de</strong>lJurasico. Inferior <strong>de</strong> las Cordilleras Beticas (SE <strong>de</strong> Espafia).Tesis Doctoral. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada, 344 p.41

Palomo, I.; Ortega Huertas, M. and Fenoll_ Hach~Ali, P. (1985). Thesignificance of clay minerals in. studies- ;;r- the evolution oftheJurassic <strong>de</strong>posits of the Betic Cordillera, SE Spain. ClayMineals, 20, 39-52. ----Sebastian Pardo, E.; L6pez Aguayo, F.; Huerts, F. y Linares, J. (1984).Las bentonitas sedimentarias <strong>de</strong> la Formaci6n Far<strong>de</strong>s, Granada, Espafia.Clay Minerals, 19, 645-652.Vera, J .A. (1981). Correla~i6n entre las Cordilleras Betic~s y otrasCordilleras Alpinas durante el Mesoz6ico. En: Programa Internaciona1·<strong>de</strong> Correlaci6n Geol6gica, PICG. Real Acad.Ciencias ExactasFis.Nat. Madrid, 2, 125-160.Whittle, C. K. ( 1986) • Comparison of sedimentary ch1ori te compositionsby X-ray diffraction and analytical TEM. Clay Minerals, 21, 937-947.iI'42

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ORGANISATION, MOBILITY AND REACTIONS. OF ORGANIC MOLECULES ON CLAYSURFACES.R. A. SCHOONHEYDTSenior Research Associate of the National Fund of ScientificResearch (Belgium); Laboratorium voor Oppervlaktechemie,K.U. Leuven, ~. Mercierlaan, 92, B-3030 Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium.In the area of surface chemistry and catalysis of clays 2 maintopics have emerged from the literature in recent years. They are :(1) the use of fluorescent probes to study static ' and dynamicaspects of the adsorption process; (2) the preparation andcharacterisation of pillared clays.Our research group is actively involved in the first subject. Upto now the organisation of molecules on the clay surface _was studiedby static spectroscopic means and by X-ray diffraction. It wasimpossible to obtain on the dynamics of the adsorption process;organisation of molecules on the surface at very small loadings andthe organisation of the clay platelets in colloidal suspension.To tackle these problems we and other research groups haveapplied static and dynamic f"luorescence spectroscopies of adsorbedprobe molecules. The advantag~s of these techniques are theirextreme sensitivity so that very small loadings can be investigatedandtheir time resolution allowing the study of fast physical andchemical processes. The disadvantage is that only luminescentmolecules can be studied and this is ·only a small fraction of themolecules wa want to study in the adsorbed state. There are 2 waysto circumvent this problem : fluorescent molecules can be used as_probes for the environment .in which they are embed<strong>de</strong>d. They givetherefore indirectly information about the state of the coadsorbed,non-luminescent molecules; 'fluorescent chromophores can be built inmolecules one wants to investigate in the adsorbed state. This isespecially suitable for adsorption of polymers and biological43

molecules. Another limitation to the u·s·e· ·o·f-· ·these~luminescence----­techniques is that the clays must be practically free of iron.Three molecules will be discussed in this review : Ru(bipy);+,(RuBP),proflavine and 3-(1-pyrenyl)-propyltrimethyllammonium(PN).The luminescence of RuBP is quenched by structural Fe 3 +, .co-adsorbed~ ~ . . .Cu and Fe(CN) 6in solution. In the first case a Perrin mechanismis followed, indicative of the immobility of probe. and quencher onthe time scale of the excited state lifetime (600 ns). The quenchingby Fe(CN)~- follows essentially Stern- Volmer. behavior.The quenching2+ .Cu is peculiar. It must -be assumed tha.t part of the Cu ions aiepreferentially located in the neighborhood of RuBP on the surface.Proflavine is a cationic dye. Its interest lies in itspossibility to protonate and to dimerize. Thus, acid sites anddistribution of the molecules at very small loadings can be studied.Absorption spectra as well as 1\lminescence .spectra indicate that thesynthetic mica-type montmorillonite·Barasym is an acid clay : 1 to 2moles/g sites are present with a pKa of .5. However similar acidityis also observed for Hectorite, exchanged with NH: ,Cs + and K+,although the number of sites is less. On the other hand dimerisationoccurs on all clays even at extremely small loadings of

and then <strong>de</strong>creases over a time scale of a few thousands of seconds.This <strong>de</strong>crease is characteristic of .the type of clay and. the type ofexchangeable cation. It indicates that ·initially adsorption occurspreferentially on the external surface and that a reorganisationoccurs over the total surface area· with a <strong>de</strong>crease in excimerformation. The same redistribution of PN molecules occurs betweenPN-loa<strong>de</strong>d and unloa<strong>de</strong>d clay particles, when the latter are ad<strong>de</strong>d tothe former in aqueous suspension. The time scale is now severalhundreds of secondsWe may conclu<strong>de</strong> that the application of luminescence techniques,both static and time-resolved, allow to obtain <strong>de</strong>tailed informationon the adsorption processes on clay surfaces. Up to now the pictureis largely qualitative but, as more data are being gathered, aquantitative picture will emerge. At that time mo<strong>de</strong>ls of surfaceorganisation and clay platelets organisation can be <strong>de</strong>veloped ·andquantitatively tested.45

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>NEW ASPECTS OF IRON OXIDE PROPERTIES-aND-THE FORMATION -OF--­IRON OXIDES IN VARIOUS ENVIRONMENTSU. SCHWERTMANN, E. MURAD AND L. CARLSON*)Lehrstuhl fur Bo<strong>de</strong>nku~<strong>de</strong>, Technische ~niversitat Munchen,8050 Freising-Weihenstephan, F.R.G.The formation of iron oxi<strong>de</strong> associations in nature is onlyin part governe~ by thermodynamic stability rela~ions; veryoften kinetic favours or hindrances play a more importantrole. The result is the formation of metastable or instablephases. The formation of such phases must ther.efore beexplained through elucidation of the formation mechanisms.Examples for transitional ~hases are presented. The transitionbetween organically bound iron and ferrihydrite ina creek transsecting a bog will be <strong>de</strong>scribed. In anotherexample, the presence of silicon inhibited the formation ofcrystalline iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s during the weathering of a volcanicglass. In <strong>de</strong>ep-sea nodules from the Pacific Ocean, an intimateassociation of iron and manganese seems to affectiron oxi<strong>de</strong> formation. In all cases, Mossbauer spectroscopyproved to be a valuable 'tool for phase i<strong>de</strong>ntificatfon,since the iron concentrations are often so ·1ow that thephases in question do not show up in X-ray diffraction, andconcentration procedures such as peroxidation to remove* Geology Department, University of Helsinki, SF-00l7lHelsinki, Finland46

organic carbon or hydroxylamine extraction to remove manganesemay produce artefacts.In the past, the concept of hematite formation has beenbased on the presence of ferrihydrite as a necessary precursor,although the close association of both minerals hasso far not been observed in natural systems. During theinvestigation of environments of active iron oxi<strong>de</strong> formation,such as young volcanic ash soils in Hawaii and youngferriferous sediments from the Atlantis Deep in the RedSea, the coexistence of ~errihydrite and hematite has beenindicated. In the special environment of active iron oxi<strong>de</strong>formation from acid mine waters (pyrite oxidation) , inaddition to goethite an iron oxi<strong>de</strong> was observed which,according to XRD and Mossbauer spectroscopy, had some butnot all characteristics of ferrihydrite.Finally, experiments conducted to explain the factors whichfavour goethite or lepidocrocite formation in the sameenvironment showed that the nature of the anions in thesolution containing Fe 2 + niay play a <strong>de</strong>cisive role. Theseanions possibly influence th~ type of linkage betweendouble bands of Fe(OH)aOa octahedra which make up thestructures of both these FeOOH forms (see separate contribution).47

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>~L~TE/SMECTITE IN _THE ROCK CYCLE _J. ~RODOtInstitute of' Geological Sciences, Polish Aca<strong>de</strong>my of' SciencesSenacka 3, 31-002 Krak6w, /Poland/.According to geochemical calculations, the clay mineralsof' smectite-illite group account f'or 30% of' the total massof' sedimentary rocks. More ~ecent,precise measurements indicatethat the end-member smeotite and illite minerals arerelatively less abundant: the bulk of' this mass consists of'mixed-layer illite/smectite.Pure smectite crystallizes in surface and near-surfaceenvironments, both subaerial and submarine. '!he biggest concentrationsof' this mineral form in the weathering zone onvolcanic rocks, both basic .and acidic, but it is well documentedthat f'eldspars of' plutonic rocks may also weatherinto smectite. '!he weathering of' sheet silicates /<strong>de</strong>gradation/may also produce smectite, but more often the process.does not go to completion and a mixed-layer clay is formed.Neof'ormed smectite is ero<strong>de</strong>d and transported to sedimentarybasins, but - f'or some reasons - even the youngest sedimentsdo not contain smectite but highly expandable i11ite/smectite. '!his is, f'or example, the case of' all Tert.iarybasins of' Poland. In sedimentary basins, pure smectite ispresent only in bentonites. K/Ar dating shows that thisphenomenon cannot be explained in some instances by mixingof' smectite with illite/smectite -either recycled or formedduring weathering of' sheet silicates. To explain the data,. .a mechanism of' low-temperature, pre:..buriaJ. illitization of'smectite has to_be postulated. Laboratory experiments indicatethat illitization takes place in surface temperatures4!l

during alternate wetting and drying of smectites in the presenceof potassium-bearing minerals, sue~ as feldspars ormicas. Field data are nee<strong>de</strong>d to verify this hypothesis. Illitizationon the contact with seawater is not supported bylaboratory data.lllitization of smectite is the dominant inorganic diageneticreaction in most sedimentary basins. The processis well documented in terms of the succession patterns ofillite ar1d smectite layers /mixed~layering/, but the evolutionof tridimensional organization /polytypes/ has notbeen studied thoroughly so far. The use of the illitizationcurve for paleogeothermom~try must be very cautious, becauseof the evi<strong>de</strong>nt kinetic control of this reaction in thegeological time scale.Several studies have been <strong>de</strong>voted to tracing the chemicalevolution of the expandable clay un<strong>de</strong>rgoing illitization.All the papers report the increase of tetrahedral A1and some report also the octahedral A1 increasing.The fixed cations content of the illite layer is stilldisputable. The value of 0.75/K+Na//0 /0H/ obtained by10 2Hower and Mowatt by extrap~lation of their fixed cationsvs expandability plot has be~h wi<strong>de</strong>ly accepted. In a recentstud~ we argued that this relationship is not linear, andtwo different illite layers must be present: 0.55 layers,forming at the random stage of illitization, and 1.0 layer~forming at the or<strong>de</strong>red stage of illitization. This resultis reliable, as long as the expandabilities measured byXRD method are correct. TEM measurements of expandability,following the interparticle diffraction conceptiare questioningthe XRD data. Re·stri~ted number of measurementsavailable so far indicates that the fixed cations vs expandabilityplot becomes a straight line if TEM expandabiliti.esare used •. This line means a stable fixed cations contentof about 0.9/0 /0H/ • More measurements are required10 2to verify this res.ult .and make it more accurate. ·NH4 measurementsha~e to be inclu<strong>de</strong>d, because there is growingevi<strong>de</strong>nce that it is a common minor'-member of the fixed49

eat j_ons po pula t j_on. -'A tentatj_ve explanatj_on j_s offered for thj_s systematj_cdiscrepancy between TEM and XRD measurements of 'expand~bility/overestimation of illj_te by XRD/. Our present mo<strong>de</strong>lof mixed-layer diffraction may be inaccurate. Some j_llj_tecrystallites may not articulate with other illite crystallites·and they would diffract as discrete illite, and notas a mj_xed-layer illite/smectj_te. TEM measurement cannotsee that, but XRD measurement will give overestimated il+itecontent.Interparticle dj_ffraction concept puts the problem of·<strong>de</strong>fj_ning illj_te into new perspective. Or<strong>de</strong>red illj_te/smectitesdiffer from the end-member illite only by the sizeof crystallites. When the size is big enough, the interpartj_cledj_ffraction effect /mixed-layering/ becomes negligj_ble.Accordj_ng to our observatj_ons of hydrothermal se.ricj_tes,it happens at temperatures hj_gher than 300°C, 'When the indi~idualillite crystallites become sj_gn{fj_cantly morethan 50 layers thj_ck.50

Summaries - Proceedir1gsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>RHEOLOGY OF ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE GELSJOE L. WHITE and STANLEY L. HEMDepartment of Agronomy and Department of Industrial andPhysical Pharmacy, Purdue University, West Lafayette,Indiana 47907 U.S.A. ·Recent <strong>de</strong>velopments in the un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the.nature and properties of aluminum hydroxi<strong>de</strong> and aluminumhydroxycarbonate gels have provi<strong>de</strong>d a reasonablebasis for explaining and predicting the rheological behaviorof aluminum hydroxi<strong>de</strong> gels. The contributionsprovi<strong>de</strong>d by the following <strong>de</strong>velopments will be <strong>de</strong>scribedand illustrated: (1) recognition of carbonate as an integralcomponent of the structure of carbonate-containingaluminum hydroxi<strong>de</strong>, (2) establishment of the role ofcarbonate in influencing the point of zero charge (PZC)of aluminum hydroxi<strong>de</strong> gels, {3) the application of fiberoptic Doppler anemometry (FODA) for measuring particleinteractions and for quantifying the relationship betweenthe surface potential and the rheological behaviorof aluminum hydroxi<strong>de</strong> gels, (4) the use of transmissionelectron microscopy, together with rates of reaction ofaluminum hydroxi<strong>de</strong> with protons and phosphate ions toprovi<strong>de</strong> information on the morphology and organizationof primary particles into secondary particles and aggregates,and (5) application of scanning electron microscopywith cold-stage and

~QCLA.y •.•. ;~l!e>.Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS'\ /' Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>~u:, ......POLY TYPES OF PHYLLOSILICATES:--TYPOMORPHIC· IMP0RTANCE,~CRYS­TAL CHEMISTRY AND X-RAY IDENTIFICATIONII:IAo WIEWIORAInstitute of Geological Sciences, Polish.Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences,Al. Zwirki i Wigury 93, 02-089 Warszawa, Poland'II•,I,I!!Several layer silicates have their synthetic monographsin which crystal chemistry and polytypism were taken intoaccount. It is not inten<strong>de</strong>d ~o discuss these data. The goalof the present paper is to draw the attention to some novelties in the crystal chemis·try of polytypes of the layersilicates, in the methods of their i<strong>de</strong>ntification and toremark on the possible implications for the genetic mineralogy.An important task of the genetic mineralogy is to discoverthe truly indicative structural features and to usethem to <strong>de</strong>fine the relationships between the structure andthe conditions of crystallization of minerals. Such a "structuraltypomorphism" (Frank-Kamenetzky, 1968)'is <strong>de</strong>velopingrelatively slowly because the precise data on structure <strong>de</strong>formationsin a function of the crystallization conditionsare scarce and because, generally, the polytypism of thelayer silicates was un<strong>de</strong>restimated. Usually, the geologistsstudying the petrogenesis have the valuable informati.ons ona chemistry of the environment and p-T conditions but theyare short of informations on the structure. And vice-versathe crystallo·graphers do not have enough field observationsto indicate which structural features are typomorphic andhow they may be used by the mineralogists.Until a purposely directed co-operation of the petrologistsand crystallographers is established on a larger scaleit is timely to perform the systematic analyses' of theavailable structural data in or<strong>de</strong>r to select the most pros-52

pective typomorphic features. Such a job was partially doneby several scientists. But the growing number of the structurerefinements and, the rapid <strong>de</strong>velopment of the computertechniques create still better possibilities for preparingsynthesis from the structure refinement data• For example,Weiss et al. (1985) analysed 66 refined crystal structuresof micas in or<strong>de</strong>r to characterise the geometry of the octahedrallayer •. This may be fully characterised by metal-- anion bond length, two ratios of anion - anion octahedraledges, mean fictive ionic radii (MEFIR), octahedral flatteningangle and counter rotation of top and bottom aniontriads. Amongst the features characterising the geometry anddistortions of the octahedral, tetrahedral layers and theinterlayer are some which are straight-forward related tothe chemical composition and may be predicted from chemicalcomposition. It is not clear which features are controlledby physical parameters•Recently appeared several publications inspired by theso called 11 or<strong>de</strong>r-disor<strong>de</strong>r 11 theory which were very helpfullin making the real or<strong>de</strong>r in our un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the crystallochemicalfoundations of the phyllosilicates structures,classification and i<strong>de</strong>ntif~ation of their polytypes. Firstof all should be mentioned papers of dr Durovi~ and his co­-authors, Dornberger-Schiff, Miklo~, Backhaus, Weiss, inwhich they promoted the new look into the octahedral layerfrom the point of viewoof the equivalence-nonequivalenceof M(1), M(2), M(3) occupations. We should accept their division:homo-, mesa-, heterooctahedral structures (see e.g.Durovic et al., 1984) as this concept is in the baskgroundof the classification of polytypes of all groups of pbyllosilicatesand of X-ray methods of their i<strong>de</strong>ntification.Accordingly, the principles of X-ray i<strong>de</strong>ntification of polytypicstructures may be summarised as follow.Unambigeous i<strong>de</strong>ntification of any polytype includingheterooctahedral polytypes may be done via structure refinement.Meso- and homooctahefral polytypes may be i<strong>de</strong>ntifiedby the visual comparison of the calculated and experimentalF~Ol together with F6 21values from single-crystal53

experiments. Application of the pow<strong>de</strong>r methods is stronglylimited due to great similarities, ~~t--t~~say -i<strong>de</strong>ntitY -orthe diffraction patterns of some polytypes, as it was shownfor micas br Weiss and Wiewi6ra (1986)• Nevertheless, somelayer silicates are available only in pow<strong>de</strong>rs. Therefore,the great interest is in some advanced techniques, namely,the oblique texture diffractometry with &,2&non-coupling(Plancon et al., 1982), with~,2~coupling ai<strong>de</strong>d by thecomputer simulated patterns (Wiewi6ra and Weiss, 1985) and.in the oblique texture photography (Rie<strong>de</strong>r, 1986)• It shouldbe mentioned that all these methods, including the singlecrrstalones, are bur<strong>de</strong>ned by the statistical effect thegreater the bigger is the irradiated volume during experiment.The only technique which is free of this effect andmay be used to,i<strong>de</strong>ntify the polytypic structures is HRTEM;REFERENCESDurovic s., Weiss Z•, Backhaus K.O., 1984, Clays and ClayMinerals, 464-474.Frank-KamenetzeyV.A., 1968, B.D.G. geol. Wiss., Berlin,Bd. 13, 3.Plancon A., Rousseaux F., Tchoubar D., Tchoubar c., KrinariG. and Drits V.A., 1982, J. Appl. Cryst. 15, 509-512.Rie<strong>de</strong>r M., 1986, Abstracts IMA, Stanford.Weiss z., Rie<strong>de</strong>r M., Chmielova M., Kraji~ek J., 1985,Am. Mineral., 747-757.Weiss z. and Wiewi6ra A., 1986, Clays and Clay Minerals,53-68.Wiewi6ra A. and Weiss z., 1985, Clay Minerals, 231-248•54

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> Arc[llasMINERAL WEATHERING IN COOL TEMPERATE CLIMATES AND ITS IMPLICATIONS FOR"ACID RAIN" AND CATCHMENT STUDIESM.J. HILSON AND A. MELLORThe Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aber<strong>de</strong>en,AB9 2QJ, Scotland, U.K.The <strong>de</strong>leterious effects of acid precipitation on the environment havebeen wi<strong>de</strong>ly recognized, research and documented, particularly byScandinavian scientists, since the early 1970s. Evi<strong>de</strong>nce has accumulatedto show that there .is a connection between acid precipitation and theacidification of soils, surface waters and groundwaters, with consequentimpacts on forests, aquatic life and groundwater quality respectively.Mineral weathering is an important factor to be taken into account whenconsi<strong>de</strong>ring the susceptibility of catchment areas to the effects of acidprecipitation, because it is the principal means of replenishingexchangeable bases in the soil and also results in the formation offine-grained clays which dominate exchange and adsorption in mineralsoils. Un<strong>de</strong>r the auspices of SWAP (Surface Water AcidificationProgramme) weathering and minera'iogical studies hiwe been ma<strong>de</strong> of thesoils in three upland cat:~ents"in Scotland and Norway which arerepresentative of heavily acidified, mo<strong>de</strong>rately acidified and pristinesites and are <strong>de</strong>veloped on parent material <strong>de</strong>riv~d from schists, graniteand granitic gneiss respectively. In the prevailing cool, temperate. climate, podzols and podzolic sqils, with well-<strong>de</strong>veloped A, B and Chorizons, are dominant. Majo;r mineral weathering processes in each of 1the three catchments tend to ·be similar and involve (a) total<strong>de</strong>composition of chlorite, particularly in A horizons, (b)vermiculitization of dioctahedral mica, sometimes via a regularlyinterstratlfied mica-vermiculite (c) hydroxy aluminium interlayering ofvermiculitic minerals, particularly in B horizons (d) precipitation ofpoorly or<strong>de</strong>red imogolitic/allophanic material in B horizons and (e)55

1rrI!Iintense corrosion of plagioclas.e feldspar and <strong>de</strong>composition of biotitein A horizons. In some soils, gibbsite and kaolinite ~ls~-"~cc~r butthese minerals are interpreted as relicts of a previous weatheringcycle. Mechanisms of weathering as well as long- and short-term mineralweathering rates in the catchments will be discussed and theirsignificance with regard to future acidification trends assessed.56


Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>EPITAXIAL GROWTH OF ·ACICULAR MAGHEMITE CRYSTALS ON QUARTZMARIA M. ABREU, M.O .. FIGUEIREDO, J.C. WAERENBORGH & J.M.P.CABRALInst. Sup. Agronomia, Tapada Ajuda, 1399 Lisboa (P6rtugal)Centra Crist. Miner., IICT, 1000 Lisboa (Portugal)Dept. Quim., ICEN-LNETI, 2685 Sacav6m (Portugal)In previous works ·/1,2/ maghemite with a particular needle-likemorphology and arranged in a star-like pattern wasi<strong>de</strong>ntified, associated wi.th hematite and quartz in the sandyfraction of B horizons ·of Alfisols and one Ultisol from Alegtejo (Southern Portugal). Crystals with this same morphologywere obtained when the synthesis was carried out on a solutionof ferrous and ferric chlori<strong>de</strong>s and cataly~ed by freshquartz surfaces. By contrast, on the absence of quartz, maghemitecrystals formed in solution were sub-roun<strong>de</strong>d, withdimensions forty times smaller than the acicular· ones.The formation of needle-like maghemite occurs only at reactive,fresh-surface,· sites ·of quartz by a surface complexformation, through ligand e~change. with iron compounds (probablygreen-rust). Maghemite without a particular morphologywas observed (SEM) at tre non-active quartz surfaces and inthis case represents only a <strong>de</strong>position.The relative orientation of the individual maghemite needlescould not be ascertained but it is clearly seen fromultrathin sections in TEM to be close to 60° /1,2/. Consi<strong>de</strong>ringthe structural arrangements in both quartz and maghemite,and the existence of donnor oxygens at quartz surfaces,a possible mechanism is advanced to explain the orientedcrystallization of maghemite with unusual acicular morphologyand hexagonal star-like pattern. ~-Quartz has a trigonalcrystal structure that can· be <strong>de</strong>scribed in terms of a lacunarpacking of oxygen atoms with a three-stored layer seque~ce~/59

<strong>de</strong>serving close similarities to the _c:u_b_~_c .c._~ose~-::!'acking ofoxygen atoms in the keno-spinel arrangement ofo-Fe 2o 3. However,such structural control at active surfaces·could notyet be proven. In fact, electron microdiffraction patternsof acicular maghemite from soil samples showed to be polycrystallineIll~and, up to now, single crystal X-ray workon quartz grains retaining maghemite was not conclusive inwhat concerns the existence of a particular texture.57 Fe Mossbauer spectra of soil samples, taken at roomtemperatu-re show two unresolved hyperfine split patternsthat can be fitted with two magnetic splittings,. one characteristicof (){. -Fe20 3 I 41 and the other of o-Fe20 3 I SI.On the other hand, the very low absorption at velocitiescorresponding to the two low velocity peaks due to octahedraliron in stoichiometric Fe 3o 4141 seems to confirmbothchemical analysis and X-ray diffraction data pointing tothe presence of a highly oxidtzed member of the series'Fe 3o 4-f-Fe 2o 3. Room temperature spectra of synthetic sampleswere very poorly <strong>de</strong>fined due to their low <strong>de</strong>gree ofcrystallinity; low temperature measurements are now in pro-·gress.Ill ABREU, Maria M. & ROBERT,M. (1985). Geo<strong>de</strong>rma,l§_, 97-108.·121 ABREU, Maria M. & ROBERT, M. (1985). Congres Internat.Micromorphologie <strong>de</strong>s Sols, Paris (in press).131 FIGUEIREDO, M.O. (1977). Corn. Ser. Geol. Port., LX_II, 19-34.141 GREENWOOD, N.N. & GIBB, T.C. (1971). "Mossbauer .Spectroscopy".Chapman and Hall, Ltd. London, pp. 239-254.151 TOPSOE, H., DUMESIC, J.A. & BOUDART, M. (1974). Journ.Physique C, 12, C6:411-413.60

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>FLUORINE IN CLAY MINERALS AND ITS BEHAVIOR DURING FIRINGH. ACKERMANN, H. KROMERStaatl. Forschungsinstitut fUr Angewandte Mineralogie bei <strong>de</strong>r TU-MUnchen,D-8400 Regensburg, West-GermanyProblems of pollution by toxic trace elements have become more and moreimportant. The investigations concern the fluorine contents of variousclays of different geological formations from the Triassic to DiluviumAge which are used in the ceramic industries. Moreover the loss of fluorineof the fired samples was ,studied. The investigated materials concernkaolins, clays for the production of technical porcelains, white waresand stone wares, refractory clays, clays and loams for the production ofbricks and roof-tiles.The fluorine was <strong>de</strong>termined by melting the materials with five to tentimes the quantity of potassium-sodium-carbonate, dissolution of thecool,ed melt in sulfuric acid and distillation in· superheated watersteam. T,he fluorine in the distillate was <strong>de</strong>termined by a fluorine sensitiveelectro<strong>de</strong>.Kaolins show fluorine contents from 100 to 3000 ppm. The amounts seem tobe related to the genesis and to the original rocks. Fo~example the kao-1 ins of Hi rschau-Schna i ttenbach generated from sediments by weatheringand circulating groundwaters have low fluorine contents (200 ppm). Kaolinsformed from in situ disintegrated granitic rocks commonly havehigher fluorine contents and ~an show values up to several thousands ppmF, as can be <strong>de</strong>monstrated by kaolins· of CornwalLThe fluorine of ceramic clays of various geological formations rangesfrom 300 to 1500 ppm. Also a correlation between geological formation,age, and mineralogical composition is observed. Tertiary kaoliniticclays show an average of F-values of 500 ppm but the contents can varywith contents of quartz and also w{th the local <strong>de</strong>posit. Illite and montmorillonite-bearingdiluvial loams vary from 600 to 800 ppm, fluorine.Keuper-clays high in illite and mixed-layer minerals show 800 to 1000ppm F and smectite-rich clays vary between 1000 and 1400 ppm F <strong>de</strong>pendingon the mineral composition.61

Talcs and steati tes range from about 100 ppm _to-.more __ than_ L'LfJ_iJQfJAe ._The amounts in materials formed by metasomatic processes are fairlyhigh, compared with talcs generated from ultrabasic rocks.Feldspars and feldspars.ands show fluorine amounts between 80 to 200 ppmwhereas in feldsparporphyric rocks 250 to 325 ppm fluorine are found.The emission of fluorine from clayey materials dur.ing firing was investigatedby analyzing samples heated in air to temperatures from 1000 to1300 °C. The release of fluorine is related to the mineralogical compositionand the particle size distribution of the starting material. Thisin turn controls the formation of a molten phase which keep.s the fluorinein the body. Therefore the emission of fluorine reaches its maximum atabout 1000 °C whereas remaining fluorine is fixed in the vitrified body.Calcia supports the fixation of fluorine but this needs the presenceof calcia in an extremely fine grain size.62

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>INI'ERACI'ION OF PHorcx:::HR

, IIIII II'll/:'/11In 1981 Trundle showed that when_ certain_ fulgi<strong>de</strong>s __ were 5lEs.orbed onsmectite clays, they showed significant shifts in the wavelength ofvisible absorption spectra, e.g. fulgi<strong>de</strong>s which produced a photochro~ewhich was normally red in organic solution, gave a photochrome whi~h.was blue when supported on a clay. This effect can be of significancein many applications.In the present work we have studied the interaction between thefulgi<strong>de</strong>~-2,5-dimethyl-3-furylethyli<strong>de</strong>ne (isopropyli<strong>de</strong>ne) succinicanhydri<strong>de</strong> and a variety of smectite clays. In solution, thefollowing forms of this organic species can existPreliminary studies were carried out by heating the fulgi<strong>de</strong> andclay in toluene reflw;P these exP=riments showed that the various ·clays examined could be divi<strong>de</strong>d roughly into two groups in regard totheir interaction with the fulgi<strong>de</strong>. For some clays the fulgi<strong>de</strong> was ·able to penetrate the interlayer region, while for the remain<strong>de</strong>r theorganic molecules were confined to the surface of the clay. Complexesformed with this latter group were found to be highly sensitivetowards moisture. The form~r group were less sensitive to moisturelevels and stabilized the photochrome towards the light inducedreverse reaction. Typically, and significantly, the absorptionmaximum.of the fulgi<strong>de</strong> and photochrome were shifted by 20 and 80 nmrespectively, relative to values in organic solution.More <strong>de</strong>tailed studies <strong>de</strong>monstrated that the clays were catalyzingseveral reactions on very different time scales:(i) · Z-E isomerization of the fulgi<strong>de</strong>. This process was found to bean acid-catalyzed interlayer reaction, strongly sensitive tothe presence of polar molecules, . even at very low ·concentrations. The most effective catalysts were claySexchanged with trivalent interlayer cations, equilibrated at64

(ii)(iii)low relative humidity before use.In toluene reflux reactionswere Complete in "' 1 hour.The ring closure reaction to give the photoeprome (i.e.E -~ P) was found to be a .surface catalyzed, thermal reaction.These reactions were mudh slower than the .. Z - E isamerizations,taking of the or<strong>de</strong>r of a· day in toluene reflux. The reactionrate did not <strong>de</strong>pend to any great extent upon the type ofspectite used, or, within reasons, any pre-treatment .of theclay.The <strong>de</strong>composition of both forms of the fulgi<strong>de</strong> and also ofthe photodhrome.'!'hese reactions were found to be acidcatalyzedand gave at ·least four different products. Thereactions occurred in .the interlayer region of the clay, butwere mudh slower than the previous reactions, taking days ormonths to reaCh levels at whiCh the product could be <strong>de</strong>tected.DISCUSSIONThe Z - E isomerization reaction is of practical importance,being ·complete on a mudh shorter timescale, and with less complexitythat the solution process, whfch is multi-stage and takes .-.. 5 days.Alternative procedures attempted 'using a variety of acids in place ofthe clay catalyst failed, as the acid not only protonated the carboxyloxygen (a pre-condition for the isomerization to occur), but alsocleaved the furan ring.The ring-closure, which led to formation and stabilization ofthe photochrome has also been shown to occur over carbon. Themolecule itself is planar and appears to be stabilized when sorbed onsurfaces. This interpretation is consistent with the lack of variationshown with modified and natural smectites.While the <strong>de</strong>composition·products were not i<strong>de</strong>ntified with completecertainty, they most likely result from acid catalyz.ed attack on theanhydri<strong>de</strong> ring of the fulgi<strong>de</strong>. '65

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>LATE QUATERNARY DEPOSITIONAL PATTERNS OF CLAY MINERAL IN THE EBROMARGIN (WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN): PALEOCLIMATIC INTERPRETATIONBelen ALONSODepartamento <strong>de</strong> Geolo&ia Dinamica, Geofisica y Paleontologia.Universidad <strong>de</strong> Barcelona. Gran Via, 585. 08007 Barcelona.I,,,INTRODUCTIONDuring the last. twenty years numerous studies have been performedQn the nature, ocurrence and meaning of Mediterranean clay minerals( l, 2) . The purpose of this paper is to show that temporalvariations .in clay composition can be used to reconstruct climaticchanges that have existed since the Late Quaternary. These changes·\are noted at <strong>de</strong>pth, between 1100 and 1800 meters in cores of theEbro distal margin. Distribution of· clay mineralogy has been compared.withvarious parameters such as texture, car?onate influenceand microfauna in or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>termine its geological significance (3).CLAY MINERALOGY AND SEDIMENT CHANGES WITH TIMEVertical distributionThe changes observed in clay mineralogy of 55 cores are associatedto many parameters. The illi te crystallinity in<strong>de</strong>x above2 (poorly-crystallized) is found in surficial· layers ( (. 50 cm)of cores formed by brown and yellow hemipelagic muds. These layersare usually at the top of most western Mediterranean cores and arecharacterized by low chlorite/kaolinite and illite/kaolinite ratiosand high catite/quartz ratio. A reverse pattern occurs when illiteis well crystallized (in<strong>de</strong>x ~ 2)' in un<strong>de</strong>rlying layers of gray hemipelagicmud and gray turbiditic mud. These <strong>de</strong>posits contain highchlorite/kaolinite and illite/kaolinite ratios and low calcite/quartz ratio (Fig. 1). These differences suggest. a <strong>de</strong>crease in <strong>de</strong>tritalcontent· (mica, quartz, illi te) and an increase in· illi tecrystallinity in<strong>de</strong>x in the less that 2 ,Pm fraction toward the topof sedimentary sequences. This also. indicates that the <strong>de</strong>positional66

evolution of sediments reflects an increase in biogenic componentsof the 7 63 pm fraction.Paleoclimatic significance·Changes in the composition of clay mineral associations of marinesediments and corresponding environmental changes on adjacentlandmasses are mostly climate-controlled (4). This study shows thatduring the Late Quaternary there has been a temporal variabilityof clay mineralogy related to changes between glacial and interglacialperiods. Cores in the Ebro distal margin penetrating only theLate Pleistocene ( < 17000 years) allow reconstruction of climaticconditions. In the paleoclimatic curve as <strong>de</strong>termined from mineralogicaldata, two different climatic periods are evi<strong>de</strong>nt: 1) a colddryperiod and 2) a warm-humid period (Fig. 1). During the cold-dryclimate the particles transported to the sea had a well crystallizedillite and thus an increase of chlorite/kaolinite, illite/kaoliniter~tios and <strong>de</strong>crease in· calcite/quartz ratio. The most recentperiod is represented by warm-humid climate, with poorly formedcrystallized illite and sediment of low chlorite/kaolinite, illite/kaolini te ratios and high calcite/ quartz ratio. The uppermost layers( < 50 cm) of the cores are attributed to the Holocene periodand show clay mineralogy and sediment " composition different . fromthat of un<strong>de</strong>rlying layers of the Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene.In addition, yellow and brown hemipelagic muds with poorly crystallizedillite of Post-glacial sediment are attributed to climaticfluctuations during the Atlantiqu.e 'Phase. The grey hemipelagic andgrey turbiditic <strong>de</strong>posits with well-crystallized illite are relatedto Late Pleistocene/Early Holocene <strong>de</strong>position (Fig. 1).( 1) Monaco, A. These Sci. Nat. Montpel.li.er, 2 vol. 1971.(2) Blac-Vernet et al., Palaeogeogr.Palaeoclimat.Palaeoecol. 6:215-235. 1969.(3) .Alonso,B. Tesis Doctoral. Univ, Barcelona: 384. 1986.( 4) Chamley, H'. ytrecht Micropal. Bull., 30:71-91. 1983.67

CLAYMINERALOGYMINER A LOGICALDATA·COMPOSITIONINTERPRETATIONClimaticcurve1 ChronologieI(J>CXlOM232 4 0 2 3 Qtl 0.j= I~ > IrI CA/0\/2115 10 15 20 25296- 298cmOHIillK+I~ C Q· KtCCa2&.,~5 10 15 20 25--"II'I"It:aldHOLOCENEFig. 1: Measurements inferred from clay minerals performed on X-Ray diagrams it possible toreconstruct climatic conditions: Ic, crystallized illite in<strong>de</strong>x; C/K, ratio of chlorite/kaolinite;I/K, ratio of illite/kaolinite; Ca/Q ratio of calcite/quartz. The peaks used are fo~WURMnrI .illite: d~d-, for chlorite: d- 3.53; for kaolihite: 3.58; for calcite:- d- 3.03; for quart~:

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaflola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MINERALOGICAL AND GEOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE UNDERCLAYS OF THE"PAQUETE MARIA LUISA" (CENTRAL COAL BASIN, ASTURIAS, SPAIN)0. E. ALONSO AND ~- BRIMEDepartamento <strong>de</strong> Geologia, Universidad <strong>de</strong> Oviedo, Spain.The mineralogy and geochemistry of the un<strong>de</strong>rclays between the coalbeds of the "Paquete Maria Luisa" have been investigated in or<strong>de</strong>r to<strong>de</strong>termine if they could help to establish a discrimination between theun<strong>de</strong>rclays that allow their use as correlation markers in the basin.Samples were obtained from un<strong>de</strong>rclays corresponding to nine differentcoal beds of the "Paquete Maria'Luisa" in the Aller valley (Asturias,Spain). The un<strong>de</strong>rclays were sampled at two, ,three or more positions to<strong>de</strong>termine if vertical changes were present. Each sample was analyzed for24 elements by either X-ray, fluorescencespectrometry and atomic absorption.The clay mineralogy is <strong>de</strong>scribed based on pow<strong>de</strong>r and oriented aggregatesof the whole rock samples and clay sized fractions subjected tostandard treatments.The mineralogy of the un<strong>de</strong>rclay~ i~ mainly illitic, more than 55 % ofthe sample, with ·smaller amo~nts of chlorite, kaolinite (chlorite alwaysmore abundant than kaolinite) paragonite,. pyrophyllite and mixed-layersillite/smectite and muscovite/paragonite. This mineralogical associationis clearly anchizonal (FREY 1970) and similar to that <strong>de</strong>scribed by ALLERand BRIME (1985) in pelitic samples from the southern part of the CentralCoal Basin. The measurement of the illite crystallinity in<strong>de</strong>x of the clayfraction yiel<strong>de</strong>d also anchizonal values. The scarcity of kaolinite couldbe due to the transformations un<strong>de</strong>rgone by the rocks un<strong>de</strong>r anchemetamorphicconditions. There is no consistent variation with increasing· <strong>de</strong>pthbe 1 oow the coa 1The data, 38 mi nera 1 ogi ea 1 and geochemi ea 1 vari.ab 1 es, were treated·by stepwise.discriminant analysis (BMDP ?M, JENRICH and SAMPSON 1983).69

The variables that serve as the best discriminators between un<strong>de</strong>rclaysare: illite and mixed-layer I/S contenst on both-whole~roclcana clayfraction, illite crystallinity of the clay fraction, pH of the samples,and the elements (in or<strong>de</strong>r of atomic number) Na, Al, K, Ti, V, Co, Sr,Zr, Nb, Ba. These are the variables that have different values from un<strong>de</strong>rclayto un<strong>de</strong>rclay, but relatively small ranges of concentrations withinun<strong>de</strong>rclays.REFERENCESALLER, J. & BRIME, c. 1985. Deformaci6n y metamorfismo en la parte sur<strong>de</strong> la Cuenca Carbonifera Central (NO <strong>de</strong> Espaiia). Compte Rendu DixiemeCongres International <strong>de</strong> Stratigraphie et <strong>de</strong> Geologie du·Carbonifere,Madrid 1983, vol. 3, 541-548.FREY; M. 197p. The step from diagenesis to metamorphism in pelitic rocksduring alpine orogenesis. Sedimentology, vol. 15, 261-279.JENNRICH, R. & SAMPSON, P. 1983. Stepwise discriminant analysis. In DIXONW. J. et al. (Eds) BMDP Statistical software. University of CaliforniaPress, Berkeley, 519-537.70

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PREPARATION AND CHARACTERISATION OF IRON OXIDE PILLAREDMONTMORILLONITEJ.E.M. ALLAN, J.M.D. COEY, D.H.·DOFF*, AND N.H.J. GANGAS**Department of Pure and Applie.d Physics, Trinity College, Dublin 2,(Ireland)*Department of Geology, Trinity College, Dublin 2, (Ireland)**Kifissias Avenue 10.8, GR-11526 Athens, (Greece).Pillared or cross-linked. smectites in which the interlayer isconverted into a two dimensional zeolite-like structure have recentlyattracted much interest because of their catalytic and molecularsieving properties. The· pillared clays (PILCs) which are bestun<strong>de</strong>rstood so far are those in which aluminium oxi<strong>de</strong> pillars act asmolecular-sized props permanently separating the silicate layers ofthe clay. lf, · however, the pillars are formed of iron oxi<strong>de</strong>interesting and novel m~gnetic properties may also be expected(Gangas et· al., 1985). Large iron cations and polycations which canoccupy the exchange sit~s in smectite interlayers inclu<strong>de</strong>.hydroxy-Fe (III) and phenanthroline-Fe " (II) complexes but in thesecases calcination does not result in formation of a PILC. On theother ·hand, reaction of smectites with trinuclear Fe(III) carboxylatecomplexes forms an expan<strong>de</strong>d precursor which does yield a PILC onfiring.In the present study an iron oxi<strong>de</strong> pillared montmorillonite wasprepared by a modification of the method of Y amanaka et al. ( 1984) .pa-Oxo-triaquo-hexakis (acetato) tri-iron (Ill) chlori<strong>de</strong>, [FeaO(CHaCOO). (H2 0) a.] + Cl-, was prepared by crystallisation from mixedsolutions of ferric chlori<strong>de</strong> and sodium· acetate. Texas bentonite(STx-1) was chosen as the starting clay material because of its lowiron content. ,Three ·to five successive treatments (lmeq Fe (III) -complex per g Na+ clay) were carried out with washing in between71

·each step in or<strong>de</strong>r to ensure complete displacement of Na+ ions.The product, or PILC precursor, was brown in colour and its·x-ray diffraction pattern showed two or<strong>de</strong>rs of reflection (Ioo2 >Ioo~)corresponding to a layer spacing of 21A. Treatment with glycolincreased this spacing to 23A (Fig. 1). On firing at 500°C the claydoes ·not collapse to the 9. 6A spacing expected of a smectite butremains at 19A and this spacing is not affected by treatment·· w'ithglycol (Fig. 2), confirming that cross-linking has occurred.12. 10 8 6 4 . 2."Z&(c..) 12. IO 8'z.".ze(c...)The magnetic susceptibility of the trinuclear ferric salt was 0. 22· J /T 2 /Kg of sample and that of the exchanged montmorillonite was0.19 J /T 2 /Kg of sample. After firing, however, the magnetisationcurve showed a small ferromagn~tic component of 0. 4 J /T 2 /Kg ofsample in addition to the paramagnetic component.The Mossbauer spectrum at room temperature of both thetrinuclear iron (III) chlori<strong>de</strong> and the PILC precursor showed aquadrupole doublet with isomer shift o = 0. 39 ( 3) mm/..s andquadrupole splittingA-=0.64 (5) mm/s consistent with the· trinuclearsp.ecies being preserved in the clay .. After firing, however, the72

oom temperature spectrum was broad and asymmetric, showingsigns of incipient magnetic relaxation.REFERENCESGangas, N.H.J., van Wonterghem, J., Morup, S., and Koch·,C.J.W. 1985. J. Phys, C: Solid State Phys., 18, 11011-11015.Yamanaka, S., Doi, T., Sako, S., and Hattori, M. 1984. Mat. Res.Bull., 19, 161-168.73

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SiXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CRYSTALLINITY OF LOWER CRETACEOUS KAOLINITES OF TERUEL,SPAIN.J.M. AMIGO, J. BASTIDA, M.J. GARCIA AGRAMUNT, A. SANZ & J.GAL VAN*.U. Cristalografia y Mineralogia. Dep. Geologi~: Uni~ersidad<strong>de</strong> Valencia (Espana).* Institute <strong>de</strong> Edafologia·y Biologia Vegetal. CSIC (MadridEspafia).In the present work 30 kaolinite samples from kaoliniticclays of the Lower Cretaceous in the area of Teruel (Iberian Range, Spain) have been studied.X-ray diffraction patterns with a fast •goniometer speed(1° 2G/mn) registering the 001 and o'o2 peaks and the o2,11bidimensional band have been performed, and the crystall.:!;;nity has been obtained by comparing the fast patterns withclassifications based on the appearance· of diffraction P.§:tterns, which are given in the bibliography (THOREZ, 1976)The 001 and 002 reflections have also been studied inX-ray diffraction patterns of oriented pow<strong>de</strong>r aggregateswith a low goniometer speed (1/10° 2G/mn), and the cryst.§:llite size in the 10011 direction has been calculated bythe. WILLIA!V!:SON & P.AI;L ( 1953} me.thod and by the program S.!_ZE (SIEMENS DIFRAC 310), and the results of both methodshave been compared.The extent of the hidrazine intercalation has been tested by the TCHOUBAR et al. (1982) in<strong>de</strong>x, and the particlesize has been obser.ved by T. E. M.The crystallinity criteria proposed to date, a~e diff.:!;;cult to apply to polimineralic samples like those atudiedin this work.74

A good relationship between the progresive lak of resolution of the (hkl) peaks forming the 0211 bidimensionalband and the lini broa<strong>de</strong>nning of the 001 and 002 reflect!ons has been observed. Because of that relationship we propose the half-maximum line breath (B~) of the 001 and 002reflections to be a good crystallinity in<strong>de</strong>x.Tne WILLIAMSON & HALL (1953) method and the resultsobtained by the program SIZE show the non-existence of i~ternal strain in the [001[ direction in the reported kaol.inites. So B~ can be applyed to calculate the crystal litesize in that direction. This can be seen in the plotof crystallite size calculated by the WILLIAMSON & HALLmethod versus the results of the program SIZE, which givesa straight line with P=0.97.The extent of the hidrazine intercalation reaction isclosely connected with the crystallite size in the c* direction but _seems not to be related with the particle sizeobserved by T.E.M. The plot of TCHOUBAR in<strong>de</strong>x .(TCHOU­BAR et al., 1982) versus crystallite size in the c* direction·gives a straight line with P=O .94.BIBLIOGRAPHY:- TCHOUBAR, C. e~ al. (1982). Bull. Mineral. 105, 477-491.- THOREZ, J. (1976). "Practical I<strong>de</strong>ntification of Clay M!nerals". Ed. G. LELOTTE. Belgique.- WILLIAMSON, G:K. & HALL, W.H. (1953). Acta Metallurgica1:_, 22-31.75

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>FIRST STEPS OF SMECTITE-ILLITg TRANSFORMATION WITHHUMECTATION AND DESSICATION _C.YCLE$. -~----~-~-- ~~~~-----C.Y. ANDREOLI(l), M.ROBERT(l) and C.H. PONS(2)(!)Station <strong>de</strong> Science du Sol, I.N.R.A., 78000- Versaill.es(France), (2) Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Cristallographie, Universited'Orleans, 45046 Orleans (France)Potassium fixation by 2:1 phyllosilicates is an importantphenomenum in term of its agronomic impact and itsconsequence in <strong>de</strong>simentology concerning transformation ofsmectite into illite.This selectivity in K-fixation is related to the weakcation hydration energy and <strong>de</strong>hydration phenomena.Recent studies (Gaultier and Mamy, 1975 ; Eberl, 1984)have shown that collaise of smectite layer to 10 A,associated with the <strong>de</strong>velopment of tridimensional or<strong>de</strong>ringof the initially turbostratic smectite structure can beobtained by wetting and drying cycles.The purpose of the present report is to better un<strong>de</strong>rstandand <strong>de</strong>termine these sequences by using High ResolutionTransmission Electron Microsco~y (HRTEM' arid small-angleX-ray Scattering (SAXRS).Low chatge montmorillonite (Wyoming), 2:1 soil clays(interstratified illite-smectite, ·used as a reference),satured with potassium, were investigated during wetting andarying cycles (<strong>de</strong>ssication at 60"c).The characteristics ex*mined were.related to external andinternal surface area and to the clay organization.Clay paste samples were prepared at given water suctionpressure (pF 1.5) and studied using SAXRS and HRTEM.Results obtained by transmissi~n electron microscopy showthat the first phase of smectite transformatiqn is a"textural clay transformatio~" (Tessier and Pedro, 1987). Wecould obse+ve a particle reorganization by regrouping andalignment of the elementary particles leading to theformation of thick pseudocrystals similar to those of micaparticles (photos 1-5).Small-angles lRS indicates at every step (before the76

first <strong>de</strong>ssic~ti~n, 1 st , 10 th and 20 th <strong>de</strong>ssications) thenumber of particle layers and the proportion of layers of 10or 14 A.A correlation was found bexween textural rearrangement,layer collapse and the variations in external 'and intern~larea.These results are complementary to those of Na<strong>de</strong>au (1985,Na<strong>de</strong>au ~~--~·, 1984a, 1984b) and Eberl (1980, 1984)concerning the interstratified minerals and allow the<strong>de</strong>termination of the first steps of smectit~ to illitetransformation.REFERENCESEBERL D.D. (1980). ,Alkali cation selectivity and fixation byclay minerals. Clays and clay Minerals (28), 161-172EBERL D. D. (1984). Clay mineral formation and transformationin rocks and soil. Philos, Trans. Roy Soc. London A-311,241-157MAMY J .. et GAULTIER J.P. (1976). Les phenomenes <strong>de</strong>diffraction <strong>de</strong>s rayonn~ments X et electronique par le reseauatomique. Application i i•etu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> l'ordre cristallin dansles mineraux argileux. rr" Evolution structurale <strong>de</strong> lamonimorillonite associees au phenomene <strong>de</strong> fixationirreversible du potassium. Ann. Agron. (27) 1-16NADEAU P. H. ( 1985). The physical dimensions of fundamentalclay particles. Clays Minerals (20) 499-514NADEAU P.H., WILS'ON M.J., Me HARDY W.J. and TAIT J.M.(1984). Interparticle diffraction : a new concept forinterstratified clays. Clay Minerals (19) 757-769NADEAU P.H., TAIT J.M., Me HARDY W.J. and WILSON M.J.(1984). Interstratified XRD characteristics of physicalmixtures of elementary clay particles. Clay Mineral (1.9.)67-76TESSIER D. e.t PEDRO G. (1987). Mineralogicalcharacterization of 2:1 clays in soils importance of theclay texture. In Proc. Int. Cl: ay Conf. Denver 1985 (inpress)77

Il11r,'",,11'.' !: ~!r'24nmPhotographs 1-5: Transmission electron microscope lattice fringe imagesshowing the first phase of smectite transformation with the regroupingand alignment of elemental particles. 1) 2:1 soil clay-K< 0.2p,pF· 1.5,before the first <strong>de</strong>siccation;-2) after .lst<strong>de</strong>siccation,pF 2.5; 3) after5th <strong>de</strong>sic!"ation;pF_ 2.5; 4) Montmorillonite (Wyoming)-K< 2p,before thefirst <strong>de</strong>siccation,pF 1.5 ; and 5) after lOth <strong>de</strong>siccation,pF 2.5.78

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 198~. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>FORMATION OF AMINO ACIDS FROM HYDROLYSIS OF KCN IN A WATER SUSPENSIONOF KAOLINITE.A. DE ANDRES GOMEZ DE BARREDA, P. MENENDgZ APARICIO and F. · ARAGONDE LA CRUZ.Institute <strong>de</strong> Quimica Inorganica "Elhuyar", C.S.I.C., Serrano 113.28006 Madrid (Spain).We are interested to study the role of clay minerals as catalystsin biological molecules synthesis. Formation of amino acids has beenstudied in the presence of different molecular sieves, like montmorillonite,graphite oxi<strong>de</strong> (lamellar materials) and sepiolite or zeolite(1,2).Now we have studied the formation of amino acids from a 2.2 M.KCNaqueous solution maintained at 70 •c for 26 days with kaolinite (3).In this work, the kinetics of the reaction has not been studied,·emphasis .has been placed on the nature, of the reaction products.The crystallinity of kaolini te was checked by X-ray diffraction.Kaoiini te was first trea7_ed for 4 days in a 10% H 2o solution at270 •c in or<strong>de</strong>r to remove most ~f the organic impurities contained inthese materials (4). The layer and the solution were separated, afterthe reaction, by centrifugatio.n. The solid was dried at 70 •c andwe worked in the best way to elu<strong>de</strong> their contamination.Furthermore, we realized a control blank, without sieve, in or<strong>de</strong>rto observe if amino acids were <strong>de</strong>tected, and the result was negative.The solution was analyzed by thin-layer cromatography ( 5), usingtwo mixtures: butanol-acetic acid-water ( 1:4:1) and propanol-NH 40H(3:1); cellulose and silica gel aluminium sheets. But a very importantproblem is the.salt excess; for this reason we wanted to use diferention exchange resins, and on the other hand we are realizing the reactionwith a lM KCN solution in the same <strong>de</strong>scribed conditions.Actually we have i<strong>de</strong>ntificated alanine and aspartic acid.79

We will analyse the original p_:~~ducts~_(KCN,~ k~~linite) andtreated kaolini te by .infrarred spectroscopy, and then confirm theabsence or presence of characteristic amino acid bands.We will study the same samples by thermogravimetric analysis.(1) Arag6n <strong>de</strong> la Cruz, F. and Vit6n Barboll.a, C. Formaci6n .<strong>de</strong>aminoacidos a partir <strong>de</strong> la hidr6lisis <strong>de</strong> KCN en presencia <strong>de</strong>montmorillonita o<strong>de</strong> 6xido grafitico. (~979). An. Quim., 81B,22-25.( 2) De Andfes G6mez <strong>de</strong> Barred a, A. , Menen<strong>de</strong>z Aparicio, P. and Arag6n<strong>de</strong> la Cruz, F. Formaci6n <strong>de</strong> aminoacidos a partir <strong>de</strong> una soluci6nacuosa <strong>de</strong> KCN, en presencia <strong>de</strong> sepiolita y zeolita. An. Quim.(in the press).(3) Or6, J. and Kamat, SS. Amino acid. synthesis from hydrogencyani<strong>de</strong> un<strong>de</strong>r Possible Primitive Earth Conditions. (1961). Nature,190, 442-443.(4) Fripiat, J.J., Poncelet, G., van Assche, A.T. and Mayaudon, J.Zeolite as catalysts for the synthesis of amino acids and.purines. (1972). Clay Minerals, 20, 331-339.(5) Stahl, E. Thin-Layer Chromatography. (1969). Springer 7 Verlag, N.Y.80.

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaf.iola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>A DIFFUSE REFLECTANCE STUDY OF THE ABSORBING POWER (NEAR-U.V. RANGE)OF THE SMECTITE/N-METHYL a-HYDROXY QUINOLINE METHYL SULPHATE SYSTEMM. DEt ARCO**, M. HERNANDEZ-BLANCO#, C. MARTIN**, V. RIVES** AND M.A.VICENTE**Centra <strong>de</strong> Edafolog,a y Biolog,a Aplicada, CSIC, Apdo. 257; 37081-Salamanca;**Dpto. <strong>de</strong> Qu,mica Inorgani ea, Facultad <strong>de</strong> Farmaci a, Uni versi dad<strong>de</strong> Salamanca;#Dpto. <strong>de</strong> Qu,mica Anal,tica, Universidad Aut6noma, Cantoblanco,Madrid. SPAINThe-interaction between smectite and N-methyl a-hydroxyquinolinemethyl sulphate (hereafter MHQMS), as well as the stability of theadsorption complex thus formed,· have been studied previously (Vicenteet al., 19a5). This drug is known to strongly absorb the erythematogenicnear-u.v. radiations; in addition, it is not toxic, and then suitableto be used against sunburns and harmful radiat"ions in sol<strong>de</strong>ring,u.v. lamps, etc., and it is in<strong>de</strong>ed used in coliyria and protectivecreams. On the other hand, smectite is wi<strong>de</strong>ly used as a carrier in·creams and poma<strong>de</strong>s manufacturing. The aim of the present communicationis to investigate the improved absorbing power (and thus, theshielding and protective properti-es) of the MHQMS/smectite system, wellas an adsorption complex or a mechanical mixture. V.-u.v./diffuse reflectanceis a very useful tool to study light-absorbing solid materia1 s.00Fig. 1 displays the spectra of the puredrug (curve~), smectite (E_) and a90S(OziOCHJ drug/smectite·.·1adsorption complex (£)containing 95 mEq/100 g (a saturatedHO CH3sample}.. Blank was MgO, and curve .9_N-methyl a-hydroxyquinolinecorresponds to spectrum~ recor<strong>de</strong>d vs.methyl sulphate (MHQMS)unload.ed smectite. The drug exhibits astrong absorption between 470-250 nm, while smectite shows a weakerabsorption between.300-200 nm. The complex, on the·contrary, absorbs. ·\more strongly in a wi<strong>de</strong>r range ( 540-200 nm), <strong>de</strong>spite the drug content81

" 0§1:g.0

..dr.u.g.jtself. ts. very .solubJe in water, and is easily lost.REFERENCEM. A. VICENTE, M. S. CAMAZANO, M. J. SANCHEZ-MARTIN, J. VICENTE­-HERNANDEZ; "Absorption of N-methyl a-hydroxyquinoline methyl sulphateby montmori 11 oni te"; Internati on a 1 Cl ay Conference ( 19S5), Abstract249.83

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1.987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PARTICLES AGGREGATION AND IRON OXIDES RELATIONSHIP IN B HORIZONS OF: ~SOML~ . ·ITALIAN SOILSE. ARDUINO, E. BARBERIS AND V. BOEROIstituto di Chimica Agraria, Universita di Torino,. Via P. Giuria 15, 10126Torino, (Italy).The ro 1 e of iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s in soil particles aggregation is sti 11beingdiscussed. Even though a positive correlation was shown by several Authors,Borggaard (1983) recently objected that iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s only play a secondaryrole.In or<strong>de</strong>r to assess the re 1 ati ve importance of various forms of ironoxi<strong>de</strong>s in aggregates formation, the present work was performed by selectivelyremoving iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s. The clay produced and the sand disaggregated by thesetreatments were evaluated.Thirteen soi 1 samp 1 es were se 1 ected from B horizons of A lfi so 1 s andInceptisols in Northern Italy: Fe 0ranged from 0.06 to 1.25%, Fed from 2.60to 5.85% and the Hm/Hm+Ght ratio ranged from 0 to 0.84%. The colours of thesoils were lOYR, 5YR, 2.5YR and lOR.Three different procedures were carried out: (i) dispersion withNa-hexametaphosphate ( i i) di sso 1 uti on with NH 4-ox a 1 ate ( Schwertmann, 1964)followed by dispersion with Na-hexametaphosphate (iii) disso)ution with OCB(Mehra and Jackson, 1960) and dispersion with Na-hexametaphosphate. Aftereach treatment, particle size distribution was measured by pipette method.For all the soils, both oxalate and DCBextractions resulted in anincrease of clay and a <strong>de</strong>crease of coarse sand ( >200 )Jml contents, the DCBbeing more effective than the former.The quantity of soil material which was disaggregated into clay-size1articles ranged from 0 to 6.9 g/lOOg of soil by oxalate treatment and was as.1igh as 21 g by the DCB treatment.84

_Jhe~~Qrrel~tion between total iron oxi<strong>de</strong> 1Fed, and the quantity of soilmateria 1 whi eh was di saggregated into cl ay-size was poor. A si gni fi cantcorrelation was found between this quantity and Fed content of the fractions> 2 )Jm. For all the soils 1.0 g of Fed in the fractions ;> 2 _}Jm aggregates7. 0 g of c 1 ay mater.i a 1 .The quantity of coarse sand di saggregated by DCBwas higher for soi 1 swith only goethi te ( 7. 7 g/1 00 g of soil ) than for o~es with goethi te andhematite (2.2 g/100 g of soil); no differences resulted in the quantity ofclay produced.REFERENCESBorggaard O.K., 1983. Iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s in relation to aggregation of soil particles.Acta Agric. Scand., 33: 257-260.Mehra O.P. and Jackson M.L., 1960. Iron oxi<strong>de</strong> removal from soi.ls and clay bya di thi ani te-ci trate system. buffered with bicarbonate. Clays Cl ay Miner., 7:317-327.·,Schwertmann U., 1964. The differentiation of iron oxi<strong>de</strong> in soils by aphotochemi ea 1 extraction with acid ammoni urn oxalate. Z. Pfl anzenernaehr.Bo<strong>de</strong>nkd., 105: 194-202.85

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE DIAGENESIS IN THE ANTICLINE OF BILBAO, BASCO-CANTABRIAN BASIN(SPAIN).AROSTEGUI,J. ( 1 ); VELASCO,F.( 1 ); NIETO,F. ( 2 , 3 ) & ORTEGA-HUERTAS,M. ( 2 , 3 ).(1) Dpto. Minera1og1a y Petrologia. Universidad <strong>de</strong>l Pais Vasco. Aptdo.644. Bilbao.(2) Dpto. Mineralogia y Petrologia. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada (Spain).(3) Institute Andaluz <strong>de</strong> Geologia Mediterriinea. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada­C.S.I.C.The Bilbao anticline is a NW-SE structure located within the Basco-Cantabrian basin. Three great groups of lower-Cretaceous materials arei<strong>de</strong>ntifiaole: a <strong>de</strong>ltaic terrigenous Weald complex of black and grey coalyshales with intercalated sandstones, an Urgonian complex of marinecarbonated and terrigenous shales and sandstones, and a supraurgoniancomplex ma<strong>de</strong> up mostly of coarse <strong>de</strong>trital materials (sandstones andconglomerates of <strong>de</strong>ltaic and fluvi-<strong>de</strong>ltaic environment).·Four traverse stratigraphic sequences, in the SW si<strong>de</strong> of the anticlinehave been studied. Bulk rock and both 2-20 pm and

The Kubler's in<strong>de</strong>x values for all samples in

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PHENYL DERIVATIVES OF SEPIOLITEA.J. AZNAR and E. RUIZ-HITZKYInstitute <strong>de</strong> Ciencia <strong>de</strong> Materiales, C.S.I.C., c/ Serrano, 115 bis.28006-MADRID (Spain).INTRODUCTIONOrganosilicic materials obtained by grafting of organosilaneson silica and silicates have received a great attention specially dueto their potential use in industrial applications (1-3). Alkyl andalkenyl <strong>de</strong>rivatives of sepiolite have been synthetized by graftingreactions of organo-chlor'o or -alkoxy silanes following different experimentalconditions (4).The objective of this work consists in the. synthesis, characterizationand study of the reactivity of a new family of organosilyl<strong>de</strong>rivatives of s:epiolite obtained by grafting of7Si(CH 2)nC 6H 5(n=0-2) groups. The coverage of a silicic substrate by phenyl groupsopen ways to the preparation of a wi<strong>de</strong> variety of new organic <strong>de</strong>rivativesdue to the latent reactivity of the phenyl grafted groups.SYNTHESIS AND CHARACTERIZATIONSepiolite (from Vallecas~Vicalvaro)has been cohydrolized ina mixture of isopropanol and hydrochloric acid together with thefollowing reagents:. ?H3. Cl- Ti -@CH 3Phenyldimethyl-chlorosilane(I)ClCl - ~i - CH 2-@ClB~nzyl-trichlorosilane(III)2-Phenylethylmethyl-dichloros·ilane(II)88

The reagents have been.selected because: i) they are mono-,- di:... -or trice functionals and consequently they can produce <strong>de</strong>rivativeswith the organosilyl groups arranged in monolayers (I), chains (II)or as polymeric tridimensional species (III), and ii) the phenylgroup is separated from-the silicon atom by 0-2 methylene. groups,which is an important factor affecting the latent reactivity of thearomatic ring.Kinetics, carried out at 6o°C, indicate that the grafting ofthe organosilyl groups: and the .extraction of Mg 2 + ions of sepioliteare controlled diffusion mechanisms. The use of the monofunctionalreagent (I) permits to reach rapidly a plateau corresponding to mono~layer coverages of the silica produced by the hydrolisis of the silicate.In contrast, the trifunctional reagent :(III) shows a continousincrease of the grafted species with the time of treatment, indicatingthe formation of polymeric organosiloxanes (Table 1). The extractionof Mg 2 + ions is favoured in the sequence III(II

PROPERTIESThe most salient feature of these new organo-mineral materialsis their latent reactivity towards electrophylic reagents. Thus, typicalreactions of the aromatic ring as _the nitration and sulphonation areoperative to transform the phenyl grafted groups in the correspondingnitro or sulphonic <strong>de</strong>rivatives. Nitrocompounds are easily obtained_ inthe conditions adopted usually in homogenous organic synthesis, whereasthe extent of the sulphonation processes is strongly <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt on:i) the experimental conditions, and ii) the distance between thephenyl group and the silicon atom. The highest .yield are obtainedwhen the aromatic ring is uncoupled to the Si atoms.REFERENCES(1) FRIPIAT, J.J .• , CHAUSSIDON, J., JELLI, A. "Chimie physique <strong>de</strong>sphenomenes <strong>de</strong> surface, applications aux oxy<strong>de</strong>s et aux silicates"Ed._Masson, Paris (1971)(2) UNGER, K.K. "Chemical modification of the silica surface" inPorous Silica, Elsevier, Amsterdam (1979)(3) Technical Information Bulletins from: Union Carbi<strong>de</strong> Corporat."Silane. adhesion promoters in mineral-filled composites";Dynamit Nobel Chem. "Bonding agents Dynasilan: organo-functionalsilane·s".(4) RUIZ-HITZKY, E., FRIPIAT, J.J., Bull.Soc. Chim. 48 (1976); ClaysClay Min. ~' 25 (1976)90

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>BEHAVIOUR ANDMICROSTRUCTURE OF SMECTITESROLE OF SUCTION PRESSURE AND MECHANICAL STRESSESM. Azzaoui*, C.H. Pons**, o.· Tessier**Station <strong>de</strong> Science du Sol, INRA 78000-Versailles (France)**Universit~ d'Orl~ans, Labo~atoire <strong>de</strong> Cristall6graphie45067-0rl~ans (France)In a previous work Ben Rhaiem et al. (i98~)reported results onthe behaviour and microstfucture of the calcium montmorillonite. Inthis paper the influence of suction and unidimensional mechanicalpressure on the behaviour and microstructure oi the same montmorilloniteis ~n<strong>de</strong>rtaken.M~!~~I~~-~~Q_M~!~QQ~Curves of first drying of Ca-Wyoming montmorillonite pastes wereobtained by applying air pressure in a ultrafiltration cell <strong>de</strong>scribedby Tessier ~!-.!!:!.·(1979), or usl.ng unidimensional mechanical pressurein a oedometric cell; Rehydration effects were ~tudiedby rewettingat <strong>de</strong>creasing air pressures. Transmission electron microscopy (MET),,was carried out on ultra thin sections of about 500 A in thickness.These sections were prepared by successive replacements of the liquidphase'by methanol, propylene oxi<strong>de</strong> and, finally an epoxy resin. Smallangle X-ray scattering expepiments were carried out with a Rigakuapparatus with a rotating ano<strong>de</strong>.~Usingsuch an X-ray source, the experimentaldiagrams can be compared with theoretical curves. Computationmo<strong>de</strong>ls were used which assumed the particles to be stacks of Mparallel silicate layers. The internal structure of such a particle. isgiven by the <strong>de</strong>gree .of or<strong>de</strong>r in the succession of layers (Pons et.!!:!.·' 1981).~~~!:!.~!~Q~~l~£!!:!l£~=r~~r~r!!:!l£~-£~~!!:~l£~rAt stress~ 3,2 bar, the water content after unidimensional mechanicalpressure is higher than the one obtained when a s'uction pressureii applied (Fig.l). At 10 bar howewer, the water content remained thesame for the two ~ypesof stress. As shown in figure 2, the watercontent recovered at 0-032 bar after drying the sample at 10 bar is115 % and 140 % for the mechanical and suction pressure resp_~_c_t_~v_el_y.£~!!:~&~~-~~-~~!~£!.!!:Z~£-~~!!:£~~i-!!:~~-~!!:£!l£!.~-~l!~ ~~~!£l£~!!2~SAXS data obtained show that interlayer spacing was ~ot affectedby suction or mechanical pressure a~ a stres~ < 10 bar. The inter-91

layer distance with highest probability is 18.6 A. Moreover, forsuctio.n pressures ~ 1 bar, the number of layers (M) in each p-arlicle(55 layers) remain<strong>de</strong>d unchanged. Above 1 bar to 10 bar, the number oflayers increased markekly and ied to the formation of particleshaving 225 layers at 10 bar. On the contrary, with a mechanicalpressure M = 23 layers from 0.032 up to 10 bar indicating that thenumber of layer per particle remained constant~E!§._g_~§.gQ!!§.!~E!~-~~f££~~!~£~-~~~-~l~£~!~£~-£~~~~~£~£During the first drying the two types of stress apbried to thesamples resulted into two main types of <strong>de</strong>formation. With a suctionpressure, asubstancial lateral s_hrinkage of the sample (mainlyi·sotropic) is observed. On the contrary, with a unidimensional mechanicalpressure, <strong>de</strong>formation of the sample ~s<strong>de</strong>termined by thegeometry of the oedometric cell and is therefore anisotropic. In therange of '3.2 bar, the water content is systematically lower withthe suction pressure than with the mechanical press~reatreatment. Asresult, it is easier to <strong>de</strong>form the sample· isotropic'al-ly than anisotropically.i·There was a consi<strong>de</strong>rable hysteresis during-rewetting and it wasafter a unidimensional pressure that the.water content recovered waslower. It seems therefore that, after a mechanica~unidimensionalstress at 10 bar, the material lost a greater part of its elasticitythan after suction pressure at the same pressure value.~l£££~!r~£!~£!_£~~~~!!During the first drying it was observed that in the mechanicalexperiment, water which ls withdrawn from the sample is at atmosphericpressure. It seems that the water activity remain<strong>de</strong>d constantin the range of stress un<strong>de</strong>r study and was roughly # 1 indicatingthat hydration forces could pr-event the regrouping of the particles.With a suction pressure, the w•ter activity is modifi~din the totalrange of stress un<strong>de</strong>r study. This leads to the regrouping of theparticles which in turn proyoke the existence of a higher elasticityin the system thus increasing the water content during the rewettingproces·s.92

.......... Q.Q~(;LUS~ONThis work showed that in studying the bahavidur and microstructureof clays, it is very important to take into acount the state of waterin relation with the different types of stresses applied to thesystems, especially mechanical st.resses.Water content6Water content1.5'""Fig.21.0 6"'~~~:~.0.50. OI.J-. ___......_______-+_0+---+---+---+---+--........ ~ .......-- 0.010 1.100 ' 10 0.010 0.100P(bar)"P(bar)10___Fig. 1 - Wat_~ conten t c h anges for th e Ca-Wyoming montmorillonite10 · M CaCl~ first. drying (.)suction pressure ( 6 )unidimensional mechan1cal pressur~Fig. 2 -ReweJting suction· curves for the Ca-Wyomipg montmorillonite10- M cac1 2from 10, ~a~ ! (.) initially dried un<strong>de</strong>rsuction pressure. (6) 1n1t1ally dried un<strong>de</strong>r mechanicalpressureREFERENCESBen Rhaiem H., Tessier D. and Pons C.H. (1986) -Clay Minerals, 21,9-19Pons C.H., Ro,usseaux F. and Tchoubar D. (1981)- Clay Minerals, 16,23-42Tessier D. and Berrier J. (1979) - Science du Sol, 1, 67-8293

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MINERALOGY AND ORIGIN OF THE GLAUCONITE IN THE MIOCENE CALCARENITE_CAL-,--~-­LED "PI ETRA LECCESE" FROM LECCE PROVINCE, SOUTHERN ITALY.F. BALENZANO, L. DELL'ANNA AND R. LAVIANODipartimento Geomineralogico, University of Sari -(Italy)I''IIn the "Pietra Leccese", a calcarenite· of Miocene agewh i eh occurs on I y in the Lecce prov i nee (Pug! i a, SouthernItaly), are found several grains of Glauconite w·ith different_eo I our, eh em i ea I composition and <strong>de</strong>gree ·of crysta I I i-zation.The grains occur main I y as rep I a cement of foram in i fer aand the white, y~llowish green, pale green and green colours shown are re I ated to the compos it i o·na I and structuralcharacteristics. From ·white to green grains it is notedthat: a) Si 0 <strong>de</strong>crease ( 81.7% to 53. 3%) with 1 ncreasingof Fe 22o +Fe0 (3.5% to 19.5%) and K 0 (1.4% to 6.8%);3 2b) the refractive indices range from 1.54 to 1.62; c) theX-ray pattern shows more numerous and si ightly sharper reflections;d) the thermal behaviour of the Glauconite isbetter out I i ned; e) the P 0 S of the associated phophor i te2become more abundant.The green grains are ma<strong>de</strong> up of m i crocrysta I I i ne aggregatesof platelets, pale green rn thin section, with a a-;-bout 1. 60 and about 1.62; they have 1Md struGturewith some percentages of expandable layers.On the basis of investigation a mo<strong>de</strong>l for the origin ofthe G I aucon i te • grains from "Pi etr~ Leccese" is proposed.The white gra i.n cou Id be the starting materia I, the ironand potassium of which is supplied by a marine environmentwhich has become a reducing environment insi<strong>de</strong> foraminiferaltests.94

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CRYSTALLOCHEMISTRY AND SURFACE PROPERTIES OF BRAZILIANOPALSF. BARTOLI( 1 ) D. BITTENCOURT ROSA( 2 ) M. ·DoiRISSE( 1 ),R. MEYER( 3 l, R. PHILIPPY(ll and J.C. SAMAMA( 2 )(1) Centre <strong>de</strong> P~dologie Biologique du C.N.R.S., B.P. 5,54501 Vandoeuvre-les-nancy Ce<strong>de</strong>x, France

the isomorphous substitution of AI for Si in the tetrahedralnetwork.S.E.M. micrographof a brazilian opalafter a 15 mn HFvapors pretreatmentII'The less aluminous opals (0.8 to 1.4 Y. Al;:p >, whiteyellowto dark yellow are relatively better -or<strong>de</strong>red.3Correla-tively, their close-packed spheres structure i,smore compact and their amounts in water lower (mainly 3 to·3.5 Y.>. The have also lower amounts of Ca, Mg, Na (0.1 to0.2 Y. MgO +CaD + Na 0>, probably associated with water,2and of metals (0.02 to 0.05 Y. Co + Ni + Cu>, probablyspecifically adsorbed.Their silanol groups, mainly of isolated SiOH ty~e,arecharacterized by a low aluminous environment, lowersurface acidities and thermal stabilities.On the opposite, the -most aluminous opals studied (1.5to 1.8 Y. Al 2o 3> are white with blue in-isations and arerelatively more poorly-or<strong>de</strong>red. In<strong>de</strong>ed, the half-way upo·width of the broad X-Ray 4.1 A band which was used as acrystallinity in<strong>de</strong>x i was mainly 8 to 8.4 against 7 to 896

____ fo-r _ _:!;he ___ less aluminous and relatively better 01-<strong>de</strong>redopals.Correlatively, their amounts of water are higher (45 %) as well as their amounts of impurities.For the wholerange of noble opals studied the isomorphoussubstitution c•f Altofor Si· in the. tetrahedralnetwork is function of the amount of Al 2o 3and can be seenin the infra-red spectra.As the Al 2o 3content increases, the streching andbending silanol Si-0 bands become wi<strong>de</strong>r and shift towards-1lower wavenumbers (3620 to 3570 and 940 to 910 cmrespectively).In the X-Ray diffraction patterns, as the Al 2o 3_ andAl-Si substitution increases, the band becomes broa<strong>de</strong>r

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE ROLE OF POORLY-ORDERED HYDROUS OXIDES OF Al AND FeTHE AGGREGATION OF SOILSINF.BARTOLICl>, R. PHILIPPYCl>, G. BURTIN(lJ, J;J. DEMAiC 2 >,E. JEANROY( 1 ) and E. PATERSON( 3 J(1) Centre <strong>de</strong> P~dologie Biologique du C.N.R.S., B.P. 5,54501 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Ce<strong>de</strong>x, France(2) Universit~ <strong>de</strong> Nancy I, Service Commun <strong>de</strong> MicroscopieElectronique a Transmission, B.P. 239, 54506 ,- Vandoeuv,-eles-NancyCe<strong>de</strong>x, France(3) Macaulay Institute For Soil Research, Craigiebuckler,Aber<strong>de</strong>en AB9 2QJ, U.K.Aggregation in a se,-ies of free of allophanes soilsfrom tropical, mediterranean and temperate zones hasbeenstudied using a multivariable statistical approach whichhas <strong>de</strong>monstrated the importance of poorly-or<strong>de</strong>red AlFe hydrous oxi<strong>de</strong>s in the process C1J.The objectives of the present study concern pothnature of non-crystalline Al and Fe oxyhydroxi<strong>de</strong>s involvedin the aggregation process and on the relationship between~amount and nature of these poorly-or<strong>de</strong>red inorganic soilcomponents and stability of soil aggregates measureddifferential disaggregations.Oxalate was usedand Fe oxyhydroxi<strong>de</strong>s (2).andtheto quantify both non-crystalline Al0.1 M Na-pyrophosphate dispersed poorly-or<strong>de</strong>red hydrousiron oxi<strong>de</strong>s coated by organic matter (e.g. 3, 4,). For thenine A horizons studied, we confirm these pl-evious results.by98

After a first 33 000 g centrifugation, the 100 000 gre•idues were mainly ferrihydrite (Fig. (and oftengoethite traces> associated with organic materials rich inpepti<strong>de</strong>s CIR data>.100 000 g supernatents were dispersed colloidal Al andFe pyrophosphates (dyalisis, IR and DTA data) whichreplace Al and Fe organic chelates.When bc•th concentration of organics and non-crystallineAl and Fe oxyhydroxi<strong>de</strong>s increase the ,-atio Fe 100 000 gpy1-ophosphate supernatant/Fe oxalate increases from 0.33to 0.69

We will <strong>de</strong>monstrate that the nature and therefore thereactivity of poorly-or<strong>de</strong>red Al and Fe oxyhydroxi<strong>de</strong>sbetter explain the Na resin soil disaggregation processthan their quantity.Finally distribution of both soil organic matter andthese poorly-or<strong>de</strong>red inorganic components into aggregates·size compartments after 16 h. Na resin revecse. sh"";king'treatment <strong>de</strong>monstrated again the importan_!=e ofpoorly-or<strong>de</strong>red Al and Fe oxyhydroxi<strong>de</strong>s clo.sely associatedwith organic matter in the soil aggregatic•n pro.cess •. ·~:···distribution of·· poorly-or<strong>de</strong>redlcy'drous Al andFe oxi<strong>de</strong>s intcisoils aggregatesizes after 16hours reverseshaking Na resintreatment.0 (2,.... liD 2-20,.

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PARTICLE SIZE AND MINERALOGICAL COMPOSITION OF AEOLIAN DUSTS COLLECTEDIN SPAINJ. BARRIOS; V. BARRON, F. PENA AND J. TORRENTDepartamento <strong>de</strong> Ciencias y.Recursos Agricolas, Universidad <strong>de</strong> Cordoba,E.T.S.I.A., Apdo 3048, 14080 Cordoba.* Departamento <strong>de</strong> Qufmica Inorganica, Universidad <strong>de</strong> Cordoba, Facultad<strong>de</strong> Ciencias, 14004 Cordoba.The accretion of aeolian or aeroso1ic dust has influenced thegenesis of a number of so:Lls in the world. In the Mediterranean regions,for instance, it has been <strong>de</strong>scribed in many soils of Italy, Greece andIsrael where the aeolian dust carried by the Sirocco from Saharaconstitutes an important part of the parent material. In the IberianPeninsula the fall of "mud" or "red rains" (reddish dust carried byrain) is frequent·and a marked impaction the genesis of some soilscan be expected. The study of aeolian dusts can help to elucidatesome facts that, at present, are of difficult interpretation such astextural balances, presence of some minerals not present in theun<strong>de</strong>rlying rocks (e.g. quartz 'in soils .<strong>de</strong>veloped on basalts) or theunusual position of some mineralo~ical species in the soil profile(e.g. ca~bonatesover argillic horizons).We studied two aeolian dust samples collected in November 1984(sample A) and February 1985 (sample B) from· two zones in theIberian Peninsula (Catalufia a~dAndalucra,respectively). Themineralogical composition of both sa~ples was investigated by X-ray...diffraction on pow<strong>de</strong>r and oriented aggregates and by chemical analysis.Sample A contained 44% of clay (

oo-~--. _=_z. --=-=-~------=-:o-~~~~~--=----:-- ;=---·~--Table 1 MINERALOGY OF THE AEOLIAN DUSTS-sample Size Quartz Feldspar Mica Kaolinite Vermiculite Smectite Calcite Gypsum Ironfractionoxi<strong>de</strong>s(urn)2 X XXX XX X XX X2-5 XX X X X X XXX XA 5-10 XXX X X X XX10-20 XXX XX X X XX X~020 XXX XX X X ·XNI2 X XX XXX XXX2-5 XXX X X XB 5-10 XXX X X10-20 XXX X20 XXX XX: Present, XX: Abundant, XXX: Very abundant

coarse fractions. In the clay fraction mica was more abundant thankaolinite. In contrast kaolinite and smectite were'more abundant thanmica in the clay fraction of sample B. This sample contained alsomuch less calcite and no gypsum.The former data suggest that mineralogy of the aeolian dusts doesnot contrast markedly with the mineralogy of many soils of theMe-diterranean region, which have calcite, quartz and a mixed claymineralogy. Consequently i<strong>de</strong>ntification of aeolian additions must bebased on techniques other than common mineralogical analyses, suchas oxygen isotopic ratio <strong>de</strong>termination o geochemical balances. Someof these 'studies' are .presently un<strong>de</strong>rway.REFERENCESJackson, M.L., Gillete, D·.A., Danielsen, E.F .. , Blifford, I.H.,Bryson, R.A. and Syers, J.K., 1973. Global dustfall. during thequ~ternary as.related to environments. Soil Science 116, 135-145.·Syers, J.K., Jackson, M.L., Berkheisen, V.E., Clayton, R.N. and Rex,R. W., 1969. Ae·olian sediment influence on pedogenesis during theQuaternary .. Soil Science 107, 421-427.103

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaflola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>KAOLINS OF HYDl

contain alunite. The second, in which the bulk of the kaolinized----ma'feria.J. is to be found, consis$ of vol,~anic rcx~k still in placE>in the form of residual mineral. Illite is practically non-existent,while kaolinite is always present, albeit in wi<strong>de</strong>ly-varying amounts.In a few samples, kaolinite is replaced by halloysite (7 A). Quartz isalways present in abundance and, in one case only, is accompanied bycristobalite. K-feldspar is very variable, <strong>de</strong>pending on the-transformationprocesses. Alunite may be absent altogether or present only in. . Ismall amounts, or again it may be the only mineral present togetherwith quartz. Iron, in the form of Fe 2o 3, accounts for about 2% of nontransformedrhyolitic rock and is present to the same <strong>de</strong>gree in certainsamples of kaolinite-alunite transformation products; however, it isusually so impoverished as a result of transformation that it hardlyever exceeds 1%. This impoverishment is particularly evi<strong>de</strong>nt inaluni te <strong>de</strong>posits, but virtually non-existent in kaolin <strong>de</strong>posited un<strong>de</strong>rlacustrine conditions.It was noBed that alunite is not distributed uniformly-throughout·the residual mass; there are whole areas in which ?}unite is absent orlocalized at concentrations that orily_precise sampling can <strong>de</strong>tect ~evaluate. The kaolin <strong>de</strong>posit of .Piloni di Torniella can thereforein its existing state,- be consi<strong>de</strong>red a source of supply for the cera~mics industry, particularly that of wall and fl'ClOr tiles, which canuse the material as it is.105

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1.987. Societlad Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ORDER-DISORDER OF THE CATION DISTRIBUTION If THE OCTAHEDRAL SHEET OFXICACEOUS XIJERALG. BESSOJ, A. DECARREAU*, L.G. DAITYAK** and V.A. DRITS**Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Cri stall ographie, Uni versi te d' Orleans, 45067 OrleansCe<strong>de</strong>x, FRANCE. "'Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Geochimie <strong>de</strong>s Roches Sedimentaires,91405. Orsay Ce<strong>de</strong>x, ·.FRANCE; "*Geological Institute of Aca<strong>de</strong>my ofSciences, Moscow, U.S.S.R.To study the cation distribution in· the octahedral sheet ofdioctahedral minerals, a collection embraced the whole compositionalrange from the Fes·• end-members to the Al end-members with the minimumAl for Si substitutions was chosen. The samples were first studied bya number of methods, such as X-ray and electron.diffraction, chemicalanalyses.and thermogravimetry. The diffraction methods showed that thetrans octahedra in the structure of all the samples were vacant. Thechemical analyses showed that the interlamellar cation was potassium.The octahedral ·sheets in these micas are occupied by Mg, Fe"'•, Fe~ ...and Al cations <strong>de</strong>signed here as A, B, C and D respectively.Probabilities of the occurrence WA, We, We and Wo in cis-octahedra areequal to their content according to the crystal-chemical formula. Ifthe nature of a cation to occur in one member of a pair of cisoctahedra <strong>de</strong>pend on the cation present in·. the other we shall namePu.,

It is known that the OH groups in the struc.ture of dioctahedralmica are coordinated by two ·octahedral cations. The individual OHstretching frequencies <strong>de</strong>pend on the type of the cations nearest tothe OH group. The integrated optical <strong>de</strong>nsi t.y of each· band is<strong>de</strong>termined by the number of OH groups. with. the given cationicenviro.nment. The interpretation· of each individual band is consistentwith the mo<strong>de</strong> of <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce of the OH stretching frequencies on theeffective charges and masses of the nearest cations. The· experimentalvalues of the integrated optical. <strong>de</strong>nsities for each IR band give thePt"' values, and· has allowed revision of. the crystallochemical formulaof some samples CSlonimskaya et al., 1986).But the analysis of one dimensional cation distribution does ~ve· its limitations. For the. k~owiedge of the two dimensional cationdistribution it's necessary to use another spectroscopic methods.With MC:issbauer spectrosqopy we <strong>de</strong>termine around Fe••• how many R+"CC and D) and 'R"'+ CA and B) cations exist in the three directions (seefigure). In or<strong>de</strong>r to interpret the doublets of the Mossbauer spectraof Fe"·•, an approach was <strong>de</strong>veloped based on· possible variants of theimmediate cation environment of these ions and a mo<strong>de</strong>l of thecharacter of the distortion of the iron containing octahedron togetherwith calculations of the electric field gradients based on a moqelwith formal point charges CDainya~ et al., 1984) The knowiedge of therelative weight of each doublets allow to <strong>de</strong>termine the valuesP' F~"'·.; · Cj = R"•, R"•). But it's not enough to <strong>de</strong>termine the twodimensional cation dist·ribution.The oscillations of the X-ray absorption coefficient on the highenergy si<strong>de</strong> of an absorption edge CEXAFS> carry structural informationabout the nearest coordination shells surrounding the absorbing atom,i.e. interatomic distances, number and nature of the ·constituentatoms. The amplitu<strong>de</strong> of the second peak is very sensitive to theatomic composition of the heavy CL = B and C> and light Cl = A and D>atoms of the second shell surrounding heavy ions. The simulation ofthe second shell allows to <strong>de</strong>termine the values P' .... , (j=L, 1>.The compa:i-isqn of these three . methods with the help of thestatistical analysis show for the minerals un<strong>de</strong>rstudy that:107

-1. No sample contains Fe"'+ and AP·• pairs in the direction of the~axisCPF~ 3 ·Al. 3 ·=Q).-2. Cation distrib~tion is never completely disor<strong>de</strong>red.-3. The probability to find cation k near cation i in the direction~ .b(P,kl is different of the probability P' ,.,, in the two otherdirections.-4. The maximum <strong>de</strong>gr~e of short-ranges or<strong>de</strong>r in the octahedralcation distribution is observed in minerals having Al prevalent.BESSON G., DRITS V. A., DAINYAK L. G. and SMOLIAR B. B.

1Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SECONDARY IRON IN RED WEATHERED ROCKS AND SEDIMENTSOF THE BOHEMIAN V~SSIFB.BEZVODOVAGe.oloc:rical Survey I rhlostranske nam. 19 I Praha 1 I CzechoslovakiaRed weathered rocks show various age and different genesisin the Bohemian ~1assif. Their common sign, at firstsight very expressive, is red colour which <strong>de</strong>pends on thecontent of secondary iron and its overall crystallinity.The aim of the present work is a comparison of secondaryiron in red weathered rocks and. sediments of various ageand genesis.THE STUDY AREASFour groups of red weathered rocks were studied: a/redweathered gneisses of the Krusne hory Mts. crystalline complex;parent rocks are of Precambrian age, the weatheringprocess is of pre-Cretaceous age; b/clay sediments of Per-.mian ag~ from Central Boh~mi~n region are the products of<strong>de</strong>nudation and resedimentation of weathered rocks of theUpper Carboniferous /Westphalian-Staphanian/ latter affectedby Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous climate; c/weathered volcanoclasticrocks of tpe North Bohemian Basin of Oligoceneage; the period of weathering ranged from the Neogene tothe Quaternary; d/paleosoils on fluviolacustrine sand andgravel sediments -terraces- of the river Vltava, Dyje andMorava; age of terraces spans from the Pliocene .to Pleistocene;paleosoils originated in the p.eriods of interglacials.For comparison, light-brown weathered rhyolite from theKrusne hory Mts. was studied;the age of the parent rockis Paleozoic, ·age of weathering is unknown, since weatheredrocks are not covered by a younger system.109

LABORATORY METHODSSe?aration of particle fractions

---CONCLUSIONThe above mentioned ratios of various forms of iron andmineral content of clays were used to estimate the age ofthe weathering process. The results 1.

Summaries " ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>IMPROVEMENT OF CLAY SOILS. A CASE STUDYC. BINI 1 , F. MATTEI.SCARPACCINI~, E. RAS0 2 . G.G.RISTO~I 3 and E.SPARVOLI 3.1 - Dept. of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, Univ.Florence, Italy.2 - Dept. of A.Q;riculttire, University of Florence, Italy.3 - Centre di studio per i Colloidi <strong>de</strong>l Suolo, CNR, Florence, Italy.Laborato~ ru1d field e'~eriments were carried out on an acid clay .so~l <strong>de</strong>veloped on alluvial terraces of the Mu~ello valley (Florence).According to the .Soil Taxonomy, the studied soil is a fine clayey,mixed,·mesic, Ultic Hapludalf.The aim of the study was to contribute· to the improvement of the soilstructure and to increase .the agricultural:productivity of this kind ofsoils, which are sprea<strong>de</strong>d over la~e areas in central Italy and abroad.Laboratory studies on the role played by gypsum in <strong>de</strong>terminin~ therearrangement of microstructure in agricultural acid soils were carriedout recently by Guyot et al.· (1984) and Delmas et al. (1985). Bini andRistori (1986) found similar effects in natural.soils <strong>de</strong>veloped on~sic--clayrocks. A few field experiments are ·reported in recent literatureon this subject.Laboratory experiments. Samples of the Ap horizon were intensively mixedwith ~ater and subjected to a constant mechanical pressure, 1n or<strong>de</strong>r·to have homogeneous prisms comparable with natural ag_g;regates at fieldcapacity (pF 2.5).The effects of a treatment of these prisms with ~sum were observedboth by physical and chemical analyses (pF, pH variations, water an<strong>de</strong>xchangeable ca2+ contents) anci l:Jy S. E. M. , in or<strong>de</strong>r to evaluate j f therehad been diffusion phenaneria insi<strong>de</strong> the clayey sticks, and a reorganizationof the clay particles at submicroscopic level.Field experiments. The experimental study in the field was carried outaccording to a split-plot scheme with four replies of the following. theses·Thesis A: distribution of four different amounts of _cypsum(o,. 20, 40, 60 qxha~l);Thesis B : distribution of two different amounts of phosphorus(lOO and 200 Kgxha- 1 P 2 0s respectively).The soil was then sowed with maize ~nd spray irrigated. The fiel<strong>de</strong>xperiments, carried out over two years, concerned totally thirtytwo112

experimental plots randomly distributed over a 1000 m 2 surface.---------A"fdi-fferen't:"periods of time (30 to 120 days, the time of maize growing),breaking toad measures were· taken in the field, and samples werecollected to measure the 'soil pH and moisture in different; plots. Moreover,undisturbed soil aggregates were taken for physical, micromorphologicaland submicroscopical analyses, in or<strong>de</strong>r to observe the modificationsinduced by the differential treatment both on the pore system_geometry(by Hg porosimetry and light microscopy) and in the rearrangementof clay particles (light and electron microscopy).Remarks. The following results·have.been obtained from the experimentalwork:- The surface reactions at the gypsum-clay interface give rise to diffusionphenomena, as a function of the water content. The calc~um diffusion,as measured by the extractable ca 2 + insi<strong>de</strong> the clay stick.s, showsdj fferential accumulation of cal.c;ium from the top to the. bottom and forlong-term samples (90 days treatment). in comparison with mid-term samples(45 to 75 days), while the short-term samples (15 to 30 days) havea minimum increase with respect to the untreated samples.- After gypsum application, the recor<strong>de</strong>d pH proved to increase at thetop of the sticks. The measuredtlpH between the top and the bottom, andamong the different periods of time, suggests that_ there must have beena retro-diffusion process insi<strong>de</strong> the sticks, which is responsible for loweringthe pH at the bottom. In the same time, an increase of the soilpH in the field was recor<strong>de</strong>d, as a function of the different amounts ofgypsum fertilization, thus confirming.the results from laboratory expe~riments·.',-The fabric and the pore system geometry of the clay sticks, as observedby S.E.M., seem to be more stable, due to gypsum application, wit!"'regard to the untreated samples. An anisotropic arrangement, typical ofthe "non salt flocculated structure" (Lambe, 1953), is ·<strong>de</strong>veloped, withdiscrete domains disposed mainly EF and separated by intermicrodomaindisconL;inult.ies.- The S.E.M. observations carried out on undisturbed soil samples taken30 to 90 days after the distribution of gypsum, show marked differencesin the fabric. The test-plot has a rather isotropic structure ma<strong>de</strong> up ofcontig~ous domains arranged mainly FF, with low porosity. The gypsumtreated plots, at the beginning (20 qxha- 1 ) have ~anisotropic structure,which <strong>de</strong>velops first to an honey-combed one (40 qxha- 1 )and then todiscrete domains arranged mainly EE and FF, with <strong>de</strong>creasing p

- The pore size distribution, as observed by Hg porosimeter 30 to 90days after the soil treatment. shows firstly (0 to 40 qxha- 1 ) a:rr··increa:-··~--- -se, then ( 60 qxha-1) a <strong>de</strong>crease to the -starting distribution of resi·,dual pores ( 0.1pn e.c.r.). In the same time, the storas;e pores (0.1 --10 pm e.c:.r.) show an opposite distribution .• while the ·transmission pores(10- 100prn e.c.r.) have a relatively constant pattern. Moreover,the total porosity measured by kerosene immersion doesn't. show appreciablevariations in different plots. It means that only the microporosityis influenced by gypsum application. This behaviour may be ascribed tothe flocculation of clay particles in con<strong>de</strong>nsed microdomains, and isconsistent with SEM observations.- The agronomical results with maize over two years show that gypsumfertilization at the lower levels (20~0 qxha-1) can increase corn yieldshy 1.o% and 5~ respectively, while gypsing with higher amourits ( 60qxha- 1 ) results in only 1.5~ yield increases, suggesting that it needsmore .time for gypsum to penetrate the subsoil and to be effective. Appreciablecorn yield increases (5~) are obtained with the higher phosphorusapplication too, while any negative interaction with gypsum isrecor<strong>de</strong>d .. The.se results suggest that by-product gypsum from phospateacid manufacture would be a feasible amendment for acid clay soils.REFERENCESBini C. and Ristori G.G. (l986) - Microstructure of soils <strong>de</strong>veloped ongypsic-clay rocks in Northern Apennines (Italy). Soil Microscopy, Proc,VIIth Int. Meet ins; on Soil Micromorphology, in press.Delmas A.B. et al. (1985) -The effect of gypsum on the poral systemgeometry in two clay soils. Min Petr. Acta, 29 A, pp~ 499~509.GuyotJ. et al. (1984) - Am€dioration <strong>de</strong> la structure <strong>de</strong> sols non salesoar le gypse. Trans Eur. Coll. "Fonctionnement. hydrique et comportement<strong>de</strong>s sols'', Dijon.Lambe T.W. (1953) -The structu1'e of inorganic soils. Proc. A.S.C.E.,separate n. 315.114

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>__PRQCE_SSING TRIALS ON KAOLIN-BEARING ROCKS FROM PUGU, TANZANIA,USING CONVE~JTIONAL AND NEW HYDROCYCLONE BODIES.A.J. BLOODWORTH, D. A BRIGGS AND D. J. MORGANBritish Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG, UKThis paper will <strong>de</strong>scribe the results of laboratory beneficiation trialson l

',·!",,~ I ' I·,·!I!The original "hard" material contained 46% kaolin and screening aL63 __m1cron::. gave a product containing 93% kaolin at virtually completerecovery. Tr·e glass hydrocyclone recovered 61% of the kaolin at a gra<strong>de</strong> of99%. O·.:er 96% of particles in th1S product were

Suriace area (m2/g)3 4. 5 6 7 8 9 10 111 0(1 190+0+0+080. +U70+UE::::!.U'lV84!60+U5040+U30 +U20Fig. 1. Plot of surface area vs. %

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>GENESIS OF CLAY-MINERAL ASSEMBLAGES IN THREEPALEOZOIC MARINE EVAPORITE DEPOSITS IN THE UNITED STATESM. W. BODINE, JR.u.s. Geological Survey, MS 939, Box 25046, Denver, CO 80225, USA1i'IClay-mineral assemblages in marine evaporite rocks in the UnitedStates were studied from (1) the Upper Silurian Retsof salt bed in theSalina Group from the Appalachian Basin in western New York, (2) theMiddle Pennsylvanian Paradox Member of the Hermosa Formation from theParadox Basin in southeastern Utah, and (3) the Upper Permian SaladoFormation from the Delaware Basin in southeastern New Mexico. All<strong>de</strong>posits have abundant halite; the Paradox salts contain thin bedswith potash minerals, and the Salado salts constitute the nation'smost important potash resource.Clay mineralogyMagnesium-rich trioctahedral clays dominate assemblages in theseevaporite rocks rather than the kaolinite, dioctahedral smectites,illite, and mixed-layer clays that characterize most sediments.Chlorite (clinochlore), trioctahedral smectite (saponite), trioctahedralmixed-layer clinochlore-saponite (C/S) with varying fractionsof expandable layers, talc, mixed-layer talc-saponite, and serpentineoccur at one or more of the <strong>de</strong>posits. Discrete illite with little orno expandable interlayers is the only dioctahedral clay mineral and isubiquitous at each <strong>de</strong>posit.Chemical compositions of insoluble

In the Paradox salts discrete chlorite characterizes the dolomite- be(fs~-m:i.xed-layer C/S with 10"-50 percent smectite layers occurs in theanhydrite beds, and corrensite dominates the halite beds. Abundanttalc coexists with corrensite in halite beds but serpentine is absent.Mg-Al trioctahedral clays. in the Salado Formation range from di~cretechlorite, chlorite-,rich to smectite-rich mixed-layer C/S, todiscrete saponite. Talc is rare and serpentine is restricted· to bedsclose to anhydrite-halite ,boundaries. Mixed,-layer talc-saponite isassociated with polyhalite beds and probably crystallizedcontemporaneously with the diagenetic polyhalite replacement ofcalcium sulfate salts.Genesis of Mg-Al clay mineralsMagnesium enrichment of <strong>de</strong>trital clays most likely occurred during·early diagenesis when the brine-sediment mass ratio was high and masstransfer between the clays and coexisting brine procee<strong>de</strong>d without significantlyeffecting brine composition.After burial and compaction,however, the brine-sediment mass ratio was substantially reduced andclay transformations were probably isochemij!al. ·This is becauseexchange between ·the clays and coexisting pore -fluid would have been .limited without drastically modlfying pore fluid composition~Early diagenesis effects transformation of <strong>de</strong>trital dioctahedralaluminous clays by Mg uptake at or slightly below the brine'-sedimentinterface. B. F. Jones and coworkers have, for·example, documentedthe transformation of aluminous <strong>de</strong>trital _smecdtes into Mg-rich mixedlayers with compositions midway between i<strong>de</strong>al dioctahedral and· trioctahedralstoichiometry in con,tinental evaporite: environments of the' • L • •western United States. The transformation of ·dioctahedral smectite(or, similarly, kaolinite) {&illustrated by t~~simplified. reactionMontmoril,lonite + silica + Mg~~ -->- Mg•rich stitectite + wat_er + 2H:q .in which aluminum is conserved in the solids ·and the '<strong>de</strong>gr:ee of. ·Mg-en-2.+ . + 2richment in the clay is a function of the (Mg )/{H ) · activity ratioin the brine. The effect of increasing salinity (Mg concentration) onan authigenic suiectite's composition explains· the distribution of Mg­Al clays in the Paradox salts; the:i.r p~ogres·s:i.vely increasing Mg/Alp~rallels the increasing sal;l.nities reflefted in the~~ host saTes.Some Mg-silicate minerals or their early -diagenetic·precursors,119

1:!such as kerolite, sepiolite, or stevensite, are neoformed during earlydiagenesis. The sequence qua,tz-talc-serpentine reflects increasing2+ + 2 .(Mg )/(H ) activity ratio and <strong>de</strong>creasing dissolved silica activityin the coexisting brine. Authigenic talc, for example,· occurs in· asmall mo<strong>de</strong>rn marine salina in the Caribbean, and .kerolite, sepiolite,and stevensite have been reported by several workers from Quaternaryterrestrial evaporites.Late diagenesis over exten<strong>de</strong>d periods of geologic time allows isochemicalrecrystallization of the metastable phases such as the smectiteswith mixed di-trioctahedral stoichiometry.Thus, the compositionsof early diagenetic smectites in the Paradox. salts appear to bepreserved in the chlorite through corrensite progression now observed.Increased temperature accompanying burial also plays a role in 'latediagenesis. The succession of Mg-Al trioctahedral clays at the threelocalities is analagous to the well-known burial-metamorphic "illitization"of dioctahedral smectitic clays, and is similar ·to the burialprogression in trioctahedral clays noted by F. A. Mackenzie and eoworkersin a thick pile of weathered mafic <strong>de</strong>tritus. The Salado clays(shallowest burial <strong>de</strong>pth) consist of discre·te smectite, chlorite, andthe complete range of C/S compositions.The Paradox clays (intermediateburial <strong>de</strong>pth) lack smectite-rich C/S but well-crystallized corrensiteis abundant.The Retsof salts (<strong>de</strong>epest burial <strong>de</strong>pth) containonly discrete chlorite. The generalized reactions,Mg-rich smectite + water + mixed-layer C/S + quartz (Salado),Smectite-rich C/S +water + corrensite +talc+ quartz (Paradox),Corrensite +water + clinochlore +talc+ quartz (Retsof),illustrate the sequence of isochemical transformations with <strong>de</strong>pth.Early diagenetic Mg-rich smectites are initially transformed to C/Swhose compositions range from discrete saponite to discrete chloriteas observed in the Salado salts. With mo<strong>de</strong>rate burial, as in theParadox salts, "chloritization" ·of the the smectite-rich C/S compositionsproduces corrensite and talc. Further burial, as with theRetsof salts, results in transformation of all smectite layers andproduces a discrete chlorite-talc assemblage.120

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>IRON OXIDE MINERALOGY OFTERRA ROSSAV.BOERO AND U.SCHWERTMANN*Istituto di Chimica Agraria, Univerisiti d~ Torino, 15 v.Giuria, 10126Torino, (Italy).* Lehrstuhl fur Bo<strong>de</strong>nkun<strong>de</strong> Technische Universitat Munchen, 8050Freising-Weihenstephan, West Germany.Terra rossa (TR) form~ a shallow and discontinuous cover on hardcarbonatic rock and are especially common in areas of mediterraneanclimates. TR soils have been classified as Rhodoxeralfs or Xerochrepts(Soil Taxonomy), Luvisols or Cambisols (FAO-Unesco) as well as Solsrouges fersiallitiques (France).The red color of TR is due to hemati):e and strongly contrasts withthe white-gray color of the un<strong>de</strong>rlying rock, as well as with most ofthe brown soils in the same climatic environment, which are hematitefree.Alt'hough the TR material may no longer be found in its originalposition, its occurrence is usual'ly restricted to hard, highly waterpermeable limestones which therefore must have been an .essential partof the pedogenic environment un<strong>de</strong>r· which the TR were formed.The aim of our work was to characterize the iron oxi<strong>de</strong> mineralogyof TR samples. The preliminary results of this characterization arepresented here.TR samples from Australia, France, Germany, Greece, Israel, Italy,Lebanon, Mexico and the USA were taken from profiles overlying ·thehard carbonatic rock or from cracks in the rock. The· samples werefree of particles >2mm and contained only small quantities ofparticles >20um (see table). After dispersion in water with Nahexametaphosphateand a mild ultrasonic treatment, the average claycontent was 5J%. The pH in water (1:10) was 7.7 (±0.25). The121

I'·'1,'I'1average total amount of iron oxi<strong>de</strong> (Fed), (16h DCB treatment at RT),was 3.3%, of which 88% was in the clay fraction. The clays (separatedafter NaOH (pH=9) and ultrasonic dispersions) had an average Fedvalue of 5.5% with a narrow 95% p confi<strong>de</strong>nce interval (C.I. ±0.35).The same was true for the Fed/Fet ratio (0.68 ±0.03; n=39) which mayserve as an in<strong>de</strong>x for the <strong>de</strong>gree of weathering. The quantiy ofoxalate extractable iron (Feo) ,was low in B horizons (Feo/Fed 0.038±0.006; n=32) but consi<strong>de</strong>rably higher (0.54 ±0.02; n=5) in Ahorizons.Al was separated into "amorphous Al-oxi<strong>de</strong>s" as dissolved byoxalate (Alo 0.43% ±0.06; n=37) and Al in Fe-oxi<strong>de</strong>s Ald-Alcb (0.39%±0.07; n=37).Hematite (Hm) and goethite(Gt) were i<strong>de</strong>ntified as the only ironoxi<strong>de</strong>s in the 19 s~mples so far examined. The Hm/(Hm+Gt) ratioestimated from DXRD diffractograms) was not significantly correlatedwith Feo, Feo/Fed, Fed/Fet, Alo and Ald-Alc~. The mean crystallitedimension MCD111 (MCD perpendicular t~ the 111 plane) of Gttaken from DXRD peak broa<strong>de</strong>ning and MCDa (plate diameter) of ilm from110 line, were both 29 nm. The plate thickness of hematite, ~!CDc (fromWHH of 104 line), of 16 nm was estimated for a· TR clay containing noGt and having an MCDa of 38 nm. MCD and Al substitution in both Gtand Hm were not correlated with Ald-Alcb probably due to thesimultaneous occurrence of Gt and Hm, but also because of the rathernarrow range of values This is also the case for the relationshipbetween the Al substitution of Hm and that of Gt (average Alsubstitution ratio of 1:2), as well as between the Munsell colorparameters (hue, value, chroma) and Hm and Gt properties Alsubstitution and MCD).In view of the. wi<strong>de</strong> geographic distribution of our TR samples, therather limited variation of relevant Fe oxi<strong>de</strong> characteristics (see 95%C.I. in the table) is noteworthy. '.It may indicate that their a~erag~values characterize a typical pedoenvironment for O:R resulting from,_

autochthonous or allochthonous primary Fe sources resulting in arather high Fed/Fet ratio of ea 0.7 followed by p•eferentialformation of hematite over that of goethite during the drier summerperiod (Torrent and Cabedo, 1986). Furthermore, the.high Hm/(Hm+Gt)ratio and the medium level of Al substitution in both Gt and Hm are inaccordance with the neutral pH conditions.ReferencesTorrent,J. and Cabedo, A., 1986. Sources of iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s in two reddishbrown soil profiles from calcarenites in southern Spain. Geo<strong>de</strong>rma, 37:57-66.TERRA ROSSA X n CV% 0.95P C.I.

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE CRYSTALLIZATION TEMPERATURE OF HYDROTHERMAL CLAY MINERALS :THE DATA FROM FLUID INCLUSIONS AND CLAY GEOTHERMOMETERSM.C. BOIRON 1 ,M. CATHELINEAUZlLaboratoire <strong>de</strong> Petrologie <strong>de</strong> la Surface, Universite <strong>de</strong> Poitiers, ,UACNRS 721, 40, Avenue du Recteur Pineau 86022 Poitiers Ce<strong>de</strong>x France.2 CREGU, B.P. 23, 54501 Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy Ce<strong>de</strong>x France.Problems related to the temperature estimation of clay crystallization.Temperature estimation is a necessary step in the un<strong>de</strong>rstanding ofthe physical and chemical conditions of water-rock interactions. At medium-to-hightemperature, geothermometric investigations of these naturalprocesses use numerous technique$ based on the mineral compositions,the fluid chemistry, the isotopic fractionation ••• Most of the availablegeothermometers are of no use in the case of studies <strong>de</strong>aling'with.waterrockinteractions at temperatures ranging from 50°C ·to· 350°C. This ismainly due to the lack of a characteristic mineral ?Ssemblage, and especiallyof theoretical or experimental values at these temperatures. Asclay minerals are largely dominant in these systems, many authors attemptto use these minerals as thermal indicators, consi<strong>de</strong>ring mostly the crystallographicfeatures obtained by X.R.D., such as the expandable layercontent, or the crystallinity of the material. Nevertheless, these thermalindicators are in general qualitative because of the difficulty of aprecise thermal calibration. The combination of both the crystal chemistryof clays and a fluid inclusions study on coexisting minerals provi<strong>de</strong>sa satisfactory solution to this problem. As the use of clay geothermometersis still in its beginnings, comparison of the different geothermometricapproaches on the same objects can give informative data, as <strong>de</strong>scribedin the following section.An example of thermal reconstitutionnic series.the fossil alteration of a volca-The above mentionned methodology was applied to the case of a fossil124

hydrothermal system located in the northern part of the french Central~-Massir.- Tlie ~geological series consist of a pile of carboniferous volcanicsediments, .acidic tuffs and rhyolites. They are affected by a strongmultistage alteration due to a relatively complex tardi-hercynian hydrothermalactivity. Two stages can be distinguished1) An early pervasive fluid circulation occured first and is assumedto be related to the cooling of the volcanic system. Fluid-rock interactionprovoked the alteration of the Fe-Mg bearing phases (biotites) intochlorites (brunsvigites). These chlorites are characterized by. a. rela~ivelyhigh Si substitution by aluminium in the tetrahedral site, whichranges from 1.15 to 1.3. This indicates, using the chlorite geothermometerof CATHELINEAU et NIEVA (1985) and new data concerning the gee thermometercalibration above 250°C (CATHELINEAU, 1987), that the chlorite crystallizedat temperatures above 300°C.Temperatures are estimated· to have been around 300 ~ 15°C, using theaverage Alrv values obtained from the statistical treatment of the che- ·mical variables.Fluids in the chlorite zone were studied in the microcracks locatedin the magmatic quartz. These secondary fluid inclusions are assumed togive the P,T,X conditions of the dominant alteration of the rocks. Fluidinclusion data indicate that the'minimum trapping conditions were aroundor slightly above 300°C (pressure c~rrection about 30°C-50°C). Thus,there is a good agreement between the different estimations.2) Later fluid circulation was more restricted to faulted areas.Fluid rock interaction in the vicinity of veins and microcracks provokedthe retromorphosis of the first_alteration assemblage into K-micas, ankeriteand quartz. Two stages are distinguished according to the K-micacomposition.a)' The first K-micas are phengites with an interlayer occupancy ofbetween 0.80 to 0.90 (mean value~ 0.87), a celadonite content of around30 % and a very low paragonite content.b) The second K-micas are illites without any expanding phase contribution,as <strong>de</strong>monstrated by the X.R.D. study. They are an interlayercharge ranging from 0.65 to 0.75. Fluid inclusions analysed in coexistingquartz (primary inclusions) show a minimum trapping temperature of180 + 20°C.125

A comparison of. these data concerning the illite composition with thedata from geothermal systems (MAC DOWELL and ELDERS, 1980 ; CATHELINEAU,·1987) suggests that the cristallization temperature£of the phengites andthe illites were in the ral'l.ges. of 250-270°C and 170-2l0°C respectively.The application of the illite geothermometer from CATHELINEAUet IZQ~ERDO(1987) gives similar estimations.In all three cases there is consi<strong>de</strong>rable agreement between the interpreteddata obtained from the fluid inclusion studies and those <strong>de</strong>ducedfrom the application of clay geothermometers •1:. CATHELINEAU M., NIEVA D. (1985). A chlorite solid solution geothermometer.The Los Azufres (Mexico) geothermal system. Contlub. Mi.neJtaLPet!r.oL, 91, 235-244.CATHELINEAU M. 1987. ) . Les interactions entre flui<strong>de</strong>s et roches :thermometrie et mo<strong>de</strong>lisation. Exemple d'un systeme geothermique actifCt.os Azufres, Mexique) et d 'alterations fossiles clans la chaine varisque.Doct. Thesis. Nancy Univ., 515 p.CATHELINEAU M., IZQIERDO G. (1987). Temperature-composition relationshipof authigenic clay minerals in the Los Azufres geothermal system.Soumis a Contrib. Mineral. Petrol.MAC DOWELL S.D., ELDERS W.A. (1980). Authigenic layer silicate Mineralsin Borehole Elmore 1, Salton sea Geothermal Field, California, USA.Co~b. Mi.ne~at. Pet!r.o!., 74, 293-310.126

~oCI.Ar·."-"'~"..>:Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS~.., / Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>( ... s.: .. rt"'~POLARIZED X-RAY ABSORPfiON SPECTRA OF BIOTITE: APPLICATION TO.. THE STUDY OF FE-MG DISTRIBUTION IN THE PHLOGOPITE-ANNITESERIES.D. BONNINl, A. MANCEAl]2, C. FRETIGNYl AND P. KAISERl1-Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Physique Quantique, Ecole Superieure <strong>de</strong> Physique et <strong>de</strong> Chimie,10 nie Vauquelin, 75231 Paris Ce<strong>de</strong>x 05.2-Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Mineralogie-Cristallographie, Universites Paris 6 et 7 et CNRSUA09, Tour 16, 4 place Jussieu, Paris 75252, France.The x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) is a method of choice to study the reality ofoctahedral solid solutions in_phyllosilicates1,2. This arises from the fact that EXAFSspectra provi<strong>de</strong> information about the local structure around the x-ray absorbing atom.Typically, three nearest neighbour bond lengths, natu,re. and number of atomssurrounding the central x-ray absorber can be <strong>de</strong>termined. One of the main interest ofEXAFS for clay mineralogy is its capability for distinguishing 3d elements from Mg andAl in the octahedral sheet. But this distinction necessitates a careful analysis of EXAFSdata because phyllosilicates possess a complex structure.Photoelectron waves backscattered by 3d elements and by Mg or Al atoms are out ofphase making them easily dinstinguishable from each other. Unfortunately Si atoms arelocated in the vicinity of the first cation'coordination sphere surrounding the x-rayabsorber. As a consequence the resulting backscattered wave, which interfer with theoutgoing wave in the EXAFS process, is the composition of elementary wavesbackscattered by octahedral cations and Si atoms. The precise analysis of EXAFS datanecessitates to un<strong>de</strong>rstand how these waves interfer. The structurally well knownphlogopite-annite series offer a unique way to <strong>de</strong>cipher x-ray absorption spectra. Datareported here have been obtained on the samples studied elsewhere by Sanz and Stone byMossbauer and NMR3.POLARIZED EXAFS SPECTRA OF BJOTJIEThe unique method to separate Fe-Mg and Si contributions to :EXAFS is to use theplane polarized nature of synchrotron radiation. The angular <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce of EXAFS, x,is given by127

where Xpol is the polarized EXAFS, Xiso is the isotropic EXAFS and 9 the angle~between the polarization vector and the absorber-scatterer vector.EXAFS spectra have been collected between o· and 60. by steps of 10~. At eachenergy of row spectra, a linear regression analysis of the absorption for these differentinci<strong>de</strong>nce angles permits obtention of the limiting case spectrum. for which thepolarization vector should be perpendicular to the ab plane4,5. In that geometry, the beamdirection should be parallel to this plane. At this angle the contribution of octahedraications to EXAFS is canceled and it is then possible to extract the amplitu<strong>de</strong> and phasefunctions of the Fe-Si atomic pair.EXAFS SPECTRA OF FE-MICASA complete series of samples belonging to· the phlogopite-annite series have beenstudied at the Fe K-edge to firstly examine the influence of the Fe/Fe+Mg ratio on:EXAFS spectra. Then, the contribution of the Si atomic shell, which is in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt ofthe chemical composition of biotites, has been subtracted to the row spectrum of eachsample. It is shown that the photoelectron waves backscattered by Fe in annite and Mg inphlogopite are almost out of phase. This wave phase shift continuously increases alongthe series in agreement with the random distribution of Fe atoms within the octahedralsheet. For every sample the number of Fe and Mg second nearest neighbourssurrounding Fe atoms has been <strong>de</strong>termined fitting EXAFS spectraREFERENCES1- Manceau A. and Calas G. (1985) Heterogeneous distribution of nickel in hydrous silicates from NewCaledonia ore <strong>de</strong>posits. Am. Miner. 70,549-558.2- Manceau A. and Calas G. (1986) Ni-bearing clay minerals. 2.· X-ray absorption study of Ni-Mgdistribution. Clay Minerals. 21,341-360.3- Sanz J. and Stone E. E. (1983) NMR applied to minerals: IV. Local or<strong>de</strong>r in the octahedral sheet ofmicas:Fe-F avoidance. Clay Minerals,18, i87-192.4- Bonnin D., Bouat J., Kaiser P., Fretigny C. and Beguin F. (1986) Bond angle <strong>de</strong>termination byangular EXAFS study .and Debye-Wailer anisotropy in 2D graphite intercalation compounds. Journal<strong>de</strong> Physique, C8, 47,865-868.5- Fretigny C., Bonnin D. and Cortes R. (1986) Polarization effects in XANES of layered materials:alkali-graphite intercalation compounds study. Journal <strong>de</strong> Physique, C8, 47, 869-873.128

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ADSORPTION OF COBAL'l' BY SOIL IRON OXIDES AT LOW AND HIGHEQUILIBRIUM SOLUTION CONCEN·rRATIONSO.K. BorggaardChemistry Department, Royal Veterinary and AgriculturalUniversity, Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK-1871 Fre<strong>de</strong>riksberg· C,Denmark.Eleven selected soils from Denmark and Tanzania wereextracted with ammon'ium acetate (controls), EDTA, and di thionite-EDTAto fractionate iron (and manganese) oxi<strong>de</strong>s. EDTAextractableFe corresponds to what was earlier calledamorphous Fe oxi<strong>de</strong>s, while the difference between dithionite­EDTA-extractable Fe and EDTA-extractable Fe corresponds tocrystalline Fe oxi<strong>de</strong>s. The amount of cobalt adsorbed from3 ~M equilibrium Co solution, corresponding to the Co levelin soil solution, and from 0.85 mM Co in 0.2 M NaN0 were 3<strong>de</strong>termined for the extracted soils and for two synthetic Feoxi<strong>de</strong>s. To investigate the stoichiometry of the adsorption·process the amounts of acidity <strong>de</strong>sorbed from the samples due·to Co adsorption from 0.85 mM solution were also measured.No significant correlations were found between Co adsorptionand the content. of organic matter and extr.actableMn but they were low in the soils investigated; Close correlationswere, however, found between Co adsorption and theFe oxi<strong>de</strong> contents.The amount of eo adsorbed by the dithionite-EDTAtreated soils, free of Fe and Mn oxi<strong>de</strong>s, were attributed tothe clay silicates. The difference between Co adsorbed byacetate-extracted and dithionite-EDTA-extracted samples wasattributed to the Fe oxi<strong>de</strong>s. This portion of adsorbed Co waswell <strong>de</strong>scribed by consi<strong>de</strong>ring soil Fe oxi<strong>de</strong>s composed ofonly two fractions, an EDTA-extractable fraction of highreactivity and a less reactive fraction corresponding to theremaining Fe oxi<strong>de</strong>s.Cobalt adsorption by the clay silicates was associatedwith a release of c.· one H+ per adsorbed Co, whereas about1.7 H+ were <strong>de</strong>sorbed per Co adsorbed by the two Fe oxi<strong>de</strong>129

fractions in soils an~ by the synthesic Fe oxi<strong>de</strong>s.----~----,~-The amount of Co adsorbed by the soil Fe oxi<strong>de</strong>s at bothconcentration levels were well predicted from the contentsand specific surfaces of the two Fe oxi<strong>de</strong> fractions togetherwith the amount of Co adsorben per m 2 of synthetic Feoxi<strong>de</strong>s.130

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ADSORPTION OF IOBIOIIC POLYACRYLAMIDE 01 la KONTKORILLOIITE: RELATIONBETWEEN ADSORPTION, ZETA POTENTIAL, TURBIDITY, EITHALPY OF DISPLA­CEXEHT DATA AHD DYIAKICS OF THE ADSORBED PHASE BY ' 3 C 1XR Il AQUEOUSSOLUTION.J. Y. BOTTERO*, K. BRUAHT*, J.K. CASES*, D.CAIET**'"Centre <strong>de</strong> Recherche sur la· Valorisation <strong>de</strong>s Minerais <strong>de</strong> 1' ENSG et UA235 du CNRS-BP 40-54501 Vandoeuvre Ce<strong>de</strong>x France.""'Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Methodologie RMN-Uni versi te <strong>de</strong> Nancy I-BP 239-54506Vandoeuvre Ce<strong>de</strong>x France.The aim of this work concerns the interactions between nonionicpolyacrylami<strong>de</strong>

electrokinetic potential absolute value. It means that theelectrokinetic thickness <strong>de</strong> is larger than the interface shear-planesurface length. <strong>de</strong> remains lower than the diffuse layer thickness forMw

The~ heat of displacement values -,;<strong>de</strong>pH versus Ce. shows a <strong>de</strong>ep<strong>de</strong>crease, indicating that -,;<strong>de</strong>pH are only high at smallest Qa values.Beyond -t~.;~pH is negligible, indicating a non thermic ads-orption.Notwithstanding the lack of accuracy of the data it appears that thelarge values of -,;.~~"'H correspond to the adsorption with a flatconformation of the macromolecules. The <strong>de</strong>crease of -6d•pH correspondsto the tactoids break-up and the formation of large loops towards thebulk, the number of segments anchored to the surface keeps constant.From the different methods

On the other hand it exists a discrepancy between the P values fromisotherms and microcalorimetric data.COlfCLUSIOIIsobutyrami<strong>de</strong> adsorbs firstly on the edges, secondly on exposedbasal plane surfaces of the tactoids and ultimatly between theinterlamellar spac'C without modifying the particle texture. Atsaturation, the molecular area is that of two hexagonal oxygencavities.At equilibrium the PAK macromolecules do not flocculate the clayparticles, but the adsorption is strong and shows a Kw <strong>de</strong>pendance. Theturbidity evolution and size distribution versus Qa corresponds to the<strong>de</strong>struction of the clay sheets stacking. The increase of dOOl is due13to the presence of PAM on the internal basal space. C NKR data showthat for Qa>20g~. lOOg,.·· .. ,, the adsorbed macromolecule conformation israther flat. For higher Qa values, the adsorbed macromolecules havelarger and larger loops and tails towards the bulk. The heat ofdisplacement -~:~.• ~pH quickly <strong>de</strong>cre'i'ses to zero. At low surfacecoverage, the adsorbed pdlymer conformation is flat and the heat ofdisplacement is large. The heat of displacement is near zero fromQa~20g*. lOOg.-' where loops and tails are largely exten<strong>de</strong>d towards thebulk.The calculation of the bound fraction P from NKR and adsorptionisotherms are correlated.134

Summaries - Proceedings ,THE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987: <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE CLAYS OF THE PIEDMONTESE TERTIARY BASIN: GENETIC ASPECTS ANDTECHNOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS.BOTTTINO G.·t GRASSI G!t STAFFERL L. *** Dipartimento Georisorse e Territorio Politecnico di TorinoDipartimento di Scienza <strong>de</strong>i ·materiali e Ing.,gneria Chimica - Poli t~cnico di Torino.A thick seq~ence of miocenic sediments extensively ~utcrops in theTertiary Piedmont Basin.These sediments mainly consist of <strong>de</strong>ep sea argillac~ - m~TlY. <strong>de</strong>posits,in which several sandy lenticular bodies, mostly of turbidi tiorigin, are enclosed; as a response to tectonic movements of the alpineinland.The recent <strong>de</strong>positsof the pliocenic transgression are in superpositionon this sequence. These <strong>de</strong>posits are predominantly <strong>de</strong>ep sea clays,followed by the quaternary sediments in transition and continentalfacies.A systematic study of the argili'a:::ecus -· marl;x-·sediments was car-· ried out with the aim of highlighting firstly possible interconnectionsbetween the sedimentological and mineralogical aspects and s~condly of <strong>de</strong>fining the principal technological parameters of these materials,especially of those which are being excavated.The mineralogical study, carried out principally by means of x-raydiffractometr~highlighted some dift:erences of composition whichcan be· correlated with the genesis of the <strong>de</strong>positsThe quaternary clays, in 'transition facies, show a clear predomina~ce of illite compared with the other' clay minerals. Among these kaolinite and smecti te are present, but 1n small quanti ties, quartz is alwayspresent as well, whereas .calcite· and feldspars are absent.135

Red clays, which are a residue of limestone solution, show a completely differentcomposition. They are composed of amorphous substances as well as of quartz.Pliocenic and miocenic marine clays are characterized by a combination of illiteand kaolinite, in pratically equal amounts in miocenic clays and with a predominanceof illite in pliocenic clays. Smectite is always in very limited quantit~es.Among non-clay minerals quartz is always present and plentiful with combined calcite,whereas feldspars are found predominantly in miocenic clays. These differencesun<strong>de</strong>rline the dominant role of the <strong>de</strong>posit environment on the provenance of materialconnected to the direction of the paleocurrents.Technological characterization .was carried out by the <strong>de</strong>finition of the granulo­.i.l· '!l!metry , of the dilatometric, greification and drying curves, the study of the thermaltransformations through the heating microscope and observation through the scanningelectron microscope.Quaternary clays, with illite predominant,at firing show rather marked dilatation(about 1%) around 800 't:, with shrinkage in the or<strong>de</strong>r of .15% at a temperatureabove 1100't:. Effective porosity (measured as the water absorption%) ranges fromvalues of about 30% at temparatures .of 900't: to values below 57. for· temperaturesaround 1'100 •c, while the drying shows shrinkage :-: of up to 3% for weight loss valuesof about ·10%.Pliocenic clays with illite-kaolinite predominant show somewhat variabl~ characteristicswith absorption between 35% and 157. at 1150 't:, expansion around 800 •cin the or<strong>de</strong>r of 1,2% and mo<strong>de</strong>st shrinkage values at drying (0,2 ; 1%).Miocenic clays, predominantly illitic-kaolinitic with abundant quartz and calcitepresent are characterized by rather.variable values as regards the water abs~rption% C25-35Bt 1100 ~). The maximum dilatat;ion is found in the range 650-800 't:and has values of 0,1 ~ ·1,4%. Finally, the shrinkage at drying is between 4 and0,2%.We can affirm that the technological ·characteristics of the clays examined alsohighlight the dominant role played by the granulometric composition comparedwith mineralogical composition.The analysis performed showed that the Piemontese Tertiary Basin clays are ingeneral suitable only for the manufacture of bricks because of their mineralogical136

and granulometric characteristics. Only in a few cases, (above all in quaternaryclays) were technological characteristics found of a kind which might permit theiruse in the field of ceramic tiles in general and of stoneware in particular sincethey have an acceptable level· of greification in the temperature range between1070 and 1130 ~.137

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CHEMISTRY AND STRUCTURAL .ORDER IN HYDROTHERMALAND SEDIMENTARY KAOLINITESM. F. BRIGATTIIstituto di Mineralogia e Petrologia <strong>de</strong>ll'Universita, Via S.Eufemia 19 - 41100Mo<strong>de</strong>na (Italy}Chemical, thermal, X-ray analyses and crystallinity tests were ma<strong>de</strong> on 'kaolinite samples of hydrothermal and sedimentary origin (from Sardinia quarries,Italy), to explore correlations among structural or<strong>de</strong>r, unit cell parameters,chemistry and geological setting.The structural formulae indicate the nature and extent of ionic substitution(prevalently Fe3+ for AI in octahedral sites); it is interesting to note the low AIfor Si tetrahedral substitution, thus the overall layer charge, although low, isonly linked to octahedral substitutions.According to Weaver and Pollard (1974), the lowest Ti.content in sedimentarysamples <strong>de</strong>monstrates that kaolinite is a residual weathering product of aleucogranite; feldspar is the major source mineral and its <strong>de</strong>gree of alteration iscomplete as confirmed by the low K content (Tsoli-Katagas, 1983).The interpretation of crystallinity tests, on the whole, emphasizes a higherstructural or<strong>de</strong>r i]l sedimentary than in hydrotermal samples, the former werecharacterized by: {i} lowest 002 X-ray line broa<strong>de</strong>ning, that is a function notonly of clay plate thickness, but also of stacking faults, i.e structural disor<strong>de</strong>ralong c direction (Williams and Garey, 1974); (ii) lowest d 001 values due to thescarcity of multiple phases (Tchoubar et. at:, 1982); {iii} lowest percentage oflayer expansion after hydrazine treatment: the expansion is particularly linked to"geometric" faults, i.e. layer distortion as suggested by Tchoubar et al. (1982);(iv) lowest random structural faults in ab plane as suggested by R 2 -test (Caseset al., 1982).The <strong>de</strong>hydroxilation endothermic effect rap.ges between 555 and 575°Cin sedimentary kaolinites and between 530 and 555°C in hydrothermal onesbroa<strong>de</strong>nig asymmetrically in the latter; the exothermic effect shows a differentpehaviour for hydrothermal and sedimentary samples (T > 1000°C, and138

T < 1000°C respectively): this un<strong>de</strong>rlines that sy=etry and temperatures of-----thermal reactions are affected by structural or<strong>de</strong>r of the mineral (Mackenzie,1970).Results of a statistical test (Factor Analysis) emphasize that kaolinite crystallinityis particularly affected by whole octahedral chemical composition; adimension <strong>de</strong>creases linearly with the increase in kaolinite disor<strong>de</strong>r and/or Feoctahedral content, whereas other cell dimensions are linked to yttrium andcopper content.The different behaviour of sedimentary and hydrothermal kaolinite, confirmedalso by statistical analysis, cannot be consi<strong>de</strong>red as a proof of the existenceof a direct cause-effect relationships between chemistry, structural or<strong>de</strong>rand genesis. Certainly a lot of factors controlling both the composition andstructural or<strong>de</strong>r, of the mineral is consi<strong>de</strong>rable insi<strong>de</strong> the two genetic environments.REFERENCESCASES, J.M., LIETARD, 0., YVON, Y., DELON, J.F. (1982): Etu<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong>s proprietescristallochimiques, morphologiques, superficielles <strong>de</strong> kaolinites <strong>de</strong>sordonnees. -Bull. Mineral. 105, 439-455.MACKENZIE, R. C. (1970): Differential Thermal Analysis 1. Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Press,London, 775pp.TCHOUBAR, C., PLANQON, A., BEN BRAHIM, J., CLINARD, C., and SOW,- C. (1982): Caracteristiques structurales <strong>de</strong>s kaolinites <strong>de</strong>sordonnees. - Bull.Mineral., 105, 477-491.TSOLI- KATAGAS, P. (1983): Investigatio~ of-kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits associated with extrusiverocks in Lesvos island, Greece. - Neues. Jahrbuch. Miner. Abh., 146,182-196.WEAVER, C., POLLARD, L.P. (1973): The chemistry of Clay Minerals. -Developmentin sedimentology, 15, Elsevier, Amsterdam.WILLIAMS, D.G. and GAREY, C.L. (1974): Crystal imperfections with regard todirection in kaolinite mineral. -Clays and Clay Minerals 22, 117-125.,_139

'.Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, ~ 987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ASYMMETRY OF THE THICK ORDOVICIAN POTASSIUM BENTONITE ~~- ··~··(B-BED) AT KINNEKULLE, SWEDEN.ANN MARIE BRUSEWITZ(;eological Survey of Sw.e<strong>de</strong>n, Box 670, S-75128 Uppsala,(Swe<strong>de</strong>n)',i!I!1iiI!''.In a recent paper on potassium bentonites at Kinnekulle,Swe<strong>de</strong>n, the thickest bed (nearly 2 m) was studied in itsupper 110 cm only .(Brusewitz, 1986). Th~ mairi clay/mineralwas shown to be illite/smectite (I/S) with increasingproportions of il1ite layers towards the upper b~undary,This is well reflected by a change in K 0, successively2increasing from 2.4% at the centre of the.bed to A~ at thetop, as well as in X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r diffractograms. In thepr.ient paper results from a study of samples from thelower part of the B-bed, earlier not available, will bepresented.The < 0.5 1um fraction was used for chemical analysis,cation-exchange capacity and X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r diffraction.Structural formulae were calculafed on the b~sis of o (0H) . 10 2The ratios of K:Sr and K:Rb were us~d as indicators ofchanges within the B-bed:The results indicate that there is no similar increasein potassium and in consequence of illite layers in I/S ·towards the lower boundary as was found for the upper partof the bed. This is in contrast to what was <strong>de</strong>scribed byAlton-er ~ al. .(1984) for a bentonite bed of comparabiethickness in Montana. This bed. showed ·potassium to increasetowards both the upper and t~e-~ower boundary in asymmetrical way. The increase was reflected in higherproportions of ill~te in I/S towards both boundaries.140

An explanation Of this difference mAy be the geologicpositions of the two beds. The Kinnekulle bed is flat-lyingwhereas the Montana bed is tilted through thrusting(Mudge, M. R,, 1972). At Kinnefulle the s'ediment .below thebentonite is silicified, a fact which may have reducedcirculation of reactive solutions. The upper part of thebed could have been in contact with sea water for a longerperiod increasing the availability of potassium.REFERENCESAltaner, S.P., Hewer, J., Whitney, G., and Aronson, J.L.(1984) Geology 11. 412-415.Bruse,.,i tz, A. M. (1986) Clays & Clay Minerals 34, 442-45Lf.Mudge, M.R. (1972) U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 663-A, 142 PI141

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>-MINERALOGICAL VARIATIONS IN A TONSTEIN DOUBLET OF THE SOUTHERN MOL,TE~Q~~FORMATION, KAROO SEQUENCE, TRANSKEID. BllHMANN AND M. HEINEMANN*• Depa~tment of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Natal,P.O. Box 375, Pietermaritzburg, 3200, (R.S.A).· *Transkei Mining Corporation, P.O. Box 903, Umtata, (Transkei).Coal occurrences of the southern Molteno Formation (Upper Triassic)in Transkei, southern Africa, were recently re-evaluated. Two specialbands from composite coal seams noted by Schwarz (1902) proved to betonsteins~ The vertical distance between the two tonsteins rangesfrom 40 to 60 cm. The tonstein doublet is traceable over a distanceof 250 km. In the most northeastern coalfield the upper and lowertonsteins have a thickness up to 6 and 8 cm respectively, whereas inthe most southeastern Guba coalfield their thickness increases to10 and 12 cm respectively. These tonsteins are distinguished in thefield by their usually slightly yellowish to grey colour -from the blacksurrounding sediments which, in most cases, consist of coal and/orcarbonaceous shale. The coal rank varies from low to high volatilebituminous coal to anthracite.X-ray diffraction analyses revealed that the mineralogy of thetonsteins is consi<strong>de</strong>rably different \ram that of the enclosing rock.The quartz content of each tonstein WdS always found to be .nuch lowerthan that of the enclosing sediment. In some tonstelns no quartzcould be <strong>de</strong>tected by means of XRD ..The clay minerals i<strong>de</strong>ntified in the claystones were most frequentlyrectorite (a regular mica/smectite interstratification) or an or<strong>de</strong>redmica/smectite interstratification (mica 60%). Additionalto this interstratification frequently chlorite, less frequentlykaolinite, seldom mica and only in a few cases traces of pyrophylliteor talc were found. Accessory minerals inclu<strong>de</strong> feldspars as well asgoethite in some surface samples.142

"--~-~,--The following regional clay mineral variations were recognized:kao 1 in i te seems to be restricted to the most northern part of theMaluti coal field where it is the dominant clay mineral and the mostsouthwestern parts of the Guba coalfield where it is a minorconstituent. The kaolinite content' <strong>de</strong>creases mainly in favour ofregular (rectorite) or or<strong>de</strong>red mica/smectite interstratificatiorissouthwards in the Maluti coalfield and east and northeastw.ards in theGuba coalfield. These ,tnterstratifications are the dominant clayminerals in between the extreme NE and SW sample localities. Thepresence of chlorite was observed in a number of samples.The sediments other than claystones are composed of a significantamount of quartz besi<strong>de</strong> mica and/or chlorite as thB most frequentphyllosilicates and small amounts of a random interstratification.Furthermore plagioclase is a common constituent of these sediments.Microscopic investigation of tile tonsteins revealed that kaoliniteoccurs· as both cryptocrystalline matrix and euhedral to subeuhedralcrystals. Bent or coiled kaolinite vermiforms up to 1.5 mm' in lengthare observed. Wisps of mica occur along the boundaries of vermiforrilsor as individuals floating in a kaolini,te matrix. Scme parcels ofkaolinite crystals that fill nearly square or rectangular outlines are·egar<strong>de</strong>d as pseudomorphs after ferdspar. Few remnants of sanidine are'Ptically <strong>de</strong>tectable, especially by their splintery and wedge-shaped·arms. Rectorite displays a micaceous habit, high bfrefringence and aexture inherited from volcanic tuff or ash. Glass shards could not,e i<strong>de</strong>ntified in any of the Upper Triassic tonsteins.Two of the three main tonstein .types distinguished by Mackowsky(1982), are found in the southern Molteno Formation: (1) the kaolinitecoal tonstein and (2) the mixed layer coal tonstein (mica/smectite).Though no glass shards could be i<strong>de</strong>ntified in the tonsteins, becausethey did not un<strong>de</strong>rgo .. E!ar!Y carbonate or si 1 ica cementation whichprevents glass shards from alteration to clay minerals (Jeans,Marrinau and Mitchell, 1977), the following criteria warrant theterm tonstein: (a) presence of sanidine; (b) nearly monomineraliccomposition (kaolinte or rectorite); (c) lateral passage from oneclay mineral dominance to the other; (d) large lateral extent(250 km) and (e) sharp contacts to the adjacent sediments.143

,,I ,!Volcanic glass is extremely sensitive to weathering in an aqueousenvironment and its alteration products vary according to theproperties of that environment (Miliot, 1970). The airborne ash was<strong>de</strong>posited in a palaeoenvironment with marked primary differences.Kaolinite formed un<strong>de</strong>r 11 freshwater 11or limnic-fluviatile conditions. which prevailed only in the extreme NE and SW of the study area,whereas smectite formed in a marine-influenced water and rectorite aswell as other mica/smectite interstratifications <strong>de</strong>veloped fromsmectite during diagenesis.The tonstein doublet <strong>de</strong>scribed here improved stratigraphiccorrelation of various coal field's in the southern Mol teno Formation.REFERENCES[,1IliI'Jeans, C.V., Marrinau, R.J. and Mitchell, J.G. (1977). Origin ofMiddle Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Fuller's Earth in England, ClayMiner. 12; p. 11-1~4.Mackowsky, M.-T. (1982). Minerals and trace elements occurring incoal. In: Stach 's Textbook of Coal Petrology, GebrO<strong>de</strong>r Borntrager,Berlin.Millet, G. (1970). Geology of Clays, Masson et Cie, Paris, 429 pp.Schwarz, E. (1902). Geological Survey of parts of the MatatieleDivision, Griqualand East, Cape of Good Hope, 'Annual Report.III'I.III

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>INFLUENCE OF TANNIC ACID ON THE FORMATION OF HYDROXY-A!-MONTMORILLONITE COMPLEXES.A. BUONDONNO, D. FELLECA AND 8· ~!QbB~!sInstitute of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Naples.The nature of hydroxy-Al-clay complexes is affected bymany factors, as the amount of· Al saturating the clay, tnepH, the type of expansible phyllo~ilicateso and thepresence of foreign ligands. The influence of someorganic acids

i- The ~omplexes MT, AM and AMT were obtained by mixingrespe~tively+, +, and ++ and slowlyadding NaOH ~.1 ~ up to pH 4.5.i i.- Th.e ~omp lexes A+MT, AM+T, AT+M and MT+A were preparedby slowly adding to the ~omponentson the left of "+" NaOH~.1 ~up to pH 4.5. The other ~omponents were then ad<strong>de</strong>d,and the pH of ea~h suspension was brought again to 4.5.The final volume of all the suspensions was adjusted to2000 ml, in or<strong>de</strong>r to have anAl l:on~entration of 15 mM (18meq Al per g of ~lay and a tanni~ acid/Al molar ratio of~.ll. The samples, aged 2 months at 2~ •c, were filteredthrough membrane filters

temper:ature).The hydoxy-Al-tannate-montmorillonite complexes CAMT,A+MT, AM+T, AT+M and MT+A) showed broad and asymmetric0peaks, with maxima ranging from 15.55 A

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SYNTHETIC AND NATURAL EARLY STAGES SMECTITESE. CABALLERO, E REYES, F. HUERTAS AND J, LINARESEstaci6n Experimental <strong>de</strong>l Zaidin, G.S. I. C., Prof. Albareda, 1, 18008-Granada

consi<strong>de</strong>red as "partial losses", which ad<strong>de</strong>d to the elements inclu<strong>de</strong>din the neoformed smec.ti tes will give the "total losses". From thesedata the mobility of each element can be obtained. So, for the"partial loss" the sequence is: Ca>Na>K>SDMg>Al>Fe,and for the"total loss": Ca>Mg>Na>SDK>Fe>Al. It 'must be pointed out that Mg isan immobile element in the first sequence,indicating that thiselement is retained by the smect.i te, as it is also the case for Feand Al.From the normative minerals present in the fresh and altered rocksa mineralogical balance was calculated, and the following sequence ofmineral susceptibility to hydrolysis was<strong>de</strong>duced: Biotite>Amphibole)>Pyroxene>Plagioclase>Sanidine>Quartz. Therefore, the chemicalenvironment during the alteration reaction will change from a system· dominated by the hydrolysis of ferromagnesian minerals, in the firstsatges of alteration, to another controlled by the hydrolysis offe.ldspars, at the fi'nal of the reaction. In this way, the neoformedsmecti tes will change, accordingly, from iron to aluminium richcomposition.Actually, the structural formulae <strong>de</strong>duced for the syntheticsmectites are:Sample Si ":~vAP" Al"I Fe" I Mg"" X+---·-------VR ·7.566 0.434 2.244 0.660 ~.468 0.783J 7.215 0. 785. 2.481 0.988 0.793 0.793RSP 7.413 0.587 2.527 0.91)3 0.730 0.844Region7.784 0.214 2.894 o,215 L 008 0.875averageIt can be observed that the smectites are richer in iron than theaverage of natural smectites of the ·Cabo <strong>de</strong>. Gata region. Other factto be emphasized .is the high tetrahedral substitution In these earlystages smectites. A similar ten<strong>de</strong>nc.y c.an be also observed in thenatural smectites of the zone.149j:

Although these results are in accordance with the general trendsobserved in natural bentonites, there are, however, some noticeable~-~~differences. Fisrt, the amount of leaching water is consi<strong>de</strong>rablyhigher :ln the ~aboratory experiments than in natural environment,this promoting and increase in the rate of transformation. Second,the temperature regime is also higher (82oC in laboratory and 40-?o·cin nature), what will increase also the· smecti te formation rate.Finally, the disminution in permeability, in the natural system,produced by the gradual transformation of pyroclastic materials intosmectite, and the contribution of elements by the hydrothermalsolution, can modifie the rate of alteration in nature.In conclusion, the differences between the process of smecti teformation from volcanic rocks in natural and artificial systems arestrictly kinetical and should not affect neither the mechanism of thereaction nOr the composition of neoformed smectites.150

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETIN'G OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espai'iola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>.. Q~{~~-giSQRDER IN TWO LAYER Mg-VERMICULITEC. <strong>de</strong> la CALLE, H. SUQUET and C.H. PONSLaboratoire <strong>de</strong> Reactivite <strong>de</strong> Surface et Structure. Universite P. et M.~urie, 4 Place Jussieu, 75252 Pari? Ce<strong>de</strong>x 05 {France)"Uni versi te d' Orleans, Laboratoi re <strong>de</strong> Crista ll ographi e ( U. A. 810),B.P. 6759, 45067 Orleans Ce<strong>de</strong>x 2 (France).The present paper reports the results about the crystal structure oftwo-layer Mg-vermiculite obtained by a new approach to the study ofsemi-random structures {<strong>de</strong> la Calle et al, 1984).The Y-axis projection of. the structure of a Mg-vermiculite fromSta. Olalla (Spain) is or<strong>de</strong>red. It is obtained by classical two-dimens~on a 1 Fouri er ana lysis ( Fi_g.1). The resultant e 1 ectron-<strong>de</strong>nsity contourmap provi<strong>de</strong>s accurate parameters·for the atoms of the silicate layerand locates the water molecules at x = 0.142, z = 0.42 and probablyx = 0.45, z = 0.35 (water in hexagonal hole) and the exchangeable cationsat x = 0.5, z = 0.5. The final reliability factor for hOt reflectionswas 14.6% (70 reflections).By contrast reciprocal ,latt.ices rows parallel to c;J(;, with indi.ceshK, become diffused when K "f 3n/The Llano vermiculite <strong>de</strong>scribed .&y Shirozu and Bailey (1966) isconsi<strong>de</strong>red to have the stacking sequence s (Mathieson and Walker,1954). In the terminology of Bailey and Brown (1962) for chlorites,the s structure is an alternation of Ia::;_4 and Ia-6 layers with an Ltype shift within each talc she~t of- ~ parallel to the symmetry plane.This sequence incorporates shifts of alternate layers relative tot t . .another by+ 3 and - 3 along the Y-axis.Calculation of the diffusion intensities along the rows of theIDK.ei;J(; and [1K.ei* planes .allows a single mo<strong>de</strong>l to be oerived. {<strong>de</strong> laCalle et al, 1984).It is proved that the layer displacements are not regular. The disor<strong>de</strong>ris created 'by !he rahd~m distribution of two translations parallelto Y-axis ·: + ~·and.:. ~' In other.,..~ords;J. the J_ayers do not havea regu 1 ar success1on . o f' d. .1s.p 1 acemen . t s + . 3.,- 0 . 0 . 0 ·b:. t' .t·h.3~ +y .... , .11 . ere,·.".'·151

~[131]*[151]*[041]*c+'c+'c+'co;NMg'I I I I· I I :·1 R-2 -1 1 2 3Il I I I I-2 -1 1 2 3pI I I I I I .e1 2 3 4 5H20+'c+'c+'c0Si,AI®Fig 1Fig 2

are "mistakes" in the .sequence.Figure 2 shows a comparison of calculated profiles ~f (1.3)~ (1.5)and (0.4) bands : a) mo<strong>de</strong>l with random translations +. t t 3 Q and - Q 3 ; b)mo<strong>de</strong>l with or<strong>de</strong>red translations +3and - 3 (two-layer. polytype).The general agreement, the experimental intensities of the K = 3nreflections and of the K F 3n bands with those of a) mo<strong>de</strong>l prove thatthe layer stacking in Sta Olalla vermiculite is disor<strong>de</strong>red.The Weissembergs films of Sta Olalla vermiculite resemble most naturalvermiculite (Llano, Malawi, Prayssac, Benahavis, Ampandradana .. ,)and it is possible to believe that most natural vermiculite exhibitlayer stacking disor<strong>de</strong>rs.REFERENCESBAILEY S.W. and BROWN B.E. (1962). "Chlorite polytypism. L Regularand semirandom one-layer structures". Am. Miner., 47, 819.DE LA CALLE C., PLAN CON A., PONS C. H., DUBERNAT J .,, SUQUET H .. etPEZERAT H. ( 1984). "Mo<strong>de</strong> d' empilement. <strong>de</strong>s feui 11 ets dans la vermi cul i­te 'sodique hydratee a une couche (phase A 11.85 a)". Clay Minerals,19, 563.MATHIESON A.M. and WALKER G.F. (1954). ·~crystal structure. of magnesiumvermiculite".Am. Miner., 39, 372.SHIROZU H. and BAILEY S.W. (1966). "Crystal structure of a two-layersMg-vermiculite". Am. Miner., 51, 1124.I: i153

"'"~~oCL-4)';;.>: , Summaries - Proceedings. THE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS~


Several pilot plants, with capacities for the treatment of 10 kg,100 kg and 500 kg/h (continuous l of raw materia 1, were <strong>de</strong>s.i gn~cc--~nciconstructed.Such plants are based on screening coarse fractions offthe pulped material and on hydrocycloning it in or<strong>de</strong>r to obtainfractions of different granulometric distribution.The study of bleaching methods and their technical equipment hasserved to <strong>de</strong>monstrate that the <strong>de</strong>signed <strong>de</strong>vice is effective for elim2_nation of plus 10 microns particles. Chemical bleaching, for which anew fluid bed <strong>de</strong>vice bas.ed on "BALTAR" pulsator wasmore applicable in most cases.<strong>de</strong>signed, wasBleaching efficiency can be predicted by means of the pr.evi ousstudy of kaolin impurities or of its yellowness in<strong>de</strong>x, which iscl~arly related to the quantity of iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s extracte~ by chemicalmethods.An improvement of the rheological properties of the kaolin isachieved by changing, in a proper manner,. the granul ometri c ditri bution. Among the usual methods, atrition grinding was rejected becauseof its- un<strong>de</strong>si rab 1 e changes oh surface properties, whi eh are exertedin virtue of its grinding action.Delamination of kaolinite empilements by pug-milling or kneadinghas proved to be the more suitable ·method, especially in kaolinshaving a consi<strong>de</strong>rable quantity of minus 10 plus 2 microns fraction.156

ISummaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE EFFECT OF COz ON THE FORMATION OF GOETHITE VERSUSLEPIDOCROCITE FROM OXIDATION OF Feii SOLUT!ONSL. CAF.LSON*) AND U. SCHWERTI1AN!-JLehrstuhl ffir Bo<strong>de</strong>nkun<strong>de</strong>, Technischa Universicic Mfinchen,8050 Freising-Weihenscephan, F.R.G.* Geology Department, University of Helsinki, SF-00171Helsinki, FinnlandThe common occurrence in close association 0f goethiteand its metastable polymorph lepidocrocitP inmany soils has not been satisfactorily explain~d. A<strong>de</strong>tailed study of Fe oxi<strong>de</strong> accumulations aroundrootchannels (so-called pipestems) revealed that within azone of a few mm from the root goethite dominatcld inthe immediate contac~ with the root whereas furtheraway lepidocrocite was the main oxi<strong>de</strong> (Schwert~ann &Fitzpatrick, 1977). This could be due to the existenc2of special chemical environments " within th~ rhizosphere.A factor which may vary across the rhizospherewill be Pcoz which,. because of respiration, should<strong>de</strong>crease with increasing distance from the root.IExperiments were therefore conducted in which 0.1 MFeClz solutions were oxidized at room t(mpe~Ature un<strong>de</strong>r~ontrolled copditions with respect to pH anJ flaw of157

--1air and COz . The gas flow was accurately monitored witha gas mixture apparatus (Fa. Walzl in the range of 8-215 ml min- 1 of air and 0-88 ml min- 1 of COz, resultingin a range of Pcoz of 0 to 0.84· 10 2 kPa.The rate of oxidation <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d strongly on ~haP•o•.At pH 7 intermediate products, so-called green rusts,were formed,.but hardly any at pH 6. X-ray diffractjonshowed these green rusts to be either the chori<strong>de</strong> for~0(do os 7.74 A) or the carbonate form (doos = 7.50 A,Taylor & McKenzie, 1980).The product of complete oxidation was lepidocrociteonly if air was used as purge gas. As Pcoz increased,more and more goethite was formed, and at pH 7 goethitewas the sole pr~duct at Pcoz 5 0.5· 10 2 kPa. At the samePc o z __ re la ti vely :no re goethi te Wo.s formed at pH 6 ascompared to pH 7. With increasing goethite formation,the crystallinity of the lepidocrocite increased. Theproportion of oxalate-soluble Fe paralelled the prop(;rtiono~ lepidocrocite in the mixture.Assuming thac the HCOs-anion may be involved in theformation of ~he two oxydroxi<strong>de</strong>s, was also<strong>de</strong>termined (by titration). A significant relationshipwas found between [Hco.-] in solution and the lepidocrocite:goethiteratio (figure)Lp1.0Lp•Gt 0.8 • • •0.6• •''l••• • -.. 0.2•oo so 100[HCO;] (M·lD'l158

thite,The way HCQ,- may favor the formation of goethiterelative to lepidocrocite is not clear, but may belinked to the different structures. The structures ofboth minerals consist of rows of double bands of(Fe030H3) octahedra. In lepidocrocite the double bandsshare edges, whereas in goethite they share cbrners. Itis assumed that in the first step of crystal formation,double bands form by linking [Fez (OH)•] 2 ' dimers together.The second <strong>de</strong>cisive step then consists ofconnecting the double bands via edges or corners <strong>de</strong>pendingon the type of anion neutralizing the postivecharge of the double bands. Because HC03- favors goeitis suggested that HC03-~ .inhibits the edge­sharing necessary to built up the lepidocrocitestructure, whereas the chlori<strong>de</strong> anion does not. Thestronger effect of the HC03- at pH 6 as compared to pH7 wduld then be due to a stronger preference of thedouble bands for HC03- at this lower pH, where thepositive charge will be higher than at pH 7.REFERENCESSchwertmann, U. and Fitzpatrick, R.W. (1977). Occurrenceof lepidocrocite and its association with goethitein Natal soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 41,1013-1018.Taylor, R.M. and McKenzie, R.M. (1980). The influenceof aluminium on iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s. VI. The formation ofFe(II)-Al(III) hydroxychlori<strong>de</strong>s, -sulfates, and-carbonates as new members of the prroaurite groupand their significance in soils. Clays Clay Min. 28,178-187.II1~

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaflola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CHARACTERIZATION OF THE PALYGORSKITE-SEPIOLITE DEPOSIT OFEL CUERVOJ. CASAS, C. BALLESTEROS, A. ALVAREZ and J.L. SASTREResearch and Development Department, TOLSA S.A.P.O. Box 38.017, 28080 Madrid (SPAIN).Near the town of "El Cuervo", located in the South-WestSpain, between the Seville and Cfdiz Provinces, there is asedimentary <strong>de</strong>posit of lacustrine coritinental ori~in, fromwhich materials commonly catalogued as "special clays" aremined and commercialized, after a suitable treatment, ashigh capacity absorbents.From a geological point of view, it is located in amarginal area relating to the folding of the BeticMountains. In this area, from the Middle Miocene Period,an autochthonous and marine sedimentation took place in ashallow sea that gradually rece<strong>de</strong>d due to the continouslifting of the continent. Around the Pli.ocene Period thecoast line was situated to the West of El Cuervo, but someisolated basins remained in the emerging zones where alacustrine sedimentation, that still continues at present,started and produced a near circular. shape <strong>de</strong>posit of 2.5Km in diameter and 57 m of maximum thickness.In the stratigraphic series of the basin, 3<strong>de</strong>positional units are clearly separated by ~edimentarydiscontinuities.A) Lower unit. It is located by an erosive contact, onthe marine Pliocene sandstone. From the bottom to thetop, .this unit is composed of limestone and marl-limestonemixed with narrow layers of a marly clay, with highsepiolite content, commonly named "Tierra <strong>de</strong>l vino".Moving upwards, the sedimentation is increasingly160

argillic, forming a brownish marl ~ith several sepioliteand palygorskite-rich layers that are currently beingmined.B) Intermediate unit. It is composed of sand andclayey sand. This unit is located in the North-West partof the <strong>de</strong>posit. A strong marine influence is <strong>de</strong>tected inits origin, thit also occurs in the other ~laces of theregion, due to the effects of the sea regression.C) Upper unit. Once more, it is a unit of clearlylacustrine origin. It is composed of alternating layersof a white marl-.limestone and greenish palygorskite marlthat were mined in the past.In the study, samples of the different beds of the<strong>de</strong>posit have been examined by X-Ray diffraction (XRD),scanning electron microscopy (SEM) , thermogravimetricanalysis, atomic absorption chemical analysis, surfacearea and absorption measurements.This study has shown that the upper zone of the lowerunit consists of calcite and a clayey fraction, mainlycomprising.poorly crystallized palygorskite. By electronmicroscopy this material shows palygorskite and calcitecrystals cemented by an amorphous, gel-like mass thatprovi<strong>de</strong>s the material with high porosity and mechanicalstrength, when dried.Moving downwards, the sepiolite c·ontent continouslyincreases, while palygorskite <strong>de</strong>creases, being this clayvery scarce in the lower l~yers of the <strong>de</strong>posit. Theseclays of the bottom are presented in compact sheets, withlow porosity and barely joined to the limestone crystals.·By X-Ray diffraction, it has been confirmed that thisminera1 has a higher crystallinity and a lower amorphouscontent. This arrangement produces a material with lessmechanical strength and absorbent capacity than in the' 161

upper zone. For this reason,, it must be industriallyprocessed to improve these properties before beingcommercialized.Nowadays, an intensive opencast mining of the <strong>de</strong>positis being carried out .. The mineral is worked from thelayers richest in sepidlite arid palygorskiie, and afterthe industrial processing; a product with exceptionalabsorbent properties is obtained. Among others, themain uses of this product are absorbent granular, catlitter, pestici<strong>de</strong> carrier, semirreinforcing filler forrubber, etc.162

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>IMPROVEMENTS IN FRC PROCESSABILITY BY USING WETMICRONIZED SEPIOLITER.P. CASTELLS, J. SANTAREN AND A. ALVAREZ BERENGUERResearch and Development Department, TOLSA S.A.P.O. Box 38.017, 28080 Madrid (Sp~in).Fibre reinforced cement is a fairly new term to<strong>de</strong>scribe asbestos-free cement products which areproposed as replacements for asbestos-cement products(a/c).Asbestos has unique properties for the manufacturingof a/c products. The compatibility between these fibersand cement is perfect so, water suspension of asbestosand cement is homogeneous, without lumps. These slurriesproduce sheets with a<strong>de</strong>quate plasticity and greenstrength for molding.Due to environmental problems asbestos replacement isbeeing carried out in many final products. In a/cproducts, the replacement of ~echanical and processabilityproperties of asbestos by any other synthetic fibre is notpossible. So it is neccssury to use more complicateformulations to get both. The new formulations arccomposed of a cement system and a fihrc syst~m.The cement system is compqscd of Portland cement, flyash, and fillers. The fihre system consists ofreinforcing (PVA, PAN, PP ... I and retention fihres(cellulose pulp).Fillers play very different roles. Finv l"iJJers :1n'used to close particle si:e distrihution, this improvesplasticity and m~chanicol strength sligthly. ~ctivcfi llcrs con rcacr with cement to improve IIIC'CILill ic·:iJ163

strength. Rheological or colloidal fitlers-~_co~t.J:o~~-t_h_

111I, ,I'Icontent increases. The same happens with homogeneity,·but drainage <strong>de</strong>creases sharply when WM-Sepiolite is used.Different types of flocculants were used to increasedrainage. The results are shown in Table 2. Using 0.10%of anionic polyacrylami<strong>de</strong> of high molecular weight,drainage is recovered without a significant increase offine particle loss, <strong>de</strong>crease in homogeneity and insettling volume.TABLE 1: Colloidal filler efect on FRC slurry propertiesWM-Sepiolite 3Microsilita 3 6.Natural silica 3 6Fine particle losses (%) S,2 4,3 ' 1 ,9 6,7 6,9 s,s S,2Settling volume (%) ss 80 94 78 76 63 73Drainage (seg .for SOO cm 3 ) 37 39 113 46 79 34 43Homogeneity (a) 3 2 1 2 2 3 3(a) 1)- Smooth, no lumps 2) Small lumps 3)Large lumpsBasic formula: Portland cement'100; PAN-fibre 1 .S;Al 2(SO 4) 3, 1 . 8; Anionic polyacrylami<strong>de</strong>, 0. 0·0 8; Cellulosepulp (SOQSR short fibre), 3.0Slurry's solid concentration 9%.II. 165

TTABLE 2: Flocculant effect on FRC pulp propertiesWM-Sepiolite 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8 4.8Tetrasodiumpir~phosphate - 0.00 24 0,0048High molecularweight anionicpolyacrylami<strong>de</strong>- 0.0.048Low mole·cularweight anionicpolyacrylami<strong>de</strong>- 0.0024 0.0048Medium molecularweight anionicpolyacrylami<strong>de</strong>0.0024 0.0048Settling volume(%)84.2 1 OD 98.4 98.4 94 97.6 96.0 95.2 93.6Drainage (segfor SOD cm3)31 231 lOO 160 45 142 115 126 103.Fine particle3.68losses (%)1.03 1.02 1.60 .1. 70 2.02 1. 70 2.02 2.08Homogeneity 2 l-Basic formulacion: Portland cement, 8.70; Chrysotile, 13.0;Slurry's solid concentration 9.0%.·.:.:.166I

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE Si-Al SUBSTITUTION IN THE TETRAHEDRAl SITE OF CHLORITES ANDILLITES : THERMODYNAMICAL AND GEOTHERMOMETRIC INDICATIONSM. CATHELINEAU~ !I,Department "Water rock interactions~·,, CREGU and GS CNRS-CREGU, BP. 23,54501 Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy Ce<strong>de</strong>x (France).Clay minerals (illite, chlorite) are the most abundant authigenic.minerals in active geothermal systems for temperatures. ranging from150 to 300°C. In such geological environments, a great number of thermodynamicalvariables controlling. clay crystallization may be knownpreciselyThus, the variation~temperature, pressure, fluid <strong>de</strong>nsity and compositions, •••in .mineralogy and composition of clays in a givenzone of the geothermal system may be related to the main P-T-V-X changeso.f the fluids, or to li thological changes. Such study was ma<strong>de</strong> inthe Los Azufres geothermal system (Mexico} which was consi<strong>de</strong>red as asatisfactory natural analogue to the experimental conditions of claysynthesis or water-roe~interaction. As temperature and rock lithology(rhyolites on an<strong>de</strong>sites) are the main changing. parameters in theconsi<strong>de</strong>red field, geothermometers based on clay mineral composition. ,,were mainly investigated. This nee<strong>de</strong>d to eX:press.,quantitatively soiidsolutions in clay minerals (mainly illite and. chlOrite) and to checkthe quality of the temperature estimates used for the geothermometercalibration.The temperature estimation was ,done consi<strong>de</strong>ring direct present daymeasurements and the different calculated downhole. temperatures usingcheridcal geothermometers and the chemi·cal composition of ·the. p·rodilcedfluids; Crystallization temperature of clay .mi~rals .was, also estimatedfrom micro,thetmometric ·studies on fluids t-rapped· in ·coexistingtranspai'ent Drl.nerals (quartz,. calci.te, anhyd.d. te) o'.''.···.;167

QUANTITATIVE DESCRIPTION OF SOLID SOLUTIONSFor each individual set of analyses of a given mineral in a sample,and the complete set of analyses for a given geothermal field, correla.tioncoefficients among chemical variables were calculated. This wasuseful! for selection of appropriate end-members and dominant subs~itutions.Simultaneous intersite substitutions were <strong>de</strong>scribed in a vectorialspace using an arbitrary reference composition and substitutionvectors selected after consi<strong>de</strong>ration of the results from the s·tatisticalanalysis. For instance, illites from Los Azufres are perfectly<strong>de</strong>scribed 1) by the coefficient xi of the following substitutionsvectors·K_ 1 (Si+ 1 A1_ 1 )IV' K_ 1 Na+ 1, K_ 1 ca~,(Si+lA1_ 1 )(A1_ 1 R2 ++ 1)VI andMg_ 1Fe or alternatively 2) by molar fractions (Xi) of major componentss~chas muscovite, paragonite, Ca-paragonite, Fe-celadonite, Mg-celadoniteand pyrophyllite. In both cases, values of. substitution coefficients(molar fraction of theoretical end members) on molar fractionsof minerals were calculated- solving systems of simultaneous linearequations (n equations, p unknowns) using minimization methods.VARIATIONS OF THE (Si/Al)IV RATIO WITH TEMPERATUREData from the Los Azufres system show that the A\IV) content ofthe .tetrahedral site increases with temperature consi<strong>de</strong>ring eitheirchlorite or illite. These variations wer.e proposed as geothermometers_(CATHELINEAU et NIEVA, 1985 CATHELINEAU et al., 1987) and areconsistent with data from other geothermal fields.Electric <strong>de</strong>ficit caused by the Si replacement by Al is balanced byan increase of the int·erlayer occupancy (K) in illites, and by a Fe-Alsubstitution in the octahedral site of chlorites. This explains : 1)the strong correlation K-Al(IV) in illites expressed by the_vectorK_ 1(Si+ 1A1_ 1)IV 2) the strong correlations SiiV-AlVI and _SiiY-oc~ahedralvacancy, and the anticorrelation SiiV-Fe, in ch1orites, which areexpressed by the dominant substitution : (Si_{A1+ 1)IV(A1_ Fe 1 2'!_ )VI • 1The increasing A.1(IV) content with temperature is al-so <strong>de</strong>scribed. bythe spectacular -<strong>de</strong>crease of the molar fractions of kaolinite in chlorite,and pyrophyllite in illite, from 150 to 300°C where they-become168

negligible. (The choice of pyrophyllite for the algebric calculationof the contribution of a (SiiV)(AlVI) rich end member in the illites,and kaolinite (pyrophyllite-2 gibbsite) for chlorites respects onlythe stoechiometry of the di-and trioctahedral series, and ·does notinvolv~any consi<strong>de</strong>ration respecting the relative stability of pyrophylliteor kaolinite with temperature).The <strong>de</strong>crease of the molar fraction of the (SiiV)(AlVI) rich endmember may be compared to the behaviour of kaolinite as mineral. Thus,the saturation rate (Q [Al 3 + J2a.,sio.,]2[H20][w]- 6 ) of kaolinite<strong>de</strong>creases with temperature (FRITZ, 198.1). This is in agreement withthe· observed <strong>de</strong>crease of the activity of kaolinite as a theoreticalmajor component in chlorites or illites which corresponds to a low Qjin. s_olution, e. g. to an increasing stability of the end member insolution with temperature. Agreement between data concerning the,,iI'i,behaviour of a mineral in solution, and the behavi-our of the samemineral consi<strong>de</strong>red as a major compoment of a complex clay particle isvery important for thermodynamics of clay. This justifies the use ofi<strong>de</strong>al solid solution mo<strong>de</strong>ls for calculating solubilities of clay mineralsas those proposed by TARDY and FRITZ (1981). Alternatively, thedata from natural cases may help greatly in refining the calculationof the Gibbs free energies of clay minerals used in such mo<strong>de</strong>ls.CATHELINEAU M. and NIEVA D. (1985) - A chlorite solid solutiongeothermometer. The Los Azufres geothermal system. Contrib.Mineral •. Petrol., 91, 235-244.CATHELINEAU M. and IZQUIERDO G. (1987) - Temperature-compositionrelationships of authigenic clay minerals, in the Los Azufres geethermalsystem. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol. (in press).FRITZ. :B. (1981) - Etu<strong>de</strong> thermodynamique et mo<strong>de</strong>lisation <strong>de</strong>s r~actionshydrotherinales et diag~netiques. Sci. Geol. Mem., 65, 197 p.TARDY Y! et FRITZ B. (1981) --An i<strong>de</strong>al solid s_olution mo<strong>de</strong>l" for calculatingsolubility of clay minerals. Clay minerals, 16, 361-373.169

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPS· Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SPECTROSCOPY OF METHYLENE BLUE ADSORBED ON CLAYS.J. CENENS AND R.A. SCHOONHEYDT.Laboratorium voor Oppervlaktechemie, K. U. Leuven, Kard. Mercierlaan 92.,·B-3030 Leuven (Heverlee), Belgium.IntFoduction.The study of the organisation of organic molecules on clays incolloidal suspension and at low loadings is now being .·done byluminescence spectroscopy. The advantage is the extremely highsensitivity and that dynamic processes can be studied. The disadvantageis that only luminescent molecules can be studied on • clays which areessentially free of Fe 3 + (ref.l). Our aim is to obtain similarinformation with classical absorption sp~ctroscopy using Methylene Blue·(MB) as a probe molecule. Here we .report our results for staticmeasurements.Experimental.The clays are Hectorite (HEC) and Barasym SSM-100 (BS) both fromthe "Clay Minerals Society", and Laponite B (LAP) from LaporteIndustries. Dye-clay suspensions suitable for spectr~scc>pic studi~s areprepared in polyethylene vessels by shaking 10 cm 3 of an aqueous 10-Smolar solution of MB with various amounts of clay .. suspension (fraction

type of exchangeable cation. HEC and LAP are swelling clays with areadily available interlamellar surface. BS has a interlamellar surfacewhich is difficult to access for exchange because of the high charge<strong>de</strong>nsity neutralised by K+ and NH 4 + (ref.2): partial layer collapse isthe result (ref.3).The absorption maximum of the MB monomer is different from itsposition in H 2 o (664 nm). The maximum is at 673 nm with·a·shouL<strong>de</strong>r at653 nm (BS at all loadings, LAP at low loadings) or at 653 nm with ashoul<strong>de</strong>r at 673 nm (HEC at all loadings, LAP at higher loadings).Exchange on the external surface leads to a red shift (673 nm),interlamellar exchange to a blue shift (653 nm).Dimer formation (610 nm) takes place on all the clay surfaces downto loadings of 0.1%. Interlamellar dimerisation .(HEC) .leads to an extraabsorp'tion at 720 nm. This band is predicted theoretically (ref.4) andits intensity .is <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt on the dimer configuration.Trimerisation (580 nm) does not occur on all the clays; it is onlyclear with BS and LAP. HEC shows a broa<strong>de</strong>ning of the dimer band and ashift to shorter wavelenghts (600 nm). Trimerisation is only possibleon the external surface; between the layers only 2 MB monomers canaggregate.The protonated MB absorbs at 750 nm and the spectra are similar tothose of an acid dye· solution (pH

.2or----------------..---------------~Q)0c:lO .13.at.0rn.a

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE EFFECT OF COMPOSITION OF DIOCTAHEDRAL Na-SMECTITES ONTHEIR SWELLINGB. ~f~EL, P. KOMADEL, D. GYEPESOVA and L. NOV!>J

60svcm3 g-1. 4020FIG. 1.60svcm3 g-14020FIG. 20- M. D. FOSTERe- OUR RESULTS0~-,---------.--------.--2 300ooo0 00.....• •oe00 0a,__ ___ • ~0oct Fe 3 ++Mg 2 +02o(OH)4usi11~ t~e. gr

If the swelling volume is plotted against the negativecharge of the smectite layer, within the. limits from 0.78to 1.24 of negative charge the swelling <strong>de</strong>creases as thenegative layer charge increases. The data presented byFoster (1953) do not show such a <strong>de</strong>crease of the swellingability in smectites.Stoichiometric substitution of (Fe 3 +)VI for (Al 3 +)VI.causes the SV-<strong>de</strong>crease. ·In the same way the swelling isinfluenced by an increase of negative layer charge. Somerelationship between both the (Fe 3 +)VI content and negativelayer charge is suggested.Th~ plotting of the tetrahedral (Al 3 +)IV against the(Fe 3 +)VI showed that the increase of (Fe 3 +)VI content fromo.o to 2.41 results in the increase of tetrahedral substitutionfrom 0.02 to 0.97. It can be expected that •he. ~wellingis in some way ~orrelated with tetrahedral substitution.A general ten<strong>de</strong>.ncy of SV-<strong>de</strong>crease with increasingtetrahedral (Al 3 +)IV content was thus established.The results-presented show the validity of Foster's(1953). conclusion~ that increasing octah~dral s~bstitution[l(Fe 3 +)VI+(Mg 2 +)vi] within :the range

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>TRANSFORMATION OF FERRIHYDRITE TO HEMATITE:A TOPOLOGICAL APPROACH BY EXAFSJean-Marje COMBES, Alain MANCEAU and Georges CALASLaboratoire <strong>de</strong> Mineralogie-Cristallographie, 4 place Jussieu, Universites .Paris~ et VII,75252 PARIS ce<strong>de</strong>x 05, FRANCE.~IAlthough numerous works have outlined the <strong>de</strong>termining role of poorly-crystalline precursorsin hematite formation, the actual structural mechanisms involved during the evolution of poorlyor<strong>de</strong>rediron oxy-hydroxi<strong>de</strong>s towards hematite remain still obscure. In particular, X-raydiffraction patterns of ferric oxi<strong>de</strong> hydrated gels (commonly called "protoferrihydrites"),precipitated from aqueous solutions containing trivalent iron, show only two hk broadreflections at 2.55A and 1.5A: this does not allow a precise structural study of these precursors.EXAFS (Exten<strong>de</strong>d X-ray Absorption Fine Structure) spectroscopy is very useful to provi<strong>de</strong>structural aild chemical informations around a chosen element, whatever the crystallinity of thesystem. It is thus possible to <strong>de</strong>termine parameters such as coordination number, metal-ligandand metal-metal bonaJ.engtlis,- as well as·the· nature-of these neighbouring atoms. The nature ofthe linkages between the constituting Fe (O,OH)6 octahedra, relying on the measured Fe-fu:stnearest Fe and.Fe-second nearest Fe distances, can be <strong>de</strong>termined in the initial gel. It can be alsofollowed during the transformation of these precursors into well-crystallized hematite at 92"Cduring 20-40h.·-In the initial products, Fe-Fe interatomic distances are characteristic of edge- and verticesharingoctahedra (3,06A and 3,46A). Then, after lh30, the most important feature of thefurther structural rearrangements is the appearance ofa Fe-Fe distance at 2.89A characteristic offace-sharing octahedra. This material is built up by octahedra which share faces (d[Fe­Fe]=2,89A), edges (d[Fe-Fe]=3,06A) and vertices (d[Fe-Fe]=3,46A). The presence ofhematitenuclei is exclu<strong>de</strong>d as it would have given a Fe-Fe distance of 2.94A. At 6 hours of ageing, the2,89A Fe-Fe bond length disappears in favour of the 2,94A one. At this stage, the presence ofhematite crystals begins to be <strong>de</strong>tected through X-ray diffraction. EXAFS shows that.thecontribution of hematite tends further to increase at the expense of that of ferrihydrite.Three structural stages have been recognized during this transformation process:- until lh30; the ferrihydrite framework is build up by octahedra sharing edges andvertices.176

- between lh30 and 6 hours; octahedra sharing faces appear, coexisting with octahedrasharing edges and vertices, without hematite clusters.- at 6 hours; apparition of hematite clusters in the host ferrihydrite.This study has revealed the existence of a transitional phase which prece<strong>de</strong>s the nucleation ofhematite .. The existence of this phase, intermediate between the non-aged ferrihydrite andhematite, shed direct light on the heterogeneous nucleation process of hematite. The presence offace-sharing octahedra is assumed to represent the actual nucleation stage, before the furthergrowth of hematite. Its role is very important in reducing the free energy of the reactions, andcan thus be a,ssimilated to an equivalent of a catalytic process.177

~'li-OCLAJ.-·,«;~"'~Summaries - Proceedings• • THE SIX~H MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPS·,., / Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>"·st-m••"'COMPARATIVE STRUCI'URFS OF HYDROUS FERRIC OXIDFS THROUGH EXAFSleap-Ma<strong>de</strong>

In contrast, synthetic and natural six-lines ferrihydrites, are likely to possess an analogoustopological agencement to that of feroxyhyte. The only difference lies in the gra<strong>de</strong> of thestructural disor<strong>de</strong>r. These three compounds were found to present faces, edges and verticessharingoctahedra with Fe-Fe distances offrom2.89A, 3.08A and 3.43A, respectively. EXAFSallows us to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the inhibition of the crystal_ growth towards oxyhydroxi<strong>de</strong>s phases.In<strong>de</strong>ed, the presence of face-sharing octahedra prevents the direct formation of oxyhydroxi<strong>de</strong>minerals, because they are only constituted by edge- and vertice-sharing octahedra. Thisstrongly supports the dissolution-reprecipitation mechanism generally invoked for the goethiteformation from ferrihydrite. The inhibition role of silica in natural ferrihydrites will also bediscusssed.In spite of their highly-disor<strong>de</strong>red character through X-ray diffraction, these hydrous ferricoxi<strong>de</strong>s present distinct local organizations allowing not only to provi<strong>de</strong> information about thephysico-chemical conditions occuring during their precipitation, but also to foresee the nature ofthe well-crystalline compound which could be formed in the future.179

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PROPERTIES OF SOILS ON VOLCANIC MATERIAL FROM JAVA AND CAME-ROON · ··-····--·F. DE CONINCK, R. SUTANTO, M. DOUBE and ABDIMAJID M. JAMALaboratory of Soil Science, Geological Institute, State UniversityGhent, Krijgsl?-an 281, 9000 .Ghent, Belgium.Soils <strong>de</strong>veloped on volcanic material in a humid climatemay contain high amounts of ill-<strong>de</strong>fined minerals, like allophane,imogolit.e_, allophane-like constituer,tso For allophaneand imogolite, tentative cheJ;lliCal compositions have been proposed.Allophanes have a structure comparable to 1/1 clay minerals.The differ€nce, however, is that in both the tetrahedraland the octahedral sheet', some cations are missing(see fig.). This feature causes many -OH or -oH 2groups tobe bound on one cation only, e.g. Al-OH 2; -Al-OH ; _-SiOH.·Through. acid-base reaction·s, these "reactive" groups are able .to <strong>de</strong>velop a large variable charge ; Al-OH and Al-OH 2groupsmay be responsible for complexation of anorganic and organicligands : phosphates and organic matter. Another property isreactivity with F-, i.e. alcalinity released in contact witha NaF solution. Variable charge properties, phosphorus fixa~tion and alcalinity produced by Freactivity.have been studiedin soils on volcanic material from- Java and Cameroon.Exchange capacity as <strong>de</strong>termined by classical methods can givean overestimation with a factor of ·10 or more, when comparedwith the sum of the cations inc.luding Al + 3 • Equilibrationwith a 0.002 mol cac1 2solution without washing (compulsativemethod of Gillman) gives value9 of exchange capacity whichare more consistent with the sum 0f the exchangeable cations.The latter sum, however, may show rather strong variations<strong>de</strong>pending on the method used. In soils witb typical "acid"properties the sum of the exchangeable cations is very low,in many cases less than 2 meq/100 g soil. In the latter soils,180

III:phosphorous fixation may reach almost 100%. Alcalinity producedby F- reactivity at constant pH 7 is closely relatedto charge properties. In soils with high variable charge,alcalinity released may exceed 500 meq/100 g soil.181

;..._-- Unir nli -----·--~. ./00 o~yc:~cn0 OH'0 H 2 0.ALLCPHAliE l .0 o,..ygcn0 OH• 1!20ALLGPHAilE 2 _182

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>"TRAMOS ROJOS" DEPOSIT CONDITIONS. A CLAY MINERALS STUDYM.A. CORDOBA*, E.M. SEBASTIAN** and A. ACOSTA*** Laboratorio <strong>de</strong> Edafologia y Mineralogia. Uni versidad <strong>de</strong> Castilla-LaMancha (Ciudad Real- Espafia).** Departamento <strong>de</strong> Mineralogia y Petrologia e Institute Andaluz<strong>de</strong> Geologia Mediterranea. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada. CSIC (Espafia).Clay minerals composition may be useful_ to chcaracterize sedimentary<strong>de</strong>posits. We have stu<strong>de</strong>d, from this point of view, Be tic Zone Serrevallian"Tramos Roj os''. Trying to establish <strong>de</strong>posit conditions, extremethat, to the date, remain quite obscure.These materials are found in scattered outcrops of limited dimensions.They are ma<strong>de</strong> up of different lithologies, although in themost of cases they are conglomerates of an intense red colour, withstones and. blocks immersed in a sometimes sandy or clay matrix.They are assumed to be of an Upper Serravailian-Basal Tortonianage, and their <strong>de</strong>position coinci<strong>de</strong> with an important fall in thelevel of the oceans, producing in these areas a regression thatgives rise to very irregular sed~mentation. The strong influencetectonics has exercised in .. this zone prevents the correct characterizationof the environment.In this study the results obtained from twelve outcrops of these"Tramos Rojos" are being analyzed: All of them are situated in theprovince of Granada (Spain) •.The. mineralogy is. c.omposed of calcite, dolomite, quartz and clayminerals. The proportions- vary .:notably, although, in gene.ral, thelast ones prevail. More over, in .. some isolated· samples feldsparsand ankerite have oeer'l i<strong>de</strong>ntified.The fractions i.r'l · t;h(' -'"size ·t[r ·the ·clay and lime (.2-20:. 17) havesimilar mineralogicai c'omposi tions.TP,ese are,. formed of. ,illite, sm("ctites., chiorite, · k~oli~lt~ andgoethite, in all cases and in the same or<strong>de</strong>r 'or abundance.In three zone·s, more· over,. palygorski-te · and· talc :'have beeri ·found.At other ··points , par'!-gohi te .,183

Fromqualitative analysis of the phyllosilicates, together withthe calculation of distinct crystallographic parameteJOs--of'~the-illLtes(bo, crystallinity, rate of intensi ties of the basal refletions ••• )chlori tes, smecti tes, together with the dates of the chemical analysis,·it has been possible to <strong>de</strong>duce the following· reasoni~gs.The sediments were brought by source areas very near to the placeof <strong>de</strong>posit. These must have been formed fundamentally by rocks ofthe "Complejo Alpujari<strong>de</strong>" that contain, on the other hand, in somevery concrete points, high levels of magnesium.The <strong>de</strong>position was produced in an environment of shallow water,restricted environment with high ionic concentration, principallyof magnesium, iron, silica ... and alkaline pH.One may be <strong>de</strong>aling with a perimarine environment divi<strong>de</strong>d intosmall sub-basins in which the genesis of the palygorskite wouldbe possible by neoformation or transformation of other clastic phyllosilicates(especially mica and smectites).The climatic conditions were characterized by ·high temperaturesand important precipi tat ions, concomitant with a so active .althoughpulsating tectonics.This work is inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the project: "Analisis sedimentol6gic,mineral6gico y evoluci6n tectosedimentaria <strong>de</strong> las Depresiones BeticasOrientales", financed by C.A.I.C.Y.T. - C.S.I.C.184

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ALTERATION OF SEPIOLITE BY DRY GRINDINGJ. CORNEJO and M. C. HERMOSINInstitute <strong>de</strong> Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia <strong>de</strong> Sevilia. C.S.I.C.Apartado 1052. Sevilla. Spai~.The study of the grinding effects on clay minerals is a subject ofgreat ~nterestbecause is a very common process in the industry and researchlaboratory. Very little is known of the effects of dry grindingon sepiolite, which is wi<strong>de</strong>ly used in the industry. In this study, Vallecassepiolite was subjected to dry grinding in a ball mill for variousperiods of time. Changes induced during the comminution processwere examined by X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r diffraction (XRD), specific surface areameasurements, DTA-TG and IR-spectroscopy.The X-ray diffractions patterns of ground samples showed a greatresistence of the sepiolite structure to be <strong>de</strong>stroyed before 4 h grinding.Even the samples ground for 8 hand 14-h showed the characteristicsepiolite reflections quite well <strong>de</strong>fined. The width at half-heightof the diffraction peaksand integrai intensity (I) of the 110, 060 and12!1 reflections were calculated. The 1 <strong>de</strong>creased more rapidly than110I 060and I for short times of grinding. This seems to indicate that131the first effect of grinding is to disturb the'parallel array of thestructural units in the sepioli'te fibers. After 4 h grinding, the <strong>de</strong>creasesof I for these three reflections were similar, probably becausethe atomic structure begins to break up.The specific surface area evolution of the ground samples indicatedan-initial increase until 15 min grinding and a subsequent <strong>de</strong>creasewhich was very rapid from 8 h to 24 h (Table 1). This latter <strong>de</strong>creaseof the surface area indicated tha't the line broa<strong>de</strong>ning in theX-ray reflections from 4 h was due to structural lattice_ <strong>de</strong>formationinduced by dry grinding rather than to particle size diminution.The DTA of sepiolite shows three endothermic effects due to freemoisture and zeolitic water (1102C), bound or structural water (3302C185

TABLE 1.Specific surface areas and DTA-TG data of ground samples.Grinding Surface DTA peak-temperaturetime area2 -1h m gWeight-losses from TG-rurves20-200 200-400 400-700 700-10002C %0 283.6 105 334 500 843 10.78 3.19 3.05 2.630.25 304.70.50 284.11 260.1 110 350 515 838 10.65 2.94 2.85 2.424 216.3 110 355 nm* 830 10.17 3.05 3.18 2.458 159.8 110 355 nm 825 10.37 3.52 3.48 1. 7814 59.4 114 nm nm 820 10.42 4.68 3.70~ 1.8224 27.2 113 nm nm 816 9.57 5.38 3.23 1.21* not measurableThe peak-temperature of these endothermic effects increasedand·broa<strong>de</strong>ned upon grinding, and the 14 h samples only showed the firstendothermic at 1102C (Table 1). The weight losses from TG-curvescorrespondingto three steps <strong>de</strong>fined by the DTA effects (Nagata et al.,1974) are summarfzed on Table 1. The weight losses at 200-4002C and400-7002C increased upon grinding from 4 h, while those at 20-2002Cand 700-10002C <strong>de</strong>creased.This indicated that the weight losses bet.,ween 2002C and.7002C for ground (4 h or morp.) samples should correspondnot only to bound water but also to new, weakly bound hydroxyl groupsproduced by sepiolite lattice disruption.and 5002C) and an endo-exothermic effect at 8452C which is characteristicof the <strong>de</strong>velopment of high temperature phase by structural <strong>de</strong>hydroxylation.For this reason the TG-lossand the peak-temperature of the <strong>de</strong>hydroxylation exothermic effect <strong>de</strong>creasedupon grinding.The peak-temperature. increase and broa<strong>de</strong>ning ofthe first endothermic on DTA could .suggest that some extremely weaklybound hydroxyl groups of an amorphous phase are being iost in the 20--2002C range.The IR spectra changes qf sepiolite upon grinding were monitoredby the stretching absorption 'bands of bound (3546 .cm- 1 ). 'and zeoiittc·( 3400 cm -l) 'wate\:- and the bending absorption .band .at' 1650 cm -l th~ '' ' . ' :· . -1· ' ' ' .. ', '.' • . '0-H vibrations of Mg 30H at 3680 and· 1355 .. cm an9. ·the Si:,:O vibration at1210 cm-l (Ahlrichs 'et al., 1974; Serna and VanScoyoc; 1978). Spectralchanges were only perceptible for grinding times higher than 1 h.186The

1210 cm- 1 band <strong>de</strong>creased and broa<strong>de</strong>ned at 4 h grinding and almost disappearedat 8 h grinding. However, the Mg 0H vibration bands remained unchangedafter 4 h of grinding, <strong>de</strong>creasing after 8 h and disappearing af­3ter 18 h grinding. A <strong>de</strong>crease in the bound water band (3540 cm- 1 ) witha large broa<strong>de</strong>ning at 3400 cm- 1 and a <strong>de</strong>crease, broa<strong>de</strong>ning and frecuencylowering of the 1650 cm- 1 band were observed. The spectral changes observedat 3500-3300 cm- 1 and 1600 cm- 1 on samples ground for more than4 h suggest a transformation of the initial zeolitic and bound water 'ofsepiolite to weakly bound water groups on <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>d surface.All these results indicated that the structural framework of sepi£lite is mechanically more stable than those of other clay minerals. Thealteration upon grinding seems to proceed in three steps:1) For short grinding times (

Summaries - Pro9eedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>TRANSFORMATION OF CLAY MINERALS BY HYDROTHERMAL AL1~~~l"!_Q~!-I~QB!>Q:VICIAN ROCKS, GASPE PENINSULA, QUEBEC, CANADA._A. CHAGNON AND M. DESJARDINSInstitut national <strong>de</strong> la Recherche scientifique, Georessources, C.P.7500, Sai nte-F oy, Quebec, (Canada l Gl V 4C7.The cl~ mineralogy and the crystallinity in<strong>de</strong>x of micaceous mineralsare used in or<strong>de</strong>r to evaluate the diagenetic evolution of an Ordovicianand Lower Silurian rock sequence, and to <strong>de</strong>tect and <strong>de</strong>fi-ne alterationzones related to acid and mafic dykes and locally to mineralshowings of Sb, Pb, Zn. In some cases, no intrusion is observed withinor in the vicinity of an altered zone.The studied rocks are mainly mudstones and shales from the PabosFormation, and limestones from the White Head Formation, both formingthe Matapedia Group.-Most-of the samples contain well crystal,lized micas -and chloritesand the crystallinity in<strong>de</strong>x of the micas as well as the organic matterreflectance indicate that the thermal maturation is high (supramature) •.It ranges from the dry gas zone to the green schist faci es of region a 1metamorphism.From the good correlation between the age, the stratigraphic positionand the thermal maturation, it is conclu<strong>de</strong>d that burial is themain cause controlling that maturation;Circulations of fluids probably associated with the intrusive phasein the Upper Devonian have produced clay minerals and clay assemblagesthat are inconsistent with the general thermal maturation and also wi.ththe clay mineralogy of the general background. Four assemblages basedon in<strong>de</strong>x minerals have been <strong>de</strong>fined: kaolinite, smectite, illite(mica), and chlorite.A method using X.-Ray diffraction, chem_ical analysis on particles bye 1 ectron microscopy · and energy dispersive analysis, and cal cul ati on ofdiffraction patterns is used to <strong>de</strong>termine the composition and the pro~portion of the clay minerals. Thus, it is possible to <strong>de</strong>fine more preciselythe altered zones and un<strong>de</strong>rstand the clay minerals paragenesisbetter.188

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espatiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>GEOTECHNICAL AND MINERALOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF RED SOILS IN THEPROVINCE OF BAR!C. CHERUBINI*, A. GRECO**, M. LUPO**, F.P.· RAMUNNI*, F. VENIALE***·* Institute of Applied Geology and Geotechnics, University of Sari,Italy.**Professional Geologist, Bari, Italy.*** Departement of Soil Sciences,_University of Pavia, Italy.·It is a well-known fact the territory of the province of Bari(Italy) 'is ' mainly covered by outcroppings of calcareous,calcareous-dolomitic and dolomitic rocks of the Mesozoic.Karst phenomena are highly <strong>de</strong>veloped both on the surface and at<strong>de</strong>pth and are accompanied by concentrations od red soil which areextensive in some areas but circumscribed and isolated in others;this' is a particular type of clay that can be irregularly found asmaterial for filling cavities or structural discontinuities and/orinterbed<strong>de</strong>d layers on the surface or 'at <strong>de</strong>pth.The possibilities of finding red soils connected with thecalcareous complex of the Murgie thus vary in terms of size andimportance.In some places there are merely small <strong>de</strong>posits of interbed<strong>de</strong>dlayer~or fractures, while in others there may even be large <strong>de</strong>positsi:n karst cavities at different ev_olutionary stages, varying in bothshape and size. The red soil of Apulia, as far as is known to date,is the outcome of polycyclical karst phenomena conditioned by therelative movements. that have occurred from the Cretaceous epoch topresent day between the sea and the continent.11·II189

The red soil <strong>de</strong>posits of 'Apulia, and of Murgian hills inparticular, can be differentiatedboth in terms of positio~ and ofcomposition in relation to the <strong>de</strong>gree of evolution and maturity of·the <strong>de</strong>posits themselves.The origin, position, disposition and geographical distributionof the red soil have not been established in <strong>de</strong>tail so far, althoughthere have been excellent attempts at classification ma<strong>de</strong>, such adthat of Grassi, Romanazzi, Spilotro (1975).In this present paper the geologico-technical and applic.ationalcharacteristics have benne axamined of a group of such terrigenousmaterial which can be ascribed to post-Calabrian <strong>de</strong>posits, and morespecifically to the red soils of epigaean and hyp6gean <strong>de</strong>positis and.to the red soils caused by the flowing and filling of karst andmorphostructural <strong>de</strong>pressions of the central partof the Murgias·a·rese·; <strong>de</strong>fined as Group A in '£he classification ma<strong>de</strong> by Grassi etalii (1975). A precise i<strong>de</strong>ntification of the above-mentioned soil<strong>de</strong>posits may be of vital importance both in terms of predicting thefuture mechanical behaviour of the <strong>de</strong>posit is and also as regardpossible applications of an industrial kind as natural impermeablematerila that can substitute the grey-blue pliocenic clays which areonly marginally present in the Murgian territory.. .At the moment the . only reference point as regards thecharacterization of the mineralogical and petrographic features isto be found in the numerous works by L. Dell' Anna who has carriedout research on mineralogical bases on the red soils both inoutcroppings and at <strong>de</strong>pth. The results of this research show thatthe red soils are constituted predominantly of kaolinite, whilegeothite is also present in quantities that are sometimes mo<strong>de</strong>st anpat other times consi<strong>de</strong>rable, and ferrous oxi<strong>de</strong>s (hematite and190

magnetite) and anatase (in very small quantities) and secondaryminerals ar,; also present. Quartz, bohemite and gibbsite are oftencompletely absent but are occasionally present in ~bundance;. illiteis almost always absent, and when it is present it is either to befound in minimal quantities or el·se in amounts so small that canhardly be <strong>de</strong>tected at all.As far as we have been able to ascertain so far, from the mineralogicalviewpoint, samples of red soil from Group A present, inor<strong>de</strong>r of abundance, the following minerals that cgn be consi<strong>de</strong>redas significant: quartz, illite, feldspar and vermiculite.The geotechnical characterization, which is currently beingcompleted, carried out on the same samples of red soil,characterized mineralogically, present the following values: natural<strong>de</strong>nsity varies from a minimun value of l. 64 to a maximum of 1 .. 82g/cm'; natural water content varies from 7 .90~~ to 36.60%; the realweight of the granules goes from 2.72 to 2.82 g/cm'; the liquidlimit is situate·d between 37. 501~,.and 82.101~ , while the plasticitylimit va<strong>de</strong>s between 17 .601~ and 23.60J~. Permeab~l1ty tests and testsfor characterizing the mechanical behaviour of the soil h;,v" alsobeen carried out.191

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>TEXTURE INFLUENCE ON SULPHUR DEPOSITION ON SEPIOLITEL. Daza, S. Mendioroz and J.A. PajaresIn~tituto <strong>de</strong> CatAlisis y Petroleoqulmica, CS!C, Serrano 11q, 28006Madrid, !Spain).The influence of texture in the <strong>de</strong>position of sulphur via hydrogen~ulphi<strong>de</strong> oxidation on three different typ~i of sepiolite has beenst~

liiT!iting value (arOLt~ 1 d 90) ass <strong>de</strong>position pr-agre·3ses. Slnce c,,,;.-T isrelated to adsorbate-adsorbent interacti~~. that change clearly ar1sesfrom the different chemical nature o¥ the solid surface as it iscovered by sulphur monolayer. The changes on PANGEL are slower but~inally they reach the same values than in the two other ser1es.TABLE 2BURRU5.Textural parameters---------------------------------~------------------------------5B 581 582 583 5B4 5B55,·!0C ,.. ( m''/g) 337 127 8! 73 60 53C;,.,,,.,. 233 65 79 90 96 92( cm.''/g)vi.)IJ9a0,546 0,449 0,308 01357 0,299 Ol277r

frequent pore s1ze. Afterw~rds, a progressive <strong>de</strong>crease in all sizes butmore important in the smalle;r ones becomes appare-nt;---~----·The main differences 1 among samples are revealed by mercurypenetration porosimetry. For the SPG and SPS series, a large loss ofmacroporosity is observed with the Hrst <strong>de</strong>position. Th'is is notobserved with the SB series. These changes are related to the morphologyof the samples, their particle size, and aggregation state. On one hand,the wet micronization procedure, results in finer particles on SPG thanon SB. On the other hand, the dry micronization procedure, SPS, causesthe breakdown land cbnsequeht fringe and edge formation) of the originalfibers. Both samples are therefore liable to form crosslinked networks,on which sulphur <strong>de</strong>position is easier and results in a large <strong>de</strong>crease ininterparticular voids.From the preceding study, completed by TEM, a mechanism for sulphur<strong>de</strong>position has been abstracted. At the very beginning, sulphur is<strong>de</strong>posited on the surface active sites, acidic centers, corners, edgesand tips of the fibers [4). From these points, it spreads along thefibers until a monolayer is produced. Afterwards, filling of the poresproceeds from smaller to larger sizes following the Kelvin equation.Care must be taken in or<strong>de</strong>r to insure that external conditions do notinfluence the <strong>de</strong>position process: hydrogen sulphi<strong>de</strong> oxidation is a quiteexothermic process [5) which, along with the insulating character ofsepiolite can produce hot spots or temperature rises when changes inreaction rates are produced. Then, sulphur redistribution can occur inthe porous system of the samples resulting in final texturalcharacteri>tics quite different from those expected from the originalpore distribution and the ~equential character of the pore filling.Sepiolite has been shown to be a suitable material for use as asulphur seizer. Its mesopore network, but especially its interparticularvoids resulting from its fibrous character provi<strong>de</strong> the proper texturalconditions for sulphur retention. As much as 25'l. 'weight S has beenretained by these samples before a plateau in sulphur concentration wasreached. There e•ist k1netic differences among·samples but they allhave similar overall retention capacities. Thus, sepiolite can be usedas an alternative material for hydrogen sulphi<strong>de</strong> removal from stackgasses [6,'7].B!BL IOGfiAFY1. L. Daza, S. Mendioroz and J.A. Pajares, "Sulphurized. diatomites-aspotential <strong>de</strong>mercuriating agent". Reactivity ~f Solids, in press.2. S. Erunauer, J. Skalmy and i. Ol<strong>de</strong>r, Proc. Inter. SymposiumRYLEM/!UPAC, Prel. Report, Part 1, Akad. Praga 1 1973 IC-31.3. A. Lecloux and J.P. Pirard, J. Colloid Interface Sci., ZQ, 26511979).4. L. Daza, Ph.D.The~is, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, 1986.5. A.R. Chaterjee, N.B. Bhatthacharya and S.P. Sen, Technology, §, 48( 1971).6. S. Miner, Air pollution aspects of hydrogen sulfi<strong>de</strong>, Litton SystemInc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA 119691.7. R.J. Sullivan, Air pollution aspects of odorous compounds, LittonSystem Inc., Bethesda, Maryland, USA 119691.194

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CRISTALLINITY VALUES OF SOME SPANISH KAOLINSDelgado Calvo-Flores, R.; G~mizMartin, E. and Martin <strong>de</strong> Vidales, J.L.~Departamento <strong>de</strong> Geologia Aplicada. Facultad <strong>de</strong>Granada. 18001 Granada. Spain.Farmacia. Universidad <strong>de</strong>11 Departamento <strong>de</strong> Qui mica Agricola, Geologia y Geoquimica. Facul tad <strong>de</strong>Ciencias. Universidad Aut6noma <strong>de</strong> Madrid. Cantoblanco. 28049 Madrid. Spain.The1:1 phyllosilicates cristallinity of the kaolinite subgroup hasbeen empirically studied by several authors (3,4, 5and 7); cuanti tativetheorical studies have been also ma<strong>de</strong> ( 6 and 8). The cristallini ty ofthese phases i's important not only from a cristallochemical point of view,but also from their genetic and technological applications.The purpose of this study, is the cristallini ty <strong>de</strong>termination of someSpanish kaolins from several empirics measurements: expansibility testwith formami<strong>de</strong>(X.R.D.),of particles (S.E.M.).cristallinity in<strong>de</strong>xes (X.R.D.) and mean sizeIMATERIALS AND METHODSThe silt (2-20 rm) and clay ( < 2 _.Mm) fractions, have been studied onsix industrial kaolins characterized by (2), as also ceramic and otherpaper kaolin (Table I). The relative proportion of phase 7$. swelling withformami<strong>de</strong>, was <strong>de</strong>terminated from oriented specimens on glass sli<strong>de</strong>s; solvationwas carried out by inmediate contact ( 30' to 1 hour) by the ( 1) and( 9) method. Due to the presence of micas it was employed the followingformulae:P(%)100 XI(lOR) form.- I( 1 0R) untrated * 0 ' 8I( 7 R) form. + I(iO~)form. - I( 1 0~)untarted * O'SLThe 0' 8 factor was calculated by the <strong>de</strong>crease of intensi ties in the9'4R to 10•0$. stretch from untreated and formami<strong>de</strong>-solvated orientateddiagrams, from pure mica and talc measurements. The intensities were measuredas peaks height and areas.195

Several cristallinity empirical in<strong>de</strong>x (3,4,5 and 7) were <strong>de</strong>terminatedfrom random pow<strong>de</strong>r diffractograms with a speed of 0-'-5~"/min".~Mean- s-izes---­of silt and clay were <strong>de</strong>terminated by S.E.M.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe results have been collected in Table I. The relative reflectionswidth in the major part of the diagrams after the treatment with formami<strong>de</strong>method (1), advises to select the proportion of the swelling phasefrom areas. Silt generally shows a proportion of swelling componentshigher than clay.There is some disparity between cristallini ties <strong>de</strong>termined by differentmethods: the Hinckley, Lietard and Range et al. in<strong>de</strong>xes ~show middleto high values but the Hughes and Brown in<strong>de</strong>x shows middle to low ones_except in the C-1 kaolin, the Hinckley in<strong>de</strong>x is slightly lower in claythan in silt fraction.The statistics studies of the <strong>de</strong>gree of relation between the wholeof variabies against the swelling <strong>de</strong>gree, point out that there is nocorrelation with size particle, although there is some negative correlation<strong>de</strong>gree with the Lietard, Hughes and Brown, and Hinckley in<strong>de</strong>xes(except C-3 and C-5 silt and ceramic kaolin, which are very expandible).Finally, there is _an important correlation (r=0'88; p>0'995) betweenthe Hinckley aioti L'ietard in<strong>de</strong>xes.CONCLUSIONThe formami<strong>de</strong> test, could be a new method of cristallinity <strong>de</strong>terminationin the minerals of the kaolin subgroup.In the studied Spanish kaolin, the swelling <strong>de</strong>gree oscillates betweenzero and 76 '4%; the Hinckley in<strong>de</strong>x from 0' 55 to 1 '03; the Range etal. in-<strong>de</strong>x from 0' 31 to 0' 57; the Lietard in<strong>de</strong>x from 0' 59 to 1' 07 andthe Hughes and Brown in<strong>de</strong>x from 12'1 to 25'0.REFERENCES(1) Churchman, G.J.; \llhitton, J.S.; Claridge, G.G.C. and Theng, B.K.G.(1984) Clays and Clay Minerals, 32, 241-248.(2) Gamiz Martin, E. (19S7). Tesis Doctoral. Univ. Granada (in press).(3) Hinckley, D.M. (1963). Clays and Clay Minerals Proc. 11th 299-235.(4) Hughes, J.C. and Brown G. (1979). J. Soil Sci. 30, 557-563.(5) Lietard, 0. (1977). These Doe. Sci. Phys. Nancy, 345 p.196

~ ~ ~ ~tJj>< b.... >,) c >,) < :0 ()1 '1l "c...~lit> c CD . ;;.: er . 01-'·Ill ::1::1 0 tJj:>;: .·"' ,...,)()::r --.] Ill tJj lit>,... 0c I ::1 c .m ::r~ 0 er;;.:..... 3 . IllIll ;;.: >jC-4 PO Light Silt 17.4 19.5 0.66 0.54 0.81 9.8 5.6 ::1 ::1,_,. oe: .CD :"' :>· CD>jC-4 PO Light l:lay 1.0 0.57 0.59 15.7 0.7.. ..... ()Ill,... G'lto.... toC-5 ov Raw Silt 71.0 70.8 1.02 0.31 0.86 25.5 3.6 to tJj . > Ill()CL Ill'j..... 0: IllCL. ,...lit> t"' to.m ;> .....CD 1\)c-1' ()1G'l;::;Ill .>j;;.,0

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CLAY MINERALOGY AND K+ SELECTIVITY IN A SOILCHRONOSEQUENCE ON BASALTIC ASH DEPOSITS FROM CAMEROON--- -- ·B. DELVAUX*, A.J. HERBILLON****, J. DUFEY** and L. VIELVOYE**** IRFA (CIRAD), Unite <strong>de</strong> Chimie <strong>de</strong>s Interfaces, Univ. Cath. <strong>de</strong>Louvain, Belgium** Unite <strong>de</strong> Pedologie, Univ. Catholique <strong>de</strong> Louvain, Belgium*** Section <strong>de</strong> Physico-chimie Minerale du Musee Royal <strong>de</strong> 1 'AfriqueCentra le•••• Place Croix du Sud 1, B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve, BelgiumC. P. B., C. N. R·. S., Vandoeuvres-1 ez-Nancy, F.rance ·The chronosequence un<strong>de</strong>r study is ma<strong>de</strong> of the following soil types :An<strong>de</strong>pts, Tropepts, Uda 1 fs and Udul ts. To each of these soi 1 typescorresponds a different clay mineralogy allophanic materialsprogressively disappear while halloysite (lOA) and eventually kaolinitebecome the dominant clays.At the halloysitic stage correspond a high CEC (~30-40 meq/lOOg clay)as well as the maximal K+ selectivity (as measured by K+-ca 2 + exchangeequilibria). ·Mineralogical investigations (X-ray diffraction, IR, TEM, DTA-TGA,etc •. ) show that the high CIOC and the high K+ affinity observed inhalloysitic soils are likely due to smectitic 2:1 clays impurities that. 0are associated with the halloysite (lOA). These 2:1 clays are probablyiron-rich bei<strong>de</strong>llite~. On the other hand, the K+ selectivity appears tobe well related to the weathering stage of the halloysitic soils.The results suggest that in these situations at least and inagreement with previous findings, halloysite (lOA) per se is not a highcharge clay mineral.198

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>A PICTURE OF CLAY SEDIMENTATION IN THE BASIN OF THE CRATIRIVER (CALABRLA, SOUTHERN ITALY).L. DELL'ANNA AND R. LAVIANODipartimento Geomineralogico, University of Bar.i -(Italy)A mineralogical, chemical and grain size study of thec I ays from <strong>de</strong>posits outcropp i ng in the basin of the Crat iRiver shows a clay sedimentation picture which· can be re lat~dto source and environmeht.The Tortonian clays are ma<strong>de</strong> up mainly of clay minerals(illite, smectite, mixed layer illite-smectite, chlorite,kaol inite and mixed layer hydrobiotite-vermicul ite), muse~vite, biotite, quartz, feldspars·, calcite and dolomite,Iand of scarce micaschists, chlorite-rich schists, Na-amphiboles, actinolite and horneblen<strong>de</strong> amphiboles, almandinegarnet, tourmaline, s1ll imanite, chloritoid, phlogopite,apatite, strengite, vivianite,"ruti le, i lmenite, Fe-hydroxi<strong>de</strong>,glauconite and gypsum.The Messinian clays differfrom the Tortonian clays b\'lcause they are richer in phosphates,sulphates, and dolomite; and also contain chlori<strong>de</strong>s,such as ha I ite and carnal I ite; and clay minerals:such as palygorskite and mixedchlorite-vermicul ite andlayer chlorite-smectite,i 11 ite-vermicul ite. The PI ioc.eneclays consist mainly of clay minerals (smectite, i 11 ite,chlorite; kaol inite, and mixed layer i 11 ite-smectite, sme.s:_tite-chlorite, and smectite-vermicul ite), carbonates (calciteand dolomite), quartz and feldspars. Compared withthose of PI i ocene the PIe i stocene c I ays contain more i.l I i-199

te and c I ay m i nera Is and are poorer 1 n smect i te, mixedlayer ( i 11 ite-smectite, chlorit~~~ITI-ect-it~~-s;ectite-vermi-­culite) and subordinate (micas, biotite, garnet, amphiboles,s1ll imanite, ruti le, i lmenite) minerals.The c I ast i c materia Is of the basin <strong>de</strong>rive essent i a I I yfrom the metamorphites and magmatites of the Calabrlan Alpineoverthrust rocks; the clay minerals are the productsof var 1 ous areas of d i agenesis in a cont i nenta I env 1 ronmentduring weathering 'of the parent rocks. The suI phatesand eh I or i<strong>de</strong>s and most of the c I ay m i nera Is and carbo-nates(dolomite) of the Messinian sedimentation were formed authigenically in a marine ipersal ine environment.The grain size, mineralogical and chemica·J analyses ofthe c I ay sedimentary sequences indicate that: a) during·the Torton i an period a ner it i c sed i m:entat ion took pI ace;b) while -in the ·Lower Messinian small sedimentary basinswere activated within which a marine clastic sedimentationand a'coexisting chemical <strong>de</strong>position took place; c) a furtherner it i c sedimentation occurred dur i'ng the PI i oceneand also during the Pleistocene when the basin. of the CratiRiver. became <strong>de</strong>ep~r and attained its present form.200

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PEDOGENIC IRON OXIDE FORMATION IN THE SOILS OF TWO RIVER TERRACESEQUENCES OF CENTRAL SPAIN.MARIA C. DIAZ 1 AND JOSE TORRENT 21 Departamento <strong>de</strong> Edafologia, E.~.S.I.A., Universidad Politecnica <strong>de</strong>Madrid, Ciudad Universi taria, 28040 Madrid (Spa;i.n).2 Departamento <strong>de</strong> Ciencias y Recursos Agricolas, E.T.S.I.A.,Universidad <strong>de</strong> Cordoba, Apdo. 3048, 14080 Cordoba (Spain).Soil chronosequences, such as those found in many river terracesystems, 'are useful to investig~te the nature and intensity ofpedogenic processes. In this work we examine the geochemicalevolution of Fe in the soils of the terraces of the River Henares andthe River Jarama, in Central Spain. The present climate of theseareas is mediterranean; mean annual temperature is about l3°C; mean·annual rainfall is 440 mm for the River Henares area and 515 mm forthe River Jarama area.The soils of the alluvial plains and eight (River Henares) andfive (River Jarama) terrace levels have been studied. The ages of the.upper levels studied in both seque,nces are similar (Lower Pleistocene)Except for the recent alluvial areas 'the soils are, in both sequences,Alfisols. 'In the River Henares the soils are Haploxeralfs (second andthird terrace levels) and Rhodoxeralfs (levels 4 to 8). In the RiverJarama the soils are Haploxeralfs (first terrace level) andPalexeralfs (levels 2 to 5). In both sequences the clay content ofthe argillic horizon increases with terrace height (age) and pH<strong>de</strong>creases although the soils of the Jarama sequence have pH valuesmarkedly lower than those of the Henares because they have <strong>de</strong>velopedon less base-rich parent alluvia.The <strong>de</strong>gree of weathering increases with age. This is supported byseveral data such as the <strong>de</strong>crease in the .(staurolite + garnet) I(tourmaline + zircon) ratio in the heavy 50-200 pm fraction cyr the<strong>de</strong>crease in the Si/Al and the Mg/Al ratios in the clay fraction. Thedithionite extractable Fe (Fed)/total Fe (Fet) ratio of the soils201

increases also with age,suggesting that the Fe-bearing silicates havebeen gradually weathered to suply Fe oxi<strong>de</strong>s.---~~=..,---~-~---The Fe oxi<strong>de</strong>s present in the clay fraction have been quantified bydifferential X-ray diffraction (Schulze, 1981). In the Henaressequence both goethite and hematite are present in measurable amountin all terrace levels; the hematite/goethite ratio increases up to thelevels 5-6 and then <strong>de</strong>creases. In the Jarama sequence much lesshematite is found. Two factors seem to be responsible for thisdifference: a) the higherpH of the Henares soils may favour·hematiteover goethite (Schwertmann and Murad, 1983) and b) the pedoclimate isdifferent for the two sequences. The Jarama soils are stony and have,consequently, less water holding capacity. They moisten quickly inautumn and remain moister than the Henares s·oils during the rainywinter months. This moister (and cooler) pedoclimate favoursgoethite over hematite (Schwertmann and Taylor, 1977). Similarly, thesoils of the high terraces of the Henares are more clayey and.moisterin winter than those of the low terraces: this probably explainstheir higher goethite content.REFERENCESSchulze, D.G., 1981. I<strong>de</strong>ntification of soil oxi<strong>de</strong> minerals bydiffere~tial X-ray diffraction. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J., 45:437-440.Schwertmann, U. and Taylor, R.M., 1977. Iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s. In: J.B. Dixonand S.B. Weed (Editors), Minerals in Soil Environments. Soil Sci.Soc. Am., Madison, Wise., pp. 145-180.Schwertmann, U. and Murad, E., 1983. Effect of pH on the formationof goethite and hematite from ferrihydrite. Clays Clay Miner.,31: 277-284.202


The data indicate that the dominant mineralresent is a v~ry-~-~~~--~--~--high-magnesium smectite, probably stevensite, with minoramounts of illite and sepiolite. X-Ray diagrams as well asDTA and infrared data show some interesting features of thismaterial.Nevertheless, the poor or. absent resolution of the higher or<strong>de</strong>r reflexions of sepiolite as well as of smectite, due tosmall particle sife and structural disor<strong>de</strong>r make the <strong>de</strong>tailedcharacterization very difficult.On the -other hand scanning electron microscopy shows some app~rent genetic relationship between smectite and sepiolite, becausefibers probably of the second mineraL, see~ to grow fromthe jagged limits o f the smectite platelets.Because of that a more <strong>de</strong>tailed study using high resolutiontransmision electron microscopy has been .carried out, to stablishch~micaland mineralogical particle composition, andthe structural and genetic relationships between illite, stevensiteand sepiolite.'204

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>LAYER SILICATES IN THE CONTACT ZONE BETWEEN GRANITE. ABD SERPENTINITE(JORDAHOW, LOWER SILESIA, POLAND>E. DUBiiSKA, A. YIEVIORA*Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrography, Warsaw University,al. Zwirki i Wygury 93, 02-089 Warsaw

An extensive preliminary examination of various "r::£2ks ri_cl' __}_!l_)_ayersi 1 icates all owed to choose materials which were studied in <strong>de</strong>tai 1.However, authors failed to obtain the monomineralic sample orsubsample.Chlorite was ubiquitous in the studied samples. Any symptoms of the<strong>de</strong>gradation of chlori te structure were <strong>de</strong>tected. Positions, relativeintensities and integrality of basal reflections of chlorites persistpractically unchanged after saturation with potassium and heating at500oC as well as after solvatation with ethylene glycol. All chloriteswere lA, - I polytype modification according to notation of Vleiss andothers (in prep.) or IIb after notation of Brown and Bailer (1962).The chlorites were accompanied by an· admixture of· smectite beingprobably a product of the chlorite alteration.The mineral of micaceous appearance in polarizing microscope is avermiculi te, since it contracts readily up to 10 A after saturationwith potassium and heating at 5oo·c, and swells up to 14 A aftergly?erol treatment of Mg-sample. X-ray transmission patterns obtainedby means of the oblique texture method show that ·raw- and Mgvermiculites are 2Ms-VI I -mesa polytypes after Vleiss and others (inprep.) or Ia modification

III formation of amphibole; previously formed layer silicate:5persistedIV - formation of vermiculi te

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>FERTrLrZER MADE FROM CLAYp. p. EBERL, T. M. LAr AND K.A.BARBARrCK*U.S. Geological Survey, MS 404, Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Center, Denver; CO80225, (U. S .A.) . *Department of Agronomy, Colorado StateUniversity, Fort Collins, CO 80523; (U.S.A.).Nutrients are released to plants from phosphate rock (PR)when ammonium-saturated ion exchangers (e.g. smectite orzeolite) are present. The generalized reaction is:PR+ NH4-exchanger =ea-exchanger+ NH4+ + H2P04-.The ion exchanger is a sink for ea ions, thereby <strong>de</strong>creasingCa activity in the soil solution and permitting furtherdissolution of the phosphate rock. This system offers thepossibility of using ~ow-gra<strong>de</strong> phosphate ore as fertilizer,particularly if an ion exchanger, such as smectite, ispresent in the ore and if the ion exchanger can be ammoniumsaturated. The system also makes N and ea available to plantsand can be regenerated by adding additional NH 4 -exchanger tosoil-phosphate rock mixtures or by resaturating the ionexchanger with NH 4 + Only the NH 4 -exchanger needs to bead<strong>de</strong>d to soils that already contain phosphate compounds; bythis method, phosphate that has been fixed as apatite insoils by the reaction of soluble phosphate fertilizer withthe soil can be ma<strong>de</strong> avail

Results from·greenhouse pot trials using sudangrass and aColorado agricultural soil indicate that dry yields,P-uptake, and the uptake of some trace nutrients are directlyrelated to the exchanger/phosphate rock ratio (see Figure 1) .Fertilization by ion exchange offers antechnology to the application of readily soluble andalternat~ve.concentrated plant nutrients and may circumvent some of theproblems associated with soluble fertilizers.~YIELD OF SUDANGRASS32r-------------------------~30i 28..!:!! 26:5!-~ 2401~ 222018~----~--._~--~--~~--~0 2 4 6Weight zeolite I weighfphosphate rock'-._8Figure 1: Yield of sudangrass (sum of four cuttings)correlates well with the weight ratio . of exth~nger(NH 4 -clinoptilolite) to phosphate rock (from North Carolina) ..209

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CHROMIUM ABUNQANCE AND DISTRIBUTIONWESTERWALD { RFD) .IN CERAMIC CLAYS FROMB. FABBRI, N. MORANDI {1), M.C. NANNETTI {l)Isti.tuto di Ricerche Tecnologiche per la Ceramica, C.N.R., Faenza.{1) Dipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche, Universita' di·Bologna,Italy.In a previous paper it was <strong>de</strong>monstrated that the appearance ofyellow blods on calcareous earthenware type articles is~·a <strong>de</strong>fectconnected with efflorescence of alkaline chromates during the dryingof the glased piece. Such compounds form during firing to obtain thebiscuit body through reactions involving the chromium·contained intraces in· the kaolinitic clays which constitute the starting mix {1).These raw materials come from the large and well known <strong>de</strong>posits ofceramic c.lays in the Westerwald region, western Germany {2). These<strong>de</strong>pqsits supply the main part of the clayey raw materials used toproduce white stoneware tiles in Italy. Notwithstanding theirdiffusion, not all the characteristics of these clays have beensufficiently investigated and divulged. For example, it is difficultto get informations about their chromitim ablindanceand distribution,when such an information should allow the chromium poorest clays to beselected for· the ceramic purposes pointed out at the beginning. Thepresent paper represents a contribution in that sense, being plannedto <strong>de</strong>fine the approximate variation limits of the chromium contents·- and to provi<strong>de</strong>· some indications on the.distribution of this element inthe different clay types.At this purpose, ten conunercial clay materials from the Westerwald ,:<strong>de</strong>posits have been selected in such a way that they representpratically all the ·compositional variety of the same <strong>de</strong>posits. Inparticular, all they are materials used to obtain white ceramic bodiesfor pottery. For each sample, the chemical· and mineralogicalcompositions have been investigated, including the concentration ofchromium and some other interesting trace elements {Co, Cu, Mn, Ni andV). In addition, two samples have been treated to separate fractionsless than 2 pm; then these fractions have been analysed as thetout-venant samples. The chemical data have been obtained by both XRFand AAS procedures; while the mineralogical compositions have beenquantitatively evaluated by the IRTEC method of rational analyses210

ased on the chemical composition and the minerals revealed by theX-ray diffractometry.Other than kaolinite, the mineralogical composition is ma<strong>de</strong> upmainly of quartz and, with only one exception, illite. Furthemore, onesample contains abundant smectite too; while little amounts offeldspars have been revealed for the main: part of the samples·. Theprincipal mineralogical composition allows the samples to besubdivi<strong>de</strong>Q into four group, which are distinguishable among them bycomparing the ·ratios kaolinite/quartz and kaolinite/illite orconsi<strong>de</strong>ring the presence of smectite. The four groups are as follows:1- both ·K/Q and K/I less than 3; 2 - K/Q less than 3 and K/I morethan 5; 3 - both K/Q and K/I more than 5; 4 - presence of abundantsmectite. The differences among these groups are evi<strong>de</strong>nced in theternary diagram kaolinite - quartz - illite shown in figure. The firstgroup inclu<strong>de</strong>s five samples; the second and the third group two sampeseach and the last group is represented by one sample. ·The chromium content ranges between about 60 and 230 ppm and theconcentration values seems to be similar for the samples belonging toa same group. In particular, the five samples of the first group showthe highest chromium contents, with an avarage value of 190 ppm. Thetwo samples ofthe second group contain about 150 ppm of er, while thechromium concentrations of. the other three samples are the lowestones, i.e. about 60 ppm. According to the behaviour of chromium duringweathering and alteration of rocks, the ~lay fractions are richer inchromium than the coarser fracdo11s.From a practical point of view, the results obtained· suggest thatis possible to reduce the probabhity of appearance of the yellowblods mentioned· at the beginning. This can be obtained by usingpreferentially the Westerwald clay types with the lowest-chromiumconcentration.ILUTEILLITEt

References :1 - B. FABBRI, F. DONATI- Efflorescenze di cromati alcalini causa<strong>de</strong>lle macchie gialle su stoviglieria ceramica a · pasta bianca.Relation presented at the 11th International Technical Colloquium.onCeramics Processing "Present Status and Evolutionary Trends inTraditional Ceramics Tecnology", Rimini, October 1-2, 1986.2 - WBB and FUCHS-TON Technical Departments: The production andproperties of Westerwald clays. Part ·r. cfi/Ber. DKG 63/8 (1985)394-400. Part II: Mineralogy and geology. cfi/Ber. DKG 63/9-10 (1985)455-458.212

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>TErHNOLOGICAL STUDY AND INVESTIGATION ON THE RAW MATERIALSOF PREHISPANIC POTSHERDS FROM GRAN CANARIA (SPAIN)B. FABBRI, M.G. ARIAS*, 10: PHILIPPART DE FOY*, R. MALDERA*Istituto di Ricerche Tecnologiche per la Ceramica, C.N.R.,Faenza (Italy) .*Istituto Statale d'Arte per la Ceramica "G. Ballardini",Faenza (Italy).This paper <strong>de</strong>als-with the technological characterizationor rictile fragments from an archaeological site near ~uayedra(Gran Canaria, Spain). The ceramic material round inthis ancient habi tati·on unit is represented mainly by "terracotta"fragments without engobe; engobed potsherds. arepresent too,, but they have been neglected on purpose. Infact, the aim or the work was to investigate about the i­<strong>de</strong>ntity or the ceramic materi~: with particular referenceto its possible raw materials and, moreover, to give someindications on the cultural continuity in the_ same site.Firstly about.thirty sherds were accurately classifiedfrom a macroscopic point or vie-r, then representative samplesor each stratigraphic level or the excavation were selected.After examination or many samples by X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>rdiffraction method too, finally eight fragments were chosento represent all the ceramic material in the six stratigraphiclevels. F.or. these samples, chemical analyses, thermalanalyses, ~eterminations or the "melting temperature"ahd observations at the optical microscope ;- ~hin sectionwere carried out.213

The X-ray analysis revealed that the sherds are rich orscarcely crystailine materiai, --.;~ther than~alkalT._reldspars,plagioclase, pyroxene and quartz as main crystalline components.The alkali reldspars are or high temperature type,i.e. high sanidine. The chemival compositions or the differentsamples are quite similar each other, particularlyshowing some typical ratios among the element concentrations,CaO/MgO and Fe20 3 /Ti0 2 for example. The alkali con-·tent is very high and the sum or_ sodium and potassium concentrationsvaries about from 5 to 7 percent. The observationsat the polarising microscope evi<strong>de</strong>nced coarse grainsprevalently consisting or volcanic rock fragments with pyroxeneand some plagioclase as phenocrysts in a groundmassma<strong>de</strong> up or opaque minerals and microcrystalline plagioclaseas main phases. Monomineralic coarse grains pr both pyroxeneand plagioclase were present in all samples, while potassiumfeldspar and quartz were occasionally observed. Themelting temperatures or the sherds resulted little morethan 1200°C, with the exception or the sample 4A, the temperatureof which was about 1330°C. The substantial homogeneityor the technological characteristics or the sherdswas confirmed by the thermal gravimetric analysis, whichshowed a weight loss up to about 600°C probably ·due to rehydrationduring the burial.In the second part or the work several clayey or sandyraw materials from different areas or the island or GranCanaria were collected and analysed from a chemical and mineralogicalpoint or view. The clayey minerals are representedmainly by disor<strong>de</strong>red kaolinite, while the <strong>de</strong>tritalfraction is constituted or alkali feldspars in the hightemperature form (high sanidine) and pyroxene; quartz issometimes present in traces.214

By comparing the chemical compositions of the raw materialsand the potsherds, the type of mixture used to producethe ancient pottery has been reconstructed. The mineralogicalcomposition and the. melting temperature of t~eresulting mix well agree with that of the potsherds too.Finally, some production tests <strong>de</strong>monstrated the validityof the ceramic body hypothetically attributed to the. pot.­tery produced in the antiquity.215


clay dispersion, two variables were consi<strong>de</strong>red : (i) Aging time and (ii)solvent nature. As for the dispersion obtained after adding Zr solutionto clay, we have analysed the effects of (iii) temperature and time ofcontact and (iv) final washing.All sampls were· examined as pow<strong>de</strong>rs by XRD. Langmuir and Bet plotsof nitrogen adsorption were obtained, and surface areas <strong>de</strong>termined fromLangmuir isotherms.Acidity of cross-linked products was <strong>de</strong>termined by pyridine adsorptionand IR spectroscopy.We f,ound that :i) the aging of clay dispersion during a span of time varying be-·tween 25 and 60 days was favorable for the obtention of a homogeneeusoroduct· with a hiah reoroduction caoacitv of basal soacinq and a hiaherthermal stabilitv.ii) use of an oraanic solvent like ethanol. etlivlena.lvcol and acetoneallow for the obtention of a greater basal spacing.iii) aging time for clay dispersion treated with Zr must be short(2-3 hs),.to avoid further <strong>de</strong>gradation of clay. In the same way, maturationtemperatures must be' between 40-70°C in or<strong>de</strong>r to favour polimeriz_ationof complexes species. At higher temperatures, a product with adifferent structure was obtained. 'This product is a <strong>de</strong>l aminated type ofclay according to XRD analysis. Dela~nated cla~s. are characterized bya macroporosity related to an edge-to-edge agregation of layers, insteadof the typical face-to-face organisation of pillared clays.iv) Plots of nitrogen aJsorption isotherms show that Zr-pillared­Montmor1llonites exhibit a <strong>de</strong>viation from linearity in BET P.lot and followLangmuir adsorption isotherms. · Surfa~e areas. remained quite high, about·250 .m 2 ;g, after heating .for several hours .at various elevated temperaturesup to·soooc.Zr-<strong>de</strong>laminated clays show linearity for BET plots. Their surface areasare quite elevated and remained nearly unvaried after.heat treatment, about340 m 2 /g at.200°C and 300 m 2 ;g at soooc.v) Concerning .acidic properties, adsorption of pyridine shows thepresence of two types of acidic sites, Bronsted and Lewis according toobserved bands at 1540cm-l and 1450cm-l r~spectively. Bronsted sites arestrongly enhanced for pi 11 a red clays, compared with analysis of Na-Montmorillonite.1',217

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY _GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong> ·CLAY MINERALS AND TRACE ELEMENTS IN THE MARINE SEDIMENTS OF THECENTRAL ADRIATIC0. FERRETTI*, E. HELlOS**, I. NICCOLAI*, F. VENIALE**** ENEA Centro Ricerche Energia Ambiente, S. Teresa (ITALY)** University of Krakow (POLAND)*** University of Pavia (ITALY)ENEA- has conclu<strong>de</strong>d an environmental research program on theCentral Adriatic. A mineralogical and geochemical study of_ surficialsediment samples has been carried out to i<strong>de</strong>ntify the- mineralogicalcomposition of the Clay fraction and their possible relationshipwith trace elements.Some . undisturbed c.ore. samples and _alluvional sediments of theregion, were also examined.Granulometric data was obtained using classical methods. Clayminerals were <strong>de</strong>termined by x-ray diffraction analyses of the< 2 ;urn fraction of the sediment. Geochemical analyses were doneon the

of smectite and kaolinite.The smectite content was also high for shelf sediments in the·southern area.The mineralogical composition of core samples was found to besimilar throughout the cores.The. trace element content of the sediment was higher for . thetotal dissolution method compared to the hot nitric acid leachresults and for the·· clay fraction ( ("2 ;um) compared to the

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MINERALOGICAL CLASSIFICATION OF THE CLAYISH BOmES~~OJ:L~J:!f:PRODUCTIONIJAL)i\N TILEC. FIORI, B. FABBRI, F.DONATI, I. VENTURIC.N.R., Istituto di Ricerche recnologiche per la CeramicaVia Granarolo 64, 48018 Faenza (Italy)The Italian ceramic tile production has un<strong>de</strong>rgone a _rapid evolutionthrough the last 10-15 years. _The_ aims were an increasing _productivityof the processes and a lowering of the productid'n costs. Thus,the factories evolved towards the maximum level of automation and theleast employment of labour. In particular, it has occurred a spreadchange from double-firing to single-firing of the glazed .tiles. Furthermore,the firing cycles have become exceptionally· short (in some casesclose to half an hour) with the aid of themiJ<strong>de</strong>rn single-layer or multi:.:channel tunnel kilns.In this context, also the products have un<strong>de</strong>rgone an eVOlutionso that, while some traditional types (i.e.: majolica and earthenware)are tending to disappear, others have been introduced into the marketand are obtaining a growing success, such as the "single-fired poroustiles". The necessity of adapting the composition of the bodies to thenew rapid cycles and the trend of using less expensive raw' materialshave occurred.The present-day list of the types of tile products is schematicallyreported-in Table 1. The distinction among ·the commercial typesof tiles is done on the basis of some practical or technical characteristics,as follows:colour of the fired support, with red-brown or similar colours inanthitesis. to light colours such as white, grey, pink; etc.;- porosity of the fired support, from porous or semi-vitrified to vitri-220

fied with an open porosity quite null;- the type of milling: i.e. wet- or dry-milling;- the type of shaping: i.e. pressing of a pow<strong>de</strong>r with low humidity orextrusion of a plastic body.Table 1PRODUCTmillingA) Tiles shaped by pressing:a) "coloured" types:1 - porous: "cottoforte" (double fir'ed);"porous sini:Jle-firing";2 - semi-vitrified: ."single-fired semi-gres";3 - vitrified: "single fired red-gres";"non-glazed red-gres";b) "light coloured" types:1 - porous: "earthenware" (double fired);"porous sing1e-firing";2.- vitrified: "single firei'd white-gres";"porcelain gres";B) Tiles shaped by extrusion:1 - "klinker'! (red and light colours)2 - "cotto toscano";wetdry-,wetdry-,wetdry-,wetwetwetwetwetwetwetwet-The aim of this work is that of differentiating from a mineralogicalpoint of view the clayish bodies employed at present in the Italianproductions of ceramic .tiles. A collection of representative samplesof bodies for each type of product has been analyzed using theclassical techniques and methods available in a research laboratory forceramic technology. For each sample the f.ine fraction (,;;:: 4 )Jm) has beenseparated to carry out a more careful characterization of the portion'Isubjected to the greatest transformations during firing. In ~fact, espe-221

cially with the present rapid firing cyc:~e;>, ___ ti:!!Lr_e_a_c_tip_ns __?JJ'ect__ principallythe clay minerals and the finest particles of the other components.The data relative to each body have been utilized as a usefulreference for the discussion about the mineralogical differences amongthe various types of products. To this purpose, the mineralogical analyseshave been carried out following a computerized method of rationalanalysis <strong>de</strong>veloped at IRTEC (1,2). Thus, the present study can be C9nsi<strong>de</strong>redas a basis work for a mineralogical classification of bodiesfor ceramic tiles and as a reference for the researchers interested inthe industrial application of clays.PRINCIPA~ REFERENCES1 - A. KRAJEWSKI, B. FABBRI, C. FIORI, R. VALMORI,"Analisi mineralogic,a di materie prime ceramiche con computer"Ceramica Informazione, 20. (1985) 3912 - B. FABBRI, C. FIORI, A. KRAJEWSKI, R.VALMORI, A. TENAGLIA"Comparison between Traditional Mineralogical and ComputerizedRational Analysis of Ceramic Raw Materials"Journal <strong>de</strong> Physique, Colloque Cl, supplement au no.2, Tome 47,fevrier 1986, page Cl-57222

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> ArciliasINTERACTION OF DEXAMETHASONE AND MONTMORILLONITEM. FORTEZA, E. GALAN'AND J. CORNEJO*Dpto. <strong>de</strong> Geologia,Facultad <strong>de</strong> Quimica,Universidad <strong>de</strong> Sevilla(Spain) •.*Institute <strong>de</strong> Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia,C.S.I.C.,Aptdo. 1052,Sevilla(Spain).Clay-drug interactions have been wi<strong>de</strong>ly studied during the last <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>.However, the reaction mechanisms responsible of these interactionsonly have been elucidated, in some cases ( 1, 2), most of them .when cationic drugs are involved. Neutral .molecules are known to interact withclays by physical adsorption (3), and/or by hydrogen bonding (4). Dig~xin is adsorbed onto montmorillonite by a reversible adsorption mechanism(5) and <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>s by acid-catalyzed hydrolisis. The mechanism of adsorption and <strong>de</strong>gradation of the neutral steroid hydrocortisone by palygorskiteand sepiolite has been recently studied (6,7). Two types of ferric iron present in these clays may be. responsible for the different<strong>de</strong>gradation rates of hydrocortisone.Dexamethasone was chosen as the mo<strong>de</strong>l drug because it is·one of themost powerful! antiinflammator:/ s\eroid, which is orally or topicallyadministered because of its minimal' mineralcorticoid properties. Thisneutral drug <strong>de</strong>grad.es by oxidation and may be coadministered with claycontainingpharmaceuticals.Montorillonite was used as a mo<strong>de</strong>l clay becau~e it possesses thehighest accesible surface area and exchange capacity of the clays commonlyused in pharmacy.EXPERIMENTAL.All chemicals were either official or reagent gra<strong>de</strong>. An X-ray diffractogramof the clay sample indicated that it was composed of montmorilloniteand traces,of quartz. A high-pressure liquid chromatographicmethod useful for the analysis of hydrocortisone and its <strong>de</strong>gra~dation products (6) was slightly modified for this study. Changes in223

.the A-ring ·of <strong>de</strong>xametha·son:e- were

E!eo 100 140HOURSiOex. HPLC~I.;3.a) ~Ib)N180l:·lo~Ii~~o.eo~Fig.1.10eo 100HOURSu.v.140 110The IR spectrum of <strong>de</strong>xamethasone-montmorillonite complex supportsweak adsorption mechanism. The carbonyl-stretching vibration" of the C-17<strong>de</strong>xamethasone si<strong>de</strong>-chain shifted from 1705 to 1690 cm- 1 • In addition,the carbonyl-stretching vibration of the C-3 <strong>de</strong>xamethasone A-ring alsoshifts from 1660 to 1650 cm- 1 ,as"aresult of the interaction with montmorillonite. This shift to lower frecuency indicates hydrogen bonding asthe main adsorption mechanism, although van <strong>de</strong>r Waals' forces also maycontribute. Desorption studies confirmed that <strong>de</strong>xameth"asone is weaklyadsorbed by montmorillonite since it was easily <strong>de</strong>sorbed by washing withwater ..It may be conclu<strong>de</strong>d that the montriJorillonite-<strong>de</strong>xamethasone reactionmechanism is consistent with a reversible adsorption process and simultaneous<strong>de</strong>gradation reaction.REFERENCES(1) White,J.L. and Hem,S.L.(1983),Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Dev.,22,665.(2) Hem,S',L, and White,J .1. (1985) ,Chemtec. ,1,44.(3) Bradley,W.F. (1945),J. Am. Chem. Soc.,67,975.(4) MacEwan,D.M.C.(1948),44,349.(5) Porubcan, L .S. ,Born,G. S. ;Whi te,J .L. and Hem, S.L. (1979), J. Pharm. Sci.68,358.(6) Cornejo,J.,Hermosin,M.C.,White,J.L.,Peck,G.E. and Hem,S.L.(1980) ,J.Pharm. Sci., 69', 945.(7) Hermosin,M.C.,Cornejo,J.,White,J.L. and Hem,S.L.(l981),J. Pharm. Sci.70,189.225

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SEPIOLITE DEPOSIT IN CENTRAL ANATOLIA, TURKEYY. FUKUSHIMA AND K.SHIMOSAKA *Toyota Central Res. & Develop. Labs., Inc., Nagakute, Aichi, Japan.li:Nagoya office of Geological Survey of Japan, Nagoya, Aichi, Japan.The sepiolite <strong>de</strong>posit in this work occurs near the village ofYenidogan, which is situated 120 km. south-east of the city of Eskisehir,Anatolia, Turkey. This <strong>de</strong>posit was recognized and reported,brieflyby Turan (1975). Its extent is aproximately 4 km 2 and the thicknessthe sepiolite layer is about 10 m. The sepiolite· layer, which is·composed of white and brown parts, are sandwiched between the dolomitelayers. The white part contains about 65% of sepiolite and 35% ofdolomite. The sepiolite content in brown part is fairly pure ( morethan 98%), being accompanied by quartz, palygorskite, sulfur, dolomiteand organic matters.EXPERIMENTALSamples collected from the <strong>de</strong>posit were studied by X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>rdiffraction (XRD), chemical analyses, TGIDTA, transmission electronmicroscope (TE~), TG with evolved gas analysis by FT~IR, IR of organicmatters extracted from the brown sepiolite and quantitative analyses ofcarbonates. The evolved gases from samples during TG measurements wereintroduced into a -light~tube for· FT-IR analysis for tracing the.originsof the weight loss. The organic matters were not easily extracted byorganic solvents or acid or basic aqueous solutions, because of stronginteractions between the sepiolite· surface and organic matters.They were, however, easily extracted by dimethylsulfoxi<strong>de</strong> or aqueoussolution of NaOH after <strong>de</strong>struction of the sepiolite crystals by thetreatment with aqueous solution of HCl. The extracted matters wereanalized by IR and compared with IR spectrum of usual humic acid.Carbonates in the samples were <strong>de</strong>composed by 10 N aqueous solUtion,ofH2so., and the amount of evolved C02 was analized by using porous NaOH.226

Table 1. Cemical compositionsof white and brown samples.Table 2. Atom ratios ofcations in sepiolite.white brown white brown(wt%)---(wt%)--Si02 41.4 62.5 Si 11.89 12. 11MgO 26.1 25.0 Mg 7.76 7. 15Ah03 0.72 1. 30 Al 0.24 0.30Fe203 0. 21 0.56 Fe 0.05 0.08CaO 11. 1 0.31 ea 0.00 0.00K20 0.10 0.25 K 0.04 0.06Na20 0.03 0.06 Na 0.02 0.02Ti02 0.03 0.07 Ti 0.01 0.01L. 0. I. 25.2 12.0Total 104.89 102.05 Atom ratios were normalizedby total charge (+64) ofc 5.0 0.74 cations in one fomula units 0.01 0.04 of sepi6lite.sepiolite 64.7 98.3 (dolomite 35.0 1.0organic 0.3 0.7"RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSThe chemical compositions of'brown and white samples are listed inTable 1. Contents of dolomite and organic matters in Table 1 wereestimated by CaO and carbon contents. The dolomite contents shown.in the table agree well with the results of quantitative analyses ofcarbonate. Atom ratios in sepiolite, shown in Table 2, werecalculated by using the results of chemical analyses with correctionof a contribution of dolomite. The ratio in sepiolite from whiteagrees well with ·the i<strong>de</strong>al ratio based on the Brauner andPreisinger mo<strong>de</strong>l (1956). The ratio of Si in.sepiolite from brownpart, however, is greater than the i<strong>de</strong>al 'one, which is supposed tobe due to tpe quartz or amorphous silica i~ the brown part.227

.The .XRD results showed that the sepiolite from this <strong>de</strong>posit ispoorly crystallized.Mean diameter and length of the sepiolite fiberwere estimated to be about 10 nm and 0. 5 .urn respectively by TEM.Quartz and dolomite were also <strong>de</strong>tected by xRD. Yellow and light greeninclusions were found in the brown part. The. former was pure sulfurand the latter was palygorskite.The result of evolved gasanalysis by TG/FT-IR is shownin Figure 1, which indicatesthat weight losses due to <strong>de</strong>hydrationoccured in four stepsaccompanied by those due to<strong>de</strong>compositions of organicmatters. and dolomite.Theexracted matters from brownsamples were confirmed to behumic. acid by IR.Differencesin IR spectra from thatof usual humic acid, however,also observed.This <strong>de</strong>posit should be oneFigure 1. Results of TG/FT-IRof the most important sourcesof sepiolite in the world for industrial uses such as adsorbents,catalysis or rheological applications.ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. The authours are gratefull to Dr. Y. ·Turan, presi<strong>de</strong>nt of TuranMa<strong>de</strong>ncilik Sanay Ticaret Ltd., and Mr. Toyomasu and T. Hirakawa,Toyoda Tsusho Kaishya Go. Ltd., for their cooperations and helpfulsuggestions. Discussions with Dr. 0. Kamigaito and Mr. M. Sugiurawere also helpful in·this work.REFERENCESTuran, Y. (1975) Proc. 1st Ind. Miner. Int. Congr., ed byFleming, R.F.S., Met. Bull. Ltd., London: pp206-9Brauner, K. and Preisinger, A. (1956) Teschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt.!!_, 120-140.228

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ADSORPTION OF METHYLCARBAMATE BYMONTMORILLONITE* "** "**P. FUSI, M. FRANCI and G.G. RISTORI* Dipartimento Scienza <strong>de</strong>l ·Suolo e Nutrizione <strong>de</strong>lle Pianta,**Universita di Firenze. Centro Studio Colloidi Suolo-CNR-Firenze. Piazzale Cascine,28~50142 Firenze (Italy).The_ carbamates (i.e. N-ary l, N-alkyl, ester <strong>de</strong>rivativesof carbamic acid) are used in the agriculture management,because they have insectici<strong>de</strong> or herbici<strong>de</strong> properties. Moreoverthe pestici<strong>de</strong> adsorption by soil colloids is one ofthe major processes affecting their phytotoxicity.Therefore the studies of the interaction between a simplecarbamate molecule (i.e. H N-CO-OCH 2 3, methylcarbamate)and soil clay minerals can supply an useful mo<strong>de</strong>l for un<strong>de</strong>rstandingthe adsorption mechanism which could be involvedin the adsorption of more complex compounds of thisfamily.In this study the interactions of homoionic montmorillonitewith methylcarbamate ~ave been investigated. Montmorillonite,UptonWyoming, was ~a<strong>de</strong> ~omoionic to Na, Mg, Cuand A l b y t r ea t i n g t he < 2 r-m f r a c t i o n w i t h l N so l u ti o n o fthe corresponding chlori<strong>de</strong> salt and then removing the excesssalt bj dialysis until the AgN0 _test for Cl- was negative.Thin, self supporting films (4 mg clay/cm 2 ) of the3homoionic montmorillonite were prepared by allowing to airdryfew milliliters of a clay suspension on a polyethyleneshe~tand then carefully peeling away the clay film.The mechanism of adsorption was-investigated by infraredand X-ray diffraction analysis. The clay films wereimmersed in a tc1 saturated solution of purified methylcarbamate(m.p;= 52-53°C ) for about 30 seconds. This time4was enough to lead large amount of methylcarbamate to be229

adsorbed by the montmorillonite. After a clay film was removedfrom the solution it was rinsed twice- Tr1-"soTiTerYl-ana-­air dried. The lR spectra were recor<strong>de</strong>d in the 4000-1200-1cm region. The assignment of main bands of pure methylcarbamatein a CC1 4solution was the following: "3550 and-1 ) -1 (3435 cm (asym. and sym. -NH 2stretching ; 1750 cm C=Ostretching- ami<strong>de</strong> I band); 1583 cm-l (NH bending- ami<strong>de</strong>2II band); 1460 cm-1( CH asym. <strong>de</strong>formation); 1345 cm-13( CN stretching- ami<strong>de</strong> Ill band).The IR spectra of Na- and Mg-montmorillonite complexesshow~d a shift to lower .frequencies ( 1710 and 1700 cm-lre~~ectively) of the C=O stretching vibration. Thi~ wasascribed to a coordination of carbonyl group to the exchangeablecation. As a consequence of·C=O coordination, thedouble bond character of the CNgroup increases as confirmedby the shift of the CNstretching band to higher frequencies( from 1345 to 1370-1380 cm-l respectively).___ On_ A_l-monJmori lloo_i te_ cGmplex, the C=O and the C-Nstretching band was at 1683 and 1385 cm-l respectively,asa consequence of a stronger coordination with Al in comparisonwith Na and Mg calions. No evi<strong>de</strong>nce for C=O protonation,as observed for acetami<strong>de</strong>, was revealed in theIR spectrum of this Al-clay complex. This different behaviourcan be ascribed to the fact that in m~thylcarbamatethe carbonyl bond is less polar than in ami<strong>de</strong> as the 1"(<strong>de</strong>localization involves the ester oxygen atom as well asthe OCNami<strong>de</strong> group.Different characteristics are shown by the lR spectrumof Cu-montmorillonite complex: two new bands appear at-1 (1480 and 1400 cm tentatively assigned"to CH 3&eformationand CNstretching _vibration respectively). On theother hand the C=O stretching band at 1675 cm~ 1 , the CH 3<strong>de</strong>formation at 14~ cm-l and the CN stretching at 1385-1 -cm (shifted from the corresponding value of the free m~lecule)are yet well evi<strong>de</strong>nced. These particular featurescan result from two different adsorption mechanisms of230

!methylcarbamate molecule,i.e. : by coordination of the carbonylgroup only or by simultaneous coordination of boththe carbonyl and the oxygen atom of the ester group.In Na-, Mg-, Al- and Cu- clay complexes the asym. andsym. NH stretching are shifted from 3550 to 3500 and fro~23435 to 3400 cm-l This shift suggests an interaction betweenNH group and the oxygen of the silicate layer.2The homoionic montmorillonite-methylcarbamate complexeswere stable on heating at 80°C ( 12 hours) , and the adstirbedmolecule <strong>de</strong>composes to NH , 3co 2and CH 0H on equilibrationof the complexes at lOO% R.H. (12 hours).3X-ray diffraction analysis showed that methylcarbamatepenetrates the interlayer space of homoionic montmorillonites.',,,231

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS·Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaflola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>G~IS OF DEVOIIAI AL-SHALES OF BADAJOZ, SW SPAII.E. GALAI, J.X. !ESA, J.L. PEREZ RODRIGUEZ* and A. POLVORIJOS.Departamento <strong>de</strong> Geologia. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Sevilla.

.-MADRID• Deposit ofClaey Material,·an EDAX system. Minor components inclu<strong>de</strong> feldspar, rectorite, rutile,goethite, alunite and pyrite.'-,.II' \\ ..\ ,. .,/'/~ ..... /3.- Particles of less than20 )lm represent in general morethan 80 % of the. sample,andfractions smaller than 2 )lm lessthan 10 %. The Al20~ percentage.,_ .--.. F 1can be as high as 35 %, K20Kaol. ~----'c.:··-..· ""- ....-.,-+--'1-i. 7·...,.:-"---.--'-Mus. oscilates between 2 and 10 % andKaol.Fig. 2\~ ........\\\233the percentages of CaO and ](gOare very low.A statistical study of thechemical and mineralogical datafrom both aluminic and- country

components analysis of the 10 most representative variables ;Fs ;F ..

REFEREJCESESPINOSA DE LOS MONTEROS,J., ALVAREZ,D. DURAN,P. y AZA,S.. Contribuci6n al estudio mineral6gico <strong>de</strong> las PizarrasAluminicas <strong>de</strong>l Paleoz6ico <strong>de</strong> la provincia <strong>de</strong> Badajoz. Tesis Doctoral.Universidad <strong>de</strong> Sevilla. 318 pp.235

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>"\GLAUCONITE FROM THE GUADALQUIVIR BASIN, SOUTHERNAND ORIGIN.SPAIN .• CHARACTERIZATIONE. GALAN, I. GONZALEZ AND E. MAYORALDepartment of Geology, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Seville, Spain.INTRODUCTIONSince early this century glauconi te ·occurrences in tertiary materialsof the Guadalquivir Basin (Southern Spain) are known (Paul 1902, Hernan<strong>de</strong>z.Pacheco 1926). According to recent studies glauconite is.stratigraphicallyconcentrated in two levels, one lower (Miocene) at the boundarybetween a <strong>de</strong>trital-carbonate formation (Niebla calcarenites formation)and the "Blue Clays" (Martinez <strong>de</strong>l Olmo 1984; Sierro 1984; Civis et al.1985), and another hi~her (Pliocene) at the transition·between the BlueClays and the Huelva sands formation (Viguier 1974, Sierro 1984, Mayoral1986). Nevertheless at present there is no mineralogical and geneticalstudy of these glauconitic levels. This paper accounts for these aspectsand for the interest of the glauconite formation at a large scale in thepaleogeographic evolution of the Guadalquivir basin.MATERIALSGlauconite was sampled near Aznalcollar (lower level) and Bonares(higher level) (Fig. 1). At a regional scale three units can be <strong>de</strong>fined.The lowest is mainly composed of calcarenites which are very rich inorganic remains. The uppermost part of this unit is a glauconite sandbed (2-4 m thick) (see Aznalcollar section). The middle unit is builtup of blue clays and marls which thickness ranges between 60 and morethan 1000 m. Macrofauna and bioturbation are scarce in this unit. Thehighest unit ( Huel va sands formation), is composed of yellowish-brownsilty-sands at the base, which become increasingly coarse upwards. Thisunit present an increase of glauconite from bottom to the centre part,where it is highly concentrated (higher glauconitic level, see Bonaressection). Glauconite is always associated to very <strong>de</strong>eply bioturbatedmaterials which are very rich in fauna (Veneri<strong>de</strong>s, Pectini<strong>de</strong>s, marinvertebrate remains, etc).236

J CENOZOI CB MESOZOIC~ 'PALEOZOIC.:·t.. ·.:SE VILLA25 KmAZNALCOLLARSECTION... ·..·~CONTINENTAL~ PLIO-QUATERNARYT·BONARESSECTIOND.SAND } ·--- :::. MARINE·~MARL DMID-PLIOCENE~CfLCARENITE~SHALEE3 PALEOZOIC(55 FOSSILSGLAUCONITE• • LOWe e HIGH \.CONCENTRATIONFig.l.- Geological setting and location of the sections studied2& 10 20 30 40 50Fig.2.- X-ray diffractionpattern of lMd glauconite237

RESULTSGlauconitic sandy materials <strong>de</strong>scribed above are composed of quartz,calcite, dolomite, feldspars and phyllosilicates. The clay mineralogyfor the less than 20 pm fraction is mainly composed of smectite andillite and minor amounts of chlorite and kaolinite.For the glauconite i<strong>de</strong>ntification, a fractionation and concentrationof glauconi tic materials were ma<strong>de</strong> as follows, first the sand was screened/and each fraction was dried and weighed and examined un<strong>de</strong>r a stereo-microscope. 'For the 250-125 pn and 125-63 pm fractions, the richest in glauconi tegAanules, were treated with a Frantz magnetic separator~A final concentrationof green grains was carried out by hand - picking from the mostparamagnetic fraction, and then they were cleaned by ultrasonics.'Selected grains were studied by X-ray diffraction, examined by scanningel.ectron microscope, and analyzed by EDAX. Exposy impregnated thin sectionsallowed examination of internal structures of grains.Two types of glauconite grains were possible to distinguish accordingto their colour: dark green grains and pale-green ones. Regarding theirmorphology green grains may -be classified in lobate (botroydal), irregularand ovoidal pellets. The two first are more abundant in Aznalcollar sands,'while latter are in Bonares. Pellets from Aznalcollar are usually lesserthan those from Bonares. X-ray diffraction patterns (Fig.2) show thatglauconite is rather an intermediate structure between 1M and 1Md, withonly 5-15% of expandable layers. Fe and K contents are higher in thedarkest green pellets, which are very abundant in Bonares.Oriented or random microcrystalline aggregates of glauconite ofdifferent particle size coat and/or sustitute foraminiferal surfaces,quartz grains, iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s, etc.DISCUSSIONDifferent glauconitization <strong>de</strong>grees of organic remains (foraminifera,ostracods, bryozoans, echino<strong>de</strong>rms, etc) have been observed in both glauc~nitic materials. In Aznalcollar many glauconite pellets are coated min~ral grains, probably because this area is very rich of <strong>de</strong>trital ~12eswhich came from the close source area (see Fig. 1). The glauconitizationprocess is generally very evolved.238

Environmental conditions for this sector of the Guadalquivir Basinduring sedimentation of glauconite materials, as <strong>de</strong>duced from paleont~logical and sedimentological data, suppose that the glauconitic "pelletsshould be formed in a open-sea sublitoral environment, at around 30-50 m <strong>de</strong>ep. In this environment there was a very low sedimentation rate,which is reasonably supported by abundant bioturbation observed. Illiteand smectites, the major clay minerals of these sandy materials, in alocally restricted environment, with not very oxigenated bottom waters(caused by organic matter <strong>de</strong>gradation), could coat fecal pellets and/ormineral grains, and evolved to glauconite through a mixed-layering stru~ture of-illite-smectite type. Skrinkage of this evelopment could <strong>de</strong>formpellet grain surface and contrib\lte to its cracking, resulting in differentglauconite morphologies.Glauconite pellets from Bonares are bigger and m0re subroun<strong>de</strong>d thanthose from Aznalcollar. These differences can be explained on the basisof that the size of original pellets was bigger in Bonares, as well becausethe evolution <strong>de</strong>gree of the glauconitization process was also rrore evolvedthan in the Aznalcollar case.All these data support that during the Tertiary sedimentation occurredin this basin there were two transgresive pulsations~whichduring Late'Miocene, and Lower Pliocene, respectively."REFERENCEStook placeCIVIS, J., SIERRO, F.J., GONZALEZ DELGADO, J.A., FLORES, J.A., ANDRES, .J.PORTA, J. & VALLE, M.F. (1985) Studia Geologica Salmaticensia. V01. Especial.(in press).HERNANDEZ PACHECO, E. (1926) XIV International Geological Congress. IGME1-150.MARTINEZ DEL OLMO, W., GARCIA MALLO, J., LERET, G., SERRANO, A., & SUAREZ,ALBA, J. (1984) I Congreso Espafiol <strong>de</strong> Geologia, ~. 199-213.MAYORAL, E. (1986) Ph. D. Thesis·. University of Seville, 599 pp.PAUL, A. (1902) Bel. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. ~. 94.SIERRO, F.J. (1984) Ph. D. Thesis. University of Salamanca, 391 ppVIGUIER, C. (1974) Ph. D. Thesis. University of Bor<strong>de</strong>aux, 450 pp.239

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE SEDIMENTATION EKVIROJXEWT OF THE DIATOXITIC XARLY FACIES ATSAKLUCAR DE BARRAXEDA, GUADALQUIVIR BASIN, SW SPAIN.E. GALAN, I. GONZALEZ, E. XAYORAL, A. XIRAS AND X.A. ·VAZQUEZ.Department o.f Geology,Spain.Faculty of Chemistry, University of Seville,IURODUCIIOKOccurrences of diatamaceaus silica is wi<strong>de</strong>spread throughout theOligocene-Miacene sedimentation. of the Guadalquivir Basil)--

.,_ Nodular chertFig. 1~ llarls ~ ~!~tones FJiYIJ Diatoai tes'Location of sections studied."According to their particle-size distribution these· sediments maybe consi<strong>de</strong>red as silty clays or clayey silts. The colour ofdiatomitic materials is highly <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt on Fe-content.may varie between 52 and 75%.IP,rightnessThe "moronitic" facies <strong>de</strong>scribed above, presents well-preservedpennal and centric diatoms., calcareous nannoplancton, radiolaria,sponge-spicules and foraminifera remains

Fig. 2Scanning electron· micrograph of a typical association oforganic siliceous remains of 11 moronita".DISCUSSIOIThe <strong>de</strong>scribed microfauna and microflora associations together withthe absence of <strong>de</strong>trital minerals, other than typical clay minera1s ofopen-marine environment, may support that sedimentation of the"moronitic" facies took place in a rather shallow marine ·basin

REFERENCESCALDERON, S. & PAUL, M. (1886). La moronita y los yacimientosdiatomaceos <strong>de</strong> Mor6n. An. R. Soc. Esp. Hist. Nat. 15, 477-493.CALVO SORANDO, J.P.

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanoia <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ASSESSXENT OF TALCS AND KAOLINS FOR TOPIC USE IN POVDERSE. GAXIZ XARTIN; G. DELGADO CALVO-FLORES; J. PARRAGA XARTINEZ yR. DELGADO CALVO-FLORE$Dpto. <strong>de</strong> Geologia Aplicada. Facultad <strong>de</strong> Farmacia. Universidad <strong>de</strong>Granada.IJITRODUCTIONTalc and Kaolin are frequently used in pharmacy as terapeuticformulations, carriers or excipient in general; in the same way theyare extansi vely used in cosmetics. In topical uses (external) thesematerials, which are from mineral sources, find their applicationsmainly in the form of pow<strong>de</strong>rs, and are the basis of -the preparations

physical abrasivity. The hardness of 2 has been assigned to kaolin(1 or 2 to 2'5 in the bibliography).Colour affects visual acceptance and it is an indirect/in<strong>de</strong>x ofpurity. The colour must be white and this is estimed with the Munsellcharts.The chemistry factor inclu<strong>de</strong>s all the physical and thephysicochemical characters which are <strong>de</strong>man<strong>de</strong>d by the Pharmacopoeias(Calcium, heavy metals, chlori<strong>de</strong>s, power of adsorti·on, etc.).The granulometric factor consi<strong>de</strong>rs the characteristics and the1 imitations which <strong>de</strong>pend on the particle size,

The samp1i?.::; Hi th H.,.. present high c·ontent::; o:t qt;artz. The oneswh kh are Ch •.. don't ful U J. the adsorti ve properties and -file c~!1ten_t __,;--~of chlori<strong>de</strong>s a.nd calcium. The domtnati.ng forms are in al1. the casesflot-

Table I.- Valorization of the factors.PurityfactorAbundance Coef. '10 - 80hpuri ties Coef.:t Kaolin or TalcCheoicalCheoical Coef,100 - 80 factor I< 80 0Non <strong>de</strong>sirable oinerals(%) Granulo1etric Coef.Phar1acoooeia restrairitsNoneOne or severalClay (%) Silt (%)N.j>.....,HardnessfactorI0Hardness Coef.I - ,0, 330{, 5 10 - 7>5-01/Hean hard(essGranulo1etricfactor0;;, o, 33 - Granulolletric 1odifiers< 0,33 I100 - 70 < 0 5- :. 0,5< 70 -He an iz. 11"a_>I0-1 2-11Colour Coef.Value Chroma o, 95> 1-2 > ll-20ColourfactorO·I;:, 8 ~I Horoholooical Coef.IMorphologicalfactorI - 0,50Shaoe and roundness in<strong>de</strong>xI - 0, 5< 0,5--II

Table 11.- Location of samples. Equations anct'in<strong>de</strong>x for the topic use inpow<strong>de</strong>rs.SAMPLE LOCATION : EQUATIONNUMERICALINDEXk-1 (light) Arguisue 1 as ( Cuenca) PB,J-1' H0,36' Cl, Chi, tli(l-1)' s0,6 0k-3 (heavy) Cervo (Lugo) PO-I' HO, CO, Chi, tO(l-1)' so,6 0"'~k-4 (light) la Guardia (Pontevedra) PO-I' HO, Cl, Chi, tO{l-1)' s0,7 ·oK-5 (heavy) Oviedo (Asturias)PO-I' H0,37' Cl' ChO, tO(Q,g5-l)' 5 0,6 0k-6-A (light) 8urela ·(Lugo) p8,7-l' H0,40' Cl, ChO, tO(l-1)' s0,7 0k-6-8 (light) 8urela (Lugo). PB,0-1' H0,37' Cl, Chi, tO(l-1)' s0,7 0T-2 (grin<strong>de</strong>d) Le6n p9,7-l' H0,90' Cl, ChO, tO(O,g5-l)' s0,6 0T -4 (grin<strong>de</strong>d) le On pg,5-l' HO,BB' Cl, ChO, tO(O,g5-l)' s0,6 0

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ORE-DEPOSITS STUDY AND PROSPECI'ING OF KAOLIN DEPOSITS IN WESTERN-cENTRALSARDINIA. MINERAL-PEI'RClGRAPHIC AND ORE DEPOSIT CHARACI'ERISTIC OF \KAOLINAND ITS RElATIONS WITH TERI'IARY ACID VOLCANISM.+ Istituto di Giacimenti Minerari, Facolta di Ingegneria, Universitadi cagliari (Italia) •++ Centro Studi Geaminerari e Mineralurgici <strong>de</strong>l C.N.R., Facolta di Ingegneria, Universita di cagliari (Italia) .In the western-central area of Sardinia (Tresnuraghes) are to befounds~ outcrops of kaolin in volcanic rocks, mainly of rhyolitictype of OligcH!liocenic age.The mineral-petrographic study of the volcani tes ma<strong>de</strong> it possibleto divi<strong>de</strong> them into two facies, the first characterized by a markedpseudo-fluid texture with the matrix rrore or less kaoiinized, the secondby spherulitic structure ("piromeridi") of cristobalitic-kaolinitic carp::lSition.The rrost evi<strong>de</strong>nt presence of kaolin seems to be localized princi~ly in the inferior rhyolites., with pseudo-fluid texture', and this pr~sence •increases gradually from fresh volcanic rock to COJ!!lletely kaolinisedone.In or<strong>de</strong>r to carry out a CO!lprehensive study of the various sourc~rock·- kaolin transfonration, a systematic sampling by a square gridof an area of 5 K'm 2 (250 m per si<strong>de</strong>) was carried out. A further rrore<strong>de</strong>tailed ·sampling was .carried out on the quarry-faces using a rectan~ar grid measuring 3 m per si<strong>de</strong> horizontally and 2 m vertically. Thetotal of 32 samples taken from the two quarries (Punta Salamura e SuFongarazzu) ma<strong>de</strong> it possible to obtain the gra<strong>de</strong> variations and a rougheconomic evaluation of the <strong>de</strong>posits.249

Al the sarrples were subjected in particular to a series of diffractometric, differential thermal and X-quantitative spectroroetric analyses.Some sarrples were studied by electron microprobe in or<strong>de</strong>r to better<strong>de</strong>fine the alteration process~tnfluence on the crystals, on the matrixas well as on the structures.On the basis of all studies carried through it was pcssible to:- classify the volcanic rocks according to their chemical composition,by De La Roche's diagram (1980), into rhyolites and dacites, theformer notably greater in number than the latter;- <strong>de</strong>termine the variation of gra<strong>de</strong>s in AL 2o and in normative kaolinite3'in the.kaolin samples;- suggest a pcssible genetic mo<strong>de</strong>l for the kaolin mineralization inthis area;- pinpcint the correlation between the volcanic facies, the structuralcharacteristic of the examined area and mineralization, which canbe used as a gui<strong>de</strong> in the prospecting of ore <strong>de</strong>pcsits in terms of size·ana quality.250

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE RHYOLITES OF TRESNURAGHES (NORrH-WEsr SAJIDINIA)AND THEIR KAOLINMINERALIZATION: MICROProBE STUDY OF ALTERATION PRCCESSES AT MICROSCOPICSCALE.r+ . ++C. Garbarino, M. Palornba+ Istituto di Giacin1e11ti Minerari, Facolta di Ingegneria, Universitadi cagliari (Italia) •++ centro Studi Geominerari e Mineralurgici <strong>de</strong>l C.N.R., Facolta di In·gegneria, Universita di cagliari (Italia) •In the irrrnediate south-western area of Tresnuraghes (North-westernSardinia) a rhyolitic volcanic fonnation of oligo-miocenic tertiaryage outcrops, which is affected by kaolinization phenomena •. On the basisof micro- and macroscopic characteristics it was divi<strong>de</strong>d into two facies:- the first is CartpJsed of IIDstly pink rocks, with lighter, whitishstriations, characterized by a pseudofluid tE>J(ture;- the second shows the tyPical "pi.rorrte+idi", spheruli tic structures,the origin of which is attributed tO'-the volcanite <strong>de</strong>vitrification ph~nomena.The aim of the present w::>rk is to study, by means of an electronmicroprObe, the cheni.cal carrp::lSition of the rocks and in particular tostudy how and to what extent the' alteration processes operate on min~rals, on .the structures and on the matrix. The square grid systematicsarrpling, using 250 m si<strong>de</strong>s,. ma<strong>de</strong> on the above mentioned area, provi~ed a series of volcanite sarrples, 22 of which to be analised at the~croprobe were chosen. These observations were ma<strong>de</strong> on over 700 pointsof analySis which allowed us to <strong>de</strong>fine the cheni.cal Corrp:lSition, thetype and the <strong>de</strong>velo];Xtleli.t !lO<strong>de</strong>s of alteration in the phenocrysts, inthe matrix and in the structures that characterize these rocks. Theresults, from the data processing of the iilicroprobe analysis obtained,251

shCM that:- the matrix shows colour varations from white to rosy-:white to red;a compositional and probably structural variation corresponds with them.'Ihe white zones seem to have suffered from a <strong>de</strong>vitrification and a con~quent recrystallization. Furt.henrore in these parts of the rock1 thef'irst "genns" of the alteration into kaolinite appear. Instead, the redmatrix has a constant and harogeneus chemical composition, it is vitreousand it does 'nt appear to be affected by any alteration phenorrena.- 'Ihe structures, in this case spheruli tic ( "piromeridi") , resultingfrom radial accretion (of cristobalitic-kaolinitic composition) whichoriginates around a crystalline germinal core, vary from microscopicsize to 5-6 mn in diameter. Carq;lared to the matrix, 0ese structuresshCM a greater ten<strong>de</strong>ncy to alteration, which begins with the weather-':ing of the alkaline and alkaline--earth elements. It was also noticedIthat the alteration starts in the core of the structures and has a c~trifugal trend.- 'Ihe· phenocrysts of these rocks are alrrost exclusively plagioclases;immediate chemical analyses allCMed us to <strong>de</strong>termine their compositioE_al horcogeneity, in each individual sanple and in th~ sanples as a whole.From the observation of all th,e analyses we conclu<strong>de</strong> that also the pl~gioclases alteration into kaolinite always oc=s in a centrifugaltrend.252

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SOME'SPANISH TERRA ROSSA:GEOCHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY DF THE CLAY FRACTIONM.T. GARCIA-GONZALEZ and P. RECIOInstitute <strong>de</strong> Edafologia y Biologia Vegetal, CSIC, Serrano 115 dup.,28006- Madrid,Spain.The object of this study is the mineralogical composition of theclay fraction of two profiles of Spanish terra rossa and its relationwith the distribution of the concentrations of different traceelements.The profiles lie in the central area of the Iberian peninsula, inthe. spurs of the sierra of la Cal<strong>de</strong>rina, which is part of an old rockformation of the mountains of Toledo which were formed during thehercynian orogenesis that took place from the carboniferous to thepermian periods and affects the western half of the peninsula,produci.ng tectonic alignments from NW to SE.The profi,les are approximately 160 cm thick .and come directly torest on the un<strong>de</strong>rlying limeston~ rock. Profile 1 consists of a<strong>de</strong>velopment Al, Bl, Bt21, Bt22, R. The <strong>de</strong>velopment of profile II isAl, B+A, Bt21, Bt22, R. They. have ~een classified as Mol.lic. Palexeralf(profile I) and as intergra<strong>de</strong> Ultic Palexeralf-Ultic Rhodoxeralf(profile II). The pH of both is close to neutral, while the cationexchange capacity is relatively low with calcium being the basicexchange cation.The mineralogical study of the clay fraction, after its separationwas performed using X-ray diffraction, thermal methods and infraredspectroscopy. Quantitative <strong>de</strong>termiRations of the major, minor andtrace element~ (Cr, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Rb, Sr, Zr, Ba and Pb) was carriedout using X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.The study of the rocky substrat inclu<strong>de</strong>s the mineralogicalinvestigation of the limestone rocks at the base.of both profiles.253

Calcite is a major component,-v 75% in profile I, .....,Lor~--~~_p_rofi}el~I.______There is also a small amount of dolomite, """10% profile I, ""'12%profile II. Mica minerals, quartz and, in profile _I, vermiculite havebeen <strong>de</strong>tected in the insoluble limestone residues. The mineralogicalaspect is completed with traces of feldspars, kaoli~ite and hematite.The data from the mineralogical analysis and the concent~ations ofthe different oxi<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>termined in the clay fraction of the profilesshow a <strong>de</strong>creasing mica content from the horizons A1 (around 60i) tothose of Bt22 (55% in profile I a-nd 45% in profile II) while there isa slight increase of kaolin minerals in the proportion of about 25-30%(horizon A1) and 30-40% (horizon Bt22) in profiles and IIrespectively.The absence of vermiculite jn the clay fraction of profile I, is atvariance with its existence in the limestone substratum. It appearstherefore that this mineral has not been inherited by the horizons ofthe profiles, which is why the soil formation was accompanied by onlya small alteration of the mica and kaolinite in the rock.Among the iron crystalliife compounds goethite stands out because ofits importance, its proportion in profile I being less than 5% inhorizon A1 and less than 15% in Bt22. In profile II there is less than10% of it in the two <strong>de</strong>ep horizons. In the latter profile bas beenpointed out the presence of small amounts of hematite in horizons Bt21and Bt22.It is to remark the high proportion of MnO in both profiles,however, these figures are supported by field operations in whichblack manganese spots were observed in some of the horizons of thesoi 1 s.No <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce at all has been observed between the concentrationsof Fe 2o 3and that of the different trace elements, although thereare plenty of studies supporting that the crystalline or amorphousiron compounds are cap~ble. of housing elements (Schwertmann a~dTaylor, 1977; Koons et al., 1980). This apparent anomaly can beexplained as resulting from the competition between Fe and Mn for theretention of trace elements. In accordance with Suarez and Langmuir(1976), l..oneragan et al. (.1981), the retention capacity of MnO is muchgreater than that of iron oxi<strong>de</strong>. In the present study strong positive254

correlations nave beerr observed between the content of MnO and of Co,Pb, Zn and Ba which complete tne'experimental observations mentionedabove.The strong negative correlations that appear between Al and themajority of the trace elements <strong>de</strong>termined, clearly snow that thekaolin minerals do not play any part whatsoever in tne· retent~on o~tnese elements, observations that were already ma<strong>de</strong> by Rambaud (1969),Hugnes (1981) and Mosser 1982).REFERENCESHugh~s· J. C.: Miner~logy. In : Characterization of soils in relationto their classification and managemen,t for crop production:Examples from some areas of the numid tropics. p. 3050 D. J.Greenland (ed.) .. Claredon Press, Oxford (1981).Koons R.D., Helmke P.A. and' Jackson M. L.: Association of traceelements . ·with iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s during rock weathering. Soi 1 Sci. Soc.Am. J., 44,155-159 (1980).Loneragan· J. ~ .• Robson A. D. and Granam R. D.: Copper in soils andpJarits. Aca<strong>de</strong>mic Press, Austr~lia (1981).Mosser: C.: Elements traces <strong>de</strong>s argiles: <strong>de</strong>s Marcjueurs. Clay Min., 18,139-151(1982).Rambaud D.: Etu<strong>de</strong> sur la repartition <strong>de</strong>s elements trace dans quelquessols ferrallitiques. ORSTOM. These Sciences, Pa~is (1969).Scnwertmann U. and Taylor R. M.: Iron Oxi<strong>de</strong>s. In: Minerals in soilsenvironments. p. 145-180. J. B. Dixon and'S. B. Weed (eds.). Soi 1Sci. Soc. Am., Madison, Wisconsin (1977).Suarez D. L. and Langmuir. D.: Heavy metals relationships in aPennsylvania soil. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 40, 589-598 (1976).255

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTi-1 1 MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>COMPARABLE STUDY OF CERAMIC PROPERTIES OF SEVERAL INDUSTRIAL SPANISHKAOLINS-G- GARCIA-RAMOS, M.T. RUIZ-ABRIO, P.J. ·SANCHEZ-SOTO, F. GONZALEZ-GARCIA,and M.. RAIGON'-PI'CHARDO.Departamento <strong>de</strong> Qtiimica Inorganica, Facultad <strong>de</strong> Quimica. Universidad <strong>de</strong>Sevilla.The ceramic properties of four industrial kaolins with different~ineralogicalcharacteristic, selected from among some of the most im-·portant Spanish <strong>de</strong>posits, are studied (1)(2)(3).They are:K-2,(Burela) and K-15, (Vimianzo), from industrial factories.K-14, (Poveda), from industrial factory (cyclonal installation).K-10, ( Alcafiiz) , material known as '"refr~ctory clay" by the industrythat produces it.The materials have been characterized through the methods of X~Raydiffraction study, me~hanic·ai- analysis (sedimentation)' chemical analysis(A.A. and XRF), electronic microscopy (TE!'il) and by infrared analysis.The ceramic tes.t were: dilatometry (green and fired. pieces), plasticity,linear firing shrinkage, water absorption capacity, bulk andporosity of bodies industrially pressed (4).The formation and evolution of phases with the temperature hasbeen studied by XRD in bodies fired for 2 hours to a maximum of 1500°C.Main interest was centered on mullite and cristobalite formation. Finally,the results are compared with others obtained by the authors, aswell as some collected from the bibliography (4)(5)\:6).It is conclu<strong>de</strong>d that there is a great similarity between K-14 andK~15 kaolins, because of the great quantity of well crystallized kaoli-.nite in both. Also, they are different from the more halloysitic K-2 andK-10 samples.The forms of dilatometric curves obtained with the "green" materialsshow a characteristic k.ao1ini tic appearance. Sample 10 in· its originalstate is different from the others, but its 0

(J1"'-...!K-2 R.~QK-10 .KK-141 ~K-151 ~100011,00 qoo 1300r=r=1!1400~uMulr.r---I -I I I I l I ~~~tl I I I r I I I 1~~Q

agrees completely with the results or the rest.The XRD data have been corroborated by -DTA-TG. -The -K-1.0- -kaoJcin~is--­the most di!!erent on the average because of its properties. There arealso some impurities such as iron and titanium oxi<strong>de</strong>s, or alkaline oxi<strong>de</strong>sof micaceous origin, and some content of feldspars· from granitic rockorigin.The K-10 sample, also, contains thick granulated pyrite, which isdispersed or disappears in the

REFERENCES1.- GALAN E., ESPINOSA DE LOS MONTEROS J."El caolin en Espafia" Ed. Soc. Esp. Ceram. y Vidr.,Madrid (1.974).2.- MENDUINA FERNANDEZ J.ler Gong. Iber. <strong>de</strong> Ceram. Vidr. y Refr. Torremolinos (Malaga) 623-645. Ed. S.E.C.V. Madrid (1.982).3.- WATSON I.Industrials minerals 1.984. 27-38 (1.984).4.- GARCIA RAMOS G., GONZALEZ GARCIA F. SANCHEZ SOTO P.J. y RUIZ ABRIO,M.T.Bol. Soc. Esp. Ceram. Vidr. 24, 2, 67-79 (1.985).5.- GONZALEZ PENA J.M. y Cols.Bol. Soc. Esp. Ceram. Vi.dr. 24, 6, 405-410 ( 1. 985) . Bol. Soc ~Ceram. Vidr. 23, 5, 315-325 -(1.984).Esp.6.- CELOTTI G. et al.J. Mat. Sci. 18, 1005-1014 (1.9~3). J. Ma't. Sci. 19, 838-844 (1.983). -7.- NORRIS A.W., TAYLOR D. ,THORPE J.Trans. J. Brit. Ceram. Soc. 78, 5, 102-108 (1.979).8.- JOHNSON S.M. et al.J. Am. Germ. Soc. 65, 1, 31-35 (1.982).259

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>VARIATIONS OF CLAY MINERALOGY IN AN EVAPORITIC _B_A~J:~.·~~'!'_!l_§_SOUTHERN PART OF THE TAJO BASIN (TOLEDO).* ** ***E.GARCIA ROMERO , M.DOVAL MONTOYA and J.M.BRELL PARLADE******Secci6n <strong>de</strong> Quimicas. Colegio Universitario <strong>de</strong> ToledoDpto. <strong>de</strong> Cristalografia y Mineralogia. Fac. c.c. Geol6g~cas. Universidad Complutense <strong>de</strong> Madrid.Dpto. <strong>de</strong> Estratigrafia. Fac. c.c. Geol6gicas .. Universi~dadComplutense <strong>de</strong> Madrid.The Tajo Basin can be consi<strong>de</strong>red as a mo<strong>de</strong>l of Mioceneevaporitic basin. Its filling is ma<strong>de</strong> up of <strong>de</strong>tritalmaterials at the bor<strong>de</strong>rs and evaporites in the central part.Between them; there is an argillaceous unit which is difficultto be. interpreted.Several papers have been published in the last few yearsconcerning the mineralogy of these materials in the northernpart of the basin. As. the southern part of the basin is lessstudied, this paper tries to provi<strong>de</strong> new data about it.The studied area is located between Afiover <strong>de</strong> Tajo, Pantoja,Camarenilla and Bargas towns, aproximately 20 kms northof Toledo.Igneous and metamorphic rocks of Sierra <strong>de</strong> Gredos and Mentes<strong>de</strong> Toledo form the basin· edges. From these formation·stoward the center, <strong>de</strong>trital arkosic materials appears beforefinding the argillaceous unit, which forms a fringe from Eastto West and is 35 kms long and 20 kms wi<strong>de</strong>.250 samples have been studied belonging to 13 outcropsand 2 drilled hole, 300 and 375 m <strong>de</strong>pth respectively.Mineralogical study has been carried out by X-raydiffraction, chemical analysis and electron microscopy.From the obtained results the·following units can beestablished from the lowest to the highest parts of th.esequence :260

•- Sagra Clays unit.It is the lower unit found in the studied area. It changesprogressively· eastward into the evaporitic central sediments.Its mineralogical composition is : Illi te 60-65 %, dioctahedralsmecti te 5-25%, kaolini te 15 %, clori te always less than 15 %.Paligorski te can be found in minor amounts in a g~eat numberof samples, r~gardless of its location.The total amount.ofphyllosilicates goes higher than 70 % , the rest being quartzand feldspar. The,main ftineralogical variations in this unitcan be observed in E-W sense.- Greenis~ clays unit.It lyes over the unit before and it is ma<strong>de</strong> up of greenclays with some intercalations of sandy levels. In its upperpart, carbonate are present, with a siliceous ·level at thetop.The thickness reaches 60 m and the mineralogy is thefollowing: trioctahedral smectite 40-90%, Illite 5-45%. Ina few samples, low amounts of kaolinite appear.A very significaht feature of this unit is the presenceof some nodular pinkish clay levels very rich in sepiolite.Westward both units become more d'etri tal although thefacies changes to the arkoses are difficult to observe.- Arkoses unit.It is the <strong>de</strong>trital bor<strong>de</strong>r facies of the Southern SistemaCentral and Montes <strong>de</strong> Toledo.These facies are ma<strong>de</strong> up of argillaceous, ~ilty and sandysequences. Its mineralogical composition is : for the siltylevels 50-75% od dioctahedral smectite and 20-40% of illite,for the clayey levels 30-55% of smecti te and 35..:55% ofillite.In the lower part of this unit, and near the unit before,levels mainly composed of sepiolite and/or smectite withchert and carbonates are found. In several places theselevels are being mined.In all the studied facies mineralogical variations can beobserved, always in an East-West sense.261

•In the Sagra Clays Unit, these variations are mainly dueto the. sud<strong>de</strong>n increase in the amounts of i'llite·-;-"aec-:tera:-s·e--~n.smectite and appearance of palygorskite and clorite.For the upper units, the main variations are related tothe increase of smectite and in general to the high Mgcontents of the interior studied materials.~,~.~~~~~~ ~1011 ~llnlshc& ~ SogroS.pl olltt -ChtrJ ond chtrt and sand'sclays QUATERNARYNEOGENE262

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, ~ 987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MINERAL PHASES AND PROCESSES WITHIN THE GREEN PELOIDS 1!'ROMTHE RECENT DEPOSITS CLOSE TO THE CONGO l"lOUTH11 •P. GIRESSE, A. WIEViiORA, B. 1'.JJ.,CKA• IJaboratoire <strong>de</strong> Recherches <strong>de</strong> Sedimentologie Marine, Universite <strong>de</strong> Perpigna..YJ, Avenue <strong>de</strong> Vi1leneuve, 66025 Perpignan,Franc·eInstitute of Geological Sciences, Polish 1\ca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences.,A. Zwirki i 'liigury 93, 02-089 Viarszawa, PolandThe occurrence of the green peloids in the recent sedimentsof the v!est-African intertropical continental shelfis related to the availability of the 'active iron. A consi<strong>de</strong>rableamount of iron is supplied from the continentto ocean due to the rapid removal from the <strong>de</strong>eply weatheredrocks. during the heavy rainfalls. Last such a periodhas been dated here 10 000 - 6 000 years ago.It has been observed that the. enrichment of the sedimentsin Fe and r vary with the distance from the estug.C·0ary from 20 - 30% :Fe 2o 3and 3 - 4% C org /up to about 75 kmaway I to 10 - 20,,; 10 .10e '2o d 2 ''""' c I t 150 '· 3an - Ji'o org up o "m away I •In or<strong>de</strong>r to follow a <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce of the mineral composition'>rithin the green peloids on Fe and C 0r content, the samplesgwere collected in various distanct:Js frorr. the estuary andthey were separated into several <strong>de</strong>nsity fractions. Thefractions from two samples were analysed chem.ica1ly by theelectron microprobe, studied by X-rays, IR and r:.(isoba.uerspectroscopy Md the results are discussed~In the both studied oanrples the heavlest <strong>de</strong>nsity fractionsconsist of almost nure goethitic ovoidal peloids withshiny and smooth surfaces. Otber fra.cti ons were d.i.fferentiatedchemically and minerCJ.lorically. ln Lhe rreen pc·loidr"from the proximity to the river mouth the conLr'nl: of' p.;or:­thite, Fe.')0 7and Fe;~+/Pe'3+ ratio <strong>de</strong>cre'lf:f' wi Lh t:he rlr"cre-: ) '263

.. 1'ii:,1,.'I.asing <strong>de</strong>nsity. The morphology of the peloids varies fromthe <strong>de</strong>eply fissured brown ovoids with dull ·surfa:'c·e·s-to~thedark.grey ovoids without any fissure. The transformationof k.aolinite to berthierine was recor<strong>de</strong>d by means of transmissionX-ray diffractometry of non-oriented speciments::1.s the gradual shift of d 060from 1,546 to 1,537 lr with thediminishing <strong>de</strong>nsity of the peloids. The subordinate miner:·.J.lin r:lJ of the <strong>de</strong>nsity fractions '>ras quartz.The 2,70 - 2,53 g/c~ 3 <strong>de</strong>nsity fractions of the greenueloids from the <strong>de</strong>posits 100 km off the Congo mouth com­-prise 2.lmost pure glauconite with the small admixture ofquartz. The glauconite occurring in the from of botryoidal~rains is characterized by the very thin, up to 200 lr individualflakes. Such dimension of flakes strongly affectedthe "apparent" d 001position which frequently used to beinterpreted as mixed-layering. The chemical composition<strong>de</strong>terminated by means of X-ray analyser proved the ALcontent increased in tbe outer parts of the glauconiteneloids.The fo:rmat!on of glauconite and berthierine within pe­J.oids /mainly the fecal pellets composed of k.aolinite andgoethite/ on the intertropical shelves is due to the twodi.fferent -processes. Berthierine is formed in the resultof the transformation of kaolinite to berthierine in thereducing rnicroenvironrnents containing the active iron.'!'he glauconite is neoformed from the dissolved componentsof fecaJ pel1ete, as pronosed by Udin and ~ 1 tatter.VIe sup:p:est that the low Aalini ty and the low pH of marinewelters cloAe to the river mouth may be the factorshvouring the trFmsfor~:-.ltion of highly <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>d l

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>X-RAY DIFRACTION AND INFRARED ABSORPTION CRYSTALLINITY INDICES INKAOLINITES. THEIR SIGNIFICANCE, CAPACITIES AND LIMITATIONS.C.S.F. GOMESCentro<strong>de</strong> Ceramica e do Vidro do INIC, Universida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Aveiro(Portugal).INTRODUCTIONThe use, in clay minerals, of ·XRD·and IRAS crystallinity numerical i~dices provi<strong>de</strong>d by experimental data is quite wi<strong>de</strong>spread. Neverthless, ~prehensive study <strong>de</strong>aling with their sigificance, capacities and limita -tions has not been carried out so far.CRYSTALLINITY INDICES-GENERAL REQUIREMENTSThe CI general requirements should be the following: high <strong>de</strong>gree ofsignificance, good reproducibility, general application, absence of interferingfactors, appreciable range of variability and low sensitivity•to ·specimen preparation procedure and to analytical equipment performanceconditions.X-RAY DIFFRACTION CRYSTALLINITY I&DICES IN KAOLINITES·Data found'in the literature, rela\ive to' XRD crystallinityindicesin kaolinites, were analysed and compiled in tables. Other indices <strong>de</strong>velopedby the author have been consi<strong>de</strong>red as well. The indices studied w~re the following: i) I(ll0)/I(020)-Murray and Lyons (1956): ii) ~(001) -Brindley and Kurtossy (1961); ·iii) I;= !;B.- Hinckley (1963); iv) Q~ =FII )= FI + FII - Range et al. (1969); v ~ (02, 11) - Games. (1979); vi) (131)++ (131) -Games (1979); Vii) Sk(OOl) -Games (1979); viii) HYD= Ik+ (I~~ h) 7 8"" Tchoubar et al. (1982). The author proposed indices <strong>de</strong>serve some particular consi<strong>de</strong>rations.M02,11) -width of (02,11) diffraction band at half maximum intensity.A (02,11) band non modulated and with asyliliiletric profile appear in highlydisor<strong>de</strong>red, kaolini~es and represents the extent of layer stacking disor<strong>de</strong>rparallel to the layer plane. This in<strong>de</strong>x is applicable only to higg'ly disor<strong>de</strong>red kaolinites and among them enables crystallinity differen -265

tiation-values ranging from 0.20°(29) up to 0.45° (29).It is applicable only to texture-free specimens. Cristobalite and go~thite impurities can interfere in the in<strong>de</strong>x <strong>de</strong>terminations.(131) ++ (131) - resolution of the diffraction lines due to structural pl§!;nes (131) and (131). Both reflections are well resolved in well-crystallizedkaolinites; in poorly crystallized kaolinites they tend to coalesce.Being structural planes of the same general type (hkl), their intensity,profile and reso,lution will <strong>de</strong>note the structure general organization.It appears that the resolution between (13l)and (131) lines is an i~"dication of the unit cell symmetry. Therefo'l.'e the magnitu<strong>de</strong> of the resolution-valuesranging from 0.45° (29) up to 0.95° (29) - can be consi<strong>de</strong>redas a triclinicity in<strong>de</strong>x. It is applicable only to texture-free sp~cimens. Interferences are due to mica or illite impurities.SK(OOl) - asymmetry of the (001) peak profile at half maximum intensity. For in<strong>de</strong>x <strong>de</strong>termination well oriented mounts scaned at a speed of 1/4°(29) ·min-l are recommen<strong>de</strong>d. (001) peak asymmetry is related particularlywith irregularities in.the layer stacking arrangement perpendicularly tothe layer plane, ·due· to· random interstratification of kaolinite layerswith lay~r sequences typical of other ,clay minerals.IRAS CRYSTALLINITY INDICES IN KAOLINITESThe most relevant characteristics of kaolinite IRAS crystallinity indicesfound in the literature are commented and compiled in a table forcomparison purposes. Some of those indices are of common use: i) IA 3696cm- 1 /IA 3624 cm-l- Lyon and Tud<strong>de</strong>nham (1960); ii) IA J696 cm- 1 /IA 3625cm-l(in oriented specimen inclin~d at 45°) vs IA 3695 cm- 1 /IA 3625 cm-l(in randomly oriented specimen) -Parker (1969); iii) IA 3700 cm- 1 /IA910cm-l- Neal (1974).Another in<strong>de</strong>x IA 795 cm- 1 /IA 755 cm-l <strong>de</strong>velop~dby the author is eo~si<strong>de</strong>red as well and <strong>de</strong>serves some particular comments.. -1 -1The absorption bands at 795 cm and 755 cm have been attributed toAl-0-Si mo<strong>de</strong>s by Stubican and Roy (1961) and to symmetric stretching m~<strong>de</strong>s of Si-0-Si bonds by Pampuch and Blaszczak (1964).Experimental data carried out in kaolinites and dickites ·with various<strong>de</strong>grees of crystallinity show that the ratio IA 795 cm- 1 /IA 755 cm-l refleets the variability in crystal symmetry due to distortion, more.or'266

less pronounced, of the silicon-oxygen anion. On the basis of the in<strong>de</strong>xvalues <strong>de</strong>termined, some highly disor<strong>de</strong>red kaolinites can be consi<strong>de</strong>redas intermediate members situated between well-crystallized (triclinic)kaolinites and dickites (monoclinic).CONCLUSIONSi) any assessment of crystallinity in kaolinites should take into accountthe interference of certain impurities upon certain crystallinityindices;ii) crystal size and texture can effect crystallinity measurements;any comparative studies should be carried out in specimens with equivalentpurity, crystal size and crystal orientation;iii) the real significance of most crystallinity i~dices is stillnotwell established; however, some indices <strong>de</strong>veloped by the author such as:!:> (02, 11), (131) ++ (131) , SK (001) and IA 795 cm -l/IA 755 cm-l werefound to b~ very convenient either for the differentiation of kaolinitesor for characterization of the structural organization of kaolinites inmore specific terms.REFERENCESBRINDLEY, G.W. and KURTOSSY, S{S. (1961) - Amer. Mineral. 46, 1205.GOMES, C.S.F. (1979) -Ph. D. Thes~s, Univ.of Leeds.GOMES, C.S.F. (1979) - Proc. Brit. Ceram. Soc. 28., 107.HINCKLEY, D.N. (1963) - Clays and Clay Min. ll, 225.LYON, R.J.P. and TUDDENEJU1, W.M. (1960) -Nature, 185, 835.MURRAY, H.H. and LYONS, S.C, (1956) - Clays and Clay Min. 31.NEAL, M. (1974) -·Ph. D. Thesis, Univ. of Leeds.PAMPU.CH, R. and BLASZACK, K. (1964) - Polska Acak. Nauk Prace Kom.Nauk. Tech. Germ. 3,5.PARKER, T. W. (1969) - Clay Hin., 8, 135.RANGE, K. J. and WEISS, A. (1969) - Ber. Deut. Keram, Ges. 46, 231.STUBICAN, V. and ROY, R. (1961) - Amer. Mineral.. 46. 32.TCHOUBAR, C. et al. (1982) -Bull Mineral. 105, 477.267

!l!lllllt!lnlllllnu [!. 'tm .L·~.~~][·~ !~~'!i""'i~.s:.::~.... ; 7;] 3tl~~m~-~--ri-·-.-·~-·--- -·-~···-~ --, ~~ .-~-~ .li;s·~iilllllilllilt.Jj]268

TABLE II - IRAS CRYSTALLINITY INDICESIA 3695cm -l/IA 3625cm -l(orient. IA 3700cm -l/IA 910cm - 1specimen inclin.at 45") vs.IA 3695cn- 1 /I IA 352Scm-l(randomly oriented specimen).Neal (1971!)Parker(1969)IA 795cm- 1 /IA 75Scm-lGomes (1S79)SignificanceProvi<strong>de</strong>s good informationabout the kaolinite structure organiza:tion and in some casesfacilitates the differentiationof the kaolinmineral species.Provi<strong>de</strong>s a classification of kaolinites according to their generalo-Dbut cannot provi<strong>de</strong> informationon the quality or type of disor<strong>de</strong>r.Both ratios <strong>de</strong>crease with increasingkaolinit:e disor<strong>de</strong>r.•Satisfactory corl"elation betweenP:~rker 's IRAS crystallinity in<strong>de</strong>xand Hinckley's XRD crystallinityin<strong>de</strong>x has been found.Mensutes !he disor<strong>de</strong>r inthe structure producedmainly by atomic isomorphoussubstitution.Provi<strong>de</strong>s information a­bout the symmetry of theunit-cell.The in<strong>de</strong>x reflects theval"iability in crystalsymmetry due to distortionsof the silicon-oxygenanion.Distinguishes the pseudo-monoclinic kaolini -­tes of the triclinic onesReproducibilityGood in lov-impurityand non-textured kaolinite bearing specimen;.Good in lo.,....impurity kaol~nitebearing specimens.Good in lo.r-impurityand non-textured kaoli­nite bearing specimens.Good whenever the impurityquantities able tocause disturbing absorEtion coinci<strong>de</strong>nces arenot influential.LimitationsApplicable to kaoliniteswith any type and<strong>de</strong>gree of Cl"ystal <strong>de</strong>fectiveness.Applicable to kaolinites of alltyp~s and <strong>de</strong>grees of crystallinity.Applicable to kaolini -tea of all genetic typesand <strong>de</strong>grees of cristall~nity.Appli"cable to kaolinitesof all genetic typesand <strong>de</strong>grees of crystallin_ity.DisturbancesRange ofVariabilitySensitivity tospecimen preparation procedUre and analytical equipmentperformanceconditionsImpurities of 2:1 clayminerals (micas, illitesand smee.tites) diminishthe in<strong>de</strong>x values.Other kaolin mineralspecies such as: dickiteand halloysite can interfere with i:n<strong>de</strong>x assess :ments. Dickite and halloysitediminish the in<strong>de</strong>xvalues.Appreciable.1.2-1.5 - kaolinites0.8-0.9-halloysites0.6-0.8-dicldtesThe intensity of the3695cm- 1 absorptionband is orientation d~pent.The intensity of the3624 cm-1 absorpeionband is littleaffectedby the text:ure ofthe specimens.VP.ry" sensitive to impul"ities suchas: 2:1 clay minerals and dicki-These impurities produce an enhancement of the absorption band at-3625cm-l unbalanced in bothoriented and non-oriented speci-,·Wi<strong>de</strong> r:1nge of variability.Texture effects are not importantif the preparation of orientedand non-oriented specimens iscarl"ied out properly.Dickite associated tokaolinite affects thein_;ensity of the 3700cm l absorption band ofkaolinite.2:1 clay minerals assodatedto kaolinite affectthe intensity ofthe 910 cm-1 absorptionband.Wi<strong>de</strong> range of vuiD.bility,0.5-1.2, with V:!lues increasing towardsthe low <strong>de</strong>fective kaolinites,Ap!'licable only to non­-oriented mounts.Quartz is an impuritywhich can interfere withthe triclinicity in<strong>de</strong>xmeasurements.Apprec:iable.< 0.9- well crystallized.0.9- 1.1- medium crys-·. tallized.> 1.1 - poorly cristallized. -Applicable only to non­-oriented mounts.269

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MINERALOGICAL CHARACTERISTIC AND CERAMIC PROPERTIES OF A GROUP OF CLAYSFROM ANDALUCIA AND EXTREMADURA (SPAIN), OF INDUSTRIAL INTERESTF- GONZALEZ-GARCIA, M~. T. RU:EZ-ABRIO, P.J. SANCHEZ-SOTO, M. RAIGON-PI­CHARDO AND G. GARCIA-RAMOS.Departamento <strong>de</strong> Quimica Inorganica, Facultad <strong>de</strong> Quimica, Universidad <strong>de</strong>Sevilla (Espafia).The most relevant results of research carried out by the group of"Clays, Silicates and Ceramic products" of the Departamento""<strong>de</strong> QuimicaInorganica, about. some, materials from various Spanis~ <strong>de</strong>posits of differentgeological characte-ristics from Andalucia and Extremadura arepresenteq {1)(2).The mechanical analysis was carried out on the

The origin samples contain a larger quantity of fluxes than the argillaceousfractions .. The less kaolinized ones and the more feldspathicormicaceous - materials are higher in fluxes content.It is conclu<strong>de</strong>d that the samples are kaolinitic and illitic-kaoliniticnature, with variable amounts of quartz. Also, there. are otherillitic and feldspathic materials. These results are ratified by ATD, TGand dilatometric analysis (4).The kaolinitic and illitic-kaolinitic materials have a great pla~~ticity and above all, the K-12 sample, which contains the greatest claycontent (1).According to their ceramic properties, the samples can be classifiedas the following groups:TABLE IClassification of materials according.to its mineralogy and ceramic properties.MINERALOGYKAOLINITIC ANDKAOL.-ILLITICFELDSPATHICILLITIC-KAOLINITICSAMPLESl.Traslasierra(Huelva)9. Garlitos(Badajoz). ll.Yillanuev.a<strong>de</strong>l Rio yMinas ( Sevilla). . . . . . . . . . . . ................HIGHTV» 1.200 oc3.Cazalla <strong>de</strong> la 5. GuadalcanalSierra(Sevilla)(Sevilla)14.Cazalla <strong>de</strong> la 6. Guadalcanal'Sierra(Sevilla)(Sevilla)LOW7. Zalamea (Badajoz)8.Monterrubio(Badajoz)12.Conquista(C6rdoba)13.S. Eufemia(C6rdoba)MIDDLEN 1.200 °C rv 1.250 °CAPPLICATIONSRefractoriesC::hamottesFeldspar earthenwareStonewareVitreous cera-ChamottesStonewareLight aggregatesHalf refractoriesmic wareTvInitial temperature of vitrification.271

1.!The evolution of crystalline phases when the temperature is increasedhas been studied through X-Ray analysi~~-Th~- influe~e of- the physi=. ____cal-chemical properties of different materials in mineral formation andin the <strong>de</strong>composition process through temperature elevation are studied.The X-Ray diagrams allows us establ'iSh that the crystalline phasemullite (3 Al 2o · 2Si0 , fundamentally) is first formed at about 1.050°C3 2in the illitic-kaolinitic samples and afterwards, the kaolinitic-illiticones (1st. group).The more feldspathic samples become mullitic at higher temperatureswith a sud<strong>de</strong>n ·melting of feldspars at 1.200 °C, at the same time as thevitrification of ceramic-fired bodies.All samples show a progressive dissolution of the quartz, which istqe vitreous phase, in liquid state at the studied temperatures.We can see that the mullite is the only crystalline phase which ispresent in almost.all of the samples.Finally, the principal applications of these materials are suggestedand <strong>de</strong>bated.REFERENCES1.- GARCIA RAMOS G.; MESA J.M.; RUIZ ABRIO M.T.; SANCHEZ SOTO P.J.XXVI Reunion Anual S.E;C.V. 34 Cordoba 8-12 <strong>de</strong> Junio (1.986).2.- GARCIA RAMOS G. y Cols.XXI Reunion Bienal <strong>de</strong> la Real Soc. Esp. <strong>de</strong> Quim. 427 Santiago <strong>de</strong>Compostela 22-26 Septiembre (1.986).3.- SANCHEZ SOTO P.J.Tesis <strong>de</strong> Licenciatura. Universidad ·<strong>de</strong> Sevilla (1.985).4.- GARCIA RAMOS G.; GONZALEZ GARCIA F.; SANCHEZ SOTO P.J. y RUIZABRIO M.T.Bol. Soc. Esp. Ceram. Vidr. 24, 2, 67-79 (1.985).1''272

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> Arcil!asILLITIC CALCAREOUS AN RELATED CLAYS AS RAW MATERIALS IN THE INDUSTRY OFTHE ORNAMENTAL TILES IN SEVILLA.F. GONZALEZ-GARCIA,, G. GARCIA RAMOS AND ViJ ROMERO ACOSTA.~tment of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Seville (Spain).ty~icalThe manufacturing of ornamental tiles is one of the ol<strong>de</strong>st an mostceramic industries of Seville. It began in the middle of the13th century anq, the beginning of the 14 th, and its technique has beenconstantly evolving throughout time. After some periods of <strong>de</strong>clirie it,ha~ recovered in recent years and acquired a great importance in thepresent days.A piece of tile consists of two parts: the base, .obtained by bakinga mixture of clay and ~ther materials, and the tfp surface, of ceramicenamel, in orie or'several colours. A paste suitable for ornamental tilemust provi<strong>de</strong>d the baked base wi.th a good capacity for the absorption ofwater; a great resistance to bending, etc. Hence it must be ma<strong>de</strong> of suitableraw materials.The Sevillian industry of tiles has traditionally used clay ma.terialsfrom tertiary'period (Miocene)" <strong>de</strong>posits, near to Seville, . on theright bank of the Guadalquivir· river, mixed with slimish sediments fromthe !'lluvial beds near to.-the:J:Jiver.Th~ revival of this industry has boosted interest· in the search for',suitable new raw materials and i~ the study of chemical reactions andmineral phases formed during the firing process.In this paper we present the results of a study carried.out with severalillitic calcareous clays, with illitic-kaolinitic clays' and witha tremolitic material from the same general area; so as with mixtures ofmaterials· of the above two groups with the aim of ascertaining theiruse as raw materials for manufacturing of tiles.·The study samples can l:Je ..:1assifie·d .as follow:a) Mainly illi tic clays containing ver'} finely divi<strong>de</strong>d calcium carbonate(samples 21, 23, 24, 25).273

) Kaolinitic-iHitic clays without Caco (Sampl~s""~2, _26,_"?l'"-3::J:.~~-"~--3c) Tremolitic material from Calera <strong>de</strong> Lean (Badajoz) (Samples 29, 30).The used experimental methods were: chemical analysis, DTA and XRD.Samples grou~<strong>de</strong>d to ~ < 0.12 mm and different mixtures of them werestudied by XRD at room temperature and after baking for two hours at 9501020 and 1100°C. Some technological tests such as shrinking by dryingand by baking, porosity expressed as the water absorption capacity, dilatometri·cdiagrams, resistance to bending etc. were also carried out.TABLE IMINERALOGICAL COMPOSITION OF CLAYSIlli tic .samples0 < 0.12 mm(containing CaCOs)21 23 24 250

Firing at 950?C the illitic-calcareous clays 21, 23 24, 25 causesthe dissapearance of the cal·ci te, kaolini te and smecti te diffractions.Only a few very weak diffractions of illite remain since this clay mineral<strong>de</strong>composes just at this tempe~ature.Some difractions due to CaO arealso observed together·with those corresponding to calcium orthosilicatelarnite ( ca 2 Si0 4), as well as calcium diorthosilicate kilchoanite(C~Si 3 o 7 ), wollastonite (fo -CaSi0 3 ) and gehlenite. (Ca2Al 2 Si0 ). The7most remarkable point howewer, is the appearance of intensive diffractionscorresponding to )feldspar, plagioclases, possibly close to anorthite,wich are notably intesified at 1020 and ll00°C. Upon increasing thetemperature, the diffractions of wollas.toni te are also intensified whilethose of quartz <strong>de</strong>creases .in intensity. No diffractions due to mullitehave been observed.On the contrary firind the no calcareous kaolinitic-illitic samplesat the same temperatures , allows <strong>de</strong>tection of mullite, spinels andhematite,while the intensity of the diffractions of quarz and feldspar <strong>de</strong>creases.Binary mixtures of sample 21 (70%) with samples 22, 26, 31 or 34·(30"~) fired at the above mentioned temperatures contain tas shown by XRb)small amounts of larnite, wollas~onite,some gehlenite, cristobalite andhematite together with large quantities of plagioclases. These last mi-'...nerals become the mayor component of the product obtained by firing amixture of sample 21 with 22 or 26, the latter two having the largestproportion of kao.linite.Baking sample 39 (pure tremoli·te) at 950°, 1020°C causes transformationinto diopsi<strong>de</strong>, enstati te and quarz. The more complex sample 30' i(con­~ kaoiinite, some tremolite, illite, smectite, serpentine and quartz)produces at those temperatures hematite, forsterite, cristobalite, spineland few enstatite.The transformations mentioned in this paper can be justified by termodynamicall·consi<strong>de</strong>rations.The technological te·st show that the mentioned bynary mixtures ofclays have excellent properties to be employed for manufactori~g of thebases for ornamental tiles.(This· research work has been financed by CArCYT, research projectnumber 2033/83).275

Summaries - ProceedingsniE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. _<strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>A low temperature Mossbauer spectroscopic study o_f_iron-_dc:h cblor_tjes_B.A. Goodmana, D.C. Baina and P.D.E. Dicksonba Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aber<strong>de</strong>en, AB9 2QJ, U.K.b Department of Physics, Liverpool University L69 3BX, U.K.One of the major problems in <strong>de</strong>scribing the structure ofiron-containing chlorties is establishing the distribution of ironbetween the 2:1 and hydroxi<strong>de</strong> layers. In principal this would appearto be a problem that could be resolved by the use of Mossbauerspectroscopy, since the spectral parameters vary sensitively with theelectronic and coordination environments of the iron. However,results obtained at 77K and ambient temperatures show only a smallrange of parameters for both the Fe(II) and Fe(IIl) components and donot provi<strong>de</strong> a reliable assessment of the number of different types ofenvironment occupied and certainly shed no light on the distributionover the two types of layer.In the present paper results are reported of a low temperatureinvestigation of three iron-rich chlorites. This experiment wasperformed wi-th the objective of observing magnetic or<strong>de</strong>ring in thestructure and then using the greater sensitivity of the magnetichyperfine parameters to the iron environment to distinguish differentcoordination sites in a manner analogous to that used by Borg and- B6rg--(r974) witn Won-rich anphiboles. Each of the three samplesshowed magnetic or<strong>de</strong>ring when cooled to low temperatures, the resultsbeing qualitatively similar in- each case. These are illustrated inFig. 1 for two of the samples at 1.3K. In both spectra, there is asignificant fraction of the Fe(II) that remains unor<strong>de</strong>red, with aquadrupole splitting of ea. 2.9 mm/s • Analysis. of themagnetically-or<strong>de</strong>red component is difficult because of the comparablemagnitu<strong>de</strong>$ of the magnetic hyperfine and electric quadrupole termsand approximate peak positions are indicated on the figure. Thisanalysis suggests that the hyperfine field is ea. 16T in· each case,although it is not possible from these spectra to <strong>de</strong>termine whetherthere is more than one hyperfine component present. This value of16T for-the hyperfine field is similar to that reported for Fe(II) inother aluminosilicate minerals (Coey, 1987).Raising the temperatures of the samples to 4.2K produced littlechange in the spectral envelope .thus showing that there is nosignificant difference in the magnetically-or<strong>de</strong>red fractions at thesetwo temperatures. The most likely explanations of these results isthat the minerals contain regions of high and not-so-high ironcontents. Although all of the minerals contained some Fe(III), whichcould be clearly seen in the Mossbauer spectra ilt 77K and room·temperature, its contributions to the spectra at low tempertures werenot clearly i<strong>de</strong>ntified. There appears to be some weak absorptionsaround -8.0 and +9.0 mm/s but these are not unambiguouslyi<strong>de</strong>ntified. However, it does appear that the Fe(III) components aremagnetically-split since thre is no evi<strong>de</strong>nce for a paramag·neticdoublet component with isomer shift ea. 0.5 mm/s • The Fe(Ill),therefore, would appear to be in the high iron content regions of thesamples. If these regions were to correspond to the two types of276

,layer in the structure then the high iron region could be equated tothe 2:1 layer, since Fe(III) would not be expected to be favoured inthe hydroxi<strong>de</strong> layer. However, in our opinion such conclusions areunjustified since we are unable to establish whether or not theFe( Ill) is distributed throughout the structure or just occurs in·surface oxidized regions. In<strong>de</strong>ed, these measurements are unable todistinguish between structural Fe(III) and the possibility of a smallamount of a· separate poorly crystalline oxi<strong>de</strong> phase. Therefore,although these measurements establish that the iron is not evenlydistributed throughout the chlorite specimens, they do not provi<strong>de</strong>estimations of the relative population of the different layers.ReferencesBorg, R.J. and Borg, I.Y. (1974). J. Phys (Paris) Colloq. C6, ~553-556.Coey, J.M.D. (1987). Chapter 14 in "Iron in Soils and Clay Minerals"(Ed. J.W. Stucki, B.A. Goodman and U. Schwertmann), D. Rei <strong>de</strong>l,Dondrecht.Fig. 1j __ L-i _" ~-- J ••-.L-.. ·~-..:.. ... LJ __.L•. L-'----'---~~-10.0-7.5 -5.0 -2.5 0.0 2.5 5.0 7.5 10.0VELOCITY (MM/SEC)Mossbauer spectra of 1ron-rich chlorites at l.3K (a) thuringiteand (b) daphnite277

Summaries - Proceedings.THE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS,'Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SPATIAL CORRELATIONS OF GEOTECHNICAL PROPERTIES OF "BACINO DI SANT'AR-CANGELO" BLUE CLAYS (SOUTHERN ITALY) ,F.M. GUADAGNO, G. VALENTIN!*Department of Geophysic and, Volcanology, University of Naples (Italy)*Department of Earth Science, University of Rome (Italy).This article <strong>de</strong>als with the results obtained from a study of thegeotechnical properties of "Bacino di Sant'Arcangelo" clay sediments.The area covers over 100 krn 2 and it ·is characterized by the presenceof a regressive cycle, formed by blue clays, yellow sands and conglornerates.In the Plio-Pleistocene peri·od this area was a vast bay formed in atectonic <strong>de</strong>pression of the Appennine chain and connected to the seathrough the Gannano area (Fig. 1).Th~ _:Lij;hologic/Oil_i3.nd structural characte:dS'tics and the morpholog~cal·evolution., connected with the tectonic activity,· cause intenseprocess of erosion and landsli<strong>de</strong>s. These particularly interest theclayey lithotipe. Therefore, the blue clays have been studied to individuateclayey units withhornogeneousgeotechnical characteristics.Over 250 samples have been taken along the four stratigraphic sectionsshown in Fig.. 1.The statistical study has led to the. individualization of units foreach section, with homogeneous geotechnical characteristics, differentiatedby significant statistical variations of the parameters un<strong>de</strong>rconsi<strong>de</strong>ration. It has also been established the statistical correlationbe'tween the various _ geotechnical units of the stratigraphic suecessionsexamined (Fig. 2).The variations of geotechnical properti·es, stratigraphic as well asspatial, have thus been reconstructed. Such variat.ions have then beencompared with the characteristics of Sant'Arcangelo Bacino palamorpho~278

logy and of the various t~ri~enous drifts to which the area has beensubjected.In the end the in<strong>de</strong>x properties have been correlated to the mechanicalones and in particular to the parameters of compressibility andshear strength of reconstituted materials (Fig. 3).~~3Fig. l - Simplified geological Pl~nime'try. l) Pre-pliocenic Formations;2) Infrapliocene Sediments; 3) Plio-Pleistocenic Sediments;4) Studied Litostratigraphic'sections. '.,"unit l2342723·..18"~,::----:,o::,----:,:-:,----,::-:,:-:---:;',.:--7,3"l'z-JFig. 3- Correlations between peak friction\angle for remoul<strong>de</strong>d materialsand Plastic in<strong>de</strong>x.279

,:1I'Illi ,,I'I...·m.a.s.l.!DD!3DD10Dm.700S.QIOII1'• ~YCio ..IIOIII'OLI1IIOCCAtMWa1• 00-~~~~~~5oo4DD3002DDlKmm.700500500300300100100%%601"60505040304U.--------------2CP_,.,. ... """"4c•• -::==·--~~.,.:=-~~::.:.---------403"r- ,/,,,'20201010ABc D lKmFig. 2 -Space reconstruction of homogeneous clayey layers (a):variations and correlations of mean values of geotechnicalparametrs of clays belonging to four clayey units(LL = Liquid Limit, CF = clay fraction) .280

~~OCl~,..."lr:-1 ~ .... ~n'~x:t" ' -.. .""'• .. ,(.T\..........·Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> ArciliasSURFACE ACTIVITY OF MINERALS IN REDUCING OXYGEN TO HYDROXYL RADICALSConsequences to toxicology, pedology and pollution phenomenaJ. GUIGNARD, R. ZALMA~ D. COSTA and H. PEZERATUniversite P. et M. Curie, Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Reacti~ite <strong>de</strong> Surface etStructure, CNRS, U.A. 1106, 4 Place Jussieu - 75252 PARIS Ce<strong>de</strong>x 05,FranceOxygen reduction arising from the surface activity of some mineralsin aqueous medium produces oxyradicals, which can play an importantrole in various phenomena (pollution, toxicity, evolution of mineral·or organic matter of soils) •.·The following casca<strong>de</strong> reactions can occur :-+e(1)~ 0-;022- +(2) 0-; e + 2H)2H202e(3) H202OH - + OH"(4) OH"e - + H+ ) H 0 2I. IAll these reactions imply interven~onelectron donor surface sites.of minerals possessingThe evi<strong>de</strong>nce for the existence of OH" has been obtained from thefomation of a radical adduct with a spin ~rapping agent like DMPO(5T5-DiMethyl-1-Pyrroline-N-Oxi<strong>de</strong>'). The radical adduct which has amuch longer life time than the radical OH" itself, can be i<strong>de</strong>ntifiedand also quantitatively measured by ESR Spectroscopy (VarianCSE 109). The number of spins wa·s standardized ·with a DPPH solutionin benzene. To avoid reaction (4) and in or<strong>de</strong>r to make sure thatthe (DMPO-OH)" was not an artefact of direct DMPO oxidation, an organicagent RH (such as CH CH 0H or HC0 -) having a high rate constantfor the reaction with OH" was ad<strong>de</strong>d to the3 2 2medium.281

The following reactio'n could then occur(5) RH+ OH" ~The radical R" gives on adduct (DMPO-R)", which is i<strong>de</strong>ntified byspectroscopy.The results show that in a buffer medium (potassium hydrogenophosphate1M), the minerals which are more reducing are those'containing essentially Fe 2 + for example :- some silicates such as ferrous biotite, chlorite or berthierine- some carbonates such as si<strong>de</strong>rite or others containing Fe 2 +- some hydroxi<strong>de</strong>s such a.s brucite with Fe 2 + in substitution.Materials containing Fe 3 + or Al 3 + such as goethite, montmorilloniteor kaolinite are either inactive or poorly active:The accessibility of the Fe 2 + sites is an important factor ofreactivity. Activation of sites by grinding or lixiviation, passivationby aqueous medium or coating was studied. Particularly, on thesurface of pyrite dusts, after a long time in air, a coating of Fe 2 +·sulfate exists which is very active in the formation of OH" radicals.Results will be presented with the intensity of ·(DMPO-C0 2) 7 signal inarbitrary scale from 0 to 2000. The .standardization gives a signalintensity of 1000 for tl:ie presence of approximately 8.10 15 R"reactor with 45 mg of solid.in theThe emerging paradox is that the stronger .-educing minerals will be·the more active in the oxidation process via the reduction of o 2intoOH" which is.a very ox~dativeradical.These processes can playan important role in various fields : such as,- in the evolution of soil materials (mineral or organic),282

- in the eutrophization of lakes,in the phenomena of oxidative pollutionin some toxic effects on .human beings from the inhalationof electron donor minerals (inflammation, tissues ageing, fibrosis,cancer).

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espar'iola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>INTERCALATION AND CATALYTIC REARRANGEMENT OF PINACOL IN HOMOJ!ONICMONTMORILLONITES·; 'E. GUTIERREZ and E. RUIZ-HITZKYInstitute <strong>de</strong> Ciencia <strong>de</strong> Materiales, C.S.I.C., c/ Serrano, 115 bis •. 28006-MADRID (Spain) •INTRODUCTIONAdsorption of ethylene glycol and glycerol in clay mineralshas been extensively used for x-ray i<strong>de</strong>ntification and surface area<strong>de</strong>termination (1,2). The mechanism of intercalation of ethylene glycolin smectites has been clearly stablished, consisting in a replacement.of the water belonged to the natural hydration shell of the exchangeablecations by the glycol molecules (3).The role ·of certain homoionic smectites as catalysts for <strong>de</strong>hydrationreactions of several diols has been recently reported (4) ,and it has been. found that the cdntrolling factor for these processesis the acidity of the hydrated interlayer cations.It is well known that a-glycols are able to rearrange tocarbonyl compounds in homogeneous conditions (5), being these reactionsacid-catalyzed (i.e. in presence of H 2so 4J.This work concerns with the intercalation of pinacol· (2 ,3-d:imethylbutane-2·,3-diol, !) in hom?ionic montmorillonite"s and·its subsequentquantitative rearrangement to pinacolone (3,3-dimethylbutan-2-one,II)taking place in the conditions of soft chemistry.INTERLAYER ADSORPTION+ 2+' 2+Intercalation of I in different homoionic (Na , Ca· , Cu ,Al 3 +, cr 3 +, La 3 +, ••• ) montmorilloni·tes produces an increase of the0basal spacing of about 5.5 A- This. value agrees with the thipknessof a pinacol molecule and, taking into account the adsorbed amounts·(~1 mmole/g) we can <strong>de</strong>duce that a monolayer of I is reached. The ,284

infrared spectra show a strong <strong>de</strong>crease in the intensity of the absorptionbands assigned to the water molecules in .the starting silicatessimultaneously to the <strong>de</strong>tection of the bands corresponding tothe intercalated pinacol. The stretching OH vibrations which appearat relatively low frequencies (~3350 cm- 1 ) can be interpretated as:i) intermolecular interactions between the intercalated·~ molecules,.·Or ii) associations with the .residual water molecules.PINACOL REARRANGEMENT.The thermal treatment of the MP+-montmorillonite/pinacol systempr~ducesthe conversion of I to II. The reactions have been followedby IR and GC /MS techniques in or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>termine the natureof the reactions products and the ·yields of the process. The mostsignificant feature after treatment of the montmor\llonite/pinacolcomplexes is the ·presence in the IR spectra of an intense band at1680 cm- 1 , assigned to v(G=O) vibrations of the resulting carbonylcompound II.The yield of the intracristalline reaction is clearly <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nton the acidity of the interlayer cations (Table 1).TABLE I::._Intracristalline rearrangement of pinacol to pinacolone in Mn+_montmorillonites at 100°C, 1 h.MP+ Yield (%)~~+Na 16Cu 2 + 813+Al 100The mechanism for these reactions is well known in homogeneousconditions (5,6). We can suppose that a similar mechanism occurs inthe interlayer space of clays, the source.of protons being the watermolecules coordinated to the exchangeable cations (Scheme 1).285

SCHEMEa)[ M(H 0) OHj(n-1 )+ + H+2 x-1b)rH3 rH3CH -c- C-CH3 I I 3'oH OHCH CH1..,--1 3 3CH -C-C-CH3 ,...,,, 3+ !:OH--· -CH-C-C-CHfH33 I 11 3CH 0 3IIREFERENCES(1) BRINDLEY, G.W. (1966) Clay Minerals.§_, 237(2) DIAMOND, S. and KINTER, E.B. (1958) Clays, Clay Miner.·~, 334(3) DOWDY, R.H. and MORTLAND, M.M. (1968) Soil Sci. ~ (1), 36(4) KOTKAR, D. andGHOSH, P.K. (1986) J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun.,·650(5) COLLINS, C.J. (1960) Quart. Rev. 1!• 357(6) BETHELL, D. and GOLD, V. (1967) Carbonium ions< Aca<strong>de</strong>mic, Londonand New York, 206.286

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MINERALOGICAL AND MECHANICAL CHANGES OF CLAY BARRIERSBY CHEMICAL WASTER. HasenpattInstitute of Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics,Laboratory for Clay Mineralogy, Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Institute .ofTechnology, CH - 8093 Zurich, SwitzerlandClays are more and more used as geological or technologicalbarriers to insulate toxic waste or to avoid their percolationinto the groundwater and thus entrance into the f0od chain.Aim of this study was to analyse mineralogical and soilmechanical properties of a bentonite, an illite and a kaolinitebefore and after contact with various chemicals. Representi:r:1gsubstances of potentially hcfzardous chemical waste as heavymetal complexes (cobaltethylendiamine) and active carbon-hydrogencompounds (diammoniumdo<strong>de</strong>cane) were used to react with the claysin batch experiments. The clays were tested for thei: aggregationbehaviour, swelling property, shear strength and plasticity.The intercalation of the·cobalt-complex and the cationic<strong>de</strong>tergent into the montmorillonite causes an irreversibleclosure of the interlayer space. After this reaction thebentonite has lost its swelling potentiq.l.The chemicals, which are adsorbed on the outer surface of thedifferent montmorillonite crystals, cause an aggregation. Thisaggregation is explained by the joint attraction of serveralcrystals to the positive charged ions.287

111illite 13.8° 11.0° 35.2° 35.0° 34.7° 34.2°The adsorption of the chemicals and the C3.i:::traction forceslead to an increase in shear strength for the clays, highlyfor montmorillonite and illite, weaker for kaolinite. Table 1shows as an example the maximum and minimum shear strengthmeasured in a ring shear apparatus.natural cobalt-comp. diammoniumiP maxiP m iniP maxiP m iniP maxiP m inbentonite 17.6° 5.8° 36.5° 22.1° 4l:oo 17.1°Ji! I11.'':!,:l,il'',Il!kaolinite 20.1° 16.1° 25 .. 9° 22.2° 25.9° 22.0°Tab. 1: Shear strength before and after reaction with the cobalt-complexand diammoniumdo<strong>de</strong>cane (cr=300. kN/m 2 lFurthermore, the diffusion velocity of the chemicals andan organic solvent (ketone) into the clays were studied indiffusion experiments un<strong>de</strong>r vari9us conditions. A comparisonbetweerrthe instationary diffusion of the chemical solutionsin bentonite, illite and kaolinite with the diffusion of water,shows that for the instationary case the diffusion of watercontrols the diffusion velocity.The results which shall be presentated show that_the sameclays may completely lose their mineralogical-barrier capability,i.e. their positive adsorption and sealing propertiesthrough reacting chemicals.288

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. SocLedad Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THERMAL DEHYDRATION OF ALLOPHANE IN RELATION TO ITS MORPHOLOGYTeruo HenmiDepartment of Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agriculture,Ehime University, Matsuyama 790, JapanAllophane is a naturally occurring inorganic colloidcomposed of hydrous aluminosilicate. The material frequentlyexists as a main component of clay in soils <strong>de</strong>rived fromvolcanic ash and podzolized soils, governing physical andchemical properties of such soils. Even though thealuminosilicite is amorphous or poorly-or<strong>de</strong>red in X-raycrystallography, recent high resolution e~ectron microscopyhas revealed that the silicate possesses a <strong>de</strong>finite .morphologycharacterized by ver·y small hollow spherules with diameter of35-50 1. There are many holes on the wall of the spherules.Fro'm the morphology, it i's expected that allophane has atleast two kinds of micropores which can accommodate·watermolecules in them, intra-sphe~ule pore and'inter-spherulepore.The purpose o~ the present itudy is toJinvestlgate thewaters adsorbed on allophane in relation to its sphericalmorphology, by means of thermal analysis.Allophane samples were prepared as follows. Weatheredpumices which originated from different volcanoes in Japanwere collected, and fine clay fractions (

11'Iwater molecules in allophane, a thermogravimetric analysis wascarried out with a microcomputer-controlled neatYng-aev~~inthe manner that the sampl~s (10 mg) were heated to increasetheir temperature by 5°C and allowed to retairi them at thetemperature for 30'min and then recor<strong>de</strong>d their weight, andrepeatedly did by the same way, from 20 • C (room t-emperature)to 200°C. And then, the weights of samples were plottedagainst the retention temperatures. Crystalline clay mineralssuch as montmorillonite and halloysite were also analyzed totake reference data on adsorbed water.The plots showed that as retention temperature rose theweight <strong>de</strong>creased linearly with breaks in two at thetemperatures of 85 and 140°C for the allophane samples •. Thisindicates that there generally are three types of watermolecules present in allophane: th~se molecules can'bethermally removed up to 85°C, 85"C to 140"c, and over 140"c,tentatively <strong>de</strong>signated type I, type II and type III; _respectively, and shows that the water of type III is moststrongly adsorbed on the material, and that of type I mostweakly. The type III m~y partly be contributed by thestructural OH. Meanwhile, the weights of crystalline clayminerals <strong>de</strong>creased until the- temperature of around 1oo·c, anda~~ost no weight loss was recognized over 10o"c. This showedthat the water molecules adsorbed on those crystaliine claiswere almost completely removed by heating up to 100"c, andhence weakly held compared with the water on allophane. Theprevailing method for <strong>de</strong>termining H 20 (-), adsorbed water ofclays, which is usually based on a loss of weight betweenmaterials dried at room temperature_and at 105-110"C, wasfound sui table for crystalline clay but ina<strong>de</strong>quate forallophane.The measured value of the water- content of type II wasapproximately 10 % (based on 140"C oven-dry weights) for allthe allophane samples. The value was compatible withcalculated value of the content of water in the space ofintra-spherules. For the calculation, specific gravity-of2.72-2.78 g/cm3, wall thickness of 7-10 A and outer diameterof 35-50 A were used for the allophane spherule. The observedcompatibility is suggestive of the type II corresponding withthe water molecules present in the intra-spherule pores.Consequently, it is inferred that the types I and II areascribable to the water molecules respectively occupyinginter-spherule pore and intra-spheruie pore, and the type IIIto the molecules bonding to aluminium atoms in the290

circumference of hole of the wall. Some H 20 (+) (structuralOH) may be involved in the type III, as <strong>de</strong>scribed above.The obtained results on the relatio~ship between thestate of water molecules of allophane and its morphology givean important information for better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of soilwater upon effective utilization of soils in various fields.Method., which employs the oven-drying temperature of 140"c,can be proposed to measure the content of H 2 o (-) foramorphous or poorly-or<strong>de</strong>red clay materials.291

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE DISPERSION OF CHARGE IN TETRAHEDRA.L )~

It is clear from our work that the conditions foundto be operative in this cation distribution do not requireit to follow a regular pattern. This conclusionagrees with those obtained by diffraction methods accordingto which only in a few cases there are clear evi-(6)<strong>de</strong>nces for long-range or<strong>de</strong>r.In figure_2 we show the influence of the. relativedispositions "meta" and "para" of Al on the proportionsof the different Si environments for the tetrahedralco~ositionSi 3Al. After an examination of this figure,it is clear that a disor<strong>de</strong>red mixture of both types ofdispositions is necessary to explain the 29 si NMR spectraof samples with that composition. Only for sample~withfrac.tional Ai content greater than "' 0.3, probabilitiesfor meta are higher than those for para dispositionsFor the composition of margarite. (equal fractions of Aland Si) all Al are in meta d~sposition.3Al.in rings with_L "'W·~ $' I ru' '" "'~_Jll. • . ~·3,o\l.2AI·1Si 1Al·ZSi 3Six,."I'll3At 2AI·1Si 1Al·2Si 351Figure 1: Probability of meta qispositions versus Al fraqtionalcontent for Loewenstein' s ()\ ) and Dempsey' s ~)mo<strong>de</strong>ls.Open circle represent experimental values.Figure 2: Experimental and mo<strong>de</strong>l generated intensi~ies forpatterns in which Al is disposed in a) para, b) meta andc) random distribution of Al in hexagonal rings with 2· Al.293

REFERENCES1 Sanz, J. and Serratosa, J.M., J. Arner. Chem. Soc., 106,4790 (1984) •• 2 Lipsicas, M., Raythatha B. H., Pinnavaia, T.J., Jhonson, I. D.Giese, R.F. Jr., Costanzo, P.M., Robert, J.L., Nature, 30960ft, (1984).3 Barren, P.F., Sla<strong>de</strong>, P.,,Frost, R.L., J. Phys. Chem., ~' ·3880 (1985) •4 Herrero, C.P., Sanz, J. and Serratosa, J .M.' Solid StateComm., 53, 151 (1985).5 Herrero, C.P., Sanz, J. and Serratosa, J.M.' J. Phys. C:Solid State Phys., 18, 13 (1985).6 Bailey, s.w.,· Clays and Clays Miner., 32, 81 (1984).7 Herrero, C.P. I Sanz, J. and Serratosa, J .M.,· J. Phys. C:Solid State Phys. ~ 19, 4169 (19 86)294

~OCLq,..._.,~~.s>.>:Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS'\ /' Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>'4,~1'1"1. ~ .....INFRARED FTS - ELLIPSOMETRY OF CLAY MINERALST. HODING 1 , A. ROSELER 2 , M·. STORR 11 Department of Geological Sciences, University.of.Greifswald(G.D.R.), Jahnstr. 17a, Greifswald,. 2200, G.D.R.2 Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences of the G.D.R., Central Institute ofOptics and Spectroscopy ," Rudower Chaussee 6, Berlin,1199, G.D.R.To study the reaction of c~ay minerals in the IR region,IR spectra of several structural-types of clay mineralswere measured in the region 1200-400 cm- 1 , using threedifferent methods: absorption measurement.s in transmission(KBr-method),·infrared Fourier.transform spectroscopyellipsometry(FTS-ellipsometry) and measurements of thermal.emission. For the two latter methods the samples wereprepared as textures-. Among the minerals investigatedwe.re kaolini te (Bath/South Carolina), montmorilloni te(Wyoming, clay spur), nontronite (Garfield/Washington)and pyrophyllite (Robbins/N~rth Carolina).. ~The data obtained by the FTS-ellipsometry method arespectra of the dielectric function (e), refraction indi·­ces (n) and absorption number (k) .. in the above-mentionedregion. These quanti ties cannot be· <strong>de</strong>.lermined in geologicalsamples using conventional techniques.The imaginary part of the dieiectric function (€ 2)shows. the genuine frequenci·es of resonance between sampleand radiation. These data are more accurate than data fromabsorption measurements in conventional spectrometers.The spectra of refraction indices, which have not beenobtainable_ until :10w ,_ often show additional <strong>de</strong>tails. Thespectra of the refraction indices show· peaks which aresituated some wave numbers lower than those of the c 2-spec-295

tra, i.e. at first the refraction in<strong>de</strong>x increases followedby an increase in the real frequency -ol'~resonanc~~~---- --.Thus peaks of the n-spectra of kaolinite Bath at 463,528, 1003 and 1028 cm-l are followed by peaks at 469, 540,1009 and 1034 cm-l in the spectra of c ( 2absorption peaksof these structures: 473, 540, 1008 and l032 cm-l accordingto VAN DER MAREL & BEUTELSPACHER, 1976).The Si-0-Fe-vibration of nontronite, a very characteristicstructure, appears at 486 cm-l in the n-spectra,-1compared to 490 cm in the E 2-spectra (VAN DER MAREL &BEUTELSPACHER, 1976: 492 cm- 1 ).Still higher wave numbers are found in the spectra ofthe absorption number. The quantity c 2can be consi<strong>de</strong>redas· relevant to the interpretation of all sp-ectra. Refractionin<strong>de</strong>x and absorption number are contained in thisquantity because of the equation c2 = 2 n k.Measurements of thermal emissivity are easy to carryout in .the Fourier transform spectrometer. The samples areheated with a thermostate up to about 345 K. The resultsare spectra of thermal emission. They permit a precisedifferentiation between the various clay mine.rals. Thislaborato~y method offers the possibility to collect datawhich may. be helpful in evaluat;Lng results of remote sensing.The bands in the spectra of all these quantities are ingood correlation to each other· and an assignment of vibrationsis possible in accordance with the bibliography and.in an empirical way.References:VAN DER MAREL, H. W. and BEUTELSPACHER, 'H.: Atlas of InfraredSpectroscopy of Clay Minerals and their Admixtures.­Amsterdam-Oxford-New York-; 1976, 396 pp.296

. Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>XIXED-LAYER XIJERALS FROX TALAGIUV. IAIOVICI, G. IEAcsu* and VASILICA IEACSU*National Council for Environmental Protection, 5 Bd71902 Bucharest, RomaniaIlie Pintilie* Geological and Geophysical prospecting Enterprise, l CaransebesStr., 78344 Bucharest 32 RomaniaThe hornblen<strong>de</strong>-Neogene cal<strong>de</strong>ira at Talagiu area

11Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF :r'HE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Esp~fiola <strong>de</strong> .<strong>Arcillas</strong>DISTRIBUTION OF CLAY MINERALS IN A SANDSTONE RESERVOIR,SLEIPNER FIELD, NORTH SEA -~-----~--~-~---~-I.K. I<strong>de</strong>n 1 , H. Qvale 1 , R.E. Ferrell 2 , K. Reksten 3 and A. Hurst 41 Institute for Energy Technology, Box 40, N-2007 Kjeller, Norway2 Basin Research Institute, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge,Louisiana 70803-4101, USA3 Institute of Physics, University of Oslo, Box 1048, N-3016 Blin<strong>de</strong>rn,Oslo 3, Norway4 Statoil, Forus, Box 300, N-4001 Stavanger, NorwayThis presentation which reports results of a study, supported byStatoil, on the clay mineralogy of sandstones from the Heimdal Field,Norwegian North Sea. Core samples from the <strong>de</strong>pths interval 2407-2419 mwere. examined.The samples are quartz arenites with a porosity of 20-30%. The- sheetsilicates, which are scarce and fine-grained, occur as three majormorphological varieties: 1) <strong>de</strong>trital grains; 2) grain coatings; 3)clusters in pore spaces. The latter may be further subdivi<strong>de</strong>d: 3a)fine laminated aggregates; 3b) fine <strong>de</strong>nse·aggregates•with moreclearly <strong>de</strong>fined grain boundaries.Analyses by SEM, TEM and microprobe in most cases revealed compositegrains, i.e. more than one mineral phase is present. The analyses havetherefore been recalculated into· the structural formula for both"mica", i.e. illite and smectite (22 D) and chlorite (28 0). Themajority of samples are compatible with.both structural types,indicating mixtures of chloritic and illitic/smectitic material.1,I'11,,,·'II i !111::'•,I_11!I:_·_!I:!l',l'_''I'llj111l!~li··1'-111'1';_·I'Detrital (type 1) g;ains were i<strong>de</strong>ntified microscopically as chlorite,white mica, biotite and glauconitic pellets. Detrital clay-casts ofsmectitic composition ar~ found at the other localities in the sameformation. In MR 3 -2R 3 -3R diagrams, the <strong>de</strong>trital grains plot either asillites or chlorites. Grains showing incipient <strong>de</strong>lamination, consistof both illitic and chloritic mineral phases. The grain coatings (type2) are mixed layer illites and smectites, with no chlorite. Themajority of the clusters (type 3) exhibit compositions intermediatebetween illite and chlorite, and the data span the entirecompositional range between the two (Fig. 1). A typical picture is onein which clear, chloritic clay flakes are surroun<strong>de</strong>d by irregularflaky masses of illitic material. Variation diagrams of oxi<strong>de</strong>s vs.silica support the interpretation that <strong>de</strong>trital sheet silicates havereacted with pore solutions, and were transformed to smaller grains ofillitic/smectitic compositions, as seen in the type (3b) aggregates.The compositions vary continuously <strong>de</strong>pending on the <strong>de</strong>gree of reactioncompleteness. In this process muscovite has consumed Si, and releasedK + Al. The chlorites have consumed both Si and K, released Fe + Mg,with constant Al.The TEM analysis was concentrated on the type 3a aggregates. They aresheaf-formed, the clay grains ranging down to a few tens of A·inwidth. Lattice periodicities of 7 A, 14 A and. 10 A indicateberthierines, chlorites and illites or collapsed smectites (Figs. 2and 3). Compositions are dominated by Al-rich chlorites, with nosignificant difference between 7 A and 14 A types. This is shown inFig. 4, an AFM-diagram of all analyzed grains ·within the pore spaceaggregates. Mixed-layering of chlorite-berthierine is observed, as1_,1'1·!298

well as illite (10 A) layers within chlorite, and within chlorite/berthierine, although the chlorites predominate.These aggregates are interpreted as having formed by precipitationfrom solution, with an external supply of Al. The metastable 7 A/14 Achlorite interlayering'is due to rapid crystallization at 'relativelylow T.The grain coatings were formed at an earlier stage either by precipitationfrom solution, or from migrating fine particles.MR 3o EMP analyses•SEM analysesv EMP analyses"'SEM analysesi MICAformulaJ CHLORITEformula..Fig. 1KAOLo: 0___.

I1:!Fig. 3Fe* 11ICROPROBE Rtft.. YSESX SEI1 PIA..YSESTDI AtR..YSE;S1•,. A0 14 A OR l.NI£TERHII*tTEDFig. 4*B: CLUSTERS...~· 0~\ ""'~ oooo•......*Al300

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PORE SIZE'DISTRIBUTION AND ADSORPTION SELECTIVITY OF SEPIOLITES. INAGAKI AND Y; FUKUSHIMA, H. Doi and 0. KamigaitoToyota Central Res. & Develop. Labs., Inc.', Nagakute, Aichi, Japan.Sepiolite is fibrous clay mineral with fine tunnels running parallelwith the fiber. Chemical reactions, such as synthesis of organicmolecules, polymerization and thermal or chemical <strong>de</strong>compositions, in thetunnels should be one of the most excellent applications of sepiolite.Although the tunnel structure has been confirmed by X-~ay pow<strong>de</strong>r diffraction(Brauner and Preisinger, 1956) or electron microscopes (Tchouberet al, 1973), adsorption properties of the tunnel have not been clarifiedyet. Adsorption properties of sepiolite have been also studiedby Barrer et al (1954), Serna and Van Scoyoc (1979) and etc.However, the distinction between the adsorption in the 'tunnel andthat on the outer suface was still ammiguous.The relative surface area of auter surface and in the tunnels weremeasured by BET method combined wfth adsorption of water molecules inthe tunnels in this work. Adsorption selectivities in the sepiolitetunnels were also studied.EXPERIMENTALA sepiolite sample used in this study was a natural sepiolite fromcentral Anatolia, Turkey, whos~ properties shall be reported separately.(Fukushima and Shimosaka, 1987).About 0.2g of granular (0.5-2.0 mmin diameter) samples were vacuum dried for 2 hours at 110"C. Watermolecules were adsorbed by the sepiolite sample un<strong>de</strong>r several vapourpressures, followed. by measurements of BET-surface area by means of N2gas adsorption. Pore size distribution of dried sepiolite was alsocalculated by Inkley (Cranston and Inkley, 1957) method and the N2adsoption isotherm' curve.301

The BET-surface areas of the sepiolite, vacuum_dri~cl"~1~-~5_:

of outer surface suggests.that the mean thickness of the sepiolite fiberused in this work is about 95 A,observation.which agrees well with the TEMIn Figure 2, surface areas ·for the various molecules are shown.The results suggest that although water and ammonia adsorbed both inthe tunnels and on the outer surface of the sepiolite vacuum driedat 150" C, others adsorbed only ··on the outer surfaces. On the otherhands, molecules except for trimethylbenzene and t-buthylbenzeneseems to. be able to penetrate into the tunnel of that vacuum dried at25" c.REFERENCESBarrer R.M., Mackenzie Nand Macleod D.M. (1954), J.Phys. Chem. Ithaca,58,362-370.Brauner, K. and Preisinger, A. (1956) Tecschermaks Min. Petr. Mitt.§., 120-140.Cranston R.W. and Inkley F.A. (1957) Adv. in Catalysis~. 143.Fukushima ·Y. and Shimosaka K.(1987) Abstract·of this conference.Serna J. G. and Van Scoyoc G. E. (1979) Proc. Int. Clay Conf. 1978,Oxford, pp197-206. Elsevier Sci. Publ, Go., Amsterdam.Zigmondy R. (1911) Z. anorg. Ghem;· 11. 356."303

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CLAY-MINERAL DISTRIBUTION IN MARINE AND NON-MARINE EOCENE DEPOSITS OFTHE SE EBRO BASIN CSPAINJ - ---~ ---~---~----M. INGLES AND P. ANADON*IIII1III.IDep~rt. Geoqu1mica, Petrolog1a, Prosp. Geol. Univ. Barcelona CSpainJ.l

C Ponti l s and Santa t1ari a Groups) indicate that clays from marine anddiverse non-marine and transitional environments can be distinguishedfrom one another on the basis of the clay-mineral content:- Pontils Gr, lowermost levels. Transitional <strong>de</strong>posits are charact!rized by illite and chlorite. In addition, minor kaolinite is presentin lagoonal subaerial <strong>de</strong>posits. In lacustrine mudstones, the mostcommon assemblage is illite and smectite, sometimes with palygorskit~.Upwards in the sequence, red mudstones with interbed<strong>de</strong>d sandstones were<strong>de</strong>posited in well-drai<strong>de</strong>d floodplains and mud flats. Several hydromorphicpaleosoils are .present. Illite with minor amounts of chloriteand kaolinite constitute the most frequent assemblage observed in thisred bed succesion. However, variegated mudstones related to localpoorly-drained areas are characterized by palygorskite prevailing overillite.- Pontils Gr, intermediate levels. Through the middle Eocene, mudflatenvironments prevailed in the studied area leading to thick redsandy mudstone sequences with sparse interbed<strong>de</strong>d channel sandstonesseveral m thick. The red mudstones are rich in palygorskite withminor amounts of illite.- The upper levels of the Pontils Gr were <strong>de</strong>posited in a complexassemblage of non-marine and trans-itional, subenvironments. Ill ite andpalygorskite are the most common clay~minerals in the sediments fromflood plains and mud flats. Minor amounts of chlorite, smectite andkaolinite have been observed in several samples. Mudstones and marlsinterbed<strong>de</strong>d in thick fresh-water paludal limestones show an assemblagedominated by illite and smectite, althought sometimes are rich inkaolinite and chlorite. Shallow lacustrine mudstones and marls, insome cases associated with dol ostcm'es and nodular gypsum beds csabkhafacies), are characterized by large .amounts of palygorskite and smectites,with minor illite. The same assemblage plus chlorite is· found inlagoonal mudstone-dolostone sequences, whereas chl6rite and illitewith minor smectite constitute the most frequent assemblage in clasticlagoonal sequences.-The most frequent clay-minerals assemblage in the'ntarine mudstonesfrom the Santa Maria Gr, is formed by illite, chlorite and smectite.Kaolinite is also present in several samples. A similar clay­-mineral distribution is found in laterally equivalent non-marine<strong>de</strong>pos1ts.- 305,

l IIIIn the studied sequence the original <strong>de</strong>trital assemblag,eJl~.o~.a:bl,t ·-~were formed by a high cocentration of illite,. associated with smectiteand chlorite, and minor amounts of kaolinite. A similar clay-mineralassemblage has been observed in marine and siliciclastic lagoonalmudstones.Illite is the only mineral present in all the studied samples. Ingeneral, the illite concentration is high and shows. a good crystallinityin the red mudstones from the lower Pontils Gr, in the sabkhasediments and in that <strong>de</strong>posits formed un<strong>de</strong>r stable subaqueous conditions.Smectite is well preserved in the sediments from sabkhas.~nd suba~eousenvironments. It is absent in the sediments that were subjec~ted to subaerial exposure and water-table osciliations Cfl~od-plainand mud-flat <strong>de</strong>posits).Palygorskite, with minor amounts of <strong>de</strong>~ra<strong>de</strong>d illite and sometimeschlorite, is the,dominant mineral in fled-plain and mud-flat sediments:Palygosrskite is absent in true lacustrine sediments and, on the otherhand·, dominate in sabkha and carbonate-1 agoonal sediments.According to these clay-mineral distribution trends the lacustrine,lagoonal and marine sediments preserve the <strong>de</strong>trital clay-minerals. Inthat environments which un<strong>de</strong>rwent repeated flooding and.dissecationphases chlorite and smectite were eventually eliminated and palygorskiteformation was favoured. In the mud-flat and flood-plain sedimentsthere is a conspicuous abundance of calcite and dolomite. Dolomiterhomboedra partially dissolved have been observed in SEM. On the dolomite-crystalfaces, submicron fiber~ of palygorskite have been recogn~zed. TEM observations confirms that ·palygorskite frequently forms lam~nar aggregates of fibers with a parallel arrangement. In samples withsmectite and palygorskite, smectite laminae display a fibrous aspectin their bor<strong>de</strong>rs. These evi<strong>de</strong>nces suggest that in mud-flats and flood­-plains palygorskite mainly were formed by transformation of smectitein a Mg-rich environment.In the sabkha facies, the abundaQce of smectite and palygorskite,frequently associated with dolomite and chert suggest palygorskiteneoformation in a Si and Mg rich environment.,306

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>USE OF SMECTITE-ZEOLITE ALTERATION PRODUCT OF RHYOLITICIGNIMBRITE FROM PUERTAS VIEJAS /NICARAGUA/ IN THEMANUFACTURE OF TILESJ. JIRANEKDepartment of Raw Materials, Geological Survey ~~~G/,Malostranske nam. 19, 118 21 Praha 1 /Czechoslovakia/Nicaragua. is short .in kaolins having noncommercial<strong>de</strong>posits restricted to grqnite massifs and Recent volcanics.Therefore, the local tile manufacture should usealso other materials of light colours after firing, evenif untypical. The 70 % of the country area is covered byTertiary volcanics altering to bentonitic materials withzeolite admixture in all primary occurrences. The raw materialfrom Puertas Viejas /Km. 69.5 Panamerican Highway­-North/ is of the best quality of the six biggest <strong>de</strong>positsstudied.The fresh parent rock - rhyolite ignimbrite from thebase of the Upper Miocene /the ~ower Coyol Group/ - is composedof phenocrysts of quaftz, oligoclase-an<strong>de</strong>sine, ~ K­-feldspar, basaltic hornblen<strong>de</strong>~ an ore mineral, <strong>de</strong>vitrifiedpumice fragments and ash particles inserted in thevitrite matrix. By probably hydrothermal alteration processesin the bor<strong>de</strong>r of a vast ancient cal<strong>de</strong>ra, a white relativelysolid clayey rock /volume weight of 1.49-1.71 g cm- 3 ;arose. It is formed in 90 % by a mixture of clay minerals,zeolites, and fine silica minerals /altered mesostasis,pumice fragments and ash particles/; the phenocrysts - withthe exception of K-feldspar and hornblen<strong>de</strong> - remain preserved.Within the mesostasis, some 5 % of newly formed zeolitecolumns appear. The semiquantitative X-ray analysisestablished 41 % of cristobalite + tridymite ~quartz, 36 %of smectite, 18,% of K-feldspar, 5.% of zeolites /clino-307

ptilolite prevailing/ and traces.of goethite. Accordingto the results of the EDAX-analysis, smectit~e~w~~L§EE:>C:::i::-~fied as a Fe-rich kind /nontronite/.During the alteration process, the Sio 2content increasedfrom 69.80 to 78.39 % /the new-formation of thefree silica forms/ while that of Al 2o 3relatively <strong>de</strong>creasedfrom 19.16 to 14.17 %.The contents of rest of the oxi<strong>de</strong>sdid not differ substantially. The content of the smectitemineral increased within.the weathered surface portionsof the <strong>de</strong>posit. Rather high contents of Fe 2o 3in all thesamples /1.64-3.75 %/exclu<strong>de</strong> the use of the altered rockfor white tiles.The grain-size of the cru<strong>de</strong> /carefullydisintegrated/raw material is rather coarse: 11.7-77.4 %are formed byparticles over 2 mm and only 8.2-33.6 % are formed byparticles below 0.063 mm. Because the local tile industryis based only on a simple dry treatment. /crushing and?illing/, all the tests were performed on the ground rawmaterial as a whole, without separation of any fraction.The raw samples are white-grey to - rarely - light ·beige, medium to highly plastic /water of plasticity:23.0 - .38.3 %/. The shrinkage after drying reaches 2.28to8.22 %, the crushing strength un<strong>de</strong>r bending is 13.6-19.7-2 .kg cm . The whiteness - because of the non-separatedmixture of the free silica forms- is too'low /51.7 %ofthe absolute scale/, even in the case of white colours.As a supposed raw material for ceramjas the alteredignimbrite possesses low refractoriness va'rues: by firingto 999 and 1045°C the absorptivity remains excellentwhile at 1125°C some -and at 128o 0 c ail the samples aresintered and fusion and <strong>de</strong>formation begin. The free silicamixture functions as a natural grog. The bodies fired to1125°C possess - due to the mixture - acceptable valuesof total shrinkage /7.43-.14.02%/ and a very high crushing-2 'strength un<strong>de</strong>r bending /68.1-166.1 kg cm. /, while theabsorptivity sometimes is too low /2.1-25.4 %/. TQ.e colourof the fired bodies is· light grey to pink, in some casesup to reddish-brown. No <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce on the Fe 2o 3and FeO308

contents nor smectite content nor raw colour was revealed;the contribution of the variable amount of the alteredoriginally lithic fragments /pumice etc./ is supposed.The variations of the technological properties are'influencedby the smectite-free silica proportion: whilesmectite increases the plasticity, shrinkage /both in dryingand. firing/, and· the absorptivity of the fired bodies, the.rise in the quartz content increases the strength.The <strong>de</strong>scribed characteristics can be combined and/orcorrected when mixing with kaolins: a raw kaolin admixtureresults in mainly higher refractoriness, whi~ecolour afterfiring, and good absorptivity of the fired products, whilethe altered ignimbrite helps to save imported raw materials.and secures high strength of the products. Numerous industrialtests of the mixtures with local kaolins /VolcanoMomotombo, Vo·lcano Mombacho/ and with addition of wollastoniteor talc, were performed. The recommen<strong>de</strong>d compositioncomprises 45 % of the altered ignimbrite, 45 % of kaolinand 10 % of wollastonite; the amount of the altered ignimbritecan be lowered up to 25 % in case of the reddishbrowncolours after firing. o'cc

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>GENESIS AND GEOCHEMISTRY OF THE ARKOSE-TYPE KAOLINS INTHE PLZEN BASIN, CZECHOSLOVAKIAJ. JIRANEK, J. JIRANKOVAxDepartment of Raw Materials, Geological Survey /UUG/,Malostranske nam. 19, 118 21 Praha 1xGeoindustria, n.p,, Pristavni 24, 170 04 Praha 7 /~SS~/Continental sediments of the Upper Carboniferous of theBohemian Massif are represented by an intermontane molasseof the Variscan Orogeny which culminated in the Namurian­-Westphalian boundary by the Su<strong>de</strong>tic'phase as a co'nsequenceof the collision.of the North- and South-European paleoblocks.The molasse sediments cover parts of the w, N andNE Bohemia and they stratigraphically range between theWestphalian B - Stephanian c. The sedimentary filling ismostly composed of arkoses to arkosic sandstones of variousgrain-sizes, with interbeds of carbon, claystonesand sandy claystones, frequently with a volcanoclasticadmixture produced by mostly rhyolitic ignimbrite volcanismin the north periphery of the zone /the Teplice rhyolitebody and Saxony/ during the Westphalian A - Autunian.A wea_k partial kaolinization took place locally ingreat part of the Upper Carboniferous profile during thesedimentation; plagioclases are the first minerals thatun<strong>de</strong>rwent the alteration process. The rocRs contain a completelykaolinized biotite together with a fresh one, ofdifferent provenances. Workable kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits have <strong>de</strong>velopedin the westernmost Plz~n /Pilsen/ Basin /Kuzvartet al. 1975/. As it follows from the study of heavy minerals,the clastic material is <strong>de</strong>rived from granite massifs,from mesozonal-katazonal crystalline complexes, and fromnon-metamorphosed_to epizonally metamorphosed Proterozoicrocks /clay shales, silicites, volcanic's!. The Protero,zoicmaterial prevails in the varicoloured claystones forming310

intercalations even within the kaolin sequences of mostlygranitic origin. There is a transgression of the sedimentsof the Plzen Basin over two granite bodies of Cadomianage: the Merklin Massif /S/ and the Tis-granite of theLouny Massif /N/. The latter served as a source of themost of the K-feldspars of the Plzen- and Central BohemiaBasins, as follows from the study of triclinici.ty, Ab­-contents and trace elements of K-feldspars.The workable kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits have <strong>de</strong>veloped in allthe four formations of the Plzen Basin: the Kladno F./Westphalian B-D/, the Tynec F. /Stephanian·A/, The SlanyF. /Stephanian B/ and the Line Formation /Stepha.nian C/.The greatest <strong>de</strong>posits are located in the Tynec Formation/Horni Bri.za, Kaznejov/. Climatically conditioned kaolinizationprocesses took place in the area of the Bohemian Massifduring two periods: ~n the Upper Carboniferous and inthe /Upper Cretaceous-/ Miocene; the two phases acted alsothroughout the Plzen Basin. Several genetic types of kaolin<strong>de</strong>posits are involved. ·The <strong>de</strong>posits of the ol<strong>de</strong>stKladno Formation originated by kaolinization of the outcropsof arkoses both in the Cafboniferous and during theyounger period of kaolinization.· The kaolins of such <strong>de</strong>positsare passing down through the so called "feldsparkaolins" into non-kaolinized arkoses. However, most of the<strong>de</strong>posits have arisen in the Carboniferous: during the transportof material, during its,sedimentation, and probablyalso shortly after <strong>de</strong>position. some of them /both locatedinsi<strong>de</strong> and outsi<strong>de</strong> the Basin/ were probably removed andre<strong>de</strong>posited in the form of <strong>de</strong>nse kaolin suspensions thatcarried even extremely coarse clastic material, andprobably fragments of fresh feldspars. We suppose that thisgenetical type of kaolin has taken place in the case ofthe greatest Kaz~ejov <strong>de</strong>posit as testified by anormousthicknesses of kaolins - up to 120 m, by alternation of.kaolins· and fresh arkoses in the bas.:=ment of the <strong>de</strong>posit,by red claystone intercalations insi<strong>de</strong> the white kaolins,by findings of fresh or subsequently kaolinized angular311

feldspars in the kaolins, and by geochemical evi<strong>de</strong>nce/Jiranek 1976, 1977/. The younger /Cretaceous~-=T Mioc-eiie "--­phase of kaolinization was manifested there in the formof bleaching /<strong>de</strong>ferrizing/ of the coloured portions alongfault systems /the Horni Briza <strong>de</strong>posit, Jiranek 1976/.Petrographically, the mined kaolirrs· inclu<strong>de</strong> sil ty-sandyto clayey-sandy conglomerates, conglomeratic silty sandstonesand clayey-silty sandstones. Kaolinite is principallypresent in the form of cement /up to 30%/. The geochemistrywas studied in a 61 m thick vertical profile throughthe Kaznejov <strong>de</strong>posit /Jiranek 1982/. As a typical arkosetypekaolin, the Kaznejov kaolin is characterized by relativelyhigher contents of various trace elements /Sr, Ni,V, Pb, Mn, Zn, Ba/. No variations of the· trace elementswith the <strong>de</strong>pth were established; a striking enrichment inall the trace elements analyzed /Be, c. , c ·, ea, Cr,. 1.norg orgF, Fe, Mg, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr, Ti, V, Zn/ was <strong>de</strong>termined inthe intercalations-of reddish clayey-silty,sandstone withhigh content of fraction below 20 pm /simultaneously accompaniedby elevated contents of fine quartz/. _The distributionof tra.ce elements in the Kaznejov kaolins is inconflict with the principles that should control the weatheringproc~ssesoccurring in kaol.in profiles: The contentof all the traces increases with the <strong>de</strong>creasing content ofkaolinite, and rises also with the increasing contents ofCaO and alkalis /Na 2o above all/.· High contents of Mn/while that of Cr remain relatively low/ indicate an oxidizingenvironment during the genesis of kaolin.R e f e r e n c e s'·'I ~1'1'_,'!,'.Jiranek, J., 1976: Geological evi<strong>de</strong>nce of the genesis ofthe Horn:L Briza and Kaznejov kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits: Proc.7th Cbnf. Clay Mineralogy and Petrology, 243-250. Praha., 1977: Geology, petrology and genesis of the kaolinsediments of the Horni Briza and Kaznejov <strong>de</strong>posits inthe Plzen Basin: Folia Mus. Rer. natur. Bohemiaeacci<strong>de</strong>nt., Geologica, Bt 1-34. Plzen. _312

Jiranek, J., 1982: The Kaznejov <strong>de</strong>posit: grain size,.·.geochemistry and whitening 6£ kaolins in its verti~cal section /Tn Czech/: Sbor. geol. Ved, Loz. Geol.,Mineral., 24, 14~-160~ Praha.Kuzvart, M. - Neuzil, J. - Pesek, J. - ~in<strong>de</strong>lar, J.,1975: Origin and age of the kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits inthe Plzen Basin /In Czech/: Sbor. geol. Ved, Loz.geol., Mineral., 17, 125-194. Praha.313

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THERMAL EXPANSION OF SOME VERMICULITES* *A.JUSTO, C.MAQUEDA AND J.L.PEREZ RODRIGUEZ.* Instituto <strong>de</strong> Ciencia <strong>de</strong> los Materiales.Instituto <strong>de</strong> Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia. Apartado1052. Sevilla. Spain.The principal characteristic in which most of industria!use~of the vermiculite are based is its property o~ exfoliationwhen the mineral is sud<strong>de</strong>nly heated up to a high te~perature. This property of exfoliation is explained as dueto the explosive release of water molecules from between thesilicate layers, 'and causes the flakes to expand in a direstion normal to the basal cleavage. The highest expansibilityis achieved with regular mica/vermiculite interstratifications,because during thermal shock, the water.molecules -­from the vermiculite hit the mica layers, producing· a largegap between them (Cou<strong>de</strong>rc and Douillet, 19~3).The objective of this work is to show that although thesud<strong>de</strong>n release of interlayer water should be the most importantfactor in the thermal exfoliation of vermiculite, otherfactors must influence that process, which in some particularminerals may be very important.Six samples have been selected for the study (Justo,1984).Four of them come from two abandoned vermiculite quarrieslocated near Ojen, Malaga (samples P-1 and C-1), and SantaOlalla, Huelva (samples SO-l and RJ-1). They have been i<strong>de</strong>~tified by X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r diffractometry, differential thermalanalysis, thermogravimetry and chemical analysis as pure -­vermiculites, with mo<strong>de</strong>rate to low iron content and almostabsence of mica (K o

tion. Sample named Ru-1 is a commercial vermiculite from -an unknown locality in USSR. It is composed by vermiculiteand mica.The expansibility was measured by the change in the apparent<strong>de</strong>nsity after thermal shock to 600°C and 900°C, andalso after heating up to the same temperatures at a heatingrate of 7°C/min.From the experimental data, it can be conclu<strong>de</strong>d that -­those samples containing mica, either as a separate phaseor interstratified with vermiculite (samples Bu-1 and Ru-1),present the higher values for the expansibility.Pure vermiculites give also products with low apparent<strong>de</strong>nsities; however, there exist appreciable differences --­among them. Thus, vermiculites from Malaga show higher expansibilitythan vermiculites from Huelva. Even vermiculitesfrom the same <strong>de</strong>posit show differences in their expansionvalues, as for example SO-l and RJ-1. The differences in -­expansibility cannot be exclusively attributed to the sud<strong>de</strong>nreleas.e of the interlamellar water. When vermiculi tes exp

REFERENCES.JUSTO,A., 1984. Estudio fisicoquimico y mineral6gico <strong>de</strong> ve~miculitas <strong>de</strong> Andalucia y Badajoz. Thesis. Universidad<strong>de</strong> Sevilla. 408 pp.COUDERC,P. and DOUILLET,PH., 1973. Les vermiculites industrielles:exfoliation, caracteristiques mineralogiqueset chimiques. Bull. Soc. Fr. Ceram., 99, 51-58.RAUSELL-COLOM,J.A. and SERRATOSA,J.M., 1985. Dehydroxylationof micas and vermiculites. The effect of octahedral -composition and interlayer saturating cation. Miner.petrog. Acta, 29-A, 399-408.VEDDER,W. and WILKINS,R.W.T., 1969. Uehydroxylation and-­rehydroxylation, oxidation and reduction of micas •.Am. Miner., 54, 482-509.316

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION AND PARAGENESIS OF CORRENSITE IN ONTARIO,CANADAC.R. DE KIMPE AND N. MILESAgriculture Canada Land Resource Research Centre, Central ExperimentalFarm, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A OC6Corrensite, a regularly interstratified chlorite/smectite mineral,was found near Sharbot lake, 40 km. southwest of Perth, Ontario. Thesite is located within the Grenville geological province. The latterextends over 2000 km from Ontario, north of the Great Lakes and theSaint Lawrence river, to Labrador and it is approximately 450 km wi<strong>de</strong>.The geology of the Grenville province is very complex. ·In our studyarea, rocks of Helikian age (1600 - 850 MY) are represented by theGrenville and Hastings Groups. Both contain sequences of marble,quartzite and paragneiss. Basic and intermediate metavolcanic rocksare found in the lower part of the Grenville and metavolcanic rocks arealso intercalated within the metasedimentary rocks. At a later stage,hydrothermal and/or pneumatolytic fluids penetrated these rocks. Theprimary magmatic gases, which are a~id, reacted effectively with thebasic rocks such as limestone, that acted as a filter. Variousminerals were thus neoformed, among which was phlogopite. Phlogopitewas in<strong>de</strong>ed observ~d as tiny c~ 2 mm) crystals randomly scatteredthroughout limestone and 'marble outcrops, and also as large c~ 5 cm)crystals in fractures and veins.,Loose material samples were collected in the veins of over 40limestone and marble outcrops in an area approximately 125 km long and50 kin wi<strong>de</strong>, from Kingston to Ottawa. The samples were air-dried,sieved to pass a 2 mm-sieve, and separated according to particle size.Mineralogical analyses. were performed by x-ray diffraction andmicroscopic observations. In most samples, corrensite was closely317

associated with phlogopite, the former mineral being _t!t~_ma).9r~~~~~~constitutent of the clay and silt fractions, while the latter was moreabundant in the coarser fractions. Microscopic observation ofphlogopite books indicated that the interstratified mineral had<strong>de</strong>veloped at the expense of the mica through hydrothermal alteration.Whenever corrensite was present, it was in<strong>de</strong>ed found associated withlarge - or micro-size fractures. On the contrary, individual micacrystals in the rock mass were- unaltered.In. this study, corrensite and phlogopite were i<strong>de</strong>ntified as the mostcommon phyllosilicates present in the marble, but they were someti~esassociated with smectite and chlorite, and traces of talc.Non-phyllosilicate minerals commonly observed were carbonates,graphite, feldspar and hematite. In particular, the presence ofwell-crystallized graphite was indicative of ]1igh temperature and/orpressure reaction. However, the prevailing hydrothermal alterationconditions were npt a<strong>de</strong>quate to produce kaolinite at the expense offeldspar. and mica. Smectite and chlorite, when present, were generallyrestricted to those outcrops where "ground preparation", i.e. thenumber of fractures and veins per m 2 , was not large. Groundpreparation was in<strong>de</strong>ed consi<strong>de</strong>red to be associated with the initialdolomitization of the limestone. When smectite and chiorite werepresent, the corrensite content was low. In several outcrops northeastof the study area, smectite was the only phyllosilicate besi<strong>de</strong>sphlogopite and its possible significance, besi<strong>de</strong>s graphite, as anindication of hydrotherm~l activity is presently investigated.Near the limit of the present study area, a different corrensite,more likely a chlorite/vermiculite mineral, has been also i<strong>de</strong>ntified.With respect to the other c9rrensite samples, it was found at a largerdistance from the reported plutons, thus at a place where contactmetamorphism was possibly less intense. On the other hand, vermiculiteis a common weathering product of phlogopite und~r temperate climates.The possible formation of this particular corrensite through eitherweathering or hydrothermal. alteration will be consi<strong>de</strong>red and someadditional samples will be collected and analyzed to better support ageneral discussion on the corrensite formation in eastern Canada.318

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> Arci!lasGEOCHEMISTRY OF ROCKS FROM RED BEDS IN OSTRAVA -KARVINA COAL BASIN.Department of Geology and Mineralogy, University of MiningandMetallurgy,_Tr. Vitezneho unora, 708 33 Ostrava 4,Czechoslovakia.INTRODUCTIONRed and variegated beds occur in all memqers of Ostrava- Karvina Coal Basin in the adjacent territories to theprominent tectonic structures. The rocks of melaphyres and.zeolites of harmotome composition have been sporadicallyfourid in effusions along the tectonic structures. The transitionbetween grey and red. facias is gradual with the preservationof all the structural and. textural features ofnormal grey sediments. The gra,nulometry, flora and fauna inmost cases are also the same. The coal in coal seams of redbeds changes strongly its petrologic and technologic proper~ties and dies out completely a\(; very short" distance fromgrey-red beds boundary. The disappearance of coal seams isvery often connected with brecciated roof r~cks. In lastyears the postsed.imentary origin of red bed.s due to the oxidationof subaerial weathering is consi<strong>de</strong>red (Kral:Ck 1980,Kral:Ck 1982).GEOCHEMISTRY AND MINERALOGY OF RED BEDSIn red bed. bodies two types of al terated. sediments havebeen differentiated on the intensity of the post<strong>de</strong>positionaloxidation basis •. 1) Terrigenous sed.iments of the clay stone - sil tstonesandstone- conglomerate group with low <strong>de</strong>gree of epigenicoxid.ation. They differ from normal_ grey sediments in their319

'red and green colours which are in red beds most frequent.Red colour has been formed after the <strong>de</strong>position oy the hematitewhich is probably formed by the alteration in situof iron - bearing minerals (Turner 1979). Green colour iscaused by fine dispersed chlorite and Fe-illite. Clay mineralspresent in these rocks· .are nearly the same associationas in normally <strong>de</strong>veloped grey sediments (kaolinite, illite,chlorite).2) Terrigenous sediments with the high <strong>de</strong>gree of epigeneticalteration due to the high temperature effect of oxidizedcoal seams. They are fine to coarse - grained, mostlyof porQelanite - like character exhibiting a conchoidalfracture. The comparision of these rocks with those mentionedabove shows substantial changes in composition of minerals.The highly alterated rocks conta{n e~ther montmorillonite,halloysite matrix with cristobalite and mullite, orthey contain zeolitic matrix (harmotome, phillipsite, anal~·~cite}. ········ -· ·---To carry out a geochemical study, a collection of 76 sampleswas chosen to which the results of 34 analyses carriedout beforehand were ad.<strong>de</strong>d .• The collection un<strong>de</strong>r study containedoriginal (grey unalterated)~ low-temperature alterated(red, green, white, black) and highly alterated. terrigenous.sediments. As the statistical method.s have shown, the<strong>de</strong>cisive criterion for dividing the collection was the granulometry,while the intensity of oxidizing alteration orthe colour of terrigenous sed.iments was of secondary importanceonly.CONCLUSIONGeochemical study of the red. beds in the Ostrava-KarvinaCoal District has not given any evisJ.ence that it would bethe hydrothermal solutions that caused. the oxid.izing alterationin the extensive regions of the coal-bearing sedimentsof the Upper Silesian Coal Basin. Most phenomena may be - onthe contrary - explained. by weathering processes, the· final320

nroducts of which were modified by a complicated matter redistributionwhich could be.connected with penetrating salinewaters of Miocene from superficial d.eposi ts of theUpper Carboniferous sediments.REFERENCES------Kralik J. (1980): Epigenic Oxidation in Red. Bed.s fromCzechoslovak Part of the Upper SilesianCoal Basin- Sbor. ved. praci Vys. sk.·ban. xxvr, 107 - 123.Kralik J. (1982): Mineralogy of Red Beds in Ostrava-KarvinaCoal Basin -:- Cas. Slez. Muz. Opava (A),149 - 171~Turner P. (1979): Diagenetic or~g~n of Cambrian marine redbeds: Caerfai bay shales, Dyfed., Wales.- Sed.. Geology, 24, 269 - 281.321

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>REDUCTION OF STRUCTURAL IRON IN SMECTITES BY MICROORGANISMS*PETER KOMADEL , JOSEPH W. STUCK!, AND HENRY T •. WILKINSONDepartment of Agronomy, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61&01 (USA) .*rnstitute of Inorganic Chemistry, CCR, Slovak Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Science, 84236Bratislava (Czechoslovakia)Iron is one of the few elements which exists in minerals in two relativelystable oxidation states, namely Fe\II) and Fe(I!I).In the crystal structure ofclay minerals, Fe may be oxidized or reduced in situ, with COI'\COmmitantchanges in a number of physico-chemical properties of the clays. In virtuallyall of the 'tudies where changes in Fe oxidation state have been investigated,Fe was reduced by chemical reagents. The probability that any of these reducingagents is a significant factor in naturally-occurring processes is· extremelylow, so one cannot be certain that changes in clay properties. due to Fe oxidationstate can be invoked by natural redox reactions. Hence, studies of naturaTfy-oi:currlngredox agents were un<strong>de</strong>rtaken.The reduction of Fe(!!!) to Fe(II) by microorganisms has been reported withFe in solutions, chelates, and oxi<strong>de</strong>s, but not with Fe in clay mineral structuresuntil only very recently (Stucki and Getty, Agronomy Abstracts 19&6:279;Stucki, Koma<strong>de</strong>l, and Wilkinson, in review; and Wu, Roth, and Low, in review).In the present study, Fe(III) was successfully reduced to Fe(!!) within the crystalstructure of smectites by two isolated microorganisms and by unclassifiedorganisms from rice paddy soils.Smectites used in this study were the < 2 \Jm fractions of Upton (API 25),Wyoming, USA (U); Jelsovy Potok, Czechoslovakia (JP); Kadan-Rokle, Czechoslovakia(KR); and SWa-1, Washington, USA (ferruginous smectite from theSource Clay Minerals Repository). The clays were Na-saturated, dialyzed to

sterile H 20 at room temperature, or in 5% DMSO at -80 °C.Bacterial growth rates and the effect of microbial activity on the oxidationstate of structural Fe in smectites were <strong>de</strong>termined by incubating samples insealed 40 m! tubes. Into each tube was placed a 25 m! portion of nutrient broth(NB), consisting of peptone and beef extract, or modified Thornton's (MT)medium (Thronton's medium without FeCI 3and agar) then see<strong>de</strong>d with thebacterium and 5 ml of clay suspension in water (4 mg/ml). In the control tubes,medium without bacteria and/or water without clay were used. Both PI and13-79 bacteria are gram negative.Isolated 13-79 grew rapidly in both NB and MT media --the bacterial populationdoubled approximately every 10-12 hr. Isolated PI multiplied about onceevery 20 hr in NB, but grew very slowly in the MT medium. Components ofboth NB and bacteria contributed to clay reduc:tion. In the NB medium, both13-7':l and PI bacteria reduced more than 10% of the total Fe in SWa-1 after 7days. But in MT medium, P 1 reduced only 1.7% whereas 13-79 reduced 15.2%of the Fe after 5 days.Bacterial growth and Fe reduction in SWa-1, using MT medium, were alsoinvestigated in the presence of flowing 0 2or N 2gas.Both bacteria grewslowly in N 2in the absence of clay, a~d showed only a small increase in growth·.rate when clay was ad<strong>de</strong>d. The bacterial population was· insufficient in bothcases to produce measureable Fe reduction in the clay. Bubbling 0 2throughthe system supported great populations of both 13-79 and ·p 1, and the additionof SWa-1 ·had no measureable effect on the growth. The Fe(Il) content in theclay, however, was low because of reoxidation of the reduced smectite by 0 2•The reduction of Fe(III) in the crystal structures of smectites by 13-79 inMT medium was exten<strong>de</strong>d to three additional clay minerals with various levelsof total Fe (see Table). Reported in the Table are the Fe(Il) and total Fe contentsof the four smectites before treatment (expressed as % mass of clay), andthe extent of Fe reduction (expressed as Fe(Il)/Total Fe ratio and in absoluteunits of mg Fe(II)/g clay) after 7-days incubation in MT medium with and withoutseeding with the 13-79 bacterium.. 'In the clays with low Fe coht.ent (U and JP), a greater fraction of the totalFe was reduced by 13-79 than in the high-Fe cl~ys (KR and SWa-1). But bacterialpopulations and the absolute level of reduction were higher in KR and323

SW a-l. Bacterial growth apparently is affected by the _t()ta~!"e_~_ontent of theclay, and the amount of Fe reduced increases with increasing bacterial populations.High levels of Fe reduction (13- 20% after 12 days) were observed in SWa-1in MT medium·when see<strong>de</strong>d with bacteria from three different paddy soils fromArkansas. The Fe-reducing. microorganisms in these __ soils have yet to_ be isolatedand classified.In summary, two bacteria which reduce Fe(!Il) to Fe(II) in the structure ofclay minerals were 'classified. Bacterial growth rates were higher un<strong>de</strong>r aerobicthan un<strong>de</strong>r anaerobic conditions, but dissolved 0 2 ·in the rob!Jstly aerobicsystem reoxidized the Fe which had been reduced by the organism. The amountof Fe reduced <strong>de</strong>pends on the total Fe content of the clay and on the bacterialpopulation.Table. Effect of 7-day treatment with 13-79 bacterium in modifiedThornton's (MT)_ medium on the oxidation of structural Fe in foursmectites.Clay Untreated Treated 7 daz:sFe( I!) Fe( tot) Fe(II)/Fe(tot) [%] mg Fe(ll)/g clay[%mass] No Bacteria 13-79 13-79!1:_:u 0.20 2.66 2.4 23.9 6.4JP

~OCL4~·."--!l~.s>~Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS'\ / Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> ArciliasC..~,.Tif. ... t;IUNERALOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS ON BENTONITJ~SFRmT SARDINIAH.JVl. KOSTERLehrstuhl fUr Angewandte JVJineralogie und Geochemie,Technische Universitat JVJiinchen, Lichtenbergstrasse 4,D-8046 Garching, Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Republic of Germany, FRG.Bentonite samples from Sardinia are treated with o.1 MEDTA-solution and 1 JVJ NaCl-solution for. <strong>de</strong>composition of carbonatesand to exchange the naturally adsorbed cations by sodiumand for <strong>de</strong>struction of clay aggregates. Size fractionsare prepared from the treated bentonites by settling and centrifugationof the clay suspensions. The size fractions coarsero. 63 iJ.m rjJ from sev.en bentoni tes consist of quartz and sanidineand the size fractions of one bentonite of quartz andplagioclase. Different amounts of magnetite, or magnetite andhaematite, or haematite only are admixt to the size fractions.The parent rocks of the invewtigated bentonites are rhyolitic·and dacitic tuffs as shown by the relictic minerals.Montmorillonite is concentrated in the finest clay

Summaries - Proceeding'THE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, ~ 987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>GENESIS AND AGE OF KAOLINS: THE WESTERN CARPATHIANSI. KRAUSFaculty of Sciences, Comenius University, Bratislava,Czechoslovakia.A comprehensive account of the given problem representsthe first synthetic outlook on the formation of kaolinsin the Western Carpathians. The following three genetictypes of kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits may be distinguished in thisregio_n: weathering, hydrothermal and sedimentary.I I' "'11,IWEATHERING KAOLINSContrary to classical <strong>de</strong>posits in th~ Bohemian Massif,these weathering kaolins ha~e different parent rocks and morphological-tectonic<strong>de</strong>velopment, and they have <strong>de</strong>veloped indifferent time stages. The. presence of kaolin weatheringcrusts was stated in all units of the inner Western CarpathianMts., where they arose on granitoids or Paleozoicmetamorphites, respectively, and on neovolc~nites.·Kaolin weathering crusts on granitoids are not economicallysignificant, and preserved relics represent the transitiontype between the bisialic and monosialic weatheringin the sense of Pedro /1971/. Kaolinite did not <strong>de</strong>velop onthese rocks by the weathering of K-feldspars, but by thatof only plagioclases and biotite. The illite transformationinto kaolinite has not been recor<strong>de</strong>d during the wholeweathering.The economically significant kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits in theWestern Carpathians have originated by the weathering ofmetarhyolites, where kaolinite was formed through the transformationof albite. In advanced kaolinization of metarhyolites,Na-mica /brammalite/ originates by Na+ rel~aseduring the <strong>de</strong>composition of albite into kaolinite. In such326

_case, the relict muscovite/sericite, or authigenic illitehave been subjected to total transformation into kaolinite.The most extensive kaolin weathering crusts have beenpreserved on sericitic metaquartzites and sericitic-chloriticphyllites, nevertheless, they are not consi<strong>de</strong>red economicallysignificant so far. Kaolinite was formed here bythe transformation of muscovite, or chlorite respectively.In neovolcanic rocks /rhyolites, an<strong>de</strong>sites, basaltsand their volcanoclastics/, kaolinite with frequent admixtureof halloysite, sometimes also allophane, originatesmainly by the weathering of feldspars, volcanic glass,sporadically also biotite,HYDROTHERMAL KAOLINSNeovolcanic formations seem to be the potential occurrencesof' kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits of hydrothermal origin. The mo<strong>de</strong>lof metasomatic zoning in the sense of Volo?tnykh /1972/was confirmed. The stages of synchronous and topochronouszonings were distinguished in this mo<strong>de</strong>l.During the synchronous stage, kaolinite was formed indirect environm~nt of ore 'veins while montmorillonite originatedin a more distant part.'Total metasomatosis of kaolinite -relict mineral ofsynchronous stage, is testified by hydromuscovite of polytypemodification 2M 1in veiny gold bearing quartz in topochronousstage. The top~chronous phase witnesses, at thesame time, to an extensive transformation of montmorilloniteinto mixed layer mineral illite-monmorillonite.SEDIMENTARY KAOLINSThese have the character of kaolinite sands andgravels. They constitute· a p,rt of the sedimentary fillingin Neogene basins of river and lake facies. They have beenformed by the re<strong>de</strong>position of-the upper part of kaolinweathering crusts. Sedimentary ka~lins register reliablypresence of source areas, the intensity and extent of pri-327

mary kaolinization. Smaller part of kaolinite in sedimentarykaolins is of authigenic · origrn. ·A substantia_J:-p·a-r-t ·is represented by allothigenic kaolinite which has formedin original kaolin weathering crust.DISTRIBUTION OF MICROELEMENTS IN KAOLINSIt was observed ~n the fraction bellow 2 micrometers.It is primarily <strong>de</strong>termined by the character of parent·rock§, In kaolin weathering, the majority of observed· microelements concentrate in the clay fraction, which isin particular evi<strong>de</strong>nt in the case of B, Cu, Sn, Ni and Co.Adverse ten<strong>de</strong>ncy is manifested only by Ba and Sr.As opposed to weathering kaolins, the hydrothermalones are more or less <strong>de</strong>ficient in the presence of Cu, Ni,Co, V, Cr, Ti, Zr and Ba. The B, V contents increase andthat of Zr <strong>de</strong>creases during the re<strong>de</strong>position of kaolinsfrom the weathering crusts into sedimentation basins.IIl1KAOLINIZATION AGEIn, Tertiaty, the ol<strong>de</strong>st, reliably confirmed kaolinizationtook place before Egerian and during, or beforeOligocene. The main stage of hypergene kaolinization tookplace only after the Styrian folding phase from Ba<strong>de</strong>nianto Pontian, when all significant kaolin weathering·crustshave formed and constituted. It is mainly rhyolitevolcanism of Sarmatian-Panonian age that is significant forthe hydrothermal kaolinization.REFERENCESPEDRO, G. /1971/: Eksperimentalnye issledovaniya geokhemicheskogovyvetrivaniya kristallicheskikh porod. Mir;Moskva, l-251.VOLOSTNYKH, G.T. /1972/: Argillizatsiya i oru<strong>de</strong>neniye.Nedra, Moskva, 1-240.I ~ , i328

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>FORMATION OF MINERALPHASES OF VARIOUS MAGNESIUM LAYER-SILICATES DURINGFIRINGH. KROMER*), D. ROSE*), K. H. SCHOLLER**)*) Staatl. Forschungsinsti tut fur Angewandte Mineralogie bei <strong>de</strong>r TU­Munchen, D-8400 Regensburg, West-Germany**) Georg-Simon-Ohm-Fachhochschule, D-8500 Nurnberg, West-GermanyMagnesium layer-silicates like talcs and steatites are used for variousindustrial applications. Their technological appliability as ceramic rawmaterials- is controlled . . by the.structure , which is <strong>de</strong>veloped duringfiring. This again <strong>de</strong>pends on certain features of the raw material likechemical and mineralogical composition and crystal size. In or<strong>de</strong>r to geta better knowledge. of the relationships between the' composition of theraw materials and the fired products a series of talcs and steatites wasexamined as received and after firing. to 1300 °C.Three groupes of raw materials are consi<strong>de</strong>red. They concern increasingcontents of iron oxi<strong>de</strong>, alumina and calcia respectively.Group 1 is characterized by. increasing iron contents. -Iron is partly incorporatedin the talc structure, partly in accessory minerals likechlorite and hematite. The amounts of n.ickel and chromium indicate thatthose. samples having total iron oxi<strong>de</strong> contents of· more than 4 % generatedfrom ultra mafic rocks.· During firing the iron oxi<strong>de</strong> promotes theformation of cri stobal i te, protoenstati te is the pyroxene phase formedfrom these materials. The occurence'of further pyroxene Phases is uncertainbut spinels and some olivine could be i<strong>de</strong>ntified by x-ray diffractionand by scanning electron micrographs.The increasing contents of alumina of group 2 is caused by an increasingamount of chlorite in the samples. Calcia is rather low in the samplesun<strong>de</strong>r consi<strong>de</strong>ration. As the iron oxi<strong>de</strong> contents are below 1 % in allsamples of this group it is confirmed that the chlorites associated withtalcs are predominantly of the magnesium-aluminium type. The alumina hasa consi<strong>de</strong>rable effect on t'he phase formation during firing. It causesthe formation of cordierite. But the type of pyroxene is also affected by329

the a lumina; c 1 i nopyroxene occurs besi<strong>de</strong>s protoenstati te in the fired"-----~~-....-~~ .--~~--~ ~~ ~-product.The third group is. characterized by increasing calcia contents whereasalumina and iron oxi<strong>de</strong> are remarkably low. The calcia is incorporated indolomite. Some quartz was found in the samples having higher contents ofdolomite. The calcia causes the formation of diopsi<strong>de</strong>. Protoenstatite<strong>de</strong>creases the more the higher the calcia contents of the sample are. Theexcessive silica is consumed by the formation of diopsi<strong>de</strong> and thuscr~stobalite disappears in the fired product with increasing calciacontents. However, quartz is partly preserved un<strong>de</strong>r the firing conditionsapplied in our investigations which indicates a retar<strong>de</strong>d reaction withthe other phases. In<strong>de</strong>ed quartz is present in a rather coarse grainsize.Other samples high in iron oxi<strong>de</strong>, alumina and calcia are extremely impureand contain various accessory minerals. The reaction sequencesduring .firing of these materials are rather compli~ated and need furtherstudies.The results indicate the significance ~fchemical impurities and accessoryminerals for the reaction running during firing of ceramic ware.iThey explain why only certain steathes with low impurity levels can beconsi<strong>de</strong>red reasonablley for an application in ceramics.330

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain,-1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>FORMATION OF CLAY MINERALS BY MECHANOCHEMICAl,..REACTIONS DURING GRINDING OF BASALT UNDER WATERR.A. Kiihnel 1 and S.J. van <strong>de</strong>r Gaast 21. Delft University of Technology/Institute for Aerial Survey- I.T.C.Delft, The Netherlands2. Netherlands Institue for Sea Research, Texel, .The NetherlandsDurability of basalt is essential for its utilization as constructionmaterial for roads and water works. According to their composition somebasalts show ten<strong>de</strong>ncies for fast weathering and/or mechanical <strong>de</strong>cay. Insuch <strong>de</strong>grading processes, clay. minerals and fn particular smectites play animportant role.Some clay minerals are always present in basaltic rocks, however, theyare of different origin: 1) Hydrothermal clay minerals which wereformedin the early postvolcanic stage. Hot solutions which have saturated justsolidified rocks cause alteration of some constituents; e.g: glass, zeolites,feldspathoids and feldspars. Hydrothermal clay minerals also occur alongfrissures, fractures, faults and other d~scontinuity planes dueto the attackof migrating hydrothermal solutions on the, host rock. 2) Hypergeneous clayminerals which were formed by weathering processes un<strong>de</strong>r subaerial orsubaquatic conditions at the surface of lithosphere in contact withatmosphere and hydrosphere respectively. 3) Neoformed clay minerals(artefacts) have been observed on basalts •ground in water un<strong>de</strong>r laboratoryconditions.By grinding- a large, new and active surface is generated and numerousions have been liberated from the rock- water interaction. Dissolved alkalimetals and alkali earths control the pH which olibasa!t suspensions washigher than eight in all cases. Un<strong>de</strong>r such conditions, when the silica andalumina are present, the precipitation of poorly crystalline aluminosilicatesis favorized. With ageing of such quasiamorph, precursor, clay minerals cancrystallize in time. I{ hydrothermal clay minerals are present, they act as331

nuclei for neoformed crystallites.A series of X-ray diffraction analyses (humidity diffractometry) hasbeen carried out on basalts ground in water and in cyclohexane. The secondagent has been applied in or<strong>de</strong>r to discriminate mechanical process ofdiminution un<strong>de</strong>r dry conditions from mechanochemical reactions whichaccompany the water- rock interaction. Basalt samples (1-2 mmfragments) were ground in a vibration mill in the presence of a liquid (atsolid: liquid ratio 1:10) for one minute. After milling, the surface area of 'about 18m 2 was reached. X-ray ·diffraction analyses were carried out onoriented preparations (- 4 urn) with an internal standard of 1% MoS 2 for thechecking of the <strong>de</strong>gree of preferred orientation and for the correction ofintensities.By means of step scanning and subsequent smoothing, X.-ray diffractionpatterns have been recor<strong>de</strong>d within the range of 1.5-10 °20. Orientedpreparations were later exposed to a flow of wetted helium directly in thediffractometer. After a period of conditioning, X-ray patterns were carried, out at 100, 50 and 0% relative humidities.The major differences of X-ray patterns on basalt ground incyclohexane and in water can be summarized as follows:1) On basalt ground in water it was always substantially a higherbackground due to a higher amount of quasiamorphous substances.2) Basalts ground in cyclohexane showed only limited sensivity to thehumidity unless some smectite were already present in the rock.3) A diffuse, humidity sensitive 001 reflection 14-17 A has been observedon basalts ground in water. The "bulge" is differently modulated at 0,50 and 100% relative humidity. A shift toward lower 20 anglesindicates lattice expansion due to hydration.4) Already existing peaks of clay minerals in basalts.generally becomemore intensive after grinding in water.The above mentioned changes of X-ray patterns show that during thegrinding in water, amorphous or poorly crystalline aluminosilicates aregenerated by mechanochemical reactions. From these quasiamorphousprecursors smectites can crystallize in time either by ageing or by332

. Figure 1 X-RAY patterns of ground basalts.0 '/,rh50 '/, rh100 •1. rhCHX = cyclohexaneoBHovergrowing already existing crystallites of clay minerals. In such cases,intensities of reflections substantially increases.IExamples of three basalts are <strong>de</strong>monstrated in figure 1. Basalt W is themost stable one. Its background after gr1nding in cyclohexane is low and notsensitive for humidity. Grinding in water has caused an increase ofbackground which varies in shape at different humidities. Basalt~ is anintermediate case and basalt.!:!_ shows the'-highest ten<strong>de</strong>ncy to <strong>de</strong>cay. Itshows distinct smectite 001 reflection 14-15A shifted to 17A at higherhumidities.Swelling effects of smectite present and/or generated by grindingaccelerate the process of che~ical w~athering~ Simultaneously a weakeningof mechanical properties takes place. From the behavior of basalts duringmilling in water and cyclohexane chemical and mechanical stability of therock can be predicted.333

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaf\ola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>IMPACT OF EOLIAN INPUTS ON CENOZOIC CLAY SEDIMENTATIONIN NE ATLANTIC ~· ·-~-~~"---.~- -- -C. Latouche and N. MailletInstitut <strong>de</strong> Geologie du Bassin

~oCLAr·.,-s~"'~• ·Summanes - Proceedings. THE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS'\ / Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>(.._llort.-,•EVOLUTION OF PALEOSOILS WITH SEPIOLITE DEVELOPMENT INTHE MADRID BASIN (SPAIN).S. LEGUEY, M. POZO, J.A. MEOINA and R. VIGIL.Department of Agrochemistry,Geology and Geochemistry. AutonomaUniversity of Madrid. (Spain) •. The evolution of the mineral components of sepiolite predominantroch.s is analyzed according to: geological· characteristics, texturalfeatures and spatial distribution. The analysis was ma<strong>de</strong> in samp·lesof seriate profiles in wh_ich the mineralogical composition hadpreviously been <strong>de</strong>termined by X-ray analysis. The texture, microfab·ricand accurate analysis were <strong>de</strong>termined using thin laminasections and scanning electron riJicroscopy (S.E.M.) with an incorp_£rated EDAX system.The materials studied belong to exploited <strong>de</strong>posits in the Neogenebasin of Madrid. These <strong>de</strong>posits are associated with two typesof material, ·separated by an erosive-type sedimentary contact:a) Green clays, principally containing magnesic smectites, fromthe intermediate Miocene, with <strong>de</strong>posits over an area of approx.!_mately 25 Km and an average potent1al " . of 6-8 m. Sepiolite and//or palygorsh.ite content ranged from 40-90%, and carbonates,illite and aluminium smectites towards the upper limit.b) Brown, sandy clays, of clay origin belonging to the transitionbetween the middle and upper Miocene in which sepiolite levelsappear, with a potential of 1-5 m over almos 50 Km. Averagesepiolite proportions range between 60.,-85%, together with 5-20%of quartz, and <strong>de</strong>creasing amounts of smectites, mica andfel<strong>de</strong>sp~ars(0-10%), and traces of dolomite, C-T opal, palygorsh.ite,kaolinite and sometimes zeolites.On a field scale, the materials present vertic features (prismaticdisyuntions, slih.ensi<strong>de</strong>s, etc.) Fe and Mn oxi<strong>de</strong> tinctures, noduleformation and scattered organic material. In thin section335

there appeared reticular, granular, ban<strong>de</strong>d and nodular textures,- ==-~-" ~~~-~·---===--~-~-~--~of a generally transluscent material, presenting gradation phenomenain the interstices, in the clay predominating areas, and of por~lining and pore-filling, in sandy areas.The sepiolite in both units is generated on paleosurfaces onwhich the formation of vertic, hydromorphous or calcimorphous soilstakes place, which <strong>de</strong>velop in the distal zones of alluvial fans.These materials of the intermediate unit come mainly from metamorphicrocks (schists and gneisses), rich in biotite, and fro[11 gra,nitesand gneisses in the intermediate-upper transition unit.Smectite formation is favoured during flooding perio.ds. Associatedwith this are plant residues and organic matter, which canreach up to 4.5% in some areas.Sepiolite formation would take place in the intermediate unit,by hypergenesis of magnesium smectites, and in the upper intermediateunit, due to alteration of clay materials by water rich inMg, that come from the washing of magnesium clays and dolomitematerials, in the 5-SE of the basin, wiich emerge due to tectonicaction. In a climate of contrasts, with wet and dry periods, andan absence of sedimentation, <strong>de</strong>siccation phenomena ·abound, resultingin the formation of lattices and nodules. Neoformation of sepialitemainly occurs in pores and cracks, closely rela.ted to the progress on the water table. Fibrous aggregate <strong>de</strong>velopment <strong>de</strong>pends onthe presence of free spaces.A lacustrine regime settled in the lower paleosurface after theformation of vertic paleosoi Is; This regime contained ·expansive andretractive episo<strong>de</strong>s with <strong>de</strong>velopment of biomicrites <strong>de</strong>trital sheetflows and calcimorphous paleosoils. Tilting of the Insular shelfcreated an uneven surface, with elevated zones, in which circulationof carbonate-rich waters is activated, cau_sing mobi I ization ofMg from levels containing sepiolite, producing residual silcretes,with sepiolite and dolomites, as well as diagenetic _palygorskite,when there is a significant prSportion of terrigenous <strong>de</strong>posits amongcarbonated layers.Sepiolitic materials of the upper paleosurface are covered andprotected by clay sediments from -alluvial fans. Only a generalincrease in silification is note·d, as is the calcrete d€lvelopment336

towards the NE of the basin.Evi<strong>de</strong>nce of various sepiolite generations is found in the microfabric.A primary generation <strong>de</strong>velops in irregular or squashedglomerules and a secondary generation <strong>de</strong>velops in the interglomerular pores (secondary porosity).,,337

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SiXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MODE OF FORMATION OF Mg-BEARING CL~YF. LIPPMANNMINERALSMineralogisches Institut <strong>de</strong>r Universitat, D-7400 TlibingenIn Germany, Triassic sedimentation inclu<strong>de</strong>s at leastthree phases of restricted conditions characterized bythe <strong>de</strong>position of gypsum (anhydrite) and, in places,rocksalt. These evaporative events occur in the Rot(at the transition from Buntsandstein to Muschelkalk),·.in the Middle Muschelkalk, and in the Keuper. The clayfractions in all these formations are distinguishedfrom other Mesozoic sediments by the occurrence ofcorrensi te. A recent study of the I1iddle Musc:helkalk·has shown that certain beds are rich in a thermostablechlorite, which represen~sMg~bearinganother neoformation of asilicate besi<strong>de</strong>s corrensite. Comparison withclay-mineral suites from non-evaporitic Triassic andJurassic sediments leads to the conclusion that theMg-bearing minerals must-have formed largely at theexpense of kaolinite in brines 1 rich in Mg 2 +. In thepertinent chemical reactio~, not only Mg 2 +but alsoequivalent amounts of OH-are consumed.These anions, or generally speaking alkalinity, aregenerated by weathering in continental environmentsun<strong>de</strong>r warm climates. When discharged into a_\ normalmarine basin, the alkalinity is consumed entirely bycarbonate precipitation. Only in a restricted basincan part of the OH-ions become active in the transformationof silicates, notably clay m;i.nerals.The Mg-bearing minerals corrensite and chlorite arethus not indicators of evaporation as.are gypsum(anhydrite), rocksalt and other salt minerals. Ratherthey point to another aspect of a restricted basin,viz. , that of collecting alkaline waters -<strong>de</strong>rived. fromadjacent continents.338

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. Socied

~:El:lQ QQllt!llli Q;f >;a:tiQil~ .lQ..Qm .uQm 2.MmAa 1. 2.0 1. 16 1. 08 0.38 AzuagaAb 1.18 0.81 0.96 0.22Ac 1. 23 0.98 1. 10 0.97SMa 1. 11 0.72 0.41 0.32 Santa Mart aSlfu 1. 13 0.60 0.52 0.18SMc 1. 12 0.52 0.81 0.10LRa 0.90 0.63 0.42 0.42 La Roca <strong>de</strong>LRb 0.81 0.57 0.21 0 .. 12 ],_a SierraLRc 0 .. 92 ,0.81 0.65 0.41"')iI340

TABLE-III:J:lQ QQlli!illli Qf §i!!ill:iQi:t;§l§;~ ~ LQQiliiQllAl.1-1 0.024 Alange 1Al1-2 0.012All-3 0.019Al1-4 0.030Al2-1 0.081 Alange 2Al2-2 0.036Al2-3 0.086Al2-4 0.025Al2-5 0.041Al2-6 0.038Al2-7 0.046ZA1 0.018 Zarza <strong>de</strong> AlangeZA2 0. 031ZA3 0.029ZA4 0:021"LCBal 0.049 La CodoseraLCBa2 0.028LCBr1 0.034 La Codosera 2·LCBr2 0.043LCBr3 0.060LCBr4 0.041CR1-1 0.019 CristinaCRl-2 0.023CR1-3 0. 028CR1-4 0.034341

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SUBBETIC, MIDDLE-CRETACEOUS, DARK MUDSTONES ON THE SOUTHERN IBERIAN PALAEO­MARGIN: ANALYSIS OF THE CLAYS AND THEIR PALAEOGEOGRAPHIC-IMPLICATIONS--,-~----LOPEZ GALINDO, A.(l, 2 ); COMAS MINONDO, M.C.( 2 ) & FENOLL HACH-ALI, P.(l, 2 )(1) Departamento <strong>de</strong> Mineralogia y Petrologia. (2) Institute Andaluz <strong>de</strong> GeologiaMediterranea, C.S.I.C. Facultad <strong>de</strong> Ciencias. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada.18071 Granada (Spain).A problem of consi<strong>de</strong>rable interest st the present moment is an un<strong>de</strong>rstandingof the palaeogeographical and environmental significance of the anaerobicblack-shale type facies which were <strong>de</strong>posited during the Aptian-Coniacisn bothon the continental margins and in the ocean troughs.In the palaeogeographical domain known as the Subbetic Zone, which formedpart or the Southern Iberian Mesozoic Palaeomargin, this type of facies iswell represented. The sediments of this zone are similar to those of otherTethycian margins with alternate sequences of hemipelagic and turbidi tic facies,the principal component of wbich is by and large bentonitic clay.In this work we intend to analyse the mineralogical, and geochemical characteristicsof these Subbetic Cretaceous facies in an· attempt to distinguishor corroborate already i<strong>de</strong>ntified palaeogeographical subdivisions in the Zoneand also to throw light on the environmental conditions that controlled thesedimentation in this part of the Tethys during the Aptian-Coniacian age.METHODOLOGYWe took samples from the clay-rich levels and also f~om the organic-matterrichbeds in all the successions studied. In the turbiditic_sequences we tookfurther samples from some peli te levels genetically associated with them.The mineralogical analysis of the saml"les was carried out mainly by X-raydiffraction and electron microscope studies. For the former we used a PhilipsPW 1710 diffractometer, Cui

MINERAL ASSOCIATIONS.AND THEIR PALAEOGEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTIONThe mineral associations to be found in the different sequences studiedbelong to three main groups and point to the existence·of th~ee palaeogeographicalsub-domains !Figure 1).1. Northern SequencesThe typical association in these sequences is phyllosilicates (illite-kaolinite~chlorite-mixed-layers-smectite)~calcite-quartz-feldspar.Illite is thedominant clay in all the samples taken, accounting for up to 90% ·of the materialat times. Kaolinite and chlorite are always present, although togetherthey never amount to more.than 20%. Their concentration does increase significantly,however, in the turbiditic pelites of the sequences found nearest tothe Cretaceous palaeocontinerit. The mixed-layers and the smectites only occurin minor quantities.2. Central SequencesThese sequences are characterised by the phyllosilicates (smectites-illitepalygorskite-kaolinite)-quartz-calcite-feldsparassociation. in the hemipelagicsamples the phyllosilicates are dominant while calcite is more abundant inthe turbiditic pelites. The most frequent clay mineral to be found in bothtypes of sample are smecti tes, normally accounting for more than 50% of thematerial, followed by illi te,. in quantities ranging from 10% to 40%. In the·westernmost outcrops palygorskite is abundant in about· the same quantities andkaolinite is absent, while in the easyern outcrops kaolinite is to be found inquanti ties of about 10% and palygorski t'\_ is abs.ent. Chlori te and mixed-layersare sometimes represented but to a minor <strong>de</strong>gree •. 3. Southern SequencesIn these sequences two different associations may be i<strong>de</strong>ntified, <strong>de</strong>pendingon the amount of· calcite present.· Thus, in the Internal Subbetic sequencesa phyllosilicate ·(smec~ites-illite-kaolinite-palygorskite)-quartz-opal CTcalcite-clinoptiloli te-feldspar association is to be. found, with mineral proportionssimilar to those. of the central sequences, while in the Penibeticsequences· a calci te-phyllosilicates association occurs, ma<strong>de</strong> up of calcite­(smectites-illite-palygorskite-kaolinite-mixed-layers)-quartz.Bearing .in mind the· ?isposi tion 0~ the various sequences ~ncountered in theSouthern· Iberian ·Paleomargin, together with the distribution of the gr'avi tationalsediments and the mineralogical characteristics .of. all the facies.involved,. we suggest that two main trough environments existed in this domainduring the Middle-Cretaceous:THE SEPTENTRIONAL TROUGH. In this trough our "n

THE MERIDIONAL TROUGH. 'The sediments .in this trough inclu<strong>de</strong> our "central"and "southern" sequences and are clearly di'ffer·ent-·from-th·ose~-tn'"'th·e-otller-.--·The frequent absence of calcite in the pelagic levels would indicate a <strong>de</strong>epersedimentary environment, probably below ·the · calci t"' compensation <strong>de</strong>pth. Thedistribution of. the clay minerals .suggests ~hat, in this trough, bottom and/or contour currents played an important role in tran~porting the clays.This would explain the composi tional- uniformi t;r of the Subbetic samples andalso their similarity to coetaneous Atiantic facies. Both the chemical compositionand the crystallinity of the smectites and .their association with clinoptiloliteand palygorskite appear to suggest that they <strong>de</strong>rive in great partfrom the submarine alteration of basic volcanic rocks (L6pez Galindo, 1986).REFERENCESL6pez Galindo, A. (1986). Las facies oscuras <strong>de</strong>l Cretacico Medic en la ZonaSubbetica. ·Mineralogia y Sedimentaci6n. Doctoral Thesis. Univ. Granada.344

u~kmineralogyNORTHERN SEQUENCES Il~lda';i'JCENTRAL SEQUENCES I .,&»}Bclaymineralogy*~'lJI~w.j>.01c-~bulk miner>.SOUTHERN SEQUENCES (B)50 KM.D Phyllosil.~ Quartz/Opal CT~Calcit-e• Feldspar~ S.mectites~ Illite~ Palygorskite~Hi:! Kaolinite~ Mixed-layersFIGURE 1. Geological map of the Eetic Cordiltera, showing asimplified scheme of the various l"lineral ·associations·.SE = Intermediate Units and Exterr~l Subbetic. SM = MedianSubbetic. SI = Internal Subbetic. PEN = Penibetic.

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE DISTRIBUTION OF RARE-EARTH ELEMENTS IN THE CRETACEOUS DARK MUDSTONES OFTHE SUBBETIC ZO~E (BETIC CORDILLERA, SPAIN)LOPEZ GALINDO, A. (l); MELONI, 5.( 2 ) & ODDONE, M.( 3 )(1) Departamento <strong>de</strong> Minera~ogia y Petrologia. Insti tu to Andaluz <strong>de</strong> GeologiaMediterranea. Facultad <strong>de</strong> Ciencias. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada. (2) Centra C.N.R.per la Radiochimica e l'Analisi per Attivazione, Dipartamento di Chi~ica Generale,Universita di Pavia. (3) Dipartamento di Chimica Generale, Universita diPavia, Italia.One of the authors of this paper has recently carried out an <strong>de</strong>tailed studyof the mineralogy and geochemistry of the Cretaceous,anaerobic, black-shalefacies which are to be '·found in abundance in the. Sub be tic Zone ( L6p,ez Galindo,~986). These sediments are believed to have accumulated in some of the troughrealms that existed in the Cretaceous, Southern Iberian Paleomargin from theAptian to the Lower Senonian un<strong>de</strong>r extensive-regime conditions (Garcia-Duefiasand Comas, 1983).The mineralogy of these sediments has revealed the existence of two maintroughs in which different types of pelagic and turbidi tic materials, containingdistinct mineral associations, accumulated (cf. L6pez, Comas and Fenoll,this .volume) .In this paper we intend to shol!l how the distribution of the rare earths canbe a useful pointer when attempting to characterise the environments thatprevailed in these two troughs. To this end we have selected some of the mostcharacteristic samples of the sequences which represent this palaeomargin.METHODOLOGYThe analyses were carried out at th~ University of: Pavia (Italy), usinga Triga Mark II reactor (250 Kw). 300 grs of sample and also of standard rocks(G-1', GSP-1 and BUV0-1) were irradiated for· 15 hours at a thermal flux ofabout 1 x 10 12 n cm - 2 s- 1 , followed by a second irradiation of 5 minutes at athermal flux of about 2 x 1012 n ~m-2 s-1 in or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>termine the short-livedradionucli<strong>de</strong>s. After the first irradiation the samples were left in soiutionfor 3 days before being processed and after the second it was necessaryto leave them in solution for 30 minutes before analysing them by gamma speotrometry.To this end a Ge(Li) <strong>de</strong>tector (1.71 KeV FWHM for the 1332 KeV gammaray of 6 ° Co) was used. The elements analysed were La, Ce,. Pr, Nd,. Sm, Eu,Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb and Lu.346

RESULTSIn the presentation of our results (cf. fig. 1) we have grouped the sequencesstudied into the three domains usually recognized within the Subbetic Zoneas a whole: fromNorth to South, the External,_Median and Internal Subbetic.Although in general the distribution pattern . for all three domains isvery much the same, with three important negative anomalies in Ce, Eu and Ybsimilar to those observ.ed in seawater, there are several phenomena worth noting:111211EXTERNAL SUBBETICHED !AN SUBSET! C (w)"'·~ '" 110IU{;1:: 51()50ti............ "' '"~§ 11ID-":> A) B)lDDMEDIAN SUBBETIC (E) 211INTERNAL SUBBETIC...."' '" ..,100IDD{; 501::50()ti.......tJ)•..... '"! ID IDC) D) "la Eu Yb L• Eu YbFIGURE 1. Chondrite-normaLized REE distributionin the Cretaceou~dark mudstones of theSubbetic Zone. A) ExternaL Subbetic; B) Westernmostsequences of the Median Subbetic; C)Easternmost sequences of the Median Subbetic;DJ InternaL Subbetia.- the highest concentrations of rare earths are to be found in the Septentrional~rough(External Subbetic) (cf. figure lA). This characteristic is tied toa massive presence of typically <strong>de</strong>trital minerals, such as illite, kaoliniteand chlorite.- within the Meridional trough, which roughly covers both the Median and theInternal Subbetic, the lowest values of REare reached in those sequencesshowing a smectite-illite-palygorskite association (cf. fig. 18 and 10).A study of the Ce/Ce • (as proposed by Courto·~s and Hoffert, 1977) and th 10Yb/Yb* ratio, as indicators to the extent of the ~egative anomalies in theseelements, reveals a cleaz: less.ening of the <strong>de</strong>tri t'ic influence from North to347

South ( Ce/

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE CLAY MINERALOGY AND GEOTECHNICAL PROPERTIES OF THE LANDSLIP AT OLIVARES(MOCLIN, PROVINCE OF GRANADA, SOUTHERN SPAIN)LOPEZ GALINDO, A. ( 1 • 3 ) & C~CON MONTERO, J. ( 2 • 3 )'(1) Departamento <strong>de</strong> Mineralogia y Petrologia. (2) Departamento <strong>de</strong> Geodinamica.(3) Institute Andaluz <strong>de</strong> Geologia Mediterranea, C.S.I.C. Facultad <strong>de</strong>Ciencias. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada. 18071 Granada.On 12 April 1986 the village of Olivares in the municipality of Moclin wasovertaken by a dramatic event. The "Barranco <strong>de</strong>l Hundi<strong>de</strong>ro" began to· moveand the existence of· the village itself appeared to be imperilled. The barranco,or narroW ravine, is. notorious for small sli<strong>de</strong>s that·occur during therainy season, but this time some 180.000 square metres (5 million metrictonnes) of earth and rock started to <strong>de</strong>scend at about 2 ms per hour. Thislandslip was due to a rotational: slump in the barranco, producing an earthflow which threatened to dam the' nearby river Velillos (cf. figure 1) andflood the village of Olivares. Emergency work managed to keep the river freeand drain the earth flow of water, until it was finally stopped o~ 25 April1986, thus averting the danger for the present. The Junta <strong>de</strong> Andalucia (TheRegional Government) has asked the University of Granada to produce a geologicalreport on this phenomenon, and some of the initial findings are presentedbelow.GEOLOGICAL SETTINGThe village of Olivares is situated adjacent to the Liassic dolostones andlimestones of the Moclin Unit, which, in this area, thrust over the Cretaceousand Tertiary materials of the Median Subbetic Domain.The materials which have begun to slump belong geologically to the Far<strong>de</strong>sFormation (Comas, 1978), a unit which crops out extensively in the Mid-SubbeticZone along a 200 Kmbelt from Puerto Lopez in the Province of Granada toZarcilla <strong>de</strong> Ramos in Murcia. The facies inclu<strong>de</strong> several kinds of carbonateturbidi tes and olistostromes together with hemipelagic sediments rich insmecti tes, all typical of 'the Albian-Turonian age in this area. An analysisof the turbiditic associations shows that the clastic sediments were <strong>de</strong>positedby <strong>de</strong>ep-sea fans existing in the Cretaceous bas-ins and also that large?)quanti ties of material were carried from submerged swells down the slopesof these basins by gra:vi tational processes, thus transporting pelagic andhemipelagic sediments to the <strong>de</strong>epest parts of the troughs.349

FIGURE 1. GeneraLized geoLogic scheme of the area around LosOLivares. D2-D3 = MocLin Unit. Grl-Gr2 = Cretaceous of the MedianSubbetic. Cg = Quaternary. The LandsLip is indicated bymeans of gross Lines.METHODOLOGY___ Atterberg li~its_o( bo~h undisturbed_and _remoul<strong>de</strong>d samples ~f 'the Olivaressli<strong>de</strong> were established in or<strong>de</strong>r to plot the liquid limits and the plasticityin<strong>de</strong>x on a Casagran<strong>de</strong> Plasticity Chart. The standard Unified Soil Classification,System of the samples was <strong>de</strong>termined according to the D 2487-83 ASTM<strong>de</strong>signation. The lithology of the samples was divi<strong>de</strong>d into four groups andtheir consistency and mineralogy were compared. The mineralogical analysiswas carried out by X-ray diffraction, using a Pb)lips PW 1710 diffractometer;CuK« radiation and a scanning speed of between 1° to 6° in dry pow<strong>de</strong>r specimentsand orientated aggregates.MINERALOGYFour main lithologies can be i<strong>de</strong>ntified in the 1anslip. The outcrops andcore evi<strong>de</strong>nce show that the upper.part of-the moving material consists mainlyof black and dark green claystones. Grey and green marls and clayey marlscan also be seen in the Hundi<strong>de</strong>ro barranco cropping out along the main scarpat the souther'n si<strong>de</strong> of the crown of the sli<strong>de</strong>. Interbed<strong>de</strong>d in the sequenceare levels of red marls, while within the barranco itself are altered marlsand quaternary soils.On the whole the most important _minerals in all the samples taken arephyllosilicates' quartz' calcite and feldspars' with minor q':'anti ties of gypsum,dolomite and opal CT. The proportions in which these minerals occurare shown in Table I.350

The quanti ties of several of the clay minerals have been <strong>de</strong>termined bothfor fractions of < 2 microns and 2-20 microns. The character and proportionsof these are shown in Table II. It can be seen that smecti tes are the dominantfacies, 'eaching at times proportions of up tq 90% of the material sampled.Illi te and palygorski te are also abundant, although their proportionsdo not usually exceed' 40%. Chlori te and kaolini te, although not always present,represent between 5% and 15% of the. total, occurring normally in the2-20 microns fraction.Crystalographic analysis ·shows a high <strong>de</strong>gree of crystallinity in the smec.:.tites (0.8-0.9) which diminishes significantly in the silt fraction of thesoil samples ( 0.25-0.45) •.. The b 0of the smecti tes indicates that they aredioctahedral with values of around 9.025-9.045, which points to an Fe + Mgcontent in octahedral positions of about 0.7-0.9 atomslper half-unit cell.TABLE I. BuLk mineraLogy and U.S.S. Classification of the severaLlithologies distinguished in the landslip at Olivares.MINERAL Dark clays Grey marls Re.d marls · SoilsPhyllosil,ic. 60-85 25-60 30-45 35-40Quartz 10-20 5-25 3-6 5-10Calcite 0-15 25-70 50-65 35-50Dolomite 0-2 0-2 0-3 0-20Feldspar 0-4 0-2 0-2Gypsum 0-5 0-5Opal CT · 0:-21U.S.C.S. CH , MH CL,CL-MI~_. (ML) CH,MH,CL CL , MLTABLE II. Clay mineralogy {%) of the 2 micron and 2-20 micron fradtionsand parameters <strong>de</strong>termined in the samples from Olivares.MINERAL Dark clays Grey marls Red marls· Soils

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> ArciilasCHARACTERIZATION OF THE PHYLLOSILICATES IN'METAMORPHIC ROCKS OF THESOUTHERN HESPERIAN MASSIF ( OSSA-MORENA AND CENTRAt.::IBERIA1'l--znNES')~·-~·~ - -A. LOPEZ MUNGUIRA and E. SEBASTIAN PARDO+Dpto. Geologia. Facultad <strong>de</strong> Qiencias. 06071 BADAJOZ. (Spain)Dpto. Min. y Petrol. Facultad dlil Ciencias. 18002 GRANADA. (Spain)IINTRODUCTIONThe metamorphic precambriam rocks that inclu<strong>de</strong> the Ossa-Morena Zone(OMZ) are a series of biotite schist, amphibolytes, shales, and blackquartzites,with a high organic content and major contribution from vmmcanic-typematerials.The characteristic series of the Central-Iber'ian ~one (CIZ) are ma<strong>de</strong>upof conglomerates, sa:ndstO.nes, greywackes and ·lutites also having a -high organic content (Complejo Esquisto Grauvaquico). The age of 'this-­complex is middle upper Vendian-lower Cambriam /1/.MINERALOGYRocks from the OMZ have.phyllosilicates in varyingJ proportions,whereas quartz and feldspar retain a relatively uniform distribution (­fig. la).The phyllosilicates found are mainly micas. Chlbri te oc'curs in highlyvariable proportions, .and others such as kaolinite, smectite, or mixed-­layer minerals appear sporadically.The micas are generally dioctahedral, although there exist trioctahe­Qdral types. The ave~age value of the parameter b 0is 9.015 A for the forQ'mer and 9.173 A for the latter. They all show a clear phengite .ten<strong>de</strong>ncy-(fig. lb) /2/. Crystallinity in<strong>de</strong>x (CI) ranges from 0.18 to 0.25Q of ·2~,measured at the 004 reflection, indicating a high <strong>de</strong>gree of crystallinity.The iron content (%of Fe 2o 3), calculated from the intensities of thebasal reflections I 004;I 002/3/, varies wi<strong>de</strong>ly from 1 to 7%, the uppervaluebeing characteristic of the biotites.On the other hand, the chlorites show quite homogeneous crystallochemicalparameters (fig. le; calculated following /4/, and may be classi-­fied as ferric clinochlores /5/. The average value of parameter b is-­Q09.290 A.352

a).Q0010 004IFet1'b) ~·....;·. .,.. ·.·:.···.C)...··. 002 •.;. . .. ~·'FeldFigure 1. Triangular Diagrams corresponding to the Ossa-Morena·zone •.The remaining phyllosilicates, kaolini te, smecti te.s, and mixed-layerc::hlorite-vermiculites, appear in amounts oif little·significance and areinterpreted as forming in the ~eathering of feldspar and phyllosilicates •. In the CIZ (Complejo Esqui.sto'Grauvaquico), the feldspa.r content is-.relatively constant, except for certain samples whi.ch might be consi<strong>de</strong>redto be feldspar-greywackes. Quartz and phyl1osilicates are found in varyingproportions, with the .latter always predominant (fig. 2a). The pr~portion of mica is greater than 50%. Its phengiti

The existence of or<strong>de</strong>red mixed-layer chlorite-vermiculite in apprec~~ble proportions is worthy of note. This could b"e ___ in"Cerpre-tea as--or~g~na:::ting in an altering of chlorites. Kaolinite is always present.CONCLUSIONSEven though both zones appear similar in overall mineralogy, we sawin the section on mineralogy that this is not case when one looks at <strong>de</strong>tailedphyllosilicate composition either qualitatively or quantitatively.One can take the phengites of the CIZ to be essentially <strong>de</strong>trital. Thechlorites would be formed from other phyllosilicates present in the sed~ments by transformation during a very low-gra<strong>de</strong> metamorphic process.' Inthe OMZ, on the other hand, the micas, with very nearly a trioctahedralnature, would not have been inherited as such, but formed possibly frommore illitic or phengitic stages by a metamorphic process of greater intensity(according to the geological data, of medium "gra<strong>de</strong>).T-he basins in which these materials were originally <strong>de</strong>posited beforeun<strong>de</strong>rgoing the aforementioned metamorphism had to have quite different__ featur!Js.:_In_ t~~ __ CIZ, the greater AJ, content of the micas, together withthe presence of other aluminium-rich phyllosilicates (Le. the kaolinites,although these have been consi<strong>de</strong>red to be products of soil forma-­tion or of weathering, well after metamorphism), makes us believe thatthe <strong>de</strong>trital contribution together with the influence of nearby emergedrelief, was far more important than in the case of the OMZ, where theexistence of magnesium chlori tes, and the lower proporti-on of Al in themicas, would indicate a basin which may have been subsiding more quicklyor at any rate, influenced much less by continent.REFERENCES/1/. PALACIOS, T. (1986). Tesis Doctoral./2/. REY, J.Ph. et KUBLER, B. (1983). Schw~iz. Min. Petr. Mitt. 63,13-36./3/. MARTIN RAMOS, J.D. y RODRIGUEZ GALLEGO, M. (1978). Anal. Quim. RealSoc. Esp. Fis. Quim. 74, 235-241./4/. NIETO, F. y RODRIGUEZ GALLEGO, M. (1982).- Soc. Ital. Min. Petr. 38,1429-1436./5/. BAILEY, S.W. (1880). Can. Mineral. 18, 143-150.354

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, ~p:::tin. 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE COMPLEXITY OF KAOLINITER.C. MACKENZIE AND L. HELLER-KALLAI*Dept. of Chemistry, University of Aber<strong>de</strong>en, Old Aber<strong>de</strong>en.B9 2UE (UK)* Dept. of Geology, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem ~1904 (Israel)'Kaolinite is usu~llyregar<strong>de</strong>d as one of the simplest of clay·.minerals, the composition being near theoretical, isomorphous .substitutionsbeing limited essentially to the surface layers of crystalsand the main complexity arising from the mo<strong>de</strong> of stacking of thelayers.In view of recent observations, however, th:is simple picturemust now be questioned.Thus,Heller-Kallai ~- (1986) noted thatthe "water" released on the <strong>de</strong>hydroxylation of kaolinite and othercl~y minerals affected calcite in a peculiar manner and Keller (1986)and Heller-Kallai et_al. (1987) showed that the <strong>de</strong>hydroxylation ofkaolinite resulted in. the liberation of volatiles containing a wi<strong>de</strong>variety of species ( F - , Cl - , N0- ,,No:_ 2- NH+ S. 4+ Al3+2, so , 3 4 4 , ~ , , tracesof various metal ions and even gases) in addition to water.Moreover, Mackenzie and Rahman

to enhance a low-temperature component of the calcite endotherm.These variations must be related in some way to -the volatiles releasedon <strong>de</strong>hydroxylation and the fact that even samples from the same generallocality gave wi<strong>de</strong>ly diverse results suggests that consi<strong>de</strong>rablevariation can occur within one <strong>de</strong>posit.It appears likely, as Keller (1986) postulates, that the speciesvolatilized during <strong>de</strong>hydroxylation occur either chemisorbed or withinthe kaolinite crystal lattice rather than in accessories, but themost urgent task is to <strong>de</strong>termine their location.For this purpose,kaolinite, even if it proves more complex than currently envisaged,seems: the best subject for study.REFERENCESHeller-Kallai, L., Miloslavski, I. and Aizenshtat, Z. (1986).Naturwiss.,73, 615-617.Heller-Kallai, L. ,· Miloslavski, I. and Aizenshtat, Z. ( 1987).Miner., in press.ClayKeller, W.D. (1986). Am. Miner., l!.• 1420-1425.Mackenzie, R.C. and Rab~an, A.A. (1987). Thermochim. Acta, in press.Mackenzie, R.C., Rahman, A.A. and Moir, H.M. (1987). Thermochim. Acta,in press.356

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MODELLING TITRATION CURVES OF MIXED MATERIALS WITH VARIABLEAND PERMANENT SURFACE CHARGE: THEORY•~~-~~~~!~ANDE. DIAZ-BARRIENTOSInstitute <strong>de</strong> Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia. Sevilla.The adsorption of potential-<strong>de</strong>termining ions by variablecharge surfaces has been extensively studied, and various mathematical mo<strong>de</strong>ls have been applied to the data. However, only two of these mo<strong>de</strong>ls have proved to be highly successful,·those given by Bow<strong>de</strong>n ·~! ~.!_.(1977) and by Davis ~! ~.!,(1978).The former consi<strong>de</strong>rs the interface divi<strong>de</strong>d in various planesof electric potential, and supposes the adsorption of p.d.i.to happen in the inner plane, while t~e e~ectrolyte ions acsadsorbed in ~ seciond~ outer plane. A third plane <strong>de</strong>fines thebeginning of the Gouy diffuse layer. The amount of charge ineach of the first two planes is calculated by a Stern-typeequation, and two electric capacitances are <strong>de</strong>fined betweeneach pair of planes. Instead, the Davis mo<strong>de</strong>l consi<strong>de</strong>rs theadsorption of each p •. d. i. to happen at a particular surfacesite, which becomes charged, an~each electrolyte ion adsorbedis associated with one of those charged sites.Madrid~! ~.!_.(1984)studied titration curves of mixturesof an iron oxi<strong>de</strong> and a clay mineral and suggested somepoints for mo<strong>de</strong>lling the behaviour of such mixed materials.In this communication, the suggestions of Madrid ~! ~.!.·are <strong>de</strong>veloped.As. a basis for a mo<strong>de</strong>l of .adsorption of p. d. i. by mix.edmaterials we have chosen the theory of Bow<strong>de</strong>n ~! ~.!_.(1977),as their mo<strong>de</strong>l is more versatile and does not need any previousassumption about the nature of the bond with the surface.we have consi<strong>de</strong>red two kinds of surfaces able to adsorbp.d.i., and 'we will call them •oxi<strong>de</strong>' and 'clay' forthe sake of simplicity. The clay surface bears a given permanentcharge, and each surface adsoibs p.d.i. according to357

a Stern-type equation to_calculate the charge conveyed bysuch adsorption. Each equation inclu<strong>de</strong>s a d:Ifferen:T·v·a:u:re-~oT~~th~ electric potential. Another Stern eq~ation <strong>de</strong>scribes theadsorption of electrolyte ions by the oxi<strong>de</strong>. We have simplifiedthe mo<strong>de</strong>l by neglecting the adsorption of these ions bythe clay surface, as it is generally admitted that no specificaffinity is expected to occur if th~ main electrolyteions are Na+ and Cl-. Three capacitors are <strong>de</strong>fined in theinterface, one between the plane of adsorption of p.d.i. andthat of electrolyte ions by the oxi<strong>de</strong>, another between thelatter and the beginning of the diffuse ( Gouy) laye~r:,another, in parallel with the other two, between the claysurface and the diffuie layer, which is consi<strong>de</strong>red commonfor both kinds of surfaces. A Gouy-type equa~ionandgives th•charge in the diffuse layer. A system of capacitors similarto that <strong>de</strong>scribed here has been suggested by Smit(l986) fornon-uniform variable charge surfaces.-N (1-R)(KH. aHexp(-0.039,:, )-K H· a Hexp(0.039t )1ox ox /ox 0 ox 0 ox~~x= ----------------------------------------------------l+KHoxaHexp (-0.039 47/ox) +KOHoxa 0Hexp ( 0. 039 fox)N cl RlKHcl aHexp ( -0.039 fc 1) -KOHcl a 0 Hexp ( 0. 039 fcl l)l+KHcl aHexp ( -0. 0391c, 1}+KOHcl a 0Hexp ( 0. 039 fc 1 )~~~~==~~~~!~!~~~~=~~~=:~~=~=~=~~~~~~~=:~)_l+K+a+exp(-0.039'fp )+K_a_exp(0.039'fp)-10 1/2 . ""~d= - 1.22 x 10 .c .s~nh(O.Ol95/d)"''ox-%= q;-x;(Gox(l-R~t~ -~ :( 56x+~ )/(Gd(l-R)Jtl-~ :( o;;l+6"PR)/(GclR)The variou• Kicl and Kiox are the binding constants ofeach ion l to the clay or oxi<strong>de</strong> surface respectively, Ncland N0x are the maximum charge on each surface, the various358

G are the capacitances of the capacitors <strong>de</strong>scribed above,0£ is the permanent charge on the clay surface, and R theproportion, in terms of the surface area, of clay in themixture. These 13 parameters have to be estimated in or<strong>de</strong>rto solve the system for the various f(potentials) and ~(charges). Some of them can be in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly estimated ifthe pure components are available. The experimentally accessiblevariables are. the concentrations of each ion, ai,and the total electrolyte concentration, c, and the adsorptionof p.d.i. is a measure of o;;x+o;; 1.A computer program ~as been <strong>de</strong>signed to solv~'the ~ystemfor. a set of values of the parameters. Another program,based on that given by Barrow (1979), was <strong>de</strong>veloped toestimatethe .best fit of some of the parameters to a givenset of experimental data of adsorption ;f p.d.ions. Bothprograms are written in FORTRAN.Theoretical curves have been calculated for different values of the parameters, and it was conclu<strong>de</strong>d that the mo<strong>de</strong>lreproduced very well the qualitative ,behav~ourobserved byMadrid ~! ~!· (1984) for mixtures of lepidocrocite and illite.Other data, to be published, corresponding to mix -" .tures of various oxi<strong>de</strong>s and montmoril1onite are also ex -plained by the present mo<strong>de</strong>l.REFERENCES----------Barrow, N.J. 1979. CSIRO Di~. o~ Land Res. Develop. Tech.Rep. 79/3.Bow<strong>de</strong>n, ~.w., ~! ~!; 1977. Aust. J. Soil Res. 15, 121-136.Davis, J. A. ~! ~!· 1978. J. Cell. Interface Sci.63,480-499.Madrid, 1. ~! ~!· 1984. J. Soil Sci. 35, 373-380.Smit, w. 1986. J. Cell. Interface Se~. 113, 288-291.359

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MODELLING TITRATION CURVES OF MIXED MATERIALS WITH VARIABLEAND PERMANENT SURFACE CHARGE: APPLICATION TO MIXTURES OF AN-~IRON OXIDE AND MONTMORILLONITE.1~-~~Q~!QAND E. DIAZ-BARRIENTOSInstitute <strong>de</strong> Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia. Sevilla.Two well-known materials, lepidocrocite (specifiC sur -face area 116 m 2 g-1) and montmorillonite (internal surfacearea 700 m2g-1), can be useful to test the mathematical mo<strong>de</strong>l<strong>de</strong>s6ribed in the preceding communication. With this'purpose,acid and base titration curves of both minerals andof mixtures containing 80% (w/w) of lepidocrocite (sampleLM) and 80% montmorillonite (sample ML) were obtained atthree ionic strengths (0.01, 0.1 and~M NaCl). The amountsof titrant c;nsumed by the suspensions at each pH .were correctedfor the amount consumed by the corresponding solu -tion at the same pH. The resulting graphs are shown in nextpage. Dashed lines will be explained later.It is readily evi<strong>de</strong>nt that the curves corresponding topure lepidocroc~te and LM are very similar to those ob -served in the literature for oxi<strong>de</strong>s and ~anyvariablecharge soils, with a crossover point (point of zero salteffect, PZSE) approximately corresponding to the zero pointof titration. Sposito (1984) conclu<strong>de</strong>d that the point ofzero net charge (PZNC) and the PZSE are equ~lfor solidswith no specific affinity for the electrolyte ions, so.thatin the PZSE. IJ 0x+o-cl (OH of Sposito, 1984) equals -O"PR aslong as~ ::0. A study of .a wi<strong>de</strong> variety of outputs of themo<strong>de</strong>l (Madrid and Diaz-Barrientos, in press) showed thatwhen a crossover point was apparent in ~x+~l vs. pH plotsit happened at %x+ cs.; =-~R,1in agreement with the conclu-·sion of Sposito (1984). This result provi<strong>de</strong>s a tool to con-360

...0- O.i0./All ordinates are given in eq.cm- 2 xlo 10 .:tot00 +I8~t 0.1·O.l""(0.2H1 - ~i0.10.?10. i-{!><

1-R;Q. In the case of ML(R;Q.95) the correction was alsoinclu<strong>de</strong>d in the program, as N 0x is one of the adjustable p~rameters.The dashed lines show the results of the best fit of themo<strong>de</strong>l for each material (they are visible only in those regionswhere they can be distinguished from the experimentalcurves at the scale of the drawing). Pure lepidocrocitegave the values N ;3xl0- 9 eq.cm- 2 , G ;9xlo- 13 eq.~m- 2 .mv-lQX B OX ,Gd::l, "KH =1.2xl08, KOH ;2.6xl0 , K :0.09, K =0.01, ··and. ox . . ox -11 . + 3 - ' 3montmor1llon1te Nc 1;3.5x10. , KHcl;2.0xlO , KOHcl=B.Ox10 ,Gcl;l0- 8 , G"p=-2.5x10- 11 .The significance was high (P(0.01)in both cases.The best fit for LM and ML gave very similar values ofmost parameters exce~t N , which resulted consi<strong>de</strong>rabiy~X -10 11smaller in both mixtures (1.9xl0 for LM and 8.2x10- forML). This unexpected result could suggest that the clay,with a much higher surface area than the oxi<strong>de</strong>; interactswith the latter in such a way that it ~s*ble to block ina consi<strong>de</strong>rable <strong>de</strong>gree the access of the adsorbing ions tothe oxi<strong>de</strong>. This assumption is supported by the fact thatthe value of N 0x is smaller the higher the value of R. Moreinformation is necessary to ~onfirm this hypothesis, so ,that it should be taken carefully.REFERENCES----------Madrid, 1. and Diaz-Barrientos, E. J. Soil Sci. (in press).Sposito, G. 1984. The surface Chemistry of Soils. OxfordUniversity Press.362

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ELEMENT CHARACTERIZATION AND SITE OCCUPANCY IN CLAY MINERALS:-AN APPROACHBYX-RAY ABSORPfiONSPECTROSCOPYA. MANCEA!Jl, G. CALA_Sl AND D. BONNIN21-Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Minera1ogie-Cristallographie, Universites Paris 6 et 7 et CNRSUA09, Tour 16,4 place Jussieu, Paris 75252, France.2-Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Physique Quantique, Ecole Superieure <strong>de</strong> Physique et <strong>de</strong> Chimie,10 rue Vauquelin, 7 5231 Paris Ce<strong>de</strong>x os,The <strong>de</strong>termination of site occupancy and intracrystalline distribution of elements inmineral lattice is a Clue for un<strong>de</strong>rstanding geochemical processes governing mineralformation and trace element behaviour. In clay mineralogy, a selective crystal chemicalapproach is thus nee<strong>de</strong>d to prove wether or not an element is incorporated in the mineralframework and what kind of di~tribution it exhibits among the different sites available. Inspite of the great variety of physical techniques used in clay mineralogy, few of them givea structur:ll and chemically selective information.· X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) is a structural method possessing two mainadvantages: an atomic selectivity and sensitivity to diluted systems. This atomic selectivityarises from x-ray absorption discontinuities attached to a given element in the material.Because x-ray absorption edges of the different elements are well separated in energy, thistype of spectroscopy is a unique method for probing the local environment of specificelements in a multicomponent sample. The <strong>de</strong>tection limit for first row transition elementsis as low as a few hundred ppm. XAS data coi:nprise both absorption edge structure andEXAFS.X-RAY ABSORPTION EDGEThe energy and intensities of absorption edge features contain information about theoxidation state, site symmetry and electronic structure of the atom un<strong>de</strong>r study. Edge- spectroscopy has been used to <strong>de</strong>termine the oxidation states of chromium in chloritel andcopper in vermiculite2. The former mineral exhibits oprlcal spectroscopic properties: thepresence of hexavalent Cr was then suggested in the literature. However no chromategroups are found from edge structure _analysis and Cr is proven to be trivalent. Thestructure of the Cu K-edge of vermiculite indicates that copper atoms are divalent. A lastexample is provi<strong>de</strong>d by Cc-bearing Mn oxi<strong>de</strong>s where it is shown that Co is trivalent inthese supergene ore minerals3.363

EXAESThe long-range oscillation above the absorption edge, or EXAFS, is due to theinterference between the outgoing and the backscattered photoelectron waves. EXAFSprovi<strong>de</strong>s information about the local structure of the x-ray absorbing atom: Typically,three nearest atomic shells surrounding the central x-ray absorber can be quantitativelystudied: interatomic distances, nature and number of surrounding atoms are <strong>de</strong>termined.One of the main interest of EXAFS for clay mineralogy and associated oxi<strong>de</strong>s is itscapability to recognize the host mineral for a given element. Furthermore it provi<strong>de</strong>s anll:nique way to study the reality of solid solutions by distinguishing 3d elements from Mgand Al. Three series of minerals will serve to illustrate the influence of the chemicalcomposition of the second atomic shell on EXAFS spectra: the phlogopite-anntte series,the lizardite-nepouite series and the kerolite-pimelite series4-5 .. In the phlogopite-annite series, Fe atoms are known to be almost randomly distributed ·over sites of the octahedral sheet. As a consequence each Fe atom is surroun<strong>de</strong>d by Feand Mg second-nearest neighbours at about 3.05A. Furthermore 4 (Si,Al) atoms arelocat~d in the vicinity of this (Fe-Mg) coordination shell (d(Fe-Si,Al)=3.27:A). Thisstructurally well known series offer a unique case to <strong>de</strong>cipher how interfer thephotoelectron wave propagating from the x-ray absorbing Fe atom and wavesIbackscattered by Mg, Fe and Si atoms in phyllosilicates. It is shown that wavesbackscattered by Mg and Fe atoms are out of phase whereas waves backscattered by Siand Fe are almost in phase in the studied wavevector range.In Ni-bearing lizardite and kerolite, EXAFS spectra recor<strong>de</strong>d at the Ni K-edge aremainly in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt of the Ni content. A <strong>de</strong>tailed analysis of EXAFS spectra shows thatthe intracrystalline distribution of nickel within the Mg octahedral s~eet is never random.Such a clustering of Ni atoms indicates ~on-equilibria processes during the formation ofthese low-temperature minerals. It is thus expected that an increasing formationtemperature and the subsequent faster cation exchange kinetics will favour i<strong>de</strong>al mixing ofmineral components as for biotites. EXAFS could be an unique tool providinginformation about the temperature during the crystallization of these minerals.REFERENCES1- Calas G., Manceau A., Novikoff A. and Boukili H. (1984).Bull. Miner. 107, 755-766.2- ll<strong>de</strong>fonse P., Manceau A. and Prost D. (1986). Clay and Clay Minerals. 34, 3, 338-345.3- Manceau A., Llorca S. and Calas G. (1987). Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 51, HYS-113.4- Manceau A. and Calas G. (1985). American Mineralogist. 70, 549-558.5- Manceau A. and Calas G. (1986).C1ay Minerals. 21, 341-360. ·364

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MINERALOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF OLIVE-GROWING SOILS IN JAEN·---u;_-sl?AiN) IN RELATION TO THF.:IR PRODUCTIVITY.MARANES,A. ( 1 ); ORTF.:GA HUERTAS, M. ( 2 ,:3) & SIMON, M. ( 1 }(1) Dpto. EdafoZogia y Quimica AgricoZa. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada(Spain)(2} Dpto. MineraZogia y PetroZogia. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada (Spain).(5) Institute AndaLuz <strong>de</strong> GeoLogia Mediterr6.nea. C.S.I.C.-Univ.<strong>de</strong> Granada (Spain).INTRODUCTIONIn this paper we intend to reLate the mineraLogicaL, physicaL andchemicaL characteristics of the soiL to their productivity.The area studied Ues in the region of "La Loma", in the province ofJaen. A·H the sons are cuLtivated in the same manner, both withregard to the way they are harrowed and to the way they are fertiUsed,Furthermore, as they are cLoseLy situated, the cLimatic conditions arethe same. For this reason, the manifest differences in their yendmust be put down to variations in their mineraLogicaL, physicaL andchemicaL properties.TYPES OF SOILS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE PRODUCTIVITY.The soiLs studied have <strong>de</strong>veLoped upon oLd remains of gLacis (profiLeL-4), sandstones (profiLe L-19) and marLs (profiLes L-5 and L-9).The sons formed on the gLacis and sandstones are caLcic CambisoLswith two Ap horizons (Fig. 1 .a and b). Horizon Ap1 is <strong>de</strong>veLoped as .a direct consequence of harrow"1-ng and has a crumb structure, whiLehorizon Ap2, with a thickness of some 10 cm. to 20 cm., corresponds toa compact horizon and has an aggLomerate structure spLit intoprismatic units by smaLL verticaL crac.ks.L- 4 L· 19 L·5 L·9Ap IAp2AplAP2Bwk+ ~ ·1- I ..- HORIZONr ' .;.+"i"_ ·) -c+-! ' . -_,___-1-Ck PETP.OCAL.CIC c-:--·- . SANDSTONE----- ··--- I++ r1- I0 0 0 ·CVFig. 1. The soiLs studiedThe fundamentaL difference between the two kinds of soiL, however, isto be found in the subsoiL: in the case of profiLe L-4 there is athick petrocaLcic horizon beneath the 'topsoiL at a <strong>de</strong>pth of 46 cm.,whiLe in profne L-19 a fresh, damp sandstone appears.365

With Pegard to pPofiLes L-5 and L-9 (Fig. 1 c and d), soiLs <strong>de</strong>veLopedon marLs, the foPmer has a sLope of some 12%,- whiLe the Lr;.tJep_~·is almost fLat (1%) and Peceives ero<strong>de</strong>d materiaLs fPom roundabout.These soiLs aLso have two Ap hoPizons, geneticaLLy similar to thoseaLready <strong>de</strong>scpibed, aUhough the Ap2 horizon differs morphoLogicaLLyin that during the dPy season it fragments into wi<strong>de</strong>, <strong>de</strong>ep cracks.They show no cambic hoPizons and thus can be classified as caLcicVertisoLs in the case of pPofiLe L-5 and caLcaric RegosoLs in the caseof pPofiLe L-9.As far as yieLd is concerned, pPofiLe 4 is that which has the Lowestaverage productivity in<strong>de</strong>x (36 kg per oLive tPee p.a.) and aLso anenormous fLuctuation in crop from year to year. It is noteworthy thatthe oLives grown on this soiL <strong>de</strong>hydrate consi<strong>de</strong>rabLy during the summer,pointing to a Lack of water in the subsoiL. ProfiLes L-~ and L-19 showan average yeiLd of 50 kg per oLive tree p.a., with LittLe annual.fluctuation, and the oLives do not shrink in the summer. ThechaPacteristics of the cPop produced on profiLe 9 are simiLar to theLatter, except 'that the annual. yieLd reaches some 78 kg per oLive tree.MINERALOGICAL AND TEXTURAL CHARACTERISTICS.As can be seen in TabLe I the textures of the soiLs vary fPom cLayeyto cLayey Loams in those <strong>de</strong>veLoped on ma:ds and from loams to sandyLoams in~those <strong>de</strong>veLoped on gLaci.s or sandstone. As foP the mineraLcontent, it is worth noting that the smectite content of the cLayfraction in the soiLs <strong>de</strong>veLoped on marLs is much higher (30%-45%) thanin the other soiLs (10%-20%).TabLe I. MineraLogicaL and texturaL characteristics.TOTAL SAMPLE ( 2J.lml_J!Horizon c J) Q Fd CM l ~)m Cl1 ~:ITexture !IL4-Ap1 25 18 t 57 70 18 7 5 l I-L4-Ap2 22 - 22 L5 56 72 10 JO e lIL4-Bwk 22 - 14 5 59 61 24 9 G lLS-Apl 21 - 10

CONCLUSIONSIn aU of the soils studied harrowing produces a more or Less compactLower horizon which reduces the permeability and thus the <strong>de</strong>epdrainage of the soiL. NevertheLess, the effects of this compacthorizon on the moisture reserves of the soiL in any particularinstance <strong>de</strong>pend Zargely on its morphology in the dry season and aZsoon the characterist1~s of the subsoiL.The high smectite content of the clayey soils encourages fiercecracking in the swnmer which breaks up the Ap2 compact hprizon andaUows moisture to penetrate to the subsoiL during the rainy sea.son,providing the trees with a moisture reservoir during t.imes of drought.The contrary applies to the soils <strong>de</strong>veLoped on glacis and sandstone,which, being scarce in aLay and smectites, ~emain compacted and do notaLLow <strong>de</strong>ep drainage. This effect may be counterbaLanced to some extentby the nature of the subsoiL itself, as in the case of profileL-19, where the fresh, humid sandstone provi<strong>de</strong>s the trees with acertain amount of moisture during the dry season.The Least productive of the profiles studied is affected by acombination of a compact Ap2 horizon and beneath it a thickpetrocaLcic crust that provi<strong>de</strong>s no moisture for the tree roots. Theyeild of this soiZ, therefore, <strong>de</strong>pends dir•ectly on the rainfallin any one year, as it has Little moisture-harbouring capacity.(This work forms part of the "Capacidad<strong>de</strong> uso <strong>de</strong> Los suelos <strong>de</strong> oLivar <strong>de</strong> La provincia <strong>de</strong> Jaen" project. Diputaci6n ProvinciaL <strong>de</strong> Jaen).367

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaftola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE ARRANGEMENT OF SILICATE LAYERS IN PHASE BOUNDARIES DURING THEMICA-VERMICULITE TRANSFORMATION AS REVEALED BY HIGH RESOU.ff!Oli _______TRANSMISSION ELECTRON MICROSCOPY (HRTEM)CH. MARCKS, H.WACHSMUTH AND H. GRAF VON REICHENBACH ·I nstitu't fUr Bo<strong>de</strong>nkun<strong>de</strong> und Son<strong>de</strong>rforschungsberei eh 173Universitat Hannover, FRG_A <strong>de</strong>finjte phase boundary can be seen with light or scanning electronmicroscopy in mica particles during their transfo~mation tovermiculite by interlayer cation exchange. The interface separates theexpan<strong>de</strong>d from the still contracted zone and.moves from particle edge. \to particle center dur.ing the reaction. The phase transition obviouslyimposes consi<strong>de</strong>rable strain on the structure. The spacial arrangementof silicate layers within the interface should reflect the structuralmechanisms by which the internal strain is minimized. These mechanismsare believed to correspond with cooperative phenomena observedat interlayer cation exchange in micas.The .paper reports· on preliminary observations ma<strong>de</strong> by inspectinglayer arrangements in ultramicrotome sections of mica-vermiculite withHRTE~ Special emphasis is given to methods of sample preparation.By repeatedly treating particle size fractions of natural biotite(Mi ask, Ura 1) with BaC1 2 so 1 uti ons samp 1 es were prepared represeriti ngdifferent states of mica vermiculite. transformation. Since thehydrated state of Ba-vermiculite is not maintained un<strong>de</strong>r the conditionsin the electron microscope (high vacuum, heating in the electronbeam), the structure of the expan<strong>de</strong>d phase was stabilized by introducingn-alkylammonium ions irito the interlayers. This was done eitherpy reexchanging barium from the vermiculitic part of the structures orby treating micas directly with al~ylammonium ions. However, the·stability of alkylammonium vermiculite was fou~d to be also l.imited.X-ray diffraction measurements on preheated samples revealed a significant<strong>de</strong>crease af basal spacings already in the range of temperaturesbetween 100° and 200°C.368

Alkylammonium treated minerals were embed<strong>de</strong>d in SPURR-resin. Paral-.. ···-lel orientation of the platy particles was achieved by centrifugation.Ultramicrotome sections were prepared by cutting parallel to thec-axis. The thickness of the sections was in or<strong>de</strong>r of· 20 -200 nm.Sections with well preserved structures were obtained from mineralswith a particle size of up to 25 11min diameter.Selected area electron diffraction was used for aligning the sampleto the electron beam. Clear electron diffraction patterns and hi~hlyresolved lattice images could thus be. obtained from ultra thinsections of the original biotite as well as of <strong>de</strong>hydrated Ba-vermiculites.Using published structural data of biotite. a simulation. of thelattice images of biotite and of <strong>de</strong>hydrated Ba-vermiculite could beea 1 cu 1 ated for comparison with the experi menta 11 y obtained images. Due ·to their similarity in layer distance, <strong>de</strong>hydrated Ba-vermiculite couldnot be distinguished from the biotite., For several reasons the investigation of alkylammonium saturatedvermiculites is more difficult. Instability of-the structures in theelectron beam admits only a short time for inspecting the sample,adjusting its orientation and taking photographs .of lattice images.Due to damage caused by the e"lectron beam <strong>de</strong>finite layer distances cannot be expected. Variation of layer aistances was observed for samplessaturated with alkyammonium ions of i<strong>de</strong>ntical chain length.With the reservation required by these limitations exa~plespartially expan<strong>de</strong>d biotites, of contracted or expan<strong>de</strong>d structuraldoma ines and of i nterstrati fi cation are presented in the paper.of369

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>RELATION BETWEEN MUDSTONES COMPOSITION, SOURCE ROCK ANDENVIRONMENTAL AND DIAGENETIC CONDITONS IN THE MIDDLE·-----~o--MUSCHELKALK OF CATALANIDES RANGE (N.E. OF SPAIN).R. MARFIL~ R.M. CASTANO* and F.X. CASTELLTORT~**Dpto. <strong>de</strong> Petrologia y Geoquimica, P.C. Geol6gicas, UniversidadComplutense. 28040 Madrid.**Dpto. <strong>de</strong> Geologia Dinamica. Universidad Central. Barcelona.The middle Muschelkalk sediments in the Catalani<strong>de</strong>sRange have been interpreted as alluvial <strong>de</strong>posits ~similarto the terminal fans formed un<strong>de</strong>r arid-semiarid climaticconditions. The sedimentary basin is controled by a system.of longitudinal and transversal faults which <strong>de</strong>limittwo basins separated by the Pra<strong>de</strong>s threshold (Fig. 1).The first basin is located to the North (central and northerndomain) and is mainly filled with 'red sandstonesalternating with subordinated red siltstones (alluvialsandflat <strong>de</strong>posits). The southern basin (meridional domain)is fundamentally characterized by evaporites andred mudstones being dolostones very scarce·, <strong>de</strong>p.osited ina playa lake or coastal sabkha (CASTELLTORT,'198o).The composition of :the associat-ed s:andst:one;;, inboth areas, inclu<strong>de</strong>s fine to mediuci-grained arkoses. Theyare mainly composed by subroun<strong>de</strong>d monocrystalline quartzgrains, in which the col'!.tent ·of k-Feldspar is higher thanthe content of plagiocl~se. Low contents of ~olcanic andschist fragments are present,and micas (muscovite, biotite,chlorite) and micritic ooids are accasory minerals.(CASTELLTORT, ~t il., 1987) ..The sandstone composition is related to the graniticsource rocks. According t~'DICKINSON's and SOCZEK's mo<strong>de</strong>l(1979), these arkoses are ~erived from continental blocksin an uplifted basement.The sandstones show around the grains ~bundant montmorilloniticand chloritic.clay films but scarce illiticand ferric coatings. Other important cementing minerals370

are K-feldspar, quartz, analcime, anhidrite, dolomite,~ca-rcTte- and baritine. This association of cements andthe characteristic sequence of neoformation and replacementindicates a brackish to evaporitic diagenetic environment.This condition is more intense to the southernbasin and toward the top of the stratigraphic columns(CASTELLTORT et al., 1987).All those samples, as well as the .

~ -~-~--~ .. ~. ~- ··~-- ~--~~~·-,_---Generally, the illites associates with carbonatesand sulphates have less crystallinity in the

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PREVENTING PHOTOCHEMICAL REACTIONS ON A CLAY SURFACEa a a,b bL. Margulies, H. Rozen, L.O. Ruzo and E. CohenDepartments of (a) Soil and Water and (b)· Entomology,Faculty of Agriculture, The Hebrew University,Rehovot 76-100, Israel.Coadsorption of two different organic compounds at thesurface of a clay leads to systems in which energy transferprocesses between the two types of organic molecules maytake place. If the efficiency of these proce.sses is highenough, other <strong>de</strong>activation pathways such as photochemicalreactions may be quenched. Thus, photolabi1e compounds canbe stabilized on the clay surface provi<strong>de</strong>d t~atan a<strong>de</strong>quatechromophore, which can act as energy acceptor, is alsoadsorbed. This method has been suggested for thephotostabilization of agrochemicals and was applied toprevent photochemical <strong>de</strong>gradation of a pyrethroidinsectici<strong>de</strong> exposed to solar radiation .Another group of insectici<strong>de</strong>s which suffer frominstability in sunlight and which therefore have not beenused in agriculture in spite of their favorabletoxicological properties are the ni tr.omethyleneheterocycles. Preliminary experiments carried out on acompoundof this group showed that some photostabilizationcan be achieved using the method <strong>de</strong>scribed above.Since the efficiency of energy transfer processes<strong>de</strong>pends on the spectroscopic characteristics of the donorand the acceptor, on the distance between them and on theirrelative orientations, the clay and chromophore to be usedshould be chosen according to the chemical andspectroscopic properties of the· pestici<strong>de</strong> to bephotoprotected. ·373

Montmorillonite was used as a clay support and threedifferent cationic dyes were used as potential chromophores-~~~,for protecting the insec.ticidal nitromethylene heterocycle.The dyes and the pestici<strong>de</strong> were adsorbed. on the clay andthe clay-organic interactions were investigated using uvvisabsorption and differential FTIR spectroscopies. In allcases more information was obtained by means oftechnique.the FTIRBioassays using the flour beetle .Tribolium castaneum ·were carried out in or<strong>de</strong>r to test· the insecticidal power ofprepared clay-dye and clay-dye-pestici<strong>de</strong>. complexes.Unirradiated complexes retained the biological activity ofthe .Pestici<strong>de</strong> molecules indiqating that adsorption to theclay surface did not afect their insecticidal activity.The bioassays were repeated· on sample's which wereexposed to sunlight for various perio.ds of time. Aconsi<strong>de</strong>rable <strong>de</strong>crease in insecticidal activity was observedin almost all irradiated samples. 'However, thisphoto<strong>de</strong>activation was slower in some clay-dye-pestici<strong>de</strong>complexes than in the isolated pestici<strong>de</strong>. The <strong>de</strong>gree ofprotection achieved <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d on the absorptioncharacteristics of the chromophore~.obtained using dyesaround 400 nm.Best results werewhich have strong absorption bandsReferences1. Margulies, L., Rozen, H. and Cohen, E., Nature,)315:658-659 (1985).2. Margulies, L., Cohen, E. and Rozen, H., Pest. Scii.,18: 79.-87 ( 1987).374

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>REACTION OF HYDRATED TIT.ANIA GEL WITH AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS OF LITHIUMHYDROXIDE.0. HJIRINO .AND G. HASCOWDipartimento di Ingegneria <strong>de</strong>i Materiali e <strong>de</strong>lla Produzione. Universitadj Napoli. Piazzale Tecchio, 80125 Napoli - ITALY.Hydrolisis of titanium (IV) -salts in aqueo1us solutions easilyyields colloidal products. However several studies have shown thatnostable crystalline titanium (IV) hydroxi<strong>de</strong>s or oxyhydroxi<strong>de</strong>sexist ( 1-2).On the other hand it is Known that lithium ion is characterizedby high mobility in cr':/stal lattice of its oxi<strong>de</strong>s_; even though thismobility . does not <strong>de</strong>pend on th;;, presence of tunnels, vacancies orlayers in their structures ( 3-4), what is of consi<strong>de</strong>rable interest"'in the field of solid electrolites. On the ground of this. consi<strong>de</strong>rationsand keeping in mind the possibility of isomorphous substitutionbetween Li and Ti (5), it has been thought interesting tostudy the reaction of hydrated titania gel with aqueous solutionsof LiOH.Tio 2of R.C. gra<strong>de</strong> was dissolved in hot concentrated H 2so 4andprecipitated as hydrated ·TiO 2gel with ammonia in cold solution.The precipitate was filtered, washed wdth distilled water and treatedwith LiOH solutions. The different suspensions, with XLi (molarratio) ranging between 0.6 and 0.9, were kept in sealed Teflon con-375

tainers and rotated for a week at constant temperatures of 60, 80,100 and 120°C. After the hydrotermal treatm("nt the products werewashed to eliminate excees LiOH and dried in air.Li o was <strong>de</strong>termined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry after2dissolution of the solid into acid solution.· While TiO was <strong>de</strong>terminedgravimetrically. The heat-induced weight loss was <strong>de</strong>termined2through simultaneous TG and DTA measurements. X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r patterns(XRD) were obtained using a Gul.nier <strong>de</strong> Wolff camera with CuKradiation.Pb(N0 3J 2was chosen as internal standard.The crystalline phases obtained by hydrotermal treatment in theLi 2o-Ti0 2-H 2o system are summarized in fig. 1. ti TiO formation2 !is :favoured by temperature and concentration of LiOH ( 6). The x-raypattern of this phase is characterized by two reflections at 0. 207nm and 0.145 nm (7).At lower temp~raturea microcrystalline phase with a consi<strong>de</strong>rablel·ine bro<strong>de</strong>ring forms. Table 1 reports the X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r data of thisphase.The Li-Ti ratio of this phase is 1:2, while the weight loss dueto water release from OHis three times the content of Li. Thereforethe chemical .formula should be represented as LiTi 2o 3(0H)3,correspondingto an oxyhydroxi<strong>de</strong>. This formula resembles that of theoxyhydroxi<strong>de</strong> of trivalent metals of the type MOOH.The lattice constant were calculated in the orthorombic systemwith a=0.380 nm, b=l.690 nm and .c!=0.290 ·nm. A. further refinement.should be done when the crystallinity of the product will be enhanced.The X-ray pattern remains unchanged even though the sampleis thermally treated for many hours at 200°C, ·breakdown occurs attemperatures of 250°C or higher, giving rise to an amorphous product.376

T,°C12080 ..TABLE 1. X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r data forLiTi o/OH} ..'Z.2 3d(nm} Intensity• •• •0.850 vvs (b)• • • •0.369 w40 0.314 vs (b)0.281 m (b)0 0.5 0.7 0.9X Ll0.243 vs (b)0.203 s (vb}0.190 s0.185Fig. 1 Crystallization fieldw (b)in the Li 0-Ti0 -H Q 2 2 20.168 m (b)system after removing~:;::~3 ~~~~:L~i~.i0 3 (0},References1} W.B. BLUMENTAL, The Chemical_ Behaviour of Zirconium,'Von Nostrand,Priceton, N.J. 1958 p. 181.2} S. KOMARNENI, E. BREVAL and_ R. ROY; Journal of Non-CrystallineSolids 79 (1986} 195.3} R.J. CAVA, A. SANTORO, D.W. MARPHY; S.M. ZAHURAK ·and R.S. ROTH,J. Solid State Chem. 50 (19f!3} 121·.4) M.H. THACKEROY, W.I.F. DAVID and J.B. GOODENOUGH, Mat. Res, Bull.17 (1982} 785.5) A.R. WEST, Journal of Materials Science-Letters 16 (1981} 202.6) P.E.D. MORGAN, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 57 (1974) 499.7} JCPDS Inorgan. Comp. File· 8-249·.377

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>WEATHERING .PRODUCTS OF VOLCANIC ROCKS FROM CAMPO DE CALATRAVA(CIUDAD REAL, CENTRAL SPAIN).Martin <strong>de</strong> Vidales, J.L.*; Casas, J.**; Galvan, J.**;Herrero, F.* and Hoyos, M.A.** Departamento <strong>de</strong> Quimica Agricola, Geologia y Geoquimica. Facultad <strong>de</strong>Ciencias. Universidad Aut6noma <strong>de</strong> Madrid. Cantoblanco. 28049 MADRID.Spain.** Institute <strong>de</strong>. Edafologia y Biologia Vegetal. Serrano, 115 bis. 28006MADRID. Spain.Mineralogical analysis of weathering products from four soilprofiles were ma<strong>de</strong> by transmision electron microscopy, X-ray difractionand chemical methods. The un<strong>de</strong>rlying volcanic· rocks were studied by petrographicmicroscopy and X.R.D.RESULTS.nephelinites.The un<strong>de</strong>rlying volcanic rocks are olivinic basalts and olivinicThe chemical analysis ·(C.D.B.) show. high contents in amorphousSi0 2, Al 2o 3and Fe 2o 3concerning to the < 2 IJ m fractions. These fractionsdisplay high C.E.C. (70-100 meq/100 gr) and the .chemical analysisshow Al20 3percentages ranging from 15 to 22%, low contents in K 20, CaO,MgO and Na 2o so as variable quantities in Ti0 2(0.5 to 2.5 %). Thesefractions show high lost ~fterfusion to 1000°C (H 2o- + H 2o+= 17-25 %) •In all the instances, clay fraction show positive reaction to theallophane test (Fiel<strong>de</strong>s .and Claridge, 1966) with values 9.4 to 10.2 after two minutes contact.The whole of the Mg-saturated oriented samples, show a strongreflection to 14.6 A and an asimetric peak to 7.2 A with variable relativeintensities. After ethylene-glycol solvation the 14 A peak diso0places to 18 A ratifie.s the smecti te presence. The 7. 2 A peak. remains378

in this spacing with a greater asymmetry and partially swells,giving0rise to a broad line diffraction between 7.2 and 11 A. After heating0 0 0to 300 °C, 14 A peak collapses to 10 A. The 7.2 A peak remains and a0 0new reflection to 8.2 A appears. After heating to 550°C only a 10 Asharp reflection is <strong>de</strong>tectable.The Li+ test (Lim and Jackson, 1986), swelling to 18 A indicatesthe bei<strong>de</strong>llitic0character of the smectite, corroborated by d 0600reflection to 1.50 A in the randomly pow<strong>de</strong>r diffractogram. The 7.2 Apeak shows an anomalous behaviuour after formami<strong>de</strong> test (Churchman etal. l984) because it does not .swell at all.The study of clay fraction.with T.E.M. confirms the presenceof bei<strong>de</strong>llite with sizes between 2 to 1 ~m, so as spheroidal halloysites.in rolling phases with sizes < 0.1 ~m and diatom <strong>de</strong>bris.DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS.The main weathering products of volcanic rocks in the semiaridclimatic conditions in the Central Spain volcanic region are:1:. Bei<strong>de</strong>lli tes, previously <strong>de</strong>scr,ibed and studied by us (Martin <strong>de</strong> Vidaleset al. 1985 and 1986). "2. Allophanes, confirmed by the NaF test. This component has beenalready outlined in wet climatic conditions. In.this case, its presencein semi arid climatic conditions can be justified by consti tu- ·ting the core of halloysites rolling.03. 7A halloysites with spheroidal morphology that could influence per'-haps in its anomalous behaviou~ after formami<strong>de</strong> test.. 0.4. The diffuse reflections between 7.2 and 11 A ·in O.A. +E.G. which0 .are <strong>de</strong>fined to 8.2 A after heating up to 300 °C. ·we think that thesereflections are due to a randomly mixed layer phyllosilicate 1:1 -- bei<strong>de</strong>llite. A mineral with similar behaviour was characterized asinterestratifi:ed kaolinite-smectite by Yerima et al. (1985). Quant.!_fication curves for ·the X...,r'ay pow<strong>de</strong>r diffraction analysis of mixed­-layer kaolini te-smecti te (:Tomi ta and \Takahashi, '1986) , allowappraise to 70%.1:1 phyllosilicate- 30~ bei<strong>de</strong>llite proportions.379

'REFERENCESCHURCHMAN, G.J.; WHITTON, J.S.; CLARIDGE, G.G.C. and THENG, B.K.G.(1984). Clays and Clay Minerals 32, 241-248.FIELDES, M. and PERROT, W. ( 196'6). N. Z. J. Sci. ~' 623-629.LIM, C.H. and JACKSON, M.L. (1986). Clays and Clay Minerals, 34, 346--352.MARTIN DE VIDALES, J.L.; SANZ, J.; GUIJARRO, J.; HOYOS, M.A. and CASAS,J. (1985). Proceeding 5th. Meeting of the EuropeanClay Groups, Prag0e. J. Konta Editor. 465-470.MARTIN DE VIDALES, J.L.; CASAS, J. ~nd21, 389-400.SANZ, J: (1986). Clay MineralsTOMITA, K. and TAKAHASHI, H. (1986). Clays ~nd Clay Minerals 34,· 323--329.YERIMA, B.P.K.; CALHOUN, F.G.; SENKAYI,A.L. and 'DIXON, J.B. (1985).Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 49, 462-466.380

Summaries - .ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>STUDY OF THE KAOLINITE FIRST EXOTHE~1ICREACTION USING SINGLE CRYSTALSR. MARTINEZ, M.P. CORRAL, S. DE AZA, J .S. MJYA, T.A. BIELICKI*, G. THOMAS*'Instituto <strong>de</strong> Ceramica y Vidrio, C.S.I.C., Arganda <strong>de</strong>l Rey,Madrid (Spain).*Dept. of Materials Science and Mineral Engineering. University of California, Berkeley, CA. 94720 (USA).Despite of abundant studies, disagreement still existson the mechanisms of the trarisformacion and the cause of the- 980°C exothermic reaction of kaolinite.The main reasons for the different results already publishedin the scientific literature (1-3), <strong>de</strong>al with a) typeof impurities present and b) the or<strong>de</strong>red-disor<strong>de</strong>red nature of the starting kaolinite.In the present work, single crystals - 5-10 mm size ofkaolinite quoted from a Colombian <strong>de</strong>posite (4) have been selected.The kaolinite single crxstals were completely characterizedby XRD, SEM and EDX (figure 1).Samples were heat tre~ted up to 1020°C in a Mettler DTA­TGA equipment as shown in figure 2.In or<strong>de</strong>r to improve the TEM observation of the heat treatedsamples, these were chemically etched by NaOH 10% solutionwith the aim to remove the exolved silica during the980°C exothermic reaction (figure 2).Samples for TEM observation were prepared by cleavingalong the basal planes of the layer structure. The sliceswere ion-thinned to produce electron transparent regions atthe edges. A Philips EM400 Transmision Electron Microscopewas used. Bright field and dark field images and selectedarea diffract~on (SAD) patterns were obtained (figure 3).-381

B,.c:Jl' -- .KEV~IF-ig. 1.- (A). Kaolinite crystals, (B) XRD patternquoted on the surface of a. kaolinite crystal. ((:)EDX microanalysis.As observed, the samples show a finely grained microstructure.The SAD patterns showed several discontinuous·rings, indicating the presence of both polycrystallineandamorphous materials.A dark field image using part of a ring reflection showed that the crystallites are very small (= 10 nm) and uniformelydispersed along the plates.After etching the microstructure was now visible with382

If),hi .I§____ -------DTA ',I \\If)g~ \I 8 IQ w ~ \llJ3:15 -------560~L_--~--~--~--~--~---r--~--~--~----~~' 100 200 300 LOO 500 600 700 BOO 900 1000 1100TEMPERATURE ("Cl.Pig. 2.- DTA-TGA.aurves of.the kaolinte arystals ... Fig. 3.- (A) Bright field TEM image of a kaolinitesingle arystals edge after h.eat treatment at 1020°Cand NaOH solution attaak, and the aorrespondingSADpattern.383

strong contrast slightly <strong>de</strong>focused to emphasize the boundariesbetween different regions.In<strong>de</strong>xing the SAD patterns in both cases shows ring.s consistentwith the interplanar spaces of mullite. No cubic pa!terns was observed in any case.These results clearly show that the first exothermic peak.of kaolinite is actually due to an homogeneous nucleationof mullite crystallites on the original kaolinite plates r~ther than to the formation of Si-Al spinel as claimed.by several authors.REFERENCES'(1)- G.W. BRINDLEY and M. NAKAHIRA. J.Am.Ceram.Soc. 47·(1959)311-324.(2)- A.K. CHAKRABORTY and D.K. GHOSH. j.Am.Ceram.Soc. ·61(1978) 170-173,(3)- S.M. JOHNSON, J,.A. PASK and J .S. MOYA. J .Am.Ceram.Soc.6~ (1982) 31-35.(4)- D. PAETSCH, K. FELTKAMP and G. SCHIMMEL. Ber.Dtsch.Keram.Ges. 40 (1963) 386-391.AKNO\vLEDGEMENTSOne of the authors (M.P. Corral) wishs to thank Explosi~vos Riot into for finantial support.384

Summaries ·· ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaflola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE REFRACTORY CLAYS IN ITALYP.HATTIAS C*>, E.BARRESEC**>, E.PARISC***'• G.DE CASAC*> - Dip.ldrau!.Trasp.e Stra<strong>de</strong>-Area Geologia,Univ.di Roma- Centre di Studio per la Geologia Tecnica <strong>de</strong>l CNR'**' ~ Dip.Scienze ~ella Terra; Univ.<strong>de</strong>!la Calabria'***>-.Dip~· di Scien~e <strong>de</strong>lla Terra, Univ.di CamerinoThe most important <strong>de</strong>posits of refractory clays inItaly are located essentially in the Sardinia and Piemonteregions·. In gen,era I these materials show - veryhomoge·neous mineralogical-petrographic compositions and arerelated to different geologic and paleoclimaticenvironments. Age and genetic conditions are also verydissimilar.IIn Sardinia, refra6tory 6l~ys ·are mostly of•Bajocian-Bathonian age and lie at the base of acalcareous-dolomitic formati'on called "Tacchi"'which limitstheir exploitation. They result " from the alteration of abasement constituited by gneiss, micaschists, andgraniticrocks; The <strong>de</strong>position oi these argillaceous productsCkaol inite, i 11 ite preva·l ing o'n smectite, and mixed.,- layers>occurredin a lacustrine-lagoon or <strong>de</strong>ltaic environment •. The clays from Piemonte, on the other hand, ~re most!~of Pliocene-Pieistocene age and are present with large out~crops. These clays <strong>de</strong>rive from the chemical-physical alte-'ration of clastic rocks

of the conglomeratic rocks are very variable

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>A STUDY OF CERAMICS FROM PICO BUITRE (Guadalajada, Spain) (Shelters:Transition period Bronze and Iron Age).P .Menen<strong>de</strong>z Aparicio*, J .M. Palacios**, A. <strong>de</strong> Andres G6mez <strong>de</strong> Barreda*Institute <strong>de</strong> Quimica Inorganica 'Elhuyar', C.S.I.C., Serrano 113,28006 Madrid.*Insti tu to <strong>de</strong> Quimica Fisica 'Rocasolano' , C. S. I. C., Serrano 119,28006 Madrid.INTRODUCTIONThe settlement of Pico Bui tre is situated on a small hill adjacentto the Tejer mountain close to Henares river and town of Espinosa,provtnce of Guadalajara. Its exact location is <strong>de</strong>fined by the coordinates0° 38'5" EM/40° 53'55" N in the chart 486 'Jadraque' of the Geographicaland Statistical Institute. This site has been studied in (1-2).The ArcJ:ca;ological materials were distributed on a rather · ovalgray-colour area, '6.m i.n diameter approximately, atributed to smallcottages belonging to the transition period between the Bronze andIron Age, approximately 950 BC.From an archaelogical standpoint the materials selected in thestudy have been classified in thpee groups as follows:1. Ceramics with burni15hed surface, (samples 27, J46, 55, 97) of ultraPyrennean· influences.2. Ceramics with excise and incise <strong>de</strong>signs of the Late Bronze AgePeriod (samples 72, 73, 74, 76 and 2, 65, 67, 69).3. Graphi ted painted Ceramics belonging to a period beyond the LateBronze Age II and II that corresponds to a cultural level prior tothat of the Meseta (the latter being adscribed to by the presenceof fields of urns) (samples 93, 94, 96).EXPERIMENTALThe samples were studied by the techniques used by previous researchers,such as XRD, TG, petrographic analysis and SEM with EDX.387

iiRESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe finish surface in ceramics from group 1 is relatively smoothbut there is no evi<strong>de</strong>nce of any slip, simply it seems the resultof . solid rubbing. In group 2 two thick layers appear clearly well<strong>de</strong>fined. In group 3 carbonaceaus material seems to have been intemtionally<strong>de</strong>posited. Excluding samples from group 3 that present a highercontent in Fe and lower content in Si, all of other are similar·· inchemical composition.From the mineralogical ·analysis is <strong>de</strong>duced that all of sampleshave the same minerals too: quartz, feldspars and plagioclases, micaand aluminiun and • iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s. I.t is important to observe the almostabsence of calcite (ceramics are no calcareous) and the presenceof clay minerals, especially kaolini t·e, sepioli te and montmorilloni te.Samples 94, 67 and 96 show, however, ·peculiarities consisting inthe enrichment in feldspars and mica.The two layers in samples from group 2 are similar in compositionand minerals. It seems that they appear differentiated due to lightchanges in colour and porosity. Nevertheless the surface in samplesfrom group 3 are clearly enriched in K as compared with bulk, 'probablydue to the increasing concentration of mica. The brilliant and smoothblack aspect of the surface is achieved through the presence of micaand carbonaceous material.CONCLUSIONS-From TG analysis, refiring treatment and mineralogical studies ithas been possible to set up that the firing temperature of all analyzedsamples is below 800°C.-Because the composition of samples is not very different betweenthem the raw materials used in manufacturing have been probably thesame, except samples from group 3. The main differences appear i'nthe techniques used in achieving the final product: burnishing, slip,etc.388

REFERENCES(1) Valiente Ma1la J. Pico Buitre (Espinosa <strong>de</strong> Henares. Guadalajara).La transici6n <strong>de</strong>l Broze al Hierro en el Alto Henares. Wad-Al-Hayara11, (1984) (9-57).(2) Valiente Ma11a, J., Crespo Cane, M.L., Espinosa Gimeno, c. Un;aspecto <strong>de</strong> la ce1tizaci6n en el Alto y Medic Henares. Los poblados<strong>de</strong> ribera. Wad-Al-Hayara, 13 (1986).389

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>INFLUENCE OF THE TEXTURAL AND STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF FIBROUS CLAYMINERALS ON THE ACTIVITY AND SELECTIVITY OF SUPPORTED-NiMo H-Y-DROHE-IH+NG-···CATALYSTS.A. M I FSUD'', A. CORMA,F. MELO and E. SANZ* Institute <strong>de</strong>,'.r:iencia <strong>de</strong> Materiales C.S.I.C. Serrano, 115 dpdo.28006-MADRID (Spain)Institute <strong>de</strong> Catil is is y Petroleoqufmica C.S.I .C., Serrano, 119.28006-MADRID (Spain)The hydrotreating of the heavy fractions of petroleum is becomingthe more and more a necessity. This is due not only to economicalreasons which impose a better use of the bottom of the barril, butalso to an ecological necessity which is claming for a <strong>de</strong>crease inSOx and NOx emission. This process results i.n a rapid <strong>de</strong>activation ofthe catalysts used due to an irreversible adsorption of metal impurities,mainly nickel and vanadium. The utilization of unexpensive cat•­lysts is an attractive way in competence with the noncatalytic methods.The fibrous clay minerals are relative abundant materials and bydifferent treatments it is possible to obtain textural and acid propertiescomparables to those of the A1 2o arid Si0 3 2supports.In this work a series of NiMo catalysts supported on sepiol iteand'palygorskite in their natural states and modified by acid leachinghave been prepared. The preparation variables studied were: method ofmetal <strong>de</strong>position,-amount of active phase, support pretreatment andsulfuration conditions.The NiMo catalysts, in both oxi<strong>de</strong> and sulfi<strong>de</strong>d forms, have beencharacterized by X-ray diffra.ction, TEM, BET surface area and adsorptionof pyridine. The catalytic activity has been measured in a fixed bedreactor at 300°C and 400°C and 20 Kg.cm- 2 of total pressure using amixture of cyclohexene, cyclohexane and thiophene. In this way, theactivity of the catalysts for hydrogenation, isomeriza-tion and hydro<strong>de</strong>sulfurizat-ionreactions have been simultaneously estimated.390

In catalysts supported on sepiol ite, an optimum for HDS and hydr~genation activity i~found for a 12%, 5% wt Moo 3, NiO respectivelyprepared by simultaneous impregnation by the pore volume method atpH = 5. 400°C and 3 hours of sulfuration are the optimum conditionswith these catalysts. The isomerization activity is very sensitiveto the support acidity. For the catalysts supported on palygorskitethe HDS and hydrogenation activities ar.e lower than the corresp?ndingcata]ysts supported on sepiol ite but the isomeri:;.ation activity ishigher, probably due to the support acidity.By relating the catalytic activity of NiMo/sepiol ite with thecharacterization results it is found that the precursor active phasein HDSis formed by a non-stequiometric sol id soluti·on of nickel andmolyb<strong>de</strong>num oxi<strong>de</strong>s. After sulfuration this phase is transformed in amolyb<strong>de</strong>num sulfi<strong>de</strong> phase while the other oxi<strong>de</strong>s phases present arenot sensibly affected. The origin of this sulfi<strong>de</strong>d phase and thebroad of the diffraction peak seems to indicate the presence of nickel·in molyb<strong>de</strong>num positions in the crystals similar to the related activeIphases found in catalysts supported on alumina.For the NiMo/palygorskite catalysts the mixed oxi<strong>de</strong> phase: is notclearly observed. The molyb<strong>de</strong>num sulfi<strong>de</strong> formed. could proceed from amolybdate phase ·present in the oxi<strong>de</strong> samples. The lower 'actividyofthe NiMo/palygorskite catalysts can be due to the lower BET surfacearea of these samples in comparison with the catalysts SUP.ported onsepiol ite.Finally, the activity of the sepiol ite catalysts is comparableto the NiMo/y-alumina prepare'd folldwing the same procedure.391

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> E~paflola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THERMAL STABILITY AND TEXTURAL PROPERTIES OF EXCHANGED SEPIOLITESA. MIFSUD, I. GARCIA and A. CORMA*. .Institute <strong>de</strong> Ciencia <strong>de</strong> Materiales C.S.I.C., Serrano, 115 dpdo.28006 MADRID (Spain).*Institute <strong>de</strong> Catalisis y Petroleoquimica C.S.I.C., Serrano, 119.28006 MADRID (Spain}.Sep~olite is a crystalline magnesium silicate whose structureconsists of flat laths (2:1) joined together at their edges (1). Inits natural state, .the sepiolite .does .not show io~exchange capacity.However, the Mg 2 + located at the bor<strong>de</strong>r of the octahadral sheet couldbe ma<strong>de</strong> exchangeable, so an exchange capacity ofrJ300 meq.100 g- 1 couldbe achieved. Besi<strong>de</strong>s that potential, and the exitence of channels of10.8 x 4.0 A run the whole length of the fibre, the structure of thesepiolite resembles that of the z"eolites, and could,· therefore, presentshape selectivity for adsorption and catalytic reactions •.In the present work, a natural sepiolite (Vallecas type) was usedas the start.ing material. Procedures for exchanging part of the cationslocated in .the octahedral layer have been reported (2,3) and inour case we have introduced by ion exchange for the corresponding Mg 2 +located at the edges of the octahedral sheet,~150 meq.100 g- 1 of monovalent and divalent cations such as Li+, Na+, K+, Cs+, ca 2 + and Ba 2 +.The resultant materials have structural, textural and thermal characteristics quite different from the natural sepiolite. They are suitedto show interesting adso%'-::1on and catalytic properties.The materials are stuqied by different physicochemical techniquesi.e., i.r., X-ray diffraction, BET surface, pore volume distributionand T.G. It has been observed that the specific surface of the exchangedsamples <strong>de</strong>creases with respect-to the original sepiolite being the<strong>de</strong>crease stronger in the case of monovalent cations (Table I) •392.

TABLEISpecific surface area of 'J}atural. and exchanged sepiolite.SAMPLE Nat-Sep ca 2 + -Sep 2+Ba -S~p Li+ -sep Na+ -sep+K -sepCs + -sep.S~ET . 295 205 196 170 108 165 155lm' /grOn the other hand, the water molecules, coor<strong>de</strong>nated to the ionslocated at the bor<strong>de</strong>rs of the octahedral sheet, are lost at tempera~tures different that in the case of the purelly magnesium sepiolite.Moreover in most of the exchanged samples the structure is not comple-. -2tely fol<strong>de</strong>d even after heating the samples at 600°C in vacuum of 10torr· (Fig. 1) •··;'::---.·20 1(Y·29Figure 1 .- XRD pc;ttern of a) natural sepiolite, b) .Li.-sepiolite,-2 .heated at 600°C, in vacuum of 10 torr.393

In other words, some of the_ exchanged samples present still thechannel structure when heating at high temperatures;·-- ·- ·------~-~~~---~~-­The properties of the new materials have been explained on thebasis of the ion composition of octahedral sheet. In this way theelectric field and the void space available for-adsorption are explainedon the basis of the charge to radio of the exchanged cations.REFERENCES(1) BRAUNER K & PREISINGER A (1956) Tschermaks Miner. u. Petrogr.Mitt. _§_, 120.(2) YOKA M O~UCHI Y (1978) Supporting metal on sepiolite jn catalystmanufacture. Japan Kokai 53, 7592-7594(3) CORMA A, FORNES V, MIFSUD A, PEREZ PARIENTE J (1983) Procedimientopara la obtenci6n <strong>de</strong> un silicate <strong>de</strong>rivado qe silicates magnesicoscristalinos <strong>de</strong>l tipo <strong>de</strong> la sepiolita. Sp. Pat. 527-756394

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaflola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MINERALOGY AND UTILIZATION OF "POTTERY STONE" AS RAW MATERIAL FORWHITE PORCELAIN IN JAPANH. MINATOHyogo University of Teacher Education (Japan).White porcelain or china ware has been manufactured from "PotteryStone" in Eastern Asia, Japan, China, Korea and etc., originallyfrom ancient. The pottery stone is white . colour, coarsely apperantand not earthy and also not clayey, is· formed by hydrothermal reaction,is composed of fine grains of quartz and clay minerals, and is usedfor the raw material of white ·porcelain. Five to ten quarries areworked in Japan. In this report, the mineral assemblages and theircharacteristics of procelain of different · production localities. in Japan are compared.Main quarries <strong>de</strong>veloped in our country are Hattori, Kawai, Izushi,Tobe, Izumiyama and Amakusa, from northeast to southwest. The potterystone is formed from acidic igneous rocks such as. rhyolite, quartzporphry, etc. by hydrothermal alterations. Mineral composition andits properties in each quarries are shown as follows:Amakusa Toseki':-: This is a main ,pottery stone in Japan, and isoccurred at Shimojima Island, Amakusa Islands, west of KumamotoPrefecture, Kyushu. Two Of three groups of rhyolite dykes, whichare altered to potterry stone, are <strong>de</strong>yeloped in western si<strong>de</strong> ofthe Shimojima. The direction of the dykes are NNE - SSW and NE - SEand their length are 15 km and· 5 km, respect_ively and their widthare 10 to 30 m. Pottery stone of high quality is mainly composedof sericite of 1M and 2M 1type, kaolinite, fine grained quartz,and small amounts of feldspar,· sericite/montmorillonite and sericite/chlori te mixed layer clay minerals. They have been used for raw-material of ceramics such as the mixing materials of china waresand fire brick and main raw material for white porcelain named 'Arita-:< Toseki ·is a Japanese name of pottery stone.395

Yaki' - 'Arita Porcelain' or 'Imari Yaki' ~ 'Imari Porcelain', which arefamous porcelain from old time in the world.Izumiyama Toseki: It had been worked at Izi.uniyama, eastern partof the Ari ta city, where has been a manufacturing place of'Ari taPorcelain I' since 17th century' as the first period of the manuf{l.cturing.The pottery stone is mainly composed with sericite and finegrainedquartz.Tobe Toseki: It .has been worked southern area of Matsuyama city,Ehime Prefecture, Shikoku Island, and is raw material of 'Tobe Yaki'· - 'Tobe Porcelain'. It is composed of sericite and fine graind quartzand with a small amounts of sericite/montmorillonite mixed layerclay .mineral, in some case. The sericite has someN!f4 + ion insteaO.of K+ ion, which will be one of the <strong>de</strong>fects of the •robe Por9elain'.Izushi Toseki: It has been worked for raw material of1IzushiYaki'- 'Izushi Porcelain', at the eastern part of ;zushi-cho, manufacturingplace of the Izushi Porcelain, northern part of Hyogo Prefecture.The pottery stone was .formed from glassy rhyolite dykes by hydrothermalalteration, and is composed mainly of Al-chlorite, sericite, sericite/chlorite and sericite/montmorilloni~e mixed layer clay minerals,fine:- graind quartz and with a ~mallamounts of kaolinite. It hascharacterristic mineral composition and has special property forthe porcel{l.in.Hattori and Kawai Toseki: They are worked from Hattori and Kawai<strong>de</strong>posits and are situated about 20 km south of Kanazawa city, IshikawaPrefecture. It is composed with sericite and fine-grained quartz.Utilization.The utirizations of pottery stone are <strong>de</strong>vi<strong>de</strong>d into the followingtwo methods, one is the mixing materil for ceramic production, suchas fire brick, sanitary wears, an insulator, ·and porcelain wears,etc., and the second is main raw material for fine porcelain.. Theorigin of the porcelain was produced in China from about 7th century,and one of the famous manufacturing place is Ching- te·- chen.~ainraw material of the Ching- te -chen· porcelain is "Peitongzu" whichis treated pottery stone by means of water washed methods •. Techniquesof manufacturing procelain, including raw material of pottery stonewere <strong>de</strong>rived to Japan from China. Wehave many kinds of porcelain,.Arita Yaki, Kutani Yaki, Tobe Yaki, Izushi Yaki, etc., and eachproducts has their specialities and they are <strong>de</strong>rived from theirraw materials which is its special character of pottery stone.396

Summaries - Proceedings_THE SiXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, i 987: <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>FORMATION PROCESES OF HALLOYSITE FROM ACIDIC VOLCANIC GLASS BY WEATHERINGREACTIONSH. Kinato and M. OtosuHyogo University of Teacher Education (Japan:).Field observations on the dacitic volcanic glass, so called "Shirasubed", <strong>de</strong>veloped in the Kagoshima Prefecture, Southwest Kyushu, Japan,are car:_ried out in or<strong>de</strong>r to trace the weathering processes. The"Shirasu bed" was formed about 22,000 years before present whenthe climate of the area was relatively high in temperature and humidity.Moreover, the experiments on the chemical weatheri1,1g of the "Shirasubed" are also carried out. in or<strong>de</strong>r to trace the behavior of themajor elements during the weathering.Field.observations revealed the following points:1; Well weathered "Shirasu bed" is observed in the. uppermost levelof the bed at the Ryugamizu district, northern part of the Kagoshimacity. There is a yellow soil bed which is composed of lialloysite,allophane, and iron hydroxi<strong>de</strong>s. At the Magome, northern part ofthe Kagoshima Prefecture, there·· is a "Shirasu bed" which was wel<strong>de</strong>dand is not capable of percolation. In the bed, montmorilloni te andcalcite are found. Thin segregation veins of calcite are found inthe montmorillonized bed. At these two localities, weathering profilesare well observed.2; Exu<strong>de</strong>d waters of fallout from the ceiling of the cave formedin the "Shirasu bed" were c~llected. Each waters have differentpass in the bed. The chemical compositions of each water shows thedifferences of the pass of the circulation and the reaction withpumice.The concentrationsfollowing sequence:of the dissolved· species <strong>de</strong>crease in theSi0 2>> CaO> K 20> MgO>Fe 2o 3> MnO> Al 2o 3.Chemical corilpositions of the weathered "Shirasu bed" of the

halloysite and montmorillonite zones are compared with those ofthe fresh' "Shirasu bed". Dissolved components in the two zones areas follows:Halloysite zone; Si0 2>> Na o 2> K o> CaO 2> MgO > MnO and no Al o • 2 3Montmorilloni te zone; Si0 2>> K 20 > Na 20 >' CaO > Fe 0 2 3> MgO > MnOand no Al o • 2 3Leaching experiments of the, "Shirasu" glassy rock are performedin or<strong>de</strong>r to trace the behavior of the elements during the weatheringprocess. Fresh pumice of the "Shirasu bed" at the Takeoka, , westernpart of the Kagoshima city was 'used for this experiment. The, pumicewas pulverized to 60 - 100 mesh. The pulverized samples were reactedwith artificial rain water, which was the water saturated with airand CO • Dissolved species were an:alyzed 2qy means of gravimetryand atomic absorption spectrometry. Duration of the experimentswere 300 hours. Dissolved species after the interaction are as follows:CaO>>SiCi > K 2 20>Na o>>MgO>Al 0f Fe o >MnO.2 2 2 3The differences in the concentration of the dissolved constituentsin the four sequences can be ascrived to the different reactionsduring the weathering processes of the glassy volcanic materials.398

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espar'iola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SIGNIFICANCE OF Ba RICH ZEOLITIC SEDIMENTS OF THE OLIGOMlOCENIC· SEQUENCES NEAR VOGHERA ( PV-AL PROVINCES) , ITALY.·V. MINGUZZI, N. MORANDI, F. TATEODipartimento di Scienze Mineralogiche, Universita' di Bologna (Italy).Thirty zeolitic sediments,. sampled from some oligomiocenicsequences, outcropping in the northern Apennines near Voghera (PV andAL Provinces), Italy, were examined. The sediments are thick from aminimum of 2 cm to a maximum of 180 cm with average values about 30-40cm and affect the pelitic-arenaceous sequences for a thickeness of80-100 m. The zeolitic layers are normally gre~ pink coloured andclearly distinct from the pelites by both the higher hardness and-the<strong>de</strong>fined boundary. They show many sedimentary textures as fine bedding,bio-turbations, slumps, cylindrical concentrations of pure greensmectite and dispersed·hexagonal crystals of biotite.The prevailing mineral in the examined samples results to be a Barich phillipsite with BaO ranging in the sediment between 2% and 12%.The X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r diffraction patterns of those phillipsites is largelycorrelated to BaO content: in particular the intensity of 10-1 and 011peaks at 8.1A and 6.4A increases and that of 120 at 5.4A <strong>de</strong>creasesproportionally to BaO% value~. The TG and DTG curves show the waterloss reactions distributed in a l:ii<strong>de</strong> range of temperature proving thepresence of different phillipsitic frameworks characterized byvariable BaO content and mixed in the same sample. The phillipsiticmineral is associated with small quantity of heulandite (foursamples) , analcime (two samples) , smecti te (most samples) , calcite,authigenic quartz and clastic feldspars and biotite.The chemical analyses (major ·and trace elements) of the wholesamples were recalculated to lOO percent after removing calcite,quartz and other impurities, estimated by X-ray diffraction. Thecorrected chemical data are coherent with the principal mineralogicalcomposition. The minor-element values show an anomalous enrichment ofzr, Nb, La and ee and a content· reduction of zn, eu, v; er, eo, Ni,. Rband Li that are normally rich in pelitic rocks of the examined.sequences.399

This exceptional finding is peculiar from the mineralogical,petrographic and geological point of view. In fact; tne mineraloglCai-~ ~~and chemical composition and the observed sedimentary textures lead to.attribute. a volcanic origin to the examined samples. During a sequenceof extrusive cicles into the basin could be occurred immediatehydrothermal reactions silica glass~zeolites and/or smectites. TheBa enrichment would be due to a "capture" mechanism of the element,released during the reactions, by the phill~psitic framework. Theturbulent flows formed . into the heated sea water would favour thedistribution of the reaction products (zeolites and smectite::;) in alarge space (other zeolitic · sediments in the northern Apenninesbetween Reggio Em. and Bologna are correlated. with those fromVoghera), in rapid subsequent phases and with tipic structuralfeatures (cylindrical smectitic concentrations). ·The obtained chemicaland mineralogical data might be a good suggestion to <strong>de</strong>fine the typeof .magmatism that characterized the Oligo-Miocene-boundary in a largearea of the northern apennines.400

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espai'iola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN TERRA ROSSA AND NON CARBONATIC RESI­DUE FROM CRETACIC LIMESTONES (PUGLIA-SOUTHERN ITALY).M. MORESI AND G. MONGELLIDipartimento Geomineralogico - Universita di Sari.Trav. al N. 200 di Via Re David. SARI, (Italy).The composition a I pattern of terra rossa from Pug I i a hasbeen examined both to evaluate the possibi I ity of its originfro,.;; weathering of un<strong>de</strong>r I y i ng cretac i cI i mestones andto <strong>de</strong>fine the nature of the processes that have governedits evolution.The statistical treatment of chemical data shows that theterra rossa carbonate free ( 82 samp I es), compared with thecretacic.limestone residue (69 samples), is richer 1n Si0 2and Al 2o , and poorer in MgO, CaO, K 0, Na 0; no differen-3 2 2ces exist in the contents of Ti0 2, Fe 2o3, H 20.The main mi~eralogicalcomponents both of terra rossa andof I i me stone residue are kao I in i te, i I I i te, Fe-ox i<strong>de</strong>s and\.hydroxi<strong>de</strong>s; minor components are quartz, feldspars, micas,Al-oxi<strong>de</strong>s and hydroxi<strong>de</strong>s."'According to the nature of ma1n clay minerals and to thechemical differences between terra rossa and I imestone residue,the K 20/A1 2o 3ratio has been assumed as an "weatheringin<strong>de</strong>x" related to the' plausible <strong>de</strong>gradation from i 11 i­te to kao I in i te.The pattern of eh em i ea I components in the I i mestone res 1-due shows that as <strong>de</strong>creases the K 20/A 1 2o 3ratio (name I y as1 ncreases the weathering), increases A 1 2o 3, <strong>de</strong>crease MgO,CaO, K 20, Na 20, whereas no changes exist in the contents ofSi0 2, Ti0 2,. ~e 2 o 3 , H 2 0.Thus the trends of al I components, Si0 2excepted, we 11agree the eh em i ea I changes observed in the transition from401

I i me stone residue to terra rossa. On I y some qua~!~~L:"_:_~

Summaries - ProceedingTHE' StXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>EXPLORATION AND EVALUATION OF KAOLIN DEPOSITSHaydn H. MurrayDepartment of Geology, Indiana University, Bloomington,Indiana 47405 (USA)Kaolin production and utilization continues to growannually. Because transportation and handling costs continueto escalate,more exploration and evaluation of kaolin<strong>de</strong>posits is being done in many areas of the ·world. Thelargest user of the industrial mineral kaolin is the paperindustry where ~t is used both as a filler and a coate-r.These two applications require some different specifications,the more stringent being those required for utilizationas a coating gra<strong>de</strong> kaolin.Geologically,. kaolins occur as either primary or secondary<strong>de</strong>posits, the most common being those that are primaryin their origin. Exploration techniques differ <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntupon whether the kaolin <strong>de</strong>posit is either primary orsecondary. Some physical characteristics such as percentgrit, particle size distribution, brightness, viscosity,abrasion, and mineralogy may differ in primary versussecondary <strong>de</strong>posits.Exp~oration methods, particularly drilling patterns,~re different for primary and secondary kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits.Evaluation may also differ <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt primarily on theeventual end use of the kaolin.Processing techniques continually evolve so that many<strong>de</strong>posits that heretofore-.wciuld have been consi<strong>de</strong>red unusablecan be beneficiated into usable products. This isparticularly true .for making filler gra<strong>de</strong> kaolins wherebrightness is a most im~ortant specification.. There areseveral ways to improve brightness including gravityseparations, oxidation and reduction-reactions, highintensity magnetic separation and flotation.· _Examples of the exploration and evaluation techniquesthat have been used for some <strong>de</strong>posits will be <strong>de</strong>scribedin this paper.403.

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE PALYGORSKITE DEPOSIT _OF BERCIMUEL (SEGO\T_I_~,_~S.f>AINJ_~~~~---_I. NAVARRETE, M.PERALTA, M.SUAREZ, j.MARTIN-POZAS and I.ARMEN­TEROS *Department of Geology, University of Salamanca, Spain* Department of Stratigraphy, University of Salamanca, SpainThe present work studies a <strong>de</strong>posit of palygorskii:e of economic importancesituated in the small village of Bercimuel (N. of the province ofSegovia, Spain).Geologically, the <strong>de</strong>posit is situated in the area ·of confluence of ·twomiocene alluvial fan systems (Fig. 1) and above the level of caliche layersthat <strong>de</strong>marcate the joining of the two systems. The level of .caliche changesdistally (towards the NE) to carbonated levels of paludal/lacustrine origin.The outcrop studied has an .approximate tickness of five meters anda l~teral width quite possibly greate-r than 100 m.The rocks of the outcrop are fairly homogeneous in aspect and nosignificant structure can be observed; the only important feature is a slightchange in colouring, possibly due to edaphic processes.-From the XRD study, it may be inferred that the major componentof the rocks is palygorskite accompanied by smaller amounts 9f illite,smectite sepiolite and quartz.The content in quartz does not surpass 15% in any of the samplesstudied and within the clay components palygorskite is the major mineral,reaching values close to 75%.Regarding the conditions of the formation of the <strong>de</strong>posit, the magnesiumcharacter of the sepiolite and palygorskite point to the existence of amedium with a high Mg content.I.It seems evi<strong>de</strong>nt that the source area of the Mg must ha:re beensituated both in the paleozoic metamorphic rocks and in the mesozoicdolomitic formations of the Sierra· <strong>de</strong> Honrubia-Pradales and the Sierra <strong>de</strong>404

~ Pre-Tertiary[Sj Paleogene·ONeogene~OKMs10KMFig. 1.- Location of the Bercimuel <strong>de</strong>posit.Ayllon (Fig. 1) and, in view ·of its proximity to the zone studied, theprovision of Mg must have been direct, although the possibility that it might.have_ been the. result of post-sedimentary processes cannot be ruled out.The work here also reports on other results obtained both regardingmineralogy -(chemical analysis, DTA,. electron microscopy) and the <strong>de</strong>terminationof some properties tiseful-· for technical applications (absorptioncapacity, <strong>de</strong>colouring potential, rheological properties).This work forms part of a project of. geological prospection for specialclays in the Duero basin subsidized. by the \Conserjeria cie Energfa y Trabajoof the junta of Castilla and Le6n.405

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SiXTH .MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE DEVELOPING OF CRISTOBALITE IJ KAOLINIZED VOLCAlliC ROCKS. Dl SAB.ABDRES IIDUJlTAIBS I¥ XICHOACAll

Chemical composition of fresh and kaolinized rocks:SiO:.: TiO:>. Al:.:O~, Fe:zO:. CaD MgO K.,o Nao:O H,,oA.) 71. 95. 0.06 18. 18 0.86 0.96 0.65 4.02 1. 26 1.70B.) 44.88 2.74 34.63 0.18 0.12 0;02 0.06 0.00 13.37c. ) 52.08 1. 54 32.62 0.40 0.10 0.02 0.06 0.16 12.39A.) relatively fresh volcanic parent rock

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>',,'SOME CRYSTALLOCHEMICAL AND PETROGRAPHIC CRITERIA FOR THE DETERMINATIONOF THE SOURCE ROCKS IN SEDIMENTARY PROCESSES: THE NEOGENE SEDIMENTS OFTHE BETIC CORDILLERA (SE SPAIN). ~- -~-~~------F. NIETO, M. ORTEGA HUERTAS & N. VELILLADpto. Mineralogia y Petrologia. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada (Spain).Institute Andaluz <strong>de</strong> Geologia Mediterranea. C.S.I.C.-Univ. <strong>de</strong> Granada.INTRODUCTIONThe study of sedimentary rocks normally involves some sort of kriowledgeof their prece<strong>de</strong>nce, the source rocks, which in turn implies theapplication of a combination of mineralogical, petrological and strati~graphical techniques. In this paper we propose a methodology which inclu<strong>de</strong>sall these aspects of the problem, with special emphasis on themineralogical and petrological approach. While <strong>de</strong>scribing our methodologywe intend also to apply it to the Neogene sediments of the Betic Cordillera,in or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>termine: a) whether the <strong>de</strong>posits originated froma single or various source areas, b) in the latter eventuality, therelative importance of each source area, c) discover the types and theintensity of the sedimentary Md post-sedimentary processes through acomparative study of certain crystallochemical parameters to do withphyllosilicates.il.,ITHE AREA STUDIEDWe selected for study the Neogene materials from the "Alpujarran Corridor",which forms part of the eastern Betic Depressions. The mineralogypetrology(Ortega Huertas et al.,l985), the stratigraphy (Rodriguez,l982)and the sedimentology-tectonics of the area (Sanz et al. ,1985) havealready been documented. The zone is especially suitable to our purposeas it is <strong>de</strong>limited by extensive strike-slip faults which have affectedthe substratum as well as the Neogene materials (Sanz et al., op.cit.).It is also noteworthy that this narrow fringe is boun<strong>de</strong>d by metamorphicrocks belonging to at least two important tectonic complexes, the Nevado-Filabri<strong>de</strong>(sub-divi<strong>de</strong>d into the Veleta nappe and the Mulhacen nappe,from bottom to top respectively) and the Alpujarri<strong>de</strong> complex (Fig.l).The various Neogene materials studied are known stratigraphically, frombottom to top, as the "Cadiar 11 , "marine Ug:ljar", "Y8.tor" and "continentalUgijar" sequences and are ma<strong>de</strong> up of fine <strong>de</strong>trital sediment such asmarls, sands and clays, intercalated between much thicker conglomeratelevels of up to 600 m.METHODSI. X-ray diffraction.A) Qualitative and quantitative mineralogical study. The mineralogy ofthe fine <strong>de</strong>trital sediments was studied both in thg clay and siltfractions by O.A.,O.A.+E.G., O.A.+D.M.S.O. and O.A.+550 C.B) Crystallochemical parameters.1) The phyllosilicate spacings were measured by using the MAXprogramme of the diffractometer, which searches the maximun intensityof a reflection through step scan measurements at regular angular intervalsduring equal periods of time. The experimental conditions were thefollowing: size of step between points .= 0. 005° 29, measuring time .._teach point = 1 second, number of points on each si<strong>de</strong> of start angle=-40.408

As an internal standard quartz was used.1.a: b measurements. The (006) reflection of phengites andchlorites was 0 measured using uncovered, thin sections and with fine,<strong>de</strong>trital sediments it was carried out usingasi<strong>de</strong>-loading sample hol<strong>de</strong>rin or<strong>de</strong>r to obtain the most favourable orientation of the reflection.l.b: Measurement of the basal spacings of phengites, paragoniteand chlorites in O.A. For the first two the (0,0,10) reflection wasmeasured and for the latter the (004) reflection.2 i Intensity ratios of the ( 003) , ( 004) and ( 005) chlori te reflectionswere measured by graphic recording un<strong>de</strong>r the following experimentalconditions: speed of scan = 1°/min., time cons~nt = 2, recor<strong>de</strong>r speedpaper = 20 mm/ 0 29, recor<strong>de</strong>r full scale = 2.10 • The final data representsthe arithmetic mean of five measurements. The iron content ofthis mineral was <strong>de</strong>termined from its b parameter and/or the intensityratios of the basal reflections, accoi'ding to the method proposed byNieto and Rodriguez Gallego (1983).3) Crystallinity. This was measured from the (004) reflecti~ns ofilli te and paragoni te and the ( 003) reflection of chlori te un<strong>de</strong>r thefollowing cond~tions: speed of scan= 2°/min., time constant= 1, speedpaper = 50 mm/ 29.II. Optical petrographic study.This consisted essentially in a characterisation of the· variousmetamorphic parageneses and an analysis of the textural criteria.A HYPOTHESIS CONCERNING THE SOURCE AREAS AND THEIR TEMPORAL EVOLUTIONThe materials to be found in the "Cadiar" sequence bear witness to the·influence of rocks belonging to the Alpujarri<strong>de</strong> complex, and specificallythose nappes with a higher thermal gradient, the Contraviesa group(Aldaya et al., 1981). This •."assignation is supported by petrographicevi<strong>de</strong>nce and the b values of the pheng1tes. Furthermore, the scarcityand/ or absence of 0 paragoni te and 'chlori te can be explained by thehigh-temperature conditions of this group of nappes. The fine <strong>de</strong>tritalsediments and the pebbles of the "Yator" sequence point to severalsource areas. At the bottom, the rock types (phyllites), the b valuesof the phengites (>9.00 A) and the b29 muscovite-paragonite (>£.7° 2€)all suggest an Alpujarri<strong>de</strong> origin, specifically the rocks belonging tothe Lujar and Guadalfeo nappes and the Contraviesa group (op.cit.).Towards the top of this sequence, however, there is clear influence bothfrom the Alpujarri<strong>de</strong> materials and from the Nevado-Filabri<strong>de</strong> complex asshown by crystallochemical analyses (Mulhacen: b phengi te > 9.00 A,d(0,0, 10) phengite > 1.996 A, d(00 1) chlorite

Fig. 1. Temporal and spatial evolution of the source areas.GR: Granada, AL :Almeria. A: Nevado-Filab.ri<strong>de</strong>. comp.le.x;. J;l,: • .J\.Jp_u_.Ja_ .rri<strong>de</strong> complex; C: Neogene sediments. Alpujarri<strong>de</strong> complex: - ·1. Contraviesa group, Lujar and Guadalfeo nappes. Nevado-Filabri<strong>de</strong>complex: 3. Mulhacen nappe, 4. Veleta nappe. (Structuralscheme of Sanz et al., 1985).410

TECTONIC SEQUENCE OFTHE SOURCE- ROCKSE!]lFig. L Temporal and spatial evolution of thesource areas. GR:Granada, Al:AlmeriaA. Nevado-FiU.bri<strong>de</strong> complex; 8: Alpujarri<strong>de</strong>complex; C: Neogene sediments.Alpuj5.rri<strong>de</strong> complex: 1. Contraviesa group,2. LUjar and Guadalfeo nappes.Nevado-Filabri<strong>de</strong> complex: 3. Hulhacen nappe,4. Veleta nappe.(Structural scheme of Sanz et al.; 1985)SOME CONSIDERATIONS CONCERNING THE SEDIMENTARY PROCESSA study of the clay-mineral associations leads to several conclusions.The "Cadiar" sequence was <strong>de</strong>posited in a marine environment withsporadic influence from the continent (Ortega Huertas et al.,1985). The11Yator" and "continental Ugijar 11 sequences correspond to alluvial-fan<strong>de</strong>posits ( op. ci t. ) . In this kind of environment, in which physicalfactors are the prime movers,(. certain crystallochemical parameters,such as basal spacing, are remarkably constant. Basically, the mostnotable differences can be seen in'-the crystallinity values of illi teand chlorite, which diminish substantially in the clay fraction comparedto the silt fraction and the pebbles and rocks of the source areas. Alsonoteworthy is the slight drop in the iron content of the chlori tes inthe "Y

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>INTERLAYER Cot·1PLEXES OF LANTHANIDE VERMICULITES WITH AMINES AND AMIDESP. OLIVERA PASTOR, E. RODRIGUEZ-CASTELLON AND A. RODRIGUEZ-GARCIADepartamento <strong>de</strong> Quimica Inorganica, Cristalografia· y Mineralogia,Facultad <strong>de</strong> Ciencias, Universidad <strong>de</strong> Malaga, 29071 Malaga CSPAIN). The lanthani<strong>de</strong> ions are typical HhardH acids in the Pearsonsense. Although the majority of the stable complexes contain ligandswith oxygen donor sites, complexes containing pure N-atom donorligands have been obtained, un<strong>de</strong>r rigorously anhydrous conditionsCl). Little. is known about the interaction of such ions with organicsubstances in the confined space of clays. The objective of thiswork was to study the interactions of ·lanthani<strong>de</strong> ions CCeCII!),Nd CI I I), Gd CI I I), ErCI In and Lu CI I I)) with ami nes Cn-bt.ityl ami ne,n-pentyl ami ne, n-hexyl ami ne, ethyl endi ami ne and 1, 3-propyl endi ami ne)and ami <strong>de</strong>s Cacetami<strong>de</strong>, N,N-dimethylformami<strong>de</strong> and N,N-dimethyl acetami<strong>de</strong>),in the vermiculite interlayer space.The natural sample of ve.rmiculite came from Benahavis, Spain.And the homoionic lanthani<strong>de</strong> vermiculites were prepared as <strong>de</strong>scribe<strong>de</strong> 1 sewhe;·e c 2). Interl ay er comp 1 exes were characterized by X-raydiffraction, infrared spectroscopy and DTA-TG analysis.From the composition data of the complexes was observeda <strong>de</strong>c1·ease of the organic substance content with the 1 anthani <strong>de</strong>ion radius. TI1is adsorption ci;·<strong>de</strong>r appeared to be in.ve1·sely "related tba) the <strong>de</strong>gree of contraction of the lanthani<strong>de</strong>-vermiculite interlayerspace, in their <strong>de</strong>hydrated state, which ranged from 11.85 A forCe-vermiculite to 11.66 A in the case of Lu-vermiculite,; and alsobl to the hydration energy of the lanthani<strong>de</strong> ion.The. study of the sorption isotherms of n-butyl ami ne on 1 anthani<strong>de</strong>vermiculites revealed a strongly acidic medium, attributedto an increase of the Br0nsted acid centers, which are formedfrom the hydrolysis of the lanthani<strong>de</strong> ions in the vermiculiteinterlayer space.Sorption of molecular amines by lanthani<strong>de</strong>-vermiculitesinvolved protonation of the amine group and hydrolysis of theinterlayer lanthani<strong>de</strong> cation; suggesting that sorption of certainorganic materials by. clays, un<strong>de</strong>r specific conditions, maychloritization of the clays C3).- nRNHcause3 + + [LnCOHl nCOH ) ]( 3 2 x-n-n)+n

H. I 3+R -C=0· ······H-O······ ·Ln1INI \R2 R3This suggested mechanism for ami ne and ami <strong>de</strong> interactionwith lanthani<strong>de</strong> vermiculite~ can be qualitatively explained interms of the atomic dielectric theory C4l.The amines and ami<strong>de</strong>s molecules can not transmit the highpolarizations associated with surface oxygens coordinated to thealuminium ions of the tetrahedral sheets, in which the vermiculitecharge predominates, and so they can not substitute for waterdirectly coordinated to the interlayer lanthani<strong>de</strong> cations. Theami<strong>de</strong>s readily displace the water from outer hydration spheresof such ions,· because of their strong inherent ten<strong>de</strong>ncy to formchains. This chain conformation facilitates the transmission oflocalized charges on the lanthani<strong>de</strong> cations to the vermiculite1 aye.r surface, along the hydrogen bon<strong>de</strong>d chains.DTA-TG analyses of the complexes suggested that the thermal<strong>de</strong>composition of amines and ami<strong>de</strong>s <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>d in part on the interlayerlanthani<strong>de</strong> cation. ·REFERENCESll.- Moeller T; Cl972l Lanthani<strong>de</strong>s and Actini<strong>de</strong>s: Butterworths,London, pp. 275-298.. . ' ·.2 l.- 01 i vera, P., Rodri guez-Caste 11 on, E. and Rodri guez-Garci aA. Cl987l Uptake of lanthani<strong>de</strong>s ·by vermiculite: Clays & Clay NineralsIn press.3l.- Heller-Kallai, L., Yariv, S. and Reimer, M. Cl973l The formationof hydroxy inter 1 ayers in smectites un<strong>de</strong>r the influence of organicbases: Cl ay Ni ner., 10, · 35-40.4l.- Farmer, V.C. and Russell, J.D. Cl97ll · Interlayer complexesin layer silicates. Structure of water in lamellar ionic solutions:Trans. Faraday Soc., 67, 2737-2749.413

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS' Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>UPTAKE OF LANTHANIDES BY VERMICULIIE~~P. OLIVERA PASTOR, E. RODRIGUEZ~CASTELLON AND A. RODRIGUEZ GARCIADepartamento <strong>de</strong> Quimica Inorganica, Cristalografia y Mineralogia,Facultad <strong>de</strong> Ciencias, Universidad <strong>de</strong> Malaga, 29071 Malaga CSPAINl._Several recently published works have reported that lanthani<strong>de</strong>ions can hydrolize on the clay mineral surfaces Cl~3). However,no <strong>de</strong>tailed investigations about the relationships between solutionpH and ion exchange of such ions on clays have been reportedto date. The present work was <strong>de</strong>signed to eva 1 uate the effectsof pH on the uptake by' ve,rmiculite of five lanthani<strong>de</strong> ions CCeCIID,NdCIII), GdCIIIl, ErCIIIl y LuCIII)) from solutions ranging incomposition from 1.5 10- 2 N to -2.5 10- 2 N.The vermiculite used came from Benahavis, Spain. The structuralformula of the calcium-exchanged sample is:CaO. 58 CMg4. 98Fe1 1 .ko Ti 0. 22) CSi 5. 48A 12. 38Fe1I_Il4 )020COH) 4The cation-exchange capacity was 150 meq/lOOg (based onthe weight of the sample heated at 900°C).The ion exchange of the lanthani<strong>de</strong> 'ions on vermiculitewas studied using 'cation-exchange measurements, infrared spectrocopyand X-ray diffraction. The ion exchange studies were conductedon the uptake of the lanthani<strong>de</strong> ions by n-butylammonium vermiculitein relation to lanth·ani<strong>de</strong> salt amount ad<strong>de</strong>d, and· pH of the equilibriumsolution. The lantha.ni<strong>de</strong> ions were taken up by vermiculitein excess of its cation exchange capacity, ·from addition of alanthani<strong>de</strong> salt amount s·lightly above the CEC value.Uptake in excess increased with hydration energy of thelanthani<strong>de</strong> ion and with the pH of the n-butylammonium vermiculitesuspension. Un<strong>de</strong>r conditions where the pH of the equilibriumsolution ranged between 3 and 4.5, the amounts of lanthani<strong>de</strong>ions taken up were slightly greater than the CEC, whi 1 e abovepH 4. 5, uptake increased abruptly. The observed strong adsorptionof lanthani<strong>de</strong> ions by vermiculite, beyond the CEC, appears ·tobe the result of hydrolysis of such .ions on the interlayer surfaceof the vermiculite. The pH is a critical factor in the uptakeprocess of lanthani<strong>de</strong> ions by vermiculite because it <strong>de</strong>terminesthe charge of the adsorbed cationic species. High localizationof the vermi cul ite 1 ayer charge is be 1 i eved to be responsi b 1 eof the observed <strong>de</strong>crease of three units in pH C4l, at whichlanthani<strong>de</strong> ions begin to hydrolize when vermiculite is present.· The hydrolysis of lanthani<strong>de</strong> ions in vermiculite is alsosupported by the fact that . hydrated free protons are present414

in the homoi oni c 1 anthani <strong>de</strong> samp 1 es, as <strong>de</strong>duced by the appearanceof a band at 1715-1720 cm- 1 , in the infrared spectra.The lanthani<strong>de</strong> exchanged vermiculites gave X-ray diffractionpatterns with 002/001 intensity ratios greater than that of themagnesium-exchanged vermicul ite due not only to the greater atomicnumoers of the lanthani<strong>de</strong> ions, but also to the increase ·in theinterlayer cation ccinte:nt (5).REFERENCESn.- Bruque, S., Mozas, T., and Rodr{guez, A. Cl980) Factor influencingretention of lanthani<strong>de</strong> ions by montmorillonite: ~Miner. 15, 413-420.2).- Miller, S. E., Heat, G. R., and Gonzalez, R. D. Cl982) Effectof temperature on the sorption of 1 anthani <strong>de</strong> by montmori 11 onite:Clays & Clay Minerals 30, lll-122.3).- Laufer, F., Yariv, S., and Steinberg, M. Cl984) The adsorptionof quadrivalent ceri·um by kaolinite: Clay Miner. 19, 137-149.4).- Baes, C. F. aild Mesmer, R. E. Cl976) The Hydrolysis of Cations:Wiley-Interscience, New York, p. 1290.5).- Bassett, W. A. Cl958) Copper vermitulites from NorthernRho<strong>de</strong>sia: Amer. Mineral. 43, 1112-1133.415

I II ISummaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espatiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THERMAL TRANSFORMATION OF AN ATYPICAL KAOLIN CLAY rUNERAL.- - --~~---~ .. --~

Summaries, - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaflola <strong>de</strong> Arcil!asQUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF CLAY MINERALS IN A MODERN SEDIMENTARY BASINA. PALANQUES*, F. PLANA*, J. RIUS*** Institute Jaime Almera, c/ Mart{ i Franques s/n, 08028 BarcelonaCSpain).**Institute <strong>de</strong> Materiales, c/ Mart{ i Franques s/n, 08028 BarcelonaCSpain).A standardless X-ray diffraction method for quantitative multi~component analysis of mixtures was <strong>de</strong>signed. This method <strong>de</strong>rivescalibration constants o~ly from diffracted intensities and calculatedphase absorption coefficients through a least-squares procedurewithout requiring neither the use of pure phases nor the measurementpf the sample absorption coefficient.The studied area is the Ebro Continental Margin. Bottom and suspen<strong>de</strong>dsediment samples were taken in several cruises. Mineralogy,geochemistry and grain size were analized systematically. Theresults agree with the sedimentary environment distribution.In bottom sediments, the illite and clorite content in muds rangesbetween 8 and 16%, while kaolinite does between 4 and 6%.Silts and Sands present obviously 'lower clay content: illite 0-4%,clorite 0-8% and caolinite 0-2%. Illite and kaolinite are well ·correlated with clay fraction, but clorite is more correlated withsilt fraction.No interstratified clay minerals have been <strong>de</strong>tected in most ofthe samples as a result of the fact that the material carried by theEbro River has had a long and complex process of transport thatallows its reaching stable phases. Interstratified clay mineralshave been <strong>de</strong>tected only in actual litoral sediments coming fromnear-litoral source areas.The suspen<strong>de</strong>d sediment shows a low concentration mainly due tothe anthropogenic action ~ffectuated in the river during the last<strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s. The clay content is about twice as much as the clay contentin bottom mud&, and illite predomi~ates over clorite and kaolinite. Illite ranges one between 20 and \40%, clorite between 16 and28% and kaolinite between 8 and 16%.417

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PELAGIC JURASSIC SEDIMENTATION IN THE BETIC CORDILLERA. AN ILLUSTRATIONOF THE ROLE OF GEOCHEMISTRY AND THE. IMPORTANCE~ OF~-CLAY~MINERAI:S~THE~­ANALYSIS OF BASIN DEVELOPMENT.I.PALOM0( 1 • 2 ); J.RODRIGUEZ GORDILL0( 1 • 2 ); P.RIVAS( 2 • 3 ) and M.ORTEGAHUERTAS( 1 • 2 ).{1) Dpto. Minera1ogia y Petro1ogia. (2) Institute Ando1uz <strong>de</strong> C'..p;;_:LogiaMediterranea. (3) Dpto. Estratigrafia y Pa1eontologia. ;;...cversidad <strong>de</strong>Granada-C.S.I.C. (Espana).INTRODUCTIONThis paper follows on from those published by Palomo et al. ( 1981,1985) and by Ortega et al. ( 1985) on the Jurassic pelagic sediments inthe Subbetic Zone of the Betic Cordillera and we <strong>de</strong>scribe here the mostlikely palaeogeographical conditions which led to the <strong>de</strong>positing of theLiassic grey marls and marly limestones facies in this area.THE GEOLOGICAL SET'l'I;;G AND AGE· OF THE LITHOLOGICAL FACIESThe seq,v.::,nces un<strong>de</strong>r study belong to the li thological ;r-ealms known asthe External and Median Subbetic within the Betic Cordillera: a schemeof their geological location can be found in,fig.l.A: Median SubbetioB: Externa~ Subbeti.oQFig.l.· Looation of sequences.B~The materials consist mainly of grey marls and marly limestones,although in some sequences various other sediments appear, such as,red and pinky limes-tones, saridy and grey marls, limestones and marlswith chert nodules, nodular limestones, brown marls and "ammoniticorosso" facies •. All . these· sediments date from the upper-Carixian to theBajocian.418

METHODSWe analysed the samples by X-ray diffraction. Several kinds ofsamples were,prepared: untrated dry pow<strong>de</strong>r specimens, oriented specimens(AO), AO+EG, AO+DMSO, A0+550°C and AO+H 2so . For the. oriented samples4we chose to use clay and silt fractions.The following crystallochemical parameters were <strong>de</strong>termined for theilli te: crystallinity (AO+EG), b , d(O ,0, 10), chemical colnposi tion(Ernst, 1963); Martin Ramos ,1976), l?la/Na+K (Evans & . Guidotti ,1966). Forthe chlorite the basal spacing and the crystallinity were measured (003)and its chemical composition was studied according to the methods ofAlbee(l962), Nieto & Rodriguez (1983), using the classification ofAIPEA (Bailey, 1980) in or<strong>de</strong>r to establish the chlori te term. Many ofthe samples were analysed using SEM. The chemical analyses were carriedout by means of AAS, and by X-ray fluorescence. We <strong>de</strong>termined thecomposition of some chlorites and muscovites to be found in the peliticrocks of the suspected source areas with Electron Microprobe.MINERALOGY OF THE TOTAL SAMPLEThe sample as ~·whole consits of varying quantities of calcite (C),dolomite (D), quartz (Q), K-feldspar (Fd) and clay minerals (CM). Theaverage percentage of the various minerals is similar in both realms:Median Subbetic (C+D=50, Q+Fd=l2, CM=38), External Subbetic (C+D=52,Q+Fd=9, CMd99). Nevertheless, there are differences in the meancomposition of the stratigraphic· sequences in each of the palaeogeographicaldomains. Thus it cam be seen in fig.2 that the sequencesin the Median Subbetic show a greater dispersion in the triangularcomposi tional diagram, which may be indicative of a divers.i ty of sourcerocks. In fact, the mean value_ of the coefficient of variation (V) andthe standard <strong>de</strong>viation of V are': Median Subbetic (C+D:23-10, Q+Fd:31-18,CM:28-17), External Subbetic (C+D:l4-7, Q+Fd:22-ll, CM:15-16).. .5C+O0o o 0 o-~ ooolt••o o.. .5IoMedian Subbetia• ExternaL SubbetiaFig.2. TrianguLar aompositionaL diagram.CLAY MINERALSThe clay minerals present are: ilite(I), chlorite(chl), kaolinite(K),smecti te (Sm) and mixed-layer ili te-smecti te(I-Sm). We have c'ategorisedseveral associations of clay minerals according to whether or not they419

occur and, if so, their relative abundance: Association A:I,chl,K;Association B: I, chl, ( Sm); Association C: I, chl, Sm; Association D: I, chl,I-Sm; Association E: I-chl; Association F: I, Sm ;-A1;·s-oci.-at:ron-&:~,-Sm-,(-K-h­The clay sedimentation is uniform with similar values for standard_<strong>de</strong>viation and V throughout both palaeogeographical realms.CHEMICAL DATAWe have <strong>de</strong>termined the contents of Si, Al, Fe; Mg, Ca, Ti·, K, Na,Mn, Cr, Zn, Co, Cu, Pb, Ni, V, Li, Sr and Rb. A cluster analysis led tothe i<strong>de</strong>ntification of tnree related groups of samples in the ExternalSubbetic and a much greater diversity in the Median Subbetic. In bothdomains, however, the chemical compositions are related to either theage, the lithology or the mineralogy of the sediment with geologicallyeo-relatable sequences being geographically far apart. This fact is ofparticular interest when we come to <strong>de</strong>scribe the structure of thepal~eoenvironment.PALAEOGEOGRAPHY AND SOURCE AREASThe temporal and spatial distribution , of the clay mineralsassociations shows clearly that there "is no special relationshipbetween any one li'thological facies and a particular mineral associationand that the sequences are transgressive towards the top. In generai itmay be conclu<strong>de</strong>d that the palaeogeography was more homogeneous in theExternal Subbetic, while in the Median Subbetic a varying series oftroughs and swell that ten<strong>de</strong>d to divi<strong>de</strong> up the .basin <strong>de</strong>veloped duringdifferent periods. ·As far as the source rocks for these sediments are. concerned thecrystallochemistry of both the micas and the chlori tes shows that theigneous and metamorphic rocks of the Variscan Massif of the SpanishPlain were the primary source for the <strong>de</strong>posits in the easternmost areasof the -External domain and the greater part of the Median domain.Nevertheless, the presenc'e of kaolini te in the "Caiiada _<strong>de</strong>l Hornillo,Iznalloz, Zegri Sur y Cerro Men<strong>de</strong>z" sequences suggest that a certain-times other distinct sources areas may have contributed to the <strong>de</strong>posits.This hypothesis is supported by- the presence of clay-mineral associationF in the western sequences of the External Subbetic and in the bottomof some Median sequences and also by the variation in the basal spacingof the chlorite in some of the sequences.REFERENCESBailey SW (1980) Summary of . recommedationscommittee. Clay Minerals 15,85-93.of AI PEAnomenclatureErnst WG (1963) Significance of phengite micas from low-gra<strong>de</strong> schists.Am Mineral 48:1357-1373.Evans BW, Guidotti CV (1966) The sillimanite-potash feldspar isogra<strong>de</strong> inWestern Marine, USA. Contrib Mineral Petrol 12:26-62.Martin Ramos JD (1976) Las micas <strong>de</strong> las Cordilleras Beticas. TesisDoctoral Univ Granada.Nieto F, Rodriguez Gall ego M ( 1983) Metodologia para el estudio <strong>de</strong> laclorita en rocas metam6rficas. Rend Soc Ital Min Petrol 38(3):1429-1436.420

ortega Huertas M, Palomo Delgado I, Fenoll Hach-Ali P (1985) Mineralcomposition of the Jurassic sediments in the Subbetic .Zone, Be ticCordillera, SE Spain. Miner Petrogr Acta 29-A: 231-243.Palomo Delgado I, Ortega Huertas M, Fenoll Hach-Ali P (1981) Los carbonates<strong>de</strong> las facies rriargosas jurasicas en las Zonas Externas <strong>de</strong>las Cordilleras Beticas (provincias <strong>de</strong> Granada y Jaen). Bol SocEsp Min 4: 15-28.Palomo Delgado I, Ortega Huertas M, Fenoll Hach-Ali P (1985) Thesignificance of clay minerals in studies· of the evolution of theJurassic <strong>de</strong>posits of the Betic Cordillera SE Spain. Clay Miner 20:1-14.421

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, i 987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>ARGILLIC ALTERATION AT BALCARCE DISTRICT, ARGENTINE.ELDA DI PAOLA*l}CONSEJO'NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIONES CIENTIFICAS Y TECNICAS, (CONICET)MUSEO ARGENTINO DE CIENCIAS NATURALES. A. Gallardo 470, 1405 BuenosAires, ARGENTINE.The three only clay <strong>de</strong>posits known at Balcarce district are characterizedpetrographically and mineralogically, by means of thin sec.:.tions, XRD, EDAX, SEM and conventional chemical analysis. !hey areCerro Segundo and Mar:l.a Eugenia kaolin mines, situated at Sierra<strong>de</strong> Bachicha and Sierra <strong>de</strong>l Volcan respectively, and the alterationarea which stands at the west slope of Sierra :La Barrosa, fig. 1.Balcarce district is located at the south-eastern end of NorthernSierras of Buenos Aires Province, Argentine.The hills are composedIof precambrian metamorphic-magmatic basament rocks, over layered byprecambrian-eopaleozoic quarcitic ·sedimentites and by cenozoic piedmontsediments.The landscape is characterized by the alignementof low ridges and scarpments, which <strong>de</strong>termines linear features withN-S and'NS5 2 E general strikes.Argillization have• <strong>de</strong>veloped only on the metamorphic-magmaticcomplex constituted by leuco and melano-tonalitic "granitoids" andbiotitic-granatiferous gneisses, composed of quartz, mirmequites,oligo-an<strong>de</strong>sine, biotite, amphibols, ortopiroxenes, garnet, apatite,'opaque ores, zircon and clinozoicite.Granitoids display schistossity at random, becoming gneisses witha general N75 2 E strike and al~ostvertical dip. These rocks are intru<strong>de</strong>dby pegmatitic veins composed of quartz, microperthites, microclineand oligoclase. The whole complex is tightly fol<strong>de</strong>d.Sedimentarylayers cover uncomformably and almost.horizontally metamorphic fol<strong>de</strong>drocks.Four alteration zones have been <strong>de</strong>tected at Cerro Segundo kaolin<strong>de</strong>posit, named on the basis of its mineral assemblage and spatial422

disposition: "kaolinitic-smectitic", "sericitic-muscovitic", "lowerkaolinitic" -associated with a "hematitic-kaolinitic" subzone-, and"upper kaolinitic", respectively.The first three zones are of hypogenic origin; being the parageneticsequence:kaolinite-smectite-illite-sericite-muscovite-hematite.Petrographical features strongly suggest a weathering originfor the "upper kaolinitic" zone, characterized by kaolinite-illitesmectite-14/14Amixed-layer clay association.Sierra La Barrosa alteration front, which inclu<strong>de</strong>s an old :quarrwlocated in a neighbouring forest,. displays ill-<strong>de</strong>fined, discontinuous"smectite" zones, two well-<strong>de</strong>fined "kaolinitic" zones and a "kaolinitic-10/14Amixed-layer clay" zc;me,restricted to the old quarry.It is consi<strong>de</strong>red that the general alteration· pattern, roughlycoinci<strong>de</strong>nt with the regional schistossity strike, is due to hydrothermalactivity, being the characteristic mineralog:i,cal assemblagecomposed of smectite-kaolinite-illite. On the contrary, smectiticalteration <strong>de</strong>veloped at joint pla;1es on grani to id blocks, and theinterestratified 10/14A clay · <strong>de</strong>tected on micropore walls in somealtered rocks, would be indicative of meteoric water activity, beingthe mineralogical association smectite-10/14A mixed-layer clay.11aria Eugenia kaolin <strong>de</strong>posit. is composed of an unique "kaolinitic"zone with ferric pigment randomly· distributed. ·A '-'silica" zone ofa few centimeters wi<strong>de</strong> is located at the northern end of the quarry.Hypogenic mineral association is represented by kaolinite-smectiteillite-silica.Chemical data both of fresh and altered rock samples from thethree <strong>de</strong>posits show similar· trends: little mobility of Si0 and Al 0 2 2 3and relative loss of CaO, Na 20, K 20 and MgO are characteristic ofsmectitic. prevaliling zones, while relative gain of Al 0 and Ti0 2 3 2are main features of kaolinitic zones. Gain. of silica, potassiumand iron were locally <strong>de</strong>tected . at restricted zones of differentquarries.Amongother common features, hypogenic microporosity have been<strong>de</strong>tected by means of SEM,structural planes,altered biotites.in altered feldspar grains, <strong>de</strong>veloped atas well as between clivage planes in "swelled"Porosity, <strong>de</strong>tected., by means of polarizing423

microscope, is characterized by smectitic or interestratifiedclay films on pore walls, and have been consi<strong>de</strong>red~~·~of secondaryorigin,due to the activity of surficial waters.Breccia zones have been <strong>de</strong>tected at La Barrosa and Cerro Segundo<strong>de</strong>posits, relating argillic alteration patterns with fault zones,and therefore with the action of thermal waters. 'The action· ofmeteoric waters have been.· enhanced by the <strong>de</strong>nsity of the <strong>de</strong>sign ofthe joints <strong>de</strong>veloped in the sedimentary cover, favouring the drainageof the higher zones toward lower altered zones·.The general hypogenic-supergenic paragenetic mineral assemblageand the processes connected with, are consi<strong>de</strong>red to be:Breccia 1-------Hypogenic .:..·--------1-- Supergenic__formation Alteration Alteration ·lixiviationka-ill-sm-hesilicaseric-muscka-ill-sm-14/14A-10/14Xl:t'11111,111i'l!l,lj11ill'1l1illI,:j,lI•]!illi,1111'11ll!j11,11!I,IllIil,[,!I IFig.l. Schematic <strong>de</strong>sign of Balcarce district. Striped areas representargillic alteration ·zones.424

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaflola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>GRINDING OF MUSCOVITE : INFLUENCE OF THE GRINDING MEDIUME. PAPIRERCentre <strong>de</strong> Recherches sur la Physico-Chimie <strong>de</strong>s Surfaces So.li<strong>de</strong>s, C.N.R.S.24, avenue du Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Kennedy, 68200 MULHOUSE, FranceMica is becoming an important filler for thermoplastics because itimparts interesting mechanical properties to polymeric materials andusually leads to a good surface finish of, for instance, poly(propylene)which is increasingly used in the automotive industry. Optimal performariceof filled PP is, however, only achieved when mica platelets of theappropriate size and morphology, but also surface energy, are available.Fine mica particles are commonly obtained by grinding. In such aproces:;, the grindiny medium mayplay a predominant influence as wealready <strong>de</strong>monstrated it in the case of the comminution of asbestos (1, 2,3). The object of this paper is to investigate the behavior of muscovite(Bihar, India) when submitted to grinding either in a ball mill or in anattritor, in anadditives.aqueous or organic medium and in .presence of other,-A whole series of analytical methods were employed to follow thegrinding process : elemental anal~sis; X ray diffraction, IR spectroscopy,electron microscopies and d~termination of the surface propertiesby inverse gas chrbmatography (4\.Dramatic changes do occur according to the grinding conditions.· Forexam~le, attrition of muscovite in water or in ~ethanol, leads to very2 -1fine particles which present surface areas as high as 1 DO m . g . ~et,the structure of muscovite is particu1arly preserved in methanol. Un<strong>de</strong>ri<strong>de</strong>ntical conditions, but in toluene, the muscovite surface areaincreases firts, up to 30 m 2 .g- 1 , but then <strong>de</strong>creases as amorphization andagglomeration of the particles are taken place.425

The influence of the addition of var.ious salts to the grindingmedium is also studied. It is observed that Li+~plays;-at firstsigt-;E-;-Bilunexpected role. In<strong>de</strong>ed, it leads to a rapid and total amorphization ofmuscovite whereas,· K+ or Na+ do nOt have the same influence. Further,when NH is ad<strong>de</strong>d to methanol, the grinding process is again entirely3perturbed and very similar results as previously recor<strong>de</strong>d with -Li+, areobtained.Hypotheses are pro'posed to account for the specific role of the Li+ions when grinding is ma<strong>de</strong> in water or of NH when the comminution is3conducted in methanol. It is postulated that these molecules adopt apeculiar organization on the surface of muscovite, an organization which·is highly influenced by agents (Li+ and NH;) capable to ~upture hydrogenbonds.REFERENCES1) E. PAPIRER, P. ROLAND, Clays Clay Min.,~ (3), 161-170 (1981)2) E. PAPIRER, J. Po1ym: Sci., ~' 2833-36 (1983)3) E. P.~.PIRER in "Composite Interfaces",Vol. I, H. Ishida and J.L. KoenigEd., Elsevier Sci. Publ. Co, N.Y., 1986, p. 2034) E. PAPIRER, P. ROLAND, M. NARDIN, H. BALARD,J. Colloid Interface Sci.,.lQ ( 1)' 62-66 ( 1986)426

v~OCLAr;,·"'fl"·Summaries- ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS"~";, ,/ Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>~1("1.".TEM AND MIQROCHEMICAL STUDY OF THE GLAUCONITIZATIONPROCESSC. PARRON AND M. AMOURIC*Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Geologie Dynamique et Petrolo.gie <strong>de</strong> la Surface UA CNRS132. Faculte <strong>de</strong>s Sciences <strong>de</strong> St-Jer6me, 13397 Marseille Ce<strong>de</strong>x 13, France.• CRMC2, Campus <strong>de</strong> Luminy, case 913, 13288 Marseille Ce<strong>de</strong>x 9, France.To <strong>de</strong>lineate the transformation mechanisms involved during theglauconitization process and with the main aim to give a possible geneticalscheme of this process (1) glauconitic peloids the purest in glauconite mineraland (2) glauconitic peloids less rich in glauconite mineral were simultaneouslystudied with HRTEM, energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis and electronmicroprobe. The glauconitic peloids belong to two distinct geographicaloccurences of the Paleocene of Ivory Coast. One-dimensional image~ weremainly analysed, showing the characteristic 001 basal lattice fringes of themain mineral phases present and their relation (Amouric and Parron, 1985).Structurally, 1 Md, 1 M and faulted 2M 1 polytypes of glauconite mineralswere observed in both (1) and (2) glauconitic peloids. Also, almost the samemicro phases were <strong>de</strong>tected in (1) and (2) peloids, the main differenceconsisting in their relative ratios and their respective size. So aspindle-shaped organization of pure glauconite crystallites (d(OOI) -10 A) wasobserved in all the peloids, but numerous very small individual crystallites ofpure glauconite may also exist in (2). Insi<strong>de</strong> the spindles, 10 A glauconitecrystallites shown characteristic growth features (Amouric and Parron, 1985)and were generally sandwidched by a layered phase with d(OOI) - 12.5 A. Agel-like material, surrounding the composite glauconite -12.5 A phaseassemblage, always occured, mainly in peloids (2). it appeared as completelyamorphous wi<strong>de</strong> areas with many pores and filaments, locally well contrastedand exhibiting a lot of structurally organized microcenters, or including somelayered crystallites.427

Chemically, the gel-like material was different~~n~the two .?C~~encesstudied. In one case, it was a Si-rich, Fa-poor material and, on the contrary, inthe other case a Si-poor, Fa-rich material. Also the 12.5 A phase revealed achemical composition respectively close to a Fe-montmorillonite and to anontronite. In both cases, the 10 A phase corrspon<strong>de</strong>d to a Fe, K-rich micastructure (i.e. glauconite).According to these results, two geochemical ways for glauconitizationprocess are evi<strong>de</strong>nced :- Starting from an essentially siliceous gel, a glauconite mica is obtained, byincreasing Fe and K, after growth and <strong>de</strong>stabilization of a Fe-montmorilloniticphase.- Starting from an essentially ferriferous gel, a glauconite mica is obtained by<strong>de</strong>creasing Fe and increasing Si and K, after growth and <strong>de</strong>stabilization of anontronitic phase.REFERENCE:- Af00URIC M. and PARRON C. (1985).- Structure and growth mechanism ofglauconite as seen by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy.Clays and Clay Minerals, 33, 6, p. 473-482.428

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, I 987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> ArciliasASPECTS ON KAOLINIZATION AND KAOLIN POTENTIAL IN FINLANDY.O. PEKKALAGeological Survey of Finland, SF-02150 Espoo, (Finland).Finland is a major kaolin importing country. In 19811986 the kaolin import increased from 400 000 tn to 650000 tn per year and the value of import in 1986 was nearly400 million FIM (about 85 million U.S $). More than 90 % ofkaolin is used in paper manufacturing and the <strong>de</strong>mand isstill increasing. For these economic reasons theexploration on domestic kaolin occurrences is one of themain objectives of mineral exploration in the GeologicalSurvey of Finland.KAOLINIZATIONChemical weathering of the Finnish Precambrian bedrockhas increasingly attracted interest during last ten years.Most findings of kaolin weathering have been ma<strong>de</strong> innorthern and northeastern 'Finland where the erosion bycontinental ice was not as d~ep as in the other parts ofthe country. However, a number of weathering indicationshave also observed ia central and southern Finland. Inmany cases only the topmost part of the bedrock wasslightly weathered. Best known are the findings of thinweathering crust on rapakivi granites paused by mechanicaldisintegration. Kaolinite is generally formed in smallamounts even in this kind of weathering.Observations of more'advanced weathering in southernFinland are generally connected to structural basins orfault zones but in most cases they are too small or the,quality is poor to be of economic interest. In 1986 one429

i ·ii/)ill:area in southern Finland was, however, discovered wherekaolinization has reached the <strong>de</strong>pth of 30-40 m. Weatheringproducts here are composed mainly of kaolinite and quartz.The host rock of these kaolin occurrences is usually aquartz-felspar gneiss, rich in plagioclase.In northern and northeastern Finland a great number offindings of kaolin weathering are known. Mostly they arehosted in arkose or sericite quartzites, whose feldsparcontent is not very high and therefore the kaolin contentof weathering products very seldom does meet economicstandards. The areas of kaolin weathering ~re extensivebut most of them are poorly investig.ated. According todrilling results the <strong>de</strong>pth of kaolinization is generally30-40 m and in one known <strong>de</strong>posit at least 90 m.When studying the progress of weathering processes ofFinnish bedrock it is obvious that in many cases changesof chemical and mineralogical composition have been slightbut there are also a number 6f occurrences where kaoliniteand quartz are the only main minerals left.According to the present knowledge most major kaolinoccurrences seem to be "in situ" <strong>de</strong>posits formed mainly bychemical wheathering. The time of weathering is notexactly known but the Baltic Shield was favourablysituated around the Equator during most of the ProterozoicEon, and through the Paleozoic Era upto the end of theTriassic period. Time correlation will be problematicbecause almost all rocks younger. than early Proterozoicare lacking. However, an occurrence of kaolinized bedrockis known in western Finland un<strong>de</strong>rlying the Cambriansandstone giving evi<strong>de</strong>nce of Precambrian kaolinization ofFinnish bedrock.KAOLIN POTENTIAL IN FINLAND,Best known and most investigated kaolin occurrenc·es arelocated in northern and northe-astern Finland.430

In Kittila there is the Lonnakko kaolin occurrencewhich covers at least an area of lOO x 500 m and kaolinizationextends to the <strong>de</strong>pth of 50 m. The bedrock of thearea is composed of micaschist and sericite quartzite.Kaolin is mostly pink or yellow and white ka.olin is metonly occasionally.The Siurunmaa kaolin <strong>de</strong>posit in Sodankyla is at least100 m wi<strong>de</strong> and 500 m long and in places it extends to the<strong>de</strong>pth of 90 m. Kaolinization has occurred in arkose andser5cite quartzite producing mostly greyish or yellowishwhite kaolin. Preliminary dressing tests indicated thatSiurunmaa kaolin could meet the requirements for fillermaterial.In Kainuu, :qortheastern Finland, much of exploration onkaolin has been carried out since 1979 and a number ofoccurrences was discovered. The bedrock in kaolinizedareas is generally arkose or sericite quartzite.Unfortunately the kaolinite content of weathering productsis low. By now the <strong>de</strong>posits which clearly meet theeconomic requirements in size and quality are not known,but exploration is still i'n progress.In 1986 a great number of'kaolin indications werepreliminarly sampled in southern Finland. In most casesthe weathering layer was too thin to give resources foreconomic <strong>de</strong>posits. However, in one exploration area insoutheastern Finland several occurrences were discoveredwhere weathering reached 20-30 m <strong>de</strong>pth. Besi<strong>de</strong>s in someoccurrences kaolinite and quartz were the only mainminerals left. Kaolinite content is generally 40-50 %.Preliminary tests indicated that the grainsize distributionis suitable for and the. brightness high enough forpaper filler. In 1987 an extensive exploration programmewith drilling,and geophysical measurements will be carriedout in the area.431

-~~-~- ~~~- -~·=.---~·=~~-~~Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>BEHAVIOUR OF SEPIOLITE, VERMICULITE AND BENTONITE AS SUP-PORTS IN ANAEROBIC DIGESTERSJ.L. PEREZ RODRIGUEZ, M.I. CARRETERO AND C. MAQUEDAInstitute <strong>de</strong> Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologi.a <strong>de</strong> Sevilla.i·l·. Apartado 1052. 41080 Sevilla (Spain).', 1One of the most important problems in anaerobic processesis the loss of biomass. In or<strong>de</strong>r to solve this problem rea£·tors containing supports have been <strong>de</strong>signed with the aim offixing the biomass and obtaining high loading <strong>de</strong>nsities andminimum hydraulic retention (Henze and Harremoes, 1983).Glass beads, volcanic rocks (Salkinoja-Salonen et al.,1983), needle punched polyester (Harvey et al,, 1984), fel~spar particles (Lequerica and Toldra, 1986) etc. are themore frequently used supports in anaerobic digesters.The aim of this paper is to study the effect of someclay minerals in anaerobic digestion. The clay minerals usedwere: natural sepiolite, purified sepiolite, both from vail~cas (Spain), vermiculite from Santa Olalla (Spain) and bentonitefrom Gador (Spain). Expan<strong>de</strong>d polyuretane and PVC havealso been used in or<strong>de</strong>r to know possible differences betweenthese materials, frequently used as supports in the anaerobicdigesters, and clay minerals.The ~eactorsused had a capacity of 1 liter and werefilled up with specific cultures for the <strong>de</strong>velopment .ofeither methanebacteria or methane and sulphate-reducing bacteria. Blank support free reactors have also been used.Before and after the .process of digestion of the sampleswere studied by DTA, TGA, electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction,IR and atomic absorption.The study of samples from the reactors containing cultu-432

es for methanebacteria shows that purified sepiolite wasthe best material for the <strong>de</strong>velopment of these bacteria.This is the only mineral able to fix the bacteria when itis in suspension, and produces easier <strong>de</strong>cantation thanother materials. This mineral is followed by expan<strong>de</strong>d polzurethane and bentonite in their production of methanebacteria.In the reactors with specific culture for methane andsulphate-reducing bacteria, the purified sepiolite inhibit~the <strong>de</strong>velopment of sulphate-reducing bacteria and increasesmethanebacteria production.Expan<strong>de</strong>d polyurethane produces more sulphate-reducingbacteria and fewer methahebacteria than other materials tested.In both cultures, when vermiculite is the material used,there is a cation exchange of K+ for the Mg++ ions of themineral, related with a higher gas production; for this reason·we sugg~stthat magnesium might play an important rolein the process. The chemical composition of sepiolite andsome facility to give up ~1g'++ to solution may also influ-, "ence the large methane production by this mineral.CONCLuSIONS1) The purified sepiolite :i:n suspension is the material thatproduces more methanebacteria, inhibiting the sulphate-reducingbacteria production.· The best results for <strong>de</strong>cantationare also obtained with this material.2) The magnesium liberated from the support may play an importantrole in anaerobic digestion.3) Polyurethan~ produces methanebacteria, but also many sulphate-reducing bacteria, giving H 2s and thus produces alower quality gas.433

REFERENCESHARVEY, M.; FORSBERG, ·c.W.; BEVERIDGE, T.J.; POS, J. andOGILVIE, J.R. 1984. Methanogenic activity and structuralcharacteristics of the microbial biofilm on a needlepunched polyester support. Appl. Environm. Microbiol.,48, (3)' 633-638.HENZE, M. and HARREMOES, P. 1983. Anaerobic treatment of -­wastewater in fixed films reactors. A literature rewiew.Wat. Sci. Tech., 15, 1-101.LEQUERICA, J.L. and TOLDRA, F. 1986. Examen microsc6pico <strong>de</strong>microorganismos presentes en reactores metanogenicos <strong>de</strong>lecho fluidizado •. Rev. Agroquim. Tecnol. Aliment., 26,(1), 90-100.SALKINOJA-SALONEN, M.; HAKULINEN, R.; VALO, R. and APAJALAHTI,S. 1983. Bio<strong>de</strong>gradation of recalcitrant organochlorinecompounds in fixed film reactors. Anaerobic treatment ofwastewater in fixed film reactors. Wat. Sci. Tech., 15,309-319.434

DECOMPOSITION OF ALKYLAMMONIUM CATIONS INTERCALATED IN VERMICULITEJ.L. PEREZ RODRIGUEZ, E. MORILLO AND C. MAQUEDAInstitute <strong>de</strong> Recursbs Naturales y Agrobiologia <strong>de</strong> Sevilla. Apartado 105241080 Sevilla (Spain).The phenomenon of alkylammonium <strong>de</strong>composition on montmorillonite surfaceshas been studied by several researchers.In 1964, Calvet et al.showed that it was possible to 'transform alkylammonium cations adsorbedon montmorillonite surface at temperatures consi<strong>de</strong>rably below the theor!tical <strong>de</strong>composition temperatures of amines or their chlorhydrates.Above100QC, in presence of oxygen, the cations <strong>de</strong>scompose into NH~remains on the clay)·, organic ·.residues and hydrocarbons.(whichThe observationswere interpreted as the result of catalytic break of the C-N bond.The catalytic effect was attributed ·to protons of the water adsorbed onthe montmorillonite surface.Durand et al. (1972) have studied in an inert atmosphere the thermaltransformation of alkylammoni.ull). cations adsorbed on the "Surfaceof amontmorillonite in various condit~ns of hydration. The reactions observed were mainly transalkylations, for which a mechanism of acid catalysiswas proposed.A high <strong>de</strong>gree of dissociation of the water remainingon the surface of the clay was required for these processes.There are some differ.ences between the thermal transformation of alkyl:ammonium montmorillonite in an inert atmosphere and the correspondingtransformation in presence of oxygen. In the latter, a faster increaseof the NH+content was observed, and transalkylation processes do not4operate.The aim of this paper is to <strong>de</strong>termine the <strong>de</strong>composition of <strong>de</strong>cylammoniumcations on vermiculite surface, as a result of the acidity of themedium.The vermiculi,te used was obtained from the "Santa Olalla" <strong>de</strong>posit inHuelva, Spain, and it was saturated in <strong>de</strong>cylammonium cations, accordingto the method proposed by Lagaly and Weiss (1969).435

The <strong>de</strong>cylammonium-vermic1.1li te complex was treated wi~hs_olu:!:~~HCl in water and butanol, and solutions of N'-(4-chloro-2-methylphe.nyl)­-N,N-dimethyl methaneimidami<strong>de</strong> hydrochlori<strong>de</strong> in butanol, which producesan acidity similar to the HCl solutions.The treatments were carried out at 60QC in stoppered glass tubes. Thesolutions were changed weekly up to 100 days of treatment; from that timeon, the solutions were left in contact with the samples without furtherchange until a year passed.The X-ray diffraction pattern and the infrared spectra of alkylammo-'nium-vermiculite complex do not show changes after treatment with <strong>de</strong>ion~zed water or butanol.The basal spacing of <strong>de</strong>cylammonium-vermiculite complex changes from21.21 A to 12.8 A after several treatments with HCl solution in water orbutanol.The latter diffraction increases to about 14 A if the solutionsare kept in contact with the samples without any change.In the infrared spectrum of the sample showing a 12.8 A diffraction,bands appear at 1430, 3240 and 3040 cm- 1 corresponding to ammonium cationspresent in the interlamellar spaces (Ahlrichs et al., 1972; Stoneand Wild, 1978).The ammonium is produced by the break of the C-N bondof alkylammonium due to their high <strong>de</strong>gree of surface acidity present asa consequence of the pH in the solution used.When the solution are kept unchanged, the experimental data show therelease of Mg 2 +. ions from the vermic1.1lite ·structure due to the acidityof the medium.interlamellar space.This Mg 2 + displaces the alkylammonium and ammonium fromThe ammonium is exchanged completely in the samplestreated with aqueous solution, whereas in butanol solution it ispartially displaced. The 1430 -~m- 1 absorption band corresponding toNH~ is displaced to 1400 cm- 1 due to release of structural Mg 2 +, producinga higher lamellar charge and increasing the interaction betweenNH~ion and the surface.The <strong>de</strong>composition of <strong>de</strong>cylammonium cations on ·the vermiculite surfacesis also produced-when the <strong>de</strong>cylammonium vermiculite complex is tre~ted with a solution of an organic ccimpound (N'-(4-chloro-2-methylphenil)­-N,N-dimethyl methanoimidami<strong>de</strong> hydrochlori<strong>de</strong>) in butanol.In this casethe C-N bond breaking is due to the high acidity which is produced bydissociation of the scarce water molecules remaining in the interlamellarspace.436

REFERENCESAHLRICHS, J.L.; FRASER, A.R. and RUSSELL, J.D. 1972. Interaction ofammonia with vermiculite. Clay Miner. ~. 263-273.CALVET ," et al.adsorbee.1964. Protons <strong>de</strong> constitution, protons libres et eauBull. Grpe. Fr. Argiles XIV, 59-104.DURAND, D.; PELET, R. and FRIPIAT, J.L. 1972. Alkylammonium <strong>de</strong>composition on montmoril1onite surfaces in an inert atmosphere. · Clays Clay.Miner. 20, 21-35.LAGALY, G. and WEISS, A. 1969. Determination of the layer charge inmica-type layer silicates. Proc. Int. Clay Conf. 1969, Tokyo, VolI, Israel Universities Press, Jerusalem, 234-277.STONE, M.H. and WILD, A.te and hydrobiotite.1978. The reaction of ammonia with vermiculi­Clay Miner. 13, 337-350.437

SOME EFFECTS OF DRY GRINDING ON PYROPHYLLITEJ.L. PEREZ RODRIGUEZ, P..J. SANCHEZ SOTOInstitute <strong>de</strong> Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia <strong>de</strong> Sevilla. C.S.I.C.Avenida Reina Merce<strong>de</strong>s. Sevilla (Spain).Py~ophylliteis a relatively rare mineral and has been scarcely stu­.died until quite recently. For that reason it has generally been overlookedin commercial circles. However, its high alumina content and physicochemicalproperties are useful in many industries, an thus much researchis being <strong>de</strong>veloped to obtain a better knowledge of its properties. Pyrophyllite.isprincipally used in refractory, ceramic and sundry uses (1).Fine mineral particles are principally obtained by grinding. Thisprocess plays an important role in <strong>de</strong>termining the physicochemical propertiesof the pow<strong>de</strong>red mineral. The effect of grinding on the pyrophylliteproperties has been practically not studied (2,3,4). The aim ofthis paper is to study the physicochemical properties of pyrophylliteafter intensive dry grinding.The sample used· in this study was a natural pyrophyllite from Hillsbore.. (USA) and the grinding was carried out in a ball mill..The grinding process was followed by X-ray diffraction, thermal andnitrogen BET surface area measurements. The differential thermal andthermogravimetric analysis (DTA-TG) of the original and groun'd pyrophyllitehave been carried out at two heating rates (122C/min and 302C/min).The XRD patterns .show a higher amorphization of the original samplewhen the grinding time was increased. It is interesting to note the dramaticchange in the X-ray diagrams when the grinding time 'changed fromthirty minutes to longer times.The'BET surface area vs. grinding time' plot shows an initial highincrease followed by a <strong>de</strong>crease as amorphization and agglomeration 6f theparticles take ,place.The DTA curve for original pyrophyllite has a single broad end6thermicpeak in the 600-8002C region, with a maximum at 7602C.438

For short grinding times this endothermic effect is shifted to lowertemperature and becomes sharper and similar to that of kaolinite. Aftergrinding for thirty minutes the peak appears at 540QC.Grinding for more than thirty minutes does not cause any furtherchanges in the temperature of this endothermic peak, but its intensity<strong>de</strong>creases until disappearing after long grinding times. For the otherhand, the original pyrophyllite shows a small exothermic effect at~100QQC, probably due to a low proportion of kaolinite present in thesample. This effect increases with grinding time, reaching a maximumafter which its intensity becomes constant.The most significant variation of the exothermic effect agrees withthe X-ray diffraction data. Thi~ transformation is associated with theprogressive <strong>de</strong>struction of the cristalline structure.It should be noted the remarkable contrast of the high chemical stability of the mineral against its mechanical instability (5).The mechanical treatment produces an noticeable pr6portion of amorphoussilica that exsolves in the thermal process, its proportion incre~sing with the grinding time up to a certain constant value. Mullite andcristobalite phases appear at lower temperatures than in the original material.REFERENCES(1) HARBEN P. W.I.M; Refractories Survey 125-129 Ed. B.M. Coope&E.M. Dickson Loridon(1981).(2) NEMECZ E."Clay Minerals" p. 133 Aka<strong>de</strong>miai Kiaid6. Budapest (1981).(3) STANCZYK M.H., FELD I.L.Bureau of Mines Bull. 670, 1-43 (1980).(4) KUWAHARA Y.J. Chem. Eng. Jap. ~. 4, 359-363 (1971).:5) PEREZ RODRIGUEZ J.L., MAQUEDA C., JUSTO A ..Clays and Clay Min. 33, 6, 563-566 (1985).439 .

·"'~\)~OCLA;-6--';''~.., ./~t •• sr,,,. .....Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSS.eville·, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>RETENTION OF TRIPOSITIVE LANTHANIDES (Gd,Ho,Yb,Lu)BY MONTMORILLONITE.J.Poyato, M.M.Tobias and J.M•.Trillo.Department of Inorganic Chemistry.Institute of MaterialsScience.University of Seville-CSIC.Seville:Spain."If radioactive nuclear waste escape from their canister,they can be expected to be held by surrounding geologicformations.The major barrier for preventing waste movementwill be the interaction between radionucli<strong>de</strong>s and the clayssurrounding the canister.Geochemical data indicate thatmontmorillonite will be the major component responsible forion sorption.Lanthani<strong>de</strong> ions simulate to actini<strong>de</strong> ones,being greaterthe ease with which the former can be handled .. Miller e~al. have studied the sorption of Eu(III),Ho(III) and Yb(III)on a Upton,Wyoming,montmorillonite with temperature andpressure as variables (1),(2).0n the basis of this study,hydrolysis of hydrated lanthani<strong>de</strong>s. ions and migration intooctahedral vacant are claimed as likely mechanisms of 4fions fixation,in excess of the cation-exchange capacity,CEC,of the clay.The aim of this paper is to <strong>de</strong>termine the extent ofGd(III),Ho(III),Yb(III) and Lu(III) octahedral migration,,using a montmorillonite with low Fe(III) content to avoidthe difficulties in (1) for infrared spectroscopy data interpretation.Atthe same time, the 4f ions content. has beenlimited to interlamellar positions,thus avoiding theirgreat excess on the CEC of the clay in (l),which masks theobservation of the migration mechanism.The < 2~m fraction of a water suspen<strong>de</strong>d Trances montmorillonite,fromGador(Spain),was collected.After carbonatesand organic matter removal,the sample was saturated440

with sodium.This Na-montmorillonite,Na-Mt,was used as a star!ing material for the preparation of montmorillonite saturatedwith the tripositive 4f cations,Ln-Mt.From the chemical analysisof the starting and reference material,Na-Mt,by X-ray flu£rescence, a charge <strong>de</strong>ficit of 0,87(0,36+0,51) per unit cellhas been calculated.Basal spacing,d(001),was examined by X-ray power diffra£tion using oriented aggregate preparations.The b-dimension wasc~mputedfrom d(060) reflections, with quartz as a internalstandard to correct geometrical diffractometer aberrations,Infrared,FT-IR,spectrawere recor<strong>de</strong>d in a Fourier Transfcrm Nicolett 5 DXE spectrometer;samples were prepared as oriented aggr~gated films.The basal spacings obtained for Ln-Mt samples show a rel~tively simple behaviour:the interlamellar spacing is almostconstant over a wi<strong>de</strong> range ·of humidi ties and corresponds to a. double-sheet complex.After ·air heat treatment· ( 3002C, 24 hours)of the Ln-Mt samples,reexpantion with water takes a long periodof time before showing peaks narrow enough.However,oncethat induced period is over,,the 001 spacings show that theLn-Mt samples are still capable, of swelling •.The FT-IR spectra in the region 3800-3000 cm- 1 of the unheated Ln-Mt samples show that the dominant .absorption band is. -1due to the AlAlOH group,at 3620 cm .It has been observedneither shift in that maximum with the heat treatment at 3002C,nor new absorption bands.Miller et al.(1) have reported the observation of a shoul<strong>de</strong>r at 3700 cm- 1 for Ln-Mt (Ln=Eu,Ho,Yb) -samples which.just ap13ears with the heat treatment and is interpreted as due to octahedral migration of the exchangeable cations.The band at 3700·. cm - 1 is here observed in the FT-IR spe£tra even in the unheated Na-Mt and Ln-M~samples,without appr~ciable change in its relative intensity.In addition,no appreciablechange has been observed when the angle of inci<strong>de</strong>nce ofthe infrared beam with the oriented sample films was increasedfrom 452 to 902 for each sample.The absorption bands in the950-750 cm- 1 region of the FT-IR spectra remain constant with441

the heat treatment.Finally,heating-does not produce anyincrease in the b-dimension.All the above "rrie"ntloned re.:.----­sults lead to the conclusion that no migration occursfor 4f ions from exchangeable sites to octahedral ones.The hydrolysis of exchangeable hydrated cations "topoly-hydroxications has been examined through· the gener~tion of hydronium ions,FT-IR absorption band at 1700 cm-~and the proto~ation of NH ,1460 cm- 1 .The hydrolysis oc­3curs even during the preparation of the samples, in- anextension which increases from Gd-Mt to Lu-Mt and withheating.As it is exclu<strong>de</strong>d an octahedral migration mechanism, the drop in CEC for heated Ln-Mt sample's ( 1), ( 3),should be adscribed exclusively to the hydrolysis of thehydrated ions of exchange.On heating the Ln-Mt samples at 3002C the extentof their hydration <strong>de</strong>creases,as indicated by the inten-. -1sity of the FT-IR band at 1630 cm ,except for the Lu-Mtwhere the initial state is clo,se to the one obtained withthe heat treatment.The <strong>de</strong>crease is ascribed to the one inthe water molecules,coordinating in a first sphere to theexchangeable 4f ions.Contrary to the Hofmann-Klemen effect,theremaining hydrated interlamellar 4f ions,afterheating,cause the swelling of the montmorillonite.(1) Miller,S.E.,Heath,G.~. and Gonzalez,R.D. Clays andClay Minerals.30,111-122(1982).(2) Miller,S.E.,Heath,G.R. and Gonzalez,R.D. Clays andClay Minerals.31,17-21(1983).(3) Mozas,T.,Bruque,S. and Rodriguez,A. Clay Minerals.15,421-428(1980).442

GENESIS OF SEPIOLITE IN LACUSTRINE-PALUDINE CARBONATES FROMTHE "CUESTA FACIES" (DUERO BASIN, MADRID)M. POZO and S. LEGUEY.Department of Agrochemi stry, ,Geology .and Geochemi stry. AutonomaUniversity of Madrid. 28049 MADRID (SPAIN).In the central facies of the Duerostages ~reobserved:basin three sedimentologicalI) Siliciclastic. ("Detrital facies").Fluvial-alluvial environments. (bottom).11) Transitional. ("Zaratan facies").Fl uvi a 1-1 acustri ne environments.Ill) Carbqnatic. ("Cuesta facies". and "Paramo faciesl\).Lacustrine environments. (top).The best <strong>de</strong>velopment of sepiolite is observed at the "Cuesta facies" where the genesis of .the mineral above mentioned is favouredby the I itholo'gical composition with calcite, dolomite, and gypsumbearing beds.The study of the mineralogy (X';R.D.) texture (optical microscope)and microfabric (S.E.M.) in samples from twelve lithologycalsections, let us to stablish that sepiolite i·s associated. to mineralogicalsecuences related with the lacustrine evolution, speciallyin regressive stages, where exp,o~sed sediments are subjet to diag~netic and pedodiagenetic processes. The mineralogical associationobserved is: i 11 ite-sepiol ite-palygorsh_ite (+ dioctahedral smectite +kaol inite).Sepiol ite is specially abundant in lacustrine environments withhigh alkalinity ·and salinity belonging to a "pl~ya-lake" type.From a genetic viewpoint sepiolite is related with three mainprocesses:a) Dolomitization '(Diagenetic). (

) Dedolomitization (Hyperg~n'ic). (1 - 2)lm)~ --·-~--~-~--··-·c) Desiccation by evaporation in ponds. (3 )lm).In lacustrine environments with lower salinity and al"-al.inity,sepiolite appears filling secondary porosity or coating <strong>de</strong>siccationglomerules, often in relation with pedodiagenetic processes.A genetic mo<strong>de</strong>l for sepiolite through silica-magnesium gels, isproposed.444

. Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain~ 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong> .IR STUDY OF STRUCTURAL OH GROUPS OF KAOLINITE, DICKITE.AND NACRITE BETWEEN 5 AND 600 KR. PROST, A. DAMEME, E. HUARD, J. P. LEYDECKER and J. DRIARDStati.on <strong>de</strong> Science du Sol - I.N.R.A. Route <strong>de</strong> Saint-Cyr,78000 VERSAILLES, FRANCEIn or<strong>de</strong>r to arrive at a better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of the structureof kaolin-group minerals, infrared spectra of the structural OHgroups of 1 : 1 dioctahedral clays were recor<strong>de</strong>d as ~ function oftemperature between 5 and 600 K. It. was shown (PROST et al.; 1985)that the low-and high frequency components of the absorption bandsof the structural OH groups shifted progressively in oppositedirections as the temperature changed from 5 to 300 K and gavedifferent resolution of. the spectra.In or<strong>de</strong>r to obtain more precise measurments of band width,position and intensity, the spectra were recor<strong>de</strong>d over a largerrange of temperatures (5 - 6b0 K) and <strong>de</strong>convolution calculated. Thethree parameters were <strong>de</strong>terrlrined using sp.ectra obtained at atemperature where the resolution of the individual band was the·best. Then, these parameters were adjusted for spectra obtained atdifferent temperatures. These change continuously with' temperatureproviding a check of the validity of the .<strong>de</strong>convolution.The infrared study of structural OH groups of dioctahedral7 A minerals as a function of temperature is a new approach whichleads to a better knowledge of the individual components. Thismethod improves the accuracy of the assignment of the infraredabsorption bands, and thus affords a better un<strong>de</strong>rstanding of thestructure of these minerals.PROST R., DAMEME A., HUARD E., DRIARD J., 1987. Infrared study ofstructural OH in kaolinite, dickite and nacrite at 300 to 5 K.' Int.Clay Conf. DENVER.445

RARE EARTH DISTRIBUTION AND ITS CORRELATION WITH CLAY MINERALOGY INTHE CLAY-SIZED FRACTION OF CRETACIC AND PLIOCENIC SEDIMENTS (CENTRALPORTUGAL)*M.!. PRUOENCIO, M.O. FIGUEIREOOand J.M.P. CABRALOepartamento <strong>de</strong> auimica, ICEN, LNETI, 2685 Sacavem (Portugal)• Centra <strong>de</strong> Cristalografia e Mineral., IICT, 1000 Lisboa (Portugal).Eight rare earth elements (REEl, namely La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu, Tb,and Lu, haVe been <strong>de</strong>term1ned by instrumental neutron act1vationanalysis in the clay-sized fraction of nineteen sediments ofcontinental facies from the "western bor<strong>de</strong>r of Portugal" and the Lousabasin. Mineralogical analyses of the same fractions have been donemeans of X-ray diffraction. The REE contents were found to vary eitherin absolute value (£REE = 133 - 520, only taking into account theelements <strong>de</strong>termined) or in relative value (La/Lu = 49 - 629 and EuJSm= 0.14 - 0.311. The main minerals found were kaolinite, illite andsmectite. Chlorite was <strong>de</strong>tected only in two samples.In contrast to what was observed for the Lower PermianYbbyHavensvilleand Eskridge shales 111 , the REE contents in the ·clay-sized fractionof the above mentioned sediments seem to vary in response to differing•,_,clay m1neral proportions. In fact, those contents appear to becorrelated positively _with kaolinite and ·negatively with smectite.Kaolinitecould account for the higher REE bulk values if one assumesthat the REE are retained in the structure of this mineral mainlyreplacing octahedral Al and ,on the other hand, predominantlyinterlayered in smectites. The smectite group has a highcapacity with a subsequent ~asierion exchangeloss of interlayered elements (REEsinclu<strong>de</strong>d). The REE contents of rock-weathering kaolinites maytherefore reflect the original bulk contents of the source rock.Apparently, the La/Lu r•tios is not correlated with themineralogyof the clay-sized fraction. The differences observed in the REEfractionation may be CqUsed by either chemical weathering processes inthe source area or .exchange reactions during iransportation and/or446

<strong>de</strong>pos~tion. The h~gher stability of aqueous inorganic and organiccomplexes of the heavy REE relative to the light REE may contr~bute to/2/differences, in fractionation behaviour un<strong>de</strong>r such processesAs far'as the Eu anomaly is concerned, no correlation could beestablished either with clay mineralogy or with absolute REE contents.It should be noted that such anomaly is usually smaller or even absentin the clay-sized fraction comparatively to the·whole sediment or to/3/the fraction < 38~mSamples with similar clay mineral composition may present a wi<strong>de</strong>range of REt contents. However, the presence of goethite mayaccountfor the higher contents of these elements, as this mineral was clearlyi<strong>de</strong>ntified by X-ray diffraction and the retention capacity ofhydroxi<strong>de</strong>s is recognized to be high.Thus, clay mineralogy seems to be responsible for the absolute REEcontents in the analyzed sediments but no correlation is apparent withLa/Lu ad Eu/Sm ratios.ICullers, R.L., Chaudhuri,S., Arnold,B., Lee,H. andWolf,C.N. Jr.(1975), Geoch. Cosmoch. Act~·. 39, pp. 1691-1703.Ronov, A.B., Balashov, J.A. and H~odisov, A.A. (1967),. Geochem."Internat., 4, pp. 1-17.Pru<strong>de</strong>ncio, H.I. and Cabral, J.H.P. (1986). Comunication at theInt. Conference on Methods and Appl. of Radi9an. Chem. ,1987, USA.447

1,1;Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSevil!e, Spain, 1987. So

contents also reveal some d~fferences part~cularly as far as therelat~ve contents are concerned (la/lu=227.2 ~n P71 and 109.4 ~n P-2).However, the Eu anomaly appears to be very s~m~lar ~n both samples(Eu/Sm=0.145 for P-1 and 0.146 for P-2). It should also be notedthatthe REE:contents ~n these samples <strong>de</strong>v~ate s~gn~f~cantly from th~se of2European shales !ESJ e~ther ~n relat~ve value (present~ng a larger Euanomaly; Eu/Sm=0.21 for ESJ or 1n absolute value ([REE=323.0 for P-1and 299.3 for P-2, wh~le [REE=176.2 for ES, cons~<strong>de</strong>r~ng only thee·lements <strong>de</strong>term~ned J.O~fferences ~n chem~cal and m~neralog~cal compos~t~ons werealso observed for the var~ous. s~ze fract1ons of P-1 and P-2.Ferrug~nous nodules are present ~n the coarser fract~ons of both claysthough more concentrated ~n P-1. They are the ma~n const~tuent of the>1mm and 500~m-1mm fract~ons of P-1, wh~ch therefore have a muchh1ghel 1ron concentrat~on than the others, wh~le 1n P-2 the ~rond~str1but1on 1s more un1form. Feldspars, as well as the alkallneelements, are more abundant 1n the 1ntermed1ate fraci1ons. Thedom1nant clay m1neral 1n the clay-s1ze fract1on of both samples 1skaol1n1te. It 1s worth not1ng that REE, spec~ally the l~ghter ones,are concentrated 1n the clay-s1zed fract1on, whlch can be expla1ned bythe loW 10n exchange capac~ty of ~aol~n~te.All M6ssbauer spectra showed ' l central doublet due to ferr~c~ran ~nclu<strong>de</strong>d 1n the s1l1cate structure and/or ~n superparamagnet1cox1<strong>de</strong>s. In the spectra of P-2 samples a doublet due to paramagnet1c2+hlgh sp1n Fewas also present. Bes1<strong>de</strong>s the doublets the spectra alsoshowed a pattern of 6 l1nes ass1metr1cally broa<strong>de</strong>ned 1n the waytyp1cal for m1crocrystall1ne go~th1teJ.T~e relat1ve 1ntens1ty of th1spattern <strong>de</strong>creases Wlth the part1cle s1ze of the sample. A magnet1cspl1tt1ng due to hemat1te was seen ln the coarser fract1ons of P-1(>1mm and 500~m~1mmJ, wh1ch are r1cher 1n ferrug1nous nodules, but 1tcould not be <strong>de</strong>tected 1n P-2 samples.Further work 1s ~nprogress. Low temperature spectra are be1ngtaken 1n or<strong>de</strong>r to conf~rm that the pattern attr1buted to go~th1te ~sonly due to th1s mineral, and to establlsh the fract1on of ferr1c 1ronpresent 1n the clay mlnerals structure .449

F1r1ngthe whole_sample 1n a1r at l1023 Kl had no s1gn1f1can~·effect 1n 1ts chem1cal compos1t1on. The only changes observed were th~tr~sformat1onsof clay ·mlnerals and goeth1te as expected. AccordlnglyM6ssbauer spectra of the calc1ned samples cons1sted ofcomponent due to hemat1te, and a central doublet due to paramagnet1cferr1c 1ron Wlth larger quadrupole spl1tt1ng a~d 1somer sh1ft than 1nthe case of the untreated sample. The 1ncrease 1n quadrupole spl1tt1ng1s generally attr1buted to the <strong>de</strong>hydrox11at1on process that le~ves the4clai m1neral latt1ce 1n a dlsor<strong>de</strong>red state .Prudinclo,M.I., Cab~al,J.M.P. and Tavares,A. lt986l, submltt~d forpubl1~at1on the Proceedlngs of the 1986 Internat1onal S1mpos1um of'Archaeometry.2 Hask1n,M.A. and Hask1n,L.A. l1966l, Sc1ence, 154, pp. 507-509.3 Morup,S. et al. ll983), J.Magn.Magn.Mat. 40, pp. 163-174.Kost1kas,A., Slmopoulos,A. and Gangas,N.H. l1976l, 1n Appl1cat1onsof M6ssbauer spectroscopy Vol.I, Ed. R1chard L. Coheri, Aca<strong>de</strong>mlcPress N.York, pp. 241-261.450

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>HALLOYSITE FORMATION THROUGH THE "IN SITU" WEATHERING OF VOLCANIC GLASS,FROM TRACHYTIC PUMICES, VICO'S VOLCANO, ITALIA.Paul QUANTIN 1 , Jacques GAUTHEYROU1and Paolo LORENZONI 21- ORSTOM, 70 route d'Aulnay, 93140, BONDY, FRANCE2- I.S.S.D.S., Piazza d'Azeglio 30, FIRENZE, ITALIA~II LINTRODUCTION: This study concerns the weathering of trachytic pumices,which are inclu<strong>de</strong>d in the 4th pyroclastic flow of the Vice's Volcano(Latium, Italia); this flow dates back to about 144.000 BP. Un<strong>de</strong>rlyingan Andic-Brown Soil (Andic Dystrochrept), the still weakly weatheredvolcanic flow shows coarse pumices, which are almost completely weatheredinto a nearly white gel. It is ma<strong>de</strong> mainly of I 0 A halloysi te.This paper aims at showing the origin, the shape and the compositionof this clay.METHODS: A <strong>de</strong>tailed study was ma<strong>de</strong>, in or<strong>de</strong>r to compare the stronglyweathered pumice ·and its less 21Jm altered product with the slightlyweathered one, using the following methods:- on little fragments: optical and scanning elelctron microscopy, coupledwith micro-probe in situ analysis of major elements;- on pumice pow<strong>de</strong>r: X Ray diffraction and chemical analysis of majorelements;- on

The chemical composition allows to estimat~Xt'~-~-~~lowing mineralogicalcompos1twn: halloysite =· 70-72%; illite (+ bei<strong>de</strong>fi:Ci:eandresrciUa.T --~---­glass) 20-18%; zeolites = 4%; titano-magnetite (+ non-crystallineFeOOH) = 6%/ The resulting halloysite is almost pure (mol. Si02 /Al20 3= 2.05%).CLAY, GENESIS: The preceding observations show that the clay mineralswere formed in situ, through the glass weathering. In addition, theseclays grew un<strong>de</strong>r a microporous and water logged conditions, thoughbadly permeable and confined, and slightly alkaline. In the overlying Csoil horizon the pH is 7.2. These clays show a high water retentioncapacity (H2o- = 65%) as well as a high cation exchange capacity(= 70 me/IOOg), which is mostly saturated by Ca2+ (= 40 me/100g) andby K+ (= 24 me/100g).CONCLUSIONS: The in situ transformation of an alkaline glass into clayminerals, through the weathering of trachytic pumice, occurs in thecase of a poorly permeable material like a pyroclastic flow.The white clay is ma<strong>de</strong> of at least 70% of 10 A halloysite, ofmicro-spherical shape (0 I0-100nm), and nearly 20% of illite andbei<strong>de</strong>llite and few iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s and zeolites. However these mineralsseem to be closely mixed in prismatic grain of nearly Ivm.The clay minerals and especially a spherical 10 A halloysite, aredirectly formed in the weathered glass; they occur easier un<strong>de</strong>r microporous,very hydrated, but confined and slightly alkaline conditions.452

Summaries - ProceedingTHESIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, ~ 987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MEASUREMENTS OF SOIL SPECIFIC SURFACE AREA BY p-NITROPHENOL ADSORPTIONG.G.RISTORI, E.SPARVOLI, L.LANDI, C.MARTELLONIConsigli~ Nazional~ <strong>de</strong>lle Ricerche, Centro dl Studio per i Colloidi <strong>de</strong>lSuolo, Piazzale <strong>de</strong>lle Cascine 28, 50144 Firenze ( Italy );·p-Nitrophenol' (pNP) in aqueous or organic solvents solutions is wi<strong>de</strong>lyemployed for measurement of specific surface area.of many organicand inorganic substances.In a preliminary work ( Ristori et al.,l985) the use of this moleculein Xylene solution for the .<strong>de</strong>termination of the external and totalsurface area of smectite minerals has been suggested. It has been shownthat the external surface area of these minerals can be calculated fromthe adsorption isotherms ( 20°C ) of samples saturated 111ith monovalentcations and then heated at 160°C. The total surface area can be obtainedfrom adsorption isotherms•20°C ) of' samples saturated with divalentcations and equilibrated at about 10% relative humidity ( R.H. ). Therelatively strong polarizing po111er of divalent exchange cations canaccount for the penetration of p~Pclay minerals also after heating, an~in the inter layer space of thesefor the consequent difficulty inmeasuring only the external surface area *h these samples.The pur.pose of this work was to test the possibility of extendingthe method to natural soil samples.MATERIALS and METHODSEight italian soils with high clay content have been selected: twoVertisols, three Red mediterranean soils ( Terra Rossa ) and three Regosolson pliocenic clays. Only Vertisols resulted to contain swellingclay minerals.Soi 1 samples, after sieving at 2mm, u1ere Na and Ca saturated by washingwith lM chlori<strong>de</strong> salt solution of the t111o cations; the excess salt111as then removed with distilled water by repeated centrifugation.Adsorption isotherms were obtained as follo111s: 10 ml aliquots of differentpNP solutions in Xylene ( concentration from 2 to 50 ~moles/L )453

were ad<strong>de</strong>d to 100 mg. of soil samples, tightly closed in glass tubes andshaken for 24 hrs' at 20°C. The pNP adsorption was then measured afterpourirg a 0.1-0.5 ml. aliquot of the equili~b!'_i~I"Jl_E;jl_!uUon_l!:J_20-lOQ m1.volumetric flasks and adjusting to volume with alkaline H 20; the pNPconcentration in the. yellow H 2o solution is photometrically <strong>de</strong>terminedat 400 nn. SoHs samples have been previously condi U oned at l60°C or 10'?6. H.H.RESULTS and DISCUSSIONNa Saturated Samples- The specific surface areas, calculated fromthe adsorption value at the plateau of L (Langmuir) type isotherms obtainedfrom the samples heated at 160°C, are in very good agreementwith the corresponding areas obtained by N 2sorption at liquid N 2temperature.As it concernsthe samples equilibrated a~~O% R.H., quite similarresults are given by the two methods for soils not Containing swellingminerals. For Verti~ols;the· data are not comparable because of the ab-.sence of a plateau on the adsorption isotherms, due to the pNP penetrationin the· inter layers of the swelling fraction of soil clay minerals.Ca Satui~ted Sa~ples- Good agreement ·between NZ and pNP surfacearea was found for the six soil samples not containing swelling clay minerals,after heating a~lGODC. The same soils equilibrated at 10% R.H.g~v~ surface a~eas lower of about 10% in comparison with NZ areas,, probably. because a part of the surface is covered by the cationinner sphere coordination water which is held to strongly tobe removed by pNP.All isotherms of Vertisols equilibrated at 10 % R.H. show plateauxfrom which a surf~ce·area higher than that obtained by NZ adsorption,can be calculated. As confirmed by X'-ray di FfracUon, a penetration ofpNP in the interlayer space of smectite minerals, present in trese soils,occurs. The plateau would therefore indicate the complete coverage ofthe total surface area (internal+external).The internal fraction of surface area can be easily calculated bysubtratting to the total adsorption values- at the plateau the amountof pNP pertaining to the external surface, as obtained by Nzads.orpUon.Due to the presence of inner sphere ·coordinati-on water Around thecation, the calculated surface area should be increased of about 10%As it concerns Vertisols samples heated 160°C, a plateau is not at-454

tained within the range of concentration of pNP solution, although X-raydiffraction indicates some penetration of pNP in the interlayer of thesme~tite minerals.Consi<strong>de</strong>ring that total surface area of pure swelling phillosilicatesis about 750 m 2 /g.,it seems also possible to calculate approximatlythe content of these minerals in the soil by the adsorption values atthe plateau of Ca saturated samples equilibrated at ID% R.H.REFERENCESG.G.RISTOHI, E.SPARVOLI, P.FUSI, J.P.QUIRK, C.MARTELLONI, 1985.Measurements of total and external surface area of homoionic smectitesby p-Nitropheno l adsorption. Miner. Petrog. Acta Vol. ~' 137-143.455

''!Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>VARIATION IN MICROORGANIZATION AND PROPERTIES OF SANTAOLALLA VERMICULITE WITH DECREASING SIZEM. Robert* , J. Ranger**, P.B. Malla***, D. Tessier*and J.L. Perez Rodriguez***** Station <strong>de</strong> Science du Sol, INRA 78000, Versailles** Station <strong>de</strong>s Sols Forestiers, INRA 54000, .Nancy*** Department of Soils and Crops Rutgers, UniversityJersey, USA****Centre Edafologia Sevilla, SpainNewVarious samples (coarse and fine fractions) of SantaOlalla vermiculite were collected in a Mine near Sevilla(Spain). They were separated according to size andsubmitted to chemical; mineralogical (XRD ,~·DTA), andmicroscopic (HRTEM) studies.The coarse fraction is a pure reference vermiculite andshows all as typicial XRD reflection.Insi<strong>de</strong> the clay fraction two different complexes withethylene glycol giving 14 and 17 A can be observed. Usingalkylammonium complexes (Lagaly and Weiss, 1969 Mallaand Douglas, 1986) it is also possible to i<strong>de</strong>ntify twodifferent 2/1 clay minerals with different charges 0.70and 0.54 on each si<strong>de</strong> of the vermiculite-smectite bor<strong>de</strong>r.The results are compared with those obtained by totalchemical analysis and calculation of structural formulae.By observing ultrathin sections of the clay fraction(coarse and fine) we can characterize themicroorganization of natural vermiculite clay which hasthick packs of layers of great lateral extension.Evolution of this organization with <strong>de</strong>creasing size andcharge is studied and a comparison is done with smectitemicroorganization (Tessier, 1984).REFERENCESLagaly G. and Weiss· A. (1969) - Determination of the layercharge in mica ty~e layer silicates. Proc. Int. Clay Conf.Tokyo. I. Israel Univ. Press, Jerusalem, 61-80 •456

Malla P.B.expandingproperties.press)and Douglas L.A. (1986) - Id·entification ·Oflayer silicates layer charge expansionProc. Inter. Clay Conf. Denver, USA, 29-85 (inTessier D. (1984)- Etu<strong>de</strong> experimentale <strong>de</strong> l'organisatio.n<strong>de</strong>s mineraux argileux. Hydratation, gonflement etstructuration au cours <strong>de</strong> la <strong>de</strong>ssiccation et <strong>de</strong> larehumectation. These d'Etat, Univ. Paris VII, 361 p.100 nmHRTEM Aspect of vermiculite clay fraction ~ithammoniumalkyl.457

z:(1)d(OOl) spacings~VI~tn -...!~ I') I') "')'.:)---'- -)1.:)---,N "VI~10 VI tn -...! tO(/)"U0Cl) X ::Jen:rX00X()0 cf-h0 N"'pc+0stiJ~~(1)-----=) ?--"'##

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> Ar~illasEVOLUTION OF Fe AND Al POLYCATIONS TOIN THE PRESENCE OF CLAY MINERALSOXIDES OR HYDROXIDESM. ROBERT, G. VENEAU, A.M. JAUNET, M. HERVIOStation <strong>de</strong> Science du Sol ~ INRA, Route <strong>de</strong> St-Cyr -78000 - Versailles (France)Iron and aluminium polycations can represent transportforms for these elements and precursors for their differentoxi<strong>de</strong>s and hydroxi<strong>de</strong>s. However, due to their greataf_finity for nega.tive surfaces, they are adsorbed byclays. This work intends to characterize the conditions ofevolution of adsorbed polycations un<strong>de</strong>r water percolation.Fe and Al compounds with different OH /cation ratios (R0 to 3) ar~ sy~thetised and fixed'on clays kaolinite( Pro vi n s ) or m on t m or i 11 on i t e ( Wyoming ) ( Robe r t .§!:!!SL.!!:l· ,1979, 1987).These associations Fe or Al clays are then submited todistilled water percolation, at ~o·c, in a soxlhetapparatus This system mo<strong>de</strong>lises intense hydrolyticweat~eringcondltions giving ferrallitisation process(Pedr?, 1964); Pedro et Melfi, 1970).The evolution is followed by XRD, _DTA,HRTEM associatedwith elect,ron diffraction. E,iclution of neutral hydrates(R 3) was characterized un<strong>de</strong>r similar conditions.If iron is first consi<strong>de</strong>~ed, the hydrate with R = 3similar to ferrihydrite, rapidly gives both goethite andhematite crystals un<strong>de</strong>r percolation.In the presence of clays,the evolution of Fe compoundsis gre~tlyslowed:With kaolinite after 175 lof percolation, hematite isthe only cry•talline compounds to be formed. With montmorillonitecrystallisation inhibition is higher. Only withR =3 another. hematite polymorph is form,d.In all cases, the evolution of adsorbed species on claygives oxi<strong>de</strong>s in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt of the surface. Un<strong>de</strong>r these conditionsthere is no epitaxy or epigenesis, but differentsteps in oxi<strong>de</strong> formation are distinguished.If aluminium is consi<strong>de</strong>red, the p~ecipitated hydrate (R459

= 3) was rapidly converted into pseudoboehmite and thenin to b o e hm it e. The p·r· e s eni::e o:f "cTays --rn.n:-Th-:rt--en1r--crys'l:aT=·lization for aluminium more than for iron.In the presence of kaolinite and after 300 1 percolationsome gibbsite is formed.In the presence of montmorillonite no evolution can beobserved.Thus the presence of clays can <strong>de</strong>termine the transformationof Fe and Al compounds. In all cases they inhibitmore or less temporarly the crystallisation of oxi<strong>de</strong>s orhydroxi<strong>de</strong>s. This inhibition is higher for aluminum andwith montmorillonite. The. presence of clay als; <strong>de</strong>terminesthe type of neogen~sis ; in our experiments : hematite foriron and gibbsite for aluminium.REFERENCESP~dro G., 1964- Contribution~ l'~tu<strong>de</strong> exp~rimentale <strong>de</strong>l'alt~ration g~ochimique <strong>de</strong>s roches cristallines, TheseFac. S~. Paris, 334 p.P~dro G., Melfi A. 1970 - Recherches exp~rimentales surle comportement <strong>de</strong>s hydrates ferriques et <strong>de</strong>s constituantssilicoferriques amorphes en milieu lessiv~. P~dologie,Gand, XX, 1, 5-33Robert M., Veneau G. Hervio M., 1983 - Influence <strong>de</strong>spolycations du fer et <strong>de</strong> l'aluminium sur les propri~t~s<strong>de</strong>s argiles. Science du Sol, 34, 235-251Roliert M., Veneau G, 1987 - Aspects microscopiques <strong>de</strong>sassociations argile fer ou aluminium. Cong. Int. <strong>de</strong>Micromorphologie <strong>de</strong>s sols, Paris 1985, 467-474460

abHR T EMG 1 ern o, 125 )lca) Evolution of Fe polycation into hematite in thepresence of kaolinite ·b) Evolution of Fe polycation into hernatite in thepresence of rnontmorillonitec) Evolution of ferrihydiite intd goethite and hematite.461

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CLAY MINERALS EVOLUTION IN LOWER TERTIARY DETRIT_l_C~THE SOUTHEASTERN AREA OF THE DUERO BASIN (CENTRAL SPAIN).fA£}_E~ ()FM. RODAS(*); F.J. LUQUE(*); R. MAS(*); G. GARZON(*); P. FER­NANDEZ GARCIA(*)(*) Facultad <strong>de</strong> Ciencias Geol6gicas. Universidad Complutense<strong>de</strong> Madrid. 28040 MADRID. SPAIN.The aim of this work is to establish the genetic relationshipbetween certain clay mineral associations and edafQgenetic processes, un<strong>de</strong>r specific environmental conditions.This paper <strong>de</strong>als with the <strong>de</strong>tritic facies which representthe prearcosic cycle and the lowermost part of the arcosiccycle (Paleogene in age) outcroping in the south-eastern margin of the Duero Basin (Fig. 1).On the basis of geological mapping and lithological corr~lation, four informal lithostratigraphic units, which alsopresent different clay mineral associations, have been distinguished:- Unit 1.- Clays and quatzose sands. The clay mineral associationis illite-kaolinite.- Unit 2.- Quartzose sands with ferruginous paleosoils,with smectite as the main clay min:eral.- Unit 3.- Polimicttc con-glomerates, arcosic sands andclays, with frequence calcrete profiles. Palygorskite is themost abundant clay mineral.- Unit 4.- Arcosic sands, with smectite and illite and duricrust levels resembling those of the previous unit.Throughout the units, clay mineral evolution is as follows:U.1 .- In the stratigraphical series corresponding to thisunit, illite is the mainphyllosilicate, both in the

sionally, at the bottom fo the series, with a trioctahedralcharacter and low crystallinity values (Biscaye in<strong>de</strong>x).U.2.- Trioctahedral smectites represent 80-100 % of thetotal samples studied in this unit, with an increasing Biscayeiri<strong>de</strong>x towards the bottom of the series, an~ with aslight reduction in its percentages from the bottom to thetop. The presence of kaolinite and illite is related withthe alternation of channel facies and flood plain facies.U.3. Palygorskite represents 70-100 % of the totalamount of the samples studies. From the bottom to the top ofthe series, smectite is observed at the bottom, dissapearingtotally in the upper levels. This unit lies in clear unconformityover Unit 2.U.4.- Trioctahedral smectite is the most abundant clay mineral, with a great crystallinity in<strong>de</strong>x, and it is uniformlydistributed along the,unit. In the duricrust levels, smectite<strong>de</strong>creases sharply and palygoskite replaces it. Kaoliniteis concentrated in the lower levels of the unit and its percentageis always less than 10 %. Dioctahedral illite is distributed uniformly throughout the unit.From the mineralogical ?-nd sedimentological study of the.<strong>de</strong>scribed units, it may be COJ?.Clu<strong>de</strong>d that during the <strong>de</strong>positof these materials an important climatic change took place.During sedimentation of Unit 1, climate was warm and wet,with <strong>de</strong>velopment of brai<strong>de</strong>d systems with broad food plains,ferruginous soils in the source area and producing a claymineral association (illite-kao~inite) typical of well drainedareas. Unit 2 corresponds to proximal brai<strong>de</strong>s systemsand represents a more arid climate with seasonal fluctuationsand long dry. perio'ds, so smecti te is the more prominent claymineral. Nevertheless, the more drastic climatic changetowards arid conditions toad place during the <strong>de</strong>posib ofunits 3 and 4·, dominated by arid or semiarid alluvial fans.For this reason, this episo<strong>de</strong> presents an important <strong>de</strong>velop.ment of duricrusts, and palygorskite is the characteristicclay mineral, probably related with the edafic pro~essesfound in the frequent clacrete leve~s appearing in theseunits.46:3

m....J0'SM +I""' ~~"' ...J' n.I?:+. +:II0::>tptSM~. ....... ··: . .~--.. ·.. ·....·.· ~?!____?I- K. ~VALL£ DE-- ~- TABLADILLD FM1 -lllitoUC- Upper CretaceousK- Kaolihite P - PaleoceneS M· Smectite LE - Lower EoceneP - Paligorsklte UE - Upper EoceneOL- OligoceneI 1 2 1 3 1 4 - Lithostratigraphic unitsLOCATION MAP AND STRATIGRAPHIC SETTING OF THE STUDY AREA

~OCLA)"•."'-:;~"'~'-•,, •. ,..", •• /Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CORRENSITE AND ZEOLITE GROWTH IN CARBONATE TURBIDITES ANDASSOCIATED CHERT OF THE GIBRALTAR AREA (SOUTHWEST SPAIN)P. RODRIGUEZ., M.D. RUIZ CRUZ AND F. CARRASCODepartment of Inorganic Chemistry, Crystallography and Mineralogy.Sciences School. University of Malaga. (Spain).Inthis paper is consi<strong>de</strong>red the relationship between theprocess of silicification tn turbiditic limestones and the growth ofcorrensite, as well as the association of fibrous zeolite to silicifiedlimestones. The study of textu.ral and mineralogical characteristics ofthese materia 1 s is done in three sequences of very si mi 1 ar age andlitology, which(Flysch, Campo <strong>de</strong> Gibraltar).is:correspond to the Basic series of .the Aljibe UnitThe mineralogical association found ·for clays (

I(mor<strong>de</strong>nite) are found to form in most low temperature environmentand is <strong>de</strong>monstrated the re 1 ative i mportance

. ,_Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987, <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espal'iola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MINERALOGICAL PROPERTIES OF SOILS ON "RANA" FORMATIONS INTHE PROVINCE OF GuAD~LAJARA (SPAIN).C. RODRIGUEZ-PASCUAL, B. GALVAN, J. GALVAN.Institute <strong>de</strong> Edafologia y Biologia Vegetal (CSIC).C. Serrano 115 dpdo. 28006 Madrid, Spain.'In popular usage the word "RANA" refers to a certaintype of countrysi<strong>de</strong> which chiefly consists of Ilatfeatures with excavated valleys and a <strong>de</strong>trital cover.Geologically "RANAS" are formations at t):J.e: foot of amountain. :hey inclu<strong>de</strong> quartzite reliefs of fluvialorigin, which follow the filled up phase in Tertiarybasins and prece<strong>de</strong> the first.fluvial terraces.Soil. genesis in "RANA" formations results fromdifferent geological, geomorphological and climatiGfactors. Since some important features of the soil <strong>de</strong>pendon the "2 pm fraction, an extensive researc):J. on the clayminerals fraction has b~en carried out for scientific andutility purposes.The two soil profiles here·studied lie in the plain of"Fuentelahiguera <strong>de</strong> Albatages" (Guadalajara). Theirclassification and other data are reported ~lsewhere.Both profiles are <strong>de</strong>veloped on stony Pliocene sandyclay sediments un<strong>de</strong>r transitional climatic conditionsranging from semiarid to dry subhumid; their clay contentbeing around 55% in the B horizons.Profile Altitu<strong>de</strong> DrainageSoil type (FAO)------- -------- --------------------- ---------------I 935 m poorly drained Gleyc acrisolII 930 m mo<strong>de</strong>rately drained Orthic acrisol467

These soils have an acid pH, and a l.ow basesaturation.In the 2 mm fraction phyllosilicates are predominant,together with quartz, iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s and sometimes feldspars.Quartz and feldspars are found in the upper horizons.inunusually small proportions. The feldspars areplagioclases<strong>de</strong>pth,h.orizons.andand orthoclase, their content <strong>de</strong>creasing witheven 'disappearing completely in the lowerQuartz also <strong>de</strong>creases with <strong>de</strong>pth in bothprofiles.The clay fraction was characterized mineralogically byX-ray diffraction (XRD), infra red (IR) and transmissionelectron microscopy (TEM). Well crystallized kaolinitepredominates, with dioctahedral mica, smectite andchlorite as accompanying minerals. The smectite contentincreases with <strong>de</strong>pth, to about 30% in the lower horizons,with a parallel <strong>de</strong>crease of the mica content. Chlorite isonly present in the top horizons. The smectite is wellor<strong>de</strong>red bei<strong>de</strong>llite, as indidated by 6 rational 001reflections, after ethylene glycol treatment.Li-saturation and heating at 30o•c overnight results. inpositive expansion to 1.7 nm after ethylene. glycpltreatment.The mineral composition of both the soil and the clayfractions, would indicate . intense chemical weathering ofthe primary minerals un<strong>de</strong>rdrainageconditionsgoethite formationconditions is aformer·lythe specific climatic andprevailing. Kaolini te andat the expense of feldspars in acidwell known process in continentalmediterranean climates (.Paquet, 1970; DubreuiJ.h,Marchadour et Thiry, 1984).The presence of chlorite in the top horizons should rberelated to the existence of amorphous Al-hydroxi<strong>de</strong>s, whichmay precipitate as interlayers within the alteri~g mica.(Van Ranst, Coninck, Embrechts, 1986).Thin soil sections show a coarse mineral fractionconsisting of quartzite fragments,subjected to intensemechanical weathering, associated with altered slate468

fragments. The micromass has reddish-brown areas togetherwith greyish yellow ones, which indicatespseudogleyzation, and it shows a striated fabric ofbirefrigence.As hydromorphism.2.+prevents. oxidation of Fe , which woul·dbe required for vermiculite formation (Douglas, 1977) theconditions favour bei<strong>de</strong>llite formation from the weatheringof <strong>de</strong>trital dioctahedral mica. (St. Arnaud and Mortland,1963; Komarneni and Breval, 1985).Douglas, L.A. (1977). Vermiculites, 259-292. In J.D. Dixonand S.B. Weed (Ed.). Minerals in Soil Environments. SoilSci. Soc. U.S.A., Madison, W1.Dubreuilh,geologiqueJ. Marchadour, P. et Thiry, M. Cadreet mineralogie <strong>de</strong>s argiles d~s Charentes,France. Clay Miner. 1 9, 29-41 .Komarneni,smectitess. and Breval, E. (1986). Characterization ofsynthesised from zeolites and mechanism ofsmectite synthesis. Clay Miner. 20, 181-188.Paquet, H. (1970). "Evolution geochimique <strong>de</strong>s minerauxargileux dans les alterations et les sols <strong>de</strong>s climatsmediterraneens et tropicaux a saisons contrastees".These. Universite <strong>de</strong> Strasbourg et Mem. Serv. CarteGeol. Alsace Lorraine, 30, pp. 210.St. Arnaud, R.J., and M.M. ~ortland. 1963. Characteristicsof the clay fractions in a Chernozemic to Podzol sequenceof soil profiles in Saskatchewan. Can. J. Soil Sci.43:336-349.Van Ranst, 'E. , De"Trioctahedral andCongr. Int. Soc.Coninck, F., Embrechts, J. (1986):dioctahedral· chlori te in soils". XIIISoil Sci. (Hamburg) IV, 1488-1489.469

1'.·I'I'jiI'ISummaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>STUDY AND CHARACTERIZATION OF A CHLORITE-SMECTITE INTERSTRATIFIEO MINE-RAL BY SORPTION OF ORGANIC COMPOUNDSA. RUIZ AMIL, E. VILA AND F. ARAGON DE LA CRUZInstituto <strong>de</strong> Qui mica Inorganica "Elhuyar". C.S.l.C. Serrano 113. 28006Madrid (Spain).~ I11ll'i i'I.The aim of this paper is the stu~y and characterization of a chlorite-smectite interstratified mineral contained in a potterystone, from -Niwatori zawa mine, Izushi -cho, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan (Geologi ea 1 Sur·­vey of Japan), by means of sorption of different organic compounds, aswell as the study of the behaviour of these organic compounds. (De Miguelet al., 1981), (Doval et al. ,1985)The int~rstratification of the components of this material is investigated, treating the oriented agregates of the samples with ethylene -glycol, glycerol, aliphatic amines, diamines, pyridine, etc.From X-ray diffraction data on oriented agregates, the distributionfunction of interlayer distances ("direct Fourier method", used for a­preliminary study) and "diffraction intensity function" (MacEwan et al.1961) are calcUlated with the aid of a "computer program for analysinginterstratified structures by Fourier transform based methods" (namedINTER program). (Vi 1 a and Rui z Amil. 1987).The experimental X-ray diffraction intensities are compared with -theoretical data, given in the calculated "diffraction ·intensity func~tion", stating the presence of the interstratification and their characterization after the treatment with organic compounds.The study of the sample .by sorption of glycerol is shown.Fig. 1 represents the "distribution function of interlayer distances"(calculated from spacings d(A) and intensities Iest of Table 1)and shows these interlayer distances:A=l4 A(chlorite); ll=l7.8 A(snectlte() Si~ (I 0 . 0+glycerol); AA=28 A; AB,BA=31.8 I); 88=35.6 A; AAA=42 A; AAB=45.8 A;ABB=49.6 A. "470

TABLEd(Al lest33.90 2016.10 1008.01 306. 26 105.3 154. 56 303,53 402.90 20Fig. 2 represents the results obtained for a binary interstratificationof 14 ~ (chlorite) and 17.8 X (smectite + qlrcerol) for pA=0.5and pAA=O.l. Curve- (a) is the F 2 function for. the mixed layers; (b) isLorentz-po'larization function, 0, for CuKa radiation; (c) is the.mixingfunction, 'V; and (et) represents the resultant X-ray ctifraction intensj_ty function, I. In (e) the values of spacings and relative intensitiesare plotted and they corresponds to an X-ray diffraction diagram of -glycerol treatect chlorite-smectite sample (Table 1).An almost alternating regular chlorite-smectite intertratificationappears, because pA=p 8=0.5, pAA=O. 1 and pA 8=0.9.Expe1~ imentalj)data file: ·,JAPONGLI . EHPe

F'D = e!::1

DIRECT METHODThe distribution function W(R) of interlayer distances, R, is obtaine~.from the observed diffraction intensities, Is, and the basal -spacing, d , by means of a Fourier transform:s W(R) = a/rr ~s(Is/8sFs 2 )cos2rrR/dswhere es and F; are the values of the e and F2 function at the positionds.The INTER program calculates the W(R) function from ds and I 5values.In this program, the direct method is used, principally, in a preliminarysurvey of X-ray diffraction diagrams and gives .a very valuableinformation about the possible values of PA' PAA• PA and dB. They .can -be used as starting fnputs to calculare the X-ray diffraction intensityfrunction.REFERENCES.International Tables for X-ray Crystallography (1974). Vol. IV •. Birmingham:Kynoch Press •• MacEwan, D.M.C. and Ruiz-Amil,A (1959). Koll-ZS 162, 93-100 •• MacEwan, D.M.C. and Ruiz-Amil,A q975). Soil Components, Vol. 2, editedby J. Gieseking, pp. 265-334. New York: Springer Verlag •• MacEwan.· D.M.C., Ruiz Amil,A. and Brown,G. (1961). X-ray i<strong>de</strong>ntificationand Crystal Structures of~ minerals, edited by G. Brown, pp. 393-445~ London:Mineralogical Society •• Reynolds, R.D. (1980). Crystal Structures of Clay minerals~~­X-ray i<strong>de</strong>ntification, edited by G.W. Brindley and G. Brown, pp. 249-302. London:Mineralogical Society.473

I IISummaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>STUDIES OF STACKING DEFECTS NATURE IN THE STRUCTURE OFFe3+_CONTAINiNG MINERALS WITH X-RAY ANALYSIS*B.A.Sakharov , G.Besson**, M.Yu.Kameneva***, B.B.Smolyar*,K.Tchoubar**, V.A.Drits**Geological Institute of the USSR Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Science,·Moscow, USSR.**Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Crystallographie, Universite d'Orleans,France***Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Siberian,Branchof the USSR Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Science, Novosibirsk, USSRI.Fine-dispersed mica minerals with low concentrationsof swelling layers often inclu<strong>de</strong> structures of polytypemodification lM-lMD. Reflections in diffraction patternsof these minerals vary from ~harp and strong to wi<strong>de</strong> andweak. It points to <strong>de</strong>fects in their structure's packing.One of methods to study disperse systems with <strong>de</strong>fectl~yered structures which has found a practical applicationwas <strong>de</strong>veloped in works by Plancon, Tchoubar, 1977a,b;Sakharov et al., 1982a,b, 1983. The essence of the method.is simulation of <strong>de</strong>fect structures and calculation ofcorresponding diffractio.n patterns which can be directlycompared with the experimental ones.To <strong>de</strong>fine the nature ·of structural distortions in micaminerals, chrystal-chemically possible mo<strong>de</strong>ls of <strong>de</strong>fectstructures have been consi<strong>de</strong>red. It is known that in micas,relation b =a /3 between unit cell parameters may besometimes violated both for individual layers and for .thewhole of the structure. L~t us write b/a = /q, wher~ q = 3or o :1. 3.Mo<strong>de</strong>ls with g = 3. The most probable types of <strong>de</strong>fects inpacking may be due to:- layer rotation to n120° (n is an integer);-layer rotation either only to +120° or only to -120°.'I11 ,,,,,474

-layer rotation to n60°.In the £irst two mo<strong>de</strong>ls all interlayer K cations havethe same anionic environment, whereas the 3rd mo<strong>de</strong>l leadsto their prismatic coordination in some interlayers.Mo<strong>de</strong>ls with q i3. In this case, crystal layers' must be characterisedwith i<strong>de</strong>ntical.in the shape and size unit cellsand a common two-dimensional lattice £or the crystal in general.Stacking <strong>de</strong>£ects may be connecDed with alternationof enantiamorphic layers and their rotation to 180° relativet~ c•. Depending on the coordination environment ofK cations, two types o£ mo<strong>de</strong>ls can be di£ferentiated:K coordination is octahedral in all interlayers. In such- crystal, only two enantiamorphic layer::; can alternate;- K coordfnation c~ be either octahedral er trigonalprismatic,<strong>de</strong>pending on the azimuthal orientation of 2:1layerso.Four types of layers alternate in the crystalsthat are connected with each other either by·two perpendicularsli<strong>de</strong> planes, or rotation to 180° around. c*.In all above mo<strong>de</strong>ls, a consecutive change in the proportionof different types layers is possible, as well asin their distribution in the crystal volume. The latterrangs from total disor<strong>de</strong>r via all transitional stages tothe segregation in blocks o£ layers with i<strong>de</strong>ntical azimuthalorientations.The £itting parameters are: the size o£ coherent domainsin the crystals; unit cell parameters; value o£ interlayershift; the mo<strong>de</strong> o£-cationic distribution overtrans- and cis-octahedral sites of 2:1 layers, etc. Mixedlayeringand the variations in hights of ~ayers and interlayershifts were taken into account too.The chemical composition and the ~t cell parameters wereused to simulate atomic coordinates of micaceous layers.The analysis of the simulated diffraction patterns hasallowed to set forth diffractional criteria to be usedwhile <strong>de</strong>fining specific types of <strong>de</strong>fects in mica minerals.Two mica samples have been used with different Fe content:B.Patom, K0.74Nao.olcaa.o6(si3•46Al0.54)(All.llFe6:41475

Fe6:13Mg0.42) 010 (OH)2 and Babino' ~Q .75~1iq_._Q5C~~·Q3~~~3-~58A1 0 • 42 )CA1 0 • 53Fe6: 94Fe6: 13 Mg 0 • 43 ) o 10 CoH) 2 • The sampleswere free of impurities and had a low swelling layers content( < 10 %). The samples had not been crushed to preservethe globular sha:pe of the aggregates. Diffraction experimentwas performed on CGR diffractometer with a linear<strong>de</strong>tector and MoK~-radiation. All necessary corrections,ofexperimental profiles have been done.Comparison of experimental diffraction curves with thesimulated ones for various mo<strong>de</strong>ls of <strong>de</strong>fective structureshas shown that their best agreement is:- for sample B.Patom, with q = 3, b = 9.038 i, t= 9o 0 inthe mo<strong>de</strong>l of layer rotation to n60°. All six types of layersoccur in equal proportions with wi.= 0.167, whiletheir segregation throughout the volume of the crystals is<strong>de</strong>scribed, with coefficient Pii = 0.?5 and Pij = 0.09 (i,j=1',2, ••• ,6 ).for sample Babino, with q = 2.97, b = 9.100 i, 'f= 89.5° inthe 4-layers segregational mo<strong>de</strong>l with wi = o.25, Pii = 0.5,pij = 0.167 (i,j = 1,2,3,4).Thus, we may conclu<strong>de</strong> that:-stacking <strong>de</strong>fects concentratio~ in the mica minerals un<strong>de</strong>rstudy is rather high;- their. distribution in the crystal volume is not random;- K cation coordination is heterogeneous.Plancon A., Tchoubar C.(l977a) Clays and Clay Minerals , 25,430-435Plancon A., Tchoubar_ (1977b) Clays and Clay Minerals, 25,435-4.50Sakharov B. A., Naumov A. s.·, Drits V .A. (1.982a) Dokl, Akad.Nauk USSR., 265, 339-343Sakharov B.A., Naumov A.s., Drits V.A. (1982b) Dokl. Akad.Nauk USSR, 265, 871-874Sakharov B.A., Naumov. A.-s., Drits V.A. (1983) ~istallographia,28, 951-958476

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. Socieda~ Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THERXAL TRAHSFORXATION OF PYROPHYLLITE BY ELECTRON OPTICAL!lET HODS*CECILIA SALVADOR! AND HELEWA DE SOUZA SAJJOSLaborat6rio <strong>de</strong> Microscopia Eletr6nica-Instituto <strong>de</strong> Fisica da Universida<strong>de</strong><strong>de</strong> Sao Paulo. Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilA Brazilian pyrophyllite from Diamantina, MG, Brazil, was progressivelyheated at ternper'atures from 600 ·c to 1300 ·c and studied bytransmission electron microscopy associated to selected area electrondiffraction.·The phase transformation studi.ed were represented by the equation:pyrophyllite3AL.Si'",O::o:o "------------------------•pyrophyllite anhydri<strong>de</strong>3 ,,) + 6H,Qpyrophyllite anhydri<strong>de</strong>_________________ _.mullite cristoballite2

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE DIATOMITIC DEPOSITS OF SORBAS BASIN (ALMERIA, SE SPAIN)SANCHEZ,C. ( 1 • 2 ); RODRIGUEZ FERNANDEZ,J. ( 1 • 2 ) & .ORTEGA HUERTAS,M. ( 2 • 3 )hl. Dpto. Estratigrafia y Paleontcilogia. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada (Spa:i~·)(2). Institute Andaluz <strong>de</strong> Geologia Mediterranea. C.S.I.C.-Universidad <strong>de</strong>Granada (Spain).(3). Dpto. Mineralogia Y.. Petrologia. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Granada (Spain).INTRODUCTIONThe area un<strong>de</strong>r study is shown in Fig. 1 •......... REEFSDNEOOENEM EOITERRANEAN~=~=:NE VOLCANiCENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS·--·01(111 .~ 8ETIC 8A~EMENTFig. 1. Location of sequencesA microscopic study ·or the samples provi<strong>de</strong>s, among others, ·the results··set·out in Table I.Diatoms account for 85% of the total siliceous phase ·(centric diatoms55% and pennate forms 30%), while the remaining 15% is ma<strong>de</strong> up of·silicoflagelates ( 10%) together with sponge "spicules. and fragments ofradiolaria (5%). The <strong>de</strong>posits have been assigned to· the Messinian-upper­Messinian on the basis .of the presence of Thalossiosira Miocenica(Schra<strong>de</strong>r,1974) zone 15 of the T.I.D. ·zone established by this author,which coinci<strong>de</strong>s with the Thalassi9sira Convexa zone of the E.P.D. zone(Burckle,1972).These materials foretell the <strong>de</strong>siccation of the basin, correspondingto the wi<strong>de</strong>spread salinity crisis of the Mediterranean as a .whole, asthey were laid down immediately before 'the thick beds of seleni ticgypsum. A palaeo-ecological analysis was carried out, taking intoaccount such chemico-physical parameters as the salinity of the basin,the sedimentary environment and ·the possible temperature-fauna relationshipthat may have existed. The following conclusions can be drawn:· 1) All the species· are marine, as the mean salinity values are above 25%.according to Kudal 's classification (19'71); 2) It is c1early a coastal478

environment <strong>de</strong>spite the fact that species may appear. that do not belongto such an environment. These were, in fact, probably transported to thearea. ThE> fauna in general are to be found as isolated individuals,in colonies, in association with individuals o.f the same specie.s and asepifites living in association with different species.As far as <strong>de</strong>pth is concerned the dominant fauna are benthonic althoughmesoplanktonic, holoplanktonic and ticoplanktonic organisms a'Iso exist.The temperature varies greatly, between 5°C and 30°C ..Table I. Distribution of diatoms ........-P.-......--.-.P.-.-.•-.-.--T.-•.•-.-•.-.-.-, .'f E E~ I in~CENTRICDIATOMSActinocyclus MiocenicusActinoptychus OppenoorthiBiddulphia SubjunctaBiddulphia Tri<strong>de</strong>nsCoscinodiscus VetustissirnusEsporasRhizosolenia MatuyamaiThalassiosira MiocenicaPENNATE DIATOMSDimerogranuna FulvumI!1:1:r': ... ·I·Diplonei-s BombusGrammatophora OceariicaNavicula HennedyiRhabdonema AdriaticumRhaphoneis NitidaRhopalodia GibberulaThalassiotrix LanceolataTrachyneis Aspera 1:·:1-t--,,t•i~1·1=iiM•P L M-P L.E.P.D. N.P.D.. T.I.O.D.Nl,usloloMto .. nlooM-P LimitE.~ D. · Equatorlaf Pocltic DiatomZone C Burckle:-1972)N.P.D .. -North Poclrle Diatom Zone{Schrod•r-H)7'4)T.t.O.D.-Troplcal Indian Ocean DiatomZone (SchroOff-1972}M.P:L.- Mio~:ene- Pllo('el'!e' LlmllMINERALOGICAL AND DIAGENETIC CONSIDERATIONS.Apart from opal-A and/or opal-CT, the following minerals are to be found:calcite (24%), dolomite (26%), quartz (8%-10%), feldspars (5%) and clay.minerals ( 58%-65%). ·The clay minerals, which occur in very variableproportions, are: Ulite (5%-60%), paragonite (5%),.kaolinite (5%) andsmectite (35%-96%).The main interest of this study is the analysis- of the kinds ~f silicapresent in association with certain c~ay· minerals, pointing tosignificant diagenetic conditions.479

When the association of minerals found in these sediments is fitted toAoyagi and Kazama' s diagram (1980) seve-raJ."""CliT"fer·e·n·t ·groups·~of.-sampl:.esare i<strong>de</strong>ntifiable:1) Opal-A in very variable proportions and very significantquanti ties of smecti tes ( 96%) (samples M-1-1, CZ-1-2 and CZ-1--3) .. Thesecorrespond to an earlY-diagenetic zone, as the abundance of smecti tessuggests, according to the ·schemes 6f Burst(1959) and of Hower et al.(1976) ,among others. Even "when the opal-A is reiatively abundant· it

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>OCCURRENCE OF PYROPHYLLITE IN SOILS FROM SIERRA DESAN PEDRO (CACERES, SPAIN)M, SANCHEZ-CAMAZANO, J. FORTEZA AND L.F. LORENZOCentre <strong>de</strong> Edafolog1a y Biolog.la Aplicada <strong>de</strong> Salamanca (Spain)The frequency with which the alumino -phyllosilicates, kaoliniteand pyrophy llite appear in soils and sediments varies consi<strong>de</strong>rably.Kaolinite is a common mineral in soils and sediments, whereas pyrophylliteis rarely found in these environments. The presence of py_rophyllite has been reported in sedimentary rocks and in most casesis consi<strong>de</strong>red to be of <strong>de</strong>trital origin. Neither is this mineral frequentin rocks of low diagenetic or metamorphic gra<strong>de</strong>. This mineralhas been found in hydrothermally altered shales and as a productof high-gra<strong>de</strong> metamorphism through the kaolinite+quartz reaction.­Rectent data concerning the stability of pyrophyllite from this reactionhave established the lowest limit at 2 70QC at 1-2 kbars (Hemleyet al? 19~0). In the Al 0 -Si0 2 3 2-H 0 system, the limits of stability2of' th1s mmeral extend from 345 to 380QC at 2 kbars (Haas and Hold2_way, 1973). To a certain extent, these data account for the limitedgeological presence of the mineral.The presence of pyrophyllite,-in soils has been very seldom <strong>de</strong>scribed (Dixon and Weed, 1977; Maqueda et al., 1986). According to theconditions of synthesis of this mineral it is not possible that its formationcan occur during pedogenesis; it will always be inhereted fromthe parent material.Recently, the presence of pyrophyllite has been <strong>de</strong>tected in severalsoil profiles of the Sierra <strong>de</strong> San Pedro (Caceres, Spain). Thismountain range, belonging to what is known as the ".Mentes <strong>de</strong> Toledo",forms a narrow vertical crest of some 75 km in length and con§.titutes the limit between the provinces of Caceres and Badajoz. It hasa maximum height of 703 m. Its basement is composed of Cambrianshales, followed by Silurian quartzites and shales with a strong mg_tamorphism due to contact with hypogenic rocks. Mallada (1972) hasreported the existence of talc (this must correspond to the pyrophyllite<strong>de</strong>scribed in the present work) and mica in the Cambrian andSilurian shales.In the present,work a study was ma<strong>de</strong> of the presence of pyrophyllitein a representative profile of the area; it is an orthic acrisol(Palexerult) with A, Bt, Bt/Cl, Cl and C horizons, acid at the sur-481

!.',11'li'I1.',I,,·!,face and strongly acid in <strong>de</strong>eper horizons; such acidity is partly dueto the original rock, to the climate and~alSo~To~tliev-eg~etafioncove~ cring, which provi<strong>de</strong>s a medium content in organic matter and a highC/N ratio. The mineralogical composition of the clay ( 200 )lm) sand fractions takenfrom the different horizons of the profile was <strong>de</strong>termined. Thestudy used the X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric and differentialthermal analysis techniques. Semiquantitative estimation of the mineralswas performed using characteristic reflections and their relativeintensities accordiJ!.g to Schultz (1964) and Galan and Martin Vivaldi(1973).Ii1 general, the X-ray diffraction diagt"ams show reflections of pyrophyllite(9.20, 4.60, 3.06, 2.57, 2.41, 2.30, 1.84 A), of illite(9.98, 4.48, 4.43, 3.32, 2.56, 2.00 Al, and of kaolinite (7.14, 4.-43,3.55, 2.56, 2.29 Al and also of quartz, rutile, goethite and feldspaths.The X-ray diagram of pyrophyllite separated from the rest of the minerals(Perez Rodriguez et al 1985) shows that it is of the 2 M typewith a small proportion of the 1 Tc type (Brindley and Wardle, 1970).The metamorphic shale over which the profile was <strong>de</strong>veloped contains45 % pyrophyllite, 45 % illite and 10 % kaolinite, together withsmall amounts of quartz, rutile, goethite and feldspaths. The illiteis mainly trioctahedral (reflection (060) at 1. 53 Al.In the <strong>de</strong>eper horizons, C and Cl, the pyrophyllite is concentratedin the silt, fine sand and coarse sand fractions, representing approximately50 % of these fractions. In the Bt horizon the content in pyrophyllite<strong>de</strong>creases markedly in the fine and coarse sand and mo<strong>de</strong>ratelyso in the silt fraction. In the A horizon the content in this mineralis very low in the fine and coarse sand and medium in the silt.In the clay fraction the content in pyrophyllite incr~ases from 10 %in the C and Cl horizons up to 25 % in the A horizon. This increase,coinciding with the <strong>de</strong>crease in the proportion of the mineral in theother fractions, is due to a process of microdivision, caused by thehigh <strong>de</strong>gree of weathering of the profile; in turn, the resistance ofthis mineral to acid chemical alteration is also patent .•The strong weathering gave rise to an increase in the content ofkaolinite in the clay fraction of the upper horizons, parallel to theincrease in pyrophyllite·.· In the other fractions the content of this mineral remains low but constant.The content in illite is greater in the clay fraction than in the otherfractions and ahvays <strong>de</strong>creases with the height of the profile. In therock and coarser fractions it is partly dioctahedral and partly trioctahedral((060) reflections at 1. 50 and 1. 53 A), whereas in the clay'fraction it is totally dioctahedral. This distribution in the horizonsand fractions is in accordance with the greater ease observed in the<strong>de</strong>struction of the trioctahedral micas by organic acids, abundant inthis profile in viev; of the characteristics of the organic matter.482

BRINDLEY,G.W. and WARDLE, R. 1970. Am. Miner., 55, 1259-1272;DIXON, J.B. and WEED, S.B. 1977. Minerals in Soil Environments.Soil Science Society of Amer.ica. Madison (USA).GALAN, E. and MARTIN VIVALDI, J.L. 1973. Bol. Soc. Esp. Ceram.Vidr., 12, 79-89.HAAS, H. and HOLDAWAY, M.J. 1973. Am. J. Sci., 273, 449-464.HEMLEY, J.J., MONTEYA, J.W., MARINENKO, J.W. and LUCE, R.W.1980. Econ. Geol., 75, 210-228.MALLADA, L. 1927. Explicaci6n <strong>de</strong>l Mapa Geol6gico <strong>de</strong> Espana.II. Sistemas cambriano y siluriano. Comisi6n <strong>de</strong>l Mapa Geol6gico<strong>de</strong> Espana. Madrid (Espana).MAQUEDA, C., PEREZ RODRIGUEZ, J.L. y JUSTO, A. VIII Reunion So~ciedad Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>. Zaragoza, Junio 1986. Resumenes,108.PEREZ RODRIGUEZ, J.L., MAQUEDA, C. y JUSTO, A. 1985. Clays ClayMiner., 33, 563-566.SCHULTZ, L.G. 1964. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 391-C, 1-31.483

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THERMO-ANAL YTICAL STUDY OF MONTMORILLONITE-PIRIMlCARS COMPLEXES .. . ·~~.n--.·-M.·J,- SANCHEZ-MARTIN AND M·,· SANCHEZ-CAMAZANOCentro <strong>de</strong> Edafolog:la y Biologia Aplicada. C.S.I.C. Salamanca.Spain.-The carbamate insectici<strong>de</strong> Pirimicarb (2-dimethylamine-5, 6, dimethylpyrimidin 4-yl dimethyl carbamate) forms regular interlayercomplexes with homoionic samples of Tidinit Montmorillonitewith d 00spacings ranging between 16.98 A and,18. 55 A, in agreementw1tt the nature of the interlayer cation. The mechanism of interactionis mainly ion-dipole and takes place between the oxygenatom of the C=O group of the organic molecule and the interlayer c~tions of the silicate (mmchez-Camazano and Sanchez-Martin, 1986).With a view to <strong>de</strong>termining the thermal stability of these adsorptioncomplexes a thermoanalytical study was carried out of free pirimicarb(diluted in calci~ed ~2 03)' 0~ t_he. comp~exes of c_u: ?d,Mg, Ca and Ba montm0r1llomte w1th p1r1m1carb and of artlf1c1al ·mixtures'of the same montmorillonites with pirimicarb. The techniquesemployed were thermogravimetry (TG), differential thermalanalysis (DTA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Thecur~1s were obtained in a dynamic atmosphere"of nitrogen (45 mlmin ).,-Decomposition of the organic compound was followed byX-ray diffraction and 1-.-R.- spectroscopy,·The TG curves of the pure compound show a weight loss in the 140-275QC temperature range, representing a 100 % loss of the compoun:i.The curves corresponding to the montmorillonite-pirimicarb compl~xes showed, apart from the weight losses due to <strong>de</strong>hydration and ;l.ehydroxylationof the clay, a further two losses in the 170-300QC and440-600QC range, The X-ray diffraction diagrams of the samples r~moved from the oven after each of the losses show that after the firstloss <strong>de</strong>struction of the compound must" take place, with the observationof d 00basal spacings ranging bet~een 12. 2 7 A and 12. 62 A,according to the case. The I. R. spectra point to the disappearanceof the stretching band corresponding to the carbonyl group of pirimicarb(1710 cml)whereas those correspon:J:tng to the pyrimidine ringpersist (1525, 1450, 1380 and 1335 cm- ). After the second loss,the diagrams of the samples all show the same spacing, 11. 97 A, andthe I. R. spectra do not show any absorption band of the or garlic corn.pound.li!1,';il)l111'' I:1484

In the curve corresponding to the Cu- montmorillonit:~ complex,the first weight loss takes place in two steps in the 170-235QC and235-320QC temperature range which must correspond to the <strong>de</strong>coru.position of pirimicarb molecules more or less energetically adsorbedby montmorillonite by ion-dipole or coordination mechanisms.·The TG curves of the artificial samples are practically i<strong>de</strong>nticalto those of the complexes. According to the results of the X-ray diffractionstudy it was observed that after melting the organic compound(1052C) the formation of the interlayer complex in the meltedphase takes place, the later <strong>de</strong>composition phase being similar tothat of the complexes.According to these results the molecules of free and adsorbedpirimicarb or pirimicarb mixed with the clay are broken at 170-3002C, giving rise to volatile products. These are given off duringthe heating of free pirimicarb, whereas they are partially retainedby the clay in the case of the complexes or mixtures.In the DTA and DSC curves of tl,e pure compound it is possible toobserve two endothermal effects, one relating to melting (1052C) andthe other corresponding to pyrolysis of the compound. The curves ofthe complexes and the artificial mixtures _show two endothermaleffects corresponding to the weight losses recor<strong>de</strong>d in the TG curves.With the DSC technique it was possible to <strong>de</strong>termine the enthalpies of the pyrolysis process, taking into account the pirimicarb coutent in each of the complexes as calculated from the TG curv,es.· Thehighest -enthalpy value was observed for pirimicarb in the free state.The enthalpy values show that the bonding energy of the molecules.in crystalline state is greater than. when th~ molecules· are ads or bedby the clay·." It may also be observ~d that a certain relationship existsbetween the_ enthalpy values and the polarizing power of the inter layercation of the silicate·.·SANCHEZ-CAMAZANO, M.· and SANCHEZ-MARTIN, M.J. 1986.·Aspects of the adsorption of pirimicarb by smectites and soils. Z.Pflanzenrnaehr. Bo<strong>de</strong>nkd. (In press).485

! 11Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>TIME-DEPENDENT RHEOLOGICAL BEHAVIOUR OF SEPIOLITESUSPENSION~lJ. SANTAREN, R. PEREZ-CASTELLS and A. ALVAREZResearch and Development Department, Tolsa S.A.P.O. Box 38.017, 28080 Madrid (SPAIN).The rheoJogical behaviour of aqueous suspensions ofthree sepiolite-based products obtained by differentmilling processes has been studied. The products studiedwere a dry ground sepiolite (DG sepiolite), a wet groundsepiolite (WG sepiolite) and a wet micronized sepiolite(WM sepiolite) whose particle size obtained by wetscreening are: D(B0%)=37 pm, D(90%)=44 pm and 0(90%)=5 pm.The viscosity measurements were carried out in aBrookfield RVT viscometer and a Haake Rotovisco RV-100.The aqueous suspensions were prepared in a Silversonmixer at 4000 rpm for 10 minutes.Because of the different viscosities that can beobtained with these products, different concentrations inwater were used. WM-sepiolite suspensions were preparedat 6% of solid concentration meanwhile the WG-sepioliteand DG-sepiolite suspensions were prepared at 9% and 17%respectively. Once prepared, the suspensions were allowedto stand overnight before measuring the time-<strong>de</strong>pend~ntrheological behaviour. This behaviour was <strong>de</strong>terminedusing a Brookfield RVT Viscometer, taking readings atregular intervals for 1 hour while the spindle of theviscometer is rotating at 5 rpm. The plot of shear stressvs. time in a Haake Rotovisco RV-100 was also recor<strong>de</strong>d attwo different shear rates: 45.1 and 360.8 s- 1 .486

The, results show that the time <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt rheologicalbehaviour of sepiolite suspensions <strong>de</strong>pends on theprevious processing of the sepiolite as well as the shearrate ~D,which the behaviour is studied. Thus, thesuspensions of WM-sepiolite are thixotropic in themeasuring conditions of the Brookfiedl and Haake RV-100viscometer (see Table I and II).The flow behaviour of the WM-sepiolite suspensions isdifferent <strong>de</strong>pending on the shear rate. When it ismeasured in the Brookfield viscometer at 5 rpm thebehaviour is thixotropic, however when it is measured inthe Haake the suspensio~ shows a time in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntbehaviour at 45.1 s- 1 and a rheopectic behaviour at360.8 s- 1 .DG-sepiolite suspensions are thixtropic when measuredin Brookfield viscometer at 5 rpm and Haake RV-100 at44 s- 1 , though in this case the viscosity is slightlyrecovered after shearing for 20 minutes. When thissuspensions is sheared at 110 s- 1 the viscosity <strong>de</strong>creasesinitially but after 4 minutes the behaviour becomesrheopectic.The different rheological'behaviours can be explainedas the result of the equilibrium between the effect ofthe breakdown and building of structure produced by theshear rate. If the breakdown effect prevails thesuspension is thixotropic and if the building effectdominate the suspension is rheopectic,The needle-like particles of the sepiolite claymirieral occur as agglomerates forming large bundles offibres. The production process of WM-sepiolite producesan extensive disentanglement of the needle-like particlesinitially forming bundles giving rise to a large numberof fibers that can form a rahdomly intermeshed network4S7

when WM-sepiolite is dispersed in water. When thissus pens ion is sheared the structu-re~ is· b"ro·ken·d-own,-the·-~-­fibers are oriented in the sense of flow and theviscosity <strong>de</strong>creases.On the contrary during the production of WG-sepioliteby grinding with a small amount of water, the particlesare less disentangled than in the case of WM-sepiolitegiving rise to suspensions with less viscosity. Whenthese suspensio~s are subjected to shear the behaviour<strong>de</strong>pends on the shear rate. At low shear rate thebehaviour is thixotropic because the breakdown effectprevails, however when the shear increases it is possibleto disentangle particles that are £arming the bundlesincreasing the number of individual particles that can beincorporated to the structure as well as the viscosityand the behaviour becoming rheopectic.In the case of DG-sepiolite, produced by grinding indry conditions that breaks the bundles into smaller·bundles, there is a similar effect. However since ·thisproduct has not been subjected to any special process ofdisentanglement of the needle-like particles, it isnecess~ry to supply more energy by increasing the shearrate or the time of shearing in or~er to disperse thefibers. Thus, at 44 s- 1 there is a thixotropic behaviourinitially but after 20 minutes an increase in viscosityis observed which can be attributed to the dispersion ofthe fiber afters the initial breakdown of the structure.When the shear rate increases the thixotropic effect<strong>de</strong>creases and the rheopectic.behaviour appears after only4 minutes. That is the dispersion of the bundles is moreeffective and the building up of structure prod~ced bythe new individual particles balance the breakdown ofstructure and overcome it, as a rheopectic behaviour488

appears.BROOKFIELD VISCOSITY AT 5 rpm (poise) ~fterPRODUCT 0.5min 1min 5min 15min 30min 45min 60minWM sepiolite (1) 284 272 218 178 158 154 15QWG sepioli te (Z) 312 292 216 184 168 160 156DG sepiolite( 3 ) 750 690 450 420 495 520 500TABLE I. Brookfield viscosity of sepiolite suspensionsas a function of time un<strong>de</strong>r a constante rate of 5 rpm.VISCOSITY (mPaS) afterPRODUCT SHEAR RATE 0. 5min 1min 5min 15min 30min 45min 60min(s-1)WM sepioli te (1) 45.1 1165 1140 1090 1014 952 927 902360.8 250 243 227 213 205 200 197WG sepiolite ( 2 ) 45.1 1127 (1127 1127 1127 1127 1127 1127360.8 178 17~ 183 193 200 203 203DG sepiolite( 3 )44.0 2963 2704 2186 1852 1852 1889 1926110 1274 1185 1111 1141 1208 1267 1319TABLE II. Viscosity measured in a Rotovisco RV-100 ofsepiolite suspensions as a function of time un<strong>de</strong>rconstant shear rate.(1) Suspension at 6% in ·water(2) Suspension at.9% in water(3) Suspension at 17% in water489

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>NOTES ON THE CRYSTALLINITY OF KAOLINITES OF CAMBR0-0RDOVI­CIAN TONSTEINS IN THE CANTABRIAN- MTS: "(NW SPAIN)-:-·A. SANZ, M.J. GARCIA AGRAMUNT, J. BASTIDA, C. ARAW""?.U",& J.M. AMIGO.U. Cristalografia y Mineralogia; Dep. Geologia. Universidad<strong>de</strong> Valencia (Espana).* U. Estratigrafia; Dep. Geologia. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Oviedo (Espana).Kaolins from two cambro-ordovician tonsteins in the BarriosFm. - Armorican Quartzite of the Cantabrian Mountains(Asturias-Le6n, NW Spain) are studied in the present w~rk. Tonsteins are assumed to constitute "in situ" diagenetically-alteredvolcanic ash fall tuffs (ARAMBURU & GARCIARAMOS, 1983; GARCIA RAMOS et a~., 1984).The kaolins have been studied un<strong>de</strong>r the microscope andby S.E.M. Two varieties have been recognized: "coarse gra~ned" and "fine grained" kaolin.Quartz and kaolinite contents have been obtained by theCHUNG (1974) method.X-ray diffraction patterns with high goniometer speed(1° 2B/mn) recording the 001 and 002 reflections and the0211 bidimensional band have been performed. The 001 and002 reflections have also been stud.ied in X-ray diffractionpatterns of oriented pow<strong>de</strong>r agregates with low goniometerspeed (1/10° 2B/mn).A. first estimation of the crystallinity has been obtainedby comparing the high speed patterns with classificat~ons given in the bibliography. The low speed X-ray patternshave been used to calculate the crystallite size by theWILLIAMSON & HALL (1953) method. The results obtained bythis way have been compared with those of the progr~m SIZE(suministrated by SIEMENS with the DIFRAC 310 equipement).490

Likewise, the extent of hydrazine intercalation-betweenthe kaolinite layers has been compared by the TCHOUBAR etal. (1982) in<strong>de</strong>x.A good correlation between the WILLIAMSON & HALL (1953)treatment and the program SIZE, and between crystallinityas it is observed in the pow<strong>de</strong>r pattern, crystallite sizein the 001 direction and the extent of the hyd~azine inte£calation reaction has been observed.Usually, fine grained facies show lower quartz contentqnd lower half maximum breadth of the 001 X-ray reflectionof the kaolinite, wich is related to high crystallinitygradation, than the coarse grained. facies.BIBLIOGRAPHYARAMBURU, C. and GARCIA RAMOS, J.C. (1984). 5th EuropeanRegional Meeting of Sedimental., I.A.S., Abs., 30-31, Marseille,1~84.GARCIA RAMOS, J.C.; ARAMBURU, C. and BRIME, C. (1984). Trabajos <strong>de</strong> Geologia, 14, 27-33.WILLIAMSON, G.K. and HALL, W.H. (1953). Acta Metallurgica,~. 245-251.CHUNG,F. (1974). J. App. Cryst. z, 519-525'.TCHOUBAR, C. et al. (1982). Bull. Mineral. 105, 477-491.491

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>GOETHITE AND HEMATITE FORMATION ~NMINERALS AT 25°CTHE PRESENCE OF CLAYU. SCHWERTMANNLehrstuhl fur Bo<strong>de</strong>nkun<strong>de</strong>, Technische Universitat Munchen,8050 Freising-Weihenstephan, F.R.G.In soils and sediments iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s usually form inthe immed·iate vicinity o{ clay and other minerals. Theminerals may have an effect on the rate of formation,the type of Fe oxi<strong>de</strong> minerals, their crystallinity andtheir Al-for-Fe substitution. Possible mo<strong>de</strong>s of interactionsare epitaxial crystal growth and supply of Siand Al into the soil solution from which the oxi<strong>de</strong>sform, thereby inhibiting or retarding crystal growth,lowering crystal or<strong>de</strong>r or inducing Al substitution.To simulate natural conditions as much as possible along-term experiment was conducted. A freshly precipitatedferrihydrite (Fe(N03 )a + NHa} was stored at pH5.0 and 25°C in the presence of 200 mg clay mineral per10 mmole of Fe. The following clay minerals were used:smectite < 0.2 urn (Houston clay,· Black Belt Experiment'Station, Mississippi); illite < 0.2 urn (Fithian); kaolinite(400 mg} < 2 urn (Rosenthal, Germany}; smectiticsoil clay < 0.2 urn (soil from a tuffacous basalt, Daun,Eifel, Germany}; allophane (cru<strong>de</strong> sample, New Zealand);and a synthetic gibbsite. Two more samples, one without492

any addition (control), and one with an amount ofsoluble Al equivalent ~o 200 mg Al(OH)3 coprecipitatedfrom Al(N03)3 with ferrihydrite, were used for comparison.After 8.4 years at 25°C un<strong>de</strong>r water, ferrihydritewas almost completely converted into a mixture of goethite and hemati te. In contrast.. the presence ofvarious clay minerals retar<strong>de</strong>d the transformation (kaolinite,illite, smectite, gibbsite) or even blocked it(soil sme6tite, allophane, soluble All, ~he · transformationrate was inversely related to the Si concentrationin solution. The clay minerals served as sourceof Al incorporated into the goethite· and hematitestructure. Further effects of clay minerals were lowermean crystallite dimensions of both oxi<strong>de</strong>s and a higherhematite to goethite ratio. Similar effects were observedfor coexisting goethite and hematite in soils.493

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE EVOLUTION AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE CLAY MINERALS IN THE N.E.SECTOR OF THE BAZA BASIN. (BETIC CORDILI,ERA-; GRA1lA7JA-;-s~SFAT!V)-;"E.M. SEBASTIAN(l, 2 ) AND F.J. SORIA( 3 ).(1,2) Dpto. <strong>de</strong> Mineralogia y ,Petrologia. Universidad. InstituteAndaluz <strong>de</strong> Geologia Mediterranea C.S.I.C. Granada. Spain.(3) Dpto. <strong>de</strong> Estratigrafia y Paleontologia, Universidad <strong>de</strong>Granada. Spain.INTRODUCTION AND STRATIGRAPHIC DATA.The Guadix-Baza <strong>de</strong>pression constitutes the best example ofa mountainous-zone basin in the central sector of the Betic,CordilleraThe basin is situated at the convergence of the so-called Internaland External Zones of this Cordillera and the materials wich fillit are Neogene-Quaternary. ,In the NE sector, of the <strong>de</strong>pression (the Orce Sector) the outcropsare of <strong>de</strong>trital material from the Guadix Formation (von Drasche,1879),together with evaporitic-rich marls and limestones from the ·BazaFormation (Vera,l970), these latter materials predominating (cf.Fig.l)miliiJ, 1=.-::k • 3~" l?i&:;ls OsFigure 1. Distribution of the stratigraphic units within the sectorstudied and . the location of the sequences sampled: A. Huescarsequence; B. Galera sequence; C. Cortijo Vista Alegre sequence;and D. Venta Micena sequence. (1. Calcareous sustratum;2. Guadix Formation; 3. Lower Unit; 4. Second Unit; 5. ThirdUnit; 6. Recent Terrains).A general stratigraphic column of the Orce Sector shows asuccession of 4 units lying unconformably upon each other.494

The botton unit is ma<strong>de</strong> up of tenuously-cemented, alluvial-fanconglomerates and sands. The second unit (Pliocene) consists of marlswith lignite and micri tes containing gastropods, which, towards thecentre of the basin, change laterally to marls and dolomites with ahigh gypsum content. These materials would appear to have been<strong>de</strong>posited, within the broad contex of the basin as a whole, in asHamp-to-lacustrine environment. The third unit (lowermid-Pleistocene)begins with sandy and red-limestone fluvial <strong>de</strong>posits,changing gradually upwards to calci-luti tes, marls and palustrinelimestones with frequent emergent episo<strong>de</strong>s, where numerous vertebrate<strong>de</strong>posits are to be found. The top unit, or expansive terminal unit,(upper-Pleistocene), lies unconformably on an erosion surface and ischaracteristic of a progradation, imposing fluvial and coastal termson top of the lacustrine ones.The presence of <strong>de</strong>trital metamorphic rocks within theconglomerates of this unit, <strong>de</strong>riving from an area consi<strong>de</strong>rably to theSouth, is especially significant,MINERALOGYThe materials sampled contain quartz, calcite, dolomite, gypsumand clay minerals in varying proportions from one unit to the next,although calcite is almost always abundant. The dolomite and gypsumare always closely related, gypsum being the second most importantmineral wherever dolomite is the predominate carbonate.The clay minerals present are: illite, smectite, chlorite,kaolinite, paragonite, palygorskite and sepiolite. The appearance ofthis last clay mineral is especially, interesting as it is the firsttime it ·has been recor<strong>de</strong>d in the Guadix-Baza basin. The verticaldistribution of the clay minerals shows a repetition of themineralogical and geochemical sequence of the type proposed by Huertaset al. (1970) for sedimentary endorreical basin. Thus, in the upperMiocene, bottom unit the sequence begins with <strong>de</strong>trital <strong>de</strong>positions ofilli te, chlori te, kaolinite and very scarce quanti ties of smecti te.Moving upwards the smecti tes become the predominant phyllosilicate,followed by the palygorskite and finally the sepioliteThis same sequence is then repeated from the mid-pliocene tothe mid-Pleistocene materials at the top of the fourth unit.This mineralogical distribution leads to certain conclusionsconcerningthe palaeoclimates involved in the sedimentation processes.Both cycles appear to have begun in a relatively wet, cool regimewhich gradually became warner, although high rainfall persisted.- The average temperatures continued to rise and the precipitationlevels diminished until the final stages of sedimentation occurredin isolated, alkaline basins, Sepiglite was formed and stabilised'un<strong>de</strong>r ph ~ 8 and low-to-absent Al + conditions. There appears tohave been no appreciable tectonic activity at this time.The paragoni te is found only in the Pleistocene samples andwcg..tld seem to l)ave been transported to this area from the emergedmetamorphic relief of the Internal Zone to the south (cf.Fig.l).The presence of this mineral in Huescar and Venta r.licena stillposes some problems, however, as these .. two sites are a consi<strong>de</strong>rabledistance from the source rocks and also very close to reliefs ma<strong>de</strong>495

up entirely of sedimer~:.ary materials, ·which~ in the case ofVenta Ihcena at least. would have· ·acte·d~a~~·barri·er~aga'tnst·...<strong>de</strong>t.ri tus coming from "'~ southern roassi fs (cf. F'ig .1). Furthermore,the fluvial systems r·unning from the :•lort·.h and E&,;t would haveto have been very weaK, or absent altogether·, if they were notto impe<strong>de</strong> the fo:·ce of the currents arriving fr·om the Southand thus to allow the paragonite to be transported all the wayto Huescar and Venta !•licena within the l&custrine system. Itmay well be that this redistribution of paragonite was relatedto tectonic pulsations that periodically rejuvenated the southernmetamorphic relief. This hypothesis would also explain the absenceof paragonite in the lower two units, although it might alsobe argued that this is due to the existence of several la!>esin the basin rather than a single, intei'Connec ted lacustrinesystem, as the presence of paragoni te in sediments of this agehas been recor<strong>de</strong>d somewhat further to the South around Bazaand Benamaurel (Sebastian et al., 1980).REFERENCESHuertas, F.; Linares, J. and Martin Vivaldi, J.L. (1970). R.HispanoBelg~_oi_~rcilla. Madrid, 211-214.Sebastian, E.M.; Rodriguez Gallego, M. and L6pez Aguayo, F.(1980). Est. Ge~., 36, 289-299.Vera, J.A. (1970). Bol. I.G.M.E., T:LXY~I-V, 429-462.Von. Drasche, R. (1879). Bol. Com. Map~ Geol. Espana, VI, 353-388.(This researah forms part of the ''Anctl.isis sedimento1-6giao,mineraL6giao y . evoLuai6n teato····sedimenta'f'ia <strong>de</strong> 1-as Dep't'esionesBitiaas OrientaLes' pro jet. C. S. I. C. -C.A.I. C.Y. T.).496

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>~1INERALOGICALAND CHH1ICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF SWEDISH KAOLINSN.A. SHAIKHGeological Survey of Swe<strong>de</strong>n, Box 670, S-751 28 Uppsala (Swe<strong>de</strong>n)In Swe<strong>de</strong>n the products of the kaolinite weath~ring crust are wi<strong>de</strong>spread in the province of Scania, south Swe<strong>de</strong>n. The residual kaolinsas well as their re<strong>de</strong>position products have been and still are ofconsi<strong>de</strong>rable economic interest. Economic utilization of kaolin inSwe<strong>de</strong>n started around 1860. Since then, kaolin has been used fordifferent purposes. Latest exploited <strong>de</strong>posit is Naswn near Bromolla,where kaolin was extracted for refractory products. Prospecting forhigh quality kaolin and systematic sampling started by the GeologicalSurvey of Swe<strong>de</strong>n in 1976 and from 1978 financed by the State MiningPropert.~ Commission, has revealed a number of new <strong>de</strong>posits in Scania.These investigations have provi<strong>de</strong>d extensive geological and mineralogicaldata, which together with that from Finland, will significantlyadvance our knowledge regarding "formation of the weathering crust" inthe Balti~_Shield area.PARENT ROCKSVarious Precambrian rocks of the crystalline complexes of the Shieldwere subjected to kaolinization and the mineral composition of thekaolins reflects often the compo~ition and structure of the parent rock.The kaol inized parent rocks of major <strong>de</strong>posits in Scania are: variouskinds of gneisses, granite-gneisses and metavolcanites. Gneisses areby far the most important kaolin parent rock. In unweathered conditions,these rocks vary in colour from grey to reddish grey, arerather inhomogeneous and generally fine - medium~grained in texture.Main mineral constituents are: plagioclase 23-43%, quartz 20-27%,·K-feldspar 21-53%; hornblen<strong>de</strong> 8~(,, biotite 4% and some opaques.Depending upon varying conditions, the weathering pr·ofi1es havedifferent thicknesses and maturity. The kaolin <strong>de</strong>rosits in tile north-497

WLo..,..erTer~~ry ~~~ij@ft:i"lurion _ ~~~~CretaceousD Basali,Jurassicand ?Cretaceous~Ordovicianllli'i§H-U CambrianD (rylallinebasement.__ Flexurecompiled byJo;, B~rqstrOm1962Fig. 1.Simplified bedrock map of Scania with location of the<strong>de</strong>scribed kaolin <strong>de</strong>posit. CD Annarp (veined gneiss);(g) Klagstorp (metavolcanite);G) Billinge (granite-gneiss).eastern part of Scania are often overlain by upper Cretaceous sediments;those in central Scania by sandstones of Lower Jurassic age. A systematicinvestigation of the various occurrences is far from completehowever, the best type. being <strong>de</strong>rived from granite-gneiss with littleor no biotite. The Billinge <strong>de</strong>posit is an example of the generalkaol-inization of such type of granite-'gneiss. It has the followingmodal ~omposition: quartz 30%, K-feldsp~r 45, plagioclase 15, ~iotite,chlorite 2-5%, hornblen<strong>de</strong> 1-2%, and small amounts of epidote, apatite,~phene, zirkon, garnet and opaques. The granite-gneiss at Billinge israther homogeneous, foliated and generally fine~grained in texture.498

i!l.:. ..The <strong>de</strong>posits of kaolinized metavolcanites occur in the northeasternpart of Scania. These rocks are acid to intermediate in their compositionand are often fine-grained. Main mineral constituents are: plagioclase23-31%, K-feldspar 25-31%, quartz 20-28%, biotite 6-20%,muscovite 5% and opaques 1%.70m 1--SW60m 1--som 1--40m J-30m~~Glacialtill; 0 Jurassic sandstone;QKaolinized 9ranite-gneiss;[;~Granite-gneissFig. 2. Cross-section through the Billinge <strong>de</strong>posit (Shaikh, Wik 1987).Kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits are explored by geophysical measurements and core­-drillings. Investigations on drill-cores show regular vertical zoning-<strong>de</strong>creasing intensity of kaolinization downwards. r·1any <strong>de</strong>posits are of1 arge extent.The sequerice of the weathering crust composed of kaolin has a thicknessup to about 50 m. Generally, its thickness fluctuates within thelimit ~f 10-30 m.MINERAL AND CHH1ICAL COMPOSTIONMineralogy of the altered rocks is very variable in <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce onthe composition of the original rocks and of local genetic conditions.Depending on the d~gree of alternation, the content of kaolinite aswell as other minerals in the rock vary in wi<strong>de</strong> range. Kaolinitecontent varies from below 10% in poorly kaolinized rock, to 65% instrongly kaolinized rock. Kaolinite is generally not 1vell crystallized.499

11!1,!I!ill.,lTable 1. Chemical compos itj on of parent rQ~k? and washed k~91 in~ ~ __ .(

CONCLUSIONSThe characteristics of the primary kaolins of Swe<strong>de</strong>n are illustratedby <strong>de</strong>scription of three typical occurrences. Different Precambri anrocks of the crystalline complexes of the Baltic Shield have given riseto these kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits in the province of Scania, south Swe<strong>de</strong>n.Earlier it was thought that only insignificant relics of kaolinicprofiles are left after <strong>de</strong>nudation. Recent investigations show thatvast <strong>de</strong>posits have been preserved. The best known are those fromcentral Scania. It is generally assumed that surface weathering pl~yedthe dominant role in the genesis of these kaolins. The results can besummarized as follows:Various rock types of Precambrian age are kaolinized.The kaolinization probably took a continual course.Large extent of <strong>de</strong>posits with consi<strong>de</strong>rable <strong>de</strong>pth.Regular vertical zoning - <strong>de</strong>creasing intensity of kaolinizationdownwards.The weathered rocks show clearly the original structure of theparent rock.Kaolins in central Scania are often overlain by the lower Jurassicsandstone and those in the northeastern part by the upper Cretaceoussediments.Kaolinite is the dominant mineral in washed kaolins -generally notwell crystallized.Titanium in kaolin is fixed in the structure of anatase.I~501

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH. MEETING OF :r'HE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE ADSORPTION OF AMINES BY SEPIOLITE AND PALYGORSKITEU. SHUALI*, M. STEINBERG*, S. YARIV*, M. MULLER-VONMOOS**, G. KAHR**AND A. RUB***Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, The Hebrew Universityof "Jerusalem, Israel.**Institute of Foundation Engineering and Soil Mechanics, Fe<strong>de</strong>ralInstitute of Technology, Zurich, Switzerland.Sepiolite and palygorskite are closely related clay minerals. Theyboth have acidic sites and <strong>de</strong>fined porous structures, which areessential properties for controlling constitution and distribution of,products in acid catalyzed reactions. The adsorption and acidicproperties of these two clay minerals were studied by exposing them tothe amines n-butylamine, pyridine and 2,4·,6-trimethylpyridine, representingbases with different pKa values. The three molecules havedifferent effective diameters and shapes, properties which may be usedfor the study of steric properties on the adsorption capacity of theminerals. The following amounts of butylamine, pyridine and trimethylpyridinerespectively, were adsorbed from the gaseous phase: 115, 98and .64 m mole amine per 100 g sepiolite, and 62, 42 and 29 m mole amineper 100 g palygcrskite.The organo-clay adducts were studied by IR spectroscopy, both subsequentto adsorption and after thermal treatments of the samples atvarious temperatures. Simultaneous DTA and TG on the solids with massspectrometry of the evolved gases were carried out. Based on thecharacteristic exothermic peaks and the mass spectrometry thermalcurves it is proposed that the three amines were adsorbed into thetunnels of both minerals.The present results showed that the a.dsorption of the amines isaffected by their basic strengths. Butylamine, the strongest of thethree bases, gives the most stable clay complexes. Tri-methyl pyridineis a stronger base as compared to Pyridine, howeVer due to its higheraffective diameter its adsorption is smaller.502

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>"MONTMORILLONITE AS A CATALYST IN BIOCHEMICAL REACTIONS"B. SIFFERT AND A. NAIDJACentre <strong>de</strong>. Recherches sur la Physico-Chimie <strong>de</strong>s SurfacesSoli<strong>de</strong>s, 24, Avenue du Presi<strong>de</strong>nt Kennedy- 68200 MULHOUSEFRANCE.DIn or<strong>de</strong>r to study and to elucidate the catalytic activityof clays in biochemical reactions, we examined two reactionsoccuring during'the Krebs'cyc1e (Weil; 1975).- Decarboxylation of oxaloacetic acid into pyruvic acidand carbon dioxi<strong>de</strong> in the presence of montmorillonite saturatedwith different cations (Na+, cu 2 +, Mn 2 +) and in thepresence of the same cations but in their free state (nonincorporated). The catalytic effect <strong>de</strong>pends on the natureof the exchangeable cation, i.e., its easiness to formchelate complexes with oxaloacetic acid. The clay mineralstructure plays an importapt role in the formation and/orthe <strong>de</strong>composition of these col!lplexes. Apparently, it contributesto the <strong>de</strong>composition of Me(C 4H 5o ) by an electron5transfer. In that way, the clay acts as a metalloenzyme.Activation energy computations for the different systemsillustrate th~ influence of the clay structure in this catalyticprocess. The contribution to the activation energy ismaximum with Na+-montmorillonite for which not any complexecan be formed and is minimum with cu 2 +-montmorillonite. Inthe presence of montmorillonite, the reaction yield washigh up to 60°C. At 60°C the activity of the specific enzyme(<strong>de</strong>carboxylase) is zero ~ince the enzyme is practically<strong>de</strong>stroyed.503

- Deaminaticin of 1-g~utamic ac~din~~ o:-cetoglutaric acidin the presence of the 1-glutamate <strong>de</strong>s-hydrogeria~s·e-·enzyme~andNicotinami<strong>de</strong> A<strong>de</strong>nine Dinucleoti<strong>de</strong> (NAD) eo-enzyme on the onehand, and in the presence of montmorillonite saturated withdifferent cations and NAD, on the other hand. At room temperature,the rate of NH formation was consi<strong>de</strong>rably reduced3when replacing the enzyme with the clay. 'Ihe same result wasobserved for the reaction yield. The best results wereobtained with montmorillonite saturated with manganese cationwhich presents the highest c.omplexation constant with_glutamic acid. The role of the NAD eo-enzyme, in the presenceof clay, is so far only poorly,un<strong>de</strong>rstood. It seems toexhibit no effect on the <strong>de</strong>amination reaction in the presenceof Na+ and Mn 2 +-montmorillonite. However, it activates thet · -. c f. 2reac ~on ~n the presence o u +-montmor~ ·11on~te. · V1en 11 N a +2+ 2+Cu and Mn were present as dissolved salts, the reactiondid not proceed in the absence of the NAD eo-enzyme. Whenassociated with NAD, ~heir activity remained ~owever verylow, confirming the hypot.hesis of a eo-enzyme protection bythe clay structure. In that case, the aluminosilicat:::­structure could work as an apo-enzyme and could·play therole of 'the proteic part of the normal enzyme.REFERENCEWEIL J.H. (1975) Biochimie Generale, Ed. Masson and Co.,2e edition, PARIS.504

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF ~HE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>GENESIS AND MINERALOGY OF THE RIO CALLEJON KAOLIN DEPOSIT/CUBA/J. ~INDELA:RGeoindustria, U pruhonu 32, Prague 7 /Czechoslovakia/ ,The largest kaolin <strong>de</strong>posit of Cuba occurs in the northernpart of the Isla <strong>de</strong> la Juventud island. This islandin the Carribean sea is separated from the southern costof the province Pinar <strong>de</strong>l Rio by the 55 km broad straitand it is world famous for its production of marbles andgrapefruits.Geologically the island is formed by the ol<strong>de</strong>st.formationof Cuba called basal complex, which is probably ofJurassic age. Clayey and carbonate sediments were metamorphosedduring the huge tectonic movements, which took placein the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Tertiary /Laramic phase/,into mica schists, disthene gneisses or other metamorphiteswith'different stage of metamorphism. The age of theserocks is about 190 milions years /according to the argonmethod/. Acidic granites in'the form of small massifs withnumerous apophyses and veins intru<strong>de</strong>d to this metamorphosedmantle. The age of granite rocks was <strong>de</strong>termined on 70 milionsyears /Upper Cretaceous/.The upper parts of metamorphites and granites were moreor less kaolinized. The processes of kaolinization havebeen <strong>de</strong>veloped from .the Paleogene to the recent time in thecondition of un<strong>de</strong>rground water. It is not possible to observeany zonality of weatheri'ng crust. The contents of kaolinfraction /un<strong>de</strong>r 20 1um; in the whole 5-20 m thicknessof kaolin horizons usually varies irregularly and <strong>de</strong>pendfrom the amounts of feldspars in the mother rocks. The boundarybetween'the both kaolinized and un<strong>de</strong>rlaying fresh rockis always sharp;505

The kaolins of Rio Callejon <strong>de</strong>r:os~(J:t:"~~inated ___IJ_Lei_J?I"o­gressive alteration and leaching of sericite schists richof alkali feldspars and dark to black coloured due _to thedispersed graphite. The graphite substance has changed ·infirst stages of weathering processes into isotropic or weaklyanisotropic particles of a mataantracite type. Four colouredvarieties of kaolin insi<strong>de</strong> of open-pit mine may bedistinguished according to the presence of mentioned organicmatter and ferruginous minerals : 1. white, 2. lightgrey,3, dark-grey, 4. variegated. These varieties differone from another also in their mineral composition. Thepercentages of kaolinite, quartz, mica minerals, Fe- andTi-minerals in four natural kaolins is given in the followingtable :kaolinite mica quartz Fe-min. Ti-min. others--------- -------------- ---~------------ -------1 66 13 18 0.3 1.6 1.12 52 17 28 0.2 1.3 1.53 26 12 58 0.06 ·0.6 3.34 42 17 37 1.0 1.2 1,8--------- -------- -------- ----------------The size of kaolinite crystals oscillates in the rankof 0.05 to 3.0 1um. The kaolinite aggregates of both whiteand light-grey kaolins exhibit well or<strong>de</strong>red triclinic structure/according to the absorption bands. due to the vibrationat 3 700 cm- 1 and 3 650 cm-l in infrared spectra andaccording to the X-ray data as well/ meanwhile the darkkaolins contain badly or<strong>de</strong>red pseudomonoclinic kaolinite.The original sericite <strong>de</strong>grad~din all kaolin varieties ,intodioctaedi::ic hydrosericite to illite. The average sizeof irregular, subangular forms of quartz is 0.1 mm. The onlymineral of titanium is represented by anatase. Jhe principalmineral of white kaolins is pyrite,in rosaceous varietiesprevail limonitic metacoloids. Goethite was <strong>de</strong>terminedin dark-grey kaolins. The X-ray data of some dark·506

Iicoloured kaolins reveal the peaks of palygorskite and gorceixite.All above mentioned mineralogical research served asbasis to solve the problem how to <strong>de</strong>crease titanium andiron contents in studied kaolins by using electromagneticseparativ~and other methods.507

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, i 987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PERSIO DE SOUZA SANTOSHORHITE DEPOSITS OF SRAZIL~---Departamento <strong>de</strong> Engenharia Qufmica - Escola Politecnica daUniversida<strong>de</strong> <strong>de</strong> Sao Paulo - Sao Paulo - SP - BrazilUntil recently, hormite clays were found in Brazil onlyin small occurrences without commercial value. The sedimentsfrom the Caatinga Formation and the Bauru Group, in the Stateof Sao P~ulo, contain only 2-3% of palygorskite. Veinsand pockets of palygorskite were found in the-vesicular hasaltsof the State of Sao Paulo. Palygorskite and sepiolitewere found in pockets in the bentonite <strong>de</strong>posits in Ponte Alta,State of l1inas Gerais. Se:':)ioli te in pockets was found\ .the magnesite,<strong>de</strong>posits in the State of 3ahia and in the nickeliferousclays in Niquelandia, State of Goias. Palygorskiteis found in pockets or mixed \-lith the white smectiteassociated to the green smectite <strong>de</strong>posits of Boa Vista, Stateof Paraiba.Significant <strong>de</strong>posit of palygorskite ~as recently foundin ev.aporites of 'the Motuca Formation in the Counties of Ba.lsa; Carolina and Riachaooin the State of Maranhao.Large <strong>de</strong>posits of palygorski"te wer·e found recently in theregion of Nova Guadalupe, Piaui Formation, in the State ofPiaui.508

Summaries : ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE.EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SURFACE PROPERTIES OF AN ACTIVATED BENTONITE*E.SRASRA, F.BERGAYA and H.VAN DAMMEC.R.S.O.C.I., C.N.R.S., IB, rue <strong>de</strong> la Ferollerie, 45071 ORLEANSCEDEX 02, FRANCE.Clay materials are wi<strong>de</strong>ly used to <strong>de</strong>colorize oils. The materialsgenerally used may be cru<strong>de</strong> clay (Fuller's earth) or clay which hasbeen modified by chemical and physical treatment.Acid activation frequently enhance the <strong>de</strong>colorizing power of somesmectites (montmorillonites). It is known that not all montmorillonitescan be ·activated (!).A tunisian bentonite (Haidoudi-Gabes) which is a mixed-layer Nasmectite (80%) and illite (20%) is a~tivated by H 2so (2N) with increasingduration of .treatment. This activated bentonite shows a high <strong>de</strong>c0-4lorizing power for vegetable oils (namely rape seed oil).Adsorption of a coloring mo<strong>de</strong>l molecule (carotene in CC1 ) on the activatedtunisian bentonite show~ that a treatment of two hours is4sufficient to increase the adsorpt\on capacity by a factor of 5. Furtherprolonged treatment does not bring a marked improvement.We try to connect the adsorption mechanism to the surface propertiesof the activated clay.- Acid activation increases the nitrogen BET surface area from80 to 250 m 2 /g after two hours.- The total pore volume, Vp' measured by the Conway Pearce methodincreases also threefold after 10 h, but only twofold after two hours.- The surface po1aiity is measured by the fluorescence of pyreneadsorbed on the activated bentonite (Aexc. 330 nm). The relativeintensity of the vibronic components of the emission spectrum showsthat the environment is highly polar, comparable to that of amorphoussilica.509

-1- Infrared spectra show that the band at 1030 cm assigned to.. ·~~~~.Si-0-Si <strong>de</strong>creases whereas the band at 1100 cm assigned to Si-0 increases.- The CEC values (Cu-Ethylene ~iamine Titration) for activatedclays are dramatically reduced from 60 meq/100 g to 35, after 30 mnand to 15 meq/100 g after 15 h.- The fractal dimension at the molecular scale of the N 2-accessibleexternal surfaces was estimated from the shape of. the adsorpti~nisotherms, using the theory of multilayer adsorption on fractal surfaces(2). The fractal surface dimension, n 8is close to 2.8 for thestarting material ; it <strong>de</strong>cre.ases progressively towards n 8= 2 afterfifteen hours of activation.All these results confirm that the activation process resulted in :- a textural effect, related to increase of the surface and the porosity,<strong>de</strong>crease of the fractal surface dimension.- a physico-chemical modification of the surface groups with the formationof highly acidic sites capable of linking with the carotene.Obviously both the above consequences of the activation process areimportant in increasing the total quantity of the coloring matterwhich can be removed from the oil.* This work is a part of the thesis of E.SRASRA (University of Tunis,1987).(1) R.GRIM- Applied Clay Mineralogy, McGraw-Hill Company, Inc. NewYork ( 1962).(2) J.J.FRIPIAT, L.GATINEAU and H.VAN DAMME- Multilayer PhysicalAdsorption on Fractal Surfaces. Langmuir, 2, 562-567 (1986).510

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaftola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SMECTITIC CLAYS AS COMPONENTS OF ION-EXCHANGE FERTILIZERJ. ~RODO~Institute of Geo1ogica1 Sciences, Polish Aca<strong>de</strong>my ofSciences, Senacka 3, 31-002 Krak6w, /Poland/.A slow-release phosphorus fertilizer, composed of aphosphate rock and a natura1 exchanger, was proposed byLai and Eberl /1986/ as an ecologica1ly sound a1ternativeto highly soluble ferti1izers and was successfully testedby these authors wiih NH 4-zeolite clinopti1olite in therole of the exchanger. This new fertilizing system is basedon the principle that exchangers can sequester ionsreleased by the dissolution of a sparingly soluble mineralthereby leading to further dissolution of this minera1,eg:Apatite + NH 4-zeolite -. Ca-zeolite + NH~ +H 2 P04The system,must be free of more sol.uble Ca-minera1s,such as ca1cite and gypsum. Most of Polish soi1s fu1fillthis condition. Zeolite is a natural first choice as anexchanger for its very high 'CEC. The lack of zeolite <strong>de</strong>positsin Poland forced us to test the performance ofsmectitic c1ays.Four ca.lci te-free clay <strong>de</strong>posits were selected for thepreliminary study / a bentonite, a weathering crust onbasa1ts, a fresh-water lake sediment, a <strong>de</strong>ep sea sediment/.These rocks contained 50-80% of swel1ing clay /smectiteor randomly interstratified illite/smectite / and theirCECs were between 30 ~d 90 meq/100 g. Phosphate rocksfrom Tunesia, Poland, and Florida were used.The release of phosphorQs was tested in closed systemin laboratory by shaking phosphate rock + NH 4 -exchanger+ water mixt~res for 48 h at 25°C, fo11owed by colorimetric<strong>de</strong>termination of P in so1ution. Big differences in511

P release rates ·were ·observed among the phosphate rockstested in bl.ank experiments I w:it:h;-.t;.·t ·the exchangers I:NH 4-cJ.ays, ad<strong>de</strong>d to a phosphate rock in proportion 5:1,increased the yiel.d of P from 3 to 6 times. The yiel.d ispositively correlated with CEC of the cl.ay. The correlationis different for cl.ays and for zeol.ites. Our bestcl.ay released more P than NH 4-cJ.inoptil.ol.ite un<strong>de</strong>r the.same.~xperimental.conditions, though the CEC of the cl.ay·was about 1/2 of that of the zeolite. The increase incJ.ay:phosphate rock ratio from 5:1 to 15:1 results inproportional. increase in P yiel.d.The effect of alternate wetting and drying, characteristicfor the topsoil., was checked in laboratory by submittingthe fertilizer mixtures to 20 wetting and dryingcycl.es at 6o 0 c. No effect of wetting and drying·was observedfor phosphate rock + NH 4-zeol.ite mixtures, but runswith NH 4-cJ.ays yiel<strong>de</strong>d up to 3 times more P than the .control.runs /without drying/.20 pot experiments were ma<strong>de</strong> with growing rye grass onsandy soil. fertilized with mixtures of phosphate rockI 50 kg/ha I and NH4-zeol.ite or NH4-cl.ay I 0-500 kg/ha /.Fertilizing with the phosphate rock without the exchangerdid not affect the yiel.d of crop. The presence of theexchangers gave up to 70% increase in the yiel.d of crop,correlated with the dose of the exchanger. Differences inyiel.d between the zeolite and the cl.ay system were smaLl.:bel.ow 350 kg/ha the zeolite performed better, above thisval.ue the cl.ay yiel<strong>de</strong>d higher crops •.REFERENCELai T-M. and Eberl. D. D. /1986/ Qontrol.J.ed and renewablerelease of phosphorus in soil.s from mixtures of phosphaterock and NH -exchanged cl.inoptil.ol.ite. Zeol.ites 46, 129-1.32512

[Summaries -.ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PROBLEM OF PARTICLE THICKNESS IN SOIL MECHANICSEWA T. STEPKOWSKAInstytut Budownictwa Vlodnego PAN, 80-953 Gdansk, POLANDResults of mechanical processes in the clay-water system aremeasured in Soil Mechanics in lriacroscale, i.e. in m or cm: Thesevalues are resultants of minute <strong>de</strong>formations, occuring betweenparticles or structural elements and being of 'the ·or<strong>de</strong>r of nm or JJ.m.These minute <strong>de</strong>formations <strong>de</strong>pend on arrangement of structural elements(particles, clusters, aggregates or floes) and on forces between them,which are known functions of crystal structure, of their size and ofdistances between them, 2d. Long· range forces, expressed as pressuresare: Pr~ - difusse layer repulsion and PA - van <strong>de</strong>r Vlaals attraction,and they' may be calculated from known for~ulae.Also physical properties of clays· are <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt on their crystalstructure and are interrelated: CEC, water .sorption, VIS, content offraction less than 2 JJ.m are proportional to particle specificsurface, S. Physico-mechanical properties of clays, such as Atterberglimits, angle of internal friction, angle of shearing resistance,cohesion component, swelling <strong>de</strong>pend as well on S and on particlethickness, o, which is inversely proportional to S.Particle collapse, i.e. increase in particle thickness, may occur·in a clay during drying .. This process is reversible and in watervapour particle <strong>de</strong>laminate again, possibly to the 6-value· beforedrying. The· <strong>de</strong>crease in 6' during water sorption may be interpreted inter'ms of acti.on of water molecules in. gaseous state (where action, H,is energy multiplied by time) and this <strong>de</strong>lamination is <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt ontemperature, thus on kinetic energy, on time t and on pressure, p,which is a space <strong>de</strong>ns.ity of energy, E, at constant entropyS : p = -

~'l'j'elements change as well ·and so do interactions PRand P"' and alsostrength of the system: water is evenly d.Tst;ibuted between."paralleifaces of clay particles, 'i/.,, = d S p. Here p = 1 g/cm 0 'is the <strong>de</strong>nsityof water and the remaining values may be estimated from VS test.If a clay of low water content may attract water from the) .environment, a pronounced increase in volume may occur Cclay swelling)which :niay have following reasons: Cl) diffuse layer repulsion whichactio'n is analogous to osmotic pressure, C2) particle <strong>de</strong>lami.nationwhich results in increased swelling, proportional to the increase inspecific surface,. .C3)reorientation in rebound of rigid clay particlesCkaolinite) .due to. attraction between positive parti.cle edges andnegative particle fac~s.Shear streng~h, i.e. maximum shear stress, ~f, at the given normalstress, on, is in cohesive soils Cclaysl usually <strong>de</strong>scribed by Coulombequation as a. sum of cohesion component, c, and friction componentwhich is proportional to 6,.,:~. = c + 5n tg 0 = c + Con - ul tg 0' = c' + s~· tg 0'Here tg 0 = ~ is coefficient of internal friction, 0 is the angle ofinternal friction, 0 is total stress, rS' is effective stress and u isthe pore water pressure.At a high water content exceeding plastic limit, VI,, thus. at highinterparticle distances CQ.. > ea. 3 nm) when repulsion prevails, itsvalue is equal· to the. cohesion component and it is responsible forshear strenght (compression).At a low water content

<strong>de</strong>lamination of an average .::lay particle by one unit layer

1'-0C!.Ay· • •_,_'!~ 8 .>:Summanes - ProceedmgsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS"""' ./' Seville, Spain, f987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>.NDST()f:J]:S, ~§_F~HAT_~..!._ __ ..PROPERTIES AND INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONL. STOCH, z. S'I'OCH*Aca<strong>de</strong>my of !"lining and i\letallurgy, 30-059 Craco\'l (Poland)*Institute of Glass and Ceramics, 30-702 Cracow (Poland)In sandy sediments the pores and interstitial spacesfilled with water solutions represent a particular environmentfavouring the neoformation of minerals e.a. kandites.They are formed mainly in fresh-~rater <strong>de</strong>posits infiltratedby atmospheric or un<strong>de</strong>rground water in the early stages of·the diagenesis (eogenesis). As a result of postsedimentarykaolinization of arkoses <strong>de</strong>posits of kaolins of commercialvalue were formed. Both kaolinite and dickite were formedalso in marine sediments buried at the stage of mesogenesisoThe formation of authigenic minerals un<strong>de</strong>r these conditionshas been the subject of several studies.The subject of the present paper is the formation ofkaolinite in the sandy fresh-water sediments during diagenesisand their comparison with kaolinite formed in thesurficial weathering of granite and gneiss, the same rockswhich constituted the original material for the formationof the sandy <strong>de</strong>posits. The data have been supplied by theinvestigations of clay minerals of the matrix of the Cretaceoussandstones and clays filling the old sedimentationbasis (Bolesla1.,riec Trough) of the North Su<strong>de</strong>tic Depressionin Lower Silesia (Poland). They are formed by the brackis~sediments of the type of sandstones interstratified withthin layers of kaolinite clays with coal sheets (Santon).Un<strong>de</strong>rneath there occur continental sandstones of theConiacian. The sediments are covered with a thin layer ofcontinental sediments of the Tertiary and Quaternary.516

IThe examination of the mineral assemblage of the matrixof sandstones enabled to distinguish a number of repeatingsedimentation cycles. Each cycle begins with a matrix ma<strong>de</strong>up of fine-grained poorly crystallized kaolinite and illite.They are replaced next by better and better crystallizedcoars~-grained kaolinite and muscovite. Here are reflectedthe ch~nging fluvial rate and the type of the transportedmaterial during sedimentation. The sandstones of the Coniaciancontain perfectly crystallized kaolinite with onlytrace quantities of muscovite .• Feldspar does not occur inthe sediments or occurs only in very small quantitiesoSandstones the cements of which compose of perfectlycrystallized kaolinite with coarse muscovite admixtures aretypical for the examined sediments. Kaolinite is <strong>de</strong>velopedin the form of plates of almost i<strong>de</strong>al hexagonal shape.Aggregates of plates are rare. The study of the morphologyo.f kaolinite indicates that it crystallized from pore solutions.The components were supplied by the dissolving feldsparand fine poorly crystallized kaolinite from layers ofsediments situated below. A part of kaolinite exh:i:bitingperfect hexagonal shape of plates 1formed insi<strong>de</strong> the flakesof muscovite through rearrangement of its structure (intracrystalprocess).Kaolinite originated from <strong>de</strong>trical mica usually formsaggregates of a fan or vermicular shape. They are formed asa result of incongruent dissolution of mica. In the examinedsediments kaoliniteiwhich <strong>de</strong>veloped from mica has elevated<strong>de</strong>hydrqxylation temperature corresponding to kaoliniteknown from Keok:uk.Simultaneous occurrence of different modifications ofkaolinite has been frequently recor<strong>de</strong>d and has not been explainedso fare The investigations suggest that the causewere the different crystallization conditions. Fast crystallizationfrom locally supersaturated solutions leads tothe <strong>de</strong>velopment of modification of low <strong>de</strong>gree of structureor<strong>de</strong>r and metastable thermodynamically. Slow crystallizationun<strong>de</strong>r stable conditions 1from,dilute solutions,produces517

more stable varieties. The empirical OsvJald's rule of <strong>de</strong>greesbecomes thus realized in nature.~--------- -The cements of the Coniacian contains perfectly crystallizedkaolinite plates, but no kaolinite of elevated ·<strong>de</strong>hydroxylationtemperature has been found in it• The <strong>de</strong>triticmaterial out of which it <strong>de</strong>veloped was ma<strong>de</strong> up of feldspar;the proportion of muscovite was small. This is confirmedby the small amounts of anatase (about 0•1 wt% ofTi0 2) in the cement 1 against 0•5 - 0.8 wt% of Ti0 2 in thecement of Santon sandstohes• Muscovite is the main sourceof titanium in sediments. Here the effect of the primarymaterial becomes evi<strong>de</strong>nt.Kaolinite forming processes proceed in permeable,poroussandstones at the diagenesis stage in a different way thanin the weathering crust. This results from free displacementof substance and nea~ equilibrium composition of interstitialsolutions. A macroscopic manifestation of this differenceis the lack of zonality which is typical of theweathering crust• Kaolinite has a specific crystal habitand grain size. It contains less Fe3+ in structure (0•2 wt%of Fe 2 o ) as compared with residual weathering kaolin3(about 1 wt% of Fe 2o 3).The richer in feldspar is the original sediment,thesmaller are the differences between the residua~ weatheringkaolins and kaolins of diagerietic origin, formed in theparticular area.washed kaolin obtained from sandstones <strong>de</strong>scribed here isa good filler of rubber,.plastics and paper. It can bebleached by chemical methods• Kaolins from the weatheringof this region are succesfully applied in the ceramic in-·dustry and. the production of refractory materialso The technologyof their processing differs also. The sandstones ofthe Coniacian are also used as glass making sand of highpurity.518

~QCLA}'·."'"~"'~Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS'\ / Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>

Thus, all kaolinite minerals are weakly diamagnetic. TheFe 2o -content of sampl~s with suscept-i~b:i:±i-t-:i:e-s)-0-3.18::-53SI was

I . Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> ArciHasFIRST STEPS OF GROWTH PROCESS Il ALUXIKUX ABD IRON HYDROXIDE SOLUTIONSD. TCHOUBAR*, J.Y. BOTTERO**, X.A.V. AXELOS*** AID P. QUIEIIE*•··Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Cristall~graphie, U. A. 810, B. P. 6759, Rue <strong>de</strong>Chartres, U.F.R.- Faculte <strong>de</strong>s Sciences, 45067 ORLEANS Ce<strong>de</strong>x, FRANCE"""Centre <strong>de</strong> recherche sur la Valorisation <strong>de</strong>s Minerais <strong>de</strong> l'E.N.S.G.,L.A. 235, B.P. 40, 54501 VANDOEUVRE Ce<strong>de</strong>x, FRANCE*""Laboratoire <strong>de</strong> Physico-Chimie <strong>de</strong>s Macromolecules, Centre <strong>de</strong> RechercheI~RA, Rue <strong>de</strong> la Geraudiere, 44072 NANTES Ce<strong>de</strong>x, FRANCEThe Al and Fe hydroxi<strong>de</strong> particles which are formed in far fromequilibrium conditions are highly' reactive >d.th the surroundingmedium. This property can be explained by their very <strong>de</strong>vi<strong>de</strong>d state

that colloid species result from Al,,, cluster aggregation. For T lowerthan hour the aggregates contai; co-;:;-ly these specie's-wl:iatever -R valuewithin the range: 2. 2 - 2. 8

Fe solutionsThe Fe solutions give spectra which are quite different from theprevious ones which were obtained for Al solutions. In the figure 3relative to R=0.75 the shape of curve could be characteristic oflinearly connected units as chains. The branch of curve which showsthe highest slope could trad11ce an interconnection of these chains.The figure 4 which is relative to R=1.5 displays a linear log-log plotwhich is similar to the curves previously obtained with Al solution'and characteristic to fractal aggregation. In that last case thefractal dimension DF is equal to 1.67 meaning that the structure of Fehydroxi<strong>de</strong> aggregates is intermediate in compactness between the twomo<strong>de</strong>ls of figures 1 and 2.5Fig.3S.A.X.S experiment forFe solution R= 0.750ccb-______ _. __ 3~-----------~2~ ____ __.2log ISI60ccFig. 4S.A.X.S. experiment forFe solution R=l.5-3log ISI523

The fitting ·of experimental curves with simulated ones is .inprogress whi eh will permit to precise t-he stie:3 of units wl:iic1:i-are inconnection in these structures. Thenumber of Fe atoms which arecon<strong>de</strong>nsed in the unit clusters will be <strong>de</strong>duced from comparison ofS.A.X.S. data and others experiments such E.X.A.F.S. which areplanned:CQJCLUSIOJf*The first steps of Al hydroxi<strong>de</strong> growth :f·ollow an aggregationprocess of small Al :,,, clusters. The fractal aggregates evol ue from a·loose structure

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSevill.e, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>EFFECT OF TEI,1PERATDRE AND EXCHANGEABLE CATION ONWATER DIFFUSION n::r HONTHORILLOlHTEJYI.TECILAZIC-STEVANOVIC ,LJ .PAVLOVIC-TERZIC ,D. IZVONAR; ,ANDJ.HAVRDA: .Faculty of Tecbnolog;y and Hetallurgy,University o.f Belgra<strong>de</strong>,4 Karnegijeva st., 11000 Belgra<strong>de</strong>, Yugoslaviazinstitute of Chemical Technology, 16628 Prague,CzechoslovakiaOBJ"ECTIVESWater transfer phenomena in the interlayer.space of montmorillonitestructure is a· complex and not yet completelysolved scientific problem.The main objective o.f this paper was. to <strong>de</strong>termine thecoe~cients of water molecular di.ffusion <strong>de</strong>pe~<strong>de</strong>nce on theexchangeable cation of montmorillonite and the temperatUreof the system.By using the diffusion couple method in isothermic conditions,at .five different temperatures,viz.: 303, 308,313, 318 and 323 K, the coefficients of molecular diffusion.of water were <strong>de</strong>termined. The'\..,;-rater transfer was studied inthe dif.fusion couple. •·rith saturated boundary between twosamples of different vrater content; _ranging .from 34 td 50percent.To calculate the molecular diffusion coefficient of water,the simpli.fied \rJagner' s equation for .the incompressible systemwas used. The re.sults are interpreted in terms of standardd:iffusion theory based on :nick's ·laws.E'LP'.&'?.mENTALThe starting mater:i.al,homoionic Ha and Ca- montmorillonite,particle size

-1CEC value was 94- meq_.·100 g.The homoionic Na and Ca f'orms were obtained by treatingthe montmorillonite >·rith a lll NaCl solution and a li'iCaC1 2solution, ad<strong>de</strong>d in excess.In experiments \·ras used i:ihe .dif'i'usion couple method.The saturated dif'i'usion couple consisted of' two parts of'diff'erent water con'\;ents, \v2 and ~'[1' in which .the.air ··was· absent. The sample layers,for the <strong>de</strong>terminationof the.'water content prof'ile after diffusion,were obtainedby means of. a mechanical cutter. The water contentwas :'xpressed· in.non-d.imensional moisture, the realtivewater concentratiqn, Y, accord~ to the formula:Where C is the water content f'or the x-values given, X beingthe dist.ance in the direction of) the dilfusion. cl andc 2are the water content :i.p. volume f'ractions (m3·m-3}inthe two parts of the dif'fusion couple. with c2 >cl. On theground of' the calculated vci.lues of . the x coordinates and Y ·value, the f'unction Y=f'(x) was given graphically for thevalue interval'Y from o.i to l.CALCULATION AND RESULTSWagner's·(l969) equation (1) .for the incompressible system,<strong>de</strong>rived from Sauer and Freise's (1992) research, was. ..used in calculating the coefficients of the molecular waterdiffusion from the experimentally obta~ed data:XD=(2 ~ dx':l)-l [cl-Y) J Y dX+Y J (l~Y)dx].0 XThe partial <strong>de</strong>rivative values of dxy in all points iscalculated as well as that of the integra~s:XJuIl =f Ydx ~ (1-Y)dx0 XU(l)526

11iiII1-;here u is the coordinate x for which the function Y reachesits limiting ve.lue of 1; f'- diffusion time.Both the partial <strong>de</strong>rivative 4_y and numerical values ofthe inteE;ral r 1and r 2~;ere <strong>de</strong>termined graphically foreach point from 0.1 to 0.9. By introducing into 1:·iagner'sequation (1) these partial <strong>de</strong>rivatives and numerical intecralvalues, the follouinc; is obtained:Us~ng equation (2), the <strong>de</strong>termined coefficients of molecu-1~ water diffusion in montmorillonite at various temperaturesare presented in Table 1.(2)TABLE 1.1:1ater l·ioleculo.r Diffusion Coefficient in!1ontmorilloniteTemperature, K Diffusion coefficient, D·io~m 2 s-lea - forn303 2,14308 3,13313 :1.~,00318 LJ.,5323 5,2L~'-Na-form1,10_1,221,561,802,10The molecular 1·mter diffusion coefficient <strong>de</strong>pendanceon temperature \•Tas <strong>de</strong>termined for the 303-323 K interval&."l.d was presented by the follov1ing expression for the Caand Na cationic forms of montmorillonite:DcaDNa6.9 -r l0-6 e}\:p (-2316.7/T)9-2 X 10-5· exp ( -3441. 0/T)527

I'iI!!I:''I'Iii[''ISummaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE· EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PHYSICOOHE!'IICAL STUDY AND MATHE!'!.ATICAL !10DELING OFBENTONITE ALKALI ACTIVATION-PR()QESS~IN THE .. PRESENCEOF INSOLUBLE MAGNESIUM SALTSM.TECILAZIC-STEVANOVIC, T.JANACKOVIC, z. RADOJEVICAND J. JANACKOVICFaculty of Technology and Metallurgy, University ofBelgra<strong>de</strong>, 4_ Karnegi,jeva St. ,11001 Belgra<strong>de</strong>,YugoslaviaOBJECTIVESThe study of the alkali activation mechanism and behaviourof bentonite in a system containing sodium carbonatemagnesium basic carbonate as activation agents ·war performed~Two approaches were used in this study: multifactorexperiments and physicochemical analysi~ of bentonite samples·before and after activation ( x-ray, IR, chemicalanalysis).By using a multifactor experiment the effect ofsimultaneous action of the two activation agents on thequantity of exchangeable Na+ cations and the viscosityIof the 6% suspension of the activated bentonite was <strong>de</strong>termined,The results of the physicochemical methods gavereasons to believe that some structural cbanges of montmorilloniteoccured.,,!'j; i"'I,,,,' '·I'ill,, II'I11,: ·I'·'::'11!I Ii iI ' Ii'l'I'EXPERIMENTALThe starting material u~ed was the Yugoslav bentonite"Jelenkovac", CEC = 86 meq•lOo- 1 • The cation exchange capacitywas <strong>de</strong>termined ·by the ammonium acetate method. Themain exchangeable cations were ca 2 + and Mg 2 +, 700); and20% of total CEC respectively. For the physicochemical investigation,particles of less than 2 1um grain size wereseparated from bentonite using the multigra<strong>de</strong> sedimentationThe activa.tion processing cons_isted in adding Na2C03 an~(NgC03) 4•Mg(OH) 2(MBC) in different concentrations to theraw materials (1-4% and 1-3% mas. respectively). The processingtemperature was 25°C.The paste was allowed to stayfor 20 hrs. After that the system was dried at 70°C up to528

10% water content. The activated bentonite was used for the<strong>de</strong>termination of the rheological properties.Tbe~~·~6% bentonite suspension in water was <strong>de</strong>termined by using·the Stormer viscosimeter. The exchangeable sodium cationof the activated samples of bentonite was <strong>de</strong>termined by thestandard laboratory procedure.MATHEMATICAL MODELINGUsing the Box-Wilson's orthogonal plans of the full multifactorexperiment, type 22, two mathematical mo<strong>de</strong>ls wereestablished:1. The <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce of exchangeable sodium cation, y 1 ,of activated bentonite .on the concentrations of Na 2 co 3andMBC, x., and x2 respectively;2. The viscosity <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce, Y2, of the activated bentonite6% suspension, on the Na2co 3 and MBC concentrations,x1 and x2 respectively.The mathematical mo<strong>de</strong>l obtained in the first case maybe <strong>de</strong>scribed by the following equation:Y1 = 55,16 + 20,0 x.; - 4-,25 x2 .c1)·,By using the Fi~cher criterion and experimental test,it was proved that this linear method, giv~n by eq. (1)was quite a<strong>de</strong>quate. Th.e values of the regression coefficientsshow that the quantity of Na2co 3ad<strong>de</strong>d is the contralingfactor for the value of the exchangeable Na+ ion.The mo<strong>de</strong>l makes it possible to predict:- the values of exchangeable Na+ cations for anycontent of activation agents used, and- an opti~al addition of activation agents for theprocess.The linear mathematical mo<strong>de</strong>l of the first or<strong>de</strong>r forthe <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nce. of the viscosity on the activation agentconcentration proved, through an· experimental test, to beina<strong>de</strong>quate.It was therefore necessary to increase the numberof experiments and to approxima~e the relationship bymeans of a non-linear equation of the second or<strong>de</strong>r:529

~'Y2 = 17 .17+2,Lj.2xl+5.25x2-5·_?5C~f~9!)_-::2_•25{~~- -f) (2)where P has the value of 2/3, 0.6667 for the orthogonalplan 2 2 • The experimental results confirm~d the validityof the proposed mo<strong>de</strong>l, given by eq, (2).The mo<strong>de</strong>l presented by eq.(2) shows that the quantity ofMBC ad<strong>de</strong>d is more significant in getting higher viscositiesthan the addition of Na2co • The experimental results have.3shown that the increase in exchangeable Na+ ions is not ·followed by the rise of viscosity. This points out that inthe mechanism of this activation process, th~ exchangephenomena of the exchangeable cation present in raw bentoniteare not the only controlling factor and that a morecomplex mechanism is being <strong>de</strong>alt with.!PHYSICOCHEr~CAL STUDYThe results of the x-ray and. infrared study and of chemicalanalysis of the montmoriTionite before and after activationhave shown that the structure of montmorillonite waschanged to a certain <strong>de</strong>gree. A unit cell dimension changedin the direction of the c-axis, i •.e. an increase of thec-axis spacing, d, took place. This change was permanenteven after heating of activated montmorillonite up to4-50°C.It can be assumed that Mg(OH) 2 precipitS:tion occ-qred inthe interlayer space of montmorillonite structure. Thisphenomenon will be the object of further investigations.i530

~~OC!..oty._.;~"'~Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS'"•.,, ' ,/ Sevi.lle, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>""·S..:I'rl .....ALTERNAT,IyE RAW MATERIALS FOR THE CERAMICINDUSTRY: ALTERATION PRODUCTS OF BASIC ROCKS FROMTUSCANY (ITALY)A. TENAGLIA, A. POZZ'UOLI* and A. SALOMONICentro Ceramico, Via Martelli 26, 40138 Bologna (Italy)* Department of Geophysics and Volcanology, University of Naples .•Largo S. Marcellino 10, 80138 Napoli (Italy).This work constitutes part of a research program' on Italian raw ·materials for the production of ceramic floor and wall tiles. Samplesfrom operating quarries of blocks used as foundations or pavingmaterials were chosen and characterized witfi the aim of findingnew and cheap raw materials which can be used as substitutes f9rsome of the traditional materials in the production of ceramic tile.The following samples were examined (the number in bracketsindicates the sheet of the geological map of Italy showing thesample location):- RC/050!2 (sheet 112): the material comes from a little quarry ofsemilithoid serpentine-like material, green-gnry in colour withblackish . veins located along the road Chianni-Castellina; it isreported on the geological map as "diabase-8".- RC/050/3 (sheet 112): th~s material is similar to the previoussample(diabase-8) and comes from a larger quarry near Pomaia.- RC/050!4 (sheet 112): this sample was collected from a largequarry located along the road from S.S. 206 to Rosignano Marittimo.It is similar to the previous samples, but' contains a certain amountof soil.- RC/050/S (sheet 112): this material comes from a quarry of aserpentine-like material (diabase-8) located on the right si<strong>de</strong> of alittle valley to the west of Riparbella.- RC/050/6 (sheets 113 and 107): the sample was coHected from asmall quarry of "varicoloured schists", mainly red and green;belonging to the VR formation and 'located near Vilia Radda inChianti.- RC/05017 (sheet 113): the quarry from which this material wastaken is rather large and is located near Badiaccia Montemuro. Thematerials in the quarry are rather heterogeneous (SP formation).- RC/050/8 (sheet 113) : this is a serpentine, similar to diabase-8found in a small quarry near Rencine.531

- RC/050/9 (sheet 106): this sample _c_oill~~. from a large quarry ofserpentine-like material northwest of Figiine~~-- ~------ -·- ·-The following analytical methods were . used to characterize thesamples: chemical analysis, DT A+ TG analysis, dilatometric analysisand X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r diffraction analysis.The firing behaviour of the materials was studied using drypressed samples of the pow<strong>de</strong>rs (moisture content: 6.5%;· specificforming pressure: 250 kg/cm2), in the form of 40-mm diameterdisks and firing in an electrical gradient kiln. The maximum firingtemperature generally. used was 1200 - 1210 °C. Samples RC/050/4and RC/050/8 (with lower melting point) were fired at a maximumtemperature of 11'30 o C. The most refractory materials were alsofired at 1250 °C. The fired samples were characterized by. linearshringake measurements; water absorption <strong>de</strong>terminations werecarried out only for samples showing a sufficiently high <strong>de</strong>gree ofsintering. A technical data sheet containing all 'the laboratoryresults was compiled for each sample, useful both for an overallevaluation of the characteristics of the raw materials and to makethe proper comparisons with analogous raw materials in use onindustrial scale.The results may be summarized as follows:1 - Based on X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r diffraction and thermal analysis data,samples RC/05012, 3, 5, 8 and 9 are serpentine rocks. There is noevi<strong>de</strong>nce of free quartz or other ~rystalline minerals except forsome kaolinite found in sample RC/050/3. The chemicalcompositions are within the following ranges:I.:1LOI 11.10 - 12.77. %Si02 34.53 - 37.69 %Al20 3 4.97- 8.92 %Ti02 0.00- 0.07 %Fe20 3 6.68 - 10.67 %CaO· 0.14- 0.53 %M gO 32.67- 37.25 %K20 0.00-. 0.01 %Na20 0.45 - 0.84 %Commercial <strong>de</strong>posits of serpentine may run from 37% to over 40%of MgO~ These samples,then, are rather pure. .Although thesesamples all had a high shrinkage, their water absorption also washigh, indicating poor sintering. This means that these raw materialsmay behave as "inert" or non-plastic materials in a ceramic body,also at higher temperatures. In contrast, the marked shrinkage532

indicates that these materials may not be suitable for such a usebecause of dimensional instability arising insi<strong>de</strong> the body duringfiring.2 - In addition to · serpentine, sample RC/050/4 also containsfeldspars and traces of other clay minerals (mainly chlorite). Itschemical analysis is as follows:LOI 4.23 %Si02 49.85 %Al203 16.52 %Ti02 0.70 %Fe20 3 8.55 %CaO 5.97 %M gO 9.99 ·%K20 0.30 %Na20 3.57 %This sample has an interesting firing behavi-our. The shrinkage isreasonable up to 1130 °C and .. above this temperature it begins tofuse quickly. This is indication of its suitability for use as an inert·material for bodies to be fired at low temperatures and as a fluxingagent for use with thermal cycles at higher temperatures.3 Samples RC/050/6 and 7 both contain quartz, feldspars and, toa lesser .extent, clay minerals (in particular disor<strong>de</strong>red kaolinite).Their chemical analyses are as follows:RC/05016RC/05017LOI 4.64 % 5.66 %Si02 65.50 % 65.75 %Al203 16.68 % 15.19 %Ti02 0.32 % 0.22 %Fe203 6.74 % 7.77 %CaO 0.64 % 0.63 %M gO 2.13 % 2.25 %K20 2.32 % 1.58 %Na20 0.67 % 0.55 %The shrinkage during firing is. rather .low, especially for sample 6.Both samples fuse at temperatures above 1200 °C. Like sampleRC/050/4, these materials too may be used as ·"inerts" at low533

temperatm;es (up to around 1150 °G), assuring good dime'nsionalstability to the fired products. ___ ~-~ , _____________ _The results of these studies show the possibility of using, in theceramic floor 'and wall tile industry, new inexpensive raw materialsobtained as byproducts from the mining industry of materials to beemployed for other pui:poses. Limitations in the use of. serpentinelikematerials in the ceramic floor and wall tile industry also arediscussed.Work , is now being · directed towards studying the variouspossibilities for using these materials by formulating and testingsuitable mixtures.,,·11I'•li i. 'I'I·'.11,!!534

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SERPENTINE-LIKE, KAOL·INITIC; HIGH DENSITY ALTERATION PRODUCTSOF VOLCANIC AL!):ALINE ROCKS IN CEN'rRAL KALIMANTAN (BORNEO),INDONESIA ,S. TJOJUDO* and G. SIEFFERMANN****·*Geological Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering,Gadjah Mada University, Sekip Unit IV Yogyakarta IndonesiabRS'rOM - Gadjah Mada ·university programme of cooperationSekip K 3, Yogyakarta, ·Indonesia.A B S T R A C TThis study concerns thick l

The isovolumetric calculation shows that the alterationmaterial contains 40 to 60% rn~rEl A)o2Q~~:!=Aa)2~~the_, _:;;.ame__ _volumeof initial rock. This increase in Al o go on a par with a·2 3similar increase in Fe o (60 to 70%) and Tio ·(40 to 100%).2 3 2If •,;e try to un<strong>de</strong>rstand the formation mechanism of theexcess kaolini te and Fe, Ti oxy<strong>de</strong>s, we can only imagine aninput cif Al, Fe and Ti un<strong>de</strong>r soluble ionic form during. thehydrolysis ,process of the primary rock. The question is whichtype of solution has brought simultaneously Al, Fe and Ti,in ionic form to tile weathering front to give. excess kaol~niteand iron and titanium oxy<strong>de</strong>s : hydrothermal or meteorological'?We have no evi<strong>de</strong>nce of a hydrothermal mechanism 1and a meteorologicalprocess cannot be, a priori, exclu<strong>de</strong>d in. thiscase. Several studies suggest that complex organic ·acids suchas fulvic acids and humic acids play an important role inthe mobility of the aluminium. The formation of the excesskaolinite can possibly be explained by the coming of Al in~helated form from the upper horizons.ii:li,i,\,1'ill,',f'l!I! .536

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SOURCE AND DISPEHSAL OF CLAY t!INERALS FRO!·! PRESENT Al!D LATE QUATERNARYSEDU!ENTS OF SOUTHERN /,DRIATIC SEAL. TO!-IADIN AiiD f-.1. IlORGHifliIntitute of Hineralogy and Petrography,University of Urbino (Italy)Bottom samples collected in the southern Adriatic basin have b'eeninvestigated in or<strong>de</strong>r to ascertain the present-day provenance of theclays,and to evi<strong>de</strong>ntiate the influence of different dynamic agents ontheyr distribution in the basin.For comparison with the clay sedimentation.during the Late Pleistocene 4 cores (IN68-10,9,5 and 2) from differentphysiographic environments of the basin have been also studied.The clay sediments of the southern Adriatic basin are composed ofclay minerals supPlied from different ~ources:a -from the Central Adriatic Sea:sediments mainly constituted (70-80%).by poorly organized illite and well crystalline smec~ite;chlorite contenthigher than kaolinite content.b - from Albanian rivers (chiefly the Drin R. from the N and the Vjosa R.from the S):sedirnents composed (60-70%) by well organized illite andsmectite,associateo with an important (15-20%) chlorite content.c- from Apulian rivers (mainly the Ofanto R.):sediments charqcterizedby abundant kaolinite (20-30%),low crystalline smectite and poorly organi.zedillite.d - from eolian dusts:large amounts of clay minerals are present amongthe atmospheric particles,as chlorite mainly wind-b'lown 'from E-SE (!).1-banian source) and highly <strong>de</strong>gra<strong>de</strong>d illite and kaolinite from. S-AW (Saharansource).i'

asin are affected by different dynamic agents,able to transport and distributethem.The most important features are:1 - the longitudinal <strong>de</strong>scendant current of the main Adriatic circulation,locally associated with a current transversal to the axis of the basin •.The combined action of these currents generates an area of low energylevel (the /.lanfredonia Gulf) favourable to the sedimentation of. smallsizedsmectite particies.More southerly the trac;:tive longitudinal currentfavours the dispersion of clay materials along the southernmostApulian shelf.2 - countercurrents ·moving counterclockwise are very active on the innershelf of the Manfredonia Gulf,Here the clay material transported bythe Apulian rivers is reworked and distributed in curved belts alongthe coast.3 - turbidity currents transport abundant clays from the continentalshelf to the plain, through the .canyons eroding the .slope between Bariand Brindisi.Evi<strong>de</strong>nces of a clay transport transversal to the basin aregiven from the distribution maps of illite and smectite in the surficialsediments.4 - eolian currents mostly from the S-SW direction in connection withSirocco wind episo<strong>de</strong>s.538


M d Pjd 2 1 23Hec Mg 4 22.96 0.058 24:4 48:4Wyo Mg 19 21.39 0.062 32:4 42:4C.BI Mg 10 21.73 0.074 58:4 20:4Non!. Mg 7 21.51 0.081 511. 241.1:Velm.Mg 30 15.78 0.082 681. 13:4281.[i · · Table1 -\· Vater content between aggregates in 'lo of total vater2 ~. '1/'ater content between particules in .,, of total nter'3-+ Vater content vithin particules in 'l{.oftotal nter~log wtot- A ~ particles- B -+ aggregates0- C ~ pores between aggregates-1-1 0 1 2 3BO~Ot{d-Figure 1t':·

such a particle is given l>y the following parameters (1) the average le) (Pons et aL 1982).Actually TEM and SAXS y providing a link l>et"ween internal particule structure oraggregate structure anil>eourg (l'rance).541

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>BEHAVIOUR, MICROSTRUCTURE AND STABILITY OF SOILS DEVELOPED ON ARANGUREN(SPAIN) TERTIARY MARLS . ---~~~~"~·~- ·~-··------M.E. TREBOL 1 , C. CHENU 2 AND D. TESSIER 21 Centra <strong>de</strong> Edafologia y Biologia Aplicada <strong>de</strong> Salamanca.C.S.I.C. Spain2 station <strong>de</strong> Science du Sol. INRA. 78000 Versailles. FranceSoils which are <strong>de</strong>veloped on tertiary marls fromAranguren in the northern area of Spain are very unstableand particularly susceptible to erosion. This work wascarried out in or<strong>de</strong>r to un<strong>de</strong>rstand better and predict thebehaviour of these soils.MATERIALS AND METHODSoil pastes were prepared from a B horizon by means ofmechanical stirring in water. Fraction < 2 ~mwas separatedfrom bulk samples using a 10 - 3 M NaCl solution. Drying andwetting curves were drawn from the data obtained after\subjecting t~e samples un<strong>de</strong>r inc~easing ind <strong>de</strong>creasingsuction pressures (~10 bar), or leaving the samples. atdifferent vapour pressures for stresses > 10 bar. Watercontent was measured by weighing the sample heated to 150°Cand porosity by recording the pressure exerted by thesample on kerosene. Preparation methods for transmissionand ~canningelectron microscopy observations wereconducted in such way that the microstructure at any givenstate of water was preserved (Tessier,. 1984).HYDRATION PROPERTIES AND VOLUME CHANGESFig.1 shows that paste p~eparation from a naturalmaterial leads to an increase in both the porosity andwater content in the whole range of stress un<strong>de</strong>r study. Thesamples are saturated with water for stresses ~ 0.32 bar.At a strong <strong>de</strong>hydration· (i.e. 1000 bar - R.H. = 50 %) , theporosity of the soil paste is roughly twice that of theundisturbed one. Results obtained on the soil paste as wellason ~he < 2 ~m fraction showed that the presence ofcalcite prevented the compaction of the system.542

iFig. 1Void ratio (e)andwater ratio (8) 0.1 10 1Qp 1000Suctionpressure(bar)Aranguren dryin~ curv~s (a) undisturbed naturalsample (b) soil ~aste sample. Results expressedin void ratio (e = Vv/Vs) and water ratio (a=Vw/Vs)Fgi. 2- General organization of the material after calcitedissolution showing the arrangement ofillite-smectite crystals;543

MICROSTRUCTURES.E.M. observations showed that calcite crystals aremainly < 2 ~m in size and that clay matrix occupies thespace between the rhombohedral calcite crystals. In thesoil paste containing calcite, a very loose particlearrangement was i<strong>de</strong>ntified. As shown on Fig.2 after calcitedissolution the initial arrangement of clay partic~e ispartly preserved. This is confirmed by the arrangement ofthe clay crystals with angles similar to those of thecalcite crystallization rhombohedrons.DISCUSSION - CONCLUSIONThis work <strong>de</strong>monstrates that crystallization conditionsof calcite during parental material genesis and inparticular, stresses <strong>de</strong>veloped during calcite crystalgro~th, are responsible for the creation of a specific clayparticle arrangement.Thu~,the properties of a soil <strong>de</strong>veloped over this typeof marl are a function of the genetic factors of the later.After calcite dissolution there is an incomplete<strong>de</strong>struction of the initial clay p~rticle arrangement whichexplains the loss of structural stability of the soil.In conclusion both mechanical disturbance and/or calcitedissolution modify all physical properties and enhance t'hesusceptibility to erosion.REFERENCETessier D. (1984)- Etu<strong>de</strong> experimentale d~ !'organisation<strong>de</strong>s materiaux argileux. ·INRA Versailles, pub. 3Sl p.544

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS. Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>EFFECT OF POTASSIUM REMOVAL BY CROP ON TRANSFORMATION OFILLITIC CLAY MINERALSH. TRIBUTH*, E.v. BOGUSLAWSKI, A.v. LIERES**, D. STEFFENSAND K. MENGEL*********Institut fur Bo<strong>de</strong>nkun<strong>de</strong> und Bo<strong>de</strong>nerh~ltung, Justus-Liebig-Universit&tGieBen (Germany)Institut fur Pflanzenbau, Justus-Liebig-UniversitatGieBen (Germany)Institut fur Pflanzenernahrung, Justus-Liebig-UniversitatGieBen (Germany)INTRODUCTIONIt is well known that weathering of K+ bearing minerals. .results in a transformation of 2:1 clay minerals (RICH1968). According to SCHROEDER (1976) the sequence of transformationis as follows: micas --> hydromicas --> illite --> transition minerals -~ vermiculite or smectite. TRIBUTH(1981), however, holds the view that there is not a generaltransformation sequence valid for all soils, since clay mineraltransformation <strong>de</strong>pends on soil conditions, especiallyon base saturation of clay. In this transformation process,plants may also be involved si~ceplant roots may excreteH+ which can attack clay minerals. (MENGEL and STEFFENS1982). Besi<strong>de</strong> H+ excretion, H+ uptake of plant roots may<strong>de</strong>crease the K+ concentration of the soil solution at theroot surface as has been shown by BARBER (1962) and recentlyby KUCHENBUCH and JUNGK (1984). Low K+ concentrationsfavour the net release of nonexchangeable K+ which is mainlyinterlayer K+ of clay minerals (MARTIN and SPARKS 1983).Itis thus feasible that exploitation of K+ by plants maycontribute to the transformation of clay minerals.545

RESULTSThe effect of K+ fertilizer -app-1-i:c-at-i:-onc-or-non-applicationon the transformation of clay minerals was studied insoils from long term field experiments and exhaustive::::ropping pot experiments. Soils used were alluvium·, gray)rown and brown soils with illite as the principal claymin~ral. x-ray dif~raction analysis of soil samples revealedthat cropping without K+ fertilizer application had ledto a substantial <strong>de</strong>crease in illite content and to an increaseof smectite and interstratified illite/smectite min~erals. In the alluvium soil containing carbonate, stabilesmectite was formed probably because of the high soil pH,whereas in the other soils with lower pH, <strong>de</strong>gradation ofillite 'resulted in the formation of labile minerals whichexpand to more than 2.0 nm. Illite <strong>de</strong>gradation was especiallyintensive in the

IJ llite0,99nmSmedite1,76 nmJll.ite0.99nm Smectite1,76 nmKo---Subsoil---Topsoil12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 /2 8 12 11 10 g a 7 6 5 r2 e• Fig. 1: X-ray diffraction diagrams of the effect of K+ fertilizerapplication (Rauischholzhausen)In Fig. 1 it is furthermore shown that the illite contentof the Ko-sample has <strong>de</strong>creased to a far greater extentin the topsoil than in the subsoil. This fact especiallyemphasizes the influence ,-of the plants, which promote thetransformation of illite by-~-removal especially from thetopsoil.CONCLUSIONPermanent removal of K+ from illite containing soilsleads to the <strong>de</strong>gradation of illite and formation ofsmectiteand interstratified minerals. On natural-habitats such K+removal from the top soil la.yer may be brought about byleaching. In cultivated soils large amounts of K+ are removedfrom the soil by crops. If the resulting K+ <strong>de</strong>ficitin the soil is not balanced by K+ fertilizer application atransformation of clay minerals, especially illite, willmore quickly proceed. T~erefore in cropped soils with il­+lite as the mai~ clay mineral, K fe_rtilizer application isnotonly a question ofservation.plant nutrition but also of clay con-547

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>HEATING-INDUCED EFFECTS ON ~HE ANI~~ I~ CL~Y _MINER~~ _1~2~~ ( ~H2(3l(P~crate ).n H 20M.A. ULIBARRI , J.M. LUQUE and J. CORNEJODepartamento <strong>de</strong> Qufmica Inorganica,Facultad <strong>de</strong> Ciencias,Universidad <strong>de</strong>Cordoba (Spain) e Institute <strong>de</strong> Recursos Naturales y Agrobiologia,CSIC,A~tdo.1052 E.P.,41080 Sevilla (Spain)Structures with negatively charged layers and intercalated exchangeablecations are well known. In contrast, compounds having positivelycharged layers ·and exchangeable anions in the 1 interlaye"i- space are farless common; they form in· terms of charges, the mirror image_of clays.Many of these are based on metal double hydroxi<strong>de</strong> compounds with hydrotalcite-likestructure,which consist of positively charged brucite-likelayers, [Mi~x M~+ (OH) 2]X+ with intercalate and exchange anions (1,2).The synthesis and characterization of hydrotalcite-like compound (Al Li 2(OH) 6·] 2co .nH 0 extend the class of 3 2inorganic~anion exchangers fromM 2 + M 3 + to M 3 +M+ compounds (3),(M=cation).The present study is part of a.wi<strong>de</strong>r one. on the anionic exchange capacityof the Al,Li-hy'droxycarbonate and the properties of their exchangedforms (4,5). For this study the picrate form was obtained and stu~died after different thermal treatments by X-ray pow<strong>de</strong>r diffraction(XRD)scanning electron microscopy (SEM), thermal analysis (DTA-TG) and N 2adsorptionisotherms techniques.The synthesis of Al, Li-hydroxycarbonate was conduct,ed as pr-eviously<strong>de</strong>scribed (3) and the anionic exchange reaction with picrate was carriedout by placing it in a 0.1 M picric acid solution prepared from co 2-freedistilled water and 48 h continuously stirre~.tered, washed and dried at 60°C.The resulting gel was _filFor comparison purposes the XRD patterns of [Al 2Li(OH) 6] 2co 3and[ Al 2Li(OH) 6] (Picrate) are shown in Fig.la and lb, respectively. It issuggested that these 'compounds have a layered structure (pronouncedbasal reflections) with the layer distance following closely the sizeof the intercalate anion.548

()()Ll ()()?()()(';!a) ..0 200 . 400 600 800 10002()ill! m p e ra.ture (2C)The DTA and TG diagrams of the Al,Li-picrate are shown in Fig.2. A3% of weight loss, corresponding to elimination of molecular water fromthe interlayer sheet is observed un<strong>de</strong>r 200°C. No changes were observedon the XRD patterns of samples heated at 300, 400 and 500 •c indicate thatpoorly crystalline solids are formed. Diff~rent Al 2o 3p~~ses and ·the ·sp~nel LiA1 5o 8formed by the interaction of oxi<strong>de</strong>s produced during the the£mal <strong>de</strong>composition of the original sample have been <strong>de</strong>tected at 300-400•c.'Those phases were also found by thermal <strong>de</strong>composition at 300 •c .of Al, Linitrate(6). However, the thermal <strong>de</strong>composition pathway of the Al,Lipicrateseems to be different than that of Al, L.i-carbonate because ofin this compound l-A1 2o 3was only found at 500 •c. No significant chan-.ges in specific surface area (SBET) of samples treat~dun<strong>de</strong>r 300°C wasobserved (43-45 m 2 /g). A similar behabiour was found by SEM microgr:aphs.However, an important <strong>de</strong>struction of' the crystals occurs at 300-400°C2 . .and the corresponding SB.ET values increases (75 m /g). At higher temperatures( ~500°C)the SBET values <strong>de</strong>creased because of sintering.The above results show that the new hydrotalcite-like compound syh~thetized (Al,Li-picrate) behaves in a different way than hydrotalc'iteun<strong>de</strong>r similar heat treatment.BIBLIOGRAPHYCl) M.C. Gastuche, G. Brown and M.M. Mortland,Clay Miner.7, 177(1967)(2) S. Miyata, Clays and Clay Minerals,23; 369 (;>.975)549

1:i(3) C.J. Serna, J.L. Rend6n and J.E. Iglesias, Clays and Clay Minerals30,180 (1982)(4) M.J. Hernan<strong>de</strong>z, M.A. Ulibarri, J.L. Rend6n and.C.J. Serna, Phys.Chem.Minerals 12, 34 (1985).(5) M.A. Ulibarri, M.J. Hernan<strong>de</strong>z, J. Cornejo and C.J. Serna, Mat.Chem.Phys. 14, 569 (1986.).(6) G. Mascolo,-Thermochim. Acta 102, 67 (1986)",li- "11I'II550

ISummaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>QUARTZ GRAIN SIZE DISTRIBUTION IN THE ILLITE - KAOLINITE- QUARTZ MINERAL TRIANGLE AND CERAMIC PROPERTIES OFBRICK PRODUCTSH. Urban and U. We<strong>de</strong>meyerInstitute for Nonmetallic Materials, Technical UniversityClausthal, Fe<strong>de</strong>ral Republic of GermanyABSTRACTInvestigations of ceramic properties and· phase transformationsin illite-kaolinite-quartz .niineral triangles with quartz of differentgrain size as corner components show up to 1200 °C relationsbetween the mineral content of the raw mixtures and the properties ofthe fired ceramic bodies as well as the influence of different quartzgrain size distribution.INTRODUCTIONThe illite- kaolinite- quartz mineral triangle is th~ basictriangle for many raw materials for brick. products. If optimalceramic properties a re to be reached by varying the raw materia 1composition it is necessary to know the course of ceramic propertiesall over the triangle at the usual firing temperatures of 1000-1100 °C 0The f:irst systematic investigation of this triangle up to 1200 °Cwith respect to ceramic properties and phase transformations waspublished by Babczinski and Urban (1983), and the main results includingthe influence of different illite chemistry were presented-at ~th EUROCLAY by Urban, Babczinski and We<strong>de</strong>meyer -(1983).For these investigati.dns a pretty coarse quartz was used as cornercomponent of the triangle in or<strong>de</strong>r to get most of the triangle pointsinto the fields suitable for bricks according to Winkler's diagram(Winkler 195~).The influence of different quartz grain size therefore remainedopen.551

Duringthe last years the whole mineral triangle was reinvestigatedusing a much finer quartz as corner component. Thefol~lowi·n·g -------­chapters compare both triangles with respect to cer;:;mic propertiesand phase transformations.'I!IEXPERIMENTSThe experimental program was the same for both triangles, ineacn·of the triangles a net of 20 points was investigated.All samples were fired up to 1200 °C in a simulated tunnel kilnprogram. The bending strength was measured in samples according toDIN 51030. Water adsorption (open porosity) and total shri~kage weremeasured in samples according to DIN 51056. Transformations ofmineral phases were <strong>de</strong>termined by X-ray diffraction and microscopy.RESULTSTHE TRIANGLE WITH COARSE QUARTZThe following corner components were used in the experiments:IlliteKaoliniteEisenberg cl aySchnai ttenbach(90) K (6) Q {4)kaolin K (93) (5) Q (2)Quartz Grasleben quartz Q (100)Grain size distribution of quartzequivalent diameter ( 1um) %< 22 6,36,3 - 2020 - 6363 ~ 200> 2001',72,59,727,1·54,3.4,7552

lThe triangle may be divi<strong>de</strong>d into two parts, separated by a linecorresponding to 60% illite in the raw mixtures.In the range of industrial firing temperatures for brick products(1000-1100 °C) the field below 60% illite ist characterised by asteady and equal directed course of the ceramic properties. Increasingcontent of illite in the raw mixtures is accompanied by~ncreasing strength and shrinkage and by <strong>de</strong>creasing open porosity,.The maximum of strength is found around the points I ( 60)K (40) and I (60) K (20) Q (20), the minimum of water adsorptionbetween the points I (80) K (20) - I (80) Q (20) - I (60) K (20)Q ( 20) - I ( 60). K ( 40) .The increase of strength with increasing illite content followingthe kaolinite - illite - si<strong>de</strong> of the triangle is more significant ,than the same effect along the opposite quartz - illite - si<strong>de</strong>. The.new formed mullite from kaolinite and melt causes higher values forbe_nding strength than the remaining quartz not dissoluted in the .. melt at the opposite si<strong>de</strong> of the triangle.The field above 60% illite shows anomalies especially at andabove 1100 °C. Secondary porosity and dilatation (blowing) causedby <strong>de</strong>gasification of the melt arising from illite <strong>de</strong>struction isfound as well as break down of strength.THE TRIANGLE WITH FINE QUARTZCorner components:Illi teKaol ini teQuartzEisenberg claySchnaittenbach kaolinFrechen quartzGrain size distributionequivalent diameter ( 1um)< 22 6,36,3- 2020 6363 200> 200I (90) K (6) Q (4)K (93) I (5) Q (2)Q. (100)of quartz%2182724200553

In this triangle the anomal field is reduced to~ illit~_content;_above 80% in the raw mixtures.The whole triangle below 80% illite is characterised by the samesteady and equa 1 directed course of ceramic porperti es whi eh wasfound in the triangle with coarse quartz as corner component.Fine quartz generally causes higher values of bending strengthwith a maximum around the points I (80) Q (20) and I (60) K (20)Q (20). The reason is the higher solubility of fine quartz in themelt w.Hh the consequence of increasing viscosity of the melt andsmaller quartz grains remaining and offering less weak points at thegrain boundaries .. Higher viscosity of the melt further leads to lessmu1lite forming from kaolinite and melt. Therefore mullite plays aIless important role in th~s triangle.The minimum of water adsorption is found in the field between .the points I (60) K (40) -I (40) K (40) Q (20) - I (60) K (40)- I ( 100).Blowing effects seem to be' blocked by higher viscosity of themelt enriched with Sio 2 .in the field between 60 and~SO% illite inthe raw rili·xtures.It further should be mentioned, that comparative experimentswith ultrafine quartz along the line quartz - Hlite resulted inlower values of bending strength. This only happens if quartz goesinto solution almost totally and the ceramic body consists almostcompletely of inhomogenous glass.REFERENCESBABCZINSKI, L., URBAN, H. (1983): Das Mineraldreieck Illit-Kaolinit­Quarz. (Keramische Eigenschaften und Phasenumwandlungen bis1200 °C). - Keram. Z., E_, 506-510.URBAN, H., BABCZINSKI, L., WEDEMEYER, U: (1985):Illite chemistryand ceramic properties of bricks.- 5th meeting of the Europeanclay groups, Prague, 1983, 529-533.WINKLER, H.G.F. (1954): Be<strong>de</strong>utung <strong>de</strong>r Korngroi3enverteilung und <strong>de</strong>sMineralbestan<strong>de</strong>s rur die Herstellung grobkeramischer Erzeugnisse.- Ber. DKG, l!_, 337-343.554

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>FORMATION OF REGULAR INTERSTRATIFICATION IN P(:)TASSIUM DEPLETEDTRIOCTAHEDRAL MICA ~ VERMICULITESU. UTERMANN AND H. GRAF V. REICHENBACHInstitut fUr Bo<strong>de</strong>nkun<strong>de</strong> und Son<strong>de</strong>rforschungsbereich· 173,Universitat Hannover, FRGThe formation of regular 1 : 1 mica - vermiculite interstratificationas exhibited by" hydrobiotite" is generally attributed to theinteraction between the orientation of laitice hydroxyl groups a~dbonding conditions of interlayer cation·s. However, the mechanism ofthe generation of or<strong>de</strong>r by caiion exchange in a multilayer system iss.till unexplained.Our experiments are concerned with th~consequencesof oxidationof structura 1 ferrous iron for the formation of interstratifi cation.Th.e 6- 20 ~m fraction of a biotite from Miask, Ural, was transformatedto vermiculite by exchanging interlayer potassium with eit~ermagnesium or barium in a repeated batch type exchange procedure. Onlytraces of regular interstratification could be observed in the X-raydiffraction patterns of samples taken during the biotite-vermiculit~transformation •. However, by adding'-X- Mg mixed solutions i,n a suitableproportion to the K-<strong>de</strong>pletedMg-saturated vermiculite, a pure1 : 1 interstrat.ification was produced, showing only the integralseries of 1.0 + 1.4 = 2.4 nm diffraction peaks in the X-ray diagram.The total iron content of the Mg-vermiculite was 2~5 % by weight with58 % of it being in the divalent form.·In or<strong>de</strong>r to investigate the influence of the <strong>de</strong>gree of oxidationupon mixed 1 ayer formation,the structura 1 ferrous iron in mi nera 1 swas oxidized by hydrogen peroxi<strong>de</strong> ad<strong>de</strong>d in different ,proportions.Oxidation was performed ( a ) by addition of hydrogen peroxi<strong>de</strong> toMgC1 2 solutions during the removal of interlayer potassium, and ( b )by addition to the Mg-saturated vermiculite before replenishing itwith potass i urn.' Addition of the oxidant during potassi urn rem ova i555

( a ) did not lead to the formation of interstratifica~i_()n!~-~wh)chcould only be produced by (b) restoring interlayer potassium invermiculite from solution.After gradual oxidation of vermiculites mixed layering resultingfrom the intake of potassium into the interlayers became increasinglyrandom at the expense of regular i nterstrat i fi cation. At the 1 owestcontent of ferrous iron ( 1.24 % by weight ) X-ray diffraction ofK-treated samples revealed only a <strong>de</strong>crease of basal spacings from 1.46to 1J.S nm with slight line broa<strong>de</strong>ning of the 001 reflections. Themineral remained in the expan<strong>de</strong>d state even though the 'equival,entratio between exchange capacity and the highest addition of· potassiumwas -i ri the or<strong>de</strong>r of 1 : 1 000.The observed pheno~ena are disc~ssed as being affected by theinteraction of contractive and expansive forces <strong>de</strong>pending on size andhydration energies of the ions involved in interlayer exchange reactionsand on the distribution of charge within'the silicate layer.1,1'556

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>_GRACOS:STRUCTURES.A COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR GRAPHICAL REPRESENTATION OF CRYSTALA. VEGAS AND E. VILAInsti tu to <strong>de</strong> Quimica Inorganic a "Elhuyar". C. S. I. C. Serrano 113.28006 Madrid (Spain)'."GRACOS"GWBASIC,is a set of programs written in interpreted and compiledfor an Olivetti M-24 personal computer, with MS-DOS operatingsystem, so that it c~nbe also runned in another IBM compatible personalc·omputers. It makes possible the graphical representation of crystalstructures, in the stick and ball mo<strong>de</strong>l, and has been envisagedas a use full tool in both, re-search and teaching in crystallography,crystal chemist_ry and mineralogy, as well ~sand metallurgy.in inorganic chemistryThe program can create, read and modify permanent sequentialfiles with all the information nee<strong>de</strong>d for graphical representationof structures. The input data are: unit cell· dimensions, atomiccoordinates of the asymetric unit, symmetry J.operations, the limitsof the x, y and z coordinates ~r the generation of the rest ofthe atomic positions, and the crystal system and centrici ty of theS.G. Together with this data, formula, space group and one bibliographicreference can be also stored in the permanent file.This file serves as input for the graphical representation of thestructure, projected along one cr'yst:3.llographic axis. To do this,the user must select the size and colour of the different atomicspecies.Hereafter, the user dispose of several options:Rotate the structure around x, y and z·, by giving. the values in<strong>de</strong>grees of the rotation angles around each axis.- Draw chemical bonds between selected atoms within the given limits0in A.- Project the structure on a plane <strong>de</strong>fined by three given points.557

- Perspective drawing of the structure.- Obtain a hard-copy ·in the printer.Within the abov~ options, the user can ·also modify the act~aldrawing in the following way:Magnify on reduce the size of the drawing.Magnify or reduce the size of ·the atoms.- Change the colour of the atoms (with an o~tion for not drawing somekind of atoms).- Erase and redrawing the unit cell edges.- Mark the origin of the unit cell.- Divi<strong>de</strong> the computer screen in two windows,· allowing to representtwo different projections of the same structure or projections of'two different compounds to be compared.Hardware and software facilities will be provi<strong>de</strong>d for a practicalcheck of programs system.I558

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN-CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987; <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>Crystallinity in<strong>de</strong>x of illite and smectite in the bottom sediments ofcAdriatic Sea- Sedimentological implicationsVENIALE F., CAOCIA F. and TORTELLI M.Dipartimento di Scienze <strong>de</strong>lla Terra, sezione Mineralogia, Petrografiae Geochimica- Universita di Pavia, Italia.·The Adriatic Sea is an oblong land-locked basin, having two maindifferent sedimentation environments: the northern shelf (paleo-<strong>de</strong>ltaof the Po river) with relatively shallow wat·er (maximum m 50-70), andthe southern <strong>de</strong>ep (maximum m 1,200) "fossa•, separated by the"mesa-fossa" with some small b~sins at <strong>de</strong>pth of m 270-280.Distribution patterns of heavy. and light minerals, and grain-sizeclassification indicate a mainly longitudinal dispersion in the Popaleo-<strong>de</strong>lta area, whereas a transversal one is prevailing in the"fossa" (PIGORINI B., 1968: "Sources and dispersion of recentsediments in the Adriatic Sea•. Marine Geol. 8, 197-229).Among the clay minerals (VENIALE F., 1976: "Clay mineralogy of bottomsediments in the Adriatic Sea".Proc.7t~ Conf. Clay Miner.Petrol.Karlovy vary, 283-298) no significative variations have been observedfor illite·. Smectite arid kaolinite are generally <strong>de</strong>creasing in thedirection shore --~ open basin in toe trapsversal profi-les, andpresent <strong>de</strong>lta --~ paleo-<strong>de</strong>lta edge in the longitudinal ones. Smectitedispersal is also reworked by the stream system, especially along theItalian coast. Such distributi'On suggest mainly a differentialmechanical sorting and/or flocculation(?). The behaviour of chloriteis ubiquitous and might be inte"pret~d either as part'ial regenerationof <strong>de</strong>trital clays, or as variation of its sedimentation rate.vermiculite and mixed-layers are absent in the nearshore sediments(and also in the fluviatile discharges), appearing only off-shore andopen sea-ward;' therefore, aggradation processes ("incipient" smectite---t w'ell crystallized smectite --~ mixed-layers, vermiculite,chlor i te) are suggested, and they are better recognizable in thesouthern "fossa• supplied by voJ:canic ashes. On other hand, the claycomponents appear to be mainly '<strong>de</strong>trital, indicating the differentsource areas: eastern alpine river~ with low content of smectite, Poriver (from central and western Alps, and Apenninics affluents richin smectite), volcanic region in southern Italy.The crystallinity in<strong>de</strong>x of illite and smectite has been consi<strong>de</strong>red inor<strong>de</strong>r to classify source areas and diagenetic processes after<strong>de</strong>positi.on. The obtained results are compared with previoussedimentoiogical and petrographical data ,. and aliow to distingui,shdischarges from:· .i) Po river, ii) 'rivers from eastern 'Alps, -iii)southern Italy vplcanic area. Some mixing effects due to currenttransport are actually recor<strong>de</strong>red in. the. northern basin facing Po<strong>de</strong>lta, Venice lagoon and Triest gulf, as well as in the central"meso-fossa". The same is true along the ~hore of the Italian.coast.559

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA V GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SCANNING ELECTRON MICROSCOPY APPLIED TO THE STUDY OF ANCIENT POTTERYAND CERAMICS FROM NORTHERN ITALY ARCHEOLOGICAL ·siTES~·-~-~-------··F. VENIALE, S. MASSA (*), M. SETTI and M. TORTELLIDipartimento di Scienze <strong>de</strong>lla Terra, Universita di Pavia, Italiasezione Mineralogia, Petrografia e Geochimica(~)Soprinten<strong>de</strong>nza Archeologica <strong>de</strong>lla Lombardia, Milano, ItaliaA teamwork set up by the mentioned scientific and archeologicalorganisations is carrying out a co-operative programme concerningpottery and ceramic manufacts ·(amphorae, jars, dairy filters,. jugs,basins, bowles, pans, lids; African red slip wares, Italian "terrasigillata", "terracotta" ornaments) from various archeological sites,historical monuments and buildings belonging to pre-l.ate Roman andMiddle Age, Renaissance ahd B'aroque style; located in northern Italy:Milan, Parma and Brescia cities, Garda lake region, Certosa cathedraland Lomello near Pavia.The aim of the research is· to ·reconstructing pug mixtures,i<strong>de</strong>ntifying raw materials provenance, inferring manufacturingtechnology, firing temperatures-and conditions.Among other analytical procedures · (X-ray diffraction, thermalmethods, thin sections un<strong>de</strong>r polarizing microscope, bulk and traceelements analyses) SEM observations are routinely applied.·scanning electron microscopy ( SEM) is· a sui table tool for helpingto un<strong>de</strong>rstand firing conditions and manufacturing procedures.Micro-fabric features of the clay matrix, reactions with coarsegrains and neoformed phases, etc. can allow <strong>de</strong>tailed informationsconcerning the nature of the processes occured within a ceramic body.Size and shape of clay particles in the matrix, their spatialarrangement (texture), reaction rims around shortner-chamotte grains,aspects of neoformation and/or <strong>de</strong>composition phases, etc. arediscussed in coinparis.on with the results obtained by means of otheranalytical techniques.Size of clay particles in the matrix is ranging from silt to claydimension. Coarser grains of quartz, feldspar(s), mica(s),carbonate(s) and/or chamotte are both of primary 0r~g~n (i.e.constituents· of the used raw materials), or ad<strong>de</strong>d as shortner of theceramic body. Their composition and features resulted useful fori<strong>de</strong>ntifying different provenance areas: Italian Alps and Apennines,north Africa, etc.The spatial arrangement of clay particles is <strong>de</strong>pending onmanufacturing procedures: i) isoriented, especially the mica needles,near the external surface; ii) anisotropic in the core; iii)exfoliated by drying, etc.. On other hand,. micro-texture isinfluenced by· the firing .temperatures which had been reached, andalso by the duration of heating: i) porous, weakly cohesive ·for lowvalues (450-500°C); ii) welding and sintering aspects for560

tempe.J;·_atures around 600-700°C (within this range, chlorite-micalamellae may be partly exfoliated); iii) vitrified and secondaryalveolar, for heating at 7S0°C and higher, when also new-formedphases (as cristobalite, plagioclase, pyroxenoids) may appear.Remobilization of calcite, as "patches" or veinlets, has also beenobserved.The presence of the so-called "black-heart" is also accompanied bydifferent aspects of the clayey matrix: i) voids filled byFe-oxy-hydroxi<strong>de</strong>s on the bor<strong>de</strong>r, whereas the texture is more porousin the core.Reaction rims around the coarserappearing only in ceramic bodies fired( 7 700°C). They show varous aspectsshortner-chamotte grains areat relatively high temperature<strong>de</strong>pending on the mineralogy:of micas, homogenization of"corrosion" of carbonates, meltingtwinned plagioclases, e·tc ••Such kind of observations allow to un<strong>de</strong>rstanding manufacturingtechniques (homogenization-<strong>de</strong>puration of the pug mixture,reducing-oxidizing and firing conditions), technological properties(hardness, imbibition-evaporation ratio), <strong>de</strong>cay behaviour un<strong>de</strong>rfrost-weathering-pollution agents, mobility of soluble salts andmechanicai stress due to their precipi ta.tion, location and activityof micro-organisms.561

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>PETROLOGICAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL STUDY OF Cl_AYS FROM NOTHERN GREECEV. VENTURI 1 AND1 Geoceramic Researches, Monte S. Pietro (BD). Italy2 c.N.R., Istituto di Recherche Tecnologiche per la Ceramica,Via Granaloro 64, 48018 Faenza. ItalySome wi<strong>de</strong> clayish <strong>de</strong>posits· of Northern Greece (Makedonia andChalkidiki) were studied with the objective of evaluating their exploitationfor ceramic tile production. After a geological and morphological<strong>de</strong>scription of the sedimentary formations to which these <strong>de</strong>positsare associated, data are given as regards chemical, mineralogical andgrain size characteristics of seven clay materials.The chemical data were employed for rational analysis by a computerizedmethod; in such a way, the quantitative mineralogical compositionof the samples, as reported in Table 1, was obtained. The thermalanalyses carried out are: therrnogravimetric (T.G.), differentialthermal (D. T .A) and dilatom.etric. ·These analyses characterize especiallythe mineralogical association of quartz-illite-chlorite-montmorillonite- Na feldspar. The carbonate contents vary from 0 to 24%.Laboratory tests were also carried out to examine the physicalceramicbehaviuor of the single materials. Data regarding technologicalparameters ·of samples of green ware, obtained from wet-ground raw materialand formed by dry-pressing, and of the same samples after firingare reported. T.he differences· of physical-ceramic behaviour among theexamined materials are remarkable. Some of them show very high plasticity(samples 1 and 2) and some show a very low one (samples 5 and 7).562

Table 11 2 3 4 5 6 7quartz 33 22 20. 28 32 23 24Na-feldspar 16 9 7 16 1 20 1K-feldspar 1 1 6calcite 5 8 8 8 4 24ankerite 4illite + muscovite 26 25 22 23 16 24 38chlorite 4 12 20 9 29 4 7montmorillonite 10 14 15 10 11 17Fe oxi<strong>de</strong>s 4 4 6 4· 5 3 4accessories 1 2 2 1 2 3 2__ :_ _______ _L ________________________________________ _: ____________After firing at i030 ·oc some sample are still expanding (samples2 and 7), or practically don't show any change (samples 1 and 3), whilesome are strongly shrinkH1g (samples 5 and 6). The calor of the firedbodies varies from red to pink ~nd beige.The most interesting materials (samples 1 and 3) show water ab­.sorptibn lower than 20%, good bending strength and such a cubic expansioncoefficient that they fit to a wi<strong>de</strong> range of glaz~s. They are suitablein or<strong>de</strong>r to be used in .glazed porous bodies mixtures ("cottoforte"and "maiolica" types) for paving and lining.Excessive fine grain size (as in sample 5) or.too high carbonatecontent (as in sample 7) are negative features.· Also high portion ofcoarse grains, paricularly of micas, is an unsuitable characte.ristic(as in sample 4); These negative characteristics don't exclu<strong>de</strong> the industrialapplication of the corresponding clays in mixtures with,otherraw materials.563

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SEQUENCE OF THE PROCESSES OF GEOCHEMICAL WEATHERING IN THE NORTHERNPIEDMONT OF THE CENTRAL SYSTEM (SALAMANCA, SPAIN).M.A. VICENTE*, E. MOLlNA** AND M.P. GARCIA-RODRIGUEZ** Centro <strong>de</strong> Edafologia y Biologia Aplicada <strong>de</strong> Salamanca. C. S. I. C.Apdo 257(Spain).I'II ,,:!** Facultad. <strong>de</strong> Ciencias. Universidad <strong>de</strong> Salamanca (Spain).The zone studied is situated in the Northern Piedmont of theCentral System with an altitu<strong>de</strong> about 950 metres above ,sea level.In the zone it is possible to i<strong>de</strong>ntify a bl'sement of Paleozoicshales, quar'tzi tes and sands tones . over wich two geological unitsof different ages were <strong>de</strong>veloped: ~edalluvi.al fans from the Neoge-'ne and Rana <strong>de</strong>posits wich have ero<strong>de</strong>d the. former .. A study .was ma<strong>de</strong>of the processes of weathering from the socl.e. to the surface ofthe Rana, paying special attention on the importance of clays insuch processes.The ·shales of the basement exhibits two levels of weathering:- The lower level of fresh green shale ( 10 YR · 5/1), formed byferrous chlori te (bavali te) and s~rpentine (berthierine), mica(mainly dioctahedral), quartz and feldspars ..- The upper level, formed of a red<strong>de</strong>n<strong>de</strong>d a1 tered shale ( 10 R-4/4) composed of mica, kaolinite of low·crystalline gra<strong>de</strong>, quartz,feldspar and iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s (goethite and hematites).Over this basement there is aNeogene alluvial fan, formingaconglomerate of quartzites and sands tones with a clay matrix.The set is red in colour (10 R 4/6), mottled in white (7.5 YR 7/0)that affects both the matrix and pebbles.Studies by X-rays, DTAand TGA 'of the materials reveal thatthis conglomerate is compos.ed, ·in its red part, of the following:quartz, mica,. kaolini te, and iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s (hemati tes and goethi te).The white mottling is localized in microcraks and fissures andis composed of quartz, kaolinite, and mica; part of the micas of564

the white matrix are slightly ·vermiculi tized.The upper part of the same alluvial fan is affected by a weatheringprocess that has given rise to a change in the colour of ~hematerials towards an ochre ( 5 YR 5/8) and, a disagregation of thesands tones. Both in the case of the pebbles and the matrix, themajor components, from greater to lesser proportions are as follows:quartz,· mica, kaolinite and goethite; a white mottling is alsofound at this level.The· Rana is situated unconformly over these materials. Thisformation is assumed to be of Villafranchian age and in the zonestudied has a thickness of some 2-3 metres. It is composed of aconglomerate of quartzit~s and sandstones tamped within a fundamentallysilty-sandy matrix of variable colour.Two horizons may be distinguished in the Rafia:- The lower one with pebbles whose major components are quartz,mica (to a small extent vermiculitized), kaolinite and goethite.Thematrix has a similar composition but with a higher proportion ofgoethite.- The upper horizon: formed by pebbles in which it is possibleto observe a zoning from the interior (colour 5 YR 6/6) to theexterior ( 10 R 3/1) of them. The inner part is formed ,of quartzand lesser quanti ti tes of ';nic:, kaolini te, feldspars, go'ethi teand hemati tes. The outer part is mainly composed of quartz aridhematites.In summary, the following may be observed in this profile:1.- A paleoweathering ov~r the basement involving the <strong>de</strong>structionof primary materials with iron ( chlori tes and serpentines),togheter with the formation of kaolinites and iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s.2.- Sedimentation of Neogene .alluvial fans.3.- Ochre weathering over the Neogene alluvial fans that has produceda complete arenization of the sandy clasts and the disappearanceof hematites.4.- Erosion of these alluvial fans and sedimentation of the Rana.5.- Associated with the Rana, a process of weathering possiblydue to oscillations of the earlier water tables, wich in thelower part has given rise to a slight vermiculization of partof the micas and in the upper part. to a massive evolution of565

the iron oxi<strong>de</strong>s to hematites.!,16.- In all the levels, excepting the upper part--ortlYe-·Rafia, --T~:·--­is possible to observ.e a· white mottling which appears to bethe last of the processes studied and that has given rise toa strong leaching of iron and a small <strong>de</strong>gree of evolution· ofthe micas.!.1566

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>COMPUTER PROGRAM FOR ANALYSING INTERSTRATIFIED STRUCTURES BY FOURIERTRANSFORM BASED METHODS~.E. VILA AND A. RUIZ AMIL•Institute <strong>de</strong> Quimica Inorginica."Elhuyar".C.S.I.C. Serrano,l13.28006 ,Madrid. (Spain).In this paper is <strong>de</strong>scribed the preparation of a computer program •(named INTER), writed in GW BASIC (interpreted and compiled) for an­Olivetti M-24 personal computer, with MS-DOS operating system and mayalso be runned in· an IBM compatible personal computer. This program -has been ma<strong>de</strong> for the analysis of two components interstratifiedstructures by two different Fourier transform based methods:1st one consist in the calcul~tion of the X-ray diffraction intensity function and,in the 2th one (direct metijod), the distribution ~function of interlayer distances is calculated •.CALCULATION OF X-RAY DIFFRACTION INTENSITY FUNCTION METHOD~.The X-ray diffraction intensity is given by I=

:i II!II~here .a(R } is the frequency of the ocurrence in the crystallites of -n . .the inter 1 ayer distances Rn; N is the tot a 1 · number-of-l·ayer-·per· ·· par=-~~ti cl e and r* is the reci proca 1 spacing.For the particular case in which only two .layer A and B are present,~ <strong>de</strong>pends on its fundamental spacings dA, d 8and on the probabilitycoefficients pA' p 8 , pAA' pAS' PsA and Ps~·It is only necessary to input into the INTER program the·expectedvalues of pA and pAA coefficients and dA and d 8spacings. The programgenerates a (Rn} from pA and pAA and Rn from dA·and d 8spacings.b) The layer structure factor. This factor is given by expression:F E.f.(r*}exp(2rrir*z.} andJ J 2 J·f . = E a- e:Xp (+b. r* I 4} + c. J ..., 1a 1bi and c being characteristic coefficients of jth atomTo calculate F of iJ,ny layer it is only necessary to ·input in theINTER program the values of z.coordinate and amount •. for each class of;) . 'atoms. This program o.a 1 cul ates th~ f j values for each atom from th~ -ASF, OAT file ;in this fi 1 e are stored the coefficients a 1. , b. and c -·1for the most usually class of atoms.This data file.may be Hsted, modified and incre9-sed by means of -another program named TFA.· · ·. . PA PsThe structure fac~or for the mixed layer is f = (FA} (F 8}FA and· F 8being structures factors for the A an B layer, respectively,calculated by the above. indicated expression for F , . ocurring in -prop~rtion ~A and p 8(p 8=1-pA).The function F may be corrected for temperature ·according toF= F /exp(-Br* 2 /4l/ , where 8 is thethermic.coefficient~The INTER program calculates F according to earlier expressions,being PA the same value used to obtain the mixing function and .8 thethermic coefficient input.c) The angul fir ·factor 8 . The INTER program use the angular factor(Lorentz po 1 ari ZC!t·i on and geometri ea 1 factors} acordi ng to the equation8= fc8c+fp8p' being fc and fp t~e proportion of e 0(for single -crystal) and 0 (random pow<strong>de</strong>r), and f +f =1.pc pIt is only necessary to input in the program 'the radiation used· in . ~the X-ray diffraction diagram and the factor fc.568

DIRECT METHODThe distribution function W(R) of interlayer distances, R, is obtained·from the observed diffraction intensities, Is, and the basal -spacing, ds, by means of a Fourier transform:W(R) = a/rr l: (I /0 F 2 Jcos2rrR/d2 s sss swhere 0s and Fs are the values of the 0 and F2 function at the posiprogramcalculates the W{R) function from d 5tion ds.The INTERand Is values.In this program, the direct method is· used, principally, in a preliminarysurvey of X-ray diffraction diagrams and gives a very valuableinformation about the possible values of pA, pAA' pA·and d 8• Theycan be used as starting inputs to calculare the X-ray diffraction intensityfrunction.569

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>COMPUTER METHOD FOR QUALITATIVE AND SEMIQUANTITATIVE X-RAY FLUORESCENCEANALYSIS OF GEOLOGICAL SAMPLES.E. VILA, J. BERMUDEZ-POLONIO AND M.T_. GARCIA-GONZALEZ*Insti tu to <strong>de</strong> Qui mica Inorganica "Elhuyar". C.S. I. C. Serrano 113.28006 Madrid (Spain).*Institute <strong>de</strong> Edafologia. C.S.I.C. Serrano 115 dup. 28006 Madrid(Spain).The X-ray fluorescence spectrometry is a well known techniq1.1e forthe quantitative analysis of large series of geological samples.Moreover, this technique is extremely well suite_d to qualitative andsemiquantitative analysis'. of them, but its systematic application israther limited, mainly in the wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectrometry,·because. of the long time required for the Spectra interpretation step.This process can be simplified and accelerated. by means of microcomputers.In this paper we <strong>de</strong>scribe the preparation of a s~t of programs whichmight allow the use of srriall-capaci ty computers for this type ofanalysis without being on line with the spectrometer .. In this method,the analyses are carried out starting from the spectra taken either fromthe spectrometer recor<strong>de</strong>r or directly by the computer if this option .isavailable.The programs have been written in GWBA~IC for an Olivetti M-24personal computer (with .MS-DOS operating system and may also be runnedin an IBM compatible personal computer), and their main functions are:Input the spectra data. The data corresponding to the sample to beanalysed are stored in a sequential "Sample Data File" and associatedSubfiles. In the Sample Data File, the sample i<strong>de</strong>ntification, X-raytube used, number of recor<strong>de</strong>d spectra and analysing crystals used, or<strong>de</strong>rof spectra analysis, etc., are stored. In the Subfiles, all datacorresponding to each recor<strong>de</strong>d spectrum and the results obtained inits qualitative analysis are stored. The X-ray data (peak posj.tionand intensity) can be loa<strong>de</strong>d manually or automatical}Y (only if the570

computer can receive the intensity values obtained in the spectrumscanning). The FXAI program allows the automatic loading of intensityvalues of any X-ray spectrometer directly by means of a DT2805 analogand digital I/0 board; this board allows analog inputs (i.e. the electric pulsesthat arrive to recor<strong>de</strong>r) with no other interface.Preparation of an X-ray emission lines and absorption edges table.The FXT program allows to prepare and use the FXTAB.DAT file. In thisdata file, the Ka, Kal, Ka2, Kb, Kbl, Kb2, La, Lal, La2, Lbl, Lb2, Lb3,Lb4, Lb5, Lb6, Lgl, Lg2, Lg3, Ll, Ln, Mal, Ma2, Ma and Mb emission lines(of or<strong>de</strong>rs 1 to 5, and rel~tive intensity ~ 1) and the AK, ALl, AL2 and0AL3 absorption edges, whose wavelengths range between 0.2 and 25 A, havebeen stored for the elements of atomic numbers 9 to 83, 90 and 92. Thelines (emission lines and absorption edges) are arranged at increasingwavelength values.Qualitative analysis. The FXQUAt program is <strong>de</strong>signed for the qualitativeanalysis of fluorescence spectr'a recor<strong>de</strong>d with any analysing crystal andusing any wavelength-dispersive X-ray spectrometer. Theanalysis iscarried out in four stages: (1) peak line assignment; (2) i<strong>de</strong>ntificationof the elements; (3) setting up the selection criteria for each i<strong>de</strong>ntifie<strong>de</strong>lement; and (4) final results list.Semi quantitative analysis. The; FXSQ program permits to compare,' in thecomputer display, the recor<strong>de</strong>d wa\(elength spectra of the unknown sampleand prospective known materials.571

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CLAY MINERALOGY IN TECTOSEDIMENTARY ANALYSIS OF S9U!~~RN_ SEf!Q~OFTIARY EBRO BASIN (SPAIN)TERJ. VILLENA(*); F. LOPEZ-AGUAYO(**); G. PARDO(*); A. PEREz(*); A. MU­NOZ(*); J. GONZALEZ MARTINEZ(**); J.M. GONZALEZ LOPEZ(**) and C. FER­NANDEZ~NIETO(**).II(*) Estratigrafia. Fac. Ciencias. Univ. Zaragoza 50009 (Spain).(**) Cristalografia y Mineralogia. Fac. Ciencias. Univ. Zaragoza 50009(Spain).i'!'ill'!',:,The tectosedimentary analysis of this sector of the' Ebro basinhas shown the . existence of various Tectosedimentary Units ( T .'S. U.)according to MEGIAS (1982), boun<strong>de</strong>d by their correspon<strong>de</strong>nt sedimentarybreaks. The three T. S. U. correlated with those established by PEREZet al. (1985) in the Huerva river area, are studied.From the sedimentological point of view, these T. S. U. have been.<strong>de</strong>posited in .alluvial fan environments and lacustrine. associated areas.The lateral and vertical evolution of the .latter are a consequenceof the space-temporal variations in the <strong>de</strong>posi tional system, relatedwith the tectonic activity on the basin margins.The main mineralogical association in thes'e materials consistsof: quartz, calcite, dolomite, gypsum and clay minerals. Among these·last ones there appear systematically: illite, smectites and chlorite,while less frequent are: kaolinite, palygorskite, sepiolite and interstratifiedclay minerals. The mineralogy of each T. S. U. changes laterallyand vertically according to the spatial distribution of the sedimentarysubenvironments, the source-area variations and the progradation-ret~ogradationprocesses which <strong>de</strong>fine the tectosedimentary evolution.Lower Unit. It is a complex T.S.U. with cyclic evolution. The lowerhemicycle, with positive evolution, presents· sediments with characteristicfacies of middle to distal alluvial fan environments associatedwith palustrine-lacustrine facies.The clay minerals of this set are: illi te, smecti tes, chlori te572

and kaolini te. Vertical variations in the content of these mineralscan be observed, . which conform with the positive evolution of thishemicycle.The upper hemicycle, with negative evolution, responds to a successionof distal to proximal facies of· an alluvial .fan: From the '"Torcas"profile toward the E. the relat·ive. position of the studied profilescorresponds with progressively more distal allu~ialfan domains.The change of sign of this hemicycle is clearly indicated by theimportant increase in,inherited clay minerals. In the "Torcas" profileit is interesting to emphasize the systematic increase of kaolini te,which can be correlated with·a source-area change.In the eastern extreme (Sastago profile) this hemicycle culminateswith an interval of positive evolution. The occurrence of smectites,in important a~ounts,confirms tlie evolution change of this interval.Middle Unit. It presents a positive evolution. The studied series. correspond, in general, with a succession of luti tic and. chemicallyprecipitated sediments, which can be assimilated to distal sectorsof alluvial fans and playa-lake areas.The clay minerals association in this unit is fairly homogeneous,except for' the "Sastago" and "Muel" profiles, whose content in smecti'­tes is clearly smaller. This ~ariationshould'be related with a differentrelative position of these profiles in the <strong>de</strong>positional systems.Upper Unit. It corresponds to ·q.sequence· of positive evolutionbuilt mainly by carbonatic sediments characteristic of palustrine andlacustrine domains,In this unit two clay minerals associations, with ·a different percentageof smectites, can be distinguished. In the more western profileboth associations can be observed, co~firmingthe evolution type<strong>de</strong>scribed .for this unit. The smecti tes absence in the "Torcas" pro-I .file, together with the different illi te crystalli te size (313 Al,confirms a more proximal position of this profile.This work has been supported by the n.2 826/84 project of CAICYT.573

wru-;o-;J. . '· .··•··...------- _· ____ .· -----~·.·..•.:.·.>····.·::.·:· ·..... ·:···.·:.. · -----..------------------------~---------RUEO.t.LA MUELAMUEL.LAS TORCASRESERVOIRQ!Uito - Chlorlto•KaolinitoD Smoctitos •PalygorskitoMEAN VALUES OF CLAY MINERALSIN THE DIFFERENT PROFILES.IILECERABIBLIOGRAPHYMegias, A.G. (1982) Introducci6n a1 analisis tectosedimentario:Aplicaci6n a1 estudio dinamico <strong>de</strong> cuencas. Ac.tas V Cong. Latinoamericano<strong>de</strong> Geologia. Arg.entina,· 1: 385-402.Perez, A.; Azanza, B.; Cuenca, G.; Pardo, G. y Villena, J. (19?5).Nuevos dates estratigraficos y pa1eontol6gicos sobre el Terciario <strong>de</strong>lbor<strong>de</strong> meridional <strong>de</strong> la Depresi6n <strong>de</strong>l Ebro (p~ovincia <strong>de</strong> Zaragoza).Estudios Geol6gicos. 41: 405-411.c'574

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>HIGH RF.SOLUTIOli ELECTRON MICROGRAPHS Aim M:ICROCRYSTALLI!iiTY. OFPSEUDOBOEHXITESA. VIOLANIE, P. VIOLANTE and T. HEBKI*Institute of Agricultural Chemistry, University of Naples

TABLE 1 - Pseudoboehmi t.~ s;ample::; formed in the pre.sen•:e of selectedorganic ligand·5. at di ffpren~ 1i.gand/A'J molar ratio

T AE:LE 2 - Ele(;t.ron diffr.:t•:ticn-;_ anaiysis or' psP.ud.oboi?hmi tt?_ ·samples.8ampl~-? d :spa..: i !18 :;.; A---------------------·--------··· ---------------------·-··-----------.. ------·-·------;·: u. C),~ L i..S l. 31 1. 44 L. 74 2, ;::r,; 2 . .32 :~. i'i 4 . .'3

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAy GROUPSSeville, Spain, ~987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SPECIATION OF METALS IN CLAYEY SEDIMENTS OF THE BOTHNIAN §EA: __SUCCESSIVE EXTRACTION AND DISSOLUTION KINiTICS-STU.DY·-···A. VuorinenDepartment of Geology, University of Helsinki,P.O. Box 115, SF-00171 Helsinki, FinlandDESCRIPTION OF THE SEDIMENT COREA sediment core taken from the Bothnian Sea (61° 14.5~N,20° 43.5~W, water <strong>de</strong>pth 80m') was investigated.The lowest part of the core consists of glacial till <strong>de</strong>rivedmainly from local Cambrian glauconitic sandstone andfrom Ordov-ician limestone (30.6% CaC0 3and 1.17% MgC0 3l. .This is followed upwards by varved silt and clay accumulatedduring the marine Yoldia stage; black monosu1~hi<strong>de</strong>-bearingclay of the lower fresh-water Ancylus stage; py:rite-bearinghomogeneous clay of the upper Ancylus stage; gr'eenish gyttjaof the marine Litorina·stage and finally by gyttja-ban<strong>de</strong>dclay which gradually changes into homogeneous· sulphi<strong>de</strong>-bear..:ing clay.The core.was previously investigated for clay mineralogyand chemistry of sediments and _pore water by L. C.arlson(1983).ANALYTICAL METHODSThe samples.were kept in da·rk and at +4°C before analysis.The samples wi~h a natural moisture content were subjectedto the following successive extraction and dissolution kineticsstudy:NH Ac (pH 7.3, 72 h, 30°C) for sample base and acid contents4ana IOr excnangeaDle and loosel~ bound mitalsNH 4Ac (pH 4. 8, 30°C) for sorbed and loosely· bound metalsand for carbonates ·(10, 30, 60, 120. and 240 min)HXl-HAc (30°C) for reducible loosely and mo<strong>de</strong>rately boundmetals and Fe oxyhydroxi<strong>de</strong>s(10, 40, 160, 320 and 640 miri)HXl-HAc (60°C, 6h) for reducible mo<strong>de</strong>rately bound and mo<strong>de</strong>ratelybound metals of clay minerals0 . .NaClO (60 C, 18 h, pH 13) for organically bound metalsNH 4Ac: 1 M ammonium acetate; HXl-HAc: 1 M hydroxylammoniumchlori<strong>de</strong> plus 2 M acetic acid; NaClO: 1 M sodium hypochlorite578

The NR 4 Ac extractions were performed un<strong>de</strong>r arg.on atmosphere~The concentrations of Na, K, Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cc, Ni,Cu, Zn an.d Pb .in the extrac·tants. ·were analysed by fiam.·e...:AASmethods (Perkin Elmer 403). ·The ·sample base and acid contents were <strong>de</strong>termined by. mea~-:­uring the pH of the NH4Ac extractants (.initial pH 7 .3) and byreading the base or acid content value corresponding to mMNaOR or R 2 so4 from an experimental diagram that was obtainedby adding corresponding amounts of NaOH.or n 2 so4 to theblank extractant.The relative chlorophyll content was <strong>de</strong>termined by extractingthe sample for 72 h with acetone and .by measuringthe absorbance at 670.8 nm after centrifugation (20 min,3500 r/min). For more <strong>de</strong>tails about methods see' Vuorinenet aL (1986.).RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONIron and heavy metals (Co, Ni, Cu and in) were generallyin mo<strong>de</strong>rately bound and sil~cate-bonnd forms in the sedimentsof the marine Yoldia stage. In contrast, a consi<strong>de</strong>rable proportionof N a, K, Mg and Ca W.;iS in exchangeable, sorbed an·dloosely bound forms. Further, the content of sorbed cations<strong>de</strong>creased in the sediments of· the f:~;.esh-water Ancylus stage.The mo<strong>de</strong> of occurrence of the metals is consi<strong>de</strong>red to reflectchemical equilibrium in the clayey sediments of ~aryingsalinity. The ~ariation in salinity w~s reflected ~ery'cleariy by th'l: cations sorbed in different sites of .clay~inerals. ·Owing to autochthonous phytoplankton prod~ction and :riverbornecolloidal organic' .:matter to the Bothnian Sea, the samplebase content, corresponding to about 10 "lll1'! NaOH per 1 gof sample in till, vanished and the acid content .increasedduring the upper "Yoldia stage .. It' continued to increasE\ anda·t the end of the Ancylus stage i.t correspon<strong>de</strong>d to ea, 13 :mMHzS04 per 1 g of sample. Framboi.dal pyrite spherules withmarcasite :margins have been i<strong>de</strong>n.tified frol!l ana1ogous sedimentsof the upper Ancylus stage of the Bothnian Sea. The .formation ·of marcasite ·has been attributed to inc-reased acidityof the sediments (Papunen 19.68). How-ever, the measuredacidity in this study seems to be higher than the originalone due· to oxidation -of sulphi<strong>de</strong>s· during storing of the sam--IJlles.Loosely bound and sorbe1! forms of heayy 1netals' increasedin the sediments of the lower Ancylus stage as a consequenceof elevated biological activity and biogeochelllical processes.In particular, sorbed forms of Fe and e~changeable forms-of Cc, N i and Zn increased. Cat ions as so c ia tea with hi.gh.ersalinity h~ve obviously caused flocculation of 'Fe, colloiddalorganic matter and Cn in association with Ni, Zn and Cc(cf. Sholkovit~ 1978). The 1locculation was very spontaneousat the beginning of the marine. L1torina stage. Succe~siveextraction gave the followin-g "Ii!etal contents for these sediments:Fe 2.8%, Cu 88, Zn 85, ~i 50.9 and Co 11.9 lllg/kg ofdry sample. These were the ma~imum ·contents of the core, and579

.',,iill ,,,the or<strong>de</strong>r of organically bound metals was Cu>Fe)Ni)Zn,which is in agreement with the afrnli-t:i:eso~r-tllelnet"als forfulvic acid (Schnitzer and Skinner 1967). The relative chlorophyllcontent also showed a maximum (about 8 times thevalues of the upper corel in these sediments as did the sampleacid content (corresponding to 25 mM a 2 so4 per 1 g ofsamplel.The contents of loosely and mod~_l:.ately bound Na and Mg in.:.creased at a <strong>de</strong>pth of 160-210 cm, -reflecting an increase in~salinity. Maxima in tlie contents o'f Co, Ni and Zh at this<strong>de</strong>pth were evi<strong>de</strong>ntly caused· by flocculation of colloidal organicmatter in association with the metals.Exchangeable and sorbed .fo·Tllls of Ca had a distinct maximumat a <strong>de</strong>pth of 207 C1ll in the sediments of the lower Lit,orinastage. Maxima of so·rb'ed and mo<strong>de</strong>rately bound Mn andmo<strong>de</strong>rately and organically bound Pb were in association withthis maximum of Ca.In general, the contents of loosely and mo<strong>de</strong>rately boundNa and Mg correlated well with each other and negativelywith the corres~onding K contentW, The Ca content of thesuccessive extraction and to a lesser extent the correspondingK content co·rrelated negatively with the sample acid content.REFERENCE.SCarlson, L. (1983) Mineralogical and geochemical characterizationof Sothnian Sea sediments. 5th Meet. Eur .. clay,Groups, August 31 - September 3, Prague, Czechoslovakia,p. 34.· r , i?apunen, H. (1968) On the sulfi<strong>de</strong> in the sediments of theBothnian Sea. Bull. Geol. Finland 40: Sl-57.Schnitzer, ~-interaction~and Skinner, S.I.M. (1967) Orgino7metallicin soils: 7. Stability constants of Pb+!,Ni+!, Mn+!, Co+!, Ca+!, and Mg++_fulvic acid complex~s.Soil Science 103,4: 247-252.Sholkovitz, E.R. (1978) The flocculation of dissolved Fe,Mn, Al, Cu, Co, and Cd during estuarine mi~ing. Earthand Planet. Sci. Lett.· 41: 77-86.Vuorinen, A., Alhonen, P. and Suksi; J. (1986) Palaeolimnologicaland limnogeochemical features in the sedimentaryrecord of the polluted Lake Lippajlrvi in Southern Finland.Enviro.nmental Pollution, 41 A: 323-362.580

Derivatives of Montmorillonite and Bei<strong>de</strong>llite with Cationic+2 . I II 2Metal-Mercapti<strong>de</strong> Complexes (M (S-CH 2-rn 2-N(R ) 2R ) 2) + and.+2,+3 I II 2+(M4 S4(S-Qi2-Qi2-N(R )2R )4)Armin Weiss und Angelika BeckIn5titut fiir Anorganische Chemie <strong>de</strong>r Universitat MiinchenMeiserstra& 1, 8CXXl Miinchen 2Catalytic activities of interlayer cations of smectites have beena major topic in clay chemistry research during the last 'years. Inthis context the existence of ferredoxinlike intercalation complexesis of general interest. The present study <strong>de</strong>als with metal-+2 .mercapti<strong>de</strong> smectite complexes with OM (S-CH 2-CH 2-N(RI)zRII) ) 2 + 2+2,+ 3 · I II 2+(= a) and (M 4s 4cs-rn 2-rn 2-NCR ) 2R ) 4) (=b) as interlayercations. ,2+ . I II(a): M = Mn,- Fe, Co, N1, Cu, Zn, Cd, Hg, Pb; R = -CH 3; R ~ -CH 3,n-CBH17' ·n-c,OH21' n-ClzH2s' n-C14H29' n-C16H33' n-c,BH37'2+ 3+ I II ·(b): M =M = Mn, Fe, Co, Mo, V; R = -CH 3 ; R = -rn 3 •. n-CsHl?'n-c,OH21, n-c,2H25' n-C14H29,' n-c,6H33'Basal spacings and lattice expansions of these,. complexes have beenstudied in <strong>de</strong>tail with nitriles, ,alkanols and ami<strong>de</strong>s. Complexes of(Hg(s-rn 2 ~CH 2 -N(Oi 3 ) 2 RII) 2 ) 2 + -montmorillonite with.nitrilesn-Cil2x+lCN of varying chain length exhibit a linear relationshipbetween basal spacings d(x) and the number of carbon atoms in thenitrilesd(x) = a x + b (~)in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt of the chain length of the n-alkylgroup RII in the cation.a, band the correlation coefficient r 2 are listed,in table 1.a is on the average 1,22 ~and close to the theoretical value forn-alkyl chains in all-anti-conformation with the d?ain axis almost581

perpendicular to the silicate layers. b increases with increasing·chain leng-~ of R11 • ----- -----~~--- -~ - ---------~~ ··-~--Table 1:a, b and r 2 for the linear relationship d(x) s a.x + b eR) ofII 2+ II Z+(Hg(S-CH 2-CH 2-N(CH 3) 2R. ) 2) -and (Pb(S-CH 2-CH 2-N(CH 3) 2R ) 2) -.smectite-complexes ·'I,!a) -montmorillonite-complexes with nitriles-RII a·(~) b (~) r2'-CH3 1,11 18,55 0,9986n-C8H17 1,20 19,64 0,9992n-C1oH21 . 1,23 21,79 0,9997n~C1zH25 1,22 24,19. 0,9995n-C14H29 1,19 26,81 0,9989n-c16H33 1,29 36,97 0,9998n-C1(i37 1,26 38,37 0,9999b) -bei<strong>de</strong>lli te-complexes with ni trilesRll a (~) b (~) r 2n-C1Ji21 1 ,·30 22,78 0,9996n-c16H33 1,29 36,98 0,9998582

c) -montrnorillonite-camplexes with acid ami<strong>de</strong>sRII a (jt) b (jt) i-Q-13 1,08 12,15 0,9986n-C8H17 1,27 13,77 0,9999n-C1d"121 1,32 14,75 0,9989n-C1fi25 1,19 17,67 0,9986n-c 14H 291,11 20,84 0,9992n-c,6H33 1,19 31,83 0,9997n-C18H37 1,29 34,26 0,9988d) -bei<strong>de</strong>llite-camplexes with acid ami<strong>de</strong>sRII a(ft) b (jt) r2n-C10H21 1,31 17,39 0,9999n-C16H33 1,19 31,84 0,9997. li 2+Basal spac~ngs of (Hg(S-CH 2-m 2-N(Q-1 3) 2R ) 2) - andli 2+, .(Pb(S-CH 2-CH 2-N(Q-1 3) 2R ) 2) -smect~te-complexes arei<strong>de</strong>ntical within the e~erimental limit of error.. +2 +3 . II 2The reddish brown complexes of (FezFe 2s 4(S-CH 2 -m 2-N(Q-1 3)zR ) 4) +-' JOOntrnorilloni te are oxidized by air to+2+3 II 3+ . . .(FeFe 3s 4cs-CH 2-CH 2-N(CH 3) 2R ) 4) ~montrnor~llo~te. They can bereduced by dithionite. The redox-reaction is reversible.583

;I, ISummaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>KINETIC STUDIES ON THE SYNTHESIS OF FORMED SHAPESOF ZEOLITE A FROM KAOLINITEARMIN WEISS AND ELFRIEDE FRANKInstitut +ur Anorganische Chemie <strong>de</strong>r UniversitatMeiserstraBe 1, 8000 Mlinchen 2(Germany).Kaolinite can be used as a simple starting material forthe synthesis of zeolite A. The reaction is extremely slowwith crystallized kaoliniter but proceeds rapi

with a:fraction of reacted materialt: reaction timeti: induction periodk: rate constant(exp .. ·cond.: concentration of NaOH: 10%).This rate law has been shown to be valid for temperaturesranging from 62 to 92°C.Relations between porosity of the metakaolinite bodiesand reaction rate have been investigated. The totalre·action remains diffusion-controlled and the rate constantk <strong>de</strong>creases with <strong>de</strong>creasing pore volume (tab. 1).There is also a pronounced induction period at thebeginning, which <strong>de</strong>pends upon reaction temperature andporosity of the meta~aolinite bodies (tab. 1).tab. 1: Kinetic data of the diffdsion-controlled synthesisof shaped zeolite A corresponding to equation (3).reaction pore volume rate constant inductiontemperature of the meta:O.k [ 10 - 3 h -ll period[oC] kaolinite bodies ti [h]82 55% 3.5 4.882 60% 5.0 3.782 65% 8.9 3.362 65% 2.5 11.372 65% 6. 1 . 6.392 65% 11 • 0 2.6During the induction period aluminum and silicon isextracted from the "amorphous":metakaolinite structure. Itcould be shown that this dissolved aluminum and silicon playno significant role in a shortening of the induction period.From systematic measurements the ·(apparent) activationenergy of the synthesis of shaped zeolite A correspondingto equation (2) has been <strong>de</strong>termj,ned to be 300 kJ/mol.585

Depending upon only minor alt_E'::_at_~ons_~~~he _experimentalconditions hydroxysodalite, zeolite A, zeolite P,zeolite X or mixtures thereof can be obtained.Studies with oriented flakes (or highly distortedsingle crystals) as starting material were used in or<strong>de</strong>rto obtain information regarding topochemical relationships.These are, however, not very pronounced.The results offer a cheap synthesis of preshapedzeolite A, P or X, which can be used for storage of solarenergy, and, therfore', might contribute to mo<strong>de</strong>rnenvironmental science.586

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>SULFATE INTERACTION WITH KAOLINITE AND GIBBSITERUNE WEJIDELBOUniversity of Oslo, Oslo, Nor~y ·The purpose of the present work was to investigate ·sulfate ioninteraction with clay minerals. This topi.c has att.ained . littleinterest in the past, but is of interest in several aspects. Thepolluted acid rain contains more sulfate than pre-industrial rain.,which may affect the ion-balance in so-ils. Sulfate i.s .also a. plantnutrient. Many investigators have studied sulfate interaction withbulk soils, and the general impression is that sulfate is retained bysesquioxi<strong>de</strong>s of iron and alumrnum when present. Clay mineralshk-surfaces have surface functional gnJUps simi].ar to· those on thesesquioxi<strong>de</strong>s, so a similar interaction with these surfaces should beexpected. It seems that interaction studies with pure, well <strong>de</strong>finedminerals are of more general interest .than studies· with bulk, soils,.because precise knowledge of each minerals contribution makespredictions for bulk soils possible when the mineralogy is known.·,The aim of this work has been to <strong>de</strong>termine whether ·sulfa:te ischemisorbed by kaolini~eand gibbsite, by the formation of covalentbonds to hk-surface Al, or only retained by electrostatic attraction.I~ or<strong>de</strong>r to limit the number of variabies, the systems studied are' the simplest possi bl'e; 'A · CMS standard KGa-1 kaolini te. ionexchangedwith NaCl and washed free of excess salt, and a synthetic gibbsite.Equilibration with solutions of NaCl or NazSD .. tagged with ''"Cl and'''"S respectively were performed in batch, centrifugated,. and alliquotsof the supernatent were counted in a liquid scintillation counter.As expected it was found that at a given pH-value, more sulfatethan chlori<strong>de</strong> is retained by kaolinite and gibbsite. Separation ofcharge between bulk . solution and solids is not possible, so· thetransfer .of excess charge to the surface region in. sulfate ·systemsmust be'compensated by one or more of the following reactions:587

I) eo-adsorption of cations; sal t_r-eteni;JQ!!~·~~. ~ .. ~~-~--II) Desorption of other, previously adsorbed anions; ion exchange.IID Desorption of surface hydroxyl-groups; ligand exchange.IV) Charging of surface by potential <strong>de</strong>termining adsorption of R·•.V> Protonation of adsorbed ·:sulfate to form bisulfate ions.Other investigators have proposed that sulfate is chemisorbf,'d by1 igand exchange and formation of mono~·~ and bi<strong>de</strong>ntate surfacecomplexes, in which a sulfate ion should be coordinated to one or twoexposed lattice aluminium ions. This conclusion has primarily beenbased on the observation that between 1 and 2 OH·-are released foreach sulfate ion -retained, and the apparent similarity in shape withthe phosphate ion for which this retention mechanism is wellestablished.In this work it was found that sulfate adsorption on kaolinitereaches equilibrium within minute, and the sam_e for isotopic.exchange. Stern mo<strong>de</strong>l approach shows a slight selectivity for sulfateover chlori<strong>de</strong>, while the Gapon equation yields ·selectivity forchlori<strong>de</strong> over su1fate. The total amount of sulfate adsorbed at a givenpH exceeds the total amount of chlori<strong>de</strong>, and ,the .separation of chargeby this un~qualanion exchange is compensated by adsorption of H ....There was found no evi<strong>de</strong>nce that sulfate ions form mono·-bi<strong>de</strong>ntate surface complexes with any of the minerals investigated.This only means that the complex constants for these reactions are sosmall that the mechanisms .do not· contribute measurable to the totalsulfate retention. It seems that the important mechanism for sulfateretention is electrostatic attraction, with some specificity ascompared to a point charge mo<strong>de</strong>l.Precipitation of discrete phase Al-804-compounds did not take placein any .of the experiments,regardless the solubility product ofjurbanite was excee<strong>de</strong>d in some cases. This is probably aorKineticproblem .. When K+ was present the sulfate retention increased slightlyon long time ex;posure, a slow reaction that could possibly beprecipitation.588

The· following series of e_vents can be proposed for the reaction ofsodium sulfate with Na-Cl-exchanged kaolini te hk-surface, when pH andNa·•·-concentration is kept constant.1. Anion exchange on equivalent basis in the double layer outsi<strong>de</strong> apositively charged-surface of constant potential type.2. Diffuse sulfate ions approach closer- to the surface than chlori<strong>de</strong>ions, in accordance with the·Stern and Gouy-Chapman theories.3. Surface charge <strong>de</strong>nsity increases by- potential <strong>de</strong>terminingadsorption of H·•·, in or<strong>de</strong>r to maintain a constant surface. potential.4. More anions adsorbed in or<strong>de</strong>r to maintain electroneutrality in theinterface region.589

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH ·MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLA. Y GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>GENESIS OF CLAY MINERALS-KAOLINIZATION-llY.HYDROTilERMAL •. PRGCESSESP. WIEDENFormer Geotechnical Institute, Bun<strong>de</strong>sversuchs- u. Forschungsanstalt,Vienna, AustriaThe genesis of <strong>de</strong>posits of kaolin-kaolinization- and clay mineralsis ·still a problem.' There ·are two prepon<strong>de</strong>rant theories, "weathering"·. and "hydrothermai" as the most usual.Formation of <strong>de</strong>posits of kaolin and clay is possible if thefollowing conditions are met:1. The mother soils (granite, granulite, porphyrite, .trachyte,an<strong>de</strong>site, etc. must have such a petrographical and chemical compositionto permit the formation of clay minerals.2 •. There must be a tectonic or thermal fissuring (cracking) to producea sufficient permeability to allow circulation of water orwatery solutions ..3. These solutions shall have a PH-value of about 7 or weak acid,Icorresponding .to an ~ potentia~, organic substances for bleachingor.as a kind of collector (concentrator) for the weak solutions ofions (H. Har<strong>de</strong>r) if the formation of clay minerals goes thrqughan ionic phase. There must· be such a temperature to. permit thereactions to go on in a reasonable time to form useful <strong>de</strong>posits ofkaolin or clays.4. The kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits have to be protected by sedimentary overbur<strong>de</strong>nor by tectonic sinking or both together. To f1nd.out.which is thecurrent possibility ·for the genesis of a <strong>de</strong>posit, the conditionsin the geological environment have to be studied."Weathering" in the classical sense is dominated by: Reactionwithmo<strong>de</strong>rate temperatures of the agens water,. reactions with differentPH and~ and transformation of mostly felds~ar ("feldspar kaolin"),a framework silicate to a layer silicate. The removal of iron' (ironoxi<strong>de</strong>s) occurs by bleaching of organic materials such .as humic andfalvic acids.590

The formation of_ clay minerals can be more easily explained by theassumption o~ the convection of surface water and magmatic water(watery solutions) influenced by a hotspot of a plutone.Investigations of kaolin <strong>de</strong>posits in the Austrian part of the BohemianMassif lead to the postulate (P. Wie<strong>de</strong>n 1978) that in· addition to thenormal weathering agens, circulating ground water with variation ofPH' 11-f and mineralization of this watery phase is the cause ofkaolinization. 11. Schrocke (1979) <strong>de</strong>scribes hydrothermal reactions bya system of groundwater streams rising round the intrusion (plutones).The :ource of energy is the capacity of heat of the magma. If therocks, e.g. granites, ·have a permeability of o.15 md (millidarcy) andthe neighbouring rocks have one of o.3o md there are about loo circulationsin the cooling time of the plutone in the range. of about 1o 5\years until Zo.% of, the starting temperature ·are reached.This knowledge was supported by the paper of S. Sheppard 1969,1971 through studies of isotope rations of hydroge~ and oxygen oflayer silicates in connection with porphyric copper ore <strong>de</strong>posits. The18 . . .D- and o values correspond to the ones of surface water.Investigations of dickite of the Bohemian Massif h~ve shown that surfacewate.r and hydrothei:m~l water w~s involved in forming clayminerals.The Conference "High Heat Production '(HiiP) Granites, HydrothermalCirculation and Ore Genesis" in.St. Austell (Cornwall, England, 1985)<strong>de</strong>alt with the following aspects: Water-rock interactions and originof aqueous fluids, duration .and timing of ~ydrothermal circulation;hydrothermal alteration and mineral zonation; exploration for and exploitationof ores, industrial minerals and thermal resources, etc.Of special interest was the excursion to a typical Cornubiagranite plutone of coarse, biotite granite and fine biotite granite,intrusion of granite porphyry, mineralization and kaolinization. Theformation of kaoline and other clay minerals respectively by hydrothermalreactions in connection with vulcanism has not beencontradicted.Summarizing one can say that by intrusion into a sufficientlypermeable rock system a mechanism of convection starts, bringing cold591

water downwards and warm water upwards_. A_ r_esulLof cooling of theplutone·or batholite is fissuring (cracking), followed by greater permeability.The ·<strong>de</strong>finition of weathering, hydrothermal by convection.of groundwater or hydrothermal in connection with vulcanism is thecause of the genesis; this <strong>de</strong>pends sometimes on the <strong>de</strong>gree of investigation.ReferencesSchrocke, H. : Geotechnik und Lagerstattenbildung; Fortschritte d.Miner. 55,2. 135-172, 1979.Sheppard, S.M.F. and al.: Oxygen and Hydrogen Isotopes Ratios of ClayMinerals from Porphyry Co:pper Deposits. ·Econ Geol. 64,755-77.Wie<strong>de</strong>n, P.: Genese und Alter <strong>de</strong>r osterreichischen Kaolinlagerstatten;Schrift:enr. Geol.Wiss., l1, 335-34?, 1978.Wie<strong>de</strong>n, P.: Kaolinization by Circulating Surface Water in the UpperPart of Intrusions; Acta Min.-Petr.- XXIV/198o Proc.of the 1oth Kaolin Symp. in Budapest, S. 35-38, '1979,IGCP, Project Nr. 23.592

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF TH.E EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espanola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>NMR SWDIES ON KAOLIN HYDROPHOBIZA.TIONAca<strong>de</strong>my of Mining and Metal.l.urgy, Krak6w /Poland/xinstitute of Nuclear Physics, Krak6w /Pol.and/Atmospheric moisture is being adsorbed by washed kaol.insto a various <strong>de</strong>gree, owing to the hydrophilic characterof kaol.inite. Its hydrophobization can be achievedmai.nl.y through adsorption of certain organic.compounds,e.g. sil.anes and mercaptanes. It improves the propertiesof washed kaol.ins as fil.l.ers of rubber and pl.a,stics.The 1 H NMR method is particul.arl.y useful. i.n the studieson the hydrophobiza.tion process. A narrow resonance l.ine/Lorentzian l.ine/ originating from the protons of the adsorbedwater Which overlaps the broad l.ine /Gaussian line/corresponding to the protons in the kaol.inite structureis observ:ed· ·in the obtaine,d spectra. It fol.l.ows from NMRspectra of some Lower Sil.esian kaol.ins that washed kaol.infrom Nowogrodziec is characterized by the least amountof moisture /Fig.1/. TnLs is due _to coarse-grained andhighl.y crystal.l.ine character. of its kaol.ini.te /Stooh etal.. 1978/. Hence this kaol.i.n represents a most interestingmaterial. for the study of its hydrophobics.Hydrophobization of the 1-1ashed 1~.ol.i.n- from Nowogrodziecwas carried out using sil.ane. compounds /Si-69 ma<strong>de</strong> by Degussa,Germany, Pol.yve_st-25 .:.. H6l.s, Germany, A-1120 -- Union Carbi<strong>de</strong>, USA, Z-60S2 - Dow Coming, USA/ and mercaptancompounds /do<strong>de</strong>cyl.niercaptan/ in a chroma.tographiccol.umn at 25°C'and 200°C until. the sorption equilibrium·was reached. Prior to that procedure a stream of hel.iumwas passed through the kaol.in sampl.e to remove ·water.593

.A;fter hydrophobization the examined materia~ was p_rotectedagainst moisture by immediate~y sea~ing it in a g~a.sstube in a 10-3 Tr vacuum.The best effect of the kao~in activation is obtainedusing Si-69 silane and do<strong>de</strong>cy1mercaptan. This is indi-·cated by the shape of .the curves illustrating the <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nceof the integral intensity of the Lorentzian lines -- registered in the 1 H NMR studies of non-activated andactivated samples of this kaolin -on the time periodwhic~ has passed since the moment the a.ctivation was completed/Fig.2/. However, in<strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>ntly of the appliedactivator the water-repellent samples reveal certain hydrophi~icten<strong>de</strong>ncy. It increases to various <strong>de</strong>gree not\attaining however the H 2o content in non-dried and non--activated kaolin. Water-resorbed is strongly bound tothe kaolinite surface. The strong binding ~fwater moleculesis evi<strong>de</strong>nced by the fact that vacuum drying /200°C,10- 3 Tr/ of activated kaolin samples pri~r to NMR measurementsnever led to the loss in the amount Jof resorbedwater /F.ig. 3/. It can be seen from the fact that the adsorptionof H 2o by the water-repel~entkaolin is the mostintensive in the first stage. The equiLibrium is attainedafter about 4 days. The reason for some hydrophilic characterof the water-repellent kaolinite· is most probablyincomplete blo eking /in. spite of · the attainment of . · sorptionequilibrium/ of: all the active centres in ka.ol:ini teby molecules of' the activator. Judgi.."l'lg by the great forcewith which the water molecules are being sorbed, these·centres represent probably broken bonds on the edges offlakes, growth steps, dislocation boundaries and otherdiscontinuities of the kaoli.."l'lite·surface. This .is evi<strong>de</strong>ncedby the increase in the hydrophilic character with<strong>de</strong>creasing <strong>de</strong>gree of the crystallinity of this mineral/Fig.1/. The ·water molecules localized in the pseudohexagonalholes l1ithin the tetrahedral framework /hole-water/play - as it seems - a less important role.594

-a c dFig.1.1 H NMR spectra of washed kaolins from Nowogrodziec /a/, Zar6w /b/,Wqdroie Wielkie /c/ and Jegtowa /d/ <strong>de</strong>posits.J L [arbitrary units]0,100,080,060,0~0,020 1/2h 2 3 4 5 6 7 time [days]•Fig.2. The integral intensity of lorentzian line vs. time for washed kaolinfrom Nowogrodziec: non-dried and non-activated /a/,. dried andnon-activated /b/, activated with · Polyvest- 25 silane at 25~C ./c/with do<strong>de</strong>cylmercaptan at 200"C /d/, with Si-69 silane at 25·c le!,with do<strong>de</strong>cyl mercaptan at, 25·c If!.J L [9rbitrory units]0,06... ...0,040,022 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 time [days]Fig. 3.The integral intensity of Lorentzian line vs. time for washed.kaolin. from Nowogrodziec activated with Si-69 silane at 25• C.595

Summat;ies - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, ! 987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>Polygonal Micro-Structures~of J?gvt~11~Clu:-ycsgJcileObserved by High Resolution ElectronmicroscopyKeiji Yada and Liu Wei*Research Institute for Scientific Measurements,~ Tohoku University, Sendai, Japanftinstitute of Physics, Aca<strong>de</strong>mia SinicaRather strange structures showing polygonal crosssections have been predicted . fi'm X-ray diffractionanalysis (Middle ton and. Whit taker ) for 'Povlen' varietyof chrysotile and acz~ally proved by electron microscopy(Cressey and·Zussman for Povlen chrysotile from severaldifferent localities. One of the present authors (Yada)has observed polygonal structure in a synthetic serpentinepreparation as pointed out .in the last part of reference1. More recently, polygonal structures h~Je been observedby electronmicroscopy (Liu and Jiang ) for Povlenchrysotile from Guangyuanpu asbestos mine of SichuanProvince, China. They also studied the chemicalcomposition of the sample by chemical analysis.' In such Povlen-type samples, polygonal structure§ areusually found for very thick fibers of about 2000 A ormore with a circular fiber in its core, tube-in-tubefeatures, though thin normal chrysotile fibers arecoexisting in each sample. Now, the polygonal serpentinehas proved to be not uncommon but unsolved problems haveremained in relation to their <strong>de</strong>tailed morphology, crystalstructure and growth mechanism. We observed ion thinnedsamples of Povlen chrysotile from Guangyuanpu asbestosmine with high resolution electronmicroscopes of 100 KVand 1 MV.Consi<strong>de</strong>rable numbers of polygonal cross sections morethan thirty were observed and it was found that numbers ofsegments of polygon are confined to certain values.Namely, more than half of the total was 15 in their·segmental number, near a quarter 30 and the rest was notexplicit but close to 15 or 30. Concentric lattice planesconsisting of the polygonal walls were found, thoughclear-cut examples were small in number. Single helicallattice planes were also found but multi-helical onesseemed very few. Fig.1· shows an example of ·polygonal crosssection having 30 segments and concentric lattice planes.The growth mechanism will be discussed based on .thesefindings.596

Fig.1 A typical example of polygonal crosssection having. 30 segments. Traces of dottedlines along the lattice planes show concentric orsingle helical structure. Some structuredisappearingparts along the circumference aredue to electron beam damage, which suggests thatthe polygonal corners where lattices have a kindof <strong>de</strong>fects or compositional irregurality areless resistive to electron beam damage.1)2)3)ReferencesA. P. Middleton and E. J. E. Whittaker, Can. Mineral.14 (1976) 301~ A. Cressey and J. Zussman, Can. Mineral. 14 (1976)307Liu Wei and Jiang Shaoying, Acta Mineral. Sinica 2(1984) 111 (in Chinese)597

Summaries - Proceedings 'THE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>METACHROMASY IN CLAY MINERAL .SYSTEMS. ADSORPTION OF CATIONIC DYES,CRYSTAL-VIOLET AND ETHYL-VIOLET BY MONTMORILLONTfE. SPECTROSCOPIC ANDELECTROPHORETIC MOBILITY STUDY.S. YARIV*, L.G. HEPLER**, D.K. GHOSH AND L.L. SCHRAMM****Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, The Hebrew University,Jerusalem 91904, Israel.**Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, T6G 2G2,Canada.***Syncru<strong>de</strong> Research Laboratory, Sy.ncru<strong>de</strong> Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta,Canada.The visible absorption spectra of aqueous soluti~ns of the two cationicdyes, crystal-violet (CV) and ethyl-violet (EV), <strong>de</strong>pend markedlyon the concentration of the dye; very dilute aqueous solutions of thesedyes absorb at 590 and 594 nm, respectively. This absorption band 1which is called band a, is due to monomeric species. At larger concentrationsband S due to dimers appears at lower wavelengths(about 550 nm). At very much larger concentrations bandy is observedat still lower wavelengths (about 490 nm); this band is due·to polymericor micellar species. This spectroscopic phenomenon has been calledmetachromasy and these dyes are called metacnromic dyes .. The dimerizat)onand polymerization· of ·these dyes in the aqueous solutions isassociated with 7f electron interactions "between the aromatic cations.The adsorption of CV and EV by nine different homoionic montmorilloniteswas investigated by visible spectroscopy .. The adsorption whichtakes place mainly through cation exchange is accompanied by metachromasy.Four types of bondings were i<strong>de</strong>ntified from the electronic spectra ..In types A and B, which are i<strong>de</strong>ntified with the help of band a, monomericdye cations are adsorbed through organoph.ilic interactions an<strong>de</strong>lectrostatic attractions respectively; the.former are located on theexternal surface of the tactoid· whereas the latter are in the interlayerspace. In type 9, which is i<strong>de</strong>ntified with· band S, monomeric598

dye cations are bound to the oxygen plane of the alumino-silicate vian interactions. This type of interaction is responsible for metachromasy.In type D which is i<strong>de</strong>ntified with band y, polymeric dye speciesare located in the interparticle spaces of clay floes.The extent of formation of the different types of bondings <strong>de</strong>pendson the exchangeable metallic cation, the dye and the <strong>de</strong>gree of saturation.TypeD is negligible with CV and is <strong>de</strong>tected only to a smallextent with EV. Type B is formed at low <strong>de</strong>grees of saturation, whereas·type A is obtained at higher saturations. The lowest <strong>de</strong>gree of sa'turationin which type A starts. to appear is <strong>de</strong>fined as the "transitionsaturation." These transition saturations are higher for CV than forEV. They are highest for the monovalent montmorillonites.Larger amounts of type Care obtained with CV than with EV. For mostsystems highest stability of then interactions (lowest wavelength ofbandS) is found slightly below'the transition saturation.The adsorption of both dyes leads to the flocculation of the clay.Maximum flocculation occurs with <strong>de</strong>grees of saturation smaller than thetransition saturations. This <strong>de</strong>gree of saturation is always smallerfor EV than for CV and <strong>de</strong>creases with increasing charge of exchangeablecation.Electrophoretic mobi 1 it i e's of severa 1 homoi oni c montmori 11 oni testreated with various amounts of'cv or EV were measured. The mobilitiesvary between -60 to 40 (10- 5 cm 2 s- 1 v- 1 ). For both dyes the <strong>de</strong>gree ofsaturation at which the point of zero charge (PZC) occurs, <strong>de</strong>creaseswith increasing valence of the exchangeable cation. Maximum flocculationoccurs always before.PZC. For most systems the transition saturationalso occurs before the PZC. A flocculation peptization mechanismhas been suggested.599

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>LATERITE AS CATALYSTS FOR HYDROTREA~ffiNT OF HEAVY OIL.I. IDENTIFICATION AND CHARACTERIZATION Q_F_A_VENEZU"ELAN __ LATERITE.S. Yunes 1 , P. Grange 2 , A. Herbillon 2 and B. Delmon 2 •1. Micromeritics Instrument Corporation, One Micromeritics Drive,Norcross, Georgia 30093 U.S.A.2. Universite Catholique <strong>de</strong> Louvain, Groupe <strong>de</strong> Physico-ChimieMinerale et <strong>de</strong> Catalyse. Place croix <strong>de</strong> Sud 1, 1348Louvain-La-Neuve. Belgium.The use of laterite as a hydrotreatment catalyst has been recently initiatedin Venezuela, since this country is one of the major hea~ cru<strong>de</strong> oil producersin the world. A careful characterization-of the laterite was necessary onthe first stage to <strong>de</strong>termine its potential utilization as hydrotreatingcatalysts. However, it is important to synthesize and characterize theactive phase responsible for the catalytic activity with a view to optimizingboth ~ctivity and selectivity in the catalytic reaction, For this reason,an exhaustive and precise characterization was carred out on that naturallyocurring material. In this study, different characterization techniqueswere used. In addition to elemental analysis ~nd\selective dissolution,we present X-ray diffraction analysis_ (XRD), thermogravimetric analysis(TGA), differential thermal analysis (DTA), infrared spectroscopy (IR)'measurements. It will be <strong>de</strong>~onstrated that a combined use of all thesetechniques allows mineralogical i<strong>de</strong>ntification of.the parent laterite.It was found that the nature and chemical composit:i:tln of laterite <strong>de</strong>pendsupon its place of extraction and .its particle size. In its initial state,the sample is composed of a heterogeneous assembly with two predominantspecies which impart yellow and red colors to the sample. The yellowfraction was mainly composed of 'gibbsite aAl(OH) s and the red fraction waspredominantly formed by hematite aFezOs and goethite a:FeOOH.The sample studied here was extracted from the "Ser~an:Lain Venezuela.<strong>de</strong> los Guaicas"600

The elemental analysis showed that the laterite is briefly composed by 50%in weight of Fe 2 0 3 and 30% of Al 2 0 3 with a residue of Ti0 2 and Si0 2 • Thealumina content <strong>de</strong>creased with the increase in particle size, while ironoxi<strong>de</strong> content increased.Thermogravimetric analysis presented a weight loss of 17.3% and 550 °C and1000 °C for fraction of laterite ·containing gibbsite, but only a weightloss of 9.8% is presented for a gibbs~te-free sample. This indicates about7.5% weight loss due to gibbsite <strong>de</strong>hydration and 9.8% weight loss due togoethite <strong>de</strong>hydration.X-ray diffraction showed that the raw material is composed essentially ofgibbsite aAl(OH) 3 , goethite aFeOOH and hematite aFe 2 0 3 • It was also foundby x-ray diffraction that the d(III~ goethite peak presents a shift from2.45 A (fo.r pure goethite) to 2.42 A. This phenomenon was reported in theliterature when similar studies were carred out, and this ·corresponds toa certain amount of Al substituted Fe in the goethite. According to thecalibration curve of Thiel, this shift 'corresponds to a substitution of24 moles % of AlOOH in the goethite.The dithionate-citrate-bicarbonate (DCB) for selective iron extractionshowed that for samples where gl.bbsite was previously extracted aftersuccessive extractions of iron, a value of 0.225 as Al/Al + Fe was reached.This result indicates that there is about 22 to 24 moles % of AlOOH inthe goethite. There is an agreement with the value obtained by_ X-rayanalysis as has been shown. above ..All results above obtained by the different analysis techniques together_with the knowledge of the elemental analysis of both the gibbsite-.freeand gibbsite-containing samples, lead to the conclusion that the lateritein study is composed by:Aluminous Goethite Hematite Gibbsite Total64.412 . 1.437 29.54 2.70 98.10and the composition "of the goethite can then be represented by thefollowing formula:Fe 0. 76Al 0. 24O(OH)601

1: I1 I! 11Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espaiiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>LATERITE AS CATALYSTS FOR HYDROTREATMENT OF HEAVY OILII. INFLUENCE OF CHEMICAL AND THERMALTREATMENTS ON THE HDS AND HDM ACTIVITYI';III',IS. YUNES 1 , P. GRANGE, B. DELMON.Groupe <strong>de</strong> Physico-Chimie Minerale et <strong>de</strong> CatalyseUniversite Catholique <strong>de</strong> LouvainPlace Croix du Sud, 1B-1348 Lduvain-la-Neuve - Belgium.1. Present address: Micromeritics, 1 Micromeritics Drive, Norcross,GA 30 093, U.S.A.Effects of thermal treatment and iron extraction by the dithionatemethod (DCB) on the pore size distribution of laterite, and influe.nce ofiron and molyb<strong>de</strong>num impregnation on hydro<strong>de</strong>sulfurization (HDS) and hydro~<strong>de</strong>metallization {HDM) of natural DAO Morishal ·feedstock,. were investigated.The more important conclusions of this work can be summarized asfollows: .·1) The surface area and' pore volume of_ the studied material <strong>de</strong>pendstrongly on the calcination temperature~ even though no parallelism isshown between them.2) The dithionate - citrate - bicarbonate dissolution method for ironextraction seems to have a mo<strong>de</strong>rate effect on the pore volume to be increased.Furthermore, after a long treatment,.it may be supposed that theobtained solid behaved differently due to a complete texture and structuremodification.3) All different impregnated materials showed no relevant differencesin pore volume and surface area values. The pretreatment with watervapor at high temperatures <strong>de</strong>creases the surface area of the.material:even the pore volume seems to tie increased.602

4) Hydro<strong>de</strong>metallization activity of the samples studied presenteda mo<strong>de</strong>rate value when compared with those corresponding to a commercialcatalyst, i.e., NiMo/Al 2o 3• This phenomenon was related to the poresize distribution of the sample in question.5) The poor hydro<strong>de</strong>sulfurization activity of the samples can beexplained by the poor active metal (iron) phase dispersion, althoughsome impregnated samples, i.e., 1% Fe 2o 3impregnation and Mo0 3impregnation,present an improvement in HDS activity. This effect wasrelated to the active metal phase dispersion, due to the impregnationphenomena and the presence of a very active metal as Moo 3in HDSactivity •.6) Laterite as a raw material can be used as a hydrotreating catalyst,although careful manipulations and pretreatments notably enhanceboth HDM and HDS activities.In anY. case, even if the efficiency of such raw material is lowerthan commercial hydrotreating catalysts, one major advantage is thatsuch catalysts could be used and removed easily since they are moreeconomically suitable, than commercial HOT catalysts\603

Summaries - ProceeoingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>DIAGENETIC TRANSFORMATION OF EARLY PERJHAN MARINE SEPIQLITE ANDRELATIONSHIP YITH COAL METAMORPHISX IN SOUTHERN CHINAITSYANG ZHENGQIANGYichang Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources, Chinese Aca<strong>de</strong>my ofGeological Sciences. P.O.Box 502, Yichang City, Hubei, China.INTRODUCTIONSepiolite in China was first. reported in Chinese· geol'ogical·literature in 1947. In 1963 the association of talc and quartz withPermian marine sepiolite in Leping County, Jiangxi, was i<strong>de</strong>ntified byDTA and XRD, but no explanation wa::s given of why talc can occur as asedimentary mineral which is mixed with sepiolit~ i~ sedimentary rocksbecause talc was merely regar<strong>de</strong>d as a metamorphic mineral at thattime. However, in recent years the knowledge in this aspect has been<strong>de</strong>epened and also minor stevensite

'According to the volatiles in the coal seam

CONCLUSIONThe burial diagenesis in southern China ·has just reached theanadiagenesis stage. The geotemperatures aro~nd 60-lOO'C are essentialto the preservation of .sepiolite in the strata.In or<strong>de</strong>r to find out the potential areas of sepiolite <strong>de</strong>posits, theauthor proposes that the preservation of sepioli te has a synchronousrelationship with the rank of Permian coal. There is such apossibility so that new occurrences of sepiolite marked with thedistribution of the lower coal rank can be predic;:ted. It has beensuccessfully us.ed in my own experience of field-research work.606

Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espatiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>CLAYS,AND ENVIRONMENTPERSIO DE SOUZA SANTOSDepto. <strong>de</strong> Engenharia Qulmica - Escola Politecnica da Universida<strong>de</strong>d0 S~o Paulo, S~o Paulo, BrazilGtay? are a natural component of the environment: their rolein Agriculture and Geotechnics, as well as raw material? forthe Chemical Process Industries, show the very positive contribution of clays and clay minerals to society, with a significantinfluence on the environment. The question is:can claysbe "hazard's" or "risks"? According to Marshal!, a."hazard" isa potential for harm and a "risk" is the probability that harmmay be realized.The International Labour Office (ILO) conference in Geneva,in June 1986, consi<strong>de</strong>red "all respirable asbestos fibres". Accardingto Costa, asbestos and more 150 fibres, allare a natural constituents of the environmental airmineral,J::>ecausethey exist in Nature. The clay mineral.chrysotile, the whiteasbestos, is consi<strong>de</strong>red ~s belon~ing to ~he H~alth Group Hazardsbecause it produces a serious non-malignant disor<strong>de</strong>r tohuman beings called asbestosis, similar to silicosis; it mayalso produce lung cancer;and a rare type of cancer of the ple~ra or peritineum called mesothelioma; that disease is morefrequent to those exposed to dust from the anfibole asbestoscrocidolite and amosite; the other asbestos tremolite and actinoliteare usual" contaminantes of the clay mineral talc.· Thehealth hazards of asbestos are lin.ked to inhalation, not toswallowing; according to Churg "exposure to chrysotile asbestosfrom urban air or in public buildings will' not produce <strong>de</strong>tectabledisease. The U.S. National Institute of OccupationalSafety and Health (NIOSH) and the Occupational Safety HealthAgency (OSHA) conclu<strong>de</strong>d, in spite of substantial epi<strong>de</strong>miologicaldata in contrary, that a threshold limit for asbestos.doesnot exist for clinical effects to be observed and:proposed amaximum limit of o,l fibre/ml in environmental air. A respirableasbestos fibre is <strong>de</strong>fined (ILO) as a particle of asbestoswith less than 3!-lm diameter and with a length/diameter r"atiogreater or at least 3:1. In January 29, 1986, the U."S. EnvironmentalProtection Agency (EPA) proposed a regulation to ban607

the use of any type asbestos in the USA, by prohibiting theproduction and the importation of asbestos; second, in thenext ten years, by substituting by alternates all industrialproducts contains asbestos, likE! __ asbestos,::s:~e.ltl§'n_t; ___ thermal in-. sulations; floc paints and brake linings. If the law pass the<strong>de</strong>molition ofhuge amounts of asbestos containing materials onbuildings is going to be ma<strong>de</strong> and, in consequence, enormousamounts of hazardous asbestos-containing wastes must be treatedto ayoid occupati~mal and environmental pollution. Accordingto.Selikoff, "if asbestos fibres and other environmentalsources of cancer are properly controlled, they do not have tobe banned to ptotect society". The "controlled-use" approachto asbestos regulation was adopted in 1983 by European Communities,which was a factor for publication of the·l984 ILO'sdraft entitled "Co<strong>de</strong> of Practice of Safety in Use of the Asbestos"; the 1986 ILO's conference approved that proposal, whichwas also recently supported by the 6th Asbestos InternationalAssociation Conference in Montreal in May, 1987.Preliminary laboratory testing for the mutagenicity of surface treated chrysotile indicated that it was less ·biologicallyreactive than untreated chrysotile; the treated chrysotilewas produced by exposing the fibres to POC1 or PC1 . Ac~3 5carding to n·unningan, all alternative fibrous respirable minerals, organic and inorganic fibres, naturally occurin~ or man­-ma<strong>de</strong>, should be treated with the same care as the various .asbestosminerals as potential hazards to man and its environment;exampls of fibres as hazardous as asbestos are the clayminerals palygorskite and sepiolite; the ceramic_fibres (kaolin,alumina, glass, rock); woilastonite; xinotlitej syntheticfibres of caicium sodium metaphosphate and of the organic polymeraramid.Earth liners have been used worldwi<strong>de</strong> for .several <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>sfor lining .laridfills, ponds and lagoons to re~ard the movementof pollutant leachates or liquids to the ground; they may ' beconstructed from naturally occuring clay soils or from mixtureof soils with sodium bentonite; they are often refered as"clayliners", because the clay fraction controls the hydraulic propertiesof the liners.Landfills have been used historically for disposing of amultitu<strong>de</strong> of different types of chemical and industrial was-608

tes. According to Henstock, "pollution equals waste". Hazardouswastes are <strong>de</strong>fined by the U.K. Control of Pollution Actas "poisonous, noxious or polluting matter, which relates thecreation of an environmental hazard; itself <strong>de</strong>fined as causingmaterial risk of <strong>de</strong>ath, injury or impairment of health to personsor animals, or as threatering pollution or contaminationof surface or un<strong>de</strong>rground water supplies". Bentonite, or morespecifically sodium smectites, have been used for <strong>de</strong>ca<strong>de</strong>s toimpe<strong>de</strong> or reduce the flow or water, leachates and liquid effluentsthrough permeable soils: that property has been wi<strong>de</strong>lyused by drilling and construction industries. On the otherhand, adsorption on solids is increasingly being used for theremoval from liquid effluents, leachates and/or polluted watersof toxic materials, of "refractory" organic chemicals, eolour and to reduce the BOD 'to values to the 3-lOmg/1 range; activated clays, bauxites and zeolites have been used for thatpurpose. Smecti te clay minerals ·can exchange, as shown by Farmerand Mortland, for organic ammonium cations, giving, riseto strong acidic sites; in the case of ethyl_ammonium cations,Vhen additional amine is ab/c.dsorved, bonding occurs betweenthe neutral amine and the ethylammonium cations; similar bendings occur with several other organic molecules.Clay/aromatic. ,interactions have become of.· importance due to attenuation ofpestici<strong>de</strong>s and other. toxic organic c.hemicals by soils_. sedimentsand clays, specially after the realization that clay mineralscan catalyse the <strong>de</strong>gradation of many aromatic compoundsand pestici<strong>de</strong>s. Perry, Blichler, Warren and Ckark, after reviewingthe clay-aromatic i?teractions with a view to theiruse in hazardous waste disposal, suggested tetramethylammoniu~-smectites as clay liners of vinasse ponds, which are used aswas:te disposal in the production of ethanol, for the attenuationof the organic load by adsorption. That organic-la<strong>de</strong>nsmecti tes could be, later on, disposed· by encapsula'cion incement based monolitic mas~es. Clay minerals have been usedalso by the nuclear energy industry for waste disposal of r;1etaland cationic species in similar processes.On the other hand, up to early 1980's, the consensus amongground water specialists seemed to".be that clay liners wereworking faily well; ~owever, accord~ng to U.S. EPA, it wasshown in laboratory and field conditions, that some concen-609

trated organic chemicals "attacked" the compacted clay andcreased its permeability, thus r~n<strong>de</strong>;i~; -th~--~1-~;~ essentiallyuseless as a barrier to the migration of liquid pollutants. S!milar effect was also observed in the kaolinite clayin red mud ponds due to the <strong>de</strong>fflocuation caused by the.alkalinewater. According to Daniel, "until earth· s::i -entistsinbarrierengineers build a data base that <strong>de</strong>monstrate t_hat chty linersare performing well, doubts about bhe effectiveness ofandclaywill persist"; thus synthetic polymers liners are being prop_£sed as alternates.610

-Summaries - ProceedingTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>APPLICATIONS OF KAOLINS!VAN HAYResearch Chemist, Dept. of Inorganic ChemistryKemira oy Espoo Research centreLuoteisrinne 2, SF~02270 ESPOO, FINLANDReference to 'this materialistic age' is frequently ma<strong>de</strong> un<strong>de</strong>rthe popular misconception that material things have an inherentpower in their effect on man instead of realising fully that thoseeffects are <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt on the use man makes of them.This paper ·is concerned with china clays and their quality whichsets them apart and have become essential to mo<strong>de</strong>rn industry asfood is to mankind.,Because china clay is one of the most versatile industrial pigmentsthis paper will <strong>de</strong>al with its uniqueness in some of the industrialapplications that it is used in and how those applicationsare based upon a combination of its predominantly physical characteristics.It will also review some of the more rapidly growingmarkets ' that call for high quality china clays along with specialprocessed gr~<strong>de</strong>s - showing how as products have been introduced tothe market new application technology has been created, even thoughthere is now a wi<strong>de</strong>r choice of white pigment minerals availablechina clay is .still very much in <strong>de</strong>mand.611

I!Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>AUTHIGElfE KA.OLINITE FROM THE KAOLJ:N SANDS~~IN.NEBULGARIAGeo,Iogical. Institu.te, Btllgarian Aca<strong>de</strong>my o:f Sciences,.Sofia (BuJ!garia)Morphology o:f kaolinite crystals is studied by numerousobservations on a Jeol. T-300 scanning electron microsco,pe.The samples come :from sevaral <strong>de</strong>posits o:f kaolinsands near the village o:f Kaolinovo (Northeast Bulgaria).An interesting aspect o:f their study is that besi<strong>de</strong>s theterrigenous cl:astic minerals and the common kaolinitecrystals o:f almost isometric, pseudohexagonai, irregularand rare triangular shapes~ typ~cal wormlike kaoliniteand stacks o:f 'kaolinite platelets indicating ·an authigeneprocess. have been observed :for the :first time. Inthe samples their content vary :from :few. grains to numerouscrystals. (Ph. 1).Photo 1: a - wom.like kaolinite; b - stack o:f kaolinite platelets.612

X-ray microanal.yses with the.aid o:f Li-Al semiconductor<strong>de</strong>tector were ma<strong>de</strong> parallel with the morphological.observations •. The spectrograme obtained show a val.ue o:f.A;I.:S i = t::t .(:from the number o:f impulses counted) butin part of the ka.olinite crystals Al. predominates greatlyover the Si (to a ratio 2:1) ..This stlldy revel.s new aspect o:f the complicated problemo:f the genesis o:f ka.ol.in sands in Northeast Bulgaria.,First. the presence o:f authigene ka.ol.inite indicatesdirectly· at processes of neo:foDIJ.ation (until nowthey were presumed onl.y - Ruskova, 1968;: Ruskova & Tzonev,1:971i), and: second, Si <strong>de</strong>ficiency from the ka.olinite<strong>de</strong>teDIJ.ined probably by the karst type of the <strong>de</strong>positsand the associated enhanced water percolation in them(as Kukowkii, 1973, presumes for the similar cases).,613



...Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE ADSORPTION AND DESORPTION OF TRACES OF RADIUM ANDURANIUM ON SOME COMPONENTS OF. FRESHWATER SBDIMENTSZDENEK BOROVECDepartmen~ of Petrology, Charles University, Albertov 6,128 43 Prague 2, CzechoslovakiaAN ATTEMPT TO FORMULATE 2~3 DIMENSIONAL MODEL OF ILLITEMONTMORILLONITE MIXED LAYER STRUCTURES. L. ~ICHOVSKt, J. JIRANKOV~, R. STROUF, o. VESELt+Department o~ Spec. Geol. Sci., Ma:thematical Department~Geoindustria n.c., Pri~tav.ni 24, 170 04 Pragu~ 7- Ho1esovice,Czechaslov.akia.ALTERATIONS IN ANT.IGORITE AND LIZARDITE IN ALKALINEENVIRONMENTL. 0ICHOVSK1, · R .. STROUF,Departm~iL of Spec. Geo1. S:ci, Geoinduatria n., e:. , Pn::L&:t.av­Di 24, 170 04 Prague 7- Ho1eaovie.e,Czechas1ovakia.617

."-~~:;o.ocLA~;,_,~Summaries - Proceeding. THE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS""•,,,,.,.••,.'Seville, Spain, i 987. Sbciedad Espar'iola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>NATURAL CLAY OF GEORGIA AS CARRIER OF CATALYSTS FORHYDRATION AND OXIDATIVE DEHYDRATIONG.O. CHIVADZEInstitute of Physical and ~rganic Chemistry, GeorgianAca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences, Jikia 5, Tbilisi '80086,(USSR)CLAY ROCKS .AND MINERA.LS WITHIN TEE DEPOSITS OF THE SAMEAGE.HAVING DIFFERENT LITHIFICATION:HISTORYM·FAIERDep~rtment of Geology, :Moscow State University, ·Lengory,119899, :Moscow, USSRCharacterization of oxovanadium (IV) species a·dsorbed. on montmorilloniteB.A. Goodman, D.B. McPhail and·M.C. MitchellMacaul ay Land Use Research Institute, Aber<strong>de</strong>en AB9 2QJ, U.K. •Evi<strong>de</strong>nce for the multiphase nature of smectites from Mossbauer and EPR· spectroscopy.B.A, Goodmana, P.H. Na<strong>de</strong>aua and J. Chadwickb'a Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aber<strong>de</strong>en AB9 2QJ,· U.K.b Department of Phys.ics, University of Liverppol L69 3RX, U.K.I<strong>de</strong>ntification of oxi<strong>de</strong> impurity phases and distribution of structural iron insome diagenetic illitic clays as <strong>de</strong>tennined by Mossbauer spectroscopy.B.A. Goodman and P.H. Na<strong>de</strong>auMacaulay Land Use Research Institute, Aber<strong>de</strong>en, AB9. 2QJ, U.K.PROCESSES OF AUTOCHTHONOUS CLAY MINERALAND ORE GENESISYu.P.KAZANSKYFORMATIONInstitute of geology and geophysics of Siberian divisionof the Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences of the USSR, 630090, Novosibirsk618

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAy GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espariola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>MIXED-LAYEREDCLAY MINERALS IN MESOZOIC AND CENOZOIC DEPO­SITS OF AZERBAIJANM.B.Kheirov,A.G.SeidovGEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF THE AZERBAIJAN SSR ACADEMY OF SCI­ENCES,29A NARIMANOV PR.,370143 BAKU (USSR).l'IEW MODI.P'ICA'liOl'lS OP ASKANA BENTONITE AND PROSPECTS OPTHEIR USE IN MEDICIBEE,I, KOBAKHIDZE, A,L, BATSAHADZE, TS,S, GABELIA, andT,G, ANDRONIKASHVILILaboratory ot Colloidal Chemistry, Institute ot P~sical-and Organic Chemistry, Georgian Aca<strong>de</strong>my ot Sciences,Dzhiltia 5, 'fbilisi 3aooB6 (USSR)CLAY MINERALS AND GEOCHRONOLOGICAL SCALEI.V. NIKOLA.YEVA., M.JU. :B:nlENEVA., .I~T.KOVALYOVA.,JU .N, LEBEDEV 1 L.K. ANOKRINA *, R~U. GABITOVA * &R,I, ~Cil:ALABOV*Institute of Geology·and Geophysics, Siberian Branch ofthe USSR Aca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences, Novosibirsk, U.S,S,R.• Physics Instit~te of Dagestan Branch of....the USSRAca<strong>de</strong>my of Sciences, Makhatch-Kala,, U .s.S,R•. 619

~oCL4r·."-.,;~.,~ Summaries- ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPS~.,, / Seville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>of.. son:"'•. .ON THE DIFFERENT THERMODYNAMIC STABILITY OF DI-AND TRIOC-. "---~.~--~- ---·~~-TAHEDRAL MONTMORILLONITES AND THE MIXED-LAYERED FORMATIONSCONNECTED WITH THEMA.G.SEIDOV, D.D.KOTELNIKOVt Z.A.KRIVOSHEEVA*Geological Institute Azerb.SSR Aca<strong>de</strong>my o! Sciences, Narimanovavenue 29A, Baku 370143 (USSR)*Geological Department, Moscow State University, USSRSOME PROPERTIES .AND MINERALOGICAL COMPOSITION IN FOSSILSOILS /PERIOD DENEKAMP?/ FROM THE NIZIN.A WlDELKOPOLSKA.~GIONSZERSZE~ L., CHODAK T.Department of Soil Science, Agricultural Aca<strong>de</strong>my,Wrocd:aw, PolandStudy of The .Clay Minerals from Several Kinds of Oil-bearingBasins, ChinaZhaoX.ingyuanThe Geologial Lab Center , Scientific Re~earchInstitute of PetroleumExploration and Development, Beijing, China620

Summaries : ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE.EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1987. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espafiola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>THE APPLICATION OF NMR SPECTROSCOPY TO THE STUDY OF CLAYMINERALS AND RELATED COMPOUNDSJ.M. SERRATOSAIristituto <strong>de</strong> Ciencia <strong>de</strong> Materiales, CSIC. MADRID (Spain). Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy has been succesfullyapplied to elucidate several..aspects of the structureand properties of clay minerals. This technique gives informationon the local environment of the nuclei and can be appliedto both crystalline and amorphous materials because itdoes not require the presence of long range or<strong>de</strong>r in the atomicdistribution. In this lecture, examples are presented thatillustrate the possibilities of this technique in clay researchcovering the following aspects: 1) structural characteristics,2) surface properties and 3) reactivity and thermal transformations.Specific examples inclu<strong>de</strong>d are:a) Distribution of four and six coordination of Al and i<strong>de</strong>ntificationof different ~tructural sites for Si.b) Analysis of Si,Al distribution in phyllosi1icates 2:1. 29 siNMR data show that Al is homogeneously dispersed in the tetrahedralsheet and no evi<strong>de</strong>nce has been found of partiallong range or<strong>de</strong>r.c) Structural characterization of layer silicic acids: i<strong>de</strong>ntificationof SiO tetrahedra with different' "connectedness"4to neighbouring tetrahedra; characterization of surface OHgroups, their evolution during thermal treatment and theirreactivity with organic molecules.d) Structural characterization of "pillared" clays and i<strong>de</strong>ntificationof the reaction taking place between the intercalatedAl polymers and the tetrahedral sheet of phyllosilicates.e) Characterization of adsorbed molecules in the interlayerspace of phyllosilicates and study of their reactivity.f) Study of the structural changes that occur during the therm3l<strong>de</strong>composition of kaolinite and the subsequent formationo": r:mlli te. 621

Summaries - ProceedingsTHE SIXTH MEETING OF THE EUROPEAN CLAY GROUPSSeville, Spain, 1 !;!87. <strong>Sociedad</strong> Espar'iola <strong>de</strong> <strong>Arcillas</strong>LABORATORY INVESTIGATION ON BENTONITE_AS_SEALINGAGENTJ:OLWASTE-DISPOSALA. CANCELLI, R. COSSU+, & F. MALPEI~Dept. of Earth Sciences, University of Milano, and Dept. of Struct. Eng ..Politecnico, Milano, (Italy)+Inst. of Hydraulics, University of Cagliari, and Inst. of Sanitary Eng.Politecnico, Milano, (Italy)~Sanitary Civil Engineer, Milano, (Italy)Land disposal of municipal or industrial, hazardous wastes has becomean ever more common practice in the most <strong>de</strong>veloped countries.From thestandpoint of protecting the environment from pollution, the generationof leachate, which subsequently moves downward and outward to the un<strong>de</strong>rlyingaquifer, is the main problem one is concerned with.Leachate isessentially formed by a liquid, containing dissolved or suspen<strong>de</strong>d, orga~ic and inorganic components, as well as chemicals and metals.All this turns into the problem to find reliable and safe liners, toprevent any migration of leachate from the disposal site.When soils have to be used as waste confinement liners, one of theirfundamental properties must be to have low hydraulic conductivity. In e~gineering practice, fine-grained clayey soils are generally assumed tobe "impervious"; on the contrary, when water and pollutant movements areexpected to occur over periods of hundreds of years, the fine-grainedsoils cannot be simply assumed as impervious. Therefore, it becomes necessaryto measure the hydraulic conductivity of compacted clays in presenceof pollutant fluids, and to investigate how this and other characteristicsof the soil are affected by a long-term exposition to leachates,Laboratory investigations are in progress, to study the effectsthat different wastes produce on the permeability of sand-bentonite mixtures,and on some properties of the bentonite itself.Particular consi<strong>de</strong>ration is given to relationships between the dielectric constant of the waste fluid and the hydraulic conductivity of thesoil~It's well known that the behaviour of clays is strongly influencedby the nature of the pore fluid, and that the double layer thicknes~<strong>de</strong>creases with increasing of the dielectric constant of pore fluid. This622

fact may particularly affect the structure and properties of bentonite,owing to the high ratio of double layer thickness to the thickness ofsmectite laminae (up to 20 times).For the testing program,. a sand/bentonite mixture is used, having thefollowing composition (by dry weight):fine to medium sand, passing to no. 10 ASTM sieve: 95 %;-commercial bentonite (68% finer than 2 ~m): 5 %.The Atterberg limits of the bentonite (<strong>de</strong>termined by remoulding drybentonite with tap water), are: liquidity limit wL = 546 %; plasticitylimit wp = 42 %; plasticity in<strong>de</strong>x Ip = 504 %.Samples of the mixture were compacted, according to the Standard Proctor procedures, at the optimum water content, and placed into the permeabilitytesting apparatus, essentially consisting in a triaxial cell; aback pressure was applied, up to 300 kPa, so that a <strong>de</strong>gree of saturationSr > 95 % could be attained. The constant head permeability tests werecarried out un<strong>de</strong>r a hydraulic gradient i = 13.3.Results of a first set of tests are shown in fig. l. Curve 'A' refersto tests performed with <strong>de</strong>aired tap water: the hydraulic conductivityhasin ....Eg~>~lo"CCc0u.!:!:;eaj........... ::..j_\,..'"''.....-!:::1~·...~ ........---\."'' ._ .......__.A·,!'·1010 20time(day~Fig. l. Results of permeability tests._on compacted sand/bentonite mixture:A) <strong>de</strong>aired tap water; B) filtered and C) non-filterd leachate.623

-5a ten<strong>de</strong>ncy to <strong>de</strong>crease with time, re_ac:~~I1g~ v:alu~~of~2 .3~._10cm/ s after 22 days. Successively, the water was replaced by a leachate, takenfrom a municipal sanitary landfill and previously filtered; the hydraulicconductiv~ty was initially about 4.7 . 10- 5 cm/s and gradually increas~ -ed to about 6.3 . 10 cm/s; the total duration of the test was 33 days(curve 'B'). Finally, unfiltered leachate was used, and the hydraulic conductivity sharply <strong>de</strong>creased to less than 6 . 10- 6 cm/s (curve 'C').As a preliminary comment, the presence of chemi~alsolutes into leachateis effective in increasing the hydraulic conductivity of compactedclay soils; of course, suspen<strong>de</strong>d particles may cause pore clogging, and,consequently, may induce a <strong>de</strong>crease of hydraulic conductivity.Atterberg limits were also performed on bentonite, by using wasteleachate insted of water, in or<strong>de</strong>r to <strong>de</strong>tect changes in its physical behaviour;an evi<strong>de</strong>nt <strong>de</strong>crease of w 1and Ip was observed.Industrial leachate, dilute acetic acid and propanol will be used forpermeability tests further on; dielectric constant, viscosity and speci!ic weight of each fluid will be <strong>de</strong>termined ~swell.624


Abreu, M~ .M. 59Ackermann, H. 61Acosta, A. 183Adams, J.M. 63Alonso, B. 66Alonso, O.E. 69Alvarez-Berenguer, A. 160, 163, 486Allan, J.E.M. 71Amig6, J.!.l. 74, 490Amouric, M. 427Anad6n, P. 304Andreoli, C.Y .. 76Andres G6mez <strong>de</strong> Barreda, A. <strong>de</strong>• 79,387Andronikashvili, T.G. 619Anokhina, L.K. 619Arag6n <strong>de</strong> la Cruz, F. 79, 470Aramburu, c. 490Arco, M. <strong>de</strong>l 81Arduino, E. 84Arias, M.G. 213Armenteros, I. 404ArOstegui, J. 86Axelos, M.A.V. 521Aza, s. <strong>de</strong> 381Aznar, A.J. 88Azzaoui, N. 91Bailey, S. VI. 21Bain, D.C. 276Balenzano, F. 94Baltar, C.R. 154Ballesteros, C. 160Barbarick, K.A. 208Barberis, E. 84Bartoli, F. 95, 98Barrese, E. 385Barrios, J. 101Barren, V. 101Bastida, J. 74, 490Batsanadze, A.L. 619Beck, A. 581.Bergaya, F. 509Bermu<strong>de</strong>z-Polonio, J. 570~.ertolani, .M. •. -~10~-·~ ~Besson, G. 106, 474Bezvodova, B. 109Bielicki, T.A. 381Bigeriego, !.!. 339Bini, C. 112Bittencourt Rosa, D. 95Bloodworth, A.J. 115Bodine, Jr. M.VI. 118Boero, V. 84, 121Boguslawski, E.V.;Boir6n, M.C. 124Bonnin, D. 127, 363Borggaard, O.K. 129Borghini, M. 537Borovec, z. 617S45Bottero, J.Y. 131, 178,Bottino, G. 135Brell, J.M. 203, 260Brigatti, M.F. 138Briggs, D.A. 115Brime, C. 69Bruant, M. 131Brusewitz, A.M. 140Buhmann, D. 142Buondonno, A. 145Burtin, G. 98Caballero, E. 148521Cabtal, J.I-I.P. 59,446,448Galas, G. 176, 178, 363Calle, c. <strong>de</strong> la 151Campillo, G. 154Cancelli, A. 622Canet, D. 131Carlson, L. 46, 157626

Carrasco, F. 465Carretero, M•.r. 432Casa, G. <strong>de</strong> 385Casas, J. 160, 378Cases, J.M. 131Castafio, R.ia. 370Caste11s, R.P~ 163Caste11tort, F.X. 370Cathe1ineau, r.J. 124, 167Caucia, F. 559Cenens, J. 170Cice1, B. 173Cichovski, L. 617Coey, J .M. D. 71Cohen, E. 373Comas Minondo, M.C. 342Combes, J.M. 176, 178Con<strong>de</strong>-Pumpido, R. 154Coninck, F. <strong>de</strong> 180Cordoba, M.A. 183Corma, A. 390, 392Cornejo, J. 185, 223, 548Corral, M.P. 381Costa, D. 281Cossu, R. 622Chac6n Montero, J. 349Chadwick, B. 618Chagnon, A. 188Chamley, i:!. 9Chenu, C. 542Cherubini, c. 189Chivadze, G.O. 618Chodak, T·. 620Dameme, A. 445Daynyak, L.G. 106Daza, L. 192Decarreau, A. l06Delgado Ca1vo-F1ores, G. 244De1gado Ca1vo-F1ores, R. 195, 244De1mon, B. 216, 600, 602De1vaux, B. 198De11'Anna, L. 94, 199Demai, J.J. 98Desjardins, M. 188Diaz, ra•.c. 201Diaz-Barrientos, E. 357, 360Dickson, D.P.E. 276Doff, D.H.Doi, H. 3017lDoirisse, M. 95Donati, F. 220Doube, M. 180Dova1, M. 203,~Driard, J. 445Drits, v.A. 23,Dubinska, E. 205Dufey, J. 198Eberl, D.D. 208260106,474Fabbri, B. 210, 213, 220Faier, M. 618Farfan-Torres, E.M. 216Fel1eca, D. 145Feno11 Hach-A1i, P. 342Fernan<strong>de</strong>z Garcia, P. 462Fernan<strong>de</strong>z-Nieto, c. 562Ferre1l, R.E. 298Ferretti, 0. 218Ferron, J. 154Figueiredo, M.O. 59, 446Fieri, c. 220, 562Fontaine, c. 203Forteza, J. 481Forteza, M. 223Franci, M. 229Frank, E. 584Fretigny, C. 127Fukushima, Y. 226, 301Fusi, P. · 229627

Gabbutt, A.J. 63Gabelia, TS.S. 619Gabitova, R.U. 619Galan, E. 223, 232, 236, 240Galvan, B. 467Galvan, J. 74, 378, 467Gamiz Martin, E. 195, 244Gangas, N.H.J. 71Garbarino, C. 249, 251Garci:a, I. 392Garci:a Agramunt, M.J. 74, 490Garci:a-Gonzalez, M.T. 253, 570Garci:a-Ramos, G. 256, 270, 273Garci:a-Rodriguez, M.P. 564Garci:a Romero, E. 260Garz6n, G. 462Gautheyrou, J. 456Ghosh, D.K. 598Giresse, P. 263. 'Gomes, C.S.F-..- 265,,Gonzalez, I. 236, 240Gonzalez-Garci:a, F. 256, 270, 273Gonzalez L6pez, J.M. 572Gonzalez Marti:nez, J. 572Goodman, B.A. 276, 618Graf von Reichenbach, H. 368, 555Grange, P. 216, 600, 602Grassi, G. 135Greco, A. 189Guadagno, F.M. 278Guignard, J. 281Gutierrez, E. 284Gyepesova, D. 173Hasenpatt, R. 287Havrda, J. 525Hay, I. 611Heinem~nn, M. 142Helios, E. 218Hem, S.L. 51Henmi, T. 289, 575Hepler, L.G. 598Herbill6n, A.J. 198, 600Hermosi:n, M•.c. 185Hernan<strong>de</strong>z-Blanco, M. 81_ Her_vio_,_~I.~ ___;159~-~----­Herrero, C.P. 292Herrero, F. 378Hoding, T. 295Hoyos, M.A. 378Huard, E. 445Huertas, F. 148Hurst, A. 298Ianovici, v. 297I<strong>de</strong>n, I.K. 298Inagaki, s. 301Ingles, M. 304Izvonar, D. 525Jama, A.M. 180Janackovic, J. 528Janackovic, T. 528Jaunet, A.M. 459Jeanroy, E. 98Jiranek, J. 307, 310Jirankova, J. 310, 617Johns, W.D. 26Justo, A. 314Kaiser, P. 127Kallai, L. 355Kameneva, M.Yu 474, 619Kamigaito, 0. 301Kahr, G. 502·Kazansky, Y.P. 618Kheirov, M.B. 619Kimpe, C.R. <strong>de</strong> 317Klika, z. 319Kobakhize, E. I. 619Koma<strong>de</strong>l, P. 173, 322Koster, H.M. 325Kotelnikov, D.D. 620Kovalyova, I.T. 619628

Kraus, I. 326Krivosheeva, Z.A. 620Kromer, H. 61, 329Kiihnel, R.A. 331Kuzvart, M. 27Lacka, B. 263Lagaly, G. 30Lai, T.M. 208Landi, L. 453Latouche, C. 334Laviano, R. 94, 199Le<strong>de</strong>lev, JU.N. 619Leguey, s. 335, 443Ley<strong>de</strong>ckers, J .P. 445Lieres, A. V. 545Linares, J. 148Lippmann, F. 338Liso, J. 339Liso, M.J. 339L6pez, J. 339L6pez-Aguayo, F.L6pez Galindo, A.572342, 346, 349L6pez Munguira, A. 352Lorenzo, L.F. 481Lorenzoni, P. 451Loschi Ghittoni, A.G. 104Lupo, M. 189Luque, F .J. 462Luque, J.M. 548Mackenzie, R.C. 355Madrid, L. 357, 360Maillet, N. 334Mal<strong>de</strong>ra, R. 213Mall a, P.B. 456Malpei, F. 622Mane eau, A. 127, 176, 178, 363Mandova, E.D. 612Maqueda, c. 314, 432, 435Marafies, A. 365Marcks, Ch. 368Marfil, R. 370Margu1ies, L. 373Marino, o. 375Martelloni, c. 453Martin, c. 81Martin-Pozas, J. 404l~artin <strong>de</strong> Vidales, J.L. 195, 378Martinez, R. 381Mas, R. 462Mascolo, G. 375/.Iassa, s. 560Mattei Scarpaccini, F. 112Mattias, P. 385Mayoral, E. 236, 240McPhai1, D.B. 618Medina, J.A. 335Melo, F. 390Meloni, s. 346Mellor, A. 55Mendioroz, s. 192Menen<strong>de</strong>z Aparicio, P. 79, 387Mengel, K. 545Mesa, J .M. 232Meyer, R. 95Mifsud, A. 390, 392Miles, N. 317Mina to, H. 395, 397Minguzzi, V. 399Miras, A. 240Mitchell, M.C. 618Molina, E. 564Mongelli, G. 401Morandi, N. 210, 399Moresi, M. 401.Morgan, D~J. 115Morillo, E. 435Moya, J.s. 381Muller-Vonmoos, M. 502629

Mufioz, A. 572Murad, E. 46Murray, H.H. 35, 403Na<strong>de</strong>au, P.H. 618Naidja, A. 503Nannetti, M.C. 210., Navarrete, I. 404Neacsu, G. 297Neacsu, V. 297Neuzil, J. 406Nicco·lai, I. 218Nikolayeva, I.V. 619Nieto, F. 86, 408Novakova, L. 173Oddone, M. 346Olivera Pastor, P. 412, 414Ortega Huertas, M. 37, 86, 365,Otosu, M. 397Padalino, G. 249·Pajares, J.A. 192Pais Lopes, F. 416Palacios Lacasa, J.~. "387Palanques, A. 417Palomba, M. 249, 251Palomo, I. 418Paola, E. di 422Papirer, E. 425Pardo, G. 572Paris, E. 385Parraga Martinez,Parr6n, C. 427Paterson, E. 98408, 418, 478J .. 244Pav lovic-Terz.ic, L. J. 525Pekkala, Y.O. 429Pefia, F. 101Peral ta, 11. 404Perez, A. 572Perez-Castells, R. 486Plana, F . 417Polvorinos, A. 232Pons, C.H. 76, 91, 151, 539Poyato, J. 440Pozo, M. 335, 443Pozzuoli, A. 531Prost, R. 445Pru<strong>de</strong>ncio, M.I. 446, 448Quantin, P. 451Quienne, P. 521Qvale, H. 298Radojevic, Z. 528.Raig6n-Pichardo, M. 256, 270Ramunni, F.P. 189Ranger, J. 456Raso, E. 112Rautureau, M. 203Recio, P. 253Reksten, K. 298Reyes, E. 148Ristori, G.G. 112, 229, 453Rius, J. 417Rivas, P. 418Rives, V. 81Roaldset, E. 12Robert, M. 76, 456, 459Rodas, M. 462Rodriguez, P. 465Rodriguez-Castell6n, E. 412, 414Rodriguez Fernan<strong>de</strong>z·, J. 467, 478Rodriguez Garcia, A. 412, 414Rodriguez Gordillo, J. 418Rodriguez-Pascual, C. 467Romero Acosta, V. 273630

Rose, D. 329Ri:iseler, A. 295Rossberg, R. 519Roz€n, H. 373Rub, A. 502Ruiz-Abrio, M•.T. 256, 270Ruiz Amil, A. 470, 567Ruiz Cruz, M.D. 465Ruiz-Hitzky, E. 88, 284Ruskova, N.P. 612Ruzo, 1.0. 373s·agnowski, S. 593Sakharov, B.A. 474Salomoni,· A. 531Salvadori, c. 477Samama, J.C. 95Sanchez, c. 478Sanchez-Camazano, IL 481, 484Sanchez-!·lartin, M.J. 484Sanchez-Soto, P.J. 256, 270, 438Santaren, J. 163, 486Sanz, A. 74, 490Sanz, E. 390Sanz; J. 292Sastre, J.L. 160Schoonheydt, R.A. 43, 170Schramm, L.L. 598Schliller, K.H. 329Schwertmann, U. 46, 121, 157, 492Sebastian, E.M. 183, 494Sebastian Pardo, E. 352Se.idov, A.G. 619, 620Serrata Rodriguez, ·J. 406Serratosa, J.M. ' 292! 621Setti, M. 560Shaikh, N.A. 497Shimosaka, K. 226Shuali, U. 502Sieffermann, G. 535Siffert, B. 503Sim6n, M. 365Sin<strong>de</strong>lar, J. 505Smolyar, B.B. 474Soria, F,J. 494Souza Santos, H. <strong>de</strong> 416, 477Souza Santos, P. <strong>de</strong> 494, 508, 607Sparvoli, E. 112, 453Srasra, E. 509Srodon, J. 48, 511Stafferi, L. 135Steffens, D. 545Steinberg, 11. 502Stepkowska, E.T. 513Stoch, L. 516, 593Stoch, z. 516Sti:irr, M. 15, 295, 519Sti:isser, D. 519Strouf, R. 617Stucki, J.W. 322Su§.rez, M. 404Suquet, H. 151Sutanto, R. 180Szerszen, L. 620Tardy, Y. 539Tateo, F. 399Tchalabov, R.I. 619Tchoubar, D. 521Tchoubar, K. 474Tecilazic-Stevanovic, M. 525, 528Tenaglia, A. 531Tessier, D. 91, 456, 539, 542Thomas, G. 381Tjojudo, s. 535Tobias, l-1. ~!. 440Tomadin, L. 537Tortelli, M. 559, 560Torrent, J. 101, 201Touray, o. 539631

Trebol, M.E. 542Tributh, H. 545Trillo, J.M. 440Ulibarri, M.A. 548·Uras, I. 249Urban, H. 551Utermann, u. 555Valentini, G. 278Van Damme, H. 509Van <strong>de</strong>r Gaast, S.J. 331Varela, A. 154Vazquez, M.A. 240Vegas, A. 557Velasco, F. 86Velilla, N. 408Veneau, G. 459Veniale, F. 189, 218, 559, 560Venturi, I. 220Venturi, V. 562Vesely, o. 617Vicente, I1.A. 81, 564VielvoJTe, L. 198Vigil, R. 335Vi la, E. 470, 557, 567, 570Villena, J. 572Violante, A. 145, 575.Violante, P. 575Vuorinen, A. 578\lachsmuth, H·. 368Waerenborgh, J.C. 59, 448\le<strong>de</strong>meyer, u. 551Vlen<strong>de</strong>lbo·, R. 587Wei, L. 596Weiss, A:. 581, 584White, J.L. 51\'lie<strong>de</strong>n, P. 590Wiewiora, A. 52, 205, 263\'/ilk ins on, H. T. 322\'lilson, M.J. 55Wyszomirski, P. 593Yada, K. 596Yariv, s. 502, 598Yunes, s. 600, 602Zalma, R. 281Zhengqiang, Y. 604··---~-~-632

ORGANIZING COMMITTEEChairman:Prof. Dr. EMILIO GALAN, Univ. SevillaSecretary:Prof. Dr. JOSE LUIS PEREZ-RODRIGUEZ, C.S.I.C., SevillaTreasurer:Dr. Juan CORNEJO, C.S.I.C., SevillaChairman Scientific Committee:Prof. Dr. JOSE M. SERRATOSA, C.S.I.C., MadridMembers:Prof. Dr. PURIFICACION FENOLL, Univ. GranadaDr. MATILDE FORTEZA, Univ. SevillaDr. ISABEL GONZALEZ, Univ. SevillaDr. M. CARMEN HERMOSIN, C.S.I.C., SevillaDr. ANGEL JUSTO, C.S.I.C., SevillaProf. Dr. FRANCISCO LOPEZ-AGUAYO, Univ. ZaragozaDr. CELlA MAQUEDA, C.S.I.C.Dr. JOSE M. MESA, Univ. SevillaDr. MAGDALENA RODAS, Univ. MadridProf. Dr. CARLOS SERNA, C.S.I.C., MadridExcursion Committee:Prof. Dr. JOSE AGUILAR, Univ. GranadaDr. MERCEDES DOVAL, Univ. MadridProf. Dr. SANTIAGO LEGUEY, Univ. Aut6n6ma MadridProf. Dr. JOSE LINARES, C.S.I.C., GranadaDr. MIGUEL ORTEGA, Univ. GranadaDr. EMILIO REYES, C.S.I.C., Granada

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