Calculation and Use of First-Order Rate Constants for Monitored ...

Calculation and Use of First-Order Rate Constants for Monitored ...

Calculation and Use of First-Order Rate Constants for Monitored ...


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Table 2.Continued...HOW TO USE:Point Decay <strong>Rate</strong> Constant (k point ) Bulk Attenuation <strong>Rate</strong> Constant (k) Biodegradation <strong>Rate</strong> Constant ( λ )To estimate plume lifetime:The time (t) to reach the remediationgoal at the point where K point wascalculated is:⎡ Cgoal ⎤− Ln ⎢ ⎥Cstartt =⎣ ⎦kpointTo estimate if a plume is showingrelatively little change:Pick a point in the plume butdowngradient <strong>of</strong> any source zones.Estimate the time needed to decay thesedissolved contaminants to meet aremediation goal as these contaminantsmove downgradient:⎡ Cgoal ⎤− Ln ⎢ ⎥Cstartt =⎣ ⎦kCalculate the distance L that thedissolved constituents will travel as theyare decaying using V s as the seepagevelocity <strong>and</strong> R is the retardation factor <strong>for</strong>the contaminant:To estimate if a plume is showingrelatively little change:Enter λ in a solute transport model thatis calibrated to existing plumeconditions. Increase the simulation time(e.g. by 100 years, or perhaps to theyear 2525), <strong>and</strong> determine if the modelshows that the plume is exp<strong>and</strong>ing,showing relatively little change, orshrinking.V sL = ⋅ tRIf the plume currently has not traveledthis distance L then this rate analysissuggests the plume may exp<strong>and</strong> to thatpoint. If the plume has extended beyondpoint L, then this rate analysis suggeststhe plume may shrink in the future. Notethat an alternative (<strong>and</strong> probably easiermethod) is to merely extrapolate theregression line to determine the distancewhere the regression line reaches theremediation goal.TYPICALVALUES:Reid <strong>and</strong> Reisinger (1999) indicated thatthe mean point decay rate constant <strong>for</strong>benzene from 49 gas station sites was0.46 per year (half-life <strong>of</strong> 1.5 years). ForMTBE they reported point decay rateconstants <strong>of</strong> 0.44 per year (half-life <strong>of</strong> 1.6years). In contrast, Peargin (2002)calculated rates from wells that werescreened in areas with residual NAPL;the mean decay rate <strong>for</strong> MTBE was 0.04per year (half life <strong>of</strong> 17 years) the rate <strong>for</strong>benzene was 0.14 per year (half life <strong>of</strong> 5years).For many BTEX plumes, k will be similarto biodegradation rates λ (on the order <strong>of</strong>0.001 to 0.01 per day; see Figure 5) asthe effects <strong>of</strong> dispersion <strong>and</strong> sorption willbe small compared to biodegradation.For BTEX compounds, 0.1 - 1 %/day(half-lives <strong>of</strong> 700 to 70 days)(Suarez <strong>and</strong>Rifai, 1999). Chlorinated solventbiodegradation rates may be lower thanBTEX biodegradation rates at somesites (Figures 5 <strong>and</strong> 6).Newell (personal communication)calculated the following median pointdecay rate constants: 0.33 per year (2.1year half-life) <strong>for</strong> 159 benzene plumes atservice station sites in Texas; <strong>and</strong> 0.15per year (4.7 year half-life) <strong>for</strong> 37 TCEplumes around the U.S.For more in<strong>for</strong>mation aboutbiodegradation rates <strong>for</strong> a variety <strong>of</strong>compounds, see Wiedemeier et al.,1999 <strong>and</strong> Suarez <strong>and</strong> Rifai, 1999.7

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