The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

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e ~rovided. Je arc not prapared at this tine to propose any coLlcretelegislation affecting <strong>Indian</strong>s but rathe? to present as a basis thmoprinciplno and oSj~ctiv.:s up.on which prjs .~t 1-.:i;l..tionn.y bc r ..vii;,d.,do fz;l 2150 th:.t2 national Constitution-1 Confomcc- should be con-vsncd to includo <strong>Indian</strong>s and tho two senior ~ovcmeuts to discuss thoirnport~nt position that <strong>Indian</strong>s should occupy in our method <strong>of</strong> gov~i~il-ment.dc present hzroin thc principles, policies 2nd objectives which Indimp-ople fez1 should bc incorporated in now legislation and constitutions1directions.'~'hc :overnmont should adopt these principles as 3 bzsisfor dmcloping logislation and constitutional chngw which should inturn bc sont back to 3.C.<strong>Indian</strong>s foi consideration at tho lot-1 level.To urgo the i?.ovem,~cnt to establish an indspendont claims comiissionas promiscd by several prccsding ~ovaill;.iariCs, this co~imissio'fl to in-cludc indopendent nnd unbiased individuals including adequate <strong>Indian</strong>rowresentation. Xi; purposes <strong>of</strong> tho C1-ims Comnission would b2 to:(1) liodernizc <strong>Indian</strong> trcatiss .(2) ..iwnrd col-npensation to ~boriginal peogles rezardless <strong>of</strong> t h statusdefined in tho <strong>Indian</strong> ~ct.(3) Examinc the boundarics <strong>of</strong> rasorvations and r?cognize the nood toinclude as part <strong>of</strong> reservcs tho 1-lkes th~tare on tl~c edgc <strong>of</strong> thorosfirvos.(4) Examine piparim and foroshore rizht:: <strong>of</strong> land abutting tho L XJ,(.3.Pacific Oceans.(5) Prcpnm draft logislotion to overcorm thc bad cffects <strong>of</strong> thoIagratory 3rd~ Convontion .~ct and otherrestriction on<strong>Indian</strong> aboriginal hunting and fishing rights.(6) 1Ilai. a11 otlicr claims that <strong>Indian</strong> Fersons or bonds want to havehoard.

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