The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

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3. ,Soripinal clairxs aiid troaty ohli';?.t.io;ls :TS priority item forsettlo~iznt,. 3227 xust '23 rscogniz,:d n;id h,x~ourr:cl.. i%il.:ncial rssources ;,ust be pyovid;d to 1;-~tlizis. '5s capital :-l...r.!;dbrust h3 tapp.:; for nsod finmcing <strong>of</strong> ~cono:.:ic d-vL;lo~r~ont. . i3~13.y::~<strong>of</strong> gmnts is nozdsd to initint- XL?scor~o.iic dcv;lopl13n'L fund. .5. ':s~hnical assistailcc is i-~ozdod. to provids hzlp in d-velopiasnt .5. Counselling survicc is required to i;12!cd Irirlians ~ ~ a <strong>of</strong> r o thoir rizhts.~nd as a g~ida in self d-v~lopia~~it.7, Oblig,~tioc,~ <strong>of</strong> tho psd,sml ;ovcrni-,iziit for Tiiildians and land:; rmcrv-dfor th.2 <strong>Indian</strong>s 'oo rs-statod and ru-af.Pix~c?.72. <strong>Indian</strong>s wa!~t to ?xcoine full citiems - Zldian citizsns with fullrizhts and privilu~cs that 20 with citizenship.9. .I coiwutne?it <strong>of</strong> full consultation with liidians in all policy mttersaffcctinz <strong>Indian</strong>s is nesded frori tho i:oc?zral Sovor~li~~ont.10. D<strong>of</strong> initioli <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> status to '3s c!~ tr,n,iiiiod by <strong>Indian</strong>s.12. :'oras <strong>of</strong> the tr~st in which rosclrvz ?.and is !wid by the GOVCP~XIO~?~for tho uso a'nd tine b;;l<strong>of</strong>it <strong>of</strong> tli: ro~;~~c'bivz balds should '22 r;~,I.l~c'out in djtail.13. Th3 word surrc~dcr in rzlation to lands should bc rcpllczd byword in^ that conveys tho maaniag that ti12inistcr is zictii1~ upon the,instructions <strong>of</strong> Zidians in hmdlin,rr llild in rrhich he holds in trv.stfor <strong>Indian</strong>?.1. Land holdors shoulcl havi~ a Cortificnto <strong>of</strong> Yitls rrith a restricticrthzt tho land may not b;:dispos-d <strong>of</strong> to ~~IJTO!IC ilot <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> st3i;ils.Land owners nust 13,:zllowod to laase la?d aiid such right to liaui:should includ: thc power to borr01~r-monuy oil ths s::curity <strong>of</strong> ra'i, to 53rccoivjd undzr the laass.15. Tho propcrty <strong>of</strong> docoased <strong>Indian</strong>s ~,rith no wills and no heirs shouldr-vert to tho 3o:1d.

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