The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

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~ ---.1. .1;C;L;: :i10;: .;'! ;po;l'i:j. .. .~h.; expansion <strong>of</strong> racrjation .~nd spurts f ci1.itios and activities is <strong>of</strong>pararn0~nt importnice to tk,; w~ll-'sail2 :>.ucl. to th; ,;-n:,ral ddvolo;?'nent<strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong>s throughout tlia province.iloc~zdtion facilities ard v;:ryl~zking on rssarvcs at t h pr,,sc:nt ~ tii-IC, .~:.iy 1.2~.2rv;.s hav- very lit'c'eor 110 facilitiz-, fop recreation 2nd eu.tl?ts hi* r$croztion31 :rctivities<strong>of</strong>ton t,:lcs forcls that load to unhappiness.IC fczl thesa facilitias sl~ouldba .~vnilabiblc to <strong>Indian</strong> roservos throu~hcr~t. ths provillce to cor:lbat fn~.str.:ttionand lonlincss and pr..pari!pcoplz physically tn hilp tl~emsolv~~s..:he govcr;.ni.ntsl~ould rdcognizc the ;~o;.;;d for social 2;11 rzcruntion:lj2ivolvsin:nt :md c;hould ;.l-'i> provision for such facilities as ar- roquir:;dto develop a cultural ccrs around rrhicli corci]znity activitias cm avolvs.~ocrcational and sports programs huld provide for racroation centres, sportsfacilitias, athletic programs, ainatcu:ur sports, leadorship training, andactivities such as skatinz, curling, hoc!ccy, l~crossc, football, soccer,13ass5a11, s<strong>of</strong>tball, tennis, :md other :v.cl-. iadoor and outdoor recroatio!lalactivities.1s rocoznize the inporta11ct.i <strong>of</strong> a sound '3ody -ts a ra:;diremontfor socialand cconmnic szlf dovolopc~~nt. .Jc axpict th- :ovcrmailt to provid.: i;~with ths maans for ix~proving our physical ',roll-bein:.22111. :I~o'~'T'z~:;IO~)D TJ:TI:-rh arc <strong>of</strong> tho opinion that co11sidcrn:~le cor.~,zr~ications worlc is r-rpircr'throughout the provincr? to bring to:cthorp4opl.c <strong>of</strong> Sndian ancastry whohave cmmon problems , ideals, and eb jictivos.lo thercf ore propo:je ni:cxtonsivc commnications prozrnil to ii,~prov.~ and to recognieu thu ii.lport.~nc ;<strong>of</strong> uirity zf~oil~ our brotlisr!iood to includc, r,rar-danco competitions, c::rc-iilonizl daiicss, conferoncos, and training iil legislative processss, political?hilosophy, uconor,5c davolopnent, social izlprovcfilsnt, and other shilarco~zmnity dsvolop~nant activities.

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