The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

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<strong>Indian</strong>s to surviv~? on tilair o:in .~,~crits in coiq~tition with ‘the :?oil-<strong>Indian</strong> soci-ty.2. -Pr-i~~&o--E~t~r~r;s-It is iiny.:r3tivc though that Inciia-ns onlist the m~rgies, resourcco mdtalsnts <strong>of</strong> privat~ zntc;rprisz in t!iis nost ;argent sffort. i.: ncmm..ndail Economic ii~volo~~n~nt Council tr, colprise <strong>Indian</strong>s and succzssfulsznior cxccutive <strong>of</strong> industry iiorkin~ 'to: :ther- toward a comnon ;oil <strong>of</strong>Iiidiaii salf Sittr:rfiiznt and .~cono;.lic cissir~ilation with tho noil-<strong>Indian</strong>soci'2ty.3. -Cgsst&vg ~zv_zl-op-~z,?nLIndiai~ raszmes generally hav~ not dovslopcd and this lack <strong>of</strong> sx7loi-tation r<strong>of</strong>lccts 011 the narrow visw and rr,strictivc visws placocl upoiltha ?otcntial for <strong>Indian</strong> r3si3rvzs in prior pars . Continued wslfnrsoriontzd proj.?cts liavo d3nied tho Iirdias tl13 opportunity for self~conomic dev~lopncnt, largely du;? to Uxa lac!< <strong>of</strong> creative progra!:li-,un?and unddrstnndinz <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong>s thst has ch.:~ra.ct~rizd. tlicl thin'xia~ <strong>of</strong>gov;mnr~ont <strong>of</strong>ficials . Econoixic d-v2lopi;i;;i1t thsrzf oro mst b2 cr~~tivc:and nust bz tha r.;spensihility <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong>s.It ,ii11~st 53 direct-2 by<strong>Indian</strong>s.b. - Lizi&azipz ~o-Tl~vxlgpp~t-" lhc mmjor iinLxdimc?nt to tha achieveiii-nt <strong>of</strong> cconomic zqu.llity is not Alack <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> onthusiasi;~, but a lac!: <strong>of</strong> tho capital rsrpirod to i~mi~.~uss <strong>of</strong> convzntional facilities.,hit <strong>Indian</strong>s want is a bridg;. bat~i.:-ilthzir lack <strong>of</strong> cquity capital as a. down p,iy.fient on devolopr,~znt projzctsand tho finances and tha facilities <strong>of</strong> t11~ conventional institutions whovrovide financial rJsourcos for economic d+v~lopmont opportuniti~s..i szcond factor limitin. <strong>Indian</strong> d~volopii1oiit has bocn lack <strong>of</strong> educationand training.:ia proposs substantial increases in this rsgard in bothquality and quantity with fundin2 providsd by tho Federal Govornzvant.Tho rasourczs <strong>of</strong> privnt:: industxy rril.1 also bo snlistod in this worlc.. t!~h-d factor limiting <strong>Indian</strong> participatioil in ths conotiic lijlc <strong>of</strong> tl~l:cor~r~mnity at l-rr,rrL. ha.; be31i thz inability to obtain adequate t.:c:l?iical

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