The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

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Counsvlling and plac.!njnt s;:rvics ogr?rat~3 jy Jl?r!ians should bi: iilacl;avdilabl~ to stud:':its, you113 adult,? mc! tl-I; ui1cr.1ploy3d <strong>Indian</strong>s .;itu.~tx?throughout thu provinc; .Thc social sirvicss prol;mn should inc>~dz considsration <strong>of</strong> crifiia, la251probl~iffi and rahabilitation, oilplo:mant, huur:m,?r! msourc;s and 13znl aid.1, ars <strong>of</strong> i2~.~ opinion ilso that a full r:~izo <strong>of</strong> provincial w2lfarc prosrxds;;vnilablc to ot:~or Canadian citizons should 12s mad^ availablj withoutdiscrimination to any psrsnn <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> onc~stry rszzrdless <strong>of</strong> tli-irdo~nicilc within t11~ province. Tho wslfare programs that should bc avi~il-:?'old artlonz othars includo fanily allor.ranc,-s, old ags security, old ago:rssistancs. blind parson's allowancd, and disabled porson's alloiuanczs,unmploymi~:nt insurance and social assistance.;us are <strong>of</strong> tho o?inion that ~ivitnz up our Tndiaii idsntity is not n:c.xa&ryfor sconomic d vslopmint. Othsr groups in socioty *:n;j;y spscial lo~is-lation to insur~ thsir ~cononic, social, or cultural iArell-b~ing. .L sxpdcttha sanm2 trrctnent for <strong>Indian</strong>s..--2~rm ObAt_iv~.I. Ei~ap&nx :.is I-.-, ,cogniz.:tho fact that ocono~ic dov;Iopmontis ass.;ntial to Lilacultural, aducntional, and socill davolopmnt <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong>s and that thessareas ~ctivitics ar.3 i~lt.:~r~lat..!d.I rocognize also that cconoi~~icd.,vslopimcnt among <strong>Indian</strong>s callnot ?01y so1.2ly on continuin,? govornii~oiit:tppro?riations which dcp~lid in turn on annual logislativ~) action.Ourpolicy for cconoraic d~valop1xont thor<strong>of</strong>or;! is for th; govarnim.3nt toprovid; th::funds nscossary to zivc us ths impctus for economicdcvslopmant on our resorvos throughout thi: provinca, but that zvontua1I.ythe businsss opportuniti~~s, job opportuilitics, incoinas 2nd othorfactors ??ill bc self gonarated andill in turn sustain an in~provingstandard <strong>of</strong> living amon::<strong>Indian</strong>s :.ri-Lhout Teliance upon gover!'nncilt fui~ds.Our lonz term objsctivos for scouoinic dsvc;lop~~~mt thorufor;> L~PO for

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