The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

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IT"LL~J dducstional progr3;I should tsk: into account tlls diff;.r;nc;s i:1background <strong>of</strong> t11~ <strong>Indian</strong> stud .nt and tkir vaIx;sand motivationscoiqxn-cd with tlic non-<strong>Indian</strong> stud::nt.'~':~cli.;r should 'os ;ncourL3:2dto lsarn al2out t h i>ack=rouiid ~~ nd cultuturi <strong>of</strong> thsir <strong>Indian</strong> stud,?nts and tsuric' irs tand thcz 3 individuals.Th.: Fsd.?ral ;ov.-rnmont is bound to India!?,; by C:I:;!ritish ijorth _uricaic-L.i'br:lovor, th; nucisrous tr2.1tias ~st~:31ishijd with <strong>Indian</strong>s acrossC.~nada cstnblish~d a ?sd:ral Sov.:rn!z~nt cor,r.lit;;nsiit to provids hxlth sdr-vicss to tho Indim p?oplz on or <strong>of</strong>f t11.1 rxcrvz..?s intorprct thisco;,~:,utia~nt to apply to Iiidians gdnarally regardlsss <strong>of</strong> troatius and thatthis is an o?~ligntion to :provids hcalth 2nd modical sorvices dquival~ntto that clljoyod by any other Canadian citiz;;n.Considcrablo inprov2mcnt in thi 1l;:alth al;d ~anitary coliditions <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong>si:; required throughout this provinc~. I11 opc?r;r to iinprovo ths st,?.nlzrd <strong>of</strong>hoalth in <strong>Indian</strong> coimnuliti.ss it is n:c~ssa-cy to provida trlining to Indi:>.!ihoalth and social worki:rs .:ot withstanding that paywnt for iiodical s~rviccs is n.idc by the ,91v..~-slant <strong>of</strong> Canada on 13shalf <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> pcoplc, <strong>Indian</strong>s should havl tho riglltto choosc: thzir own doctor.i:L$dical and hoalth sorvices prcvidsd to IndLms should includc i3-dica1,clontal, optical, hearin~, hospital, social sciviccs projacts, l.ivk%~sconditions and sanitation, nutrition, 3.1coholism, and wolfars..iolfare prograins should includ~ a corunitmant from t h Pdd-ral ~ 20vomi;.ntto provids ;ducation and training, i-ndustry and job opportunities to<strong>Indian</strong>s throughout the proviilcz r.~hsther livinz on or <strong>of</strong>f th.2 rosorve.(isarc not satisfisd with a porpotuat;d wslfar.2 state. 2s wish <strong>Indian</strong>s to b~zivon thc opportunity to.'iiiprovc thr:ir ;30tsiitial for employment and forImsinoss o;>portuniti~s, and further t'l-sajob opportunities bc mads avail-abl~ on thyi ~ISO~VOS.

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