The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

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DR.JT COPY.- TIIE ?.CD:DL&i POYITIO; P.J%&I. I' :720D'JCTIOiC -This report is a draft position paper on the stand <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong>s in 3ritishColuinbia.It is a record <strong>of</strong> the principles and policies which our peoplebelieve should be i~icorporated in a revised legislation and statutesaffectin: <strong>Indian</strong>s.It is evident that legislation for <strong>Indian</strong>s is necessary and that the present<strong>Indian</strong> .ct is unsuitable.i':ew legislation and/or constitutional chansesimst be introduced to insure educational and economical opportunity, and toprovide for decentralized power and authority to the local level.L'he<strong>Indian</strong> people need legislation that will reverse the present paternalisticattitude <strong>of</strong> the Federal Government and which zuarsntee ri3hts and privilegeswhich are due 3.C. <strong>Indian</strong>s. <strong>The</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> ict xmst in its present form beabolished and be replaced with more suitabl:,legislation but the newarrangements entered into wit11 the Federal Sovernment must not jeopardizein any way settlement <strong>of</strong> the aborizinal rights issue.iJew le~islation must reflect the real intent <strong>of</strong> past government obli-3ations.-&/It . r i m s t h e zovernment commitments to its treaties, to itslezislative commitments, and to verbal promises.It must provide the basisfor equality and opportunity and reflect mutual trust and understanding.<strong>Indian</strong>s are concerned primarily with:1. liecognition <strong>of</strong> all aboriginal rights such as: land title, foreshoreand riparian rights, forest and timber, hunting and fishing, mineraland petroleuil, and all other rights that are hereditary, 'istorical,moral or <strong>of</strong> legal obligation.2. .. claims cocmission rust be established for recognition <strong>of</strong> aboriginalrights and for settlement <strong>of</strong> all land claim.3. 2econciliation <strong>of</strong> injustices done by the imposition <strong>of</strong> restrictionsby all forms <strong>of</strong> ~ederal/~rovincial le5islation.4. Complete consultation with <strong>Indian</strong>s durin~ revision <strong>of</strong> appropriatelegislation.

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