The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

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8.8~ rust~o .;ssocizti<strong>of</strong>i, a Provincial aducational council consistin:: <strong>of</strong> I'nclimpcopls to d ,a1 with matt~rs iilvolvinz ;duca'tion and 0th-r r-latod 'ili:ttirs.>hsir splicific r~spoilsibility would b3 to ~n:surs that th.3 oducationa2sy:;tc,r;i mcognizds thi unip; contribution <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong>s to tho dov~lo~~cx?t <strong>of</strong>this countrj aid to :nsurG that sducational proqains ars dosigncd 'to ;;noour-aga <strong>Indian</strong>s to participat, in thcir own social, cconm~ic and sducntionL~ladvaiic~n~nt. This board should hav, th, povdr to appoint <strong>Indian</strong> schooltrustcos to various school boards throu:houtth2 provincs basid upoil .&hasxt-nt <strong>of</strong> Inclinn population within ,ach commulity.ills Fodsral Govsrn-;n:::ltshould proscribe as 1 condition <strong>of</strong> i~n~riilg :rantsto th; provincialnuthoritiss for tha oducation <strong>of</strong> <strong>Indian</strong> childrsn that the F'rovincial<strong>Indian</strong> .3chool %'rustza .:ssociation b, constitut;d as racommsndsd aild tho~r'20 givsn th~sr powors.Fbrth~r program that nasd considsra'olc attaition are th:: trainin% <strong>of</strong><strong>Indian</strong> tzach,rs,bursury prograns for post secondary zducation includinzacadlmic, vocational, tochnical and university.&so, special hi.211school prograins for <strong>Indian</strong> drop outs, and oth:r ssnricos such as spdcialtminin:,Indim collozss, studsnt host~ls, counsolXing a11d placclilentservicss , <strong>Indian</strong>/non- <strong>Indian</strong> cultural cxchai~:~ prograins, transportationand accon;.lodation.'i"n3 funds for zducation should b:t provid;;d to band councils. 3andcouncils can in turn d3cids whzthzr to cp;;i-,-.tz <strong>Indian</strong> schools and havsassociated <strong>Indian</strong> school boards, or makc contracts wtth nearby publicschools for smlo or a11 <strong>of</strong> tlic <strong>Indian</strong> stud::nts.mass contracts wouldprovid.;. for an Pndian voics and voto in tho operation <strong>of</strong> thoso schools.Opportunity could ba providod for othor Canadian childrcn to attondschool on tho rsssrvos.It is sspscially importact that nursory schools and kindorgartans bcprovidod in Iiidian communitios to propnri <strong>Indian</strong> children to onter thoirrdgular provincial aducatioual systcin.Pro-scilool training is <strong>of</strong>si~nificant iiaportancc and should provide tmk~ing in tl~s <strong>Indian</strong> l~i?,~;:osand orisntation ?ro:ra.miingd~signad to assist tho stud~nt in onhriii:fori~ml educational training psriod.

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