The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

The BC Indian Position Paper, Draft Copy - Union of British ...

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Comnity improvjrn::nt r:m;uir-salso tliat standards <strong>of</strong> housing and szi~itaryfaciliti;:~ b~ upgrad ,d. ,.ousinz stand~rds do not inc,.t th; rni:~i.,lu~~ I~ousin:ir;!quir,n;nts <strong>of</strong> t h national ~ building. cod-. .'h.:s..; conditions must 's.; cor-r-ct;,d 33 thz iixpact <strong>of</strong> inad~quat. housin~ 011 thi! social ,nvironrnsnt and itsiff :ct on tho family unit can SJ crucial to th.~ dsv-lopimnt <strong>of</strong> pro;lic:ssivcid. :a15.. r>j.~cth? policy <strong>of</strong> th; <strong>Indian</strong> . STairs ;ranch to nov,: <strong>Indian</strong>s <strong>of</strong>f rcs~r-vations into non- <strong>Indian</strong> urban rUsiddii'ci~l -3rdas.On-r.:s ~nr: housiil.; assis-tancv should 5.3 at th,: smnc l:v.;i as thi <strong>of</strong>f-r;s..rvs housing assistance.:::!cr.;ationfaciliti~s should 13.3 madc availabl~ to <strong>Indian</strong> hands to combnb-trural frustrations and to sncourag- cor,uimity activitiss.It is particularlyimportant that young-r poop12 hav..; th,; indans to sxdrcis~ thcir youthfulzxubsranc; and to rrork <strong>of</strong>f thlcir frustrations 3s growing-up prsssurcsd 2v:2lop.rz favour th;! ;stablisl%n:nt<strong>of</strong> 3 provii1ci~1 wid.: com,ymications pro:'l;?.figanczd by thd jov;rni~nt but adi~inist.~r;!c! by <strong>Indian</strong>s. ;his pro:l'$:x shouldinvolvs cotmw,~icatior. xork;rs, n.;wslctt..rs , radio- tclsvision tiin.;, aid 0 t h ~ ~modirn r,~othods <strong>of</strong> co:xmnicS ion.21; program could b.: dzv.~lo?od to r~acha11 livols <strong>of</strong> th;~ India? c<strong>of</strong>immnity. Obj.:ctivi:n would b- to providi. th?rssourccs to ~ncourazd <strong>Indian</strong>s to sp,;ak up for th:;ir otm 'ights,ai~d t7n;r~-by bb,>comz pcrs onally i;~volv.~d in r-:cogni zi13 : and in ixprovin. th,;ir ormconditions.Th;! coroin~nic;rtions and cm~~iunitjr d;;v~:lop!nsnt programs !.mzt b>coi?pntil?l~ and work to:x:;th.~r.Confimnity d~vclopmont prosrams would inclu6a:mprcssntation on r,~zionalschool boards and planning boards, housing and roads d:valopmsnts,capitali-xprov ~msnt pro,or-am, public works, roacarch and comnunications programs,colmuniky sarvicos, public utilitiss, tc~rri planning, housing, coiaimnityaffairs, and russarch..J; proposu that tho F;d.:ml 3ov~rn:1;;i1i; ::tnblish a Provincial Indi,>:n L;c!lool

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