Nov 2006–Jan 2007 - Preview

Nov 2006–Jan 2007 - Preview

Nov 2006–Jan 2007 - Preview

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Miroslav Tichý: TichýPRESENTATION HOUSE GALLERY, NORTH VANCOUVER BC – <strong>Nov</strong> 17, 2006-Jan 14, <strong>2007</strong>Presentation House Gallery is showing the photography of Czech artist Miroslav Tichý in its first publicgallery exhibition outside Europe. Tichý was born in a small village in Moravia in 1926 and attended theAcademy of Fine Arts in Prague from 1945-1948. Hedrew and painted until, in the early 1970s, he was evictedfrom his studio. He spent some eight years in prisoncamps and jails for being ‘different’ and therefore possiblysubversive.During the Communist regime, Tichý begansurreptitiously taking photographs instead. Many were ofwomen he glimpsed as he roamed the street in rags. Heimprovised cameras by assembling empty tin cans, toiletrolls, plastic drain pipes and cigarette boxes. He cut hislenses from Plexiglas, ground them with sandpaper andpolished them with toothpaste and ashes. He shothundreds of images every day and printed soft, cloudy,previewwww.presentationhousegall.comMiroslav Tichý, handmade camera [Presentation HouseGallery, North Vancouver BC, <strong>Nov</strong> 17-Jan 14]smudged impressions using improvised darkroom equipment. Taken at odd angles, often against the lightor in the dark, the figures have an intense, dream-like quality. They have been described as “exquisitelyproduced small objects of obsession”.After spending decades as a recluse and social outcast, Tichý had his work selected by curator HaroldSzeemann for the Seville Bienial in 2004. In 2005, he won the Discovery Award at Photography Arles andthe Kunsthaus Zurich, in Switzerland organized a major retrospective. In 2005 and 2006, he also had soloexhibitions in several commercial art galleries and at the Frans Hals Museum in Haarlem, the Netherlands.Recent group exhibitions include Artists for Tichý – Tichý for Artists. Tichý is the subject of severalpublications, articles and a documentary film produced in 2004-05. His photographs are in publiccollections such as the Centre Pompidou, Paris and the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. Mia Johnson<strong>Nov</strong> 3-28 Eastside Culture Crawl<strong>Preview</strong>, get a sneak preview of theannual art studio open house; Dec 1-Jan 16, <strong>2007</strong> Brigitta Kocsis, acrylicon canvas; Jan 19-Feb 13 Lori Goldberg,mixed media on canvas andwood and acrylic on canvas and wood.★ Vancouver Gallery ofPhotography at the ArtCenter2060 Pine St ✆604-731-5412www.artcenter.catues-fri 12-6pm sat 12-5pm or byappt Thru <strong>Nov</strong> 18 Dan Burkholder,“Shadows of Lives and Loss, DecayingMemories Along the Gulf Coast”,photographs.The Vancouver HolocaustEducation Centre#50, 950 W 41st Ave ✆604-264-0499www.vhec.orgmon-thurs 9am-5pm fri 9am-4pm sun12-4pm Admission by donation ThruDec 15 Schindler, (organized and circulatedby the US Holocaust Memorial56 PREVIEWMuseum) tells the story of OskarSchindler’s rescue of more than 1,000Jews during the Holocaust; Vancouver’sSchindler Jews, presents the testimoniesof artefacts of local survivorssaved by Schindler; Sunday tours at1pm and public programs at 2pm.Vancouver MaritimeMuseum1905 Ogden Ave (in Vanier Park)✆604-257-8300www.vancouvermaritimemuseum.comtues-sat 10am-5pm sun noon-4pm,closed mon Admission: $10 adults,$7.50 students + seniors, $25 family, 5and under free. <strong>Nov</strong>-Jan Maritime historyand traditions of the Pacific Coastincluding St Roch, the RCMP Arcticschooner, exhibitions about pirates,shipwrecks, lighthouses, the early furtrade, fireboats, warships named Vancouver,deep-ocean exploration, shipbuilding,coastal and transpacificsteamship lines, cruise ships andmore. Visit the Alcan Children’s MaritimeDiscovery Centre and boats inHeritage Harbour. Feature exhibit:Tales from the Vault, treasures andstories from the museum’s collections.★ Vancouver Museum1100 Chestnut St ✆604-736-4431www.vanmuseum.bc.cadaily 10am-5pm thurs til 9pm Dec 25:closed Admission: adults $10,seniors $8, youth under 19 $6, children4 and under free Thru Mar 25,<strong>2007</strong> Special pricing in effect forTotems to Turquoise: Native NorthAmerican Jewellery of the Northwestand Southwest, 500 pieces ofFirst Nations North American jewellery.For more information visitwww.totemstoturquoise.com; <strong>Nov</strong>10-Jan 1 No Place for a Lady, basedon the 2002 book by Barbara Hodgson,the exhibit brings to life the experiencesof 18th to early 20th centurywomen world travellers; OngoingGateway to the Pacific, brims withoptimism and booster spirit of Vancouverin the 1900s; Boom Bust War:Vancouver from 1900s to 1940s,★ OPEN LATE ON FIRST THURSDAYS

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