closed loop stepping systems - Industrial Technologies

closed loop stepping systems - Industrial Technologies

closed loop stepping systems - Industrial Technologies

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Inquiry Check SheetFor more information regarding any products or services described here in,please contact your nearest office listed on the back of this catalog.To SANYO DENKI Co.,LTD.DateCompany:Department:Name:Tel:FAX:E-mail:➊ Name of target equipment Equipment name, category (transport, processing, test, other)➋ Name of servo axis Axis name, axial mechanism (horizontal/vertical), brake mechanism (yes/no)➌ Current condition of above axis Manufacturer Name ( ) Series Name ( ) Motor Capacity ( ) Hydraulic, Mechanical, or New System ( )➍ Positioning accuracy ±mm±m➎➏➐❾Operation patternMechanismMechanical structureEncoder typeItemFeedingSpeed[m/sec]ContentsAccelerationG[m/s 2 ]Feeding Speed[m/s]Moving Distance[m](Stroke)Ball-screw/screw-rotation type (horizontal), ball-screw/nut-rotation type (horizontal),rack and pinion (horizontal), belt/chain (horizontal), rotary table, roll feed, instabilityReference formula1G=9.8[m/s 2 ]1[m/s 2 ]0.1G[m/s 2 ]V[m/sec]÷t1[sec]D[m]V[m/sec]×(t1+t2)[sec]WTtable mass kg WLwork mass kg WAmass of other drive parts kgWRrack mass kg WBbelt/chain mass kg WCcounterbalance mass kgFaexternal force axial direction N Fbball-screw preload N Troll pushing force NDr1drive-side roll diameter mm Dr2follower-side roll diameter mmLr1drive-side roll length mm Lr2follower-side roll length mm Greduction ratioJGspeed-reducer inertia kgm 2 JCcoupling inertia kgm 2JNnut inertia kgm 2 JOother motor-axis conversion inertia kgm 2Dbball-screw diameter mm Lbball-screw axial length mm Pbball -screw leadmmDppinion/pulley diameter mm Lppinion axial length mm tppully thickness mmDttable diameter mm Dhtable-support dianeter mm LWload shift from axis mmDstable shaft diameter mm Lstable shaft length mmspecific gravity of ball-screw/pinion/pulley/table-shaft material kgcm 3friction coefficient between sheet and shiliding-surface/support-section/roll 1specific gravity of roll-1 material kgcm 32specific gravity of roll-2 material kgcm 3 internal friction coefficient of preload nutmechanical efficiency JLload inertia of motor-axis conversion kgm 2TFfriction torque of motor axis conversion Nm Tuimbalance torque of motor axis conversion Nm➑ Speed reducer Customer-provided ()Sanyo denki standard(planet/spur/no-backlash-planet) other()Encoder type specified ( yes / no )Yes:(incremental , optical absolute , optical absolute with incremental function, resolver absolute)Resolution❿ Input format Position , velocity , torque , other ( )⓫ Host equipment (controller) Sequencer , laptop , customer-developed product , Sanyo dennki-provided , other ( )⓬ Usage environment and other requirements Cutting , clean-room use , anti-dust measures , other ( )⓭ Estimated production Single product: ( ) units/mouth ( ) units/year⓮ Development schedule Prototype period: () Year () Month Production period: () Year () Month⓯Various measures Related documentation ( already submitted; send later by mail) Visit/PR desired ( yes / no ) Meeting desired ( yes / no )Time<strong>Industrial</strong> <strong>Technologies</strong>Features andFunctionsType RType PType MType R Multi-AxisStandardModelLow-backlashGear ModelHarmonic GearModelElectromagneticBrake ModelSpur GearModelMotor DimensionalDrawings⓰Miscellaneous(questions, pending problems,unresolved issues, etc.)OptionsИндастриал Технолоджис www.ind-techno.com.ua +38 044 596 04 2966

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