Ancient Cache Discovered: Thousands of Roman Coins ... - Garrett

Ancient Cache Discovered: Thousands of Roman Coins ... - Garrett

Ancient Cache Discovered: Thousands of Roman Coins ... - Garrett

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<strong>Ancient</strong> Money <strong>Cache</strong> Found With GTI 1500!Ian Botley <strong>of</strong> ShropshireCounty, England—a <strong>Garrett</strong>user for eight years—has beenmetal detecting around hishometown area for more thanten years. While he has beensuccessful in digging <strong>Roman</strong>era historical artifacts andmodern jewelry during thistime, nothing prepared himfor what he would discover inNovember 2007.There’s no better way todescribe the incredible recoverythan in Ian’s own words. “Aftera couple <strong>of</strong> hours detecting ondry ground and only findinggeneral detector finds <strong>of</strong> nosignificant interest, I decidedto do one more scan down thefield,” he recalled.“While doing so I got a goodpositive signal using my <strong>Garrett</strong>GTI 1500 detector. I dug downtwo-three inches and revealeda bronze <strong>Roman</strong> coin. I thenscanned the area and found afurther 13 coins scattered in thevicinity along with a bronzering. The coins appeared tohave been fused together atsome time.”At the time <strong>of</strong> this discovery,Ian was searching in Relics modewith his GTI 1500’s threshold onlevel 4 and sensitivity on 12.Unable to locate any furthersignals, Ian contacted the localShropshire Finds Liaison Officer(FLO) and arranged to take theitems to him and complete atreasure report—as required inEngland due to a 1996 treasureact. “The initial examination <strong>of</strong>these coins showed that theywere Fourth Century Bronzecoins <strong>of</strong> the Emperors DecentiusIan Botley <strong>of</strong> Shropshire County, England, found more than 2,800 Fourth Centurybronze <strong>Roman</strong> coins with his <strong>Garrett</strong> GTI 1500. The hoard is seen above,along with the remnants <strong>of</strong> the pot which once housed this cache.and Magnentius from the period350-353 A.D,” Ian detailed.“I felt strongly that afterfinding the 14 bronze coins andring that there was the possibility<strong>of</strong> further finds and maybea hoard. I had been unableto detect any further targetswhen the ground was dry so Ireturned later after a significantamount <strong>of</strong> rain. Using my<strong>Garrett</strong>, I centralized my searchover the area where the coinswere scattered and picked up afaint signal. I proceeded to digdown scanning the ground as Idug and the signal was gettingstronger.“Finally at a depth <strong>of</strong> aroundone foot, coins were startingto be revealed. I started fillingthe pockets <strong>of</strong> my jacket withthe coins but then the jacketbecame too heavy to wear. Ihad to remove it and continueto fill its pockets while it was onthe ground. The deeper I dugdown—at this point using myhands—the more coins I foundand then fragments <strong>of</strong> potterystarted to appear.“In the end I was just puttingmy hand in the ground and waspulling out handfuls <strong>of</strong> coins.

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