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Download Local 43's May 2013 News Bulletin here - ONA Local 43

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<strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> <strong>News</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong><strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong> A newsletter for the members of <strong>ONA</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong>Ontario Nurses’ Association <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong>represents 2,200 registered nursesfrom: Extendicare Brampton,Burton Manor Nursing Home inBrampton, and the William OslerHealth System, comprised ofEtobicoke General Hospital andBrampton Civic Hospital sites.William Osler Health System:Etobicoke General Hospital SiteBrampton Civic Hospital SiteExtendicare Brampton<strong>ONA</strong>, Your Union is T<strong>here</strong> for You!All Members Welcome to Attend <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> MeetingsAs <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> moves through the transition period under the stewardship ofTrustee Lynda Rath, RN, discussions are being held to deal with emergingissues and to keep membership informed.To date, two general meetings have been held, March 6 and April 16,<strong>2013</strong>. Another is scheduled for Tuesday, June 18 at 8 p.m. at PearsonConvention Centre, 2638 Steeles Ave. E., Brampton. Registration begins at7:30 p.m. Please make an effort to attend to stay informed about issuesthat impact you as a <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> member.We will keep you informed with respect to dates, times and locationsfor future meetings. Please check our new <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> website regularly atlocal<strong>43</strong>.ona.org for the latest information.The following is an update of discussions that took place at the twoprevious meetings.March 6Chaired by <strong>ONA</strong> President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN• Members were informed that as of February 27, <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> had beenplaced in trusteeship in accordance with <strong>ONA</strong>’s Constitution, Article 10.• Lynda Rath, RN, is appointed Trustee for <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong>.• A financial overview was provided.• A request was made for members to step up to be contacts, Unit Repsand /or committee members.• Plans are moving forward with respect to engaging <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> membersand building leadership teams for the <strong>Local</strong> and Bargaining Units.April 16Chaired by <strong>ONA</strong> President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN• A review of membership issues/concerns being dealt with by the Trusteeand staff were discussed.Burton Manor Nursing Home• A review of case files.• Additional <strong>ONA</strong> staff has been allocated to assist the <strong>Local</strong>, includingthree Labour Relations Officers.• Education days are being planned for <strong>May</strong> 22 (health and safety), <strong>May</strong>24 and <strong>May</strong> 27 (Unit Rep, Workload and Professional Practice).• The <strong>2013</strong> draft audited financial statements were reviewed.• <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> accounts and books for 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 are underreview. A full report will be provided once the review is completed.

HOT TOPICS:What’s on the Front Burner?The following is list of important issues we are addressing for ourmembers at William Osler Heath System:HappyNursing Week!• Kronos time management system: Let us know if you haveconcerns related to the system and if it impacts you!• Health and safety: <strong>ONA</strong> has an occupational health and safetyspecialist to assist members with any workplace safety issues.• Scheduling: Numerous issues in relation to schedules, postingof schedules and ensuring your collective agreement rights areupheld.• Return to work/accommodation/attendance management:We are dealing with individual member issues daily. If yourequire accommodation or have concerns regarding theemployer’s attendance management practices, give TrusteeLynda Rath, RN, a call.• Grievances: We are working through grievances filed under theformer leadership and working on new and emerging issues.Please raise any possible grievance issues with Trustee LyndaRath, RN, via email at local0<strong>43</strong>@ona.org.• <strong>Local</strong> contract negotiations: Preparations are underway.• Professional practice concerns: Keep documenting workloadconcerns using the Professional Responsibility ComplaintsWorkload Reporting Forms and notify Lynda Rath, RN, if you arefacing workload and professional issues in your work unit.Lynda Rath, RN, and our <strong>Local</strong> team are working with <strong>ONA</strong> toensure servicing is maintained at the highest standards and that yourneeds as <strong>ONA</strong> <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> members are being met. <strong>ONA</strong> has dedicatedadditional Labour Relations Officers to assist with the <strong>Local</strong>.If you need <strong>ONA</strong> representation, i.e., for a meeting with the employer,please contact Lynda Rath, RN, by email at local0<strong>43</strong>@ona.org ASAP.Nursing Week Events at <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong>Etobicoke General, Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 9Boardroom 1st Floor, 7:30 to 9:30 a.m.Meet <strong>ONA</strong> Provincial President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN.Brampton Civic, Thursday, <strong>May</strong> 9Courtyard, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.Meet <strong>ONA</strong> Provincial President Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN.Linda Haslam-Stroud, RN<strong>ONA</strong> Provincial PresidentDear Members of <strong>ONA</strong><strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong>,<strong>ONA</strong>’s 60,000 front‐lineregistered nurses, registeredpractical nurses, nursepractitioners and alliedhealth professionals, andour more than 14,000nursing student affiliates, arecelebrating Nursing Weekfrom <strong>May</strong> 6 to 12.Despite the many andgrowing challenges we faceday-to-day in our work,we continue to provideexcellent quality care, whileadvocating for our patients,residents and clients.This year, <strong>ONA</strong> iscontinuing with the theme“Value the Invaluable,” torecognize the critical rolewe all play in the healthcare system and to honourand celebrate our invaluablecontribution to the care andwell-being of Ontarians.continued on page 32 <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> <strong>News</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

Message from <strong>ONA</strong>’s President,continued from page 2As your voice in the healthcare system, advocating fora healthier, stronger, saferand more stabilized nursingworkforce, I want you toknow that <strong>ONA</strong> is in yourcorner. We are committedto providing you with topquality professional servicesin all areas, dedicated toimproving your work life andconditions of employment.We are taking you throughthis process of trusteeshipwith a commitment tomaking sure your needs areaddressed, and to build, withyour help, a new and strongleadership team that youcan depend on for excellentservicing and representation.I ask you all to take thistime to celebrate. Celebratethe nursing profession,celebrate your role inproviding top quality careto your patients, residentsand clients, and celebratethat you are part of aunion 60,000 voices strongadvocating on your behalf.Make sure you attend theNursing Week events heldat your work sites and don’tforget to take a momentto pat yourselves and yourcolleagues on the back for ajob well done.On behalf of all ourmembers and nursingstudent affiliates workingin hospitals, long-term care,community health, publichealth, CCACs, industry andclinics, I wish you all a veryhappy and enjoyable NursingWeek!Meet Your <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> LeadersLynda Rath, RN<strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> Trustee<strong>ONA</strong> has appointed Lynda Rath, RN,as Trustee for <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> to guide usthrough our transition period aswe establish our new leadershipteam.Lynda Rath, RN, has many yearsof experience as a registerednurse and as an <strong>ONA</strong> leader. Sheserved as <strong>Local</strong> Coordinator andBargaining Unit President at <strong>Local</strong>51 in Durham Region, representing13 Bargaining Units and 1,800members.The Trustee has appointedRuby Pannu, RN, as BargainingUnit President for Burton ManorNursing Home and Frances Daigle,RN, as Bargaining Unit Presidentfor Extendicare Brampton.The Trustee will be working withmembers at William Osler’s twosites to build their leadership team.One of the key roles that LyndaRath, RN, and our <strong>ONA</strong> staff haveis to assist in setting this structurein place.We will notify you as <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong>members are appointed into theseroles. Please keep checking ourwebsite at local<strong>43</strong>.ona.org forregular updates.Any members interested inobtaining education and assistingthe <strong>Local</strong> and Bargaining Units areasked to contact Lynda Rath, RN.Ruby Pannu, RNBargaining Unit PresidentBurton Manor NursingHomeHow ToReach Us:Lynda Rath, RN<strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> TrusteeFrances Daigle, RNBargaining Unit PresidentExtendicare BramptonEmail:local0<strong>43</strong>@ona.orgPhone:416-964-8833, ext. 2389Toll-free:1-800-387-5589, ext. 2389Ruby Pannu, RNBargaining Unit PresidentBurton Manor Nursing HomeEmail:local0<strong>43</strong>BUP100096@ona.orgFrances Daigle, RNBargaining Unit PresidentExtendicare BramptonEmail:local0<strong>43</strong>BUP100069@ona.orgWilliam Osler Health SystemSite Reps:Brampton Civic Hospital –To be AnnouncedEtobicoke General Hospital –To be Announced<strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> <strong>News</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong> 3

What’s Happening inthe Homes SectorThe new long-term care legislationand resultant regulation changes,which includes additionalMinistry of Health and Long-TermCare (MOHLTC) oversight, haveincreased the challenges for ourmembers at both Burton Manorand Extendicare Brampton.<strong>ONA</strong> Leaders and <strong>ONA</strong> staff atboth homes have been monitoringthe situation and grievances havebeen filed at Extendicare Bramptonas the home is, in some cases, notmeeting the commitment of 24/7staffing with registered nurses.At Burton Manor, our membersare facing many challenges dealingwith Influenza B outbreaks, andthe employer’s response has beenproblematic. Our leaders and <strong>ONA</strong>staff are in discussions to resolvethis matter.The resident population continuesto evolve in both homes, with anincrease in those residents requiringmore nursing care and assessmentdue to the complexity of medicaland cognitive needs. Monitoring ofthese situations will continue as weall advocate for our elderly.<strong>ONA</strong> members at both homesare encouraged to contact theirBargaining Unit Presidents with anyquestions or concerns they may have.Nursing Week is being celebratedfrom <strong>May</strong> 6-12 and activities arebeing planned at both nursing homes.Further details will be posted onmembership information sites.Our New Office: Drop By for a Visit!<strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> has a new home. Please feel free to visit if you need assistance orwould like to meet your <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> representatives. Call us in advance. We’reright near Brampton Civic Hospital, across from Entrance A.Mailing Address:900 Peter Robertson Boulevard, Unit 13Brampton, Ontario L6R 1A2Phone:Currently being set up.BRAMALEA RD<strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> OfficeWe’re Online: local<strong>43</strong>.ona.org<strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> has its own website,w<strong>here</strong> you can read all thepertinent information aboutour <strong>Local</strong>. Check often soyou can stay up to date onall the latest information.BramptonCivicHospitalBOVAIRD DR EEmail address:local0<strong>43</strong>@ona.orgWebsite:local<strong>43</strong>.ona.orgHave You Triedto Reach Us?If you are waiting for aresponse to messagessubmitted to ourformer voicemail lineat #56589 or our oldmailing address, youwill need to contactus again.General mail shouldbe sent to <strong>ONA</strong> <strong>Local</strong><strong>43</strong>’s dedicated mailbox in the mailroom at Brampton Civic Hospital. Youcan also email Trustee Lynda Rath, RN, at local0<strong>43</strong>@ona.org.<strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong>’s new telephone is currently being set up. The new phonenumber will be posted on our website once it is in operation.Please discard all old contact information to ensure your regular mail,emails and voicemails are received!Save the Date!The next <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> general meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,June 18 at 8 p.m. at Pearson Convention Centre, 2638 SteelesAve. E., Brampton. Watch our website for updates.Registration begins at 7:30 p.m.Please make sure you bring your <strong>ONA</strong> ID card!4 <strong>Local</strong> <strong>43</strong> <strong>News</strong> <strong>Bulletin</strong>, <strong>May</strong> <strong>2013</strong>

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