Tamarind monograph.pdf - Crops for the Future

Tamarind monograph.pdf - Crops for the Future

Tamarind monograph.pdf - Crops for the Future


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inflorescence - <strong>the</strong> flowering part of a plant and especially <strong>the</strong> mode of its<br />

arrangement.<br />

lateral - side shoot, bud etc.<br />

mesocarp - <strong>the</strong> fleshy middle portion of <strong>the</strong> wall of a succulent fruit<br />

between <strong>the</strong> skin and <strong>the</strong> stony layer.<br />

monophyletic - descended from a single ancestral line, see also:<br />

polyphyletic.<br />

mucronate - terminated abruptly by a distinct and obvious spur or spiny<br />

tip.<br />

naturalised - to cause a plant to become established and grow<br />

undisturbed as if native.<br />

nectar - sweet secretion of glands in many kinds of flower.<br />

nectiferous - producing nectar.<br />

nodose - knobbly, knotty.<br />

oblique - slanting, unequal sided.<br />

obovate - inverted ovate; egg-shaped, with <strong>the</strong> broadest part above.<br />

orbicular - circular.<br />

ovary inferior - with <strong>the</strong> flower-parts growing from above <strong>the</strong> ovary.<br />

ovary superior - with <strong>the</strong> flower-parts growing from below <strong>the</strong> ovary.<br />

ovate - egg-shaped, with <strong>the</strong> broader end at <strong>the</strong> base.<br />

ovule - <strong>the</strong> body which after fertilisation becomes <strong>the</strong> seed.<br />

panicle - a loose irregularly compound inflorescence with<br />

pedicellate flowers.<br />

panicled - borne in a panicle.<br />

paripinnate - a pinnate (compound) leaf with all leaflets in pairs.<br />

pedicel - a tiny stalk; <strong>the</strong> support of a single flower.<br />

pendulous - more or less hanging or declined.<br />

perianth - <strong>the</strong> floral envelope consisting of <strong>the</strong> calyx and corolla.<br />

perigynous - adnate to <strong>the</strong> perianth, and <strong>the</strong>re<strong>for</strong>e around <strong>the</strong> ovary and<br />

not at its base.<br />

petal - a division of <strong>the</strong> corolla; one of a circle of modified leaves<br />

immediately outside <strong>the</strong> reproductive organs, usually<br />

brightly coloured.<br />

petiole - <strong>the</strong> stalk of a leaf that attaches it to <strong>the</strong> stem.<br />

phenotype - <strong>the</strong> morphological, physiological, behavioural, and o<strong>the</strong>r<br />

outwardly recognisable adaptations of an organism that<br />

develop through <strong>the</strong> interaction of genes and environment.<br />

pinnate - a compound leaf consisting of several leaflets arranged on<br />

each side of a common petiole.<br />

polyphyletic - having members that originated independently, from more<br />

than one evolutionary line.<br />

propagate - to produce new plants, ei<strong>the</strong>r by vegetative means<br />

involving <strong>the</strong> rooting or grafting of pieces of a plant, or by<br />

sowing seeds.<br />

protogynous - referring to a flower where <strong>the</strong> shedding of <strong>the</strong> pollen<br />

occurs after <strong>the</strong> stigma has ceased to be receptive.<br />


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