Naval Reserve Association

Naval Reserve Association

Naval Reserve Association

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From the EditorWe were all saddened by the loss of CAPT John Rice in February. I didn’tknow John well, but it only took a few visits to understand that he was anicon of this <strong>Association</strong>. For those of you who have not been to Headquarters,a bronze relief of him and his beloved Claire hangs on the wall outside myoffice. Sometime each day, I pass through the library that he created for allof you. It was truly a labor of love for John right up until the time that hishealth would no longer allow him to visit Alexandria. He will truly be missed. Please see hisremembrance on page 7. Rest in peace, shipmate.This month, we have the first column from CDR Matt Dubois, our National VP for Active DutyPrograms. Matt works in that glorious five-sided building in OSD <strong>Reserve</strong> Affairs and is a goodsource of information for our FTS membership. It was pointed out to me some time ago that, atleast in this publication, we haven’t provided much for the FTS. Matt is going to change that. Hiscolumn won’t appear every month, frankly because he is pretty busy; but he will endeavor to keepall of us apprised of the FTS programs. His column appears on page 22.Our guest columnist this month is Dr. Christine Wormuth, a Senior Fellow at the Center forStrategic and International Studies in Washington. She was the principal of a Center study on TheFuture of the National Guard and <strong>Reserve</strong>s. Christine will be addressing our conference this monthon Friday morning. CSIS was founded at Georgetown University in 1962 by Admiral ArleighBurke. It is a private, tax exempt organization led today by John Hamre, former Deputy Secretaryof Defense.The second “Seascape” article is our feature this month. It is my hope that you find it balancedand that you take away from it an understanding that the Navy needs our support to acquire theships of tomorrow. It is going to be a tough slog in Congress. The second take away is the shapeof tomorrow’s Navy <strong>Reserve</strong> and the issues surrounding the sustainability of the operationalreserve. Let us know what you think.On the legislative front, I attended the press conference in Atlanta where Senator SaxbyChambliss announced S. 648, the National Guard and <strong>Reserve</strong> Retirement Modernization Act. Thisbill is similar to the amendments that he introduced over the last two years and represents our bestchance to get progress on earlier than age 60 <strong>Reserve</strong> retirement. We are also strong supporters ofH.R. 579, the Military Retirees Health Care Protection Act, which would remove the Pentagon’sauthority over TRICARE fees. Last month, I visited with Congressman Snyder (D-AR) about theMontgomery GI Bill. We have his support for moving the funding for the <strong>Reserve</strong> portion of MGIBfrom Title 10 (the Pentagon) to Title 38, Veterans Affairs, where active duty MGIB benefitsreside. The bill also increases portability for Reservists and would really benefit our enlisted folks.Check out CAPT Puzon’s details on page 9.You know, one of the interesting things about a democracy or a democratic republic is that youthe individual don’t actually have to do anything. On the other hand, that isn’t the way that we Navyfolks operate. From junior petty officer to admiral, we have been taught to take charge and makesomething happen. Why then do we expect someone else to preserve our medical benefits, fixredeployment problems, improve our retirement? I know that it is a pain to think about sending ane-mail or a letter to Congress. During the next year, we are going to make it easier for you to dothat. We are going to do that because it is essential that you help to ensure your future. It isn’tautomatic! How many of you think that Social Security, as promised, might not be delivered? Why,then, are you so sure that your military benefits will be delivered? Your medical benefits are underattack now by DoD in order to pay for the war. Don’t wait for Congress to have to decide betweenveteran’s benefits and Social Security.As always, enjoy the read.<strong>Naval</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong><strong>Association</strong>NEWS1619 King Street, Alexandria, VA 22314Tel: 703-548-5800 • Fax: 703-683-3647Toll Free Voice: 1-866-NRA-4-YOU (672-4968)Toll Free Fax: 1-866-683-3647E-mail: nranews@navy-reserve.orgHome Page: www.navy-reserve.orgEDITORIALEditor: RADM Casey W. Coane, USN (Ret)Associate Editor: CAPT Thomas L. McAtee, USNR (Ret)Assistant EditorGRAPHICS/PRODUCTIONLinda BautistaADVERTISINGBob LymanSUBMISSIONSLetters to the Editor are encouraged. They may beedited for length, style, and clarity. Mail to Lettersto the Editor at NRA NEWS, or e-mail toexec@navy-reserve.org. Include your name,address, and daytime phone number forverification. Name may be withheld upon request.Articles – For guidelines on article submission,call or write NRA Headquarters, or E-mailnranews@navy-reserve.org.SUBSCRIPTIONSNRA NEWS is part of membership in the <strong>Association</strong>.To join, renew your membership, or to report addresschanges, call or write NRA Headquarters, or E-mailmembership@navy-reserve.org.Warm regards,Casey CoaneNational Executive Director4 NRA NEWS/APRIL 2007

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