Naval Reserve Association

Naval Reserve Association

Naval Reserve Association

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Junior OfficerColumnGet InvolvedLT Steven Michaels, USNNational VP for Junior OfficersThe <strong>Naval</strong> <strong>Reserve</strong> <strong>Association</strong>Spring Conference is uponus this month, taking placeat the Sheraton Crystal CityHotel in Arlington, VA. Wekick off with the NationalExecutive Committee (EXCOM) meetingon Thursday, 26 April, through the awardsluncheon and general session on Saturday,28 April.The Assistant Secretary of the Navy,Manpower and <strong>Reserve</strong> Affairs, theHonorable William A. Navas, Jr., is oneof our guest speakers. As always, there’sa full schedule with a great balance ofwork and fun. For the spouses, theAnchors group does an outstanding jobproviding opportunities to explore thearea attractions. These are exciting timesfor the Navy <strong>Reserve</strong>; so whether youhave attended a NRA conference beforeor not, make it a point to attend this one.You never know what you’re going tolearn or whom you might meet!Like many of you, I’m also a lifemember of several other military andcivilian organizations. Serendipity playeda part in my being seated next to theCommander of REDCOM Midwest at afunction sponsored by one of theseorganizations a few years ago. I wasprivileged to shake the hand of Apollo-13Astronaut and Navy Captain (Ret) JimLovell at another such event. While Idon’t expect to meet celebrities everytime I attend one of these functions, hadI chosen not to make the time to attend,these contacts would never have happened.14 NRA NEWS/APRIL 2007THE TIMES THEY AREA-CHANGIN’In case you hadn’t noticed, there aresome big changes going on within theNRA over the past year. Most importantof these is the vote and confirmation atthe conference last fall in Portland togive enlisted members full voting memberstatus. This change is, as many of usbelieve, a step in the right direction forthe future of this <strong>Association</strong>. There aremany implications, and these are funthings to discuss at the conference thismonth. For instance, are we going to createa National Vice President of EnlistedMembers. Since last fall, I have attemptedto incorporate issues and helpful tipsfor enlisted members in this monthlycolumn as a way to bridge the gap.Already, PNCM Dean R. Johnson,USN (Ret), has joined us as a recordreviewer for our enlisted members. Hehas served on many selection boardsand will be a great addition to ourcapabilities. Everyone should advertisethis new service to all current and potentialenlisted members.Have you noticed that our vision haschanged? The NRA is: The PremierProfessional Organization for NavyReservists, Committed to Supporting aStrong Navy and National Defense,While Providing Outstanding Service toNavy Families. We need you to get thismessage out there. We are now the onlyprofessional organization whose solepurpose is to support U.S. Navy, activeand reserve, officer and enlisted membersand their families.WHO KNEW?Unexpected surprises are what makelife interesting and, for the most part,enjoyable. In the nearly two years sinceI decided to take a more active role inthe NRA, I have had my eyes opened inmany ways. To be honest, I was nervousabout meeting face-to-face and servingalongside the senior and flag officerswhose faces and names I’d only knownin the NRA News magazine that I readfor so many years. Sure, I knew thecaliber of these folks as well as theircommitment to our military. But, inprivate conversations with some ofthem, I have since learned that there is alot more behind the uniforms.For instance, did you know that one ofour National Vice Presidents spent timein the 1970’s as a park ranger in theAdirondack Mountains of upstate NewYork and has recently published twohilariously funny books about hisexploits? How about the DistrictPresident who is an accomplishedclassical pianist? This is the kind ofdepth and breadth of naval officer orsenior enlisted leader that makes it easyfor me as a relative “youngster” to lookup to and try to emulate them.So, whenever you look at your inboxand wonder how you are going toaccomplish all that needs to be done,just remember that there’s a world ofwisdom available to you as a memberof NRA. From the folks at HQ inAlexandria, VA, to the National Officers,to the outstanding officers who put onthose Professional Development seminars,and right on down to your Chaptermembers, you will find interesting,multifaceted and committed shipmateswho are more than willing to help you.Most of them have gone far beyond thecall of duty by continuing to serve this<strong>Association</strong> and the Navy long aftertheir military retirement. For them,getting involved means staying involved;and the rest of us are the better for it.The NRA Spring Conference is anexcellent way for you to get involvedand make a difference. With your CO’spermission, put in NROWS no-cost IDTorders for drill credit. Plan to attend theconference, and you will get back morethan you put into it.LT Michaels is open to ideas forfuture articles so e-mail him at:ensignsting@yahoo.comHe’s still waiting for his ship tocome in.

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