Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System

Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System

Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System


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Patient bill of rightsHome care consumers (patients) have a right to be notified in writing of their rights and obligationsbefore start of treatment. The patient’s family or guardian may exercise the patient’s rights when thepatient has been judged incompetent. Home care providers are obligated to protect and promotetheir patients’ rights.Patients have the right to:Receive quality health care in a reasonable, timely manner.Medically indicated treatment regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability,veteran status, source of payment, sexual orientation or other prejudice.Be treated with dignity and to have their health, social and financial circumstances keptconfidential.Participate in treatment planning and to be advised of changes to the plan of care.An interpreter or other aide, where possible, if you do not understand the predominantlanguage of the community or have a communication deficit.Information needed to understand your condition, including expected and unexpectedoutcomes of service.Written notification of the care you will receive, who will provide the care and the frequencyand duration of visits.Verbal notification of medical research or educational projects affecting your care or treatment.You have the right to refuse to participate in such activity.Be informed, before care is provided, about your right to make an advance directive and have ithonored by VNA.Refuse service or request a change in caregiver without fear of reprisal or discrimination.Obtain a consultation or change providers at your request and expense.Be informed in writing of all charges for services provided by the home care provider; theamount covered by Medicare, Medicaid or another payer; and the amount, if any, for which thepatient may be liable. This includes verbal and written notification of changes in charges within15 working days of notification to the home care provider.Information and counseling regarding financial aid availability for health care.Expect information about your continuing health care needs and the means for addressing theirrequirements upon discharge of service. This includes referrals for appropriate follow-up whenneeded.Effective pain management.Be free from physical, verbal, sexual abuse, neglect or exploitation.3

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