Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System

Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System

Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System


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Condition Call VNA or physican Call 911High bloodpressureStrokeBlood thinner orbleedingproblemWoundsDiabetes(high bloodsugar)Diabetes(low bloodsugar)•Repeated blood pressure readings outsideyour normal range.•Symptoms including headache, nosebleeds, blurred vision, ear ringing,lightheadedness or palpitations.•Black and dark or blood-tinged stool.•Vomiting blood.•Bleeding at a surgical site.•Bleeding gums.•Bruising.•Blood in urine.•Change in the amount, color or odor ofwound drainage.•Increase in pain at wound site.•Increase in redness/warmth at wound site.•Fever/chills.•Increased thirst.•Frequent urination.•Increased hunger.•Blurred vision.•Fatigue.•Dry, itchy skin.•Repeated blood sugars above 200.•Shakiness or dizziness.•Sweating.•Fast heartbeat.•Hunger or irritability.•Headache or changes in vision.•Confusion or difficulty paying attention.Test blood sugars first (if possible) then treat withsugar (3 glucose tablets OR 1 ½ glasses of juice or 5-6 pieces of candy). If blood sugar is still low andsymptoms do not go away, eat a light snack such as½ peanut butter or meat sandwich and ½ glass ofmilk. (Repeat if blood sugar remains

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