Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System

Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System

Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System


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Emergency care plan:What to do in an emergencyIt is important to be prepared in an emergency. Knowing what to do can save your life. Use thefollowing guide to decide who to call and when to seek medical attention.Dial 911 for emergency medical situations.VNA has a 24-hour answering service and a registered nurse is on call 24 hours a day,7 days a week. For emergencies or service related problems call302-327-5200 (New Castle); 302-698-4300 (Kent); or (302) 855-9700 (Sussex).Condition Call VNA or physican Call 911Heart failure•Increased shortness of breath,especially when you lie flat.•Increased fatigue/weakness.•Dry, nagging cough.•Coughing at night.•Weight gain of 2 pounds in a day OR 3-5pounds in a week.•Feet, ankles, legs, stomach swell more thanusual (shoes or pants may feel tight).•Dizziness/lightheadedness when you rise.•Nausea or lack of appetite.•Irregular or rapid heartbeat.•Severe shortness of breath.Chest pain(Angina)COPD(Emphysema)(Asthma)•Chest pain or tightness relieved byrest or medication.•Increased shortness of breath.•A cough that becomes worse.•Change in color, thickness, odor oramount of phlegm/sputum.•If you become restless or agitated.•Increased fatigue.•Loss of appetite or weight loss.•Fever (oral temperature >100.5ºF).•Unrelieved chest pain,pressure or tightness aftertreatment with nitroglycerin.•Pain that goes away andcomes back.•Discomfort in areas of theupper body (can include oneor both arms, the back, theneck, the jaw or the stomach).•Chest discomfort which isassociated with shortness ofbreath, sweating or nausea.•Severe shortness of breath orwheezing that does notrespond to bronchodilatortreatments.•Change in the color of yourskin to gray or blue or if youbecome blue around the lips.•Confusion.28

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