Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System

Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System

Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System


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Adapting your homeIt may be necessary to change the environment to make yourhome easier and safer to navigate. Below is a guide to helpyou evaluate your home for safety risks. Please note:All NO responses indicate a possible safety risk andshould be corrected immediately.Front/rear and garage entry Yes NoCan you enter/exit your home without assistance? Are railings available for all sets of steps? Are the sidewalks level and non-slip? Are there light switches near the doors? Can you reach the light switch? Do the inside doors swing out over the steps? Are shrubs trimmed away from the entrance? StairwaysAre stairways clear of all hazards (shoes, toys, etc)? Are full length handrails in good repair? Are the stairways well lighted? Are treads, risers and carpeting in good condition? Are light switches at the top and bottom of stairway? Living room/family roomCan you walk safely over floor coverings? Are door thresholds level? Is there adequate clearance through the doors? Can you operate the door handles and knobs? Can you reach electrical switches and outlets? Can you access the windows? Are electrical cords removed from walkways? Have scatter rugs been removed or secured? Is your furniture arranged so you can movearound it freely? Can you get up from your sofa or chair safelyand without assistance? Is furniture secure to the floor? TipsEntrywayHave a qualified individualinstall a ramp.A single step should havea grab bar for support.StairwayPlace a railing on both sidesof stairways.Living room and family roomConsider changing round doorknobs to level handles.Consider a chair with armsfor added safety.All cords should be placed alongwalls not under rugs or acrosstraffic areas.Use non-skid pads for furnitureon hardwood floors.KitchenKeep all pot handles turnedinward on stove.Place frequently-used itemswithin easy reach.Never stand on a chair to reacha high shelf.Place milk in small pitchersso it is easier to carry.14

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