Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System

Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System

Community resources: - Christiana Care Health System


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How do I name a power of attorney for health care?To name a power of attorney for health care you must:Be at least 18 years old and competent to make health care decisionsSelect the person you wish to appoint as agent. Discuss your wishes with that person to be surehe or she is comfortable with your preferences.Give copies of the document to the person you chose as your agent, as well as your doctors,family and clergy. Also, remember to bring a copy of your instructions with you when you arehospitalized. Keep the original copy in a safe place at home, not locked in a safe-deposit box thatwould be difficult for your family to retrieve.Note: A durable power of attorney for health care can be prepared with or without a lawyer. Youragent can consent to or refuse tests and surgery on your behalf. However, your agent can onlyrefuse life support or remove life support if you have a terminal illness or are permanentlyunconscious.How do I know my individual instructions or power of attorneyfor health care are valid?In order for your documents to be valid, you must sign them and have them witnessed by twoindividuals who are at least 18 years old and who:Are not members of your family (blood relative or by marriage or adoption).Will not inherit anything from you when you die.Do not have to pay for your care.Are not owners, operators or employees of the health care facility whereyou are a patient at the time your document is signed and witnessed.Will the <strong>Christiana</strong> <strong>Care</strong> Visiting Nurse Association honor my advance directive?You have the right to say “yes” or “no” to any treatment that is offered. It is our policy to honor yourwishes regarding medical care through your advance directives as long as these directives comply withDelaware law. Regardless of your decision for treatment, you will receive the care necessary to keepyou comfortable.If you live in New Jersey, Pennsylvania or Maryland and usually come to Delaware for medical care,consider writing an advance directive that complies with Delaware law. State laws vary considerablyon advance directives and there is no guarantee that your advance directive will be honored elsewhere.However, your advance directive from another state will be valid in Delaware to the extent it isconsistent with Delaware law.8

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