ARI Volume 2 Number 1.pdf - Zoo-unn.org

ARI Volume 2 Number 1.pdf - Zoo-unn.org

ARI Volume 2 Number 1.pdf - Zoo-unn.org

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7. Symbols and common abbreviations shouldbe used freely and should conform to theStyle Manual for Biological Journals; othersshould be kept to a minimum and be limitedto the tables where they can be explained infootnotes. The inventing of abbreviations isnot encouraged- if they are thoughtessential, their meaning should be spelt outat first use.8. References: Text references should give theauthor’s name with the year of publication inparentheses. If there are two authors, within thetest use ‘and’. Do not use the ampersand ‘&’.When references are made to a work by three ormore authors, the first name followed by et al.should always be used. If several papers by thesame author and from the same year are cited,a, b, c, etc., should be inserted after the yearpublication. Within parentheses, groups ofreferences should be cited in chronological order.Name/Title of all Journal and Proceeding shouldbe written in full. Reference should be listed inalphabetical order at the end of the paper in thefollowing form:EYO, J. E. (1997). Effects of in vivo Crude HumanChorionic Gonadotropin (cHCG) on Ovulationand Spawning of the African Catfish, Clariasgariepinus Burchell, 1822. Journal ofApplied Ichthyology, 13: 45-46.EYO, J. E. and MGBENKA, B. O. (1997). Methods ofFish Preservation in Rural Communities andBeyond. Pages 16-62. In: Ezenwaji, H.M.G.,Inyang, N.M. and Mgbenka B. O. (Eds.).Women in Fish Handling, Processing,Preservation, Storage and Marketing. Inomafrom January 13 -17, 1997.WILLIAM, W. D. (1983) Life inland waters. BlackwellScience, MelbourneManuscripts are copy edited for clarity, conciseness,and for conformity to journal style.ProofA marked copy of the proof will be sent to the authorwho must return the corrected proof to the Editorwith minimum delay. Major alterations to the textcannot be accepted.Page chargesA subvention of US $600.00 (N 5,000.00) is requestedper published article. The corresponding author willreceive five off-prints and a copy of the journal uponpayment of the page charges.AddressAnimal Research International, Department of<strong>Zoo</strong>logy, P. O. Box 3146, University of Nigeria,NsukkaPhone: 042-308030, 08043123344, 08054563188Website: www. zoo-<strong>unn</strong>.<strong>org</strong>Email: divinelovejoe@yahoo.comCATEGORYANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATETHREE NUMBERS PER VOLUMEDEVELOP-INGCOUNTRYDEVELOP-EDCOUNTRYNIGERIASTUDENT $ 200.00 $ 300.00 N1,400.00INDIVIDUALS $ 300.00 $ 350.00 N2,000.00INSTITUTION/LIBRARY$ 500.00 $ 600.00 N5,000.00COMPANIES $ 600.00 $ 750.00 N10,000.00Pay with bank draft from any of the followingbanks only. (a) Afribank (b) Citizens Bank (c)Intercontinental Bank (d) Standard Trust Bank(e) United Bank for Africa (f) Union Bank (g)Zenith Bank (h) First Bank Nig. PLC (i) WesternUnion Money Transfer.Addressed to The Editor/Associate Editor,Animal Research International, Department of<strong>Zoo</strong>logy, P. O. Box 3146, University of Nigeria,Nsukka.Alternatively, you may wish to send the bankdraft or pay cash directly to TheEditor/Associate Editor at Animal ResearchInternational Editorial Suite, 326 Jimbaz Building,University of Nigeria, Nsukka.For more details contact, The Secretary, AnimalResearch International, Department of <strong>Zoo</strong>logy,Editorial Suite Room 326, Faculty of BiologicalSciences Building (Jimbaz), University of Nigeria,Nsukka. Enugu State, Nigeria.

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