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<strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> Software <strong>Installation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong><strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> Client SettingsUse Table A-7, Table A-8, <strong>and</strong> Table A-9 to record <strong>MetaXpress</strong><strong>PowerCore</strong> client settings. To access these settings, log in to the clientcomputer as administrator, <strong>and</strong> then click Start > All Programs >Molecular Devices > <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> > <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> Client.Table A-7 <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> Client Connection SettingsItem Description SettingsServer is ExternalServer Uses UDPPort NumberWhether the client listens forbroadcasts from an external<strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server.This setting should be selectedunless the client is installed on the<strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> serveritself.Whether the <strong>MetaXpress</strong><strong>PowerCore</strong> server uses UDP to findclients installed <strong>and</strong> running onthe network. Unless the serverbroadcasts only to selectedclients, this setting should beselected.The port number used forcommunication between the<strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server <strong>and</strong><strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> clients.The <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server<strong>and</strong> all of its clients must use thesame port number <strong>and</strong> the portcannot be used by otherapplications. Firewalls <strong>and</strong>antivirus software must beconfigured to permit UDP <strong>and</strong> TCPcommunication among computerson the assigned port. The defaultport is 20000.For information about assigningport numbers, go tohttp://www.iana.org/assignments/port-numbers.0112-0183 C 91

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