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<strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> Software <strong>Installation</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>User</strong> <strong>Guide</strong>Table 9-1 Symptoms <strong>and</strong> Solutions (cont’d)SymptomsImages cannot beloaded<strong>MetaXpress</strong><strong>PowerCore</strong> serversor clients cannotconnect to the MDCdatabase or UNCshared foldersTimeout errorsappear duringprocessingPossible Causes <strong>and</strong> SolutionsDatabase settings or logon settings for UNC imagestorage might prevent image loading. Things to check:• Database DSN: The DSN specified in the <strong>MetaXpress</strong><strong>PowerCore</strong> server <strong>and</strong> client database settings mightbe incorrect. This can happen if databaseinformation changes or if a new database is created.Verify the database settings on the <strong>MetaXpress</strong><strong>PowerCore</strong> server <strong>and</strong> clients as described inChapter 4 Database Client Configuration onpage 25.• Client service LogOn for UNC: If you are using UNC forimage storage, the <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> Clientservice running on each client computer must beconfigured to log on correctly. For instructions, seeSetting <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> Client Service LogOnProperties on page 48.• Accessibility of UNC paths or MDC File Server: Verifythat the image storage location is accessible to<strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> servers <strong>and</strong> clients. If youare using the MDC File Server application, verifythat the application is running <strong>and</strong> that TCP port9200 used by the file server is open on anyapplicable firewall.If you use a non-server based operating system for yourMDC database server or UNC image storage server, youmight have reached the operating system’s limit forconnections that can be made to shared folders. Forexample, the Windows XP operating system has a limitof ten simultaneous connections. When this limit isreached, <strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> servers or clients mightnot be able to connect to the MDCStore database orUNC shared folders. Molecular Devices recommendsusing server-based operating systems as described inthe system requirements. For more information aboutthe connection limit, seehttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/328459.Timeout settings might not allow enough time forprocessing. Check the timeout settings on the<strong>MetaXpress</strong> <strong>PowerCore</strong> server <strong>and</strong> client. Forinstructions, see Viewing Timeout Settings on page 73.0112-0183 C 77

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